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Re: 176: Low Tide!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:10 am
by GeoModder
Ithekro wrote:This comic is now in living color on (what network is this?).
NBC of course!
Neridi Broadcasting Company

Re: 176: Low Tide!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:14 am
by Quickdraw101
If we're going to introduce them to our foods, chocolate needs to be the first thing they taste.

Re: 176: Low Tide!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:21 am
by folti
Overkill Engine wrote:
NuclearIceCream wrote:
RockB wrote:"Is that sanitary?"
"We don't ... *sigh*... care about that." (<- that was actually my first thought) :?
I think Jardin was gonna say we dont drink it from the teat.

Just wait until he explains cheese to them.
Or yoghurt, sour cream, wine, beer, and all the other fermented foods. Especially the ones where the preparation means let it essentially rot for weeks. Like kimchi, surströmming and their ilk ...

Re: 176: Low Tide!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:43 am
by Krulle
gaerzi wrote:
Overkill Engine wrote:Yeah anything anise flavored like black licorice is just vile in strong enough concentrations. One of the few flavorings that will literally make me puke. Hell just imagining the smell makes me nauseous. And what I read about the versions made overseas does not give me faith in its edibility there either.
Edible? You don't eat anise. You drink it!
I agree.

But also:
Anise in a completely different form, is a breakfast snack for kids here.
And served as "Beschuit" when a child is born.
Therefore, two colours are standard (besides that half of them in a package are white), an additional colour is available for a short time if a royal birth happened (orange!):
They're called "Muisjes" (literally: "little mice"), and a closeup of the single candied anise seeds does indeed look like a small mouse, because a small strand of the anise seed usually stands out...


Edit: there's even an English wikipedia pageabout them. Link added.

Re: 176: Low Tide!

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:59 am
by novius
Something I didn't see mentioned here....

I'm pretty sure the Loroi wouldn't have been grossed out that much if Alex had been an alien alien to them. As in, if he had been too dissimilar, they'd have simply put it off with an "oh, it's an insectoid/cephalopod thing to do", and move on.

That they had reacted that much means that the Loroi do regard him as similar enough to have the same sensibilities as Loroi do have - and be put off when they learn that humans have some marked differences in how they are and how they things do.

Re: 176: Low Tide!

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:51 pm
by boldilocks
folti wrote:Or yoghurt, sour cream, wine, beer, and all the other fermented foods. Especially the ones where the preparation means let it essentially rot for weeks. Like kimchi, surströmming and their ilk ...
"Ya, basically ye piss on it, bury it for a few months, and then it's pretty good eating."