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Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:29 pm
by Gudo
You know, I'd be fine with getting some plot done and doing the wargames later as some sort of interlude.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:03 pm
by sunphoenix
LOL! You know Stormrage only interjected the idea of 'war games' as a distraction to - as she saw it to forestall any physical violence in the Mess hall between several human marines and the Loroi soldier. She actually had little interest in the 'War Games' herself ...she has nothing to prove. But being a loroi of her word she would propose the idea of the 'War Games' to her direct superior ...somewhat lack-lusterly at best but would not really push for it.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:59 am
by Martenzo
TheUnforsaken keeps asing excellent questions that are fun to answer.

The Human and Loroi fighter pilots work fairly closely together. Their craft are stored in the ship's bow hangar, while the landing shuttles and Basram Assault Tanks are stored in the aft hangar. In fact, the relationship between Human and Loroi fighter pilots is the second-friendliest group relationship aboard the entire ship. The friendliest being the fighter mechanics, who spend most of their time together in the hangar, maintaining your craft.

The Humans are using the Storm heavy fighter, which is based on the Loroi Lancer. The Loroi fighter wing, on the other hand, uses an upgraded Arrow with two additional weapon hardpoints and a Class I screen.

Class: Heavy Fighter
Length: 52 m
Crew: 1-2
Screens: Class II
Max. Acceleration: 30 G
Armor Rating: 12
Fuel Capacity: 300
ECM Rating: 67

Weapon Mounts
01 Pulse Cannon
06 Weapon Hardpoints
04 PD Laser turrets (requires turret operator)

Note: Storm is possibly the single most iconic spacecraft of the TCA fleet. It was developed late in the war and exemplifies the human focus on personal achievement. Initially, it was designed to be an updated variant of the aging Loroi Lancer, but influential armchair military "experts" got in on the project. As a result, the early Storm prototypes only barely (if at all) matched the old Lancer in its' original Interceptor and Point-Defense roles. Regardless, the invention of Titan-type fusion reactors made one single redeeming feature possible. Armed with a capship-grade pulse cannon, the Storm easily grabs the title for being the best anti-capship bomber.

Because of the Storm, the Colonial Navy eventually returned to their pre-contact carrier-based tactics, which turned out to be remarkably efficient against the Umiak, who lacked dedicated PD cannons on their ships. Over its' ten years in service, 102 capship kills have been credited to Storm squadrons, 40 of these in the Battle of Naam. Beating even the longest-lived Loroi fighter designs.

The only true weaknesses of the Storm are its' overall lack of acceleration and relative lack of maneuverability compared to true interceptors.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:30 pm
by TheUnforsaken
Thanks Martenzo.

I've updated Wolfe's bio in the Characters thread with added info on the Tempest's fighter complement. (At the bottom)

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:16 pm
by TheUnforsaken
k...its 1/4 to 2 in the morning and my brain is mush...I have, however, managed to post my first bit in the IC thread. Sorry if it is a bit long, I had 6 or so people to run for that introductory post. Later ones should be a bit more concise.

Anyway, I'm off to bed, I'll fix any spelling errors tomorrow when I can see straight ;)

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:22 pm
by Gudo
Martenzo: Which squad was Stromrage assigned to? Also, what should Captain Stone's response to Sunbloom be? My next IC post will attempt to incorporate that data.

Regarding conflicts with plot posts, I've not made any in the IC thread, though I will have to re-organize the Marine compliment slightly in the character thread.

A note on the revised organization of the marine compliment: Each squad consists of 12 soldiers, their commander and three specialists. The Captain is not assigned to a squad. More on the marines. Usually, Squad Leaders are also specialists of some sort, though it takes a back seat to their leadership duties.

Other Players: Feel free to have Mord make some actions during this scene if you think it's in character. Just don't write a novel in orange :P

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:10 pm
by Martenzo
More answers in the latest IC post. Make sure to check it's OOC spoiler. It's important.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:23 pm
by sunphoenix
Should I define the Prophet and Blade Squads of Teidar on the Tempest... there are only like 7 of us plus our Commander Teidar Pallan. By the way...who is Knifebearer is she Teidar Pallan...did I miss something? I can't find her in any of the NPC lists?

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:16 pm
by Martenzo
Blade Squad=Knifebearer and all of the other Teidar.
Prophet Squad=Aedin and all fifteen marines under his command.

...I'm fairly certain I mentioned Knifebearer before... Hold on while I look that up.
EDIT: Yeah. I mentinoned her (however briefly) in the post where I cut off the 'war game' discussion. But apparently, I forgot to add her to the NPC list. That's done now, too.

EDIT2: The officers (Stone in particular, Knifebearer not as much) are going to be annoyed by this conflict. And one other thing. Captain Stone, despite her tough facade, is not a very confident CO and believes that either one of her more experienced Sergeant Majors would be better at the job. Not that she's ever going to admit it until after a complete psychological breakdown. Whether her belief is true or not is left vague for now.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:25 pm
by sunphoenix
Ok..I need to adjust my IC post...sorry... I was obviously confused.

EDIT: Ok.. this changes everything... it will take me a little time to edit both my posts as Stormrage was not ASSINGED at all to any Marine unit... but the teidar are all being keep in the same Squad and not really even in the same shuttle as the Marines...

Martenzo - You will need to modify your reply to Stormrage when I edit my last two posts... Sorry...

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:44 am
by Gudo
Sorry for the incomplete IC post :( Stuff came up and I had to leave it. Couldn't save it. Should be able to come back in an hour or so and finish it. Related: Sunpheonix, you don't mind me doing things from your character's POV and having her do some talking do you?

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:53 am
by sunphoenix
Nope don't mind it... I "Hope" I have made her personality mostly clear... she is a decent non-stuckup woman but has a somewhat sharp tongue when she thinks something needs saying. She does not hold grudges and speaks truth always like any Loroi...

EDIT: LOL! Just read you post Mord...EXCELLENT! You did a perfect job... the only thing being that a male getting pushy with her and bold enough to touch her without being bidden to do so before hand... would actually turn her on terribly! Forceful males in her opinion are Damn HOT! She would have smiled even wider something very ...lascivious! LOLS!!!

Think of a human man being dressed down by a fiest pretty woman bold enough and brave enough to not be intimidated by his physical size... and you'll get where I'm coming from with Stormrage. Physical contact no matter how brief is VERY intimate with Loroi! :)

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:20 am
by TheUnforsaken
Ooh, flashback ;)

A note on the Storm Heavy Fighter's weapons loadout:

The 6 Weapon Hardpoints can be fitted with a number of weapons types. The standard loadout, used for CSP's (Combat Space Patrol) and other missions where the exact loadout needed is unknown (such as the current mission against the Umiak station), consists of 2 Laser Cannon, 2 short-range anti-ship torpedoes and 2 racks of three AMM's.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:50 am
by Gudo
TheUnforsaken: Be sure to note that on your post in the Character thread :P When players go looking for that type of data, it's the first place they look. Nice style btw.

Sunpheonix: I'll let you make the big posts for Stormrage. I'm not quite comfortable enough with the character to do more than I already have.

Right, finished my post :O It's the very last one on the first page :P It was getting pretty dang long, so I had to cut some things out :( I'm sure there'll be time to develope the relationship between Aedin and Capt. Stone more as time goes on. Also had to leave out a few technical details, but hey. They don't advance the plot. I did also want to interact more with the various Teidar, but there'll be time for that later too. Mostly, I wanted Mord to work on his "Be a good Sergent Major" goal :P

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:12 am
by Martenzo
Since I'm still sort of working on the station layout. I intended to run the war game before the station, but you convinced me (unwittingly or not) that actual plot advance was a better idea. But nonetheless, it means I didn't have the entire picture together just yet.

EDIT: I just took the time to resolve this. I made progress faster than I expected. Here is an image, with all identifiable components visible. (Large Image Warning)
Remember that right now, Walker needs to identify all the components and put together a map. And then send it to the boarding party and any other interested parties. Also, the map is still WIP, so I actually haven't exactly put down the locations of all other components yet.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:21 am
by TheUnforsaken
Gudo wrote:TheUnforsaken: Be sure to note that on your post in the Character thread :P When players go looking for that type of data, it's the first place they look. Nice style btw.
Thanks Gudo :) You write well too, I find myself liking Sergeant Major Aedin despite his faults ;)

I'll update the character thread now.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:17 am
by TheUnforsaken
Just adding this to say that Wolfe would have acknowledged the message from Walker. Not sure of usual proceedure, but unless Martenzo adds something that Wolfe'll need to respond to soon after I don't think it really needs to be put in the IC thread.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:23 am
by Gudo
If you feel like you should say something but that it doesn't deserve it's own post, just write up a little blurb and post it here. Whoever does the next post will should put in on the top of theirs. i.e. the first paragraph of this post was written by Senanthes and PM'd to me.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:23 pm
by bunnyboy
Okay. I get little confused. When somebody change a place in IC, tell where you are.
I suggest use of visuals:

Code: Select all

Bridge: [img][/img]
Near mess hall: [img][/img]
Near airlock: [img][/img]
On terran ship: [img][/img]
On loroi ship: [img][/img]
On umiak structure: [img][/img]

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:55 pm
by Martenzo
This time, Sunbloom, Mord and Stormrage are going to see most of the action. To the others: Sorry I didn't have time to prepare a scenario that gave you more involvement than you have right now.

Tomorrow, I have to appear for medical and psychological examination, along with many others from my home town. The purpose of the examination is to determine if we are fit to be drafted. If I'm not, then at least I won't have to endure the harsh military conditions. If I am, then I'll be proud to serve my country. A real win-win, I guess. Meh. Dunno. Good night for now.