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Page 102

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 9:05 am
by Turrosh Mak
"Thats... wonderful..."

Come Alex, did you think it would be a cruise for two?

Re: Page 102

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:18 am
by fredgiblet
A romantic cruise for two is exactly what he ordered. He'll need to have a word with the travel agency when he gets back.

I wonder if Beryl thinks he's actually happy with the situation or if she can pick up on the tone.

Re: Page 102

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:19 pm
by bunnyboy
I decided to read WIP threads first to enjoy the new page as longer. :P

Nice. The details of the shuttle are astonishing.

Re: Page 102

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:35 pm
by Suederwind
Wow... that shuttle and its hangar are just amazing. :shock:

Re: Page 102

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:01 pm
by Ktrain
Beryl has yet to grasp the human concept of sarcasm...

Re: Page 102

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:08 pm
by sunphoenix
LOL! Obviously! Though from Fireblade's expression sarcasm may be the only hidden power we humans have over them! lol! None of the other seemed to react to his sarcasm either!

By the Way...SQEEEEEE!!!!! a New page!!! AWESOME!!!!

Re: Page 102

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:14 pm
by Jericho
Thank god a new page i was getting the itch :D !.

Highlander shuttle looks even better than i imagined it.

Re: Page 102

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:09 pm
by icekatze
hi hi

Fantastic! :D

I get the feeling that it wasn't so much Alex wanting to be alone with Beryl, but rather that he was hoping to get away from Fireblade. You know, the person who was responsible for slamming him into things and trying to crack open his mind.

Re: Page 102

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:30 pm
by DevilDalek
I tell you what I would like to see, a deck plan of that shuttle!looks like its going to be a mite cramped on there, throwing Alex And Fireblade into even more close proximity situations..

Re: Page 102

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 4:14 pm
by Trantor
Ktrain wrote:Beryl has yet to grasp the human concept of sarcasm...
...and then it will only confirm the Loroi in their opinion that spoken words are a tool of deception.
Heh. Heckuva job for you, Alex!

Re: Page 102

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 6:47 pm
by Mr Bojangles
Oh, come on, Alex. You and Fireblade in a small, enclosed space for an extended period of time? How does that not spell P-A-R-T-Y?

As to the page itself, excellent artwork, Arioch. The detail on the shuttle and the hangar is impressive!

Re: Page 102

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:54 pm
by Hālian
Plot twist: Alex is a crack shot at Magic: the Gathering.
Related plot twist: Wizards have already started printing cards in Trade.


Re: Page 102

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:53 am
by Karst45
fredgiblet wrote:I wonder if Beryl thinks he's actually happy with the situation or if she can pick up on the tone.
my guess is she really think he happy with that. After all when loroi "talk" to each other they cant lie so am pretty sure they don't know what sarcasm is. But i could be mistaken.
DevilDalek wrote:I tell you what I would like to see, a deck plan of that shuttle!looks like its going to be a mite cramped on there,
Well it a loroi shuttle designed for system travel, so for loroi standard it must be small, but for human standard it must be bigger than inside a submarine. At least comfortable enough for 6-7 person to travel in for an extended period of time

Mr Bojangles wrote:Oh, come on, Alex. You and Fireblade in a small, enclosed space for an extended period of time? How does that not spell P-A-R-T-Y?
If you change the order it can spell Pyrat... ok that not how you write Pirate but still close enough ;)
icekatze wrote:hi hi

Fantastic! :D

I get the feeling that it wasn't so much Alex wanting to be alone with Beryl, but rather that he was hoping to get away from Fireblade. You know, the person who was responsible for slamming him into things and trying to crack open his mind.

I find it funny that they think they should put the one who trew him into a wall and (i almost forgot) tortured him, as their body guard.

Re: Page 102

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:05 am
by Jericho
Wait are those floppy wings on the back of the shuttle? why would they need that?

Re: Page 102

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:24 am
by Solemn
Jericho wrote:wings
I heard a story once about 2001: A Space Odyssey. In this story, Kubrick had his design team come up with the most realistic spaceship designs they could, based on engineering principles rather than aesthetics. He then made modifications to the designs they created, stripping away almost all radiators and heatsinks. When asked why he did this, he said he didn't want his characters to have to explain to the audience why spaceships would have structures that look like wings.

Also that shuttle might conceivably be atmospheric.

Also fins make a ship look more predatory, and the Loroi seem like the type to want their ships to look threatening.

Also it's cool.

Re: Page 102

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:11 am
by Fotiadis_110
I strongly suspect he was trying to not be 'sarcastic' and rather 'political' after all, you shouldn't go around saying you dislike the person who was chosen to protect you, even if you really don't.

Finally, he just peeved the girl off, and now he's suddenly discovered he's going to be stuck with her in confined quarters for a prolonged period. Who knows what madness will come up next.

Query, in modern military, including first world war and second world war type conflicts, during prolonged military actions soldiers, sailors or pilots all receive some time off the front, rest and relaxation away from the chaos and mayhem. What sort of system would the Loroi operate regarding this type of system, i am aware prolonged periods aboard their warships are mostly quiet with short intense periods of high intensity terror, but while ships go to shore for a few days to restock, a space based fleet may not be able to justify the loss of a key warship/battleship, are they more likely to park up the spaceship, or run shifts of crew, where new crew members are brought aboard in cyclic manner to 'refresh' the staff and relieve the outgoing crew in turn?

Also, i randomly check the outsider page, to find they updated only the day before, +10 points to me ^_^

Re: Page 102

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:26 am
by fredgiblet
Karst45 wrote:I find it funny that they think they should put the one who trew him into a wall and (i almost forgot) tortured him, as their body guard.
It's probably intentional.
Fotiadis_110 wrote:Query, in modern military, including first world war and second world war type conflicts, during prolonged military actions soldiers, sailors or pilots all receive some time off the front, rest and relaxation away from the chaos and mayhem. What sort of system would the Loroi operate regarding this type of system, i am aware prolonged periods aboard their warships are mostly quiet with short intense periods of high intensity terror, but while ships go to shore for a few days to restock, a space based fleet may not be able to justify the loss of a key warship/battleship, are they more likely to park up the spaceship, or run shifts of crew, where new crew members are brought aboard in cyclic manner to 'refresh' the staff and relieve the outgoing crew in turn?
From what Arioch has said they are re-supplied on location and the crews aren't swapped out. IIRC it's been months since SG51 has been in port.

Re: Page 102

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:06 pm
by Yiuel
The power of Sarcasm. Especially when the receiving end fails to comprehend the notion.

Re: Page 102

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:01 pm
by GeoModder
Yay for the new page! :D

From the look on their faces (in the airlock picture), I think Fireblade's two sidekicks will keep quiet around Alex as well from now on.
Sleek looking shuttle there. Will we have the opportunity to see it from aft? Wondering about the engine layout there (if the engines on the wings are for both space -and atmospheric propulsion, or if there's a separate engine setup in the center part of the hull for the former). Looks like it has plenty of hatches on the sides: two visible from our point of view, and at least one where the umbilical is attached to.
Is the shuttle already in a "launch position" in the hangar? Just wondering because of the girders (pipes) visible around the shuttle. And how high is that hangar? Looks like there's still plenty of space below the shuttle.
Also, we're done with Tempo from now on? :cry:

Re: Page 102

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:24 pm
by Smithy
Those retractable wing's are clearly (he says knowingly) control surfaces for operation in atmosphere. I would be extremely surprised if they where utilised while in vacuum...

Anyhows, let alone the Loroi not being great on the sarcasm front. From my own personal experience, Americans don't seem to be too hot on it either...