Writing Prompts

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Sweforce »

Regarding the technology used to move Nathanael, there is a perfectly good reason why it could still be operational, self repair and self replication. It doesn't have to go to the grey goo scenario, the just have to be able keep their numbers up. Actually, part of the Soia civilization may still be operational on sheer momentum of the technology. For the Soia themselves I suspect that they may still be around as uploads and if not, they came from somewhere and may still be there. The British Isles didn't cease to exist just because they dismantled their empire. It is very expensive to run empires.


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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

When they sat, Fireblade continued: „As you have already dreaded, there are techniques to attack any defense. I will show you the most common ones; and find out what Beryl did there at the ernd.“

At least she is having fun, thought Alex. He mined his brain for the next song.

Instead of charging at him, Fireblade sent him the image of stubbing ones toe really hard. Instinctively Alex cringed. That lapse in concentration cost him as he received a triumphant: „Ha, she always had a quick tongue!“

Alex begged: „Please, can't you dig up embarrassing childhood memories instead?“

„Such as, Enzin?“

Desperate to keep her from ransacking his head for more details on Beryl, Alex threw out what came to his mind: „Like that one time I had a crush on Susan two years older than me.“

As Fireblade plunged into him again, Alex knew that he had made a mistake.

„Haha, two for the price of one! You need to work on your discipline, Enzin.“

„That's why I came to you, Fireblade. Once this is over I will feel thankful that you're teaching me Mizol tricks.“

Alex felt her pause at that. With some uncertainty she then sent: „These aren't Mizol tricks. I don't know them actually. What I do know is a state secret.“

Alex didn't like the implications: „Then this won't help me against them?“

„These are principles that all Sanzai shares. The Mizol have made an art out of them.“ With a good deal of amusement, Fireblade continued: „While it will help, you will be an open book for hundreds of cycles or even several tozons.“

She's going to know every inch of Beryl after this, realised Alex.

Sitting on her bed Tempo checked her data pad one last time for the day. Since SG51 had just met up with a supply convoy there was a wave of new minor messages and issues to deal with. None of them that couldn't wait on her next shift luckily.

After she had scrolled through the usual gut of more or less unusable information on enemy troop movements she had one more item for the day.

Tempo checked on Jardins file. Her Mizols had done a good job. His movements had been recorded , which was easier than expected, since most of today was spent in his cabin. That it was spent with Beryl made Tempo bite her lip. Skipping through a video feed fifteen thousand solon long made her regret losing that bet with Fireblade.

His current position made her rise. He was where? Impossible and so quickly after Beryl left.

Tempo quickly sent to Cloud. Conveniently quartered a few cabins over.

„Cloud, do you know where Jardin is now?“

„Of course I do, Tempo. The whole ship knows.“ Her reply came groggily as if half asleep. Tempo decided to ignore the dream fragments that seeped through. Ashrain, really?

„Did they go dark?“

„Unusually dark for Fireblade. Nobody knew she could do that. That's even bigger news than a male being a male.“

Tempo didn't know how to feel about those news. Getting Fireblade some much needed encounter cleared up a lot of problems for her and personally she was glad for her. Yet having Fireblade double her winnings herself didn't seem fair. That was cheating in Tempos mind.

Unless of course, they did something else. Without a video feed from her cabin to check, the matter would have to wait to tomorrow.

Sitting on her bed Stillstorm worked through the messages of the day. As always getting resupplied meant receiving more than just munitions. Most of these minor tasks could be handled by her stuff.

One message in particular required her personal attention. That alien was to be sent to Seren with the next supply run in friendly territory. In a few weeks the alien would be out of her hair. All it needed was a slight detour to friendly territory. Thanks to the surplus crew from Gora she didn't even need to send her crew. Brightshield would handle it during transit to Seren.

Stillstorm imagined the satisfaction the Mizol would show at being given that assignment and decided to send a few Soroin from Gora with Jardin as well. That stratagem gave it a lot of respect amongst the survivors. Maybe this way Jardin had a chance of reaching Seren without spilling all his nations secrets into the lap of the Mizol.

As a raid leader Stillstorm could keep well away from Seren politics. Judging from his past performance, Jardin would do well to do the same. As a diplomat it was laughable. Tempo played a cruel trick when she gave it diplomatic status.

That thought made her pause. Tempo had also given Jardin military status as attache. In that position the alien had proven to be more valuable and had managed to garner the respect of many warriors.

The Umiak pressed them hard because some of their ships were undetectable. An underdeveloped species of six worlds with a natural Lotai would be seen as a threat on Seren. Was Jardin good enough of a diplomat to deal with that?

Its only chance was to gather a lot of respect amongst the Loroi, showing the Emperor that humanity could be trusted. Stillstorm loathed the thought of waging a new -though short and one sided- war right after they had beaten the Shells.

Stillstorms reputation as a harsh, uncalculable commander suited her fine. Yet she was aware of her own shortcomings. Her temperament had often gotten the better of her in the past and had made her diskiked with the admiralty. She was also a traditionalist, honourbound , predictable. Now that the Stray had reveled that the Shells had extensive files on her, the enemy might use that against her.

That could not stand, she realised. No shell would get the better of her because she let her morals get in the way.

A new perspective was needed. Something or somebody to prod her thinking into new directions.

This was one of the times her own reputation came back to haunt her. None of her officers would dare give her such ill-tasting advice.

She needed an outsiders perspective was her grudging conclusion. Somebody who used underhanded tricks, a fresh take on things. Somebody that had the backbone to say no to her even if it meant staring her down.

Dislike it as she may, she had such a person on board. That alien could be very valuable to SG51. More valuable here than on Seren as a mockery of a diplomat in any case. More valuable to humanity as a tactician in her staff than as a dispenser of state secrets to the first pair of pretty ears that came its way.

But Stillstorm couldn't go against orders from the admiralty. Diplomacy fell on the Mizol anyway.

It was given a diplomatic function by Tempo, she thought, yet also a military one. If I can't refuse this order, the alien can. Stillstorm would need to make Jardin choose SG51 from its own volition.

The thought of having an alien run around her ship, working hand in hand with her hit her to her core. What had things come down to?

No matter, her own discomfort was secondary to winning the war. If that alien meant saved Loroi then she had to use it. If that later saved her from bombing population centers from orbit, so be it.

Yet Stillstorm saw no easy way to convince Jardin. Surely he would love to leave her hospitality behind for Seren. Directly calling him out as a coward fleeing the front could do it. The last time that had shown quite the reaction. A pity that alien would not accept a second invitation to her quarters.

No, the matter required more of a diplomatic approach. Parts of the formalities would fall on others anyway.

Tomorrow she would speak to her Parat.
Earlier story parts had Alex being easier to read once his Lotai had been breached once. It even went so far as to have him Sanzai Beryl without touching.
So Tempo being able to find him after hours of exposure or at least keeping the connection open seems possible. And should be a personal drawback to Alex opening up to the Loroi. I mean, Tempo might be friendly, but what about (.)(.)7 the Mizol operative?

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

Oh, how it must rankle Stillstorm that she actually has to refer to Alex for tactical advice. Yes, she might have alluded to that on their fateful meeting, but there's no squirming out of it anymore.

And, nice touch with Fireblade. While Alex may find Brightshield amiable and his Lotai does trust Tempo enough to let her in, so to say, they did drop quite a bomb on him and he still can't be sure if they play with open cards. Of course they don't, they're Mizol after all. So getting a second (or third) opinion is definitely a wise choice.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by orion1836 »

Dibs on the next Nathan bit. I've got an idea. Great job, novius.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by CF2 »

Ha! I had thought to leave Nathan on a similar cliffhanger back in his cabin, if just to see how someone would pull things back from the brink.
Also, I just now realize that I had confused Tin and Argent for different people. So I may have to go back and edit my piece so that it doesn't sound like she and others are referring to her as a seperate person.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

Originally thought to be a filler, but, well, here goes:

Waking up with a pounding headache had become a distressing normal thing since he had been brought in from drifting in space.

Fireblade didn't lie. Of course she didn't lie, save for Mizol, Alex was sure there isn't one dishonest bone in a Loroi's body, and even the Mizol may prefer to lie by omission rather than telling a deliberate falsehood.

'A Mizol never tells the whole story', he thought, purporting a saying he picked up somewhere.

'I've never heard the tenets of a Mizol summed up that succinctly. Where did you get the original saying from?', Fireblade's thoughts drifted in.

Huh, yes, right, Alex noticed, as he regained his senses. They were still joined, unsure about the picture they would present to an observer.

On Fireblade's suggestion he aimed for one of the chairs, but she obviously had a different idea in mind, as she directed him towards the bed, urging him to lie down.

While hot-bunking is common enough and had been a thing in his career - and hers, too, she acknowledged - he still felt a bit hestitant on lying down on a bed she obviously just slept in.

'And', that thought came unbidden to him, 'especially after we actually told each other that we both wouldn't be adverse to...'

Alex had felt Fireblade's smile in his mind, the warm glow that was her intensifying for a moment. A silent promise of 'Soon...', followed with a more well-formed of '...but not today'.

That's how he found himself again on waking up.

Stretched out on Fireblade's bed, and in the meantime, she must have lain down, too, right next to him, but thankfully they both were still clothed, the fingers of his left hand laced with hers of her right hand.

And that was needed. She didn't lie when she said that her idea of training would be brutal. Try as I might she wouldn't let my hand go.

He lifted his right hand up to his nose, touching a suspicious wetness. Bringing his fingertips to his eyes he noticed they were covered in blood - he must have gotten his nose bleeding over the course of the mental attack.

Fireblade picked up on his trepidation. 'This is quite normal, because fending off a mental attack puts the brain into overdrive, requiring more oxygen, and thus a stronger blood flow. The capillaries in the nose would be the first to burst. There is a saying amongst Teidar: "If your nose doesn't start bleeding, you're not doing it right." '

'Jeez, sounds like my old drill instructor.', he sent, together with a picture of an elderly man in uniform, built like a lighthouse and his favourite saying of "no pain, no gain".

'Sounds about right', Fireblade agreed, 'now, about that saying about Mizol?'

'Oh, right. I think it's from another piece of fiction, but reused many times over. It usually covers a society or a group of people shrouding themselves in secrecy and mostly operating on a 'need to know' base. As in, you're only entitled to the pieces of knowledge to do your job, and they are prone to keep interesting background information to themselves', Alex explained.

'I see. You need to refer to some cultural background to convey the full meaning of the saying, but the words alone do catch the gist of it. Much the same as with the song you tried at the very start.'

Some fleeting images told Alex that she picked up much more than the song itself.

'The first thing every Loroi child learns is that the brain works with associations, and they often enough bleed through sanzai, just because of their relation to the thought you intend to send. I'm sure Tempo already told you this as well, but this can't be stressed often enough. When you thought about that specific song, I got the idea that it came from a fictional works and early-days avionics was largely featured in it', she sent, accompanied with a picture of two ancient fighter jets locked in aerial combat.

Fireblade smiled, then a thought came to her. 'Are all human minds that ... cluttered'?

'Don't rightly know', Alex answered. 'I only had my own mind to myself and no comparison, remember?'

'Point.', she laughed. 'And even now you just have Loroi minds for comparison - not other humans.'

'That gives me an idea, though... Can you try once more?'

Fireblade blinked. 'You are a glutton for punishment. Don't make me protect you from your own self-destructive tendencies. Well, here goes...'

What she didn't expect was being flooded by a a whole stream of images, sounds, sensations, emotions, thoughts - his first kiss, burning his hand on a stove, a boring presentation in a stateroom, the vertigo of weightlessness while he was drifting through space, an image of a skull in a space suit like his... More and more thoughts rushed in, in an ever faster pace. None these images held steady for long enough to lock herself onto it and she felt her attack wavering as if she had stumbled into a cloud of stinging, biting insects.

'What... was that?', she asked, after pulling back.

'Your question gave me that idea. I've looked into Beryl's and Tempo's... and now your mind and see that they're highly organized. Perhaps because of your sanzai. You described mine as 'cluttered'. So I thought that maybe just pure, random thoughts, and lots of them could throw you into a loop.'

'It caught me unawares. Keep that in mind, but we should concentrate on more conventional forms of defense first before experimenting?'

'Makes sense', Alex agreed.

'But... not now. You might be willing to overexert herself, but I'm sure Beryl, Tempo, perhaps Talon and the whole Gora Relay crew would try to take it out of my hide if I would let you come to harm.'

Alex picked up a picture that that would end with lots of Loroi being severely hurt and Fireblade in the brig.

'Best not to let it come to that. Are you alright with me staying a while, until the nosebleed stops, then? Shouldn't take long.'

Alex felt her agreement, with a wordless question tacked on.

'What do you mean?', he prompted.

'You could do me ... a favour as well', her thoughts came haltingly, 'Beryl... told us that your Lotai shields her from outside thoughts, and that we 'go dark' to other Loroi, too, when in your presence?' On Alex's nod she continued. 'I'd very much like that. While sleeping, the thoughts of other Loroi tend to intrude upon mine, and mine on theirs, it's ... distressing.'

This was no easy thing for Fireblade to ask, far by not, Alex realized. But he imposed upon her for the additional lessons, so he would be a cad to not to repay her in kind.

'Just sleeping right now, right?', he asked.

Fireblade's glow intensified, in amusement. 'As much as I'd wish for more, the lessons tired me out as well, and I do need a bit more sleep. And you do, too. No arguments. You human males may be made of sterner stuff than ours, but even you have your limits!'

Alex felt the subtext of her sending. She was denied mating encounters because the caretakers feared her hurting the males. And she herself shared that fear, too. She was elated at the thought that maybe, just maybe, there could be a male out there where she wouldn't have to fear accidentally breaking him.

And, that male could be just right here, she thought to herself.


Tempo sighed. And checked again on the reports. They didn't change.

Another three thousand solons, and he's still in Fireblade's quarters. This is so wrong - mating encounters simply cannot last that long!

Well, perhaps with humans they may.

Tempo wasn't even sure anymore if she should look forward to the prospect of calling in 'her turn', or in trepidation.

Forcing her thoughts away from that human male's libido she focused on the tale of the other human male the Loroi encountered. So far Losat Brightshield stayed cooperative and provided Tempo with the remaining files on the incident.

And these files prove themselves to be ... interesting.

Officially, this diral was later regarded as "the lost diral". When it came to picking up the Soroin initiates, their drop-off location was found deserted with no Loroi in sight, and their provisions largely untouched. As the report goes, a search crew traced their steps to a Soia ruin where they must have engaged some ancient device, causing the demise of the whole diral, as well as much of the plant and animal life in the larger area.

So far the official story, made up for public consumption.

Inofficially, when it came to picking up the Soroin initiates, they found not only those, but said human and his artifacts, as well as the structures he built. Recognizing it as a true First Contact situation - one that almost went haywire - they called in for a Mizol delegation to facilitate a line of communication and an investigation on how the human ended up on Deinar.

Further records are inconclusive, but by the fragmentary report the diral was collectively foisted off to the Oran Hos’te Blec clan, as well as that human. For what reason, Tempo couldn't discern, but secrecy might be one, since that clan is well-known for its seclusive lifestyle.

How by the stars would they accept fourty-eight warrior initiates and one alien?, Tempo wondered.

Interestingly though, there were some Soia ruins present at the diral's landing site - Soia ruins are quite a common feature on Deinar, after all - but the reports lists the function of these ruins as 'inconclusive', and no artifacts of value were ever retrieved from it.

The discussion they had on the Highland-7 came back to her mind.

More and more, it looks much like Loroi and Humans do have some shared history.

And even if there are more pressing demands in the present, it would be wrong to ignore this.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

Nice nod with 'What to do with Jardin'. I am going to say however is that I don't want to go full crack-fic with the story so no Human-Loroi hybrids. They were by far the weakest part of that story. I am working on the next part as well, so I hope no ninja shenanigans.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

dragoongfa wrote:Nice nod with 'What to do with Jardin'. I am going to say however is that I don't want to go full crack-fic with the story so no Human-Loroi hybrids. They were by far the weakest part of that story. I am working on the next part as well, so I hope no ninja shenanigans.
Yep, and that was about the extent of how far I would go with that. After all, that was the weak point in WtdwJ - now it stands to reason if there was some intention behind it. Or at least prior knowledge. :mrgreen:

But, promised. No knocking up any of the Loroi in this story thread :)

Waiting for the next part on both :)

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Krulle »

novius wrote: But, promised. No knocking up any of the Loroi in this story thread :)
And here I was thinking about that damnable Mizol experimenting in-situ instead for waitingfor the better equiped central worlds medical centres....
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

I'm sure we all pondered the matter of Loroi/human hybrids as soon as Tempo brought it up.

Now....back to waiting for the next part.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

The buzzer woke both of them up, Alex thought for a moment that someone wanted to get into the cabin but Fireblade reassured him instantly.

"My shift on the bridge is about to start." She sent before standing up and breaking the connection they had.

He wondered for how long they had slept as he sat up, catching himself ogling Fireblade as she put on her armor.

Damn, the bodysuits leave little to the imagination Alex thought before trying to push the thought away.

"What time is it?" He asked before remembering that Fireblade didn't like to talk.

"Noon." Fireblade replied immediately as she put on her breastplate.

"Thanks." His stomach growled at that, reminding him that he couldn't postpone eating for much longer. He had come to loathe eating since they had yet to find something agreeable with him but he wouldn't do much good if he starved.

It took barely a couple of minutes for Fireblade to fully don her armor and make for the door before gesturing at him to follow her.

"Yeah. It wouldn't look good if I lingered here after you left." He agreed before remembering to ask her not to tell Tempo about their training session. "I would appreciate it if you don't inform Tempo that I asked you to train me." She just smiled and nodded in understanding at that before she opened the door and walked outside with him in tow. They barely took a couple of steps before he saw her back tense as she turned and looked at a Soroin further up the corridor, the warrior stopping in her tracks for a moment before cutting a corner and getting out of sight.

"I am going to go grab something to eat and hopefully find someplace to have a shower." Alex told her and he saw her relax slightly before he took a turn towards the nearest mess hall.

* * *

The one thing Stillstorm hadn't expected was for the alien to actually mate with Fireblade, for all her numerous faults the steadfast Teidar was her final insurance in case it ended up betraying them but now even she fell victim to its wiles.

"You wanted to see me my Lashret?"
Fireblade announced respectfully as she waited outside her cabin.

"Yes, you may enter."
Stillstorm made sure to pay extra attention to the Teidar's mental state and demeanor as she entered her cabin. Fireblade was actually noticeably calmer than usual, her usually tumultuous mental signature restrained and even honed. Something that everyone around her noticed as the Teidar passed by them. Stillstorm just stared at the Teidar for several solons as she stood in attention in front of her desk before finally sending to her.

"I didn't expect you to lower yourself to such a degree that you would mate with it."
Fireblade's mind flared up in anger momentarily before resting in mild amusement which caught Stillstorm off guard.

"I haven't mated with Him yet."
Fireblade's response caught Stillstorm off balance, the Teidar had spent all of the morning with it and out of contact and she didn't mate with it? And she considered it a he that was a worthy mate?

"And what were you doing with it if not mating."
Stillstorm asked.

"He asked me to train him against mental incursion and in return I asked him for us to sleep next to each other so I could sleep without bothering or being bothered by anyone."
Fireblade replied truthfully.

"You trained an alien? Did you just admit betraying your caste and the Union?"
Stillstorm barked at her angrily.

"I agreed to train a declared ally who saved my life and the lives of hundreds of Loroi warriors and I haven't divulged any privileged Teidar techniques nor do I plan to do so without the express consent of my caste's elders. I consider both my honor and my duty to the Union to be unsullied."
Fireblade replied stubbornly enough for Stillstorm to relent.

"Very well, I cannot find fault with your honor although I do find your judgement to be dubious in regards to its allegiance."
Stillstorm replied before realizing something. "Why did it ask you and not Parat Tempo or Losat Brightshield?"

"He doesn't trust them because he knows of Mizol dubiousness." Of all things she expected to receive this one was not one of them.

"So it's smarter than it seems, although it is stupid enough to have mated with Parat Tempo."
Stillstorm commented drawing a sense of amusement out of the Teidar in front of her.

"I can reassure you my Lashret that Captain Jardin has only mated with Tozet Beryl and that was last night. I even have an ongoing wager with Parat Tempo about the issue."
The Teidar replied truthfully catching Stillstorm completely off balance.


"He and Tozet Beryl were about to mate when you arrived at Gora Relay but they hadn't mated beforehand and I ensured that military regulations were upheld after your declaration about ensuring an encounter with him. Both Parat Tempo and Tozet Beryl disappeared at times from sanzai because they were testing his telepathic abilities and training him. The rumors about them actually mating are false."
Fireblade reassured her.

"So I was in the wrong of being judgemental of them. Although Beryl did exhibit ill discipline yesterday when she rushed to mate with him."
Stillstorm replied.

"I consider Tozet Beryl's honor to be intact. She broke no regulations and mated with Captain Jardin with his full consent as befit of a warrior."
Fireblade replied.

"Of course you would cover your friend."

"It is the truth and as a Teidar I will stand by it."
Fireblade replied with a forced steady tone, making Stillstorm regret letting her temper get the best of her.

"Fine, I find Tozet Beryl to not be at fault for anything and I praise you for defending the truth and the unsullied honor of a fellow warrior."
Stillstorm sent before turning the conversation to what was important. "In the training you offered him you undoubtedly learned a lot of things about him and his kind. Are you prepared to report them as is your duty to the Union?" The Teidar became momentarily conflicted at that before deciding on a course of action.

"I did learn a lot about him and his kind and I am prepared to divulge said information but I will not divulge personal and intimate thoughts and memories and I want your honorable promise that Parat Tempo is not to learn of the training I have provided and will be providing him until I am satisfied with his ability to defend himself."
Fireblade declared.

"I am impressed that it managed to get this degree of loyalty out of you. Fine I accept your condition and I swear that Parat Tempo will not be made aware of your agreement with the alien."
Stillstorm replied and Fireblade just nodded before rearranging everything she learned in her mind.

"I can confirm that, as far as he is aware, his kind has had no awareness or contact with either the Loroi Union or the Hierarchy. He was not aware of the Lotai his kind naturally possesses and neither was he aware of his kind's telepathic potential. All of the stories his kind has created over their history are pure fiction made for entertainment and he does believe that any and all similarities are mere coincidences until proven otherwise. He understands fully that his kind is not able to provide much in the war effort but he is fully convinced that the Loroi Union is the sole sensible choice as an ally and protector of his kind and is willing to do everything he is able to in order to ensure Union victory. I am ready to transfer the memories proving these facts to a Listel of your choice."
Fireblade reported.

"That's... good to confirm... Are you certain that he wasn't somehow deceiving you or having been mentally deceived himself?" Stillstorm asked just to make sure.

"His mind bore no evidence of mental manipulation nor did it exhibit the mental organization necessary for even the slightest deception. The only way for him to come to believe all he does is if it is the truth." Fireblade reassured her.

"So it all is as he has been claiming." Stillstorm thought.

"Yes my Lashret it is as He has been claiming." Fireblade pressed making Stillstorm realize that she had thought of it as a he, not just once but numerous times. "I assure you my Lashret that Captain Jardin is a He and that he considers all Loroi warriors he has met as attractive females and this includes you."

"Don't push me Teidar!" Stillstorm warned her.

"I strongly believe that both He and you have unnecessarily insulted and angered each other." Fireblade insisted.


"And you called into question the honor of both Tozet Beryl and Parat Tempo in his presence without evidence. In his mind he had to return the insult laid against them by embarrassing and angering you." Fireblade replied with an heated tone.

"A male has no business trying to defend the honor of warriors unless he intends to dishonor them further!"

"He is a male but he is also a warrior. His primary drive is to avenge his murdered comrades and bring worth to their sacrifice. He understands honor. Failing to understand that because of his male attributes is a grave insult to both him and the weight he carries."
Fireblade insisted.

"You have become dangerously infatuated with him."
Stillstorm warned her.

"Maybe but I have yet to send anything that is not the truth as I have witnessed it."
Fireblade commented.

"I have yet to find any problem with your honor Teidar, make sure it stays that way."
Stillstorm sent and dismissed the Teidar who turned in the spot and left; leaving her alone to her thoughts.

I am impressed Captain Jardin, Fireblade was never an easy Teidar to handle and yet you have gained her recognition and loyalty. She thought as she picked the mental commotion reverberating from the lower decks of the ship. What did the alien do this time?
Now who wants to write some trouble in the cafeteria and/or showers? :P

EDIT: And for all that's holy, keep it tasteful or at the very worst just ecchi.
Last edited by Guest on Sat Jul 14, 2018 6:49 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

Man, that Stillstorm needs to calm down. That temperament can't be good for her health. Right now she's all storm, zero stillness.
After some trial and error his datapad lead Alex to the main mess hall of Tempest. It was rather roomy for a mess hall. The room was filled with tables for four or six and chairs. Alex noticed that unlike the corridors, the mess hall was decorated. The chairs looked comfortable, there were several paintings of Tempest ,all martial, on the walls and there was an actual tree in the middle of the room. The Loroi seemed to value communal areas over private spaces such as cabins.

Since the shifts had just changed, a sizeable amount of Loroi filled the hall. As Alex entered the room, they all turned their heads towards him. Feeling his backside prickle Alex tried a: „Hello.“ That luckily made most of the Loroi turn to their food again.

One side of the mess was filled with a counter full of foodstuffs. Alex made his way there. Some of the dishes he recognized already and thus avoided them. As hungry as Alex was, he had no desire to sprint panicked through the mess hall.

Instead he stopped at a dish that seemed to be a casserole. Testing the smell Alex thought it smelled similar to seafood. His grumbling stomach decided for him.

Turning he recognized Brightshield in the mess hall. She gave him a big smile and cleared a space next to her as he approached.

„Enzin, how nice to see you here. Have you come for some Loroi delicacies?“

„I've found something that looks good, at least, Brightshield.“ his answers made her eyes sparkle.

„You are so good at words. It's a pleasure. Usually only Mizol are this fluent.“

As he had already taken a careful bite from his dish, Alex couldn't answer. It really did taste like seafood with a bit of mushroom, Alex figured.

„Mhm, this is good. What is it?“ Alex asked.

Brightshield mustered his dish for a moment and then leaned back a bit. „That is from Perrein. You have to ask Parat Tempo what it is exactly. Something like an octopus, probably.“

Alex continued eatinh slowly and carefully. He still didn't trust this food fully. But his empty stomach made him clean his plate quickly. While Brightshield curiously and a little unbelieving watched him eat, Alex remembered something.
„I've thought a bit about your last visit, about those pictures you showed me..“

Brightshield leaned into him and cut him off: „Enzin, I'd love to talk about that, but let's keep that intimade between us.“

The look he got from her was only partially flirting, the rest was professionalism. Understanding, yet still feeling corny, Alex played along.

„You know where my cabin is if you're in the mood.“ The early blushing made it only more believable.

It also got a real laugh out of Brightshield. „Have you already recuperated from exercise with Tozet Beryl and Pallan Fireblade this quickly?“

Full on blushing now Alex decided to abort. „Actually, I'd rather like a shower now.“

„Me too. Come, I'll show you the showers.“

„I should have seen this coming.“ despaired Alex.

„You want what?“ Tempo couldn't believe what she had just heard.

„I want Jardin to become my adjutant and make himself useful in Tempests staff.“ Stillstorms tone was perfectly level if a bit annoyed. Whether at Tempo or at herself, Tempo could not say.

„An alien in your staff?“ Tempo felt strained to maintain her usual composure.

„If I have to have an alien on my ship, it can at least make itself useful. It can assist with the menial tasks of planning.“

„You despise him, Lashret.“

„Its ideas can be useful.“

„There has got to be more to this.“ she let her suspicioun clearly seep through.

Stillstorm remained explicitly calm. She has thought about this was Tempos conclusion. This is one of those times she has an answer prepared for everything. With an inner sigh Tempo arranged herself with a lot of extra work already.

„With the last supply train came a message from High Command. The alien ambassador is to be sent to Seren next time SG51 is resupplied.“

That was alarming to Tempo. Stillstorm just announced that she planned to ignore direct orders. With narrow eyes she pressed her for more.

„Then why give him a position if he's being sent away? Unless you plan going against your orders, Lashret.“

„Don't be silly, Parat. Of course I am not going against orders. The alien is.“

Tempo was reeling. „What?“

„You declared him ambassador but also military attache, Parat. Those two positions are mutually exclusive given the circumstances. Should the ambassador choose to remain with us, SG51 would be honour bound to accept.“

„Why would he ever express such a wish, Stillstorm?“

„Because you will find a way to convince it of the benefits.“

„My duty is to follow the orders from High Command. Counteracting them on a technicality is hardly proper, Lashret.“

„I thought you liked technicalities, Parat Tempo.“

The Parat had to blink a few times at this. Stillstorm was known for crass decisions, but this was something new. „Jardins mission is to be a diplomat, Lashret.“

„Its mission is to curry favour for its species, Parat Tempo. A species with a natural Lotai. Can Alexander Jardin help their survival as a diplomat or as a strategist?“

„You care about humanity?“

„No, you do, Parat.“

Yes, this was one of those times indeed. Enzins diplomatic conduct so far had been catastrophic. The three Loroi he chose to lower his Lotai with were a data gathering specialist, a leaking Teidar and a Mizol operative. Between the three of them,Tempo figured they already knew everything worthwhile.

„Fine. But we will need to keep this strictly off-records and find a way to placate Seren.“

The Mizol would have physically dragged him to the showers if the Loroi were in the habit of touching. So she settled on disarming him by a face full of genuine joy.

„You will love it. Loroi bathing facilities are a great boost to morale, Enzin.“ informed him Brightshield on the way.

They passed a door into a room full of shelves with uniforms and clothes on. From behind another door the faint sound of running water could be heard.

„We'll come to a small washroom. It's customary to pre wash oneself before entering the baths proper.“

Alex turned away from Brightshield and grabbed his collar. „Are there, uh, less public facilities to undress and shower?“

„The only private shower is the Commanders. You could ask her.“ teased Brightshield.

„I'd rather not even think about it.“

„Are you sure, from what I heard you caused quite the excitement last time you met her.“

Alex turned, wanting to ask what she had heard and was stopped in his tracks. The Loroi was already naked and leaned against the wall behind Alex, watching him.

„Uh, I thhought there was a taboo on showing yourself naked?“ a dumbstruck Alex asked.

„Obviously not in the baths. Now hurry up.“ she said without looking him in the eyes once.

After a bit of awkwardness Alex decided to just go with it. It was only Brightshield and both had told each other already of their interest in his cabin, so he saw no harm. Besides, now that he had some time with Beryl, he was sure his body wouldn't make things even more awkward.

A conviction he found hard to keep as Brightshield washed her body opposite of him in the next room. Her long hair looked good wet. Desperately he fought down the memory of Beryl.

With both of them washed, Brightshield made it worse. She actually put an arm around his shoulders. „Humanity doesn't mind touching, right?“ It seemed to Alex that Loroi social norms were significantly softer in the baths than elsewhere.
As she lead him through the doors into the bathing room, this turned into a serious issue. He hadn't expected what he saw. Apparently Tempest was equipped with a full bath. Several pools and basins were arranged in a large room. Some of the pools steamed and the whole room was tastefully decorated with natural rocks and plants.

He took in the two dozen or so Loroi that -naturally- all stared at him. All in various states of wetness. Never before was he so happy humanity couldn't receive Sanzai. The collective squee would have been deafening.

Outside his datapad blinked. A message from Tempo appeared on the display.
„Enzin, please meet me in my quarters once you have the energy for it. Off duty. Sedel“

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Warringrose »

Outside his datapad blinked. A message from Tempo appeared on the display.
„Enzin, please meet me in my quarters once you have the energy for it. Off duty. Sedel“
I'd bring Fireblade and a few more loyal friends. Maybe even Brightshield. For protection.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

Huh :) I had some completely different kind of commotion in mind what Alex could cause in the mess hall, but this setting is even better.

Dibs on the next part!

And, still anxiously waiting how Nathanial would get himself out of the dark spot he found himself in - figuratively and literally :)
In addition, I had the idea that food from Perrein, of all things, could turn out to be the food he has least problems with it. That idea had been put on hold with his and Beryl's experiments, but I'm still thinking about it. Just for the comedic value of Alex actually preferring food that only few Loroi, including Tempo, have a taste for.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

Warringrose wrote: I'd bring Fireblade and a few more loyal friends. Maybe even Brightshield. For protection.
I'm sure Captain Jardin won't notice any untowards behaviour of Parat Tempo. They might need to work through a few things once he knows the full story. But who knows just how dirty novius part will end up.

Nice. Well, that came to pass now. Perhabs you should check your Lotai.

If any of you are ever in Japan, visit an Onsen. Then you'll understand why the Loroi have something similar.

Who's got dibs on Nathaniel right now?

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

That's Orion1836

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

Continuation of 'Beacons'

Steamy? You could say so. Dirty? No. After all, we are in a hot bath, right? Right?

In his conscious mind, Alex understood the practicalities of the setup. If there's no issue with mixed crew, since the ships are staffed all-female, why bother with separated showers?

The possibility that the Tempest would host a male - alien or not - had never crossed the minds of her designers, then, he added to his thought, keenly aware of the gazes of the assembled Loroi resting on him, with expression ranging from mild interest to barely restrained hunger.

Though the former type of looks was far less numerous on the Loroi faces than the latter one. He felt reminded of his first trip to the mess hall, it had been about the same, though on a much lesser scale.

And, incidentally, it was again Brightshield to the rescue, regardless whether she intended that or not. She still had her arm around his shoulders, and her giving the others some pointed glances wouldn't require any sanzai to convey the meaning. This was a clear 'hands off' signal.

Or rather like 'he's mine, for now', Alex added, remembering the tidbits about Loroi male/female interactions.

While it stopped them from doing any overt action, if they had some in mind - Alex didn't dare to ask - they were still unabashedly looking at him. And not just in the eyes, but lower, and much lower, too.

Trying to fight down the awkwardness that came back tenfold, he opted for a bit of nonchalance, hoping that his voice wouldn't waver.

"Please, it isn't as if you hadn't seen that beforehand."

Wrong choice. Had he expected them to turn away and mind their own business, he was sorely mistaken. If anything, the looks got even more intense.

"Of course we had. But I must say, that recording doesn't do you justice. So that's what they all mean with 'larger'..."

Not being able to pinpoint the speaker, he turned to Brightshield with an askance look. "I pegged Loroi as prim and proper, minding their sense of propriety - are you always that outspoken?"

Brightshield smiled, looking him directly in the eyes. "This is one of the rare times we allow ourselves to relax. And you are quite a novelty, of course. A male in the rec areas of a ship is unheard of - were the Tempest a diplomatic vessel, the VIP quarters would have anemities to give the envoys some privacy on their travels. But most non-Loroi ambassadors do rather use their own ships than rely on us ferrying them around. Come, let's look for a good spot.", she ushered him to a nook in a steaming pool, right next to a waterspout.

Alex wasn't sure whether it was by chance or her intentional choice, but he realized that the steam and the churning water might make taking a peek at him more difficult.

But, she still didn't remove her arm from his shoulders. He got reminded of the Highland-7... was it really just days ago, when Beryl fell in his lap and simply stayed there?

Brightshield's choice in location was met with a few sour glances in her direction, one she met with mild aplomb.

Huh. Seems it's the same with these blue elves - no one likes spoilsports., Alex thought amusedly.

Lowering himself into the pleasantly warm, almost hot water reminded Alex of something different.

"Uh... wouldn't the water be too hot for you? You're running on a much lower body temperature than a human does, I noticed..."

Not immediately answering, she herself stepped into the water with a smile, never having fully let go of him. "It is very hot for us, true, but that is the point of it? It relaxes our muscles and allows us to wind down."

True, Alex thought, I have to hand it to her, she looks indeed relaxed and positively radiant with letting her wet hair down and with that serene smile on her face...

He tried to jerk his thoughts back on track on noticing that they drifted into - ha-hah! - dangerous waters.

Mindful of his surroundings, Alex tried to look anywhere but the beautiful woman right next to him, but his furtive glances were always met with another set of Loroi eyes. Thankfully, for Alex, they mostly stayed submerged in the water, its surface blurring whatever else he could have looked at, otherwise.

Still, there was lots of blue skin all around.

Brightshield, seeing Alex's growing trepidation, turns to him with a concerned look. "Is something the matter. Did I overstep some selan?"

"No... yes... It's more difficult than that. It's not a simple 'human' thing, but it varies wildly between cultures. Some would see the display of more bare skin than your armor shows and your uncovered hair as shocking while on the other hand there are groups where people would have no qualms mingling."

Brightshield's eyes went wide. "Humans are that diverse? And, what about you? Not humans. You."

"You have no idea. Especially when it comes to relations between genders. As for me... If someone would have told me that I'd better pack my swimming trunks when I boarded the Bellarmine, I'd have called him completely bonkers."

"Swimming trunks?"

"Garment especially made for bathing. Partly to protect the ... more sensitive parts of the anatomy when bathing in natural bodies of water, part to protect them from sight. Most humans are very self-conscious about them. Thus, wearing something to cover these parts while bathing in a public setting is the most common thing to do for humans."

Brightshield smiled broadly. "It isn't as if you have anything to hide... No, wrong choice of words, there'd be quite a lot to hide, but nothing you'd need to be ashamed of."

Damnit, walked right into that one, Alex thought, chagrined.

"But what about you? I thought Loroi wouldn't touch unless it is for rather intimate situations?"

"This is... and it isn't", Brightshield admitted. "I see you, right here, and you're completely blank to me. For all intents and purposes you could be a statue or a Historian personality construct in an android body, designed to look close, but not identical to us. Given that, I had been anxious to touch you since a long time", she said, unknowingly echoing Beryl's sentiment on the Highland-7.

"And...", there she smiled again, "...had I not done that, I'm sure these ladies here would have seen it as a buffet with you as the main course."

That makes sense, if only for your hand below the surface not being that close to the waistline..., Alex thought. Though, to give her credit, she didn't let her hand creep even further down... And Alex had no idea if he'd stop her or let it happen, if she actually decides to continue her 'exploration'...


For the past three hundred solons, Tempo got almost flooded by sanzai.

By the stars, what did he do now? She thought exasperated, but that question quickly got answered as the images became clearer. And wished they hadn't.

Captain Jardin is entirely too trusting, she added, from what she discerned from the snippets, Losat Brightshield invited him to the showers, deliberately omitting that these are a communal affair. As if the installation of the facilities didn't tell her that this activity seems to be a private one for humans.

Of course him showing up in the baths sent the Loroi already present there into overdrive. Quite a vivid imagination on these women, judging from the more and more raunchy pictures leaking from their minds.

And of course there's Brighshield, valiantly saving him from these women who hadn't seen a male since .... Tempo's mind faltered. When was the last time SG51 got into friendly territory and they had the chance to get one male encounter approved? Even the Gora Relay staff may have had more luck.

You minx! I know what you're up to. I might have already lost to Beryl and Fireblade, but the tilted field I'd allow you to seduce him and reduce my chance of winning one of these bets to zero!

And, it was a disheartening feeling, that he would choose Brightshield over her. Beryl, she could understand. As a diplomat he was ... less than ideal, but he has a keen mind that would instantly find its like with hers. Fireblade... that might have been unexpected, but perhaps it was her unwavering code of honor as a Teidar that called out to him. And, I have to give it to him, they are good for each other. I've never seen Fireblade that ... at ease.

How would Brightshield fit into the picture? Was it because of her stunt with these files that brought her into his good graces? Maybe I'll get to ask him when he gets out of the bath... and her clutches, she hoped, remembering the call she had placed on his tablet.

And the reason of the call.

Convincing Captain Jardin to stay onboard of SG51 might be a hard sell, but perhaps he could come to see the benefits.

After all, Beryl is here. And Fireblade. As well the salvage of the Bellarmine wreck.

And, in addition, of all the task forces, SG51 is still in the best position to actually make a foray towards Earth, if things go from bad to worse.


Alex had no idea whether Brightshield picked up on his thoughts or not. After all, it could be possible that his Lotai comes to regard her as part of his 'inner circle' as well and allows her access to his mind.

Might be him tensing up a bit or a furtive look, but Brightshield gently nudged him and subtly drew his attention to a remote and equally secluded part of the pool.

Sure enough, he saw two unfamiliar Loroi, and surprisingly, they didn't have their full attention on him.

He noticed that they were very close to each other, both almost fully submerged in the roiling water, up to their shoulders. The one on the right half-turned towards the other, with a look of intent on her face, and the other... having her eyes closed in with an expression of pure bliss on her face.

Hot color slammed into Alex's face on putting two and two together on what he just witnessed - or not, his mind interjected, it could be a Loroi Sanzai thing..., but that voice was quickly drowned out - and turned to Brightshield with an expression of shock.

Only to see that smile on her face, the wet hair artfully framing it, her shoulders and the top of her curves not submerged in the water. "It wouldn't be too uncommon", she said in a soft voice.

She's coming on to me, strongly. She wouldn't take any liberties but hell, she does try... Alex realized as he felt his resolve waver.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

Steamy yes but I think it's time for Alex to extract himself and see to his duties. Working on the next part.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

Nice work.

As soon as any Loroi finds out that they only have to straight up ask for it, Alex will space himself voluntarily.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

dragoongfa wrote:Steamy yes but I think it's time for Alex to extract himself and see to his duties. Working on the next part.
Werra wrote:Nice work.

As soon as any Loroi finds out that they only have to straight up ask for it, Alex will space himself voluntarily.
Exactly this. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor, sure. There is a right place and the right time for such things, and Loroi may see things as permissible human might not, as well as the other way round :)

Though, he got the idea, as long as he's with Brightshield - or maybe any other Loroi of his choosing - the others might think twice about approaching him. Had he entered the baths alone, well, the situation might have escalated, quickly. And that suits Brightshield just fine....

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