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Re: RP

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:23 pm
by sunphoenix
That would be GREAT! I saw Alternity when it came out but was too involved with other scifi and fantasy games to pay it much mind.. and we were all at the time learning how to use the D&D 3rd edition system at that point. When the smoke cleared Alternity had flashed and gone... never looked into the system. Sure send me the files for Alternity.

As for BESM... it is not per' se a fantasy game it is multi-genre and works ok for any setting. Check out my character Maiannon for the Incursion Game... he is definitely a scifi character in the BESM system. I only suggested it as all the rules... no matter the genre' are all in the same place and its a relatively simple system.

But.. if you are more familiar and comfortable with the Alternity system that would be fine as well .. the GM for a game should feel comfortable with WHATEVER system they choose to run.

As for BBSW.. LOLS! I believe I posted to someone that they probably didn't want that! lol! :)

My e-mail address is, its my main e-mail.. I don't care who really knows. If I don't like something someone sends me I can delete it and block the address as spam! LOL!

Re: RP

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:00 pm
by VonWolffe
I don't really think I am qualified to run an Outsider campaign, I only have a passing familiarity with the setting in that there are sexy blue space elves with psionic powers fighting giant communist bugs. I could act as a kind of referee for the system if we do decide to go with Alternity, but as far as the game that we are discussing goes I think someone who knows Outsider would do a much better job. Even if the GM does not know the system, so long as they could tell a story then I could take care of the nuts and bolts.

I will have those books sent over to you momentarily. I won't flood you with expansions quite yet though. Would any lurkers considering joining the game like a copy as well?

Re: RP

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:32 pm
by sunphoenix
You know just as much about Outsider as any of us if you have read the total amount of the comic strip thus far published. THAT and ANY post that Arioch has made and nothing else... {as far as I'm concerned} has any bearing on the setting. Were not looking for someone to write.. as well as Arioch has written HIS world... only like his world he has designed.

I myself am in too many games to run another one when I'm effectively running two right now and playing like 7 or 8 RPG games as of now.

I'm a collector of game systems... feel free to send me EVERYTHING you have for Alternity.. I will eat it all up! :)

Re: RP

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:54 pm
by Suederwind
Would be interesting. Can you make it?
Sorry for the delay! I´m currently reading through that Tri-Stat Rulebook sunphoenix has send me (thanks again!), but it takes longer than expected, as there are some other things I have to do at the moment (among others: helping to prepare a New Year's Eve dinner/party for some friends, creating some concept art and doing some worldbuilding for a project of mine, preparing a new storyarc for one of the games I´m GM-ing, etc...). :oops:
I don´t think that adapting "the dark eye" rules would work here. It would take some work and time to adapt them, I don´t know if there is a english version of the current german rules (edition 4.1) that I´m used to and I don´t even have the german rulebooks as pdf versions. So lets forget that idea.

Well, on the other hand, I had some time to think about the story. It would be some kind of reversed outsider situation:
The story will take place one year after the the start of the human mission to make contact with the Loroi. The mission seems to have failed, only the Prabhu and the Utsumi returned with no sign of the other scouts, the Loroi or the Umiak.
While mankinds government is debating about what to do next, the colonial fleet prepared a series of "checkpoints" in the systems close to Esperanza, on the way to the Loroi Space. Ready to alarm humanity, slow down the enemy or make contact with whatever might come that way.
On one of these "checkpoints", only a few jumps away from Esperanza, the older destroyer Cydonia under the command of Captain Blake, awaits the arrival of relief after 3 months of boring guard duty in that system. But suddenly the peace in that system is interrupted by the arrival of two unknown vessels, that start fighting each other the moment they enter the system. As the fighting ends shortly after, both ships a destroyed, but Cydonia receives an emergency message in trade and english from a damaged small craft (a shuttle), that is slowly heading for the human ship...

The player characters could be either human (part of Cydonias crew) or loroi (the ones in the shuttle).
I have to do some more research, create the NPCs and so on. So its not finished. ;)
How do you like that setting?

Re: RP

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:33 pm
by bunnyboy
I like it.

My idea was likewise, but with only humans to play. Commercial ship going on to lone outpost, which find instead remains of combat and couple of almost dead aliens. Because it is before Orgus contact, they have no idea of what they have found. And because the travel to home takes almost year (the jump generator is old has to be break apart and reassemble by hand after each use), can they keep themselves and their visitors alive to earth or nearest civilization.

Re: RP

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:35 am
by sunphoenix
I like it too...

I'd play either side if one or the other is more compatible or needed for the game. I have Kamielle {human} or 'Stormrage' {Teidar-Loroi}...

Re: RP

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:14 am
by Suederwind
That sounds funny too!
Well, who knows what could happen on Cydonias way back home? Its an old destroyer, so engine trouble is not impossible. :)
The goal of the Cydonia and its crew would be to pick up this craft and bring its passengers safe back to earth, learn more about them, their culture, etc... and later maybe show them earth or so.
For the Loroi, their goal would be holding the shuttle together long enough for the humans to arrive, establish some form of relation with the humans, helping them on their way home and try to understand them and their habits.

The crew of the Cydonia would consist of the following personnel:
-Captain (NPC): Jeremiah Blake, age: 65, nationality: British, on his last command before retirement, a skilled and cautious commander, maybe a little short (1,68m "tall") and
old-fashioned (he still prefers glasses instead of a small surgery :roll: ), fancied by his crew, but not liked by this superiors for his sometimes strange ideas and habits, ...
-Weapons Officer (NPC): Yannick Metzger, age: 22, nationality: German, best gunner of his year on the academy, on his first mission, can´t keep his mouth shut, likes 20th century music :oops: , ...

possible Human character slots (always open for suggestions):
-science officer: responsible for the scanners, examination of alien artifacts/transmissions/etc..., can speak a little trade, ...
-medical officer: keeps the crew and their guests healthy as the name suggests ;)
-communications officer: fluent trade speaker, handles Cydonias communications, translates, etc...
-head of security: responsible for security on board the Cydonia, good shooter, experienced in hand to hand combat, ...
-Chief Engineer: keeps the Cydonia going, repairs broken stuff, etc...

The Loroi (former crew of the "Blaze"-class frigate "Argent Fire" (as for all Loroi names: better suggestions are very welcome...)):
On their way to establish diplomatic contact with "humaniti", based on the informations that have been obtained by the lone survivor of the Naam incident. The frigate and its a bit unusual crew stumbled over a lonely Umiak scout, although outgunned, they have been able to destroy the enemy, but the "Argent Fire" suffered hevy damage and only few crewmembers could escape the following destruction of the frigate, as its reactor-control failed. Stuck on a small and damaged shuttle, their only hope is that alien ship, that slowly approaches them...

-Soroin Mallas (NPC): spoken name: bein rezei "copper spear", age: 22, raised on Deinar, red hair, pigtail, "Captain" of the ship (her first command), she is eager to fight but knows when to follow orders, has a harsh voice and is short tempered, ongoing disagreements with the Mizol Losat about the chain of command on board the "Argent Fire", barely escaped the destruction, badly injured ...

possible Loroi character slots (always open for suggestions, all Loroi PC and NPC can speak/understand English):
-Mizol Losat: leads the diplomatic mission, ...
-Listel Sininran: "science officer", ...
-Teidar Sezon: responsible for the security of the diplomatic mission, ...
-Tenoin Narrat: helmsman and current shuttlepilot, ...

If there are only few people who wants to play, it would be better to choose one side.
And sorry for any spelling errors. :|

Re: RP

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:15 am
by fredgiblet
Suederwind wrote:And sorry for any spelling errors. :|
As we say at work (chat support, where I am right now) "I speak fluent Typo, it's not a problem".

Re: RP

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:44 am
by sunphoenix
Well {Lt.} Kamielle Lynn is a Human - Pilot/Helmsman and Sonnidezi "Stormrage" is a Loroi - Teidar Security Officer. I can convert either or both to BESM... do you want me to write them both up and submitt them for your approval?

Re: RP

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:19 am
by bunnyboy
Hmm. I think I would make either loroi or neridi (if allowed) specialized in either trade administration or biochemical reactions.
(Poor Alexander. Who would have known, that cyanide, which gives good taste to tezir, could be so dangerous to humans.)

Re: RP

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:43 pm
by Suederwind
As we say at work (chat support, where I am right now) "I speak fluent Typo, it's not a problem".
:D Good to know!
Well {Lt.} Kamielle Lynn is a Human - Pilot/Helmsman and Sonnidezi "Stormrage" is a Loroi - Teidar Security Officer. I can convert either or both to BESM... do you want me to write them both up and submitt them for your approval?
You can write both and send them to me. But it could take some time for me to check them, so no need to hurry.
I have not decided if there are two groups of players (loroi and humans) or only one (human or loroi). That depends on how many of you guys want to play. ;)

I take it, that we use the BESM rules?

Some suggestions for the characters in general: please take a loroi or a human character, send that character to me and include a discription that should include a small backgroundstory and a motivation (like: why is that character in that situation, what does he want to achieve, ...), if your character should be of a different race (like a Nereidi or Barsam) please send me a plossible explanation why he is included in the crew.
Poor Alexander. Who would have known, that cyanide, which gives good taste to tezir, could be so dangerous to humans.
Oh well... That was my misstake. :oops: Writing long texts at 2 AM is not my strong point, I gues. Alex is not dead, he is that lone survivor. ;) Why should he commit suicide anyway, with all that hot blue space elve girls around? ;-)

Re: RP

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:06 pm
by Beliskner
I could join in for fun :D . If possible I could use Rox blueprint from Operation: Deep Strike for this one( I will sent rewritten character for Suederwind on pm)

I have a lot of free time lately ;]

Re: RP

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:49 pm
by bunnyboy
Suederwind wrote:
Poor Alexander. Who would have known, that cyanide, which gives good taste to tezir, could be so dangerous to humans.
Oh well... That was my misstake. :oops: Writing long texts at 2 AM is not my strong point, I gues. Alex is not dead, he is that lone survivor. ;) Why should he commit suicide anyway, with all that hot blue space elve girls around? ;-)
I wasn't killing him but wanted to point the danger of our different chemistry. Any poison is harmless if diluted enough and syanide, which prevent iron based breathing, may be harmless substance for copper blooded loroi and perhaps used for seasoning like tabasco. I now understand, why Alexander think loroi food tasteless They serve him (baby)food, which contains only energy and universal proteins, which is more easile used by different metabolisms

Re: RP

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:16 pm
by sunphoenix
Well bunnyboy and I are familiar with BESM. Though we could use any system you would prefer...but it will be difficult if we don't possess the rules to look at if we are to make characters.

If we are to use BESM... we do need to know from you... how many points you wish us to make our characters on? The Examples of Kamielle and Sonnidezi I will make off the same number of base points I built Maiannon on for Incursion.

He was built on 210pts and has 31pts in defects... though his sheet says he's 240pts. The BESM 3rd Edition Rules say on p. 8 that Heroic characters are from 150 pts to 299 pts. So I'll just try to build both characters on 225pts... {the middle ground} and see what defects I come up with.

Re: RP

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:13 pm
by sunphoenix
Ok. This turned out more expensive than I'd figured. All I did was try to convert the Deep Strike character of Kamielle to BESM... wow. Waay more points than I expected. Now I could cut out a lot of points to making him no where near as effective for what he's supposed to be... an Ace Space Fighter Pilot.

However when I looked at Fusebox's solider character from Incursion [ Harold "Harry" Markum ]... I realized that to make an effective 'soldier' with only 225 points - ALL he can do is fight or shoot! There are no points to spare for a actual 'person', that's not really enough points to make a rounded character. Most players will spend at least 170 to 190pts on stats alone!

The Example given in the book {its been a while since I played BESM} on p. 16 'Tabitha' is built o 350 points...which curiously is 10times exactly more than what 1st and second edition BESM suggested with only 35points. [1st and 2nd Edition BESM stats were only 1pt per level and there were only 6 levels to ANY attribute...]

So here is Kamielle.. to give you some idea of what could be done will have to decide how many points you really want to give us to build with ... I'll adjust as needed this was...again just AS I SAW IT as straight conversion of what I wanted the Deep Striker Character to be... constrained by the system of the original write up...which you can look at below.

I'll start on Sonnidezi "Stormrage" now...

{TCA Lieut.} Kamielle Lynn < -- Post Color 4040FF
Mecha 'Fighter' Pilot {Male} [Points 319]
Position: Pilot / ???
Background: Mother, PhD. Angelica Lynn-Edwards, a well respected Geneticist and Chemical Engineer Researcher for the megacorp - GENETEC. Father, Col. Thomas Lynn, a career Naval Officer - lost in line of duty on Classified Mission for Naval intelligence when 'Kam' was age 6. Mother raised from then on, but spent little time with him being busy with her career. Kam always dreamed of being a Pilot like his father and a at age 18 applied to TCA Naval academy. Proved to be a naturally talented pilot... just like his father. Now age 21 already a Lieut. and a decorated Ace Fighter Pilot - a staunch protector of Humaniti!

Quote: "Its not enough just to SURVIVE, a species has to be WORTHY to Survive... proven by how they treat other intelligent species and handle the unknown - hopefully with courage, open-mindedness, deliberation and humble dignity."

Description -
Spoken name: Kamielle Lynn 'pronounced Cam-Meal'
Name Meaning: {Warrior-Maiden of the Lake}
CAMILLA; Gender: Feminine; Usage: English, Italian, Scandinavian, Finnish, Ancient Roman, Roman Mythology; Pronounced: kə-MIL-ə (English), kah-MEEL-lah (Italian) [key]
Feminine form of CAMILLUS. This was the name of a legendary warrior maiden of the Volsci, as told by Virgil in the 'Aeneid'. It was popularized in the English-speaking world by Fanny Burney's novel 'Camilla'
Lynn; One who resided by a pool or lake.
Call Sign: "Paladin"
Title/Rank: Navy Lieutenant - O3
Race: Human-Solarian
* Solarian Colony is one of Humaniti's 9 worlds, a very dry and arid world but with breathable atmosphere. Rich in heavy elements - uranium, titanium. There is a native plant pollen that in the solar frequency of the Yellow-Green sun when inhaled produces a pigment chance slowly in humans giving the natives born an raised on Solaris III a greyish tint to the skin and bleaches the pigment from their body hair and eyes.
Gender: Male
Appearance: HT 6'3" {187.5cm}, WT 187lbs {85kg}, Hair - White, Eye - Silver 'Very pale Blue'; Handsome and lean, graceful. Always wears a cloak of some sort... odd fashion sense.
Picture -
Uploaded with

Personality: Courageous and Gentle. Somewhat shy but tends to impulsiveness when action is needed.
Abilities/Skills: Piloting - Space fighter, Martial Arts-Tae Kwon Do, 2hd Melee-Kenjutsu, Firearms-Pistols, Computers, Astrogation; Musical instrument - Guitar 'acoustic', Performance - Dancing / Singing, Hobby - Model Building
Stats: {334pts}
Body: 6, Mind: 5, Soul: 6 {170pts}
ACV = 6{7}; DCV = 6{7}; Dam MP = 5 x {Weapon Attack Lvl} + ACV
- ACV: Pistols/Unarmed [8], Gunnery/Swords [9], 11.5mm Auto-Pistol [11]
- DCV: Ranged-Personal/Unarmed [8], Ranged-Pilot/Swords [9]
- Damage: Gunnery Dam MP 7
- Initiative: +6
- Perception: +1 Mind/Body {Perception checks}
Movement {per round} / m {kph}:
* Walk = 12m {Indefinite}; Jog = 18m {long}; Run = 24m {moderate}; Sprint = 36m {short}
* Jump = 6m LT x 3m HT/Back {standing}; 11.25m LT [Body check TN12] {run}
* Swim/Crawl = 1m {long}; Swim/Crawl = 2m {short}
Health Points = 60
Shock Value = 12 [32]
Energy Points = 55

Race: Human {Gene-gineered Enhanced Solider} {39pts}
{Human-Base} {Lotai 'Untouchable'} Block Power [Source-Psionic: Telepathy, Sixth Sense, Super-senses] = Lvl 5 {10pts}
{Gene-gineered-Human} Combat Technique [Blind-Fighting <2>, Blind-Shooting <2>, Dead Eye <2>, Hardboiled/2 {+20 Shock} <4>, Lightning Reflexes/2 {+6 Intv} <4>,
Precise Aim <2>, Steady Hand <2>] {18pts}
{Gene-gineered-Human} Features [Ambidexterity <1>, Appearance/2 <2>, Lighting Calculator <1>, Longevity <1>, Spacial Sense <1>, Speed Reading <1>] {7pts}
{Gene-gineered-Human} Heightened Awareness/1 {2pts}
{Gene-gineered-Human} Jumping/1 {2pts}
{Gene-gineered-Human} Resistance/1 {2pts}
{Gene-gineered-Human} Special Movement-Fast/1 {2pts}
{Gene-gineered-Human} Special Defense-Disease/1 {+6 vs Stat} {2pts}
{Gene-gineered-Human} Defect: Owned: TCU has a substantial investment in Kam... as one of their Enhanced Human soldiers/pilots. Kam cannot 'retire' {-6pts}

Occupation: TCU Pilot {62pts} "Mecha Pilot - modified"
Attack Combat Mastery = Lvl1 {10pts}
Massive Damage {Gunnery Weapons} = Lvl 2 {8pts}
Melee Attack [Swords] = Lvl 2 {6pts}
Melee Defense [Swords] = Lvl 2 {6pts}
Organizational Ties: TCU Military - {Navy} Lieut., Rank O3 = Lvl 3 {6pts}
Ranged Attack [Gunnery Weapons] = Lvl 2 {6pts}
Ranged Defense [Pilot] = Lvl 2 {6pts}
Skill: Piloting [Spacecraft] = Lvl 3 {6pts}
Skill: Military Sciences [Tactics] = Lvl 2 {4pts}
Skill: Navigation [Space] = Lvl 2 {4pts}

Other Attributes: {63pts}
Combat Technique [Brutal/2 <4>, Two-Weapon <2>] {6pts}
Defensive Combat Mastery = Lvl1 {10pts}
Extra Action = Lvl 1 {15pts}
Extra Defense = Lvl 1 {5pts}
Melee Attack [Unarmed] = Lvl 1 {3pts}
Melee Defense [Unarmed] = Lvl 1 {3pts}
Ranged Attack [Pistols] = Lvl 1 {3pts}
Ranged Defense [Personal] = Lvl 1 {3pts}
Skill: Artisan [Model Building] = Lvl 1 {1pt}
Skill: Domestic Arts [Cooking] = Lvl 1 {1pt}
Skill: Electronics [Communications, Sensors] = Lvl 1 {2+1pt}
Skill: Languages [Trade, English-Native] = Lvl 1 {1+1pts}
Skill: Performing Arts [Dance, Instrumental-Guitar, Singing] = Lvl 1 {1+2pts}
Skill: Physical Sciences ['Aerospace' Engineering] = Lvl 1 {1+1pt}
Skill: Stealth [Silent Movement] = Lvl 1 {3pts}
Equipment: [ 55pts ]
2x 11.5mm Caseless Auto-Pistols w/Laser Sights and Muzzle Gas Vent recoil suppression <Heavy Pistol> = Item, Lvl 4 Weapon, <8 pts>,
Lvl 2 Range, 100m, <2 pts>, Lmtd Shots - 8rounds [-0]; Total Cost: {'5' 10pts}
* Laser Sight = Item, Accurate 2 'Weapon Variable' <2pts>, Detectable-Sight [-1]; Total Cost: {'0' 1pt}
* Muzzle Gas Vent = Item, Combat Technique-Steady Hand/1 <2pts>; Total Cost: {'2' 4pt}
4x Spare clips [All Vacuum oxidized]
Dual Shoulder Holster

Katana = Item, Lvl 3 Weapon, <6 pts>; Total Cost: {3pts}

Medium Ballistic Armor Flight Suit = Item, Lvl 8 Armor, 16pts AR, Partial [-1] <15pts>; Total Cost: {7pts}

Combat Vacc-Suit = Item, Lvl 10 Armor, 20pts AR <20pts> / Features-Radio <1pt> / Special Defense [Freezing Cold/2, Lack of Air/2 {10hrs},
Low Pressure/2, Radiation/1] <14pts>; Total Cost: {17pts}

Atmo-Gas Mask/Rebreather <Gas Mask> = Special Defense-Airborne Toxins/2 <2pts>, Sensory Impairment-Sight {-1} [-1]; Total Cost: {1pt}

Devices = Features <6pts>; Total Cost: {3pt}
* Breach Sealing Kit: Contains a roll of flexible patching material and an adhesive spray.
* Commlink / Emergency Distress Beacon
* Flashlight
* Medkit
* Personal Pad: Keep your favorite music or important mission stuff handy.
* Spray bandages

Pocket Sensor = Sixth Sense - Detect Energy/Chemical Compounds/Radiation/Motion <8pts>, Area/3 [10m] [+0], Range/2 [100m] <2pts> /
Features-Video Cam, Microscopic <2pts>; Total Cost: {6pts}
- complete with geiger counter, chemical analyzer, video camera with microscopic scanner

Vision Enhancement Goggles <Nightvison & Thermal Imaging Goggles>: Features-Low Light Vision <1pt>; Supersense-Infrared - 1km <6pts>; Total Cost: {3pts}
Defects: {-15pts}
Easily Distracted ‘Softhearted’ Always helps those in need or suffering’ [-2]
Girl Magnet [-2]
Race{Ism}: HUMANITI are LOROI-like and looked on by suspicion by the Galactic Society ‘Bad Reputation’ [-2]
Marked: Human - 3rd Generation Solarian Colonist 'Grey Skin and bleached White hair' [-1]
Nemesis: ‘Col.’ Travis Riley Edwards, Ace Pilot {Bitter Rival - Enemy} [-2]
Skeleton In the Closet – Once Involved in On Romanic relationship with commanding officer {Mjr} Cleopatra Alexander} [-1]
Skeleton in the Closet {Unknown to Himself} – Gene-gineered Enhanced Human Solider; By TCU Charter such Genetic Modification & Research is HIGHLY Illegal! [-2]
Unique Defect: Code of Honor – heroic, protects the innocent, fights fairly, offers mercy, does not harm women, chivalrous [-3]
Deep Striker Game -
Attributes - {18}
Fitness : 3
Precision : 4
Reflexes : 4

Knowledge : 2
Creativity : 2
Awareness : 3

Movement [Fitness + Athletics] : 7 {Normal 110m/min, Sprint 500m/min}
Wound Capacity [Fitness x2/x1] : 6 {Light}/ 3 {Moderate}/ 1 {Serious} / Incapacitated
Stress Capacity [Awareness x2/x1] : 6 {Light}/ 3 {Moderate}/ 1 {Serious} / Snapped

Skills - {128}
Aerospace Engineering [CRE/KNO] : 2 (4/4) [3pts]
Athletics [REF/FIT](dodge/climbing, running) : 4 (8/7) [10pts]
Comm Operation [AWE] : 2 (5) [3pts]
Computer Science/Software Engineering [CRE/KNO] : 2 (4/4) [3pts]
Dancing [PRE] : 1 (5) [1pts]
Empathy [AWE] : 2 (5) [3pts]
Firearms [PRE] : 4 (8) [10pts]
Freefall [REF/FIT](dodge/moving) : 4 (8/7) [10pts]
FTL Operation [KNO] : 4 (6) [10pts]
Gunnery [REF] : 5 (9) [15pts]
Infiltration [PRE](stealthiness / circumventing barriers) : 2 (6) [3pts]
Language {English-Native; German, Japanesse, Trade} [KNO] : 3 (5) [6pts]
Leadership [AWE] : 3 (6) [6pts]
Literature/Arts/Cooking [CRE/KNO] : 1 (3/3) [1pt]
Martial Arts [FIT] : 4 (7) [10pts]
Music {Singing} [CRE] : 2 (4) [3pts]
Persuasion [CRE] : 3 (5) [6pts]
Piloting [REF] : 5 (9) [15pts]
Sensor Operation [AWE] : 3 (6) [6pts]
Tactics [CRE] : 3 (5) [6pts]

Background -
Flaw –
Impulsively Heroic

Life Changing Events – {5}
{Childhood} Father Dies in service to Humaniti – Age 6
- Not really but Kam is told this, his mother refuses to speak of his father
{Adolescent} Raised by busy Scientist/Researcher mother - distant lonely childhood
{Adulthood} Joined Terran Colonial Authority Navy – Pilot / Experimental Flight program – Project: Avatar
{Deepstriker 1} Survivor of Unit being wiped out in Combat, Fell in Love with Commanding Officer
{Deepstriker 2} Earned Ace Wings – Lieutenant Rank / Joined Elite Ace Wing: The Scions

Relationships Goals & Secrets –
{Blood} Doctor Angelica Lynn – Mother, Geneticist/Chemical Engineer
{Romance} ‘Major’ Cleopatra Alexander, Commanding Officer, Ace Pilot {Ex-Lover}
{Association} ‘Col.’ Travis Riley Edwards, Ace Pilot {Bitter Rival - Enemy}
- Kam does not realize that T.R. Edwards is his uncle... his mother's older brother! There is some bad blood between the two that Kam has not been made aware of.
{Goal 1} Determine how his father died and why his mother refuses to discuss him
- His father is not actually dead.
{Goal 2} Protect mankind and find romance in his life after the ‘breakup’ with Cleo.
{Secret} Earn his actual freedom from TCA military… he is a genetically engineered ‘super soldier’, a fact his mother and father were involved in. Kam is ‘owned’ by TCA Military but has not made this clear to Kam as yet, preferring to manipulate him with subtle coercion.

Gear -
Work 'Flight' VaccSuit = 3d6+Fitness [3]
Combat Longblade "Katana" = 1d6+2+Fitness [5]
2x 11.5mm Caseless Auto-Pistols w/Laser Sights and Muzzle gas vent recoil suppression = 3d6, 8sh{mag}
4x Spare clips [All Vacuum oxidized]
Dual Shoulder Holster

Atmo-Gas Mask/Rebreather
Commlink / Emergency Distress Beacon
Personal Pad: Keep your favorite music or important mission stuff handy.
Breach Sealing Kit: Contains a roll of flexible patching material and an adhesive spray.
Pocket Sensor: complete with geiger counter, chemical analyzer, video camera with microscopic attachment.
Spray bandages
Vision Enhancement Goggles: Low light and infrared vision

Updated - Icekatze's System - 04/12/2011 {06:56:00}

Re: RP

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:30 pm
by Suederwind
Well bunnyboy and I are familiar with BESM. Though we could use any system you would prefer...but it will be difficult if we don't possess the rules to look at if we are to make characters.
Well, I´m not that familiar with many different systems. I played TDE (the Dark Eye) most of the time with my group, we also tried some other systems like the old D6 Star Wars System and Call of Cthulhu.
BESM is new to me and I hope you don´t mind if I ask you some questions while setting up and playing the game, as you are much more experienced in that system. The best way to learn a new system, I guess, is always playing it. The advantage of BESM is, that it is simple (or so it appears to me) and we have all the rules that are necessary to start playing.
The BESM 3rd Edition Rules say on p. 8 that Heroic characters are from 150 pts to 299 pts. So I'll just try to build both characters on 225pts... {the middle ground} and see what defects I come up with.
The Heroic power level is fine with its 150-299 Pts and the middle ground with 225pts would be the best for creating a character, I think. Just send your characters to me on PM if you are finished converting them. I hope thats okay.

I could join in for fun . If possible I could use Rox blueprint from Operation: Deep Strike for this one( I will sent rewritten character for Suederwind on pm)
That would be great! :) Just send me your character, his motivation and some background info via PM.

I wasn't killing him but wanted to point the danger of our different chemistry. Any poison is harmless if diluted enough and syanide, which prevent iron based breathing, may be harmless substance for copper blooded loroi and perhaps used for seasoning like tabasco.
Very good point. It could be like giving a cat chocolate...

A general question:
There are no Informations about human small arms in the Insider that I could find. I assume that that they will use some kind of laserpistol as sidearm and maybe some kind of more "traditional" projectile based assault rifle for security personnel?

Re: RP

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:03 pm
by Suederwind
Hm... I´m a bit slow today, or so it seems. :lol:
I realized that to make an effective 'soldier' with only 225 points - ALL he can do is fight or shoot! There are no points to spare for a actual 'person', that's not really enough points to make a rounded character. Most players will spend at least 170 to 190pts on stats alone!
Thats a valid point. I did not generate an NPC/PC yet to try BESM out, so that info is important. A character that can only shoot and nothing else can be fun to play, but I think it would not fit here.
{Creating a character in TDE seems a bit more complicated, if you play for example a mage, your character will most likely be only good in doing a few low lvl spells (like a flimm flamm funkel = creates a sphere of light next to your spot) that are most likely useless, he can read and write and thats about it. Its fun to play such a character, but he would be in no way useful in dangerous situations. I think they wouldn´t send up mechanics that can only fix your toilet to a spaceship.}

You used 319 Points on your character (334 stats -15 defects), so lets raise that points up to 320 for everyone?
On the other hand: do you think that this amount of points would work for Loroi characters as well?

I will send you some more thoughts about your character via PM.

Re: RP

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:23 pm
by Beliskner
A general question:
There are no Informations about human small arms in the Insider that I could find. I assume that that they will use some kind of laserpistol as sidearm and maybe some kind of more "traditional" projectile based assault rifle for security personnel?[/quote]

I think humans still use mostly firearms, probably very advanced(new gunpowders, more efficient barrels, loading systems,new types of bullets etc.) but in spaceships such weaponry could be problematic. I don't think that ship's inside walls or machinery could be very bulletproof so every firefight could compromise equipment or even ship's hull.
Well there is always good old shotgun with birdshot ;]

Somebody mentioned that there was never a mutiny on TCA ships so personal weapons on board spaceships are not common sight

Re: RP

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:54 pm
by sunphoenix
I agree Bel. I think mostly humans would still be doing slug thrower weapons.. more advanced than now with all the options we know are possible caseless ammo, Gas vent barrel enhancements, integral laser sights...

I think the reason for no mutinies is that mankind is new to space.. where would anyone go in a mutiny.. they'd have to come back to civilization and face the music and VERY harshly at that! The TCA would not put F@#$-ups in space with the few Ultra-expensive starships they have. Outsider has already established the strict sifting they do for anyone considered for deepspace extra-solar ship crews.

As for weapons on the crew... I don't think the crew would be any less likely or more likely to be armed as crew on-board any modern-day US naval vessel. As for endangering the ship.. I'm sure small arms are NOT an issue! It has already been established that mankind has artifical gravity and some from of inertial compensation so I'm not viewing their ships as our current spacecraft made as light as possible to just get them into space... so a firearm projectile is no threat to their spaceships as they are to our current spacecraft. Look at the Humaniti cruiser... the bridge has that huge window at the front of the ship and is obviously laid out with a definite up and down with decks laid out like a seagoing vessel... All the hallways designs we've seen from the Bellarmine seem quite robust and solid. So I don't think firearms are a threat to penetrating the hull. I think more the risk is ricocheting shots as those missed bullets still go somewhere!

Re: RP

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:09 pm
by Suederwind
That makes sense to me, so no laser small arms for humanity.
Weapons for the crew: I think that the captain will issue sidearms for the crew in case of some loroi gone mad or so.