Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Victor_D »

Don't be oversensitive ;)

Loroi look Europoid (I resent the term Caucasian) because, well, that's how they've been drawn - to appeal to a certain audience ;) I wouldn't infer from that that the Soia modelled them after Europeans who certainly at the point of their creation didn't even exist.

I'd also point out that what we consider "racial" features (skin colour, hair, facial features) are all in fact pretty recent changes in human appearance. For instance the East Asian subtype is what, 10-15,000 years old? The Loroi might have experienced similar differentiation/evolution on Deinar on their own. What I mean to say is that the ancient Soia-era Loroi might have looked very different from the "today's" ones, and that their present "Europoid" looks might be simply an accident.

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Jericho »

Victor_D wrote:Don't be oversensitive ;)
Sorry it's a swedish thing.
Victor_D wrote:Loroi look Europoid (I resent the term Caucasian) because, well, that's how they've been drawn - to appeal to a certain audience ;) I wouldn't infer from that that the Soia modelled them after Europeans who certainly at the point of their creation didn't even exist.

I'd also point out that what we consider "racial" features (skin colour, hair, facial features) are all in fact pretty recent changes in human appearance. For instance the East Asian subtype is what, 10-15,000 years old? The Loroi might have experienced similar differentiation/evolution on Deinar on their own. What I mean to say is that the ancient Soia-era Loroi might have looked very different from the "today's" ones, and that their present "Europoid" looks might be simply an accident.
Oh my you're right :oops: but it's interesting that you would mention accident as it's the conclusion i've been getting to regarding the similarities between our species.

I don't think that the loroi where modelled after us or our ancestors. they could have just as well been modelled after some other species and then accidently evolved into a shape similar to ours.
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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Victor_D »

Jericho wrote:I don't think that the loroi where modelled after us or our ancestors. they could have just as well been modelled after some other species and then accidently evolved into a shape similar to ours.
That would be too much of an accident, whereas developing mildly "Europoid" features due to random responses to environmental pressures is at least plausible if you start with a common shape.

For example, Alex notes that the Loroi shoes he's given fit perfectly the shape of his feet. Incidentally, the feet are the part of the human body which has changed the least in the last million years. Even the primitive Homo Erectus had feet almost the same as modern humans - in fact, most of their body below the neck were quite close to that of modern humans.

So, hypothetically:

~300,000 years ago, the Soia find Earth and its primitive sentient hominid species on their way to full intelligence. They study them and then for reasons unknown create a "copy" using the Soia-class biochemical template. These proto-Loroi are perhaps used to contact the early humans, communicate with them, study them, or even 'uplift' them. Or perhaps the Soia are interested in experimenting with parallel evolution, who knows. One way or another, the Soia collapse around 275,000 years ago and the Loroi are left to their own devices. When they are set to the primitive hunter-gatherer stage of development, they experience similar evolutionary pressures as humans which in the end result in their "present"-day looks.

Or, the Soia could extrapolate the rough course of human evolution*, and made Loroi not in the image of what humans looked then, but in the one of what they would become.

(* - bigger forehead, smaller jaw, disappearance of supercilliary ridges, the squaring of the skull, etc.)

One way or another, unless Outsider descends into the Star Trek-level of space opera-ness, there is no way the Loroi could have naturally evolved to resemble humans so perfectly. No way, the odds against that are literally astronomical.

Or, the Loroi are a Historian joke created hundreds of thousands of years following the Soia collapse ;)

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Jericho »

Victor_D wrote:
That would be too much of an accident, whereas developing mildly "Europoid" features due to random responses to environmental pressures is at least plausible if you start with a common shape.

For example, Alex notes that the Loroi shoes he's given fit perfectly the shape of his feet. Incidentally, the feet are the part of the human body which has changed the least in the last million years. Even the primitive Homo Erectus had feet almost the same as modern humans - in fact, most of their body below the neck were quite close to that of modern humans.

So, hypothetically:

~300,000 years ago, the Soia find Earth and its primitive sentient hominid species on their way to full intelligence. They study them and then for reasons unknown create a "copy" using the Soia-class biochemical template. These proto-Loroi are perhaps used to contact the early humans, communicate with them, study them, or even 'uplift' them. Or perhaps the Soia are interested in experimenting with parallel evolution, who knows. One way or another, the Soia collapse around 275,000 years ago and the Loroi are left to their own devices. When they are set to the primitive hunter-gatherer stage of development, they experience similar evolutionary pressures as humans which in the end result in their "present"-day looks.

Or, the Soia could extrapolate the rough course of human evolution*, and made Loroi not in the image of what humans looked then, but in the one of what they would become.

(* - bigger forehead, smaller jaw, disappearance of supercilliary ridges, the squaring of the skull, etc.)

One way or another, unless Outsider descends into the Star Trek-level of space opera-ness, there is no way the Loroi could have naturally evolved to resemble humans so perfectly. No way, the odds against that are literally astronomical.

Or, the Loroi are a Historian joke created hundreds of thousands of years following the Soia collapse ;)
Though your logic is good. I'll still refrain from believing it untill god tells me to :D .
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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Arioch »

Suederwind wrote:Well, thats what my questions is leading up to: are those Loroi skulls? Or am I just a bit overreacting?
Tempest is treading on Loroi skulls there. How would you expect a Loroi skull to look different from a Human skull? The major difference in in the ears, and I wouldn't expect any noticeable skull features there.

As has been mentioned, the "tree" of hominid evolution has had anthropologists confused for a long time, and that's understandable if what you're looking for is a clear tree of species, because I don't think there is one. Anatomically modern homo sapiens date back at least 200,000 years, but earlier homo erectus have existed in Africa, Europe and Asia for more than a million years, and they had very distinctive regional features that modern humans share today. The conclusion (which seemed obvious to me, but was resisted for a long time) that the various early hominids constantly moved and interbred with each other over millions of years is now being confirmed by DNA analysis. In the various migration events (such as "Out of Africa"), newer hominid strains moved to new regions but found older populations already living there, and they interbred extensively. The hominid "tree" is more of a trellis, and there's no clear dividing line of speciation between h. erectus and h. sapiens, or any of the subgroups such as neanderthalensis.

Victor_D wrote:I'd also point out that what we consider "racial" features (skin colour, hair, facial features) are all in fact pretty recent changes in human appearance. For instance the East Asian subtype is what, 10-15,000 years old?
I don't believe that this is correct. My understanding is that earlier hominids such as homo erectus pekinensis from 750,000+ years ago had distinctive, recognizably Asian skull features.
Victor_D wrote:Or, the Soia could extrapolate the rough course of human evolution*, and made Loroi not in the image of what humans looked then, but in the one of what they would become.
But would such extrapolation be necessary? If humans have changed in 200,000+ years, would not the Loroi have done so also? And is it unreasonable to assume that given similar environment, such evolutionary paths might be similar?

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Suederwind »

Tempest is treading on Loroi skulls there. How would you expect a Loroi skull to look different from a Human skull? The major difference in in the ears, and I wouldn't expect any noticeable skull features there.
I was just wondering if this could be a hint on that topic. You know, one of this tiny little details that you watch in a movie, read in a story, etc... that seems a bit off for a reason you can´t tell at first. Or maybe I am just playing to many RPGs lately... :lol:

However, how might a Loroi skull would look different to a Human one? Good question.
Just a few thoughts, judging from what you show us:
They seem to be a bit more gracile than an ordinary female human to me. As they rely on psionic powers, we could assume that their bones are not as strong as ours (I would assume because of less physical strength and work, there is not much need for that). The ears are bigger, as you said, so there could be differences in the os temporale, as their acoustic meatus (not sure if thats the right word, sorry) appears to be bigger (at least to me) and the bigger ear must be attached better, than a smaller human ear, because of the higher weight. Also, as the insider states, older Loroi continue to grow, especially their nose and ears, I would therefore assume that there would be bigger differences in those areas, the older the individual is. Human cartilage for example turns into bone over time, this could apply to Loroi ears and noses, too and we would see that in the bone structure.
Then there could be differences in the way the bones of the Loroi skull could be shaped, maybe they cover different parts of their skull and are not identical to ours. There could be differences in the number and shape of teeth (a possible way to distinguish between different early humans) and maybe the mandibula. Also the Foramen magnum could be shaped differently and could be bigger.

However, because of the similarities between humans and Loroi, those differences might not be that noticeable. I got it. :oops:
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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Solemn »

Arioch wrote:How would you expect a Loroi skull to look different from a Human skull?
Personally, I would expect the Loroi to have significantly larger brains than humans have, given the rapidity with which human brains have shrunk over the past 20-30 thousand years.

Human females have historically had a tendency to die in childbirth, limiting the number of times they can pass on their genes; the size of a baby's head is related to the likelihood of death in premodern childbirth. I believe that this is a significant cause of the rapid decrease in brain size for humans; simple reproductive selection in favor of smaller heads with less cumbersome brains at birth. I believe this is also why skull and brain size are on the rise again with the advent of modern medicine; we can afford bigger skulls now, so there's no selective bias against them, and probably some positive selective bias in favor of the advantages of larger brains. I do not mean "intelligence" when I say that, because "intelligence" is a nebulous, poorly-defined word with no concrete relationship to brain size on an individual level. But there are other advantages to be had, discounting intelligence; for instance, a bigger structure in general has more space for redundancy and better ability to take damage, and the Loroi supposedly have quite a history of violence. Unless I miss my guess, Loroi have been giving birth largely through c-sections for far longer than humans had the ability to safely perform one; therefore the modern regrowth of the brain would have been in play for longer with them. Loroi have a racial bonus to health according to their GURPS sheets and several posts here, so I would think they are less likely to die in childbirth from a larger baby skull, so there would have been less selective bias against them.

However, that's just my personal opinion. I'm sure you could find many intelligent and well educated people who would disagree. Opinions on premodern vs. modern and human vs. protohuman brains are matters of significant controversy at this time.

...as long as we're talking about the skull pile...
Suederwind wrote:They seem to be a bit more gracile than an ordinary female human to me.
I'd say the opposite, really.

I think Beryl has relatively heavy facial features compared with the human females we see in the comic, Sculley and Ensign Kirkland.

I'd hate to generalize based just on her, but I really don't have to; I have drawn beards on every single jaw in this comic except the humans, and as a result I'd say I've come to know the contours of the Loroi faces pretty well. One of the things I don't think can be properly appreciated by someone who hasn't tried drawing beards on these girls is the diversity of facial structures among the Loroi, with Beryl and Arclight at the more robustly-boned masculine side of the scale and Ashrain and Talon at the very feminine end. Moonglow's face (to me) suggests that she's an unusually tall girl, Forest looks like she might be a different Loroi ethnicity from most others though I personally can't really place her in terms of human ethnicities, etc.

But on average, I'd say they're a bit more heavy-featured than the human females. Thicker skull structure, slightly closer to the male side of things than our females are. And that's in-comic, which should account for art style.

This is still most likely just a product of Arioch's art style; he doesn't really seem to go for the hyperfeminine features most male comic artists would, and if anything seems to err on the masculine side, particularly regarding the size and shape of the jawbone. Also, there is a very, very small set of human female faces to draw from, whereas there is a considerable range of Loroi female faces running the gamut from rugged and square-jawed to gracile and girlish.

But I really wouldn't say they seem more gracile and feminine than human women's skulls.

Perhaps they'd be more gracile and feminine than the Loroi skulls we see on page 50, which have a combination of masculine and feminine traits.

The eye sockets of a male skull are more squared than those of a female skull, except at the upper inner margins, where the female opening is sometimes sharper.

Loroi skulls appear to have quite a range of variation in that regard, but the majority of the eye orbits are very masculine (I suspect Arioch drew the page from male skull references). Rounded areas along the upper inner edge, and squared outward sides.

Those Loroi skulls lack the typical male brow ridge, as would human females.

However, they have male skulls above the brow line; from the front view they are very squared, and from the side they slope from the brow to the end, whereas a female forehead is more vertical, giving the female skull a more squared look from the side, while the female skull is very rounded from the front view. Loroi skulls appear rounded when viewed from the side and squared from the front, typically male traits.

It's hard to see how many of the skulls have or lack male pronounced ridges at the neck anchoring point, because few of them are shown from the side with that portion visible. I can't really guess either way.

From what I recall, human males have higher and thicker cheekbones than females, but I can't recall well enough to be sure, and I also don't know if the cheekbones on the skulls in the skullpile would stand on the smaller or larger end of the scale. However, to the extent that I trust my memory, I would say the cheekbones on those skulls suggest a male skull to me.

If I had to guess I would say "give me their jawbones and I can make a much, much better guess," and then, once denied jawbones, I would say a very significant number were probably males from some gene line with very subdued brows. The reason I would ask for jawbones is because female jawbones are more curved at the back and come closer to a triangle in the middle, whereas male jawbones have a sort of flat, square end. Most of the characters in this comic have square-ended jaws; Loroi females less so than human males, but, again, on average I would say more so than human females. There's a lot of variation.

However, I doubt that Tempest is supposed to be standing on a pile of dead males. From the descriptions I've read of how males are treated and regarded, such an image would probably be disturbing rather than inspirational to modern Loroi warriors, though it might perhaps have some historical accuracy.

Given that Tempest and her Sea Furies were depicted with strongly sloping foreheads rather than vertical ones, I assume that that trait is less strongly associated with masculinity vs. femininity among the Loroi. Since Beryl has a vertical forehead and no apparent brow ridge on that page (and others), it is possible to assume the sloped skull depicted is an ethnic trait strongly associated with Tempest's people. Since Alex on page 50 also has a vertical forehead with no apparent brow ridge, but Alex on page 100 panel 2 has an apparent brow ridge, I can probably actually chalk these things up to art quirks rather than skull morphology, and might assume that the strongly sloping foreheads on Tempest, the Furies, and the skulls in the tapestry are the result of the tapestry artist's art style rather than how their skulls were shaped.

Much of this is probably because they were drawn to be details in a comic rather than diagrams in an anatomy textbook or anything like that. And on the tapestry, there are two different styles at work; it's easy to get the impression that there was an artist behind the tapestry who would draw this comic very differently than Arioch has, even though you know that Arioch drew the tapestry. So it's not Arioch drawing Loroi skulls, but Arioch drawing a Loroi artist's drawing of Loroi skulls, all of which are highly stylized and may or may not reflect literal skull shape.

I don't think any of us would be happier if Arioch were to spend more time being more meticulous about precise skull structures. That would drastically cut into production time, and would not improve the comic in any significant way.

I think being petty about the exact form of Loroi skulls and facial structures is pointless for that reason and others.

And, honestly, what could you want him to do? Redraw every single skull on the tapestry? That's quite a lot of work for very nearly no result.
Arioch wrote:But would such extrapolation be necessary? If humans have changed in 200,000+ years, would not the Loroi have done so also? And is it unreasonable to assume that given similar environment, such evolutionary paths might be similar?
I would assume that the designers of the Loroi would have placed more and better safeguards in place against mutation than exist in natural biological systems. They were, after all, able to create a system which has held off natural selective pressure towards Fisher's Ratio for a quarter of a million years and counting. Has the Loroi population moved closer to Fisher's Ratio since their creation?

Personally, the biggest issue I have with the physical form of the Loroi is that they have breasts and human female hip-waist-chest ratios. In humans, these traits are the product of the estrogens which periodically flood the system after puberty because human females have to deal with certain biochemical cycles for which the Loroi have no analogue. From what I remember, the Loroi do not menstruate, and only enter estrus when they are carrying viable sperm in some sort of internal spermatheca-type organ (this is presumably because the Loroi are actually cleverly disguised spiders). So the Loroi body would not similarly be flooded with the ovulation-related hormones that promote female secondary sex traits.

The development of secondary sex traits consumes energy, and the reason this energy consumption pays off is because it gives you a reproductive advantage. From the descriptions I've read of Loroi males and Loroi mating practices, I do not think so great an advantage stands to be gained here. I also do not see what the genetic engineers responsible for the Loroi could think they stood to gain from giving the Loroi those human secondary sex traits.

However, the Loroi wouldn't really fit the space amazon archetype if they didn't look like human women...

This might be one of those things best left unexplained.

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Absalom »

Solemn wrote:
Arioch wrote:But would such extrapolation be necessary? If humans have changed in 200,000+ years, would not the Loroi have done so also? And is it unreasonable to assume that given similar environment, such evolutionary paths might be similar?
I would assume that the designers of the Loroi would have placed more and better safeguards in place against mutation than exist in natural biological systems. They were, after all, able to create a system which has held off natural selective pressure towards Fisher's Ratio for a quarter of a million years and counting. Has the Loroi population moved closer to Fisher's Ratio since their creation?
Arioch has already stated his views on the gender ratio somewhere or another. I believe that it was related to reproduction speed. If we assume both greater protections against mutation AND longer reproductive lifespans (given that Loroi can live to be 400 "in the wild", I feel that 200 years for a multiplier of roughly 5 is slightly conservative), then it would begin to make sense. If we assume that gender ratios were skewed enough to produce a point of either stability or meta-stability, then we find the same.

Of course, it could be that their gender ratios were MUCH more skewed in the past.
Solemn wrote:Personally, the biggest issue I have with the physical form of the Loroi is that they have breasts and human female hip-waist-chest ratios. In humans, these traits are the product of the estrogens which periodically flood the system after puberty because human females have to deal with certain biochemical cycles for which the Loroi have no analogue. From what I remember, the Loroi do not menstruate, and only enter estrus when they are carrying viable sperm in some sort of internal spermatheca-type organ (this is presumably because the Loroi are actually cleverly disguised spiders). So the Loroi body would not similarly be flooded with the ovulation-related hormones that promote female secondary sex traits.

The development of secondary sex traits consumes energy, and the reason this energy consumption pays off is because it gives you a reproductive advantage. From the descriptions I've read of Loroi males and Loroi mating practices, I do not think so great an advantage stands to be gained here. I also do not see what the genetic engineers responsible for the Loroi could think they stood to gain from giving the Loroi those human secondary sex traits.

However, the Loroi wouldn't really fit the space amazon archetype if they didn't look like human women...

This might be one of those things best left unexplained.
Not necessarily. I don't know what benefit the smaller waists would provide, but the wider hips would be strongly beneficial for childbirth (in fact, if I were to design a human-esque race of Amazonian Space Elves in real life, I would probably make the hips even wider for this reason), the larger lactation glands would be useful for sustaining the child in early stages, and the fat stores inside the breasts would be useful for increasing the number of successful pregnancies. As for how, you just split the estrogen channel into two. Both produce almost identical effects, but the one that gets triggered by the presence of semen is the only one that actually triggers ovulation & other effects (in fact, it might actually be a cascade of hormones instead of a single hormone).

Of course, this does raise the question of why they aren't designed around the assumption of sufficient technology to not need any of this. The Loroi seem less a warrior race (I would expect an r-strategy species where longer-lived individuals begin to resemble a K-strategy species over time), and more a survivalist race (birthing hips? fat stores under the lactation glands on the individuals that will need them for reproduction? this smells of a survivalist strategy, not a war strategy: someone prepared the Loroi to be stranded in low-tech situations).

Really, the design of the Loroi is quite an oddity. The Neridi make more sense to me as an artificial star-faring race, by virtue of size. Barsam could be treated as ground troops, and Loroi as special forces, but you don't run an interstellar empire on the basis of your ground forces in this setting. I don't think that any of them were the original Soia. If any of them were even intended as warriors, I wouldn't be surprised if they were created as locally-produced soldiers (like Star War's stoorm troopers, or from another perspective like WH40k's Imperial Guard: not the people in charge), instead of being full (or even partial) members of the Soia Empire. The Dreiman could have even been an initial boot-strapping stage for such an empire, possibly with the true boundary between the Soia and Dreiman eras being the Dreiman completion of some manner of wormhole or other such system, thereby allowing more modern & advanced equipment from the core empire to be brought in, thereby making the completion of the local bubble's conquest far quicker, while also explaining the clear difference between Dreiman and Soia artifacts, while ALSO explaining the lack of conflict. Remember: the density of the interstellar medium between super-nova bubbles largely prevents interstellar travel.

Then again, maybe the Soia just had the ability to produce mind-control effects at Farseer ranges, in which case the development of Lotai-capable Loroi was possibly their downfall.

Arioch, speaking of the Dreiman, have any of their corpses been recovered? Certainly the dessication would be phenomenal, but I don't recall what reason you gave for people knowing how large they were.

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Solemn »

Absolom wrote:Of course, this does raise the question of why they aren't designed around the assumption of sufficient technology to not need any of this.
You have anticipated my response, I see.

The Loroi claim to be a warrior race, and I am willing to believe them. I believe that that is what they were created for, that is. I do not know what role they played in the militaries of the Soia Empire, but as telepaths it was presumably something of extreme value, otherwise I believe their telepathy would make them too dangerous to be permitted to live.

If I were the creator of the Loroi, I would not want them birthing their own children independent of my race's patronage and our own medical procedures. If they do that, they might start raising their children on their own. Making their own families. Their own culture. Their own civilization. And where does that end? With a conflict between our two different civilizations, which we had allowed to grow apart? I would not want to fight a race I had engineered to be psionic warriors.

I would want all Loroi children to be raised by my people.

I have heard that the Turks used to raise the children of non-Turkish peoples to be the perfect soldiers for Islam and the Porte. I have also heard that they entrusted the upbringing of these perfect warriors to the organization made up of the previous generation of perfect warriors, and so as the centuries passed, these Jannisaries became increasingly insular, self-motivated, and difficult to control, more attached to the corps than the Porte, and began attempting to overthrow essentially every Sultan who came along until they were finally disbanded. Perhaps something similar happened with the Loroi, but that would make me wonder why they didn't build in some safeguards at the biological level against it.

Of course, if the Loroi were not created to be warriors, that makes things more complicated. You suggested that they might have been created as survivalists. Perhaps the intention was that the Soia knew some cataclysm was coming that would destroy their civilization, and that they themselves lacked the ability to return themselves to their previous state after whatever catastrophe struck, so they created the Loroi as essentially a time capsule of Soia culture. That would make the Loroi the true heirs of the Soia empire, entrusted by the Soia with the burden of carrying on the ways of their ancestors and so forth, so the discovery of humanity and the truth of their origins would if anything help cement their grip on the galaxy.

Or perhaps the Neridi are the true Soia, and the Loroi were expected to protect and shield them during and after the disaster.

Or something, I dunno.
Absalom wrote:Then again, maybe the Soia just had the ability to produce mind-control effects at Farseer ranges, in which case the development of Lotai-capable Loroi was possibly their downfall.
That raises more questions than it would answer. Questions like "why would they give the Loroi shorter range telepathy if they're going to be using their super-telepathy to telepathically control the in-range Loroi into using their weaker telepathic powers, instead of just doing whatever telewhatsis themselves, since they have both the range and the power to do so?"

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by daelyte »

The advantage of narrow hips is a more efficient, energy-conserving gait when walking or running.

Large breasts seems to be mainly due to sexual selection, small ones work just as well for lactation purposes. Given that Loroi males don't really choose their mates, big boobs make little sense.

Wide shoulders give more reach which is a great advantage in melee. Broad backs gives more room for muscles for increased upper body strength. Large lungs give more oxygen for high exertion in combat.

Therefore a race of warrior women would be more likely to have large muscular chests and small breasts.

If the Loroi were developed/intended as special forces their attributes would be a better fit.

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Victor_D »

Arioch wrote:
Victor_D wrote:I'd also point out that what we consider "racial" features (skin colour, hair, facial features) are all in fact pretty recent changes in human appearance. For instance the East Asian subtype is what, 10-15,000 years old?
I don't believe that this is correct. My understanding is that earlier hominids such as homo erectus pekinensis from 750,000+ years ago had distinctive, recognizably Asian skull features.
Well, that is what many Asian, especially Chinese, anthropologists want to prove, largely unconvincingly.

I am of course referring to the decades old struggle between the multi-regional hypothesis of modern human evolution and the 'recent African origin', also known as THE 'out of Africa', hypothesis. First it looked like multi-regionalism had strong basis, then, when genetics came into play, it was swept out and almost discredited by 'out of Africa'. According to the most extreme versions of 'out of Africa', a very small number of homo sapiens left Africa, either following the Nile or crossing the Red Sea, and then very quickly and without significant hybridization replacing all the other hominin species, including Neanderthals and various Asian descendants of the homo erectus migration wave, if they were still there.

That extreme version has subsequently been challenged, again by genetic evidence, and now it seems some sort of a blend between multi-regionalism and 'out of Africa' might be the likeliest explanation of where we come from. From what I read, a vast majority of our gene pool is undeniably African homo sapiens. Small portions (1-5%) come from either the Neanderthals and/or Denisovans, who were their Asian cousins. Incidentally, we know very little about Denisovans - our knowledge of them is derived from sampling their DNA from like one fingerbone.

As for racial traits, it is my understanding they are of very recent origin. Broadly speaking, the expansion of homo sapiens from Africa probably came in waves. First was the southern branch:


This was easier because homo sapiens was a tropical animal, still lacking the technology to survive in colder latitudes. Eventually, the northern branch developed this technology and moved north to hunt the megafauna:

Image Image

As glaciers retreated and megafauna went (near) extinct, they expanded over the rest of Eurasia:




At least, this is very close to the "mainstream" view.
But would such extrapolation be necessary? If humans have changed in 200,000+ years, would not the Loroi have done so also? And is it unreasonable to assume that given similar environment, such evolutionary paths might be similar?
Well, that's what I suggested first :)

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Imbrooge »

Actually, on closer inspection of that tapestry I noticed that 2-3 of those skulls are oddly shaped and distinctly not human in appearance. Lastly, that wasn't made by Arioch but one of his friends I believe.

The only real oddity of the Loroi I would find from thinking about it "in-universe" is they look almost exactly like humans with the only exceptions being colour, size, and ears. Specifically that they look exactly like space elves, something we've had in science fiction for a long time.

As far as alien species evolving into the same form as another artifical one with little difference between them, I personally find it more believable then two species evolving to look like eachother through the consequences of traits being passed down that worked for past and present conditions for the species' ancestors. Since it is because the chance that those past conditions leading to the same result being extremely unlikely. On the otherhand an artifical species stumbling on another natural one like itself would be a matter of time and location.


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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Arioch »

Absalom wrote: Arioch, speaking of the Dreiman, have any of their corpses been recovered? Certainly the dessication would be phenomenal, but I don't recall what reason you gave for people knowing how large they were.
It's unlikely that any Dreiman remains were recovered, but the remnants of the Dreiman space facilities and the artifacts therein would have given pretty strong clues as to the size and appearance of their users.
Imbrooge wrote:Actually, on closer inspection of that tapestry I noticed that 2-3 of those skulls are oddly shaped and distinctly not human in appearance. Lastly, that wasn't made by Arioch but one of his friends I believe.
The tapestry is based on a design provided by my sister, but it was drawn by me. I did ask her to draw it for me, as I wanted the style to be visibly different from my own, but she didn't have time to do it.

I'm not sure which skulls you're referring to which are "distinctly not human"; perhaps you mean the three on the left that are viewed from underneath. The skulls are probably drawn more realistically than they should be, as the tapestry is meant to be stylized.

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Absalom »

Solemn wrote:The Loroi claim to be a warrior race, and I am willing to believe them. I believe that that is what they were created for, that is. I do not know what role they played in the militaries of the Soia Empire, but as telepaths it was presumably something of extreme value, otherwise I believe their telepathy would make them too dangerous to be permitted to live.
If the Loroi were intended as telepathic ground troops, then they presumably wouldn't be too dangerous. They would have little if any of their own air-support, and presumably no space-superiority of their own. They would, instead, get used in the less threatening ground role, and could be either isolated or eliminated from orbit if they rebelled.

As for ship-board, they could be contained, perhaps even in a brig similar to that of Tempest. They would presumably also be restricted to lightly-armed and comparatively slow ground-assault ships in the first place, making it much easier to eliminate them than would otherwise be the case.
Solemn wrote:If I were the creator of the Loroi, I would not want them birthing their own children independent of my race's patronage and our own medical procedures. If they do that, they might start raising their children on their own. Making their own families. Their own culture. Their own civilization. And where does that end? With a conflict between our two different civilizations, which we had allowed to grow apart? I would not want to fight a race I had engineered to be psionic warriors.

I would want all Loroi children to be raised by my people.
Reasonable plan, but what if you knew that
1: You could not guarantee that enemy raids would never eliminate your access to your soldier-production regions for extended periods, and
2: That you could ensure through a variety of means that you would likely be able to reassert your control over the "nativized"/feral descendants of those soldiers if and when you were able to regain your previous access? Remember, I'm talking about the equivalent of an island of tribal warriors in the face of the 18th century British Empire: they'd presumably be able to regain control through a short but overwhelming offensive, and if they couldn't then they'd likely have already been reduced to the point that they were no longer a major power anyways.
Solemn wrote:Of course, if the Loroi were not created to be warriors, that makes things more complicated. You suggested that they might have been created as survivalists. Perhaps the intention was that the Soia knew some cataclysm was coming that would destroy their civilization, and that they themselves lacked the ability to return themselves to their previous state after whatever catastrophe struck, so they created the Loroi as essentially a time capsule of Soia culture. That would make the Loroi the true heirs of the Soia empire, entrusted by the Soia with the burden of carrying on the ways of their ancestors and so forth, so the discovery of humanity and the truth of their origins would if anything help cement their grip on the galaxy.
Actually, I was just thinking that the artificial travel link that allowed FTL to this back-water of the Soia empire, and had presumably taken several thousand years to prepare, could potentially have been destroyed by an attack by a rival empire. The Soia discover that they can't stop the offensive before it gets here, but do have enough time to withdraw their own forces; so they seed several worlds with the warrior strains to "harvest" whenever they get around to coming back, leave, and their rivals sweep through destroying anything that they can figure out that they want to. They eliminate two of the Soia-engineered races in the process (or maybe those two just got really unlucky), but miss enough of the Neridi, Barsam, and Loroi for those races to reach their current status.
Solemn wrote:Or perhaps the Neridi are the true Soia, and the Loroi were expected to protect and shield them during and after the disaster.
Quite possible! They might have also be the descendants of some Soia tourists who got stranded when the accidentally missed the last ferry out before the line got scrapped as uneconomical, or something else comedic.
Solemn wrote:
Absalom wrote:Then again, maybe the Soia just had the ability to produce mind-control effects at Farseer ranges, in which case the development of Lotai-capable Loroi was possibly their downfall.
That raises more questions than it would answer. Questions like "why would they give the Loroi shorter range telepathy if they're going to be using their super-telepathy to telepathically control the in-range Loroi into using their weaker telepathic powers, instead of just doing whatever telewhatsis themselves, since they have both the range and the power to do so?"
Ah, no, that was intended as a separate scenario. Imagine that the Loroi were created as part of an experiment to try to figure out why Humans had Lotai, so that the Soia could counter it, and you'll be closer to what I was thinking. Telepathy would have been entirely unintentional.

For that matter, the Soia could have been more telepathically sensitive than the Golim.

I do think this entire line of reasoning is rather flimsy, though, since I doubt that there would have been enough opportunity for the Loroi to actually achieve this.
daelyte wrote:The advantage of narrow hips is a more efficient, energy-conserving gait when walking or running.
At the expense of natural births. Ergo, natural births were considered more important. One of the reasons I think the Loroi were intended as survivalists.
daelyte wrote:Large breasts seems to be mainly due to sexual selection, small ones work just as well for lactation purposes. Given that Loroi males don't really choose their mates, big boobs make little sense.
As I understand it (I'm not a doctor by any means), bigger breasts == bigger fat stores == more chance of bringing a child to term, AND of keeping that child alive long enough to wean. Another reason in favor of the Loroi being designed as survivalists.
daelyte wrote:Wide shoulders give more reach which is a great advantage in melee. Broad backs gives more room for muscles for increased upper body strength. Large lungs give more oxygen for high exertion in combat.

Therefore a race of warrior women would be more likely to have large muscular chests and small breasts.
Hence, Barsam == Primary assault troops (the regeneration helps too).
daelyte wrote:If the Loroi were developed/intended as special forces their attributes would be a better fit.

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Solemn »

Absalom wrote: If the Loroi were intended as telepathic ground troops, then they presumably wouldn't be too dangerous. They would have little if any of their own air-support, and presumably no space-superiority of their own. They would, instead, get used in the less threatening ground role, and could be either isolated or eliminated from orbit if they rebelled.

As for ship-board, they could be contained, perhaps even in a brig similar to that of Tempest. They would presumably also be restricted to lightly-armed and comparatively slow ground-assault ships in the first place, making it much easier to eliminate them than would otherwise be the case.
Consider the traits of Loroi telepathy.
  • It grants nearly all of them unhindered short-range lines of communication regardless of obstruction.
    It grants some of them unhindered short-range living-foe detection abilities regardless of obstruction, and grants a special few detection ranges at the astronomical scale.
    It grants a few of them unhindered telekinetic kill abilities regardless of obstruction.
    It grants them the ability to interrogate other telepathically-receptive species regardless of language, albeit presumably in a very limited and rudimentary way.
These traits, to me, indicate that the Loroi were given telepathy as a means of excelling at in-close fighting, in environments with a lot of obstructions and obstacles and perhaps multiple noncombatants. Whereas the Barsam would be field troopers of the sort you describe, the Loroi would be building breachers and ship boarders, and I believe that there would be an emphasis on the latter. Which means they are not ground troops, but a vital part of the Galactic Patrol. Neither of these roles would involve stationing the Loroi on a planet for long; their contribution to ground combat would be to have them seize the capitol and pull them out back to the Doomstar. Perhaps you would leave a couple of Mizol-types to help oversee the rule of your shiny new world, but if so you would certainly not want those Mizol to establish themselves too firmly or become too rooted; producing family on the planet would not help you. Replacing them with shipbred Loroi as needed would be cheaper than smashing some pocket empire created by a localized clan.

I understand that boarding operations are extremely dangerous and extremely unlikely in the Outsider universe, because the enemy ship must first be disabled and its contents must then be considered worth the boarding risk.

I also understand that the Soia used to cruise around in mini-Death Stars and strongly discouraged independent space travel. So presumably they if anyone would have the ability to disable and then take non-Soia ships at will, provided they won the fight in the corridors before the enemy could self-destruct. Furthermore, if anyone had the ability to create a device that could hold a ship still in space without damaging it excessively, it would be the people who have been proven able to bio-engineer telekinesis. And I would also assume that they if anyone would have the desire to do so in most cases, if only to find out where said ship had come from and what its purpose was.

We also know that Farseers are now considered most useful at discerning fleet movements at astronomical ranges, and that the technological amplifiers that allow them to do so were artifacts the Loroi discovered in Soia ruins. I assume this means that Farseers were always intended as shipboard presences, which in turn means you are guaranteed a Loroi presence aboard a ship, and since Soia ships were very, very large, you would presumably also have the space for Loroi production facilities or populations with associated education and medical support if only to replace lost or damaged Farseers.

However, that would require that the Loroi be armed and trained aboard the Soia Death Stars. Armed, because telekinetics and telepaths are never unarmed. Holding them locked down in isolated facilities aboard these megaships would be counterintuitive, as their purposes, as soldiers, farseers, possibly farseer-parents, and perhaps other support roles (consider the Listel, a nontrivial percentage of their population with perfect memories) would actually be hindered by doing so.

I think they are much more useful in those roles than as "survivalists," that their masters have more to gain and less to lose that way.

I am also dubious of your claim that the ancient Loroi could be contained in a smallish brig on a ship full of non-Loroi. They are telepaths and telekinetics, and I assume that in the Soia days they may have been significantly more powerful than they are now, since their genes and development were presumably actively maintained by the greatest biologists this galaxy has ever seen. If a Loroi rebels on a ship exclusively manned and operated by Loroi, perhaps they could be contained, but if the ship is in fact run by a telepathically vulnerable race then very frequently the only real option would be to kill her as soon as possible.
Absalom wrote: Reasonable plan, but what if you knew that
1: You could not guarantee that enemy raids would never eliminate your access to your soldier-production regions for extended periods, and
2: That you could ensure through a variety of means that you would likely be able to reassert your control over the "nativized"/feral descendants of those soldiers if and when you were able to regain your previous access? Remember, I'm talking about the equivalent of an island of tribal warriors in the face of the 18th century British Empire: they'd presumably be able to regain control through a short but overwhelming offensive, and if they couldn't then they'd likely have already been reduced to the point that they were no longer a major power anyways.
1. The Soia cruised around in artificial moons, in which I assume the majority if not entirety of their population resided. I think it's safe to assume their Loroi production facilities would always be on-hand.
2. Why bother?

Absalom wrote:As I understand it (I'm not a doctor by any means), bigger breasts == bigger fat stores == more chance of bringing a child to term, AND of keeping that child alive long enough to wean. Another reason in favor of the Loroi being designed as survivalists.
Any sort of fat storage would do for that purpose. Human breasts are something of a Fisherian Runaway. They have been selected for size, and we know this because our breasts are so much bigger than those of other primates, but they can cause back pain, impede sprinting, develop cancer at an above average rate... the most sensible explanation for their emergence is that guys like them.

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Voitan »

Solemn wrote:If I were the creator of the Loroi, I would not want them birthing their own children independent of my race's patronage and our own medical procedures. If they do that, they might start raising their children on their own. Making their own families. Their own culture. Their own civilization. And where does that end? With a conflict between our two different civilizations, which we had allowed to grow apart? I would not want to fight a race I had engineered to be psionic warriors.

I would want all Loroi children to be raised by my people.
It might have started out that way.

Perhaps through some conspiracy, or by a morally conflicted Soia, the restrictions were removed.

Might have even caused some huge conflict even.

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by DevilDalek »

Voitan wrote:
It might have started out that way.

Perhaps through some conspiracy, or by a morally conflicted Soia, the restrictions were removed.

Might have even caused some huge conflict even.
Maybe they were controlled through their restricted access to menfolk?

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by VictorValor »

DevilDalek wrote:Maybe they were controlled through their restricted access to menfolk?
Bravo sir, bravo.

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by DevilDalek »

Jericho wrote:
DevilDalek wrote:
Now that is very intersting, if they are very similiar biochemically but differ wildly in their phsiology, it might be proof of the Loroi being a Soia construct with humanity as a base.
Now al lthey need to do is compare Nibiren with Barsam and use the difference as a template to see if it would make the Loroi any more human ..
Well I dream,
But if the Loroi are Human related, having Alex around may trigger any number of suprising dormant needs the Soia have supressed... or designed to be triggered when humanity was met.
That is very unlikely given the fact that the loroi have been around for atleast seventyfive thousand years prior to humanity ever existing. I suppose you could say they based them off our more primitive ancestors but given their superficial similarity to us (Caucasians to be more exact) i find that unlikely.
Then your going to LOVE my theory that the moon is in fact a disguised Soi Dreadstar and Tswaing crater in Africa is the bombardment site where the planetside base was destroyed, a base that was used to monitor human development from the uplift that started with Dreiman Empire, and likely where the adaptation to Loroi took place.
Still think thats why we have a love for cats, an inbuilt safety device put in place by Dreiman, small lapdog sized creatures...
Come to think of it, I wonder how Anunnaki translates into trade....
After all the Annunaki did mate with the daughters of men and produce offspring, some of which are blue skinned.. several religious texts do show blue skinned individuals.

Of course all of that is complete hokum and ridiculous, but still, would make an awesome addition to humanities history and make for a cracking story.

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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Post by Jericho »

DevilDalek wrote:
Then your going to LOVE my theory that the moon is in fact a disguised Soi Dreadstar and Tswaing crater in Africa is the bombardment site where the planetside base was destroyed, a base that was used to monitor human development from the uplift that started with Dreiman Empire, and likely where the adaptation to Loroi took place.
Still think thats why we have a love for cats, an inbuilt safety device put in place by Dreiman, small lapdog sized creatures...
Come to think of it, I wonder how Anunnaki translates into trade....
After all the Annunaki did mate with the daughters of men and produce offspring, some of which are blue skinned.. several religious texts do show blue skinned individuals.

Of course all of that is complete hokum and ridiculous, but still, would make an awesome addition to humanities history and make for a cracking story.
Actually i do like it :D . Seems just as legit as any other right now.

I don't know about old religions depicting aliens in outsider (Human ones). Seems a bit stargatey to me :roll: .
If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through. General C.H Melchett commander of some unknown british regiment in the western front.

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