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Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 3:59 pm
by Arioch
fredgiblet wrote:Someone needs to wash Talon's mouth out with soap I think.
Nice to see you, fredge! I hope you are well.
boldilocks wrote:So are loroi swears usually two words?
Talon likes to be short and to the point. This is a common trait among Loroi, but not universal.
novius wrote:First, morale seems that low since Clearbrook decided to bail out, ignoring direct orders. That would be reason enough for a court martial.
To be fair, what Talon is asking for is essentially a suicide mission (recovering a shuttle while under fire is doable, but jumping while under fire is quite hazardous), and a captain must weigh the value of her own ship and the practical feasibility of accomplishing her orders. It's unlikely that Clearbrook's orders specified "at all costs," and captains who lose their ships recklessly also face court martial (assuming they survive).

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 4:07 pm
by Sweforce
The fluency of the conversation with Clearbrook tells me that the time delay is minuscule and as such the have to be close. This seem to go unnoticed in the story discussions thou.

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 4:22 pm
by novius
Another thing that puzzles me very much is Ashrain's reference to 'extinct species'. One could argue it away as conjecture on her part, like "SG51 came from Naam, where we all know there is nothing of value beyond - not anymore", or, just to have some sort of justification on the record if there will be questions why she left Highland-7 in a lurch.

Or, and that's a scary thought, for some reason she knows very well who and what Highland-7 is ferrying around and has it on good authority that by all chances humans are to be considered a goner, too.

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 4:28 pm
by Hālian
As I said on Discord:

Tag yourself. I'm Shit Boot.

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 4:29 pm
by novius
Arioch wrote:To be fair, what Talon is asking for is essentially a suicide mission (recovering a shuttle while under fire is doable, but jumping while under fire is quite hazardous), and a captain must weigh the value of her own ship and the practical feasibility of accomplishing her orders. It's unlikely that Clearbrook's orders specified "at all costs," and captains who lose their ships recklessly also face court martial (assuming they survive).
Point, and together with my previous post, evidently Clearbrook doesn't rate the value of Highland-7's freight and passengers very high. Why is that so is unclear at this point. Even if she would manage to pick up the shuttle and get away she could face a reprimand for 'needlessly risking her ship and crew'.

So... Sorry, Highland-7, but sucks to be you.

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 4:39 pm
by Suederwind
Wonderfull page!

Will Highland-7 always get the shitty end of the stick?

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 4:40 pm
by boldilocks
novius wrote:Another thing that puzzles me very much is Ashrain's reference to 'extinct species'. One could argue it away as conjecture on her part, like "SG51 came from Naam, where we all know there is nothing of value beyond - not anymore", or, just to have some sort of justification on the record if there will be questions why she left Highland-7 in a lurch.

Or, and that's a scary thought, for some reason she knows very well who and what Highland-7 is ferrying around and has it on good authority that by all chances humans are to be considered a goner, too.
Or it's an indication of the overall Loroi morale. Ie, "the enemy is about to overrun us all the way back to the sister worlds unless we get the word out."

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 4:43 pm
by cacambo43
novius wrote:Another thing that puzzles me very much is Ashrain's reference to 'extinct species'. One could argue it away as conjecture on her part, like "SG51 came from Naam, where we all know there is nothing of value beyond - not anymore", or, just to have some sort of justification on the record if there will be questions why she left Highland-7 in a lurch.

Or, and that's a scary thought, for some reason she knows very well who and what Highland-7 is ferrying around and has it on good authority that by all chances humans are to be considered a goner, too.
Are you talking about Clearbrook's captain's (not Ashrain's) comment about extinct nations? I think that means the Loroi not needing embassies because they need to get word out and mount a defense right-away or else they are done for. I can see where it might at first sound like she meant Humanity being extinct, but that makes no sense.


Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 7:21 pm
by Zarya
Something completely different - is Highland-7 swerving to the left?

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 7:25 pm
by entity2636
Chekist_Felix wrote:I predict in next pages Tempo will enter the cabin (maybe even drag Alex to camera) and... "persuaded" Clearbrook.
"Follow your goddamn orders. This is your final warning."
Clearbrook's Captain: "Or what, Mizol Parat?" *cuts comms and jumps*

I had the same thoughts earlier, that it's high time for Tempo to appear and at least comment somehow on the situation developing, or talk to Clearbrook's Captain, but on second thought there's nothing she can do to reinforce her orders. Clearbrook will jump out and the shuttle will be Left 4 Dead together with the rest of SG51.

Indeed the Captain doesn't fear court martial at this point. From her perspective there will be noone left to bring her before a court martial for disobeying orders, or even if they do, she'll likely get a medal for warning Seren. Talon, on the other hand, for openly insulting a superior officer like that, would be looking at a court martial. If she survives, that is.

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 7:27 pm
by entity2636
Zarya wrote:Something completely different - is Highland-7 swerving to the left?
Looks like it. Looks to me like they might be trying to reach the Azimol or Enedd jump zones.

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 7:35 pm
by Luge
I like that Clearbrook addressed Talon by rank (Arrir). That's definitely a movie moment there.

"You have your orders Lieutenant."

"Damn you, sir!"


Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 8:02 pm
by icekatze
hi hi
I would tell you to grow up, but it looks as if you will never get that chance.
Daayum! That is coooold, not even a word of regret. Sorry Talon, as much as I like you, you are out of your league with the Clearbrook's captain here. That was a high quality insult right there.
Zarya wrote:Something completely different - is Highland-7 swerving to the left?
I'm not sure if they have a destination in mind, or if they have the fuel left to reach anywhere else. I suspect that will come up soon, but at the very least, they need to get away from the jump point. The Umiak are going to be suppressing the jump point very soon. It might not make a difference in the end, but having the Umiak dispatch a fraction of their suppression division to hunt down the shuttle is a smaller problem than dealing with the entire two plus divisions at the jump point.

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 8:03 pm
by novius
cacambo43 wrote:Are you talking about Clearbrook's captain's (not Ashrain's) comment about extinct nations? I think that means the Loroi not needing embassies because they need to get word out and mount a defense right-away or else they are done for. I can see where it might at first sound like she meant Humanity being extinct, but that makes no sense.

My bad, definitely mixed up those two. But still, there is a number of diverse species in the Loroi Union and its allies, so ferrying around diplomats from one of those species should be commonplace. Especially on routes which were deemed to be safe. So said captain assuming the unspecified envoy to be from an already extinct species is ... a bit odd.

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 8:15 pm
by novius
icekatze wrote:I'm not sure if they have a destination in mind, or if they have the fuel left to reach anywhere else. I suspect that will come up soon, but at the very least, they need to get away from the jump point. The Umiak are going to be suppressing the jump point very soon. It might not make a difference in the end, but having the Umiak dispatch a fraction of their suppression division to hunt down the shuttle is a smaller problem than dealing with the entire two plus divisions at the jump point.
They are changing course, it seems. A smart thing to do would be to do just that, and then going dark. Conserve fuel, reduce emissions, hope not to be seen until the dust settles. Perhaps coast towards one of the other depots - maybe to slip past enemy lines and refuel, or try to commandeer an Umiak vessel.

Even if they reach one of the jump points - what then? Judging from the Loroi ship classes only corvettes and up have jump capabilities - shuttles definitely not. To leave the system they have to switch ships. By any conceivable means.

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 8:15 pm
by fredgiblet
entity2636 wrote:Wonder where she's headed now... For the starbase at the Azimol jump zone?
My money's on "Back to the fleet" since that's where the action is.
Arioch wrote:Nice to see you, fredge! I hope you are well.
I'm doing pretty good. Lot's changed since I was around last, but overall I'm in a, hopefully, upwards trajectory.

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 8:22 pm
by novius
icekatze wrote:hi hi
I would tell you to grow up, but it looks as if you will never get that chance.
Daayum! That is coooold, not even a word of regret. Sorry Talon, as much as I like you, you are out of your league with the Clearbrook's captain here. That was a high quality insult right there.
Maybe Talon will get some cold comfort when one of the deep jump divisions do catch up with the Clearbrook on its way out. The captain did admit they have to make a run for it since said division is hot on their tail.

The fly in the ointment would be no warning coming to Seren, but I'd be sure people would rejoice on that hag getting her desserts :)

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 8:42 pm
by orion1836
For what it's worth, I think Clearbrook's comment on extinct nations is referring to the Loroi. If they get overrun, what need do they have of embassies?

As to the fate of Highland-7, unless they're going to run silent or try to jump on an anchored (or enemy) ship, the Law of Conservation of Characters would point to either Barsam ex Machina (returning Prophet's Reason) or else they'll find some way to link up with Black Razor, though admittedly that is a long shot. Rigai Mozin was sent to Azimol... if he popped up on that vector, it is closer to Alex and company than the Enedd vector where Black Razor is going.

Or who knows? Maybe Stillstorm will cut a swath of bloody destruction across the entire damned system, scoop up the errant shuttle, and conduct a fighting retreat out on the Gora or Azimol vector. Maybe we'll get to see the wave-loom in action against such concentrated Umiak forces.

One can hope.

Oh, and it would be hilarious right now to see a one-panel cutaway to a completely-asleep Tempo.

Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 8:49 pm
by cacambo43
orion1836 wrote:For what it's worth, I think Clearbrook's comment on extinct nations is referring to the Loroi. If they get overrun, what need do they have of embassies?
That's what I said.

I hope Talon and Sprial make it, damn it, Arioch!


Re: Page 131: The one in which we learn how Loroi swear

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 9:38 pm
by Zarya
orion1836 wrote:Oh, and it would be hilarious right now to see a one-panel cutaway to a completely-asleep Tempo.
Very plausible, I doubt the lady-warriors in the back are watching the in-flight entertainment system.
Have also set my hope on a Barsam ex Machina, or perhaps some other cloak and dagger opportunity that may arise.