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What If: Outsiders/Command and Conquer - Tiberium Verse AU

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 5:41 am
by Just a Crazy-Man
I've been wondering what if in Outsiders instead replace the Human faction with GDI in space faction having invested into getting everyone off Earth and establishing Colonies and Outposts to scatter and ensure human survival while investing in massive vessels


In a sense Human vessels are slow but powerful and tough while huge numbers of capitals and super capital ships armed with Railguns, Hyper Velocity Missiles and Ion Cannons plus Lasers plus thick armor along with shields

The best defense

Re: What If: Outsiders/Command and Conquer - Tiberium Verse AU

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 6:01 am
by Bamax
Power is relative in comparison to another.

Without actual numbers it's hard to say, but Loroi vessels are quite speedy (30g cruising is normal) and also have extreme weapon ranges (about a light second out for their most powerful beam wave weapons.

So unless they can keep up with and hit the Loroi it's game over.

Umiak have raw numbers but get killed horribly in mass too, not sure if humanity of any verse would be willing to take such losses on the regular without sueing for peace.

Re: What If: Outsiders/Command and Conquer - Tiberium Verse AU

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 7:18 am
by Just a Crazy-Man
I hear Ion Cannons have ranges to the big Ion Cannon stations 300,000km with yields up to 3 to 300 megaton blasts in TW plus a ground base one that could serve as a ad hoc anti orbit battery plus then the plasma shields or Firestorm Barriers

Let alone force multipliers as drones and unmanned vessels that piloted by EVAs

Re: What If: Outsiders/Command and Conquer - Tiberium Verse AU

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 9:12 am
by dragoongfa
All things considered the GDI as depicted in the latest installment is, at best, parallel with humanity in Outsider in terms of technology, with both parties having cutting edge tech the other doesn't. Both the Loroi and Umiak would outclass GDI technologically, industrially and numerically.

Re: What If: Outsiders/Command and Conquer - Tiberium Verse AU

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 2:25 pm
by gaerzi
The aliens never understood the threat.

A single sandbag was drifting in space, towards their battlestation. Sensors had scanned it: inert material, no explosives or electronics. If it were an attack, it was only a kinetic one, and at the speed it was going, it couldn't do any damage. So they ignored it, focusing on the enemy missiles and torpedoes instead.

When the sandbag connected with the station, it remained attached to it. And in the following second, something erupted from the station -- a terran military barrack had just incongruously appeared, like a pimple on a face. And then a man came out of that building, wearing a yellow helmet. Somehow, he immediately disappeared into the battlestation, seeming to phase through the metal plating. It was over. The alien battlestation was now under human control. An endless stream of alien ships erupted from the station's cavernous hangars, and they joined the battle on the side of the humans.

Re: What If: Outsiders/Command and Conquer - Tiberium Verse AU

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 3:51 pm
by Keklas Rekobah
Bamax wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 6:01 am
. . . but Loroi vessels are quite speedy (30g cruising is normal) . . .
With all due respect, "30g" represents a vessel's acceleration, not its speed.  Speed alone would not require inertial damping.

1g = 9.80665 meters per second per second (~9.8 m/s/s) acceleration.

30g = 294.1995 meters per second per second (~294 m/s/s) acceleration.

30 meters per second (30 m/s) is about 108 kilometers per hour (~108 km/hr, or ~67 mi/hr).

Objects traveling at a steady velocity in free-fall do not experience any g-forces.

Starting out at a steady velocity (0g) and suddenly undergoing maximum acceleration (30g) would change velocity by 294 meters per second (658 miles per hour) in one second.

Imagine standing still and being struck from behind by a vehicle at 658 miles per hour -- that is approximately what Spiral would experience as a fighter pilot without some form of inertial damping.

Re: What If: Outsiders/Command and Conquer - Tiberium Verse AU

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 10:22 am
by Just a Crazy-Man
So Loroi can handle higher G speeds thats more than twice as man

This was specs to a class used when combing all GDI has and from others learn from made from a friend.

Eden Class Fleet Command Node
Name: GDSS Exils aus Eden No:F/CC(LGGN)-001
Builder: Lincoln Labs Tranquk Shipyards
Laid Down: 25th Dec 2063 Launched: 30th Dec 2068
Commissioned 28th Feb 2069

Mass (Estimated, Megatonnes): 66 000 [Empty], 272 000 [Full Load]
Dimensions, Metres: 7 500, 2 550, 3 550
Complement: Approx 125 000 (Normal)

Weaponry: Primary weapons includes: 1 'Sirin' 200cm triple barrel C-Fractional spinal mass accelerator (Spinal: 3x1), 8 'Agua' IC array (Turreted, Forward arc: 4X2). 6 'Excalibur' Ion Cannon (Turreted, All aspect 6x1). At least 4000, 6m dia class missile silos. See Annex 01-01 for complete list

Defenses:Class 4A EVA managed Electro Warfare suite. Mininum armour thickness of 12m on all aspect. See Annex 01-02 for complete list

Sensors:Class 4A EVA managed Astronomical survey suite. Several parasite inferometer small craft. See Annex 01-03 for complete list

Small Crafts: 6 Hangar bay with Provision for (Est)1400 strike craft of various types and up to 8 Herrentia class EV(D)s. Includes a full scale manufacturing complex which is estimated to be able to produce vessels of up to 800m length. See Annex 01-03 for complete list

Machinery: 42 MIG-Scaled Composite ArE65 Fusion Torch (4GW each), 20 GA ES09 Powerplant (2GW Each), 6 Type 68 AM/M Annihilation/ Catalyzed fusion engine (200GW Each), Type 52 Inertialess/Reactionless system.

Programme: Approved by the GDI high command (GDI HIGHCOM) on the eve of 2063, the development of this vessel was started under the 2062 GDISF reform plan. Due to its massive cost and complexity, it is likely that the GDSS Eden is the only ship of its class to be built in the foreseeable future.

Structure: Exterior structure take the form of a simple notched delta/cranked arrow with radiators (both conventional and liquid droplet) located on the 'wing'.
Internal structure is classified though publicly available sources indicates outer armored hull is at least a dozen meter thick at minimum.

Operations: Currently serving as the Flagship of the GDI Navy and First fleet.

Comments: At more than 6 kilometres long and out massing some small space colonies by a good margin, the GDSS Exils aus Eden (Lit.Exiles from Eden) is the most powerful warship ever fielded thus far in recorded history. Costing almost three trillion UN credits, it is also the most expensive warship ever fielded and it appears to be well worth the price. At FLEET EX'69, TF Blue (Consisting of the Exils, 3 Battleships; the GDSS Zeus, Anhur and Yu Huang Dadi and a Carrier, the GDSS Amaterasu) supported by ODIN decisively defeated the combined first fleet and inflicted (simulated) crippling damage to the Second before being defeated. However critics point out a single ship, for all its firepower, can only be in a single place at a time and that for its price, GDI could have fielded another fleet along with extensive upgrades to planetary defense and the rest of its fleet.

Furthermore, several conspiracy theorists from both sides of the GDI/Nod divide have claimed that the Exils is the result of a secret joint project by the GDI Council and Nod's Inner Circle to maintain their rule over humanity citing the sheer firepower of the ship, the extensive use of reverse engineered Nod technology in addition to standard GDI design doctrine (The Exils can, for example, cloak itself and its escort for an extend period of time.) and the inclusion of several publicly unknown 'prototype systems' and points out that the name of the ship itself is a thinly veiled biblical reference to the land of Nod.

InOps adium:

Analysis of the public opinion indicates they remain unaware that Eden is designed under Project:Yamato as an armed lifeboat/colony ship designed to abandon Earth in the event of a Scrin investment of the Sol system.

Care Must be taken to ensure that the general public remain unaware of the existence of the Cryo-Trays and Einstein drive onboard this vessel for use in CASE:EXILE of PROJECT ENDURANCE.

Recommend further disinformation campaign, use of "critics" pointing out the opportunity cost & continued GDI HIGHCOM ineffectual defense to divert attention from CASE:EXILE and Eden's role within it.

Re: What If: Outsiders/Command and Conquer - Tiberium Verse AU

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 11:04 am
by gaerzi
Keklas Rekobah wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 3:51 pm
With all due respect, "30g" represents a vessel's acceleration, not its speed.  Speed alone would not require inertial damping.
Yes. But also speed alone is quite an insignificant metric in space. You can't really do meaningful comparison between spacecraft by comparing their "cruise speed" as there's no such thing.

First, speed is relative to a reference, and there's no universal reference you can use in space. On a planet, you can use the planet as the reference; it works fine.

Acceleration, the capacity to change your velocity, however, that's more useful. But indeed one shouldn't understand acceleration to work like speed. Still, it allows more meaningful comparisons. If your acceleration is greater than the other ship's, provided you don't run out of fuel to keep accelerating, you'll be able to reach them. They can't outrun you.

I remember the dogfights in Elite II: Frontier. It was basically more like a joust than like WW2-style dogfights. The two dueling ships were far away and accelerating towards each other, trying to point their laser beam at the enemy... and if they missed, they whooshed past each other and now started a long phase of accelerating towards each other again, as the speed that carried them away from each other had to be diminished, negated, and then inverted into carrying them towards each other again.

Re: What If: Outsiders/Command and Conquer - Tiberium Verse AU

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 6:09 pm
by Just a Crazy-Man
Like Vipers and Raiders in Battlestars

Re: What If: Outsiders/Command and Conquer - Tiberium Verse AU

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 7:05 am
by Just a Crazy-Man
I wonder what of diplomatic towards the powers if GDI sent out a recon mission as a alien vessels arrives in GDI space we have the Chrono base FTL at least a edge to pop in almost like Battlestar FTL or Macross Fold in bubble

Re: What If: Outsiders/Command and Conquer - Tiberium Verse AU

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 10:35 pm
by Just a Crazy-Man
Working on the GDI Navy
GDI Fleet composition and roles for dummies

Fleet Command Node
[Insufficient clearance: Contact CMDR PROJECT:ENDURANCE]
Class currently in service: Eden Class Fleet Command node

Global Stratospheric Transport
The “Capital ships” of GDI, these 900m to 1 km long monsters are the pride of GDI’s spaceforce, each one being a technological marvel almost second to none in its chosen role. They are usually grouped with escorts to form task forces (with the GSTs as the flagship), though independent squadrons of up to 30~40 Battleships/Heavy Missile Cruisers do exist in the event that GDI really want to punch someone’s face in. Named after the Gods, Heroes and Demons of myths and religions

Battleships exists to crush GDI’s enemies, to see them driven before them and to hear the lamentations of their significant others.

More seriously, Battleships are the core of any GDI battle group; the mailed fist that delivers the knockout punch so to speak, able to defeat scores of lesser vessels on its own. They are designed for long ranged bombardment and to combat enemy capital ships though doctrinally GDI’s Battleship captains are recommended (and indeed trained) to avoid slugging matches with enemy [the likely to be superior Scrin] capital ships and instead focus on enemy logistics and concentrated attritional maneuver warfare, engaging enemy battleships only under favorable conditions.
Class currently in service: Rhea Class Fleet Battleship, Cronus Class Mod TAvRKr

Planetary Assault Carrier/Carriers
Planetary Assault Carriers' (PAC for short) purpose in life is to make life miserable for some random mook down at the bottom of a gravity well. Armed with enough space to surface weapons to level a city one building at a time and carrying enough strike and support craft to rival most pre-tiberium air forces, PACs are usually the spearhead of any planetary assault, bombing any resistance into oblivion before the assault transports land troops on the ground and providing timely air support afterwards. In space however, they are vulnerable to dedicated space combat forces, though in the right conditions the sheer mass of strike crafts a PAC carry and the weaponry they can equip can pose a threat to even battleships.
Along with planetary assault transport and battlecruisers, they form the planetary assault groups of the First Fleet and the Mars Defense Fleet.
Class currently in service: Cronus Class Planetary Assault Carrier
Planetary Assault Transport
Heavily armored transports used by GDI to carry and drop entire brigades into hostile territory and equipped to provide C4ISR and logistical support to the units housed within them. Though well armored and protected, they are under armed in capital scale weaponry for their size with what weapons they possess being more suited to providing fire support for ground units and discouraging the occasional cruiser than for full up fleet combat. As such, these ships are rather vulnerable if caught without their escorts.
Class currently in service: Denmark class mod F, Gaia Class

Cruisers (First Rate)/ Battlecruisers
First rate cruisers are well armed and long ranged warship between 450 to 600m long. Second rate Cruisers . Both are equipped with excellent sensors and are the main scouting arm of the GDI space force. They are designed for long ranged operations far from any resupply base.

Battle cruisers are a subclass of cruisers which sacrifice some other capabilities (usually support or sensor capabilities) in exchange for additional offensive capabilities. Both types of vessels are deployed in independent cruiser squadron of 4 ships with a mix of Cruisers and battlecruisers depending on mission type.
Cruisers squadrons are usually used for tasks which involve independent action such as scouting, picket duty, long ranged patrols, deep strikes, low level logistic disruption and other duties which does not justify the cost and expense of sending a full on GST battlegroup, while cruiser flotillas (which consist of 4 or more cruiser squadrons) are used as wolfpacks hunting lone enemy capital ships. Cruisers and Battlecruisers after past Battles and GDI Heros.
Class currently in service: Ground Zero class Battlecruiser, Washington class Battlecruiser, McNeil class Cruiser, New Eden class Battlecruiser, Hammerfest class Cruiser, London class Cruiser


Escort Craft (C)
Escort Craft (Combat) are cruiser sized or smaller general-purpose warships designed to operate in the fleet and planetary defense role, sacrificing much of their cruiser counterpart's range and scouting capabilities with the expectation that they will be operating well within the resupply and C3I support of fleet bases and GST battlegroups. In return, they have enhanced combat capabilities. Together with the GSTs, they form the main arm of GDI’s combat fleet.

Escort Craft (D)
Escort Craft (Dedicated) are a catchall term for the various specialized combat vessels of the GDI, ranging from the 75 meters long Abbot class missile defense ship to the 430 meters Herrentia class parasite unmanned cruiser designed for use on the Eden to the 800 meters long Avenger class mobile siege cannon. However such vessels usually have far less offensive and/or defensive capabilities as compared to their more well rounded counterparts in exchange for the specialised role.