Stay Healthy If You Can

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Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by Bamax »

As we age it becomes a necessity because body healing and regeneration slows.

Arioch has been sick for a while apparently. Not deathly sick as far as I know, but anything lasting longer than a week is bad news in my experience.

Now every body is unique in it's history, but I will share heatlth tips of my own.

Dietary Shifts: Can help. I was a vegetarian for a few weeks once. I still ate eggs but that was as far as animal protein went.

Net results: More energy but hungry all the time.... also hangry too. Also bathroom time is a LOT easier... less gunk in your pipes if you know what I mean. It is depriving the body of all the grease and fat that would otherwise have to be filtered out from meats.

To be a successful as a vegetarian it will help to cook often. About the only thing that ever made me feel full was loads of rice or oatmeal mixed with veggies, onions and eggs. Also beans.... while gassy, are great protein, especially if seasoned properly.

Meat while filling makes me less energetic than when I am without it.

Exercise: Obviously helps but nowadays choices mean either the gym or risking known dangers outdoors.

If in a gym music headphones are.... helpful if you are more of an introvert who just wants to sweat it out and push yourself.

Anyone else may share health tips that have worked for them as well.

One more: Shoes you wear, the type, makes a big difference. The type is literally what it should be used for.

Walking: If you have a job with a lot of walking and standing, then walking type atheletic shoes have made me feel comfortable. These are great workhorse shoes.

Running: Paradoxically typically lack as much cushion, you do not want them for walking all day and standing all day is even worse. You want them for running and nothing else.

Training: Stiffer than a walking shoe and great for standing while lifting weights. Also good for walking, but not as good as walking shoes since the stiffness will make you want to take them off sooner or later. Training shoes are another good all rounder, you can, walk, run, or stand fine with them.

Sandals: Great when you want your feet to breath after being in trainers. Also great for gym showers to avoid atheletes feet disease/infection.

And regarding atheletes feet, if your feet feel itchy at all pour some vinegar and water in a container and soak your feet for a few minutes then dry. Has always worked for me. Even pouring it on helps if you lack a container.

Never had to buy atheletes foot medication thankfully... and the ancients obviously did not have it either so I presume they also did what I did.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by avatar576 »

In my experience, the body's immune system is incredibly powerful and effective...if you allow it to be. Handwashing and sanitizer and all that is great if you are going to be touching other people and/or licking your hands after getting someone else's bodily fluids or waste on them. Otherwise, there's no need to obsess over it. Your immune system, like anything else in your body, atrophies without use. So if you are never exposed to germs, your immune system weakens to the point where any exposure to even the mildest of bacteria or viruses will cause severe illness. Catching a common cold virus could easily kill you. Conversely, if you're repeatedly exposed to many things, your body can more easily fight off the bad stuff.

I've worked a lot of dirty jobs in my life. I've cleaned up human feces, urine, blood and vomit with nothing more than a handful of paper towels and a plastic bag. I've crawled around inside sewers. I've grubbed around in manholes ankle-deep in 40 or 50 years worth of who knows what. I've had all sorts of animal waste and dead animal remains on my hands, and probably on my face, too. In the last 20 years, I've only been sick enough to stay home from work twice (flu).

I think the big secret to staying healthy is that there really isn't any secret. Eat healthy (everything in moderation, cut out all the sugary and salty junk foods, and stay hydrated), exercise regularly, make sure to get enough sleep, and take care of your basic hygiene needs. Your own body can handle the rest.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by Bamax »

avatar576 wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 4:23 am
In my experience, the body's immune system is incredibly powerful and effective...if you allow it to be. Handwashing and sanitizer and all that is great if you are going to be touching other people and/or licking your hands after getting someone else's bodily fluids or waste on them. Otherwise, there's no need to obsess over it. Your immune system, like anything else in your body, atrophies without use. So if you are never exposed to germs, your immune system weakens to the point where any exposure to even the mildest of bacteria or viruses will cause severe illness. Catching a common cold virus could easily kill you. Conversely, if you're repeatedly exposed to many things, your body can more easily fight off the bad stuff.

I've worked a lot of dirty jobs in my life. I've cleaned up human feces, urine, blood and vomit with nothing more than a handful of paper towels and a plastic bag. I've crawled around inside sewers. I've grubbed around in manholes ankle-deep in 40 or 50 years worth of who knows what. I've had all sorts of animal waste and dead animal remains on my hands, and probably on my face, too. In the last 20 years, I've only been sick enough to stay home from work twice (flu).

I think the big secret to staying healthy is that there really isn't any secret. Eat healthy (everything in moderation, cut out all the sugary and salty junk foods, and stay hydrated), exercise regularly, make sure to get enough sleep, and take care of your basic hygiene needs. Your own body can handle the rest.

Moderation is key yes, but I also dare say that some things should be ingested only rarely rather than often.

During my supermarket work days in the past I saw customers buy loads of soda pop like it was going extinct.

I never understood the addiction to the stuff. I stopped liking the stuff as a little kid when drinking too much made my belly bloat and made me burpy.

Like several other things, soda pop is also linked to cancer risk... due to high sugar and the large paragraph of who knows what artificial coloring and other junk they put in the stuff.

Nowadays I may drink ginger ale or a sprite like drink if I have a cough or runny nose, since it seems to relieve tge symptoms temporarily at least, but that's it.

And what jobs did you do? Are you Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs lol?

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by Arioch »

avatar576 wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 4:23 am
In my experience, the body's immune system is incredibly powerful and effective...if you allow it to be. Handwashing and sanitizer and all that is great if you are going to be touching other people and/or licking your hands after getting someone else's bodily fluids or waste on them. Otherwise, there's no need to obsess over it. Your immune system, like anything else in your body, atrophies without use. So if you are never exposed to germs, your immune system weakens to the point where any exposure to even the mildest of bacteria or viruses will cause severe illness. Catching a common cold virus could easily kill you. Conversely, if you're repeatedly exposed to many things, your body can more easily fight off the bad stuff.
Being exposed to potential pathogens is especially important for children... this is why as societies become more urbanized and sedentary, people's immune systems tank and prevalence of allergies rises. I recall seeing a statistic that children in families with pets have much better immune systems.

When I was in school I worked briefly as a security guard, and I spent a few nights working at the local hospital. During my rounds I liked to pause at the (whatever they call the section where they put the newborn babies) and look through the glass at the newborns lined up in a row in their little glass trays. It had a kind of dystopian Brave New World vibe... such a sterile and lifeless place... surely a newborn would be better off with the mother, to feel her warmth and sounds? They're medical professionals, of course, and so I'm sure they know better than I do... but I wonder whether their primary concern is that the baby not get sick on their watch, and perhaps are not as concerned about the baby's long-term health.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by QuakeIV »

I think you are probably correct that the very short term focused behavior has more to do with liability than any shits given for long term outcome.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by avatar576 »

Bamax wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 4:34 pm
Moderation is key yes, but I also dare say that some things should be ingested only rarely rather than often.

During my supermarket work days in the past I saw customers buy loads of soda pop like it was going extinct.

I never understood the addiction to the stuff. I stopped liking the stuff as a little kid when drinking too much made my belly bloat and made me burpy.

Like several other things, soda pop is also linked to cancer risk... due to high sugar and the large paragraph of who knows what artificial coloring and other junk they put in the stuff.

Nowadays I may drink ginger ale or a sprite like drink if I have a cough or runny nose, since it seems to relieve tge symptoms temporarily at least, but that's it.

And what jobs did you do? Are you Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs lol?
I used to drink a lot of that stuff, too, especially in high school. Then my older brother went off to college, drank a gallon of Dr Pepper a day and put on about 40 pounds in three months. I quit cold turkey. That was probably the one dietary change I've made in my life that had the most noticeable result. I won't touch the stuff anymore, except once in a blue moon. If there are any words on the ingredients label that I can't pronounce, I won't eat it.

Actually, my first job in high school was at the city pool as a lifeguard in the summer. Public pools (and the locker rooms) are really disgusting places, and people do really disgusting things there, probably more often than you want to know. One summer, the state nearly shut the pool down because our E. coli levels were too high. Too many kids pooping and puking in the pool. Don't let the chlorine and chemicals fool you. Those places are like giant petri dishes.

After college I was an office zombie for a few years before I realized it was destroying my soul. So I pulled a Peter Gibbons (Office Space) and went blue-collar. Did construction for an underground utility company (sewers, storm drains, water mains) for a bit, then got into cable. I do distribution plant construction/maintenance/repair.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by avatar576 »

Arioch wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 8:48 pm
Being exposed to potential pathogens is especially important for children... this is why as societies become more urbanized and sedentary, people's immune systems tank and prevalence of allergies rises. I recall seeing a statistic that children in families with pets have much better immune systems.

When I was in school I worked briefly as a security guard, and I spent a few nights working at the local hospital. During my rounds I liked to pause at the (whatever they call the section where they put the newborn babies) and look through the glass at the newborns lined up in a row in their little glass trays. It had a kind of dystopian Brave New World vibe... such a sterile and lifeless place... surely a newborn would be better off with the mother, to feel her warmth and sounds? They're medical professionals, of course, and so I'm sure they know better than I do... but I wonder whether their primary concern is that the baby not get sick on their watch, and perhaps are not as concerned about the baby's long-term health.
You might have been seeing the NICU (neo-natal intensive care unit) for babies born with potentially life-threatening issues. In that case, a sterile environment is probably better so they can deal with the issue at hand without worrying about infections making things worse. I don't think it's absolutely necessary to start exposing them to pathogens right out of the birth canal. But, yes, I think doctors and hospitals do like to avoid malpractice and wrongful death suits whenever possible, too. Children will have plenty of time to build their immune systems once they're more-or-less self-sufficient. This happens just by being allowed to go outside, hanging around other kids, rolling around in the dirt, turning up stones, and catching frogs.
It does makes sense that kids who grow up with pets will have stronger immune systems, just because dogs and cats will do all of that and then plant it right on your face with a big, wet, dog kiss.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by Arioch »

avatar576 wrote:
Mon May 02, 2022 1:18 am
You might have been seeing the NICU (neo-natal intensive care unit) for babies born with potentially life-threatening issues. In that case, a sterile environment is probably better so they can deal with the issue at hand without worrying about infections making things worse.
There were about 20 babies in there, so I doubt it. I don't have any kids, so my expertise here is limited to what I've seen in movies and television, but I think it's standard procedure to keep newborns in there for the first few days.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by Bamax »

avatar576 wrote:
Mon May 02, 2022 1:05 am
Bamax wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 4:34 pm
Moderation is key yes, but I also dare say that some things should be ingested only rarely rather than often.

During my supermarket work days in the past I saw customers buy loads of soda pop like it was going extinct.

I never understood the addiction to the stuff. I stopped liking the stuff as a little kid when drinking too much made my belly bloat and made me burpy.

Like several other things, soda pop is also linked to cancer risk... due to high sugar and the large paragraph of who knows what artificial coloring and other junk they put in the stuff.

Nowadays I may drink ginger ale or a sprite like drink if I have a cough or runny nose, since it seems to relieve tge symptoms temporarily at least, but that's it.

And what jobs did you do? Are you Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs lol?
I used to drink a lot of that stuff, too, especially in high school. Then my older brother went off to college, drank a gallon of Dr Pepper a day and put on about 40 pounds in three months. I quit cold turkey. That was probably the one dietary change I've made in my life that had the most noticeable result. I won't touch the stuff anymore, except once in a blue moon. If there are any words on the ingredients label that I can't pronounce, I won't eat it.

Actually, my first job in high school was at the city pool as a lifeguard in the summer. Public pools (and the locker rooms) are really disgusting places, and people do really disgusting things there, probably more often than you want to know. One summer, the state nearly shut the pool down because our E. coli levels were too high. Too many kids pooping and puking in the pool. Don't let the chlorine and chemicals fool you. Those places are like giant petri dishes.

After college I was an office zombie for a few years before I realized it was destroying my soul. So I pulled a Peter Gibbons (Office Space) and went blue-collar. Did construction for an underground utility company (sewers, storm drains, water mains) for a bit, then got into cable. I do distribution plant construction/maintenance/repair.
Nice story!

Another thing I noticed, especially now that I am currently on another vegetarian try out again, is that I feel more... alert mentally.

On meat I am definitely more lethargic, both physically and mentally.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by avatar576 »

Bamax wrote:
Mon May 02, 2022 9:45 pm
Nice story!

Another thing I noticed, especially now that I am currently on another vegetarian try out again, is that I feel more... alert mentally.

On meat I am definitely more lethargic, both physically and mentally.
I mostly stick to poultry when it comes to meat. Prefer my fish raw (sushi -- only a once-in-a-while treat). Bacon once a week, and not much red meat at all (but incidentally I did find a wicked beef stroganoff recipe recently, so I'll never give it up entirely).

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by Felixscout »

Arioch wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 8:48 pm
When I was in school I worked briefly as a security guard, and I spent a few nights working at the local hospital. During my rounds I liked to pause at the (whatever they call the section where they put the newborn babies) and look through the glass at the newborns lined up in a row in their little glass trays. It had a kind of dystopian Brave New World vibe... such a sterile and lifeless place... surely a newborn would be better off with the mother, to feel her warmth and sounds? They're medical professionals, of course, and so I'm sure they know better than I do... but I wonder whether their primary concern is that the baby not get sick on their watch, and perhaps are not as concerned about the baby's long-term health.
Guessing you are late 70's or early 80's baby so you probably did that gig in the late 90's or early 00's. Back then what you saw was the norm but for the last 10-15 years what is called "baby friendly" is becoming more and more widespread. Baby friendly newborn care means skin to skin contact with mom, and dad, ASAP after birth. Because of a host of research showing how newborns and parents get so much good from this skin to skin contact then and for the next 3-4 months.

This reminds me of an anecdote.

When our little one was born in the last decade the hospital we were at was slowly transitioning to baby friendly which meant they were not as on the ball with this stuff especially with ours who had to spend a day and a night in NICU. In the middle of this period my MIL, with 30 years as a Labor and Delivery RN and fully onboard with Baby Friendly, rolls into the hospital. She shows her ID to the staff and metaphorical heads start to roll.

"Why is this newborn not skin to skin with their mother?!"
"Why is this newborn drinking formula?!"
"Why is the mother not being allowed to spend as much time as possible with the child in NICU?!"

You should have seen the staff jump. It was glorious. And the nursing consultant was so over the moon about my MIL and kept bending her ear about the practices at her hospital.

And things improved almost immediately.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by DevilDalek »

Bamax wrote:
Sat Apr 30, 2022 7:26 pm

Arioch has been sick for a while apparently. Not deathly sick as far as I know, but anything lasting longer than a week is bad news in my experience.
I hope all is well Arioch, and you get better soon, if not, I hope it is something happily managed.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by Dan Wyatt »

Stay healthy Arioch.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by Arioch »

I'm currently in the hospital. Don't be alarmed; I have a small injury that went septic (which may explain why it took me three weeks to fight off the flu), and I will probably be here for a few more days while they pump me full of antibiotics and frown disapprovingly. So as you can imagine, I don't have access to my materials.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by Bamax »

Arioch wrote:
Sat May 14, 2022 11:58 pm
I'm currently in the hospital. Don't be alarmed; I have a small injury that went septic (which may explain why it took me three weeks to fight off the flu), and I will probably be here for a few more days while they pump me full of antibiotics and frown disapprovingly. So as you can imagine, I don't have access to my materials.
Thou sayest whaaat?

Hmmm.... that actually is serious.

As you know.... this is the internet. Within seconds I looked up sepsis injuries on google.

The results were.... alarming. This is a lethal matter.

Yet I have faith that your body and sheer will power can get you through it.

Each time we survive a potentially life threatening illness we are fortunate to be alive.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by Snoofman »

Poor Arioch. If I had sanzai I’d transmit you my best thoughts and well wishes. But we have the next best thing: the internet. Please be well and focus on recovering. I know everyone says this but if there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to say so. There are plenty of people here who are ready to give what they can, however great or humble.

MIC see you real soon. KEY because we like you. MOUSE

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by avatar576 »

Arioch wrote:
Sat May 14, 2022 11:58 pm
I'm currently in the hospital. Don't be alarmed; I have a small injury that went septic (which may explain why it took me three weeks to fight off the flu), and I will probably be here for a few more days while they pump me full of antibiotics and frown disapprovingly. So as you can imagine, I don't have access to my materials.
Not fun. Get well soon!

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by Cthulhu »

Arioch wrote:
Sat May 14, 2022 11:58 pm
I'm currently in the hospital. Don't be alarmed; I have a small injury that went septic (which may explain why it took me three weeks to fight off the flu), and I will probably be here for a few more days while they pump me full of antibiotics and frown disapprovingly. So as you can imagine, I don't have access to my materials.
Sepsis? And then, multiple days in a hospital? If the infection doesn't get ya, the bills will. :shock:

Seriously, though, get well soon! I'll try and send some positive vibes telepathically.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by Arioch »

By "septic" I just meant infected. The technical term is osteomyelitis.

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Re: Stay Healthy If You Can

Post by Keklas Rekobah »

I looked up “osteomyelitis”.


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