Wind and Fire

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by wolf329 »

As funny as Mr. Not-Devito going "Yo!" at the emperor is, that does make more sense. Gives time to give the two of them more character development.
#1 Tempo simp

Fun fact: did you know that "Loroi Union" has the same number of syllables as "California"?

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by Cthulhu »

Yeah, this is much better. Not only does this give them more time to develop their characters, it may provide ample opportunities for hilarious situations as they try to out-Mizol the Mizol Emperor.

The previous version, where Emperor Greywind acted like the girl Grey from her diral times, scampering away from pursuit, was a bit cringe-worthy. She is the leader of the sole, victorious super-power here, after all.

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by Krulle »

Snoofman wrote:
Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:51 pm
Hey ya'll, after some thought and deliberation, I have changed chapter 12.

The humanity envoys don't meet Greywind. Instead of walking up to the Emperor, clearance is highly restricted. So our two humanity envoys must find another way to reach Ben.
Haven't read the "original" one, and I say this version so far works very well!

I just wonder if Danny isn't forgetting he will need Sanzai to be able to impersonate a Loroi male.
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by Dan Wyatt »

Krulle wrote:
Sun Aug 01, 2021 2:25 pm
Snoofman wrote:
Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:51 pm
Hey ya'll, after some thought and deliberation, I have changed chapter 12.

The humanity envoys don't meet Greywind. Instead of walking up to the Emperor, clearance is highly restricted. So our two humanity envoys must find another way to reach Ben.
Haven't read the "original" one, and I say this version so far works very well!

I just wonder if Danny isn't forgetting he will need Sanzai to be able to impersonate a Loroi male.
We'll see about that. He's likely to sneak in later.
Just needs a male pass to get in.

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by wolf329 »

#1 Tempo simp

Fun fact: did you know that "Loroi Union" has the same number of syllables as "California"?

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by inxsi »

Cannot wait to see what they have in mind for breaking into the male monastery. I assume they are not going to go all out with blue body paint and clip-on elf ears but I cannot get the image out of my mind. I'm sure whatever they have in mind will be great :D

I do wonder what I missed with not seeing the original Danny chapter, but oh well, it serves me for not reading faster.

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by wolf329 »

Her confused reaction to his greeting. Honestly not much else, there's actually more in the revised chapter I think?
#1 Tempo simp

Fun fact: did you know that "Loroi Union" has the same number of syllables as "California"?

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by Snoofman »

Wind and Fire - Chapter 13


Some people are bothered by a hill of stuff. Children typically not so.

Fertile Spring’s pagoda was not filthy or unsanitary, but it was packed with hoarded items and objects from every shop on Deinar that sold objects from planets both within and outside the Union. From common merchandise to exotic commodities. Because of Spring’s simple form of English, Ben could more easily absorb his stories when he talked about one of his treasure’s functions or how he came by it. Of course, Cotton had to translate for Ben’s sake occasionally. After finishing their daily lectures and learning more Trade phrases, Cotton and Ben visited Spring’s pagoda. Drill and Hailstorm were also allowed entry. It would not have been polite to force them to wait outside anyway. Besides, they were under the Emperor’s orders to watch over Ben at all times in Greywind’s absence. As tittering as it was for the females to be in the presence of a male, the warriors had become accustomed to Spring’s presence and could better carry themselves professionally. Especially since they had been granted encounters themselves during their visit to the Monastery.

For the first half of Ben’s and Cotton’s visit to his Pagoda that day, Spring tried to teach Ben to play Loroi instruments. Everyone in Spring’s mind had a talent, if one could ignore the pun. And Spring was determined to find Ben’s musical gift. After days of failing the strings, keys, and even drums, Spring and Ben moved onto flutes. The music that flowed out of Spring’s flute was like a melody on the wind. It captivated and bedazzled the females. But the sound Ben produced when he blew into the flutes was sadly a wind pipe cacophony.

“No, Ben,” Spring gently corrected Ben, trying to guide his fingers on the flute with his own. “Like this. Move your fingers along with mine. Now blow!”

Ben blow strongly into the flute.

Phew! Hoot! Hoot!

The sound Ben’s flute made assaulted Spring’s ears. Cotton could not help but hide her snickering at the futile attempt to teach music to a human child.

>This isn’t funny, Listel,< sent Spring. >Loroi boys at Ben’s age can at least play simple instruments.<

>Ben is not loroi, Fertile Spring,< sent Cotton.

Spring ignored her observation. “Don’t blow so hard, Ben,” Spring urged. “Gently. Blow gently.”

Ben did as instructed and blew gently into the flute, moving his fingers in unison with Spring’s. For a few moments Ben created a gentle tune with Spring’s guidance. But when Spring removed his fingers to let Ben play solo, Ben seemed to lose track and blew out random notes that sounded just wrong to the ear.

>Give it up already, Fertile Spring,< sent Soroin Drill. >The little human couldn’t play if his life depended on it.<

>Oh, hush!< Spring retorted. “Ben, let us stop for the day.”

A disheartened Ben, dropped the flute to the floor and poutingly sat on a chair. “I suck at this,” he sulked.

Spring raised a curious eyebrow at the expression. “Suck? But you don’t suck on the flute, Ben. You blow it.”

>I think Ben is using an idiom,< Cotton interjected. >To express his own displeasure at feeling inadequate.<

>Oh!< sent Spring. He crouched down beside Ben, patting his small shoulder. Spring had become better accustomed to making contact with Ben and the little boy didn’t seem to mind. “Don’t worry, Ben. Failing is part of learning. You may not be good now, but you will be better. It just takes time and practice.”

Ben’s glower look just turned sad.

Spring sighed. “We stop for today. I will make us some tea and wafers.”

Spring left to prepare a snack for his guests. A rumbling could be heard from outside. Seems like a storm is underway, thought Spring.

“It’s alright, Ben,” Cotton comforted Ben as she crouched by his side. “Many children cannot play instruments. There is no shame in it.”

Spring rustled around in his kitchen as he set the water to boil and set up a tray with small dishes, cups and a bowl of misesa wafers covered in sweetener glaze. Just before the water began boiling, Spring heard a whistle. At first he wondered if it was coming from the kettle, but realised that the kettle hissed terribly. Not melodiously make a tune like this high-pitched warble he heard. It was like the gentle chirp of a bird. Momentarily forgetting about the biscuits and tea water bubbling, Spring wandered back into his living room, drawn by this new melody. And found the three females watching Ben as he casually made a quaint chirp with his slightly parted lips.

“Beautiful,” Spring uttered, captivated by the sound.

“What is?” Ben asked, stopping his toot.

“That sound you make, Ben. What is it?”

“You mean whistling?”

“Whistling?” Spring asked intrigued. “Is that what you call that noise? Whistling?”

Ben cocked his head to one side. “You never heard a whistle before, Spring?”


“Does it… bother you?”

“Not at all,” Spring assured him. “In fact, that’s one of the loveliest sounds I’ve ever heard. So simple, yet quaint. Charming! Can you do it again?”

Ben eagerly nodded and whistled.

Cotton’s long ears seemed to pick up the boiling hiss of the tea kettle that Spring forgot. Seeing how enamored Spring was with Ben’s whistling, she rushed to the kitchen to prep the tea. Spring, meanwhile, asked Ben to try to whistle in different levels of high and low notes. A bit confused by the request, Ben was guided by Spring. The composer directed Ben with his hand to whistle first low but slowly raised the boy’s pitch slowly to a high note. Upon reaching the peak of Ben’s high-pitched whistling, Spring slowly lowered his hand to the floor, guiding Ben to whistle back to a low note. Even as Cotton returned with a now prepared tea and wafers, she, Drill and Hailstorm became more fascinated watching Ben be led by his conductor. Spring became more creative and directed Ben to sing at different pitches, but with pattern and flow that was pleasant to the ears. A smile etched itself onto Ben’s face, genuinely happy that the Loroi seemed to enjoy his whistling.

Soon Ben no longer needed Spring to guide him as he started inventing his own whistling melody. Lost in the high-pitched toot of this wonderful new sound, Spring lost himself and began to sing and dance. His telepathic waves flowed over the females. Creative energies compelled Spring to make short leaps and gentle taps of his toes as Ben’s whistle caused the music within the Loroi to gently erupt. The females simply sat and watched, clearly enjoying this spectacle of human-loroi interaction.

>Wow! Entertainment while on guard duty,< commented Drill, clearly turned on by the singing and dancing Loroi. >Best mission ever.<

Hailstorm shrugged. >It’s… pleasant… I admit.<

Cotton absorbed every detail of this original, artistic display of dance, sound and sanzai. Even if she were not Listel, she could not possibly forget this lovely melody sung by these two boys.

Ben brought his whistling to a close, inclining Spring to return from his artistic trance.

“Wonderful performance, young men,” said a smiling Cotton. “That was truly lovely. Ben, I had no idea you could harmonize like that.”

Ben shrugged with a huge grin. “Whistling isn’t that hard.”

“Ben,” said Spring, very pleased with this new discovery. “I think we just found your instrument.”

“Really?” Ben asked excitedly. “You mean whistling?”

“Precisely,” said Spring. “And I believe I have found the inspiration for a new symphony.”


For the rest of the afternoon leading into the evening, Ben enjoyed mild tea and wafers with his Loroi friends. All the while Spring trained Ben’s whistling and intonation. Spring found inspiration for a new composition and hoped to incorporate Ben’s whistle into it. He just had to consort with his fellows in the choir. After a few hours, and upon sensing the Emperor’s return home, they retired back to the villa. Fertile Spring was granted permission to join them for the evening. A few of the menfolk intercepted Spring that day, voicing their disapproval that Spring had exclusive time with Ben while they barely had a chance to mingle with the alien child at all. Spring promised his fellow menfolk that they would have a chance the next day. They were going to hold Spring to his promise.

Now Greywind, Ben and Fertile Spring were sitting at the living room’s center table. Tempo had been granted leave to have a formal mating encounter elsewhere. Link and Cotton were preparing the evening meal together. Tonight’s meal was deep fried misesa buns with bizal tubers and miros meat chunks. Although Cotton was preparing an alternate dish for Ben since biral and miros were not fit for human consumption. Cotton was stuffing a bun with some Kabelan meat and vegetables brought down from Cry of the Wind's food reserves. Carefully extracting the buns from the oil pot and laying them in a bowl, Link carried over the buns and presented to the small assembly. Much to the Loroi’s delight, Ben took a huge bite out of his misesa bun. The Loroi reminded Ben of table manners when they noticed small chunks of meat and vegetables crumble from his lips to the floor.

Ben swallowed a hefty chunk of his bun before pronouncing, “Deeeeee-licious!”

Link and Cotton blushed from the praise. But were mildly disturbed when a new sound permeated from Ben.


Greywind gave the little boy a look. “Ben!”

Ben grinned with guilt, averting his eyes. “Sorry.”

“I had no idea humans could roar like Mannadi,” said Spring, eagerly reaching for a fried bun.

>Don’t encourage him, Spring,< Greywind firmly warned, reaching for her own bun.

>I’m just saying!<

Ben swallowed another bite from his bun before asking, “So, Emperor, what do you do?”

“Pardon?” Greywind asked.

“You promised to say what you do at your job,” said Ben. “So what do you do?”

Greywind sighed. Explaining the role of an Emperor to a child was going to be a challenge, but Greywind explained as simply as she could. Explained how the Emperor’s job was essentially to implement and enforce the laws the Loroi made. How she commanded and controlled entire sector fleets and directed the castes with the help of her high ranking officers. How she resolved conflicts, protected the Union’s many planets, but avoided mentioning how the Loroi dealt with their enemies. Though typically insensitive when it came to sensitive topics, it seemed wiser not to scare Ben with war stories. At least not until he was older. Greywind, of course, told a whitewashed version of the truth by explaining that the Loroi protected the Union from its enemies.

“Wow!” Ben said with amazement. “That must be a really neat to be the ruler. Doing whatever you want.”

Were it so easy, thought a humored Greywind. “The emperor can do many things, Ben. But I cannot do just anything. The emperor must also obey laws.”

“Why not? Aren’t you like a queen or something?”

“No, Ben,” said Greywind. She sent to Cotton to assist in elaborating. Otherwise she would never get a chance to eat her misesa bun.

“Ben, queens and kings are monarchs that are typically born into the role,” said Cotton. “The Emperor is not born as a ruler. She is chosen by a group of Loroi. The Emperor can do many things, but only if the Diadem approves it.”

“What’s the Diadem?” Ben asked.

“The Diadem is a group of Loroi that work together to make the Union’s laws. In English, they are called the Elder Council of Commanders.”

“But I thought the Emperor made the laws.”

“No, Ben,” Cotton corrected him. “The Council makes the laws by voting together. The Emperor makes sure they are put into effect.”

The concept was still a little too complex for Ben to grasp, but he seemed to understand the basics of how the Union Council worked. “Wait, so, does that mean you and Tempo and Link and Spring get to make the Union laws together?”

Link and Spring could not help but snicker at the absurdity of such an idea.

>As if I could,< Spring thought aloud amusedly. He even pouted, >We males never get to make the big decisions.<

>Stop whining,< sent Greywind. >You lead a leisurely life at the warriors’ expense.<

“No we don’t, Ben,” Cotton said. “I would have to be a Torrai Council Member to be able to do that. And that certainly wouldn't happen for decades for me.”

“Why not? You’re so smart. You’d be a great Console Member.”

“'Council Member', Ben,” Cotton corrected him with a grin. “I'm flattered, but I am more interested in science than climbing ranks. And I am quite happy to be in the Listel caste.”

“What’s a caste?”

“A caste is the order we are born into to serve a function distinct from the other castes within the Union military.”

Ben tilted his head, quite confused now.

Cotton simplified her explanation: “I mean, Ben, that a caste is a group of many people who are taught to do a job that the others can’t. For example, there is a caste called the Gallens. The Gallens job is to build and fix ships and machines. Then there is another caste called the Tenoins, whose job is to fly ships and navigate. The two castes do different jobs. But they need each other.”

“Oh!” Ben nodded, understanding better. “So can you guys change castes?”

"It's possible. But most stay within their own castes. Besides, many Loroi don't like too many big changes."

“So how many castes are there?”

“Many! My caste is the Listel. We observe and record with our eidetic memories.”

“Edited memories?” Ben asked.

“Eidetic,” Cotton corrected him. “It means we can remember practically everything we see and hear.”

“Wow! That is so cool. I wish I had a brain like yours, Cotton.”

The Listel could not help but blush at the praise.

“Link, what’s your caste?”

“Soroin,” said Link proudly. Even with Cotton’s assistance, her speech was slow. “Soroins are… fighters. We help on ships. Sometimes we… we fight on planets. But I… am different. I switched from Soroin… after many many years… to be Emperor’s Attendant.”

“Cool,” said Ben, switching his focus to Spring. “Spring, how about you?”

Spring just laughed. “Oh, males are not allowed into castes.”

“Why not?”

“Well, Ben, Loroi males are weaker than females. And there are not as many. So the women have to protect the men.”

“That stinks,” Ben said bluntly.

“I suppose sometimes,” said Spring, ignoring the look the Emperor gave him. “But we get to have an easy life and pursue other interests.”

>Good boy,< sent Greywind to Spring.

Ben looked toward Greywind. “Emperor, what’s your caste?”

“I am Torrai,” said Greywind, after swallowing a chunk of her bun. “Torrais command many ships and warriors. We also must lead and organise the Union. Although I used to be a Mizol many years ago.”

“What do Mizols do?”

“Mizols main job is diplomacy,” said Greywind. Upon seeing Ben’s confusion, she simplified her explanation, avoiding the less pleasant side of the Mizols’ duties: “Mizols speak with people across the Union to stop conflicts and solve their problems. Tempo is a Mizol.”

“Oh!” said Ben, having a better understanding.

“I almost forget to mention the Doranzers and Teidars,” said Cotton. “Doranzers are basically doctors who treat injured and heal the sick. And the Teidars are warriors with psychokinetic powers.”

“Psy-cho-kin-etic?” Ben asked.

“It means they can move objects by the power of thought.”

Now that amazed Ben. “Wow! Wait… does that mean…” Ben gasped as if struck by an epiphany. “Are Teidars… like Jedi?”

Cotton raised a curious eyebrow. “What is a Jedi?”

“A Jedi is a warrior that fights bad guys using the Force. They can move objects with their mind and block laser blasts with a lightsaber.”

“A lightsaber?” asked a sceptical Greywind.

Ben nodded. “Yeah. It’s a laser sword that can cut through anything.”

>Sounds like an intriguing weapon,< thought Link, finishing her bun. >But terribly impractical.<

>What is the Force?< asked a bemused Spring.

>You got me, Fertile Spring,< sent Link.

>More human fiction I presume,< sent Greywind.

Cotton asked, “Ben, are Jedi real?”

Ben shook his head. “Nah. I wish. They’re made up good guys from Star Wars. Would be cool though.”

None of the Loroi had any idea what Star Wars was, although the name gave a good hint of what this fictional story entailed.

>I’d like to find out more about this ‘Star Wars’,< sent Spring, now intrigued.

>Don’t waste your time with human fiction, Spring,< said Greywind.

>Why not? It sounds fascinating. Maybe those shopkeepers at Laibela would know.<

Another thought struck Ben as he locked eyes with Cotton. “Hey, Cotton. Do you have… sy-ko-kin-idik… powers?”

Cotton chuckled. “Psychokinetic! And no! I certainly don’t.”

Ben switched his gaze to Link. “Link?”

“No, not me neither.”

Sputtering with disappointment, Ben collapsed into his chair. He would have liked to see the Loroi make objects float.

Feeling just a bit insulted about not being asked, Spring said, “Well, I can.”

Ben looked up at his friend. “Really?”

Having learnt the human gesture, Spring sent an affirmation with a nod.

Dropping the food on his plate, Ben sprinted from his chair and to his room.

“Ben, where are you going?” Cotton asked a bit concerned.

“Be right back,” he shouted back. He returned with his Superman doll and placed it on the table. “Spring, can you make Superman fly?”

With a poised grin, Spring’s purple irises glowed, much to Ben’s surprise. Superman slowly stood to an erect position on the table, as if by its own volition, and was slowly elevated a few centimetres off the surface.

“Awesome,” Ben said enigmatically.

>I had no idea you had the gift, Fertile Spring,< sent an impressed Cotton.

Spring shrugged. >Believe me, Listel, this takes a lot of effort.<

With an exhale, Spring released his focus and Superman cluttered to the table.

“Can you make Superman go higher?” Ben pleaded.

Spring huffed with a chuckle. “Sorry, Ben. It’s harder than it looks.”

“Aw,” Ben said a bit disappointed.

“I can,” said Greywind. Her cerulean eyes glowed as she focused and made Superman fly upward effortlessly. While certainly not as powerful as an Unsheathed, Greywind had learnt to exercise her psionic gifts.

Ben watched in pure amazement as Greywind made little Superman fly around in circles and perform several airborne flips.

>Pardon, my elder,< sent Spring. >But I think together we can do better than that. May I assist?<

>You may,< Greywind sent back.

With some telepathic coordination and exchange between the two, Greywind effortlessly held Superman aloft by force of mind while Spring manipulated its limbs, giving the impression that the action figure had a living mobility. Ben watched, captivated by the show as his Superman doll was brought to life. And even more taken aback when little Superman seemed to descend to the table to awkwardly waddle over to Ben and extend its tiny arm. Taking the hint, Ben gripped Superman’s hand between his thumb and index finger to give a gentle shake.

A tinkle of drops against the rooftop drew Ben’s attention away from Superman, curious at this new sound he never heard before. The tinkling of droplets washing against the window door leading out to the terrace drew his attention further away from the group. Ben hopped from his chair and sprinted to the window.

With palms against the glass pane, he uttered, “Rain! It’s raining!”

“You’ve never seen rain before, Ben?” Spring asked.

Ben shook his head, his smile growing wider until he laughed for joy. “It’s raining!”

Without warning, Ben slid the window door open and ran out into the downpour. The Loroi jumped from their seats to get him back inside.

“Ben, come back!” Cotton called, rushing out the door.

Spring was close behind her. Greywind just stood near the doorway with Link, who fretted if she should run after the little human or stay by her Emperor’s side.

Ben jumped and stomped and swung around his arms as he sang again and again, “It’s raining!”

As if gripped by something psychologically contagious, Spring also laughed and danced in circles with Ben. Together the boys chanted, “It’s raining! It’s raining!” Cotton futilely tried to get the males back inside, but they were lost in their own little world, getting drenched to the bone.

Greywind did nothing except stand within the doorway and watch her great, great grandson dance alongside the human boy.

>Ben celebrates as if he’s never seen rain before, your highness,< sent Link.

>He grew up on a barren colony world, Attendant,< Greywind sent back. >He has all the reason to celebrate.<


When Cotton finally managed to get the boys back inside, she was excused to give Ben a warm bath. Spring needed no such remedy and simply dried himself off before thanking his elder for a wonderful evening and headed back to his pagoda. But not before sending a lustful wink after Cotton.

>If you get cleared for an encounter, Listel,< sent Spring, >I would love to take you to bed.<

Greywind reminded Spring to control his raging emotions and behave modestly.

Link finished cleaning up the leftovers of their meal, washed down the kitchen before permitted to retire for the evening. Greywind sat alone in the living room, letting go of the day’s stresses.

Her peaceful state of mind was interrupted as Tempo entered her range of sanzai. Upon entering, the Mizol headed for a wardrobe to dry herself off with a towel after getting drenched from the rain herself.

"You’re back early," said Greywind.

Tempo shrugged as she tossed the wet towel into the laundry bin. "I got what I wanted," Tempo remarked. It seemed best to keep their conversation private while the other loroi in the villa were still awake. "No need to spend the night at Tenth Dusk’s. And I like to sleep alone anyway."

"I’m surprised that out of all the males you could have bonded with tonight, you chose Tenth Dusk."

"Tenth Dusk is awfully cheeky, but quite good in bed," Tempo sent, taking a seat beside Greywind. "Besides, some males casually drop their defences during sex. Just wanted to make sure Dusk didn’t catch onto any of our affairs. And glad to say we're in the clear."

"I trust you didn’t use any… forceful methods," sent Greywind.

"On a male?! Certainly not, my Emperor," Tempo said a bit affronted. "I inspected just what he happened to leak."

"Leak?!" Greywind raised a questionable eyebrow. "Really, Tempo!?"

"Just saying," sent Tempo.

"Anyway, congratulations in advance, Tempo. Male or female, I hope yours shall grow into a strong child."

"Thank you, your highness. Although, even if the odds are low, I'm hoping for a son this time. So have you decided to appoint Cotton as Ben’s permanent caregiver?"

"I have. And to discreetly research… you know what. I am confident that Cotton will see things my way. Go and rest, Tempo. I will converse with Cotton privately."

Tempo bowed and made to leave for her room.

Greywind stopped her. "Tempo, you have been a competent secretary and aid. I was right to make you my personal ambassador. Do your job well and perhaps one day you may make a fine Torrai. If I live long enough, perhaps you may have a political seat one day."

"My Emperor, I am honored by such praise," Tempo sent back with a grin before retiring to her room.

Greywind trusted Tempo for her years of dedication, both during and after the Great War. She even wondered if Tempo might make a competent Torrai one day.

A couple thousand solons later, after bathing Ben and putting him to sleep, Cotton was about to rest until Greywind sent for her. Though confused and a bit concerned, Cotton complied and returned to the living room to sit with her Emperor.

>Is there a problem, my Emperor?< Cotton asked.

>Listel Cotton,< Greywind sent, after confirming that there were no prying minds within their vicinity. >You have expressed concern over the fact that we have held Ben in our protective custody rather than deliver him to the Terrans. Correct?<

>Yes, Emperor,< Cotton sent back respectfully. >While I admit it seems… odd, I have happily complied and would not question your decision.<

Amidst the Listel’s trepid feelings, Greywind sensed no deception from Cotton’s sending. >Indeed, Listel. You have no doubt noticed Ambassador Ziga make frequent visits to check on Ben.<

>The Barsam’s concern for Ben’s well-being is genuine and touching, Emperor. But yes. I have noticed.<

>True,< sent Greywind. It did seem odd. But even pious Barsam could exhaust themselves. >You are not at fault for inquiring, Listel Cotton. So long as you comply by my commands. Which you have done. Ben has been properly nurtured under your supervision. You have given him all the care he requires. Which is in part what I wish to discuss with you tonight.<

>Oh?< Cotton said surprised, though not sure whether she should consider this good news.

>Yes, Listel. There is a reason why I have insisted on keeping Ben close. There is something special about him.<

As disconcerting as this conversation seemed, Cotton was intrigued. >Special? May I ask how, Emperor?<

>What I am about to share with you is strictly confidential. Any disclosure of this information to other parties will be construed as a wilful act of sedition as well as treason. Do not betray my trust, Listel, and I promise that you will be rewarded for your loyalty, efforts and complete discretion. I have a task in mind for you. But first, it seems fitting to bring you up to speed so that you may better understand what I expect of you.<

Cotton was not sure how to respond. She understood what Greywind did with traitors or Loroi and aliens that betrayed her trust or conspired against her. Cotton could guess that the Emperor was sharing this discreet information because she wanted something from Cotton. Cotton reluctantly wondered if she could protect such knowledge if the Emperor considered it that sensitive. Whatever Greywind wanted from Cotton, she was going to get it. While refusing to receive this information was an option, no one denied the Emperor. To be called upon by the Emperor was essentially a command.

In the end, Cotton seemed to have little choice. As intimidating as Greywind was, one only had to fear her if one made oneself her enemy. Besides, Cotton’s curiosity overcame her fear of punishment. As was typical of Listels who eagerly winged as much information as possible. Although it meant she would have to retain a stronger mental defence to safeguard whatever Greywind was about to disclose.

>I am humbly at your service, your highness,< sent Cotton. >You have my loyalty and my discretion.<

>Very well,< said Greywind. And began explaining what she and Tempo had been up to ever since Ben’s arrival. And how the Emperor hoped to unravel the human lotai.
Last edited by Snoofman on Sun Dec 03, 2023 8:24 am, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by Cthulhu »

A couple of mistakes:
the mistakes were corrected
Interesting chapter, it's a good insight into Loroi culture. You have studied the Insider database well. :geek:

However, Arioch once said, that the Diadem would also include the equivalent of a Surgeon General for example, which would then be a former Doranzer, promoted to the Torrai caste. He also stated that the various castes would have Torrai at the top, since there are no ranks above Captain/Colonel in the lower ones anyway. Thus, it is theoretically possible for Cotton to be promoted to a Torrai, then climb high enough for a Diadem rank. It won't be a combat branch, but a support/staff branch promotion track instead, nevertheless it will be a proper Torrai.
Word of God:Show
Any caste member can be promoted to Torrai; once you go high enough in your own caste, there's nowhere higher to go except Torrai. That's why there are few caste ranks higher than O5 and no Torrai rank lower than O5. The internal hierarchy of each caste will have Torrai at the top, and the Diadem will have Torrai members from the appropriate specialty castes for the equivalent positions of Surgeon General, CIA Director, Marine Commandant, etc.
P.S. the Surgeon General is already taken :P
Last edited by Cthulhu on Wed Aug 11, 2021 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by Snoofman »

Hey Cthulhu, saw the mistakes and corrected them. Thank you for your vigilance. When you're trying to write while recuperating after a hard day's work, it's easy for the brain to miss a few minute details. I also changed a bit of Cotton's dialogue to make it seem more in line with Outsider lore.

And thank you for the compliment. It ain't easy remembering every little detail from the lore, but I strive to be accurate.

P.S. who has occupied Surgeon General?

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by Cthulhu »

Snoofman wrote:
Wed Aug 11, 2021 7:12 pm
Hey Cthulhu, saw the mistakes and corrected them. Thank you for your vigilance. When you're trying to write while recuperating after a hard day's work, it's easy for the brain to miss a few minute details. I also changed a bit of Cotton's dialogue to make it seem more in line with Outsider lore.

And thank you for the compliment. It ain't easy remembering every little detail from the lore, but I strive to be accurate.

P.S. who has occupied Surgeon General?
No problem, I'm also recuperating by writing the next chapter. I just noticed that small inconsistency because I asked Arioch a question about ranks and caste some time ago.

P.S. The Surgeon General? She was hired for my fanfic. :D

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by inxsi »

Another enjoyable chapter - I liked the way Greywind tried to explain the loroi government to Ben.

Unfortunately, I have one minor nitpick. When they wish for Tempo's child to be feminine - is that under the assumption that the child would be a daughter? I believe it has been established that the loroi prefer sons at least as much as daughters, but I suppose with the ratio they might just assume it would be a daughter and want it to be a feminine daughter instead of a masculine daughter?

That minor issue aside (and it is a minor issue), I loved it. Thank you for writing it.

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by Snoofman »

inxsi wrote:
Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:11 pm
Another enjoyable chapter - I liked the way Greywind tried to explain the loroi government to Ben.

Unfortunately, I have one minor nitpick. When they wish for Tempo's child to be feminine - is that under the assumption that the child would be a daughter? I believe it has been established that the loroi prefer sons at least as much as daughters, but I suppose with the ratio they might just assume it would be a daughter and want it to be a feminine daughter instead of a masculine daughter?

That minor issue aside (and it is a minor issue), I loved it. Thank you for writing it.
While I was trying to aim for that Greywind wishes for Tempo to have a daughter, I suppose it could be subject to the interpretation of the reader. Also, I guess it can be interpreted as a play with words/context. What we humans call masculine the loroi may call feminine since the gender roles are reversed.

Good to know that the loroi prefer sons as much as having daughters. But perhaps I will edit that part into something wittier and more accurate.

Thanks for the critique.

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by raistlin34 »

Isn't there any male Loroi group demanding equal opportunities, or are they all happy about being treated as pampered, glorified geishas?

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by Cthulhu »

raistlin34 wrote:
Sat Aug 14, 2021 7:48 am
Isn't there any male Loroi group demanding equal opportunities, or are they all happy about being treated as pampered, glorified geishas?
Combine that with the females rising up, demanding to free the means of reproduction, and you'll get a utopia. :mrgreen:

Or not, the current caste system was established in order to reign in the explosive growth of the species, which otherwise would quickly destroy society as it did in the ancient past. The physically weak males are a small minority, which nevertheless has an important role in society. I doubt that many of them would or even could challenge the status quo.

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by inxsi »

I thought there would have been a movement by females born of civilians to be able to become warriors first, but it does not sound like there are very many. Hearing the description of some of the practices of keeping males, I wonder if there are a few "deluded" males locked away somewhere "for their own good"?

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by Snoofman »

inxsi wrote:
Sun Aug 15, 2021 12:13 pm
I thought there would have been a movement by females born of civilians to be able to become warriors first, but it does not sound like there are very many. Hearing the description of some of the practices of keeping males, I wonder if there are a few "deluded" males locked away somewhere "for their own good"?
I believe Arioch mentioned in the Loroi Misc. Question forum that there have been a few incidents of males acting out of order. But since harming a loroi male is very taboo and unacceptable, these males are usually locked away in their families cellars. I'd imagine said 'deluded' males therefore seem to be isolated for their 'own good' as you say.

I'm sure there is a movement by civilians to be allowed to become warriors. While this is purely speculative, perhaps that is one of many reasons why Greywind is considered unorthodox; she is willing to break away from tradition just to win. Perhaps she would even consider hiring mercenaries. Or even may want to change the status quo to strengthen the military in their desperate war against the Umiak.

On another note, who is to say that the loroi males, even if they are the equivalent of geishas, have no influence in the decision making of the females? Yeah, their purpose is solely reproduction, but they are employed as Nedatans, chroniclers and even engage in psychological therapy from my understanding. The males, for better or worse, could get their way and shape politics with a little indirect 'power of suggestions'.

Also, on another other note, I went back and changed Greywind's line wishing for Tempo's to be a 'feminine child'.
Last edited by Snoofman on Sun Aug 15, 2021 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by Cthulhu »

1. The Loroi government can be summarized as the following: government of the people warriors, by the people warriors, for the people warriors. The civilians are merely a byproduct or a necessarily evil, so to speak. They can't live without that workforce, but that's it.
2. Greywind is inasmuch unorthodox, because she actually curbed down on political, as well as economic freedoms and instituted a higher level of control. She's also a Mizol, not a "proper" warrior, and the traditionalists do not like that, too.

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by inxsi »

My thinking on civilians wanting to be warriors was that most of them had their chance and failed at the warrior trials. I get the feeling that there are not very many children born to the civilians (though there are some), so I'm not sure that there would be much desire from the civilians, especially during a horrendous war, or much support for such a movement.

I'll have to think more on Cthulhu's comment. It looks like the opposition to Greywind nationalizing more of the economy was more based on the conflict of local government control versus centralized power, a general distaste for civilian business by the warrior castes, and the military leadership not wanting to admit that such measures were needed to hold the umiak off. I found the following from Arioch interesting when looking at this: this comment on how Stillstorm fit into the political situation and this comment on the loroi economy and Greywind's rise to power. I still get the impression that even under Greywind, the economy has not been very devoted to total war, though I wonder how much of that is that much of the civilian economic production would not alleviate the bottlenecks for military production.

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Re: Wind and Fire

Post by Cthulhu »

The long-lived Loroi are far more conservative than you might think. Their peacetime generations are very long, they do not have electoral cycles, and the rigid caste system does not favor change either.
The civilians are organized in mercantilist guilds, which are even more resistant to change. The long prosperity period, spearheaded by the previous Emperor who was the former governor of Seren strengthened those structures even further.

Overall, even those changes introduced by Greywind were groundbreaking. These were only possible due to the dire war situation and the failed coup. The conflicts of power distribution are as old as the warlike Loroi themselves, and only the traditional caste system keeps all that in check. As the Splinter Wars have shown, this balance is quite difficult to maintain, especially since the Loroi are also the backbone of the Union.

I'll explore this topic in my fanfic a bit, but it's still 5 or 6 chapters away.

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