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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:12 am
by Arioch
GeoModder wrote:Are all the collected specimens an artifacts of Bellarmine's wreck onboard the Highland shuttle?
No, just some of them.

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:23 am
by TrashMan
Karst45 wrote:
wasp609 wrote:I wonder what the most confusing item they found from Bellarmine the is to the loroi.
maybe this?
If they found THAT, then the very next thing the Loroi would do is push the Bellarmine into the Sun, together with Jardin and everything ever touched by a human.

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:13 pm
by wasp609
Imagine if the found a rubiks cube some loroir would be having a fit.

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 9:10 pm
by Hālian
<Stillstorm> “Our Listel died of thirst after being exposed to your color-cube weapon. Explain yourself.

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:28 pm
by Hālian
Do civilian loroi have any names other than their given one? Or if everyone's favorite telekinetic death machine got discharged tomorrow, would she just be called Leinnol?

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 11:43 pm
by JQBogus
A few questions about Unsheathed abilities:

1) How many PK powers can a typical Unsheathed use at once? For example, can they keep up both physical and EM shields while still pumping out TK attacks? Does using multiple powers at once weaken the effect of the individual powers?

2) How much concentration does it take to use the shields? Is it just "you have to be conscious and decide to do it" or does it take so much concentration that the performance of other activities is either impaired or outright impossible?

3) Are the shields selective, or ineffective against low energy effects? For example, does an EM shield block radio, or even light? Does a physical shield stop -everything- including molecular motion it the surrounding atmosphere? Does a shield move with the Unsheathed who made it, and if so, how does it deal with immobile physical barriers it comes in contact with, such as trees?

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 12:17 am
by Arioch
Carl Miller wrote:Do civilian loroi have any names other than their given one? Or if everyone's favorite telekinetic death machine got discharged tomorrow, would she just be called Leinnol?
Civilians use guild and job titles as part of their names in the same way that warriors do.
JQBogus wrote:1) How many PK powers can a typical Unsheathed use at once? For example, can they keep up both physical and EM shields while still pumping out TK attacks? Does using multiple powers at once weaken the effect of the individual powers?
Psychokinesis use is limited by power (which determines the total amount of force that can be applied at any moment) and skill (which determines how finely the application of that force can be controlled). A PK who can exert 10 pounds for force can lift one 10 pound object, or two 5 pound objects, etc. Trying to control multiple applications of force at once will present an increasing challenge to skill as the number of objects increases, similar to physically juggling objects.
JQBogus wrote:2) How much concentration does it take to use the shields? Is it just "you have to be conscious and decide to do it" or does it take so much concentration that the performance of other activities is either impaired or outright impossible?
A very skilled user may be able to maintain the shield mostly without active concentration (as an experienced driver operates almost unconsciously), but a less skilled user will have to allocate more of her attention to it.
JQBogus wrote:3) Are the shields selective, or ineffective against low energy effects? For example, does an EM shield block radio, or even light? Does a physical shield stop -everything- including molecular motion it the surrounding atmosphere? Does a shield move with the Unsheathed who made it, and if so, how does it deal with immobile physical barriers it comes in contact with, such as trees?
A PK shield represents an application of force; it will not "block" or "stop" an attack unless that force is sufficient to completely nullify the kinetic energy of the attack; otherwise it reduces (or perhaps deflects) that kinetic energy. It will affect any mass within the area of effect, including atmosphere. The area of effect is wherever the user chooses; usually this moves with the user. If the shield comes into contact with an object such as a tree, it will apply its force to that object; if that force is not sufficient to move that object, then nothing happens. There is no counter-force on the user; in order to work, Newton's Third Law cannot apply to telekinesis.

EM shields work the same way, except regarding electromagnetism instead of matter.

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:11 am
by wasp609
I amazes me just how deep and rich the background of the loroi is.

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 11:09 am
by Grayhome
It amazes me that the Loroi have not conquered the galaxy and 2-3 others by now. The advantage set they have makes them into veritable invincible Gods.

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:23 pm
by Hālian

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:49 pm
by GeoModder
Grayhome wrote:It amazes me that the Loroi have not conquered the galaxy and 2-3 others by now. The advantage set they have makes them into veritable invincible Gods.
8-9 centuries might be a bit on the short side for that? ;)

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 3:35 am
by Philly
Do the Loroi rely so much on their Far-Sensing ability that it has become a crutch for them? If the Umiak have figured out a way to get past it then their defenses are in trouble if not essentially crippled.

Sorry if this was asked before.

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:34 am
by Arioch
Philly wrote:Do the Loroi rely so much on their Far-Sensing ability that it has become a crutch for them? If the Umiak have figured out a way to get past it then their defenses are in trouble if not essentially crippled.
The Loroi have a large front to defend against an enemy who greatly outnumbers them; it would be very difficult to hold the current line without the ability to predict when and where attacks will come.

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:46 am
by Senanthes
Since the subject has been all over the news lately, I'm curious, so I hope I can be pardoned for asking...

What's the Loroi take on racism? I know they don't like OTHER species, but do they have noticeable lines between their own ethnicities? Or have such details been subsumed by the greater concerns of the Empire?

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:59 pm
by icekatze
hi hi

The Loroi do seem to have a noticeable class structure. So they already get to discriminate based on that. I suspect that would at least make racism less pronounced, if it does not eliminate it, simply because there is going to be less mixing of different groups. Everyone has their place, and is expected to stick to it, as it were. But in cases where there is mixing, I would imagine it might depend on the circumstances.

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:07 pm
by Hālian
With what manner of instrument(s) was the Loroi Trade alphabet designed to be written?

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:00 am
by Arioch
Senanthes wrote:What's the Loroi take on racism? I know they don't like OTHER species, but do they have noticeable lines between their own ethnicities? Or have such details been subsumed by the greater concerns of the Empire?
There have been and continue to be ethnic divisions among the Loroi, but at present such concerns have been overshadowed by the currently struggle for the survival of the species. But there are Loroi ethnic minorities who sometimes feel (justly or unjustly) slighted.

As icekatze notes, the class division in Loroi society is probably of greater concern to most individuals than ethnicity (though a having rigid class systems hasn't prevented certain Earth cultures from also being intensely racist). The Login ethnic nations on Deinar often felt marginalized by the primarily Tadan and Barraid "first world" nations of Menelos and Zaral, and the Loroi of Taben sometimes complain about feeling like the junior partner of the alliance.
Carl Miller wrote:With what manner of instrument(s) was the Loroi Trade alphabet designed to be written?
Loroi Trade was adopted from ancient writings of the then-technologically-advanced Proto-Loroi (who the Loroi refer to as the Soia), and was typically written in early times with brushes. It's not clear what instruments the "designers" of the script had in mind.

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 5:11 am
by Hālian
Does a cursive version of the script exist, and if so what does it look like? Because the script doesn't look very conducive to being cursivified...

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:10 am
by Arioch
Carl Miller wrote:Does a cursive version of the script exist, and if so what does it look like? Because the script doesn't look very conducive to being cursivified...
There are more "calligraphic" versions of the characters, but they're not "cursive" in the sense of being linked together.

Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 7:40 pm
by Alexandr Koori
I don't find, why loroi use lighting parts of suits. Is this detectors?