Page: 118

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Re: Page: 118

Post by dragoongfa »

I am fairly certain the Tempo's and Stillstorm's feud is down to the Byzantine command structure of the Loroi, not because Tempo actually outranks her. Stillstorm is in command of the 51st and Tempo is the chief MP, espionage and diplomatic officer of the ship and by extension the strike group; which means that Tempo is normally subordinate to Stillstorm and has to obey her orders.

However the Mizol have gotten a few perks with the Ascension of one of their own to the throne and the subsequent coup which followed said ascension. One of which is the Mizols can yield admiralty level authority should the situation demand it. I am fairly certain that Tempo took a huge gamble with bringing Alex to the bridge in order to probe him for information and 'protect' him by recognizing him as a diplomat. Up until that point Alex was a prisoner of war and as such without any legal protection and as thus Stillstorm (being convinced that he is a Spy) could order any number of things to be done to him, up to and including execution.

Now Tempo is the diplomatic officer and has the ability to give admiralty level commands on certain situations, her recognition of Alex as a diplomat is the result of her using that ability but it only goes that far. She got Alex under legal protection and was able to get him to stay on the bridge to witness Bellarmine's destruction but that's only as far as she could go; wisely choosing to not complain when Stillstorm chose to exchange words with the Umiak commander.
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Re: Page: 118

Post by Zamballo »

Precisely. Tempo established a diplomatic mission and that means she has authority in certain diplomatic matters now. My assumption now is that the Loroi taking part in this mission, Beryl, Cloud, Reed and Fireblade and possibly the two pilots are now subordinates of Tempo in this matter.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by dragoongfa »

Marginal and situational authority, she can talk to and converse the alien diplomat about official business but she can't order the others around on anything that doesn't have to do with diplomacy or espionage.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by Starne »

dragoongfa wrote:Marginal and situational authority, she can talk to and converse the alien diplomat about official business but she can't order the others around on anything that doesn't have to do with diplomacy or espionage.
Given that the Loroi are dealing with a first contact with a previously entirely unknown alien civilization, "Things that have to do with diplomacy and espionage" can be logically extended to include quite a lot. Basically, Tempo's authority shot way, way up the moment she formally recognized Alex as an ambassador in front of third-party witnesses. Prior to this, Stillstorm was still likely free to treat him as the infiltrator she likely believes he is, hence the interrogation*. It's likely that having Alex brought to the bridge so Tempo could recognize him in front of witnesses was the only way to make sure Stillstorm didn't end up torturing him to death or executing him as a spy.

It's pretty clear that Tempo was making a power play. First, Alex's escort to the bridge was small (Beryl and Fireblade, plus Shoe Girl), at least two of which were likely directly or indirectly subordinate to Tempo. Second, Tempo was obviously in a hurry to recognize Alex as a diplomat before Stillstorm showed up. Third, we have Stillstorm's "Yeah, well that's convenient for you, isn't it?" response to this. Finally, we have Stillstorm taking the opportunity to get Alex, Tempo and Beryl (Shoe Girl too, I guess) off her ship at the earliest possible opportunity, even giving up her personal shuttle to make sure they're all as far away as possible as fast as possible.

* Note that Tempo says that "Unforeseen events" prevented her from being the one who initially interviewed Alex. IMO the most likely scenario is that Alex woke up sooner than expected (Note that everyone present was rather surprised when Alex woke up, in fact the Loroi might not have been expecting him to wake up at all), and rather than being close by and ready to swoop in, Tempo was probably overseeing the process of picking over the Bellarmine. Stillstorm, by virtue of being the CO, found out about Alex being awake first, and immediately went down to the medical bay to interrogate him, making a point of doing so before Tempo could claim jurisdiction over the situation.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by primarch359 »

You are all overanalyzing the presence of all the characters that we have seen all in the shuttle.

There is a simple out of universe explanation. you dont create new characters in a story when an old character can do the same job. Especially for a comic where you have to design them instead of just describing them.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by orion1836 »

primarch359 wrote:You are all overanalyzing the presence of all the characters that we have seen all in the shuttle.

There is a simple out of universe explanation. you dont create new characters in a story when an old character can do the same job. Especially for a comic where you have to design them instead of just describing them.
But overanalyzing is fun!

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Re: Page: 118

Post by Absalom »

Zamballo wrote:I don't remember anymore where I read that Beryl is a subordinate of Tempo. But both are information officers, with Beryl being the junior one and of a different caste. I could be wrong. Could be just a childhood memory. That she thought Alex would be her responsibility during transit is clear. We don't know yet what exactly she is in charge of. From the look of thinks, she wasn't happy to see Tempo though.
Beryl is the Chief "Librarian" of the Tempest: Listel have perfect memories, and this is used to carry records of telepathic conversations around, as well as whatever else they pick up in the meanwhile. Tempo, in comparison, is roughly a Soviet Political Commisar, charged with ensuring loyalty, dealing with pesky allies, and gathering intelligence on the enemy.

Very different roles, despite the obvious overlap.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by orion1836 »

Absalom wrote:
Zamballo wrote:I don't remember anymore where I read that Beryl is a subordinate of Tempo. But both are information officers, with Beryl being the junior one and of a different caste. I could be wrong. Could be just a childhood memory. That she thought Alex would be her responsibility during transit is clear. We don't know yet what exactly she is in charge of. From the look of thinks, she wasn't happy to see Tempo though.
Beryl is the Chief "Librarian" of the Tempest: Listel have perfect memories, and this is used to carry records of telepathic conversations around, as well as whatever else they pick up in the meanwhile. Tempo, in comparison, is roughly a Soviet Political Commisar, charged with ensuring loyalty, dealing with pesky allies, and gathering intelligence on the enemy.

Very different roles, despite the obvious overlap.
Commissar you say?


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Re: Page: 118

Post by thicket »

primarch359 wrote:You are all overanalyzing the presence of all the characters that we have seen all in the shuttle.

There is a simple out of universe explanation. you dont create new characters in a story when an old character can do the same job. Especially for a comic where you have to design them instead of just describing them.
I for one would have been seriously disappointed if Beryl, Fireblade, Tempo, Spiral and Talon weren't there. Its unlikely we will see anyone from the Tempest ever again, or at least for a very long time.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by danuis »

I'm gonna go on a huge guess. I, subconsciously, remember that Humanity's role in this war was summed up akin to the Hobbits: little fighting, but a lot of struggle nonetheless. But then we also remember that hobbits ran into enemy territory to destroy what the enemy wanted most, what gave the enemy absolute power and even cohesion. Then I line that up with the established fact that Humanity is 'invisible' to the Loroi, making Humanity almost worthless to them but extremely valuable to the Umi. But after a decade, I doubt that we're ever going to see Jardin chatting up a Umiak so nicely, making that a red herring (but extremely useful in any future Loroi-Human war) and it looks like he's slotted the Loroi as the ones to side with. (And he did chose the Loroi back in Earth space anyway!)

With this page, seeing how the Loroi are realizing that Human space is out there in the middle of the respective nowhere and just so nicely is along the flank of the Umiak, I also think, like others have already mused already, that it's all going to end up with a huge flanking operation. Maybe Jardin goes back to the scouts with Beryl and a few others as attaches, scouts out Umiak space, then goes back to Earth where a huge Loroi fleet has assembled and then leads them back to open a huge second front, forcing the huge built-up forces of the Umiak to break up and allowing a breakthrough somewhere and thereof an end to the war.

And that'll be fine. The war's been at a stalemate for the last eight years and with the limits Humanity has in this 'verse, and with no other advantage which could be discerned that the Loroi can take advantage of (and much to the chagrin of the Umiak if they ever find out that Humanity could had basically become the Predators of Space if given enough resources to build up a huge fleet and hit the Loroi), it's the only logical thing which could occur. Or maybe Humanity is also connected to the Soia, which could provide a massive boost in tech for both Humanity and the Loroi and slice through the Umiak, but that's just off on what the Barsam said and maybe the reaction the crew of the Tempest had to the Mickey-Mouse send-off. Plus, I care about the characters, so even what happens it'll be a nice ride.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by dex drako »

its unlikely we'll see earth or another human until after the story is won and Alex is heading home a hero.

the story is going to be focused on the umiak's new ability to by pass the loroi's farseers and who ever destroyed the earth ship (likely new enemy playing both sides.) and Alex's role in stopping both.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by DavalKatro »

I simply long for a subtext for the lorai when we see panels that hint at the use of sanzai.
There is much that would become clear and I am certain it would also lead to more questions.

If we were to switch the sexes (I will use the term sex because I think that lorai gender is not the same as human gender) we would see an all male Sparta like group of warriors treating a lone alien female crew member like one of their own females who was suspected of possible espionage. Not too kindly and with conflicting agendas (stillstorm versus tempo) but still with a restraint that a wholly alien being might not receive.

Jardin wasn't treated well but I am certain that if the lorai really wanted him to spill the beans they could have resorted to less subtle means. Like chemical injections and removal of digits or deprivation.

Some of their behavior is matronizing to say the least. A sort of "Don't you worry your pink male head about meeting your folks, we got this covered honey".

That's my take on it.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by Darroth »

DavalKatro wrote:I simply long for a subtext for the lorai when we see panels that hint at the use of sanzai.
There is much that would become clear and I am certain it would also lead to more questions.

If we were to switch the sexes (I will use the term sex because I think that lorai gender is not the same as human gender) we would see an all male Sparta like group of warriors treating a lone alien female crew member like one of their own females who was suspected of possible espionage. Not too kindly and with conflicting agendas (stillstorm versus tempo) but still with a restraint that a wholly alien being might not receive.

Jardin wasn't treated well but I am certain that if the lorai really wanted him to spill the beans they could have resorted to less subtle means. Like chemical injections and removal of digits or deprivation.

Some of their behavior is matronizing to say the least. A sort of "Don't you worry your pink male head about meeting your folks, we got this covered honey".

That's my take on it.
Rereading the comic with that in mind, page 101 has Beryl speaking like unto a small panicking child.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by DavalKatro »

I agree!

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Re: Page: 118

Post by Quazel »

I would like to humbly second Orion's requests for a Beryl/Tempo alternate universe Soviet Style wall paper.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by DavalKatro »

I have been wondering about loroi deviance .

I Imagine a subculture (a cult) that is secretly trying to use genetic engineering to make a higher ratio of male to female (cloning or in the womb) discovery of anyone affiliated with this group makes you an instant pariah (or dead).

A second possibility is a thriving black market for loroi females with a fetish for strong domineering males. This is a shameful secret that can destroy careers.

The existence of "sperm thieves" . Theft of male seminal fluid before ,during or after the act.
I am certain that this is tricky due to pedigree and family honor but I can see some loroi becoming desperate enough to try pregnancy via dubious means. Especially if having a particular biological sire being important to a female for some reason but is unavailable for political /social reasons.

Disclaimer: the above is not intended to offend anyone.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by raistlin34 »

DavalKatro wrote:I have been wondering about loroi deviance .

I Imagine a subculture (a cult) that is secretly trying to use genetic engineering to make a higher ratio of male to female (cloning or in the womb) discovery of anyone affiliated with this group makes you an instant pariah (or dead).

A second possibility is a thriving black market for loroi females with a fetish for strong domineering males. This is a shameful secret that can destroy careers.

The existence of "sperm thieves" . Theft of male seminal fluid before ,during or after the act.
I am certain that this is tricky due to pedigree and family honor but I can see some loroi becoming desperate enough to try pregnancy via dubious means. Especially if having a particular biological sire being important to a female for some reason but is unavailable for political /social reasons.

Disclaimer: the above is not intended to offend anyone.
I wonder if the biggest deviance for Loroi would be the desire for privacy. Maybe some rogue elements, like criminals, would be very interested in the human lotai just in case it could be replicated.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by dragoongfa »

Hmm... I have used one of the above for a plot point in a story that is in the works.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by DavalKatro »

@ raistlin34 I am chagrined that is did not think of that one. A Loroi eschewing sanzai would be akin to a human has perfectly good hearing but refuses to use them.

@ dragoonfa I look forward to reading it.

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Re: Page: 118

Post by boldilocks »

DavalKatro wrote:@ raistlin34 I am chagrined that is did not think of that one. A Loroi eschewing sanzai would be akin to a human has perfectly good hearing but refuses to use them.
Like that woman who poured bleach into her eyes because she wanted to be blind.
Do the Loroi have a version of Doctor Phil?

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