[Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Sweforce »

dragoongfa wrote:Between a mix of RL botherness and several angry rewrites about the next part Chapter 10 will be split in three parts and not the two I had planned.

Oh well, at least I will give some insight about the device's workings.
I can guess about the nature of the device and if I am even remotely right, lets just say if the Umiak have had any of my sympathy before it just died.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Krulle »

The Umiak seem to be "obey, or I'll do whatever is easy for me to do to make you comply. And pain is easy to induce. Here have a feel how easy it is for me to punish you."

They don't seem to be remotely interested in waving carrots. Sticks is their method.

The Umiak also do not seem to trust any intelligence beside their own. No AI, whether biological or not. No alien, whether aligned in their Hierarchy or not.
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Southern Cross »

Which is going to bite them in the ass sooner or later.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Krulle »

Between nations on one planet, yes.
But between interstellar empires? Less so.
They do not allow the non-Umiak on their ships, except for very trusted ones.
They bleed your economy dry.
So no chance of building up a covert space-navy to be able to strike...
And since they don't come down to your planet, you cannot even do terrorist attacks against them AND hitting them.
Likely you could only do terrorist attacks against the administration put in place to ensure a steady supply of (whatever) being sent in their direction. But no Umiak is needed in the administration. The Umiak can punish the whole planet of their demands are not met without ever setting foot on the planet.

But the single ship using and abusing such devices?
Yes, it might bite back. Which means they'll stop using the devices afterwards, or will find a way to go around the problems they're causing.
It doesn't look like the "device" can do much more than access the sensors anyway.
And the Loroi are fighting a defensive war anyway. They seem to focus very much on defending their territory, and warding off the impressive manufacturing base the Umiak are using to throw ships into the barren regions ("The Steppes").
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Jack Rabbit »

I absolutely love your fanfiction your is work just amazing i can barely wait to see how it all unfolds :)

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by dragoongfa »

Chapter 10, part 3

According to the device the life signs were somewhere within the dense asteroid field that was caught between the orbits of the star system’s two gas giants, a phenomenon that peeked his curiosity enough for him to bring up the relevant data now that the ship was fully operational after the jump.

According to the data Kitiiikht-14-Tahkit-Tuk read, the field in question must have been a planet that was caught between the gravity wells of the two gas giants, which was then torn apart by the conflicting gravity forces of the two planets and the system’s sun over the course of millennia if not millions of years.

What was really interesting about the arrangement was that when the orbits of the two gas giants would be at the furthest from each other the asteroid field would begin to form into a planet again, only for the process to be reversed when the gas giants would get close again. It was probably this constant pressure of a planetary creation and destruction that created the unique electromagnetic phenomena within the asteroid field in question.

The Tithric researchers that had studied it postulated that the various metals within the field had become heavily magnetized which in turn created interesting thunderstorms whenever the asteroids closed and broke apart from each other. Currently the field was at a relatively peaceful state, with the asteroids being at the furthest from each other they could be despite their apparent closeness, in a few decades when the gravity forces from the two gas giants eased then the field would close up again and in turn create new thunderstorms. The only clue as to this turbulent process was the heavy electromagnetic interference within the field which made communications hard while also interfering with sensors.

With this in mind he came to the conclusion that someone had decided to hide within the field for some reason but why would anyone hide themselves there? If they were enemies they couldn’t know that a Hierarchy ship was coming with the device fully activated. Furthermore the device didn’t detect an Enemy farseer using their amplifiers, something that would prove beyond any doubt that those the device detected were enemies.

The Enemy rarely was so far away from their territory, especially without an amplified farseer so it had to be something else. There were many possibilities as to who and what they could be and the Hierarchy had given him clear orders as to what he would do in each situation but before he could do anything he had identify the unknowns before acting according to his orders and Hierarchy law.

He switched on all of the necessary systems in order to establish communications with whoever was hiding within the field. With the transmitter at maximum output to combat the interference, the automatic translator to the Trade language and the electronic warfare suite as a precaution, there shouldn't be any issues with communications. He gathered his thoughts as he made sure that every system was functioning as it should be and then turned everything on as a wide band transmission aimed at the asteroid field begun.

“Patrol vessel Tahkt-73 of the Hierarchy demands the establishment of communications with the unknown vessel. That which speaks to the unknown vessel is Kitiiikht-14-Tahkit-Tuk. You are trespassing in Hierarchy territory. Identify yourselves.” The automatic translation automatically translated and inserted the monotonous and limited result in Trade language on top of his words. He knew that it would take some time for a reply to come due to the distance involved and the interference from the field itself; if such a reply was sent at the first place.

In the end it didn’t matter if the unknowns didn’t reply, he knew that there were 93 of them in the asteroid field and they would find them despite the fact that the device wouldn’t be able to pinpoint their location once the ship was close to them. It was after some time that a message alert flashed on his screen from Kt’rkrktkr 48 trkrk and he didn’t waste any time in reading that message.

“Amplified Farseer detected, weaker than normal, device working as intended.” His claw involuntary closed and opened in quick succession, a sign of giddy anticipation now that he knew that the ship would at last face an Enemy in combat. He was about to order his ship in full combat alert when a wide band transmission from the asteroid field was received. Putting the combat alert aside he immediately ordered the system to play the transmission, something that took longer than usual because of the weakened signal, probably due to the electromagnetic interference by the asteroids.

The being that appeared on his screen surprised him, it wasn’t an Enemy but it looked very much like one of their males. It had a pinkish skin color, black hair and round ears, with some apparent signs of aging if his knowledge about the Enemy physiology was correct. The being also wore a blue uniform, unlike the Enemy who wore personal armors.

“This is Captain Asteios of the Terran Scout Vessel Matveyev. We are on a mission of peace from the Terran Colonial Authority, on behalf of the six worlds of humanity. We had not known that this constituted Hierarchy territory and I apologize for the intrusion.” The being said in its message leaving Kitiiikht-14-Tahkit-Tuk frozen on his chair as he took in was he just saw and calculated his options accordingly.

It was the first time he had heard of this ‘humaniti’ and from what it said they didn’t know about the Hierarchy as well which meant that this was a first contact situation. The standing orders for such a situation was to escort the ship in question to a properly equipped base where specially appointed officials would establish diplomatic contact and begin paving the way for annexation by the Hierarchy; this situation however didn’t fall within that set of orders.

Humaniti was obviously telepathic since they had something akin to the Enemy farseers and as such they already knew of the device’s functions. Then it was the fact that they looked a lot like the enemy, this along with their telepathy meant that they were either the Enemy’s template species or that they were descendants of the hated Soians who the Enemy claimed to be their successors.

This simple fact alone automatically classified humanity as a priority target for Hierarchy annexation. The Hierarchy couldn’t allow another telepathic species to operate freely, especially one that could prove to be the hated Soians. It was of paramount importance for the Hierarchy to learn as much about this species as it could in an expedient manner in order to immediately be annexed. The orders made it clear that the Hierarchy couldn’t waste any time with diplomacy with a priority target, the ship and its crew had to be brought under control quickly without being given the chance to escape or alert anyone.

He had to act quickly in order to fulfill his orders to the best of his abilities, thankfully his ship was equipped with everything that was needed to carry out what had to be done. He had 4 assault shuttles and 120 Hardtroops trained and equipped for boarding actions, the ship had a sizeable brig for petty criminals and plenty of storage space for any seized goods. At times he lamented the fact that he wasn’t entrusted with a frontline warship but now he finally saw the Hierarchy’s wisdom in assigning him this ship and hastily giving him this new patrol route.

He had to use the full might of his ship to take control of the humaniti ship, its crew and especially in computer systems but until he could do so he had to make sure that the humaniti ship would be intact when the shuttles would launch and would still be intact and with a large number of its crew still alive when the Hard-Troops would finish securing it.

Chapter 11, part 1: http://www.well-of-souls.com/forums/vie ... 980#p19980
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by dragoongfa »

With this chapter 10 comes to a close and the question that has to be asked is if the Umiak would react any differently when they would realize the unique Human ability?

In this story I have taken the liberty to give the Umiak device far-sense, in a more limited version than the Loroi but still far sense which means that even if the Loroi weren't there the Humans would still be for all intents and purposes fucked the moment they would run into a ship equipped with such a device.

Also, this part was originally supposed to be longer covering more events but I realized (after writing most of said events) that a different POV was preferable to properly explain the events in question.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Grayhome »


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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Argron »

Unexpected development, hope they manage to evacuate the whole Loroi crew and get the hell out, I don't think I would like to be left in the crippled loroi ship against 120 hardtroopers; it would make sense to remotely detonate those torpedos so I hope some hero *looking at you captain* doesn't choose to stay. Interesting to see how no-nonsense the umiak really are, I don't think peace negotiations will ever work with them.

A few things:
* The umiak used he while before I think you were using it, is that a typo or to make it easier to later distinguish between the farsense device *it* and the umiak captain *he*?

* I understand why you use humaniti, on the other hand while someone unexperienced like Beryl could make the mistake at first, Tempo used the correct humanity from the start instead. Also the umiak have a completely different language and automatic translators so maybe they would get it right at first -moreso considering how detail oriented they are-, or make a different mistake with the name. It seems strange everyone makes the same mistake just saying.

* He analyzed some very extreme possibilities very quickly, I understand they are highly intelligent so that fits, but I thought they were also rather unimaginative, so while calculating odds and optimal possibilities is in character, some of the scenarios he analyzed I think they wouldn't even register in the Umiak mind as possibilities.

* Petty criminals? considering the required devotion of all umiak to the cause, it seems to me they would treat all criminals of all species the same: evisceration and recicling lol, they don't seem to give 2 f***s about diplomacy after all. Or is that the distintion between executing them on the spot compared to transporting them to somewhere where they can be judged and executed? are they more lenient towards criminals of other assimilated species?

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by dragoongfa »

Argron wrote:Unexpected development, hope they manage to evacuate the whole Loroi crew and get the hell out, I don't think I would like to be left in the crippled loroi ship against 120 hardtroopers; it would make sense to remotely detonate those torpedos so I hope some hero *looking at you captain* doesn't choose to stay. Interesting to see how no-nonsense the umiak really are, I don't think peace negotiations will ever work with them.
The Umiak are described by Arioch as monomaniacal, being no nonsense and to the point is part of the course for them. In fact I originally thought that having an Umiak be curious about things other than his assignment would be out of character for a monomaniacal entity. In the end I decided to go with how the insider puts it: Really humble and hard working as individuals but very domineering and harsh as a society. The Umiak captain may as well be someone who we could talk with and have an interesting discussion on a personal level but he is a Captain of a warship, he doesn't act for his shake but for the Hierarchy.

Also check the insider, in particular the ship data of the human and umiak ships.

A few things:
* The umiak used he while before I think you were using it, is that a typo or to make it easier to later distinguish between the farsense device *it* and the umiak captain *he*?
I was ambivalent about that as well because 'He' is for thoughts of the captain and the operator of the device. 'It' is for the device alone. However the challenge sent to the unknown ship is not an internal thought. I picked it up from here:


I believe that presenting themselves as 'it' is cultural and has to do with their humble tendencies or may even be an Umiak 'warrior' thing, seeing themselves as a small cog in the vast Hierarchy war machine as a way to 'enlarge' themselves while still being apparently humble.
* I understand why you use humaniti, on the other hand while someone unexperienced like Beryl could make the mistake at first, Tempo used the correct humanity from the start instead. Also the umiak have a completely different language and automatic translators so maybe they would get it right at first -moreso considering how detail oriented they are-, or make a different mistake with the name. It seems strange everyone makes the same mistake just saying.
Beryl is someone who primarily uses Sanzai when casually discussing with someone, in fact this may be the first time she has this kind of casual talk with someone. Tempo on the other hand is a Mizol, she regularly discusses with aliens and as such can easily differentiate the very minor vocal differences between words. It makes sense for these two characters to have this small misunderstanding on how Alex pronounced the word and pronounce it differently for Beryl's case and properly for Tempo's. In fact its a minor hint from my part of Shadowcloud being rusty on the diplomatic front because she didn't immediately pick this up as well.

The Umiak however are using a vastly different language with very different vocals due to not having fleshy mouths, I wanted to somehow point this out and 'humaniti' was the first thing that came to me. The automatic translator wont have such a problem though.
* He analyzed some very extreme possibilities very quickly, I understand they are highly intelligent so that fits, but I thought they were also rather unimaginative, so while calculating odds and optimal possibilities is in character, some of the scenarios he analyzed I think they wouldn't even register in the Umiak mind as possibilities.
Monomaniacal doesn't mean necessarily focused on a single course of action, being monomaniacal is primarily about focusing on the 'end goal'. The Umiak really want to win the war and they put an immense amount of thinking and resources in all possible schemes and scenarios to do that. An Umiak captain covering possible scenarios involving the hated Enemy and a species that may be either the enemy's template species or Soians themselves is part of the course. Then again these may not be the thoughts of the captain but part of a monomaniacal set of orders that have been drilled into him since infancy.
* Petty criminals? considering the required devotion of all umiak to the cause, it seems to me they would treat all criminals of all species the same: evisceration and recicling lol, they don't seem to give 2 f***s about diplomacy after all. Or is that the distintion between executing them on the spot compared to transporting them to somewhere where they can be judged and executed? are they more lenient towards criminals of other assimilated species?
All species have deviants while the Hierarchy has plenty of space faring species who may not have warships (with the exception of the Morat) but do have plenty of civilian shipping, keeping such an empire in line requires a form of due process, the Umiak may be humble and monomaniacal as a species but they are not fools, they know that some guidelines must be put in place and respected even when dealing with deviants. Then there is the fact that killing someone is wasteful. If they rebelled their deaths could serve as an example but why kill someone for a lesser crime when you can have them put to work for the rest of their lives in a mine?
Last edited by Guest on Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Krulle »

Grayhome wrote:Image
"Image" does not load.
Possibly the numbers are an IP-locked code, so no deep-linking is possible.
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Suederwind »

A very nice story so far!
However, I hope you won't mind another question:
In this story I have taken the liberty to give the Umiak device far-sense, in a more limited version than the Loroi but still far sense which means that even if the Loroi weren't there the Humans would still be for all intents and purposes fucked the moment they would run into a ship equipped with such a device.
Why would the Humans be fucked, if they would run into a ship equipped with such a device? Sure, a Umiak warship, regardless of its type, would outclass everything Humanity has, but Arioch (and you) made it clear that humans can't be detected by farsensing.
Maybe I just didn't get it in the previous parts of your story, but what makes the difference here in that situation (except that those Loroi on the wreck)?
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by dragoongfa »

Space is vast and largely empty, unless you hide behind something bigger that the ship you are in, everyone in the system you are in will SEE YOU the old fashioned way. In Naam where Bellarmine was destroyed the Loroi both couldn't see and sense the human ship, in this situation there is the abnormality of the dense asteroid field and the Loroi who are the ones with their pants down for a change.

With the above in mind think of these:

Imagine being a Loroi captain and your sensors see a ship that the Farseer doesn't seem to detect.

Now imagine being an Umiak captain and your sensors see a ship that the new device which copies the Farseer abilities doesn't seem to detect.

Now imagine being the only telepathic immune species caught between two superpowers that both actively employee telepathy in their war-fighting.

Telling that humanity is fucked in the Umiak situation only highlights the fact that the Loroi aren't monomaniacal and there is a 50% chance of them trying to talk instead of deciding to make your life miserable in their attempt to know how the immunity works and how to counter it.
Last edited by Guest on Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Sweforce »

A scoutship are all but unarmed and the Umiak got a heavy plus escorts ("gunboats" I assume). Loroi ship non operational, their only way to win here would be if they somehow managed to utilize some of the loroi's antimatter missiles but it is doubtful if they can be fired from the wreck. If they could, they could make short work of the heavy if they can fire from a to short distance for point defenses to deal with them. Umiak ships seem to lack all those small guns so I suspect that they are at a disadvantage when someone fire missiles on them. In any case, the need to create a trap to have any chance of winning a battle. Sure they could let the umiak board them and meet them with a combined force but that will just repel the first wave or two if they are lucky then the Umiak will understand what they are up against. The umiak are fanatical, not stupid. Maybe a flanking maneuver where the umiak get boarded in turn when their troops are away? :twisted:

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Grayhome »

"Image" does not load.
Possibly the numbers are an IP-locked code, so no deep-linking is possible.
If you need the image, just google the meme, it's fairly popular.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Razor One »

He can't see the image, so he can't google the meme. :P

It's the "Well, that escalated quickly" Anchorman meme. You can watch the scene its from here:

In future, it's usually best to use an imagehost rather than to hotlink from other websites. I've found Imgur to be one of the best in terms of what you can upload, how long you can have it there, and how wonderfully uncluttered their layout is.
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Argron »

@Dragoongfa: I understand your point of view and agree you are right on all points, except maybe your 4th answer, but you may be right there too. Regardless, it is an interesting change of pace from other stories where a supposedly intelligent character can't examine all options offered to him/her. Although in this case I think you went a bit overboard but that's just my opinion.

Sweforce wrote:Maybe a flanking maneuver where the umiak get boarded in turn when their troops are away? :twisted:
"Captain Asteios of ECS-175 Matveyev to high command, scouting operation finalized and first contact succesfully established"
"High command here, excellent news, report"
"We bring good news and even better news"
"Don't be childish Asteios, report"
"The good news is that we succesfully rescued a Loroi crew, offered resources so they could perform a vital operation to the war effort, and they were extremely grateful for it."
"Excellent, you mentioned even better news, captain Asteios?"
"Yes sir, we single handedly decided humanity's position in this war, were received by the Loroi empress and bring home a very favourable alliance treaty, we put the diplomatic corps out of a job"
"Asteios that is not your mission, we will wait for the rest of the scout vessels results and then the diplomats will analyze our options"
"No need, high command, due to unforeseen circumstances we had to assault an umiak ship, kill their whole crew, run away in the presence of superior numbers all the while being hailed by the umiak who threatened to, and I quote 'We will slaughter the traitorous vermin and it's next 20 generations of descendants'"

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Krulle »

FML? Fix My Lighthouse?...
Anyway, it would indeed lead to a very interesting de-briefing....
And a court-martial for disobeying orders... In a situation where the survival of the Human race is in peril...

@Razor One: Thank You.

And yes, it escalated quickly. But in a war any encounter usually escalates quickly...
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Suederwind »

Thanks for the answer so far, dragoongfa.
Now imagine being an Umiak captain and your sensors see a ship that the new device which copies the Farseer abilities doesn't seem to detect.
Well, if the sensors detect the human ship, but at the moment in the story, the Umiak sensors don't see it. Or did I missunderstood that part?
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Argron »

Krulle wrote:FML? Fix My Lighthouse?...
Anyway, it would indeed lead to a very interesting de-briefing....
And a court-martial for disobeying orders... In a situation where the survival of the Human race is in peril...

@Razor One: Thank You.

And yes, it escalated quickly. But in a war any encounter usually escalates quickly...
FML= Fuck My Life
Suederwind wrote:Thanks for the answer so far, dragoongfa.
Now imagine being an Umiak captain and your sensors see a ship that the new device which copies the Farseer abilities doesn't seem to detect.
Well, if the sensors detect the human ship, but at the moment in the story, the Umiak sensors don't see it. Or did I missunderstood that part?
The umiak farsense is detecting 93 life signs and detecting a transmission, they believe it's from same ship but the signs are loroi while the communication comes from the human scout vessel, so it seems a "normal" first contact for them thanks to the loroi being there.
If they made first contact with a scout vessel when no loroi are around, the umiak would be seeing the ship and the transmition but realize these humans are invisible to their revolutionary and war-changing new device, so they would go to extreme lengths to make sure whatever it is humans have doesn't fall in the hands of the enemy, including gruesome experiments and immediately subjugating the whole human race... at best. So yeah, humans would have been fucked.

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