Page 106 discussion

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Re: Page 106 discussion

Post by raistlin34 »

Hi! I´m new in forum. Nice to meet you all.
Krulle wrote:I think Beryl may unconsciously be flirting, thereis a male, and even a large male, right next to her!
While her conscious thoughts may decline anything, he subconscious may have been tricked....

And the dissection table: right when I read "very interested to learn" I was afraid of their actions possibly going in that direction, or something similar.
You can learn a lot about Humans without killing the only example you have.
Possibly they want to link even more strong telepaths to push through his lotai.
Possibly they just want to put him in their xenobiology exhibition.
Possibly they just want to have high-ranking diplomats talk to him. Possibly purposefully missing the rendezvous to give him a reason to tell where Earth actually is.

So many reasons....
We don´t know Loroi´s attitude and behaviour toward sex. For what I´ve read in the forum notes, they are not a very affective or family oriented specie.
In any case, Neither Beryl or the other Loroi seem to identify Jardin as one of their own in any fashion. Maybe Alex is a case of Uncanny Valley for them, reinforced by his Lotai toward telepathic abilities.

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