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[RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:35 pm
by Martenzo
EDIT: Other threads of the game
OOC Thread - You're in it
IC Thread - Link
Characters Thread - Link
I hope icekatze doesn't mind me stealing his post format :)

Class: Prototype/Long-Range Scout (SC)
Length: 750 m
Deadweight Mass: 1,240 kt
Crew: 850
Security Units: 30
Screens: Class V / Class VI
Max. Acceleration: 30 G / 44 G
Armor Rating: 89
ECM Rating: 128 / 157

Specials: Scanner, Extended Fuel Tanks, Secondary Reactor, Solar Power Array, Power Storage Unit, Internal Heatsinks

Weapon Mounts
08 Pulse Cannon
12 Laser Autocannon
08 Interceptors
02 Heavy Rail Cannon
6 Anti-Missile Missile launchers

Small Craft & Ordnance
08 Interceptors
05 Standard Shuttles
01 Large Shuttle
300 25 kg Ferrous Slugs
100 AMM Missiles

Notes on the ship:
The ECS-Tempest is a heavy refit the old Loroi Vortex Mk.2 class Group Command Ship of the same name. It is the ship that made first Loroi contact with Humanity. The Tempest was bought by the TCA and recommissioned after the war as a long-range recon vessel. Its' most remarkable features are its' numerous experimental systems: the Titan-III secondary reactor, the spinal rail cannons, the emmision-capturing heatsinks and the Vaino power storage unit (VPSU). The Vaino power storage unit is, in essence, a set of massive, high-efficiency rechargeable batteries provided by the Pipolsid. With a full charge, the Tempest can perform routine maneuvers and for approximately one week. At that point, the batteries must be recharged by the solar power arrays. The high-efficiency solar-power array itself was provided by the Neridi. In theory, this combination allows the ECS-Tempest to operate completely independent of supply routes for one year, possibly longer if the crew can restock food and water supplies on discovered planets. The humans themselves provided the Titan-III hot-fusion reactor, which provides the power output necessary for combat, as combat requirements would deplete the VPSU in less than two minutes. In combat, the Titan-III reactor entirely replaces the VPSU as the ship's power source. However, it is possible to use the power stored in the VPSU and provide a brief power boost to a single ship system. This temporary boost capability is reflected by multiple values in the ship specifications. The greatest drawback of the Titan-III reactor is actually it's enormous power output. If the energy it provides is not immediately used up by the ship system, the excess begins to build up in the reactor chamber as heat, eventually resulting in catastrophic system failure.

The humans also provided the main weapon of the ship, the two spinal-mounted rail cannons capable of accelerating a 25 kilogram slug to 1.28% of light-speed. Firing in turns, the two guns together can fire one slug every twenty seconds. Though still useless at long range, the rail-guns were intended to give the ship a fighting chance at close-range combat. The Basram, however, provided their experimental heatsink system, which allows trapping the thermal emissions of a ship inside the hull. The stealth system does have a limitation of about one to three hours, as the heat builds up and would eventually boil the crew inside. After use, the heatsinks need to be removed, loaded on a shuttle and cooled within a planetary atmosphere, a shortcoming which makes frequent use of the system impractical. The innovative technological combination has caused a considerable amount of tension between the Loroi and other members of the Union, particularly the humans.

Initially, the Loroi leadership had little interest in the Tempest Project. They saw it as nothing more than a human attempt to curry favor, a belief that was reinforced when other Union races jumped aboard the project. Then the combat simulations finished and showed that the ECS-Tempest was remarkably more powerful than its' size suggested. Among other things, the simulations showed that utilizing the heatsinks to get to point blank range, the main guns of the Tempest could cripple, or possibly sink heavy warships like the Umiak Type-T. The simulations also showed that the ECS-Tempest is likewise capable of sinking the Cataclysm class Sector Command Ship or even Cry of the Wind, the Emperor's flagship. This fact alarmed the Loroi military commanders due to their so-far minimal involvement in the Tempest Project. To keep an eye on the ECS-Tempest, the Loroi "generously" offered to contribute a Farseer and a number of other Loroi specialists to assist with the mission. Despite the political reasons behind the Loroi presence aboard ECS-Tempest, there is little friction between the Loroi and other species present. Most Loroi assigned to the Tempest quickly came to the conclusion that high command is just being excessively paranoid about its' loyal allies.
Rear Admiral Gabriel Pire [pai-EH]
Nationality: Human-Mars
Age: 47
Career History: Bachelors in Physics, Masters and PhD in Astrophysics, drafted and commissioned by TCA for command training. Assigned the rank of Captain on completion of training. Served 6 years aboard ECS-103 Europe. Promoted to Rear Admiral. Served 6 years aboard ECS-200 Mars. Was awarded two medals for his actions in the Last Battle of Naam. Turned down promotion to Admiral. Served 4 years as commander of the Alpha-Centauri fleet training center. Transferred to ECS-Tempest.

Rear Admiral Pire is a veteran commander from the Umiak conflict and the only human ever to command a battle where both TCA and Loroi forces were present. Thanks to his ability to rally the battered Alliance forces at Naam during the last Umiak offensive, Rear Admiral Pire is known as the Hero of Naam. After his actions at Naam, he was essentially retired to a desk position, training new officers for the TCA. The reason for bringing him out of retirement was almost entirely political. The TCA wanted the captain of the ECS-Tempest to actually outrank the Loroi Liason assigned to the ship.

As a commander, Pire is a quiet, calculative and harsh man. He cares for little besides results and expects the best from his subordinates. Though he rarely voices his disappointment out loud, his silent condemnation and his steely gaze are enough to push anyone into increasing their performance until they reach Pire's expectations.
Bridge Crew - As the bridge crew is divided into three shifts, the positions listed here are actually tripled (there's one of each for shift). The exception to this is Shift Commander position. The ranks of the three possible commanders are listed in the first set of parentheses. In the parentheses is also noted the seat in the Tempest bridge concept art.
Shift Commander (RADM Pire, one Torrai Torret, one Commander) (Con 1)
Tactical Officer (Tac) [Senanthes: Torrai Sorimi Sunbloom]
Intelligence Officer (Intel)
Chief Security Officer (Sec)
Main Gun Fire-Control Officer (Fire 1)
Point-Defence Fire-Control Officer (Fire 2)
Navigator (Nav 1)
Pilot (Con 2)
Damage Control (Aux 1)
Chief Engineer (Aux 2)
Reactor Specialist (human, Unmarked lower tier seat)
Stealth System Specialist (Barsam, Unmarked lower tier seat)
Mission Specialist (sensor analysis) (Unmarked lower tier seat, sends analysis to Intel or Tac)
Mission Specialist (xenobiologist) (Unmarked lower tier seat)
Crew jobs - Aside from the bridge crew, there are not that many really notable positions aboard the ECS-Tempest. Still, there are the interceptor pilots and the ground-assault commandos.
Fighter Wing 1
1 Tenoin Arrir
3x Tenoin Arrat

Fighter Wing 2
1 Major [TheUnforsaken: Nathaniel Simeon Wolfe]
3x 1st Lt

Expeditionary Unit 1 (Loroi Teidar)
1 Teidar Pallan
7 Teidar [sunphoenix: Stormrage]

Expeditionary Unit 2 (TCA Marines)
1 Captain
2 Sergant Majors [Gudo: Mord Aedin]
30 lower ranks

Expeditionary Unit 3 (Barsam Assault Tanks)
1 Squad Commander
2 Tank Commanders
3 Tank Operators
[3 Medium Tanks]

Other notable positions
Chief Engineer
Chief Medical Officer
Quartermaster (food, drink, other supplies)
Mission Briefing (Terran)
The war is over. The Umiak have been crushed and their worlds are ours for the taking. Or so the civilian population believes. We cannot blame them for that. I'm sure you all know of how the tide of the war was turned by deep-striking against their largest industrial centers. And how the Umiak failed to overrun the fine combination of Alliance forces with their last-ditch offensives. After their crushing defeat at Naam, it seemed that they lost hope and surrendered to the combined forces of the Alliance.

As a tired warrior, I want to believe that they have surrendered. As a veteran who knows well the ferocity of our enemy, I doubt this is the case. Our highest commanders in our respective navies agree. Hence, the need for our mission. Our mission is to go into the farthest reaches of Umiak chart the systems and planets there. We must confirm that the Umiak have not built a well-hidden industrial center from which to rebuild their fleet in the event of a defeat.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:29 pm
by sunphoenix
Teidar Sezon Sonnidezi 'Stormrage' <-- Post Color
Position: Expeditionary Squad 1 - {Loroi} Teidar
Background: Born in battle to a famous Loroi Fleet Admiral. Raised to be a solider … only meeting her mother two or three times. Desperately wishes to gain her mother’s respect and notice. Very much needful of love and closeness in her life… something that her duties as a ‘Unsheathed’ have keep far from her. Known to be a somewhat troublesome soldier as her… "hot pants", lecherous drives get her into trouble more often than not. A VERY capable warrior and spectacularly dangerous with her powerful electrokinetic talents!

Description -
Spoken name: {Teidar} Sonnidezi 'pronounced So-Knee-day-zee'
Name Meaning: {Storm-Rage}
Call Sign: "Storm"
Caste/Rank: Teidar 'Unsheathed'
Race: Loroi
Gender: Female
Appearance: HT 5'10" {175cm}, WT 135lbs {61.36kg}, Hair - Pale Blonde twin-braids near nape of neck, Eyes - Emerald Green; Beautiful and cat like in grace.
Picture -
Uploaded with

Personality: Bold and Passionate. Somewhat rash and tends to deep sexual appetites especially after combat.
Abilities/Skills: Solider – Unsheathed, Martial Arts, 1hd Melee, Firearms-Pistols, Gunnery, Psionic Combat;
Skills – {12} +30/+20
Defense – 5rk
Firearms – 4rk
Martial Arts – 4rk

Sanzai Skills -
Send/Recieve - 4rk
Mind Shield - 4rk
Signature Detection - 3rk

Advanced Sanzai -
Thought Detection - 4rk
Mind Reading - 4rk
Telekinesis {Electrokinesis} Control – 6rk
Telekinesis {Electrokinesis} Power - 6rk

Languages -
Loroi Trade - 2rk
English - 2rk
Special Abilities {2} / Flaw {1}

Background -
Life Changing Events – {5}
{Childhood} Mother leads leads a Loroi Fleet Element to a significant victory, large shoes to fill and much is expected of Stormrage as she was born in battle.
{Adolescent} Raised to be a Unsheathed warrior intense combat and disciplining
{Adulthood} Achieves ‘Teidar’ rank and assigned to the Loroi war front. Known by her superiors to be of a Lecherous demeanor but is respected as an efficient and capable warrior.
{Tempest Expedition 1} Survivor of destroyed Loroi cruiser, decorated for her valor but pained by the loss of close friends from her training lost with the ship.
{Tempest Expedition 2} Not handling the death of close friends well she indulges in… amorous indiscretions. Reprimanded for her lecherous indiscretions and assigned to Operation: Tempest Expedition

Relationships Goals & Secrets –
{Blood} Torrai Soshret Lomisonni ‘Bright-Storm’ – Mother, Loroi Admiral Fleet Commander
{Romance} Teidar Malirtin 'Shining-Silver' – Close friend {M.I.A.}
{Association} Teidar Sezon Tononinzil ‘Deathwind’, Commanding Officer {Disappointed in her lecherous nature – looking to get her removed from duty permanently}
{Goal 1} Make her mother proud of her and gain her respect and attention.
- She is not even sure her mother knows her name.
{Goal 2} Meet her father and learn his name.
{Secret} Very interested in Humans… especially their 1:1 gender ratio…
Bennies –
General : 3

'Teidar' Sezon Sonnidezi 'Stormrage' - Blade Squad / Fire Team {3}
Teidar Berairodai 'Crimson-Cloud' [Red Haired] <-- Post Color {FF0000}
- Sanzai: Snd/Rcve 4, MndShld 4, SgntrDtctn 3; Adv. Sanzai: ThghtDtct 3, MndRd 3, TKCon 5, TKPwr 5
{Biokinesis: Psychic Healer 4}
Teidar Remirnelo 'Dark-Sun' [Raven Haired] <-- Post Color {000080}
- Sanzai: Snd/Rcve 4, MndShld 4, SgntrDtctn 4; Adv. Sanzai: ThghtDtct 4, MndRd 4, TKCon 5, TKPwr 6 {Cryokinesis}
Teidar Tininzil 'Silver-Wind' [White Haired] <-- Post Color {80BFBF}
- Sanzai: Snd/Rcve 4, MndShld 4, SgntrDtctn 4; Adv. Sanzai: ThghtDtct 3, MndRd 4, TKCon 7, TKPwr 5
{Updated - 04/17/2011} - 09:33:00 PM

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:57 pm
by Gudo
Sergent Major Mord Aedin - Ground Commando
Born aboard a military hospital ship in Alpha Centauri, Mord is a nasty, brutish and xenophobic man. His loyalty to the TCA is without question, he will carry out even the most unpleasant orders. While these qualities helped Mord distinguish himself in the war with the Umiak, they certainly try the patience of the Loroi. When in the field, Mord puts a great deal of faith in "the plan" and is sometimes inflexible even when the situation demands it. Despite his shortcomings as a leader, he is at least competent to serve and possesses a nearly photographic memory.
Name:Mord Aedin (pronounced Mord Ay-den)
Race:Human - Alpha Centauri System
Rank:Sergent Major, TCA Marines E9
Personality: Rude, brutal, xenophobic, but fearless and loyal.
Role: Ground and Zero Gravity Infantry
Additional Notes: Being able to remember something doesn't mean Mord understands it. Carrying out unpleasant orders also means carrying out the poorly thought out ones.

Detailed Bio:

Life Changing Events
Childhood: Much of Mord's early childhood was spent in starships and space stations. He is very comfortable in small places and zero gravity.
Adolescence: Mord's family moves to a planet. Much to his surprise, Mord discovers he enjoys the increased physical effort everything takes in gravity.
Adulthood: Enlists in the TAC Marines, lured by the opportunity to visit all the different planets.
Theme 1: Humanity enters war with Umiak, Mord is assigned combat duty. Mord gains combat experience, but also picks up Xenophobia (See the Secrets section.)
Theme 2: Mord's assignment to the Tempest Expedition is a penal duty. Instead of pacifying the main Umaik alliance worlds, he's sent to the outer edges of their former empire, and ordered to hold hands while he's there. Officers are informed that Sergent Major Aedin is on thin ice.

Captain Willet - Mord's superior officer.
The Other Marines -
Sunphoenix's Boss - Doesn't like me :O
Sergent Major Fischer - The Sergent Major in charge of Squad 2.

Be a good squad leader - As the NCO in charge of a squad of Marines, Mord is responsible for the training and welfare of the 12 men serving under him (most of which are green.) Like any Sergent, Mord doesn't show it, but he does care about his men. He pushes them hard and never uses the kid gloves because he wants them to be strong. Mord knows not everyone has what it takes to be a marine, but he still wants to see all his men grow into fine soldiers.
Wasting Disease - Mord wants the issue of his wasting disease resolved, though he's completely unsure what a "successful" resolution would be. See the next section.

Wasting Disease - Mord wasn't always a Xenophobe. In fact, close examination of his service records will reveal that Mord's troubles with mixed species units is a recent development. The Loroi were powerful allies, well trained and well equipped. Working with Teidar wasn't hard, and it was certainly easy on the eyes! However, in his last combat tour of duty, Mord was hit and wounded by a Loroi bio-weapon. This particular weapon targeted the victims peripheral nervous system, essentially shutting down the internal and sensory organs as well as muscle control. Like all Lorori bio-weapons, the weapon Mord was hit with was carefully formulated to have no effect on the Lorori themselves. Apart from the wound itself, Mord suffered no ill effects during the battle. Afterward, the doctors overseeing his recovery concluded that since Human and Lorori biology are so similar, it was unlikely that the weapon would have any effect on Mord. However, as time progressed, Mord began to suffer from a mysterious wasting illness. He's noticed a gradual loss of nerve sensitivity and fine motor control as well as occasional digestive troubles. Mord imagines this will cause his slow death and has linked this condition to the friendly fire incident. Needless to say, the entire situation is infuriating. Mord doesn't dare report it however, a degenerative disease is cause for expulsion from the Corps (especially now that he's hid it for so long.) Instead, he takes his frustrations out on the Xenos.

(One more needs to be assigned at some point during gameplay)

Deception: 3
Defense: 5
Demolition: 5
Firearms: 8
Language - English: 2
Language - Trade: 2
Leadership: 3
Martial Arts: 7
Structural Engineering: 3
Tactics: 4
Zero-gravity Training: 6

Abilities and Flaws
Excellent Memory

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:23 am
by Senanthes
Torrai Sorimi Nelopaio (Sunbloom)
Position: Exchanged training officer, attache
Background: Born into the Teidar caste to Tintarl (Silverring), but with a genetic fluke that also gave her near perfect memory as well. Trained and served as Unsheathed from the age of 14 until 31, when a head wound sustained during a particularly vicious engagement left her comatose for several weeks. During the conflict, she took command of the operation she was assigned to before her incapacitiation, earning a commendation in the process. After recovery, she was found to be unable to continue her current duties within her caste. Following what treatments could be done, she was promoted to Torrai Sorimi. Following a particularly bad falling out with her superior officer, she was assigned a staff position that eventually led to assignement as an 'exchange' officer for the TCA.
Spoken name: Nelopaio
Name Meaning: Sunbloom
Caste/Rank: Torrai/ Sorimi - O5
Race: Loroi
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Appearance: HT 5'6", WT 94lbs, Hair-White (VERY pale blue, actually), Eyes - Amethyst. She is attractive, with sharp features and hair worn relatively short, with a complicated spiked style.

Personality: Steadfast and calm. Quick thinking and resourceful. Sometimes has a tendancy to read more into what she sees than there actually is. She is rather embarrassed about her 'injury' and actually prefers to speak out loud.

Abilities/Skills: Command, Tactics- Space, Tactics- Ground, Strategy- FTL, Training, Basic Hand to Hand, Firearms- Loroi Energy Weapons, Telepathic Combat, Computers, Astrogation, Loroi History and Lore, Languages- Soia Trade, Terran English

Role– Commanding officer, training officer, liaison
Full history- Born into the Teidar caste to Tintarl (Silverring), but with a genetic fluke that also gave her near perfect memory as well. Her early training was fairly typical of her caste and kind, with the notable exception of her ability to coallate and respond to changing situations around her, i.e. a tactical and strategic mind that outstripped her peers. By the time she passed the final trials of her caste, 'Nel' had earned a squad command of her own. From then on, she served in a number of operations over the course of ten years, outliving most of those around her. Due to a combination attrition and her own skill, she was promoted through the ranks to Rozerri.

Nel lasted for two years at that rank before her unit was assigned to cover an evacuation of a deep space facility during the Battle of the Taseni Ways. There, due to a surprise assault, she was forced into the leadership role for the entire operation, replacing the deceased Torrai caste commander for nearly the entire duration. During the closing hours of the operation, Nel was severely wounded in action, and pulled from the facility by a squad of Soroin, one of whom still serves as her aide to this day.

Evacuated along with the rest of the wounded, Nel spent eleven weeks comatose, and was found to have sustained brain damage in the event as well. Aside from minor memory loss, she also soon discovered after awakening that her ability to control her telekinetic force had been utterly destroyed. While she could direct a devastating amount of force, she had nearly no control over it, and was remanded to Taben for a years worth of therapy... Much to her embarrassment, the injury also severely curtailed her ability to speak through the Sanzai. To others around her, Nel's mental speech sounded like a static laden bullhorn or a too-quiet whisper. By the time she was released, Nel could communicate more or less normally via a modified amplifier... Which also served to pacify her psionic abilities. Still, as a side effect, she spent a good deal of time learning Soia Trade, and became rather more comfortable with it than most Loroi.

After spending her time in recovery, the decision on Nel's fate was made. While her inability to control her telekinetic power barred her from serving as Tiedar, her experience with command positions, as well as a recommendation from her former superiors, saw her into the Torrai caste. Assigned to three different commands over the course of the next fourteen years, Nel managed to survive the front lines long enough to be considered for a ship of her own... Which, unfortunately, was prevented by her last commanding officer, whon she did not mesh well with at all. Following an incident in which Nel openly rebuked an order she did not agree with, she received a staff position back on Deinar.

Less than a year later, in 2160, contact with humanity was made. Following the treaties and exchanges, a small number of Loroi were chosen to be exchanged as instructors for the new technologies their Terran allies had been given. Thanks to her utterly radioactive political standing, Nel was the first to be 'voluntold' to depart. Bitter at the assignment, Nel was not the most approachable soul when she first arrived on Earth. Neverhteless, she performed her duties to the best of her ability.

Her attitude slowly changed over the course of her two years on the Terran homeworld, and Nel eventually became rather comfortable with her position at the TCA Academy, despite the stigma of the assignment. Aside from her duties as an instructor, Nel spent much of her free time looking into the myriad cultures and lore of mankind, a subject that kept her engrossed along with studies of various languages. Following the purchase of the decomissioned Tempest, she was quietly asked by the TCA to serve as an advisor for the vessels new command crew.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:28 am
by Martenzo
Seeing the Minmus system, I've decided to give it a shot as well. I'll have to read it more thoroughly before saying anything about character creation rules.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:46 am
by sunphoenix
Looks like Icekatze is using her own... homebrew system... not minimus.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:26 am
by Martenzo
Oh. Uhh.... in any case, I'll be using Minimus. But the skill list provided by icekatze is still highly useful.

Here are skills to choose from, and you can also choose from the ones in Minimus. You can also make up your own if you want something that isn't listed here. Due to the large amount of skills, you get a bit more than seven. First, All characters have Loroi Trade and English language skills. Next, all Loroi have the Basic Sanzai abilities. To compensate, humans can choose three additional skills from the General Skills group. Barsam and Pipolsid characters (if anyone is interested in them) can pick two additional skills from the Engineering and Natural Sciences groups, respectively. Finally, after you've taken all your "free" skills, you get to freely pick seven more skills. Obviously, only Loroi can take Sanzai abilities.

I have also noticed that Minimus refers to skill ranks, but provides no guide about how to assign these ranks. So I guess it's up to me. Okay, once you have selected your skills, you have 30 ranks to spend on your seven free-pick skills and 20 ranks to spend on your free skills. Ranks 1-5 cost one point per rank, starting with 6, you need to pay two points per rank. For example, Leadership 5 costs 5pts, 6 costs 7pts, 7 costs 9pts and so on, up to 10, which costs 15pts. To avoid any confusion, yes, it is possible to have a skill at rank 0. It means you get no bonus to your rolls, but can still make rolls using that skill.

General Skills:
Gunnery (firing a ship's weapons via control panel)
Sensor Operation
Comm Operation
FTL Operation
Martial Arts
Zero-gravity Training (moving in freefall, low gravity and zero gravity)
Empathy (understanding others and their intentions)
Deception (hiding your own intentions, con, bluff)
Persuasion (making straight forward arguments)

Formal Education:

Social Sciences:
Economics/Political Science

Natural Sciences:
Chemistry/Chemical-Materials Engineering
Physics/Nuclear-Fusion Engineering

Formal Sciences:
Computer Science/Software Engineering

Aerospace Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Structural Engineering

Sanzai Skills

Mind Shield
Signature Detection

Thought Detection
Mind Reading
Telekinesis Power
Telekinesis Control
Telepathic Warfare

You must take both telekinesis skills if you want to use telekinesis. Whenever you use telekinetic abilities, you roll both skills. Oh, and amplifiers can provide additional power at the expense of control, so your final Power/Control score will probably be modified by your ampilfier.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:21 am
by Martenzo
Oh, one other thing that might need clarification. The other two shift commanders (the loroi Torrai Torret and human Commander) are both available for players.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:23 am
by sunphoenix
I built Storm-Rage with Electrokinesis... have you looked at my character? Is this acceptible... how will that fit into your skills?

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:06 am
by Martenzo
Hmm... Your electrokinesis is a special ability, but still uses telekinesis as its' base skills. From what I gather, Minimus is more about character interaction than raw combat anyway. So the rules of combat abilities are not that important, as long as they work and aren't overpowered. It'll take practice for me to get a grip on TN assignment anyway.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:21 am
by sunphoenix
I think I got it all correct now. 14 skills, languages for free, and basic Sanzai skills free for Loroi. All ranks assigned count - 50 total

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:51 am
by Senanthes
Okay, I'll build Nel up according to the Minimus system after work tomorrow. Is the basic character acceptable for the setting? All I need to know. :)

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:16 pm
by Martenzo
Shenantes: Your character sounds interesting enough. You are the tactical officer and effectively second-in-command after the shift commander.

sunphoenix: *sigh* Seems like I messed up explaining how many skills you get. Let me clarify.
Skills (Loroi):
Mind Shield
Signature Detection

Skills (Human):
Choose three General Skills

Skills (All):
Loroi Trade
Choose seven skills, no group restriction

Not choosing a skill doesn't mean you get the skill at 0 ranks. It means you don't list the skill on your character sheet at all. That means you can have at most 12 skills on your character sheet. You have listed 19 skills on your sheet, sunphoenix.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:59 pm
by sunphoenix
Yeah. You confused me. I modified Stormrage... 12 skills plus two language skills. I think that's correct.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:26 am
by Gudo
The way i'm reading it, you should get

Mind Shield
Signature Detection
Loroi Trade
+7 others

Total of 12, just like he said.
Martenzo wrote:That means you can have at most 12 skills on your character sheet.
Which means you still have 2 too many skills. Though according to the Minimus rules, you can spend some bennies to get a new skill. Also Martenzo, mind taking a look over my guy so far, see if there's any problems? I still need a flaw, and the rules say you should assign one. I was thinking of picking something like Intollerent

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:42 am
by sunphoenix
Grrr...! Ok. Fixed... just a little annoying that almost half my skills are mandatory. I can do little else but fight. Ah well. Takes all kinds.

Edited words

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:48 am
by Martenzo
Gudo: Your guy is still missing goals and some relationships. See the background section of sunphoenix's sheet. Mark down Xenophobic as your flaw.

sunphoenix: Just because a skill isn't listed on your sheet doesn't mean it's barred entirely. Most general skills can still be rolled even without training. Just hope that the results are decent, not impressive failures.

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:14 am
by sunphoenix
It's ok Martenzo... Stormrage is good! I think she'll be an interesting, fun to play character especially when we get into the dynamic of conflicting personalities! Its all good!

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:10 pm
by Senanthes
Torrai Sorimi Nelopaio (Sunbloom)
Position: Tactical officer
Background: Born into the Teidar caste to Tintarl (Silverring), but with a genetic fluke that also gave her near perfect memory as well. Trained and served as Unsheathed from the age of 14 until 31, when a head wound sustained during a particularly vicious engagement left her comatose for several weeks. During the conflict, she took command of the operation she was assigned to before her incapacitiation, earning a commendation in the process. After recovery, she was found to be unable to continue her current duties within her caste. Following what treatments could be done, she was promoted to Torrai Sorimi. Currently on loan to the TCA academy as an instructor for the new technologies being given to the TCA.

Spoken name: Nelopaio Name Meaning: Sunbloom
Callsign: Sonata (a reference to her actual voice, quite in opposition to her Sanzai)
Caste/Rank: Torrai/ Sorimi - O5
Race: Loroi
Gender: Female
Age: 38
Appearance: HT 5'6", WT 94lbs, Hair-White (VERY pale blue, actually), Eyes - Amethyst. She is attractive, with sharp features and hair worn relatively short, with a complicated spiked style.

Personality: Steadfast and calm. Quick thinking and resourceful. Sometimes has a tendancy to read more into what she sees than there actually is. She is rather embarrassed about her 'injury' and actually prefers to speak out loud. She has an extremely melodic, musical voice, which earned her the nickname 'Sonata' at the TCA Academy. She carries the title with an amused sort of pride. By contrast, her modified-amp fed Sanzai has a 'static' effect to it that other Loroi find disconcerting. Time spent around humanity has loosened her innate stoicism in general, and she is known to have a playful streak, as well as a well developed sense of humor.

Abilities/Skills: Command, Tactics- Space, Tactics- Ground, Strategy- FTL, Training, Basic Hand to Hand, Firearms- Loroi Energy Weapons, Telepathic Combat, Computers, Astrogation, Loroi History and Lore, Languages- Soia Trade, Terran English

Skills – {12}
Leadership - 5rk
Firearms - 4rk
Gunnery - 5rk
FTL Operation - 5rk
Tactics - 5rk

Sanzai Skills -
Send/Recieve - 3rk
Mind Shield - 4rk
Signature Detection - 4rk

Advanced Sanzai -
Telekinesis Control – 3rk
Telekinesis Power - 5rk

Languages -
Loroi Trade - 4rk
English - 4rk

Special Abilities – {2}Attractive
Tactical Prodigy

Flaw –
Flawed Telekinesis (requires a modified amp to function controllably)

Life Changing Events – {5}
{Childhood} Her early life as a Teidar aspirant is more or less normal. However, she is discovered to have a great deal of strategic and tactical insight, and a keen mind.
{Adolescent} Raised to be a Teidar, distinguishing herself sufficiently to warrant a squad command on ascension to the ranks proper.
{Adulthood} Assigned to the Umiak front and serves for many years in various stations, rising in the ranks due to a combination of her own tactical skills and attrition among her superiors.
{The Semoset Offensive and the Battle of the Tisani Ways} Despite her success in leading an operation crippled early on to a successful end, she is badly wounded and unable to continue in service as a Teidar. She is promoted to the Torrai caste and assigned as executive officer to a captain she does not mesh with. Supposed insubordination sees her put into a staff position on Deinar until contact with Humanity.
{New Life} 'Volunteered' for an exchange with the TCA academy, she soon slips comfortably into life on Earth among a strange culture, and begins to cultivate a reputation as a trustworthy and effective instructor. TCA Admiralty eventually sends a quiet request that she serve on the recently refit ECS Tempest.

Relationships Goals & Secrets
{Blood} Tiedar Sezon Tintarl – Mother. They have not spoken since Nelopaio's auster from the front.
{Association} CMDR Angelina Halloway, TCA Academy - Considerd to be a close friend, and the first human to make her welcome on Earth.
{Association} Torrai Torrett Malirloi (Shiningsky). Her former superior, whose mindset did not mesh with Nelopaio's more intuitive, somewhat freewheeling nature. To this day, there is still blood between them.
{Goal 1} Serve the Empire to the best of her ability, as well as their new allies.
{Goal 2} Earn her way back into a command posting, perhaps even a ship of her own.
{Secret} A very brief relationship with a TCA admirals son that did not end well. She tries to keep it as quiet as possible, but the price she owes said officer for his silence may yet come back to haunt her. Needless to say, such a thing would not be viewed well by her superiors.

General : 3

Re: [RP] Tempest Expedition (OOC)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:14 pm
by Gudo
Hmmm... Mind if I flesh out one or two of the un-allocated characters? So I can fill in the relationship data on Mord. I'm thinking Mord's Captain and mmmmaaayyybe the Chief of Security. Also, what's the deal with the Barsam? I haven't really read too much of the Outsider Insider. They some other race?