Writing Prompts

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by orion1836 »

novius wrote:Huh :) I had some completely different kind of commotion in mind what Alex could cause in the mess hall, but this setting is even better.

Dibs on the next part!

And, still anxiously waiting how Nathanial would get himself out of the dark spot he found himself in - figuratively and literally :)
I'm working on it now.

Also, it's a good thing that Alex has a degree of restraint when it comes to being ogled by the Loroi. Otherwise...

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

For those wondering what that empty spoiler is supposed to be.


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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

You have really got yourself into it this time Alexander Jardin, get out of it BEFORE you give Stillstorm more stuff to hurl at you. And do this without looking like a bigger tool in the process. Alex thought as he tried to come up with something, anything to say to defuse the situation before things went truly to hell. An year ago he would yell at him to just jump at the opportunity even in such a setting but now?

"I am intrigued..." He whispered and Brightshield's face lit up at that and she came just an inch closer to him.

God damn it Alex!

"But I truly just wanted to bathe and relax before seeing to my duties." Her expression wavered momentarily as she leaned backwards in defeat before her smile returned to her face.

"I understand, one's duty must be fulfilled." Brightshield replied but her eyes and demeanor passed on a very clear message of seductive desire that he almost couldn't resist.

God damn it woman! Brightshield's face betrayed momentary confusion as he thought of that before she spoke again.

"Would you like for me to help you wash your back at least?" She asked with the same seductive smile on her face.

"That would be..." He begun to say, wanting to just deny her before noticing that he would much rather have her look at his back rather than realizing that certain parts of his body weren't cooperating with his mind. "...great." Her face beamed up at that and for a moment he wondered if he just erred.

"I am glad." Brightshield replied as he turned his back at her.

Think of something else, think of something else, think of anything else but the fact that you are in a female communal bath filled to the brim with naked hot amazons who each haven't had a man for... God damn it Alex! He thought as Brightshield took a sponge and enthusiastically begun washing his back.

Fat aunt Martha with her cats, Fat aunt Martha with her cats, Fat aunt Martha with her cats... He chanted in his mind as he pictured what he thought to be one of the most ugly, unhygienic and rude women imaginable. A woman he had to associate with in family reunions and just couldn't leave him well alone because he 'is so cute I would like to eat him all by myself'.

Fat aunt Martha with her cats, Fat aunt Martha with her cats, Fat aunt Martha with her cats...

"Captain Jardin?"

Fat aunt Martha with her cats, Fat aunt Martha with her cats...

"Captain Jardin?" This time Brightshield prodded him gently with her left hand to bring him back to the here and now.

"Uh... I am sorry I was thinking of something... important." He replied as he turned to face her again, happy in the thought that his previously disobedient body part had relented.

"...I understand." Brightshield replied as he offered him the sponge she had washed him with. "Would you like to wash my back in turn?"

"You did wash mine so..." He replied without thinking and she didn't lose a moment to turn her back at him, her body language betraying a deep sense of satisfaction as he caught most of the other Loroi present looking at her with scornful looks that would undoubtedly be enough to pierce through solid steel plates.

Just give her this victory and get out of this mess Alex, you can do it. He thought as he begun scrubbing her back in turn, he felt the disobedience return in parts of his body but this time he was ready for it.

Fat aunt Martha with her cats!

* * *

Tempo let out a long sigh of relief because the exciting mental commotion and chatter that had reverberated from the baths had died out for several solons now and she didn't pick up any chatter of Brightshield actually accomplishing her goal. She could sense the Losat's mind beam with satisfaction even from this distance but they hadn't mated, they just washed each other's backs before leaving the baths without causing any further incident.

So human males do have limits...
Tempo thought as she finally recollected herself in preparation for her meeting with him as he slowly approached her cabin.

I don't know what Stillstorm is thinking with wanting to keep him in her staff. It's true that he came up with the plan that saved the crew of Gora Relay while also destroying several more Shell ships but that was only one thing, he could have been just lucky and all the advise he could offer from here on out would prove disastrous... Is Stillstorm actually desperate enough to want to risk that? Tempo frowned in thought at that. The situation is indeed dire, this offensive was comprised by a total of 30 divisions, 6 divisions at Sala 128, 4 divisions led by the Stray at Sala 101 and 20 divisions in a gatecrusher force at Leido. It would be a difficult defense even if we could detect their approach with farsense but now our fleets are out of position and the gatecrusher force is heading for Nezel and the reserve fleet base there. Beyond that is the interior and we will lose the war if the Shells wreck havoc behind our lines. Yes Stillstorm is desperate, she is only a Lashret but she will be the rallying beacon for the defense because no one else commands such respect among the raider groups. I wouldn't be surprised if the sector commander actually promotes her to a Soshret on her own accord just to boost morale by having a front line commander in charge of the defense instead one of the reserve commanders who haven't seen enough action in their entire lives to match a single tozon of Stillstorm's experience. I wouldn't be surprised if she is actually expecting for exactly that to happen.

Tempo shook her head at that.

Stillstorm in command of the defense of Tinza sector and the interior. The Emperor won't like it but she will have to agree because Stillstorm is the only one who may actually pull this off. She actually cost the Shells more than 2 divisions of ships in the battle of Leido, even if she wasn't one so celebrated and looked up to she would still be a serious contender to be put in overall command of the defense should the sector commander cower from the weight or if she somehow ends up dead.

After thinking about it some more Tempo realized that Stillstorm needed all the help she could get and if she wanted Captain Jardin in an advisor's position then Tempo should do her best to convince him to accept being such an advisor in the Union's time of needs despite the orders for him to be sent to Seren where the Emperor and the Imperial cabinet were at the moment.

Parat Tempo, I have brought Captain Jardin as you requested. Cloud announced.

He may enter. Tempo replied and Cloud opened the door to let him inside.

"Thanks." He said to the Paset who beamed with happiness at that before the door closed behind him.

"Stay put for the time being Cloud." Tempo sent to her assistant as Captain Jardin took in her cabin. Tempo knew that she wasn't as neat as Stillstorm nor as unkempt as Fireblade but she hoped that he would be impressed by the decorations that reminded her of Perrein.

"You wanted to see me Tempo?" He asked as he sat at the chair in front of her desk.

"Indeed Enzin. How was your day?" Tempo replied as she subconsciously tried to telepathically connect with him but the distance was still too great, she had thought of being more informal in their 'informal' meeting but the discussion they were about to have related directly with his duties even if she hadn't alluded to that in her message to him.

"It was... enlightening." He replied with a smile despite the stiffness that his body excluded.

"I am glad that the first day free of the constraints previously placed on top of you went well. I hope you enjoyed your new found freedom to its full extent." His smile widened at that, undoubtedly after picking the hidden meaning of her words. "Your time of rest however may have to come to an end."

"What do you mean?" He asked with a concerned expression.

"My message was clear that this meeting would be a casual and off duty one but it is the exact opposite, although higher authorities will remain ignorant of the fact." Tempo begun, noticing his expression shift from concern to curiosity as she went on. "The Commander has informed me that she has received orders from Tinza Sector command for you to travel to Seren where you will meet with the proper diplomatic authorities aboard the Imperial flagship 'Cry of the Wind' currently there." He nodded at that.

"That's good isn't it?"

"It is, once at Seren you will be able to directly converse with the highest echelons of the Union diplomatic core, perhaps even meet Emperor Greywind herself. However the Commander does not agree with these orders." Tempo replied.

"What? Why? What more do I have to do for her to accept that I am not a Shell agent?" Captain Jardin said angrily as he stood up.

"You misunderstand Enzin, despite her open dislike of you Commander Stillstorm wants you to remain on Tempest as part of her staff, at least for the duration of this emergency. She believes that you will be most useful as a military attache here aboard Tempest rather than being an inexperienced and naturally distrusted ambassador aboard the Imperial flagship. She is prepared to give you certain concessions towards you in order to secure your agreement." It took a few solons for him to absorb that before he sat back down onto his chair.

"Stillstorm actually wants me here? Doesn't she hate me?" He managed to say after a few solons.

"Stillstorm is an odd Commander, she dislikes many of her officers and she is disliked by many of her colleagues and superiors but she is able to push her feelings aside when duty demands it of her. She does dislike you but she believes that you will be of greater use here as a member of her staff." Tempo explained as best as she could, leaving him to stare at her with a dumbfounded expression before he burst into an uncontrolled and nervous laughter that he couldn't control even after several solons. "Enzin are you okay?" She asked as she stood up to get to him.

"I..." Captain Jardin tried to say as he laughed but he just couldn't control his laughter. "I..."

"Please calm down, I know this may be surreal but the Commander really believes that..." Tempo tried to calm him as she stood in front of him but he grabbed her hand and pulled her to his lap with unexpected strength as their minds connected once more.

Tempo's mind was flooded with memories that he sent to her as fast as he could. Memories of meeting Captain Hamilton, a commander that Enzin held the greatest respect for, how he interviewed him as a candidate for the contact mission and how he informed Enzin that the highest echelons of TCA naval command were attempting to secure him as a naval officer instead of risking losing him in the very dangerous contact mission. The memory of Captain Hamilton asking Enzin of who he would choose with what little knowledge they held and Enzin replying 'The Loroi' with no hesitation because of how the Hierarchy treated its allies as slaves. The memory of Enzin telling Captain Hamilton that he would go wherever he was needed and if Captain Hamilton believed that Enzin would best serve at the contact mission then that would be where he needed to be. Enzin's mind begun cascading after that, memories of his mistakes and ill discipline while under the command of Captain Hamilton stabbing his very being inflicting unimaginable pain; the memory of him not being on bridge duty because of such a mistake and the regrets he held because he could have done something to save them all if he was there.

He let go of her at that, Tempo jumping off him and pulling away out of reflex as she tried to reorient her mind from the torrent of sorrowful memories that raced through his mind as his laughter quickly turned into tearful cries of sorrow.

Tempo reached out to him again, patting his head while trying to connect with him once again in order to soothe his mind as best as she could. She sensed his struggling mind as he tried to control himself once more; the stress of the recent events slowly being pushed back by seer force of will until it settled at the back of his mind with a tension that Tempo couldn't believe could be borne by a male.

"I am sorry." Enzin apologized after a few moments, pushing her away the moment his mind could focus itself once again. "Do I have to give you my answer now?"

"No, you are free to consider your options for the rest of today. We can discuss this tomorrow in private again if you want but Tinza sector command will expect an answer in the next couple of day." Tempo replied.

"I will think about it." Enzin reassured her before continuing. "But tomorrow I want to talk with both you and Stillstorm about my final decision."

"I will convey your wishes to her." Tempo reassured him as she took a handkerchief and made to clean the drying up tears from his face, he just took it from her and cleaned himself before giving it back.

"Thanks." She just nodded at his understandable desire for mental privacy.

"I will escort you to your cabin so you may think of everything in peace." She said to him as she opened the door and dismissed Cloud. Enzin just nodding an following her in silence.

I am a fool, I keep concentrating on the fact that he is a male and not on the fact that he is a lone warrior carrying the weight of his dead comrades and the fate of his race! Tempo thought as she let out a mental visage of mild annoyance to anyone who was ogling Captain Jardin who was walking next to her. He is a warrior with the same duties, desires and needs as us. To forget this and only focus on his male attributes and the potential of mating with him is unforgivable.

* * *

Tempo led him to his cabin in complete silence, seemingly in her own thoughts while all the Loroi they passed seemed cowered enough not to stare at him for too long before hastening their own pace.

Congratulations Alexander Jardin, you just made a complete fool of yourself. He chastised himself as they approached his cabin.

"Tozet Beryl is inside and she is sleeping, I will wake her up and tell her you need some time alone." Tempo said a few moments later.

"No it's fine. Let her be." He replied as he walked up to the door of his tiny cabin and opened it. "Thanks." Tempo just nodded at that and turned to leave as he stepped inside.

Beryl was indeed there, face down on the bed, hugging the pillow with a serene expression on her face that made him chuckle.

All of you are going to be the death of me. He thought as he gently sat down next to her, her sleeping mind seeping into his as he pulled the console down to try and get some work done without waking her up.

"It was a long hard shift wasn't it? And I didn't let you get much sleep yesterday didn't I?" He sent without thinking, her sleeping mind just purring in affection as if in response.

Now let's start with something easy... He thought as he tried to look up a basic historical rundown of the war, this time the console giving him the result he had requested.

Alright, lets see what I can learn before deciding how to make more of a fool of myself tomorrow.

* * *

"You inspire a lot of loyalty from the warriors who know you Captain Jardin." Stillstorm begun as the alien stood in front of her desk with Tempo by his side.

"Thank you Commander." It replied.

"I am aware Parat Tempo has already informed you about the orders I received regarding you."

"She has and I made my decision long before I first awoke aboard Tempest, I will go wherever I need to be." It replied without taking its eyes off of hers.

"And where may that be?" Stillstorm asked.

"If you believe that I am best suited here aboard Tempest aiding you against the Hierarchy then this is exactly where I am needed to be." It replied, the answer taking her by complete surprise. She stared first at him then at Tempo who was just far enough away from him for her mind to be clearly discernible but the Mizol didn't betray a single thought as she too stared back at her in turn.

"And how come you came to the decision to trust my judgement in such an important decision about you and the entirety of your race as well?" Stillstorm pressed, the Mizol had completely blindsided her when she informed her that the alien wanted to talk with her about him remaining on Tempest. She had told her that it was her job as a Mizol to convince the alien to remain but apparently it wanted to talk directly with her about this.

"I have extensively reviewed the Battle at Leido and read up the few after actions reports of your battles that were available to me. You are a respected and accomplished commander who requested for my assistance in the Union's time of need. I am honored and humbled by your faith in me despite the limited amount of time I have been aboard your ship." Stillstorm just frowned at that and looked at it intently before replying.

"Is this its version of a joke?" She asked angrily.

"I am not joking commander."

"Then why is it lying?" Stillstorm demanded.

"I am not lying commander." The alien replied with a steady voice.

"You want to stay here on Tempest because I consider you necessary and not because your Listel and the other infatuated fools are here as well?" Stillstorm asked, her anger flaming up once more.

"I would be lying if I said that I don't care about their well being but I am not lying when I say that your request at this point in time is my sole motivator for wanting to remain here." It replied with a strained steady voice.

"And you trust the spoken word of a dishonest warrior? You who perfectly presented the value of deception in war trust the one who you called dishonest barely two days ago?" Stillstorm pointed out without hiding her anger towards him.

"My words were in error, I let my passions move me and say things that weren't the truth. I retract my maliciously placed comment about your honesty. Especially now that I am fully aware of the value that Loroi put on their naturally inherent honesty." Stillstorm could easily see that the alien barely contained its own anger as it said that and couldn't help but smile, part of her wanted to savor that anger of his but an other part just wanted to yell at him for backing down; hard earned experience however had taught her that both parts were wrong.

"I accept the fact that you said those words in anger after I called into question the honor of two warriors you hold in high esteem without evidence. I now consider the issue settled." Stillstorm replied.

"What do you mean Stillstorm?" Tempo asked at that.

"I mean, Parat ,that it holds you and Tozet Beryl to such a high esteem that it would rather insult me than allow me to belittle you in front of it unanswered." Stillstorm said and Tempo just turned and stared angrily at it who just stood rigidly without taking its eyes off of Stillstorm's. "I was prepared to demand a duel with it but I didn't consider it a warrior worthy of dueling at the time. It should take care not to repeat such an insult towards me without just cause because my opinion of it just changed."

"Thank you Commander, I will make sure that I voice my opinions when you deserve them." The Alien replied with a crooked smile.

"That's a price I will gladly accept if it continues to aid the Union against the Shells." Stillstorm replied with a smile of her own. "I had authorized Parat Tempo to give you some concessions in order to convince you but it seems that there was no need of such bribery. Still I want to know about what you require in order for you to cooperate with me and my staff to the best of your abilities."

"I would like to have a bigger cabin if one is currently available." The alien replied.

"That can be arranged although it has come to my attention that it likes to spend its nights and days with members of my crew, perhaps they would like to accommodate it in their cabins." Stillstorm teased him, enjoying the flash of angry embarrassment that the alien presented.

"I would also appreciate it if you stopped calling me an 'it'." She let a smile form in her face at that before replying.

"Perhaps it needs to do more for it to fully convince me that a male can be a proper warrior. Until that time I shall keep addressing it as I see fit." Stillstorm replied, the alien smiling crookedly when she finished. "Is there anything else that is within my power to grant?"

"I would like to procure an other set of clothes. The uniform I am wearing is a duty uniform, not a dress uniform fit for the functions that are expected of me."

"Have Tozet Beryl show you how you can procure a new uniform through the ship's 3D printers; although I will not authorize it to wear a uniform or armor that has the color scheme of a Loroi warrior caste." The alien nodded in understanding at that.

"One final request, I will probably require access to sensitive information in order to be better informed of the war effort and advise you properly." It was Stillstorm's turn to nod at that.

"A necessity if you are to be of use to me, I entrust Parat Tempo to provide you with the information cleared for a member of my staff. Is there anything else?"

"One last thing, although I don't believe that it is something within your power to grant. I would like for a courier ship to be sent to the waiting relay ship, to deliver a report about the loss of Bellarmine, the events that followed and perhaps to pickup and transport a proper diplomatic team to Seren and the Emperor." Stillstorm frowned in thought at that. She needed to offer some form of excuse to the admiralty for 'accepting' the alien's request to remain aboard Tempest as an advisor. If it was on record that the alien requested for a proper diplomatic team to be picked up and sent instead then it would serve as the excuse necessary for that.

"That's correct, we cannot simply send a ship ten jumps from Naam, not without an escort and the necessary logistics preparation." Stillstorm replied . "But I will see what I can manage should the opportunity arise."

"That's all I can ask of you Commander."

"Good, we are currently at Azimol heading directly for the Enedd jump point. I plan to deep jump the fleet there once we reach the jump point tomorrow and proceed according the enemy's disposition. I will forward you the strategic and tactical data available for you to study. I expect you to voice your comments, objections and concerns the moment you have them." Stillstorm said.

"You are still the Fleet commander?" The alien asked

"Yes, the Torrai Soshret in command of the fleet stationed on Azimol took the bulk of her forces to Sala-128 the moment the alert came out. The Torrai Tezites in overall command of the sector is at Nezel with the reserve fleet and they undoubtedly went to Sala-128 as well. Until I link up with them I remain in command of the fleet." Stillstorm explained.

"I understand, I think that we would best go to work then." The alien exclaimed before walking up to her and offering his right hand.

"Is this the touching ritual I heard about?" Stillstorm asked at she stared first at the Alien and then at Tempo.

"Yes it is my Lashret." Tempo sent before the alien could speak.

"The way I see it Commander we either trust each other to do our duty or we don't." The alien replied while keeping his hand in front of her. Stillstorm stared at him for a few moments before she stood up to grasp the alien's warm hand.
I just couldn't stop writing...
Last edited by Guest on Sun Jul 15, 2018 7:49 am, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

Needless to say that I will be taking a break for the next few installments, unless something scratches my itch about Alex being an armchair admiral.

EDIT: Or something really interesting and lulzy happens.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by orion1836 »

Going to keep my dibs if you all don't mind. I'm not quite done with what I was writing, but I thought I'd put down what I have so far. Not much more to go, just don't have the time to write it it at this exact moment.
New Frontiers

Natan's eyes held hers, and Argent saw his hand start to move, pushing the branch down against the trigger mechanism.

Pure instinct took over.

Male. In danger... made worse by the fact that it was likely her fault.

Argent was airborne before she realized it. She came down hard, but was able to land on her feet, collapsing to a crouch to absorb the impact. Springing up, she saw Natan's eyes go wide as he stumbled back, continuing to push on the trigger.

The Loroi acted fluidly, without thought. With less than a solon to act, she snatched the barrel of the weapon. Unfortunately, given the angle of her arm and the tightness of the chamber, the only direction the muzzle could go was directly towards her.


Both Loroi and human froze, staring at each other, shocked. Argent's left hand clutched the barrel of the primitive weapon, its end resting underneath her chin. Natan's left hand gripped the stock just below hers; his right still angled the stick through the trigger mechanism.

Their eyes traveled down the length of the weapon; the trigger was depressed, the hammer had fallen.

Natan blinked, let go of the branch, and took a shaky breath. Argent slowly, ever so slowly, levered the barrel to the side, away from her. Natan held onto the weapon, causing his arm to be drawn across his body, between them.

Adrenaline coursed behind her eyes, and the initiate could see the same intense look in his... so similar and yet so different. Each had been ready to meet death mere moments before. Something had to be done, she realized through the haze of chemicals, or this might turn violent. Reaching up, Argent gently laid an open palm on the side of Natan's face. His flesh was noticeably warm.

To a Loroi, it would be a grave assault and most assuredly guarantee a fight, but Argent knew that he was different, and without language she could only hope that she could somehow get him to understand that she meant him no harm. Quite the opposite, in fact. She released the weapon, and brought her left hand to the other side of his face, matching her right.

Natan flinched, but did not pull away. Closing here eyes, she focused every last bit of energy she could into her sanzai.


Nothing... blankness. She might as well have been sending to a wall. But, after a few solon, Natan's whole body shuddered, and he let the weapon drop with a clatter against the smooth walls. He grabbed Argent's wrists, pulling them away from his face. His grip was surprisingly strong. She opened her eyes to see him an utterly shocked expression on his face.

"Ally," she repeated aloud, hoping something got through to the male.

Argent gently pulled her arms towards herself, prompting Natan to let go. He stood, breathing heavily, watching her with a wary eye.

As she caught her own breath and the rush of adrenaline subsided, the thoughts of the others crashed in around her.

Leader, are you hurt?!

Argent, what happened?

Did the male attack you?

The Loroi sent a rough summary of what happened to her fellows, along with an image of the chamber where Natan had fallen. The smooth, ever slightly luminescent cermet walls marked it as a Soia structure. There had been plenty in the town where she had been raised. Long since thoroughly analyzed and stripped of any useful technology, they were mostly used for decorative purposes. This, however, was an undiscovered site. It would need to be reported… eventually.

Now though, there were more pressing problems. Natan looked at her with the distrust of a wild animal, ready to run at a moment’s notice.

Coldfire, get the communicator as quickly as you can.

I thought you said you were going to…

Now, Coldfire.

Argent barely had a notion of what she was going to do, much less a cogent plan that she could relay to her second. But an idea was forming, and time was of the essence.


Nathan watched Tin carefully as she backed away, looking up at the hole through which he had fallen. He shook his head again, trying to clear the utterly strange sensation that had filled it mere moments before. At first, nothing had happened when the girl clutched his face, but right as he was about to push her away, some… thing had happened.

The young man could not describe it. He sensed something, but it was in no way like anything he had experienced before. It was something like sight, but not sight. It certainly wasn’t sound, touch, or any of his other senses. But for a moment, amid all of his own fear, he could have sworn that he felt that same emotion from another direction… a fear that wasn’t his.

Was it her fear he felt? Could she do that?

A thought occurred. Maybe that was how these blue girls spoke with each other, only they did not have to touch each other. He had certainly seen the effects of it; they communicated and coordinated their actions without talking.

Tin gestured impatiently to her fellows outside, all the while glancing at him to make sure he… what? Didn’t attack her?

Nathan looked again at the musket. Either the primer or the powder got wet, he thought, just my luck.

But perhaps he was lucky. As his body wound down the adrenaline that had prepared him to take such a drastic action, Nathan replayed the sudden events that had just transpired. Tin had thrown herself into the chamber and risked her own life to pull the musket away from him. Had it not malfunctioned, one of them would be dead now, most likely her.

That’s not how you treat captives, he realized. There was something more here. This group could clearly survive on their own – any structure he built them would be nice, but not something they couldn’t live without. Why go so far to protect him?

Tin reached up, signaling to her fellows. Suddenly, a small black object fell from above into her waiting hands. Nathan tensed, ready to fight in case it was a weapon.

Turning to see his reaction, Tin said something in a soft, placating voice. Holding the object up so he could see it clearly, she pointed to its face which seemed to be made of black glass. Touching a finger to it made the glass light up with all sorts of bright shapes and colors.

The boy was awestruck; he had never seen anything like it. Smiling, Tin touched something else and lay the device flat between her palms. A bright light near the top of it came on, and suddenly a surface, seemingly made of light, came into being in the air over her hands.

Nathan couldn’t help himself. He reached a hand forward, touching the surface. Though he felt nothing, shadow formed where his hand crossed it, leaving a path of blue.

Tin laughed and touched something on the glass face. The blue lines he had left vanished.

She touched three symbols in sequence on the object, and they instantly appeared in the air over it, this time in green. Raising one hand, Tin pointed.
“Tin,” she said, then pointed to the characters in turn, making a “t,” short “i,” and “n” sound at each one.

It’s her name, in her language, the boy realized.

Then, she touched another spot on the object, and the surface was empty once more. Making a motion with her hand, she gestured for Nathan to draw on it.

“Tin,” she inclined her head towards the glowing plane.

Nathan struggled to remember the sweeping, curled letters he had just seen. There had been no pattern that he could discern. He tried drawing the sort of backwards “E” that had started Tin’s name when she gently pushed his hand away and shook her head. She cleared the surface and put her name back up in green, pointing at it.

“Tin,” she said, pointing at the name and her. Then, she made the surface blank again and pointed at him. “Tin,” she repeated, pointing at the surface, then emphatically at him.

Her name, but… me… he thought, but then it hit him. She wants me to write it in English!

Nodding his understanding, Nathan reached forward and drew on the surface with his finger.


The girl smiled widely, then brought the device closer so that she could examine the letters. Below the blue English letters, she placed her own version of her name in green. He noticed that it appeared from right to left. He pointed in the respective directions on both their names, and Tin nodded in understanding. She touched something else on the object, and the green characters in her own name reversed themselves.

“Tin,” she said, looking at him. Then, she touched a part of the device that made both sets of text raise further into the air. There was now black space below. The girl pointed at the space, then at Nathan.

“Natan.” She pointed again at the open space.

Understanding, Nathan drew his own name in the space, grateful for the many, many hours his mother had spent making sure that unlike many other frontier boys, he knew how to read and write.


Tin drew the surface back almost before he had finished writing, studying the letters intently. Below the Ns and the Ts, she made the equivalent characters from her own name. The backwards E appeared below the T in his name, and what looked like a circle with horns fell into place below both Ns. The girl pointed at each, making the sound for T and N respectively. Nathan nodded his agreement.
Next, she pointed to the As, and what looked like a sideways Y with a dot appeared below them. She made the sound of a short “A.”

Nathaniel shook his head, and made a long "A" sound.

Tin tried to follow him, but what came out sounded like “eehhy.” Maybe she didn’t have that letter. “Ah,” he agreed, and the sideways Y characters stuck.

Now, only the H sat alone. Nathan pointed at it and made the sound. Tin only stared at him. He tried again. She shook her head… another one they didn’t have? The boy made a waving motion, hoping she’d understand that it didn’t matter. He pointed at the T, made the sound, then pointed at the H, making that sound, then pinched the letters together with his fingers, making a “TH” sound.

Tin blinked, completely lost. Looking away from the letters she tried to mimic the sound.

“Sh?” she tried inquisitively.

Nathan shook his head, and repeated the sound.

Tin tried, and failed miserably, even going so far as to spit a little as she struggled to emulate “TH.”

The boy couldn’t help but laugh. She looked at him sourly.

“Natan,” she said with a huff.

“Natan,” Nathan agreed. She reached over and closed the five strange characters together under the six English letters, then touched something else that made them reverse themselves in order. She smiled as she realized that she didn’t need to; they were the same in either direction.

She pushed something else on the object, and the lighted surface went away. Looking up at him, Tin’s face grew somber. She said something, indicating the both of them, and pointed toward the entrance. She pantomimed climbing, and walking, presumably back to camp. Then, she held up two hands, talking to each other like sock puppets. Nathan wanted to laugh at the spectacle, but the girl was serious. She continued, holding one hand toward him, and gestured in a back and forth motion.

Come back with us, and we will learn how to talk to one another. Nathan was fairly confident that this is what she intended.

Nathan nodded, and turned to pick up his musket, for once glad that it has misfired. Tin and her kind were difficult to understand, but he was confident now that they did not mean to enslave or abuse him, or at the very least, Tin did not, and she seemed to be in charge.

Besides… it was not as if he had any other options; if the powder was wet, then that meant his store of it was too. He may have one round left, but no way to fire it.

Tin looked at him but made no motion to take away his weapon. She nodded and turned back to the entrance, where a rope made of twisted creeper was being lowered down.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

Short part for now. If nobody else has posted, I will continue later tonight.

I like how elegantly you have solved Tempos task of convincing, dragoon. I admit, I had forgotten that part of Alex background.

Nathaniel is also shaping up nicely. Dare I say that some elements of Alex story have been similar already?
Grasping the warm hand of the alien Stillstorm looked it straight into the eyes. She was unsure how long this hand grasping was supposed to last, but equally unwilling to show any uncertainty. So she answered its firm grasp with her own.

Stillstorm was happy, her gut instinct had been right to trust Tempo with neutralising orders from High Command. A boon was in order. It just needed to be something both would recognize as such and nobody else.

„Captain Jardin, for now you will work under Parat Tempo. She is in charge of intelligence and you will serve as a tactical analyst. Your analysis may be a viewpoint Loroi typically don't consider.“ The alien nodded at her, Stillstorm wondered if it had understood her intention. It didn't seem to mind being pawned off, maybe it even realised that this way, it would have access to nearly all tactical data. In any case and as an additional benefit, Tempo might decide to work more often from her quarters due to this.

„You will also be helping the staff officers in charge of supply and inventory stocks at a later date. I expect you to learn the basics as the most junior officer on my ship.“

Its answer came with only a split second of hesitation: „Yes, Commander. I did not expect anything else.“ No reason she couldn't make her staffs live easier by loading off menial tasks on the alien.

Its hand was getting really warm now. Still it showed no indication of stopping this ritual.

„And report to Teidar Razorthorn. Every warrior on a Loroi ship needs to be prepared for boarding actions and fire fighting. She will put you through the basic drills of soldiering.“

To its credit, the alien seemed to realise quickly what that meant. A lot of busy cycles with sore, aching muscles.

„Understood Commander, it helps being prepared for the eventuality.“

Finally the alien released her hand and Stillstorm was maybe too quick to follow. Just because she could and because she enjoyed seeing it squirm she added. „That will also help spend your stamina, so my crew can get some rest.“

Cutting off the expected reaction, she dismissed Tempo and Jardin both. Now that this matter was settled, she only needed to think of something to tell Seren. Stillstorm wasn't overly worried. Afterall, her chief Mizol was now complicit in evading that order. Jovially she pondered that Seren would perhabs be content with an extensive chronicle of that alien. She doubted that a simple written report would be enough however.
Last edited by Werra on Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

Beautifully done, on both storylines. And, so noted. I'll lean back and break out the popcorn. :)

And yes, both storylines do have some parallels. Both Alex and Nathanial are stranded in a completely alien environment with no way of reaching home, at least for the forseeable future, and both contacts with the Loroi had a rather rocky start. But, Nathanial, as a hormonal teenager, ist still prone to rash actions where Alex is at the center of more controlled chaos...

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by orion1836 »

Ok, I'm done for now - anyone can pick up if they would like.

Also, what would everyone think of pulling these stories out into separate threads? I would quote each segment individually and then future add-ons can be done directly in the thread. We could keep discussion and new prompts to this thread to effectively create a seamless fic. I was thinking something along the lines of:

[WP] Beacons
[WP] New Frontiers

Anyhow, on with it:
New Frontiers

The group was subdued as they walked back to camp through the dark woods. While silence was normal for them, Nathan noticed subtle differences. They moved like a group of children that had just been severely thrashed by their parents.

The glow of the campfire was a welcome relief as he emerged from the forest. Tin's group had apparently left in a hurry; half-eaten food was left smouldering on rocks by the fire or on the logs they had drawn up around his curing pit for seating.

Two girls ran ahead to stoke the fire as the rest moved carefully back to their seats. Gone was the jovial, if quiet, attitude he had seen earlier that night. Now everyone stole quick glances at Tin and him.

Nathan started to walk around the circle toward the door of his cabin when a sharp call from Tin brought him up short. She shook her head and pointed emphatically to an open seat at the end of one log... the very seat she had occupied earlier that night. The boy looked around - every other set of eyes in the camp was glued on him.

Self consciously, he walked over to the log and sat down as bidden. A sharp glance from Tin at the girl next to him sent her scurrying, allowing the silver-haired girl to take the spot. She then reached forward to the still-warm shank of hopper resting on a stone in front of him, and purposely handed it to Nathan.

This was her portion, Nathan realized, seeing a couple of bite marks on the shank. He was about to refuse, thinking of the food they had left for him in the cabin, but in catching the intent stares of the rest of the girls, Nathan felt a sense of ceremony, or other type of tribal rite. It felt like something the Shawnee would do.

He gingerly took a bite, and the reaction from the group was palpable. Nearly all looked away, but almost instantly, they looked back, their eyes darting to Tin.

Was she reprimanding them?

Slowly, the rest returned to their hastily abandoned meals, looking at him guiltily as they did so. It was hard to see in the firelight, but they seemed a much deeper blue than before. Are they... is that how they blush?

Perhaps the reason he was shuffled off into his cabin earlier had nothing to do with their view of him, but rather some... he couldn't think of the word. Maybe it was a religious thing... his father had told him of all sorts of groups that had settled in the colonies, some who were more strict than others. He had met a Quaker family once on a trading trip with his father, but other than the man pointing it out before they met them, he hadn't noticed anything particularly different about them.

The boy froze as he contemplated that. Did I run away for nothing? I could have ended it all because I came to the wrong conclusion... An ice cold pit had opened in his stomach, and his skin crawled as he stared deeply into the fire.


Tin's voice brought him out of his reverie. Looking over, he saw the girl Tin had kicked out of her seat return, carrying the food they had left in his cabin. Tin took it and tucked in with gusto while looking at him, motioning for Nathan to do the same.

Setting aside his musings and doubts, Nathan ate the portion he had been given as heartily as he could. Even after all these years, the food here still did not sit well with him, but he found that if he ate it slowly and steadily, he could control his body's adverse reactions to it.

What he wouldn't give for a corn cake and a hank of grilled rabbit fired with green onions.

The silver-haired girl nodded approvingly, juice dripping down her chin as she tore into her own hopper. Dainty, these blue girls were not.

Slowly but surely, the rest of the group returned to normal. Now that he thought to look for it, Nathan could see glances and gestures between them indicating conversations that he could not hear. Nearly all of them looked or motioned at him from time to time; he expected that he was the topic of conversation. Tin scowled at her fellows, but seemed not to intervene. Instead, she polished off the rest of her meal and turned in conversation to the girl with ice-blue hair that was always with her... Lennalein? He resolved to get their names right, even if they could not pronounce his.


Fatigue hit as he tossed the now clean shank into the fire. Nathan groaned as he rose; the day had been exhausting, the little incident in the woods notwithstanding. He bid the group good night, even though they wouldn't understand. Tin and Lennalein rose immediately behind him, following the boy even as he slipped through the door of his cabin.

Nathan had barely stored his musket, axe, and other tools when the door swung open. Either the blue girls did not understand the proprieties of a closed door or they did not care. Ignoring his protestations, Tin strode over to the room's one chair and set it against the wall opposite the door. Lennalein stoked the fire, added a log to last the night, and stretched out on the floor before it.

Tin's short silver hair glowed orange in the firelight. She said something he couldn't understand and gestured to the bed, then leaned back in the chair against the wall, locking her gaze on the door. When he didn't move, she looked back, expressions of annoyance and compassion flickering across her face. She stood, took him gently by the elbow and led him to his bed, all but guiding him down into it. When he lay down, she smiled and nodded, returning to her chair and her vigil of the cabin's entrance.

Was she making sure he didn't leave? If so, Nathan thought she'd put the chair in front of the door. It was clear she was staying up to guard the room; perhaps she and Lennalein would trade places in the night. If she wasn't there to keep him from leaving, was she there to keep him from hurting himself? Or perhaps was she guarding him from the others?

Nathan couldn't know.

Tin fixed his eyes with hers, and pantomimed the act of going to sleep. The boy couldn't help but laugh at being mothered by a girl smaller than he was.

Well, as tired as I am, you don't have to tell me twice, he thought as he rolled over into his pile of furs and let slumber take him.
Alright, that's all I've got for now - it's all yours.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by CF2 »

Nice work, I think I'll follow that up with a little brewing dissent in New Frontiers.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

orion1836 wrote:Ok, I'm done for now - anyone can pick up if they would like.

Also, what would everyone think of pulling these stories out into separate threads? I would quote each segment individually and then future add-ons can be done directly in the thread. We could keep discussion and new prompts to this thread to effectively create a seamless fic. I was thinking something along the lines of:

[WP] Beacons
[WP] New Frontiers
Makes sense. These two stories had grown up and out far beyond the scope of mere writing prompts and became worthy reads in their own regards. Does this forum software has an option to split threads? As in, move postings of discussion A away from this thread into a new one? If not, one of us needs to compile the postings into their respective threads manually.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Krulle »

phpBB does have that option, but you'll need mod or admin status to do so.
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by CF2 »

Continuation of New Frontiers
After Argent had dressed her down, Firebrand had seethed. Yet now? Now she felt triumphant.

If Argent had wanted for the diral to treat the alien the same as they would a Loroi, then she had erred badly in breaking with taboo and eating in his sight. All her insults and reprimands rang hollow with that, and it wasn't only Firebrand who felt that way. Looking around even Argents little, dear-leader fanclub was giving one another uncertain looks that betrayed the type of private conversation they were having. Her supporters on the other hand were not nearly as quiet, making open conversation of the taboo that had just been intentionally ignored. Firebrand for her part let others do the talking, it wouldn't look good if she were heard from just yet.

That wasn't any accident. Eating in front of a male isn't allowed.

She invites bad luck on all of us.

Argent explained it was to make sure he ate, that he had attempted to harm himself.

Where was there such an exception to the taboo? Nowhere.

How can she lead if she doesn't heed our own instructions?

She stated her reasons, and that's more than we need to complete our trial!

You bootlicker. Are you hoping she'll take notice of you if you praise her enough?

The diral's chatter had begun to group into factioned thinking. Standing up, Firebrand called out for everyone to fall silent, before productive doubts turned to useless insults. There is nothing to be gained from arguing further tonight. Everyone should rest, I'm sure Argent will address our concerns tomorrow. Even if you feel restless about her actions you should try to sleep, it's the pragmatic thing to do in preparation for when the alien next leads us on a blind chase through the woods at night.

A few wry laughs, and reluctant agreements signalled the end of the night's activities. Tomorrow would likely see the same discussion appear with renewed vigor and outrage.

Argent could try to keep the status quo -- Firebrand hoped she would -- but she didn't have the authority to break with something they'd all been forbidden from doing. Which really only left her a few options: forfeit her leadership of the diral, in order to keep treating the male as one of theirs to be protected -- or declare it to be alien and thus the taboo and other restrictions don't apply to it.

Firebrand didn't mind how it turned out for the alien either way. Argent was right about it being a skilled survivor, so it really was a waste to confine it to camp. The shelter would be good once it was done, but trophies from hunting would be of greater value to the diral's assessment. In the meantime, he could help her take Argent down a few pegs and raise Firebrand to leadership. She just needed a hunter's patience.

= = = =

Coldfire watched the flames slowly climb the front of the log from the embers beneath it, while Argent watched the door and the alien. Though the diral outside were keeping most of their chatter between them, the two picked up enough of it to know the trouble that awaited Argent in the morning.

Firebrand wants to lead, sent Coldfire to Argent.

She wants recognition. It would work out badly if she were in charge. Argent spared a glance for her friend, You know this too.

I do. Though you know you can't treat him like one of ours, right?

He tried to kill himself, Lennalein. I didn't see any of tonight coming, how can I just leave him be to try it again?

Get others to watch him then. If it's just you, you'll wear out and the diral will suffer for it.

There was more to it than what Coldfire put into words. Those who saw the alien as a male would not look kindly on how close she kept to him, or how much time she spent with him.

I'll take first watch, you rest, she sent to Coldfire.

Thinking about it, she could assign members of the diral to watch him and learn how he's working and surviving. They wouldn't have to be told that they were keeping an eye on him, and he wouldn't need to think of it that way either. That should keep both sides from feeling burdened with the other.

That didn't really address what needed to be done about his standing. She'd face censure if she insisted on treating Natan like a Loroi male. Yet she was concerned about what some in the diral might do if he were declared a valued prisoner instead. For that matter she wasn't even sure what Natan would do in reaction to any of this. Alien or not, her heart went out to him when she thought about what could have pushed him to such a point as tonight.

She wanted to look out for him as much as any member of the diral, but-

That's it! Initiation.

Initiation was the answer! Gender aside, he was more than capable, and around their age. It would mean that the others would look out for him without it feeling like a task that kept them from more important work. Even better, it would mean that they could count his efforts toward their assessment as a whole, rather than having it seen as assistance.

There weren't clear rules on this sort of adoption, since a diral's trials were secluded from others simply by their nature. Yet that just meant his initiation had to be acceptable to everyone. The others in the diral could stipulate the conditions, that way there would be no dissention. Even that heel-kicker Firebrand would have her say so she couldn't cause a fuss about it later.

Looking at the alien boy sleeping atop the varied collection of animal pelts, one pulled up over his back, Argent just hoped she could teach him enough to communicate what he'd need to do and why. With her awareness cast outside toward the camped diral and sentries beyond, she waited for the log to burn half its volume, then woke Coldfire and got some sleep herself.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

Interesting turn of events in the Nathaniel storyline. Never expected that conclusion, but it's Argent who's the leader, not me after all :)

Dibs on the next part - I'm sure I'll come to love the added pressure on the three of them, since they'd essentially have to operate under an unspecified deadline. Because if something wouldn't happen soon, Firebrand might attempt a coup, deposing Argent under the premises of being unfit to lead.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by entity2636 »

New Frontiers
Tin reached up, signaling to her fellows. Suddenly, a small black object fell from above into her waiting hands. Nathan tensed, ready to fight in case it was a weapon.

Turning to see his reaction, Tin said something in a soft, placating voice. Holding the object up so he could see it clearly, she pointed to its face which seemed to be made of black glass. Touching a finger to it made the glass light up with all sorts of bright shapes and colors.

The boy was awestruck; he had never seen anything like it. Smiling, Tin touched something else and lay the device flat between her palms. A bright light near the top of it came on, and suddenly a surface, seemingly made of light, came into being in the air over her hands.

Nathan couldn’t help himself. He reached a hand forward, touching the surface. Though he felt nothing, shadow formed where his hand crossed it, leaving a path of blue.
I love how these two stories have developed, can't wait to see what happens next. You guys are awesome, just one thing bothered me about this particular installment of New Frontiers.

If I get the timeline correct, Nathan is an 1750-1800's frontiersman and a very young one. Back then the electric light was still in the lab stages of development, typewriters weren't invented yet, photography hasn't been invented yet and the most advanced piece of technology he could realistically have seen with his own eyes, would be a steam engine. I find his reaction to Tin using a holoprojector more than unbelievable. He reacts too modern, like someone from the 20th century.

More likely he would have ran away and cowered in a corner, throwing crosses in the air and frantically reciting prayers because he would see it as witchcraft, like Satan himself walking up to him and asking him to light his cigar. People weren't stupid back then, but technology was almost nonexistent, everyone was deeply religious and everything one didn't understand, was written off either as the work of god or witchcraft.

It would be similar to some Native Americans, Jamaicans and unspecified other primitive cultures of the 19th century being scared of photograpy because they believed it would steal their souls, or trying to explain the transistor to someone from the Sentinel Islands.

It also just occurred to me that Nathan apparently still believes he's on Earth and probably not too far from his homestead, yet for some bizarre reason he can't find his way back. All the vegetation and animals are completely alien to him, he can still tell that he's looking at a tree that's made of wood, but it doesn't look like any tree he has seen before and all the animals are weird and have blue blood (Deinar doesn't have any advanced native life, all lifeforms are Soia-liron with blue blood). Does he even comprehend the concept of Earth being a planet in space and the Sun is a star like any other and that there may be other planets around other stars? I don't think so. He probably hasn't been to school and even in schools at the time they wouldn't teach children such "heresy". And by the way, Deinar doesn't have seasons.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

entity2636 wrote:It would be similar to some Native Americans, Jamaicans and unspecified other primitive cultures of the 19th century being scared of photograpy because they believed it would steal their souls, or trying to explain the transistor to someone from the Sentinel Islands.
On the other hand, he spent about two years in a place where about nothing - not even the night sky - reminds him of home, and everything he sees looks almost like things he knows, but most certainly aren't. The trees look different, the grass looks different, and he surely already had some bad experiences with trying to find something edible.

The human brain has only about a limited capacity to feel terror or confusion. Everything beyond that just registers as "Oh well, yet another thing I can chalk up on the list of weirdness" - and on seeing people looking much like humans, but most certainly aren't (still trying to decide whether Nathanial could make that leap in thinking or not - I'd tend towards 'not'), that might have been the proverbial straw. Especially since he had already seen them clad in not even outlandish, but completely strange garment and using devices he can't even begin to comprehend - even their shelters might only look remotely like tents but are of a make he can't even fathom.

So yes, part of it may just be sort of abject resignation in face of the strangeness he faced so far, and him being literally left alone in all of this componded to the escalation of the situation.

In addition, you said it yourself, he came from an age where industrialization started to take wing - he may recognize a device or tool as being a tool, even if he has not the faintest idea what it would be used for.

As for him knowing his whereabouts - even the 18th century already knew 'what if' stories that are regarded as predecessors to Science Fiction, even more concrete ideas about people possibly living on the moon. But Nathanial as a frontierman's son has his own concerns - literacy and education might rank quite at the bottom of the list. Given that the stars look all different he might surmise that he is far from home - seafarers crossing the equator were terrified when the North Star sunk below the horizon - but on a different celestial body, that would never cross his brain.
Last edited by novius on Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

I think splitting the two stories is in order. The idea of copy pasting the parts into their own threads for a continuous read is a great one. We can still use this one to post the new excerpts and discuss them. Maybe fix up some spelling mistakes, too.

Please note that I mixed up the Teidar in my last part. Razorthorn is the one with utter contempt on her face on the bridge.
Two hours later Alex head was swimming. Tempo had given him the tour of the bridge and introduced him to the computer systems he'd need to be familiar with. „Just the basics for now.“ she had said.

Loroi systems were something. Alex recognized most of the sensor data and there were programs and file systems with similar purposes. But the way it was all structured threw him off. Like their minds, it was all very orderly and measured, yet it was also byzantine and alien to him. Their cast system seemed to extent to their operating system as well.

The worst of all was that the Loroi used base 8 for their numbers and they were missing a zero.The creeping dread on his face must have been clearly visible to Tempo who reassured him that he wasn't expected to work with this system until the supply officers had work for him. As SG51 had just been resupplied that would take at least till after the next battle.

Now he sat across from Tempo in her office. The Parat worked on her console with quick strokes. From time to time she handed him a data pad to sign. His medical records, his instruction into Loroi rank structure, his instruction into his new responsibilities, that he had received a copy of the mess halls menu, he even had to sign off on his own name. It was strangely reassuring to know that no matter the military, paperwork was the true frontline.

„One last thing and we're done. Enzin. Here is your new timetable.“ said Tempo as she leaned over and pushed a few buttons on his data pad. What looked like a calendar appeared on the display.
„We will be working together, so we have the same shifts and same off-hours.“ Tempo was positively glowing at this, noticed Alex. He wondered if Stillstorm and she had been entirely honest to him.
Alex took a look. Between his shifts and the extra training sessions there wasn't much time left.

„Stillstorm seems to run a tight ship. That's quite the workday, Tempo.“

„SG51 is an elite unit and the Lashret expects you to function on the same level. Just imagine how exhausting it would be if you hadn't denied her encounter, Enzin.“

As she caught his eye, her laughter stopped.


It was several hours later when Alex made his way to his new cabin. After Tempo was done with him, Cloud had lead him to his first training session with Ragan Razorthorn. Not until he had seen the Teidar, had Alex worried. There were standard procedures on any starship and it would be good for him to learn. And, he had admitted to himself, he was curious how Loroi infantry fought.

Razorthorn was one of the Teidar that had first probed him, the purple haired one. Nothing in her opinion of him seemed changed. As soon as he saw her, he had an incline on what to expect. Tempo had promised him a couple weeks of this training.

Now he was exhausted and aching all over. He never knew that fire drills could be so thorough. All he could think of was his bed. Beryl caught up to him from behind, reaching for his hand.

„Enzin, how was your first day? I already heard the great news.“

„My head is spinning, Beryl. There was so much to learn.“

As he took her hand, he received her Sanzai. Well, maybe he could think of more than his bed. The satisfaction at his conclusion was plain to see on Beryls face.

They reached his cabin and entered. Alex was first to enter, still holding Beryls hand. He froze. On his bed sat Brightshield in her off-duty uniform.

„Hello Enzin, I have decided to take you up on your invitation from the mess hall.“

There was the slightest bit of upset on her face as she saw Beryl.

„There are some things open between us two.“ With the last word she had fixed Beryl. Alex felt trouble coming down her arm. This would get ugly.
Now, who wants to write the next battle sequence?

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

Continuation of 'Beacons'

"Enzin...? Could you explain me the meaning of this?", Beryl turned towards him, her tone of voice still carefully neutral, but reminding Alex of that single moment she caught him shaking hands with Talon.

Yup, she's definitely possessive, came Alex's thought.

Wordlessly, he sent a breakdown of what had transpired in the mess hall... and later in the baths. How she came on to him like a freight train... and how he tried to fend her off. 'Ew!', came Beryl's disgusted thought as she saw the picture of his specific sort of defense.

'I thought that you are serial monogamous?', Beryl inquired.

'Typically yes. There are exceptions, but I prided myself to not to have a woman on the side besides the one I'm currently with. Even if it was a on-and-off thing with Ellen I never cheated on her.'

It took a moment for Beryl to discern the meaning of 'cheating'. So having another woman on the side was regarded as a dishonorable thing amongst humans?

Alex nods, wondering why his morals had loosened up that much since....

'Wait. Can you look into my mind? I need something for you to see', guiding her towards that 'little extra' Tempo left in his brain.

Alex could feel her mental presence rifling through his mind. Stray thoughts popped up and were discarded as uninteresting, though one certain off duty time he spent together with Ellen caught her interest for a longer moment.

'Ah, there!', her jubilant thought came, 'this looks like Mizol handiwork, for sure. Let me trace the connections...'

Another series of thoughts popped up in his mind's eye, this time definitely with a rather lewd slant.

'I think I see it. Whatever she did, it lowered your inhibitions and your perception of your moral code. Especially when it comes to mating encounters. In essence, you'd be more prone to act against your convictions of staying 'faithful' to one woman.'

Alex paused for a moment. 'That ... explains much. That reminds me - Tempo did say that monogamy would be seen as poorest of taste, and even a male showing preference to a single female would face repercussions? Perhaps she saw our growing attraction and decided to ... do something to my brain to make me more palatable to Loroi sensibilities, and me being comfortable with it?'

Beryl blinked.... 'That ... makes sense, in a Mizol way of thinking. Perhaps... we should leave that in place, then?'

A wave of guilt washed over Beryl, coming from Alex. 'Only if you are comfortable with that. If you feel alright with me being intimate with other Loroi...?', he left this question unfinished.

'It is already fringe behavior that I returned to your quarters for several off duty shifts now. People already start to talk. And I see that every set of eyes rests upon you, and by extension the rest of us. A bit of ... unorthodox ... behavior might be expected now, but there are limits. It would be sharing you with others, or not seeing you at all', she sent with a soothing undertone, 'and given what we have, I do not want to miss it.'

'So best leave Tempo's 'present' here, then.', Alex concluded.

'Agreed. Especially since it may take another Mizol to remove it without risking your sanity. Speaking of which, this Mizol went a bit far...', Beryl added, 'and, she's already wondering what we're up to. Does she know about your sanzai?'

Alex stopped short. So far, she doesn't, but...

'I'm not sure. In the bath I got the feeling that she started to pick up on my thoughts. And so far she has been quite upfront with me, so I guess my Lotai might start to open up with her, too.'

A prickly thought came from Beryl. She liked it as it was, with Fireblade, Tempo, maybe Talon, but for some reason she'd like it less if Brightshield would include herself into their little circle. Not after what just happened.

Returning to the waking world, Beryl and Alex could see that Brightshield was regarding them with a measuring look, seemingly filing away that tidbit for a later date.

"...there are", Alex tried to deflect her suspicions, "But I just wasn't prepared to see either Beryl or you... or any other Loroi here, at the moment. Ragan Razorthorn really put me through the grinder.

Brightshield smiled. "Yet you still have enough stamina to invite Tozet Beryl to your quarters, again?"

Alex tried for a half smile. "Well, she is irresistible, after all."

'Enzin!', came Beryl's shocked thought, and the mental equivalent of her blushing, furiously.

"And I am not? I'm hurt.", Brightshield's voice dropped an octave, getting a decidedly seductive timbre again.

Alex tugged at his collar. "I'd... be lying if I'd say you wouldn't be... Each and every one of you warrior ladies are stunningly beautiful and alluring, every single one in her own uniqueness."

Brightshield blinked a moment, then the tips of her ears darkened several shades. Whatever she expected, it hadn't been this...

She turned towards Beryl, and with his hand still in hers, he was able to 'listen in' to the sanzai flowing back and forth, though it didn't help him much - the exchange of thoughts was too fast and too complex for his untrained mind to follow, especially from the proverbial backseat.

Then, as the exchange died down and a feeling of having an agreement settled in the mindscape, Alex returned to the waking world.

Only to face two pairs of Loroi eyes fixed on him.

Both sets glinting with the same look of unbridled desire.

"Uh... Ladies...?", Alex started, hestitantly, with a feeling of impending doom creeping up in him.

It was Brightshield who spoke. "I see now that I should have announced myself before barging in. Though we all could agree that it wouldn't look good for Beryl", here, Alex noted that Brightshield dropped her rank, "and you if she starts hogging you. But since you're already primed for an encounter with her, as I see it, it would be in poor taste of me if I'd tear you away from her."

Yep, that does sound ominous.

"So... perhaps to uphold her honor and to not to go overly against your sensibilities, would you agree to an encounter with these two irresistible ladies right here?"

Alex wasn't sure if it was Tempo's influence or this just being what is reputed to be the dream of every breathing straight male, but he was definitely leaning towards accepting... maybe as a one time thing and then making sure that Loroi might not into his cabin unannounced. Well, given some exceptions, he thought, glancing at the white-haired waifish Listel Tozet. His Beryl.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by CF2 »

entity2636 wrote:And by the way, Deinar doesn't have seasons.
Insider: The Loroi Sister Worlds
Deinar has minimal axial tilt, and therefore not much seasonal change.
Not much isn't none, and it refers to seasonal change in the context of tilt alone, which is the sole driver on Earth. However, given that the primary star for Deinar is young, with plenty of dust and debris in the inner system, it could reasonably stand that prolonged eclipse by a dust cloud might cause a wintry period that Nathaniel has mistaken for a seasonal winter in his time on the planet.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

CF2 wrote:Not much isn't none, and it refers to seasonal change in the context of tilt alone, which is the sole driver on Earth. However, given that the primary star for Deinar is young, with plenty of dust and debris in the inner system, it could reasonably stand that prolonged eclipse by a dust cloud might cause a wintry period that Nathaniel has mistaken for a seasonal winter in his time on the planet.
Deinar III sports two moons and the system itself one comet - and that's the listed features. So it stands to argue that there could be more orbital phenomena influencing the weather systems on the planet. And given that Nathanial has a rather small sample size - two years - it could very much be that he'll be surprised if the cold season he expected turns into none at all, comes way too early or even turns into a hot season.

Especially since he measured the passing of the days on his calendar which surely doesn't match one orbital period of Deinar III around its main star.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

Dibs on saving Alex's sanity

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