[Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Zakharra »

Whale wrote:That last line... Heh. Probably sounds a bit insulting.

I'd say the last line was both a way of 'yanking their chains' and a warning. Humanity is not going to be blindly accepting of the Loroi.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Logannion »

Zakharra wrote:
Whale wrote:That last line... Heh. Probably sounds a bit insulting.

I'd say the last line was both a way of 'yanking their chains' and a warning. Humanity is not going to be blindly accepting of the Loroi.
Agreed. Though as a stray thought, I wonder how much future policy (If humanity did enter the war on the Loroi side) would be partially inspired by the old human myths/science fiction/ fantasy stories.

After all, a lot of it would be weirdly applicable to this situation. Because in those stories, more often then not, humanity and the elves usually had a common goal or enemy, only just different perspectives.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by dragoongfa »

Chapter 6, part 1

“They may not know anything about Teidars or Farseers but they seem to know plenty about Mizols.”
Razormist commented telepathically full of amusement as she read Shadowcloud's flabbergasted thoughts.

“That’s not funny Teidar.” Shadowcloud replied full of annoyance, not sharing her bodyguard’s amusement.

“I am certain that Human legends are as accurate as ours.” Razormist continued to amuse herself. “After all Firestorm did burn all of the unclean ones from Deinar.”

“Some legends do have a basis on reality.” Shadowcloud replied before cutting Razormist off so she could reply to the human.

“This is an interesting legend, I assume that there are many stories about these…elves?” Shadowcloud asked.

“There are plenty.” Lieutenant Allerberger replied dryly.

“And in these stories are the elves and humans always enemies?”

“Enemies? No, there are stories where misunderstandings turned violent when both sides failed to respect each other but elves and humans are always depicted to fight together against a common enemy, ignoring most petty differences.” The human explained.

“Common enemies?”

“Forces of darkness and destruction that sought to defile everything. That short of thing.” The human replied with a smirk.

“These legends sound…interesting.” Shadowcloud commented.

“They are great tools to teach children how to behave in order not to push away potential friends.” The human replied while keeping his smirk in place.

“I see…”

“I was wrong...” Razormist commented. “They don’t seem to know, they DO know plenty about Mizols.”

“I thought that you were certain that they were a Shell trick.” Shadowcloud replied.

“I have yet to be convinced to the contrary but I do believe that you had his last comment coming.” Razormist commented.

“Having the Listel tap into and listen to their comms is the best way to see if they are taking orders from a Shell.” Shadowcloud pointed out.

“True but it was a gamble and as a certain Mizol once said to me some tozons ago…”

“Aliens are not fools and they do not like us acting like they are fools.” Shadowcloud recited. “At least they voiced their displeasure in a diplomatic way.”

“That same Mizol also told me not to push aliens in an untenable position.” Razormist added.

“At least one of you Teidars has been paying attention to what I have been saying.” Shadowcloud commented as Teidar Longblade reached them.

“Lieutenant Allerberger, we are ready to continue.” Shadowcloud said to the human officer.

“Please follow me.” He replied and gestured them to follow him. One of the two humans that were with him followed the small group from a respectful distance while the other went back the way they came, undoubtedly going to their injured comrade and his caretaker.

“Mizol, the humans stopped using the ‘bloo elves’ phrase in their communications and are now saying Loroi.” Listel Sininran Sulfur sent to her telepathically.

“Acknowledged, keep me informed of anything out of place.”

“Mizol, I have been thinking.” Teidar Longblade begun, sending her thoughts both to Shadowcloud and Razormist. “I know that out of all the species we have run across, only the Mannadi proved difficult to detect and read.”

“Yes that's because of how the Mannadi’s peculiar higher brain system is distributed throughout their bodies, with multiple small brains instead of a singular one.” Shadowcloud replied.

“I haven’t run into one but I have heard that they have signatures similar to small animals.” Longblade continued.

“That depends on each individual but it is correct.”

“These humans however are completely undetectable even from up close, so that means that their Lotai is vastly different than the Mannadi one.” Longblade pointed out.

“I have realized this.”

“But the only way that this can happen is with a conscious Lotai, to block ourselves completely in our minds and to not let our thoughts wander to anything else than ourselves.” Longblade replied.

“Not true.” Razormist replied. “Strong and skilled telepaths can cover an entire area with telepathic jamming which makes telepathy nearly impossible in that area.”

“If it was jamming then we would be unable to use telepathy near them, I ruled that out first.” Shadowcloud commented.

“Both Lotai and Jamming are conscious techniques.”
Longblade continued. “Maintained by ones mental discipline and telepathic strength. These humans don’t look like they are mentally concentrating and one of them was stabbed. If he held a Lotai up he would have dropped it from the shock.”

“That’s true.” Shadowcloud admitted. “It has to be something natural.”

“Looking at them it is easy to see that they have a large singular brain and they may as well have a spinal cord like we have. We have to rule out something like the Mannadi because of this.” Razormist commented.

“That’s something a Listel would say.” Shadowcloud commented.

I have been around plenty of Mizols and Listels, maybe they are turning me into one of them,” Razormist joked before turning her thoughts serious. “If everything we know about telepathy is true then these humans should be easily detectable just from the singular brain; that’s not the case and we have to rule Lotai and jamming out.”

“Then this is something new and probably natural, something that they probably evolved with.” Shadowcloud agreed.

“But what evolutionary purpose would a natural resistance to telepathy serve?” Razormist asked.

“I don’t know, I am not a Listel, Teidar.” Shadowcloud replied.

“I doubt that even the smartest of Listels could think of something.” Razormist commented.

“If they are not a Shell trick then we will have to bring them under our full control and cull their numbers for the safety of the Union.”
Shadowcloud stopped walking and turned to face Longblade before she even finished her thought.

“Have you learned nothing from our history? The Mannadi subjugation nearly flung us into a war with every other species eons ago and the whole Tithric affair nearly cost us this war and our continued existence as a species!” Shadowcloud replied full with anger and contempt.

“Shadowcloud she was just…” Razormist tried to intervene.

“No… I don’t want to hear any excuses for fatal mistakes ever again.” Shadowcloud cut her off while eyeing Longblade who had brought her full Lotai up to keep her thoughts to herself.

“Torimor Shadowcloud, is there a problem?” Lieutenant Allerberger asked, drawing Shadowclouds attention away from Longblade.

“No, nothing of concern Lieutenant Allerberger, just a minor difference of opinion regarding diplomatic protocols.” Shadowcloud replied.

“I see…we are almost there.” Lieutenant Allerberger said as he pointed to a nearby open blastdoor.

Right behind the open blastdoor was another human in a space suit. This one had also taken off his helmet, revealing the same extremely short, nearly shaved haircut that the other five humans has as well, it was obvious some short of a warrior tradition and completely the opposite of Loroi traditions in which the length of a warrior’s hair was a way to indicate seniority.

This human was armed with a shotgun, a type of weapon that the Loroi used as well since the weapon provided a lot of versatility due to the different kinds of ammo that it could be loaded with. Such weapons however were used mainly for ground warfare as their recoil made it hard to control in a zero gravity environment.

“What do you think Razormist?”

“The human said that it was loaded with non lethal ammunition, so it would make sense to bring one if their energy weapons don’t have electro stun capabilities.” Shadowcloud agreed with that assessment and walked up to the airlock the humans had installed to examine it up close.

“It looks robust.” Razormist commented.

“See how they installed support tethers on this side? I bet that a small umbilical extends on the other side so a shuttle could offload personnel quickly without the need of a space walk.” Shadowcloud commented and turned to Lieutenant Allerberger.

“You and your team have done everything we asked for Lieutenant Allerberger, in fact more than even I would be comfortable doing considering the incident earlier.”

“I am glad to hear that. Can we now proceed with the treatment of my subordinate?”

“Yes, time is of the essence for that…” A quick thought crossed her mind, something that she wouldn’t have considered if Lieutenant Allerberger hadn’t explained what the elves were earlier. “Before that however I believe that I have to make some things clear to you. I told you earlier that we cannot telepathically detect you, nor read you. I also told you that we believed that our similarity and your Lotai made us believe that you were a Hierarchy trick. I didn’t tell you however that the Umiak have created bio engineered constructs in the past in order to trick us and infiltrate our territory. The reason I asked for us to treat your injured comrade was to see firsthand if you are bio engineered or real.” Shadowcloud said.

“We had… realized that you intended to run tests on him before we agreed for you to treat him.” Lieutenant Allerberger replied, his expression filled with confusion.

“That however was not the sole reason, we also want to fully test your Lotai by physical contact.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It is simple, from a distance our telepathy has certain limitations but if we physically touch the one we wish to telepathically contact then those limitations are lifted; surface thoughts and sentiments are read with little issue and all mental shielding techniques are bypassed.” Shadowcloud explained.

“So you want to test this…Lotai of ours as you called it?” Lieutenant Allerberger asked while frowning.


“I have…trouble understanding why you are telling me this.” Lieutenant Allerberger said after some thought.

“We Loroi value truth and honesty deeply, our telepathic communications are truthful and to the point with barely any deception to the message that is passed. For us all aliens seem deceitful because they rarely say what they truly believe. I believe that you value truth and honesty as well; am I wrong in believing this?”

“No, you are not.” Lieutenant Allerberger replied instantly.

“I also don’t believe that you are fools so I will say it as it is. Your telepathic immunity is of great concern to us and it should be for you as well; the Hierarchy is a monomaniacal nation that doesn’t stop at anything to get what they want and you have something they really want. Once they realize this immunity they will capture the entirety of your species, run the same kind of gruesome experiments they run on our captive populations and when they get what they want they will make sure that they are the only ones who have it.”

“That’s something that we have to consider…” Lieutenant Allerberger paused for a few moments before continuing. “We know that the Hierarchy practically enslaves its allies but the Loroi are known to have wiped out two species, one of which was also immune to your telepathy.”

“I personally consider both of those events to be the greatest mistakes of my kind but I understand the flawed reasoning behind them. First I would like to say that we didn’t exterminate either of those species. The Mannadi repeatedly attacked our allies and when they lost the war they refused to cease hostilities. They were a threat that refused to see reason; and despite what many believe a large, self sustaining population still exists in their territory under quarantine. They still exist as a species and a culture. The Tithric on the other hand knew of the war of extermination that the Hierarchy had launched against us. They knew of the tens of billions of murdered Loroi and they chose to help the Hierarchy for a profit, first ‘discreetly’ under a false neutrality and openly when we found proof of their dealings with the Umiak. In the eyes of many of us the Tithric are worse than the Shells but still we didn’t kill them all; we removed all technological capabilities that could be of use to the Hierarchy; their former territory is seen as a wasteland but there are still sizeable populations of Tithric in their homeworld and in some scattered colonies.” Shadowcloud said without controlling her tone and expression, letting what she felt show in her face and her mannerisms.

“I am… not in a position to judge you for those actions.” Lieutenant Allerberger replied reluctantly.

“We ask neither for forgiveness or condemnation, what we want is to know where everyone stands. Far too many of us have died in this war already and we cannot allow any other profiteering nation to help add to those numbers while hiding behind a fake neutrality.”

“That is understandable but I am not…able to give you an answer to that question.” Lieutenant Allerberger replied.

“I don’t ask for you to vouch for your entire species, I only ask you to carefully consider the situation both of our species are in.” The human remained silent as he eyed her carefully.

“What are you doing Mizol?” Razormist asked, her thoughts full of confusion.

“Are you, a Teidar, asking me why I was honest with someone?”

“There is no reason to be honest with someone who is dishonest. You yourself have told me that.” Razormist replied.

“Have they acted in any way that shows dishonesty from their part? Or do you believe that only lies hide behind their Lotai?”

“I can’t answer that.” Razormist admitted.

“Will someone who comes in physical contact with you be in any danger?” Lieutenant Allerberger asked drawing her attention back to him.


“Are you able to read the mind of someone when you do that?”

“Only surface thoughts and thoughts that are triggered to come to the surface.” When hearing that the human briefly spoke with someone using his suit’s comms before turning to his two subordinates.

“I need a volunteer.” Lieutenant Allerberger said in Trade.

Both humans visibly hesitated for a few moments before one of them, the one that followed them to the airlock, raised his hand. He and Lieutenant Allerberger spoke in their tongue before turning to her.

“Private Westwood has volunteered so you can test our… Lotai on him.” Lieutenant Allerberger said with a steady voice.

“I appreciate it.” Shadowcloud replied before walking up to the human volunteer. “Are you ready?”

“Yes.” The human replied nervously.

She raised her left hand and gently touched his forehead, he was warm to the touch as she expected him to be and that was the only thing that felt as she expected it to be. What her telepathic senses felt however where wholly confusing; she expected some form of mental block, that at least would make some sense but the sensation of practically touching a telepathic jamming field was unbelievably surreal.

“Do you feel anything odd?” She asked the human as she tried to push inside the jamming.

“I don’t know how to put it, it’s like an electric current in my head.” She knew that this meant that she was past the jamming but if that was the case she should have gotten some mental feedback as a result unless the jamming wasn’t there to keep her out.

“I can’t read anything; this resistance seems impossible to penetrate.” She said to the human, knowing that it was a partial lie but she couldn’t accept yet what she felt; she lowered her hand and turned to Lieutenant Allerberger,

“You have done all I asked and I believe it’s time to take care of your injured subordinate.”

“I am glad to hear it, please follow me.” Lieutenant Allerberger said as he gestured to his two subordinates to stay at the airlock.

“What did you feel Mizol?” Razormist asked.

“It’s a jamming field.”

“But we can use our telepathy.” The Teidar pointed out.

“No it’s different; it’s like their entire body is a self contained jamming field that is somehow aimed inwards, not outwards.” Shadowcloud explained.


“I don't know how but it’s not something that keeps telepathy out but something that keeps telepathy locked inside.”

Chapter 6, part 2: http://www.well-of-souls.com/forums/vie ... 059#p19059
Last edited by Guest on Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:10 pm, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by dragoongfa »

An other big entry with 2600 words and the first half of my half arsed attempt to explain the human Lotai.

As always, the entry will be cleared later.

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Mr Bojangles
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Mr Bojangles »

Another enjoyable entry and an interesting theory on humanity's Lotai. I look forward to more and I can't help but be more curious about what make humans unreadable.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Whale »

Since Loroi are an engineered species, maybe the problem is actually at their end...

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by dragoongfa »

Whale wrote:Since Loroi are an engineered species, maybe the problem is actually at their end...
That's one of the potential theories since the Soians would certainly make sure that the Loroi wouldn't have an advantage over them. If the Soians were natural telepaths it would make sense to tweak the Loroi a little in order to stop them from reading natural telepaths. Humanity having the potential to 'evolve' natural telepathy could be triggering than safeguard.

However that is not what I am going for here and the 'practical' explanation will be covered in the next part anyway.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Sweforce »

Any plans to introduce any human woman into this story? I guess the loroi are used enough to male warriors from other races but find it as bit awkward in humans due to our similarity in appearance. Send in a human woman into the mix and I guess they will instinctively try to direct their conversation to a woman present in a group of humans.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by dragoongfa »

Sweforce wrote:Any plans to introduce any human woman into this story? I guess the loroi are used enough to male warriors from other races but find it as bit awkward in humans due to our similarity in appearance. Send in a human woman into the mix and I guess they will instinctively try to direct their conversation to a woman present in a group of humans.
Matveyev's crew is comprised of 80% men and 20% women; the Marines however are 100% male for a reason that will be covered later. So that means 80 - 20 = 60 from whom 20% are women and that means 12 female humans on the ship.

So far I have introduced/mentioned 2 human women, the ship's doctor and a bridge officer; depending on the situation I will introduce some more.

I hate to spoil things but suffice to say that the Loroi will meet at least one human female in the story.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Sweforce »

dragoongfa wrote:
Sweforce wrote:Any plans to introduce any human woman into this story? I guess the loroi are used enough to male warriors from other races but find it as bit awkward in humans due to our similarity in appearance. Send in a human woman into the mix and I guess they will instinctively try to direct their conversation to a woman present in a group of humans.
Matveyev's crew is comprised of 80% men and 20% women; the Marines however are 100% male for a reason that will be covered later. So that means 80 - 20 = 60 from whom 20% are women and that means 12 female humans on the ship.

So far I have introduced/mentioned 2 human women, the ship's doctor and a bridge officer; depending on the situation I will introduce some more.

I hate to spoil things but suffice to say that the Loroi will meet at least one human female in the story.
What ever you do, not spoil and I am eagerly awating what happens next. Excellent story!
Edit: fixed grammar disaster, words where missing.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by dragoongfa »

Chapter 6, part 2

The humans didn’t talk among themselves as much as they did before the inspection was carried out by Mizol Torimor Shadowcloud and her Teidars; because of that she didn’t have a lot to keep her mind occupied to the task at hand. She tried a few mental exercises to keep herself focused and those worked for some time.

“Listel Sininran Sulfur, I have need of you.” Shadowcloud sent to her telepathically.

“Yes, Mizol Torimor Shadowcloud?”

"Meet me outside the medical bay and prepare yourself for a ‘transfer’.” Shadowcloud ordered

“A transfer?” Sulfur asked. “And what about the human communications?”

“Set the computer to record. The task I have for you is to look into something and I will have to transfer the necessary information to you in order for you to do so.”

“Yes, Mizol.”

Doing as she was told she set the computer to record all of the human transmissions and quickly trotted to the med bay once she was in the corridor; drawing questioning looks from various warriors as she passed by them. Normally she would be curious of what task the Mizol had for her and what kind of information she lacked but she didn’t have the time to think of that. The technique to transfer information always required proper and thorough mental preparation from both the sender and the receiver; it was a technique commonly used by those Loroi with eidetic memories; not just the Listel caste. As a technique it allowed the quick and nearly flawless passing of complex information and in order for that to happen both the sender and the receiver had to take care not to break well established mental boundaries.

It didn’t take long for her to reach the medical bay’s entrance only to realize that Shadowcloud hadn’t arrived yet. She spread her mind a little and felt Shadowcloud alongside Teidar Sezon Razormist and Doranzer Needle; their small group approaching her position in a slow but steady pace. Seeing the opportunity she used the little time she had to further prepare herself for the transfer itself.

When the small group appeared at the corner she finally realized that the three of them weren’t alone. Shadowcloud walked ahead and right behind her Razormist and Needle each held a handle of the front end of a stretcher on top of which one of the humans was laid upon; the rear end of the stretcher, the heavier one since the human was laid feet first, was held by a single human with obvious ease.

“Are you ready Listel?” Shadowcloud asked before Sulfur could think of anything.

“Yes Mizol.”

“Lieutenant Allerberger, this is the medical bay.” Shadowcloud said to the human who held up the rear end of the stretcher. “Doranzer Needle will prepare your subordinate while I will make sure that the exchange of our biological information goes smoothly.”

“I understand.” The human replied as Razormist and Needle led the way into the medical bay.

“Follow me.” Shadowcloud ordered as she began walking down the corridor.

“Yes Mizol.”

“With just a glance, what do you think of these humans?” Shadowcloud asked.

“They look remarkably like our males, taller and with rougher facial features but the similarity is there. Of course their biochemistry is not Soia-Liron so their skin color is pinkish; an indication of red colored blood.” Sulfur replied.

“Very good.” Shadowcloud replied. “They are also heavier and physically stronger than us.”

“The stretcher?” Sulfur asked.

“We had difficulty holding the stretcher up on our own. The human male carried his share without much effort and his end was the heavier one.” Shadowcloud replied.

“It is well known that we Loroi aren’t among the physically strong.” Sulfur commented.

“The humans didn’t seem surprised about our difference in strength; I believe that they even expected that.” Shadowcloud added.

“They said that we look exactly like their females didn’t they?” Sulfur asked.

“That was the best joke I heard in a while.” Shadowcloud replied with an amused tone before turning her mind to more serious thoughts. “But I think that it is true; we must remind them of their females. A couple of them even dropped their guard and glanced at us the same way our males do.”

“Physically stronger males and probably sturdier if I am to judge by their body frame.” Sulfur thought. “If their females are exactly like us then the dominant manual laborer and the war fighter roles would go to the males.”

“Pink, tall and strong male warriors…” Shadowcloud amused herself. “Living proof that the universe does have a sense of humor.”

“That is if they are not a Shell trick.” Sulfur pointed out.

“I think that they are not and that they may be telepaths.” Shadowcloud replied.

“We would have sensed them if they were telepaths!” Sulfur pointed out.

“That’s one of the things I want you to look into.” Shadowcloud said and raised her hand to point to an empty storage room.

“But how am I to look into that?” Sulfur asked as she followed Shadowcloud into the storage room.

“I will give you all the information I have on the matter but you will have to swear that you will not divulge this information to anyone.” Shadowcloud replied.

“Why me?”

“You are the only Listel available to me.” Shadowcloud replied with a tinge of annoyance for pointing out the obvious.

“But I am not a good Listel!” Sulfur protested. “Almost a failure due to my wandering mind.”

“You didn’t fail and you carrying the armor of your caste is proof of that.” Shadowcloud pointed out. “Many young Listels have quirks, your lack of attention and your wandering mind are among those. You will learn to control them with experience but now I need you to fight your own mind because you are the only one who can fulfill this task.”

“I understand and I will do so.”

“Good.” Shadowcloud locked the door and turned to face Sulfur. “Are you ready for the transfer?”

“Yes.” Sulfur replied while closing her eyes, completely emptying her mind at the process. After a few moments she felt Shadowcloud as she gripped her forehead with the palm of her left hand while simultaneously griping the base of her skull with her right. For a moment she could clearly see why Shadowcloud got her name; the strength of her mind was so expansive and nebulous that it covered everything it touched. Shadowcloud was indeed a fitting name for her.

The Mizol probed for a few moments to see if Sulfur had any stray thoughts in her mind and when she was satisfied with what she felt she begun the transfer. The process was over in solons but the mental shock from the rush of information was enough to cause Sulfur to lose her balance as Shadowcloud pulled her hands away.

“Can you recall it?” Shadowcloud asked as Sulfur steadied herself.

“Yes I…” It was forbidden to think about anything when the transfer was ongoing. A stray thought could spoil it and make recalling the information problematic, making a second transfer a necessity but she had managed to keep her mind clear as Shadowcloud sent her everything she wished.

“The Nibiren are the template species of the Barsam?” Sulfur asked out of reflex, momentarily not believing the newly found information that filled her mind. Shadowcloud just chuckled at that.

“You are still young, only senior and very gifted young Listel are privy to those theories.” Shadowcloud commented.

“But these are not just theories! Side by side comparison of everything! Identical skeletal, musculature and neurological systems; even… The regenerative ability of the Barsam, it used to be a trait of the Nibiren as well but…”

“But the Soians made sure that only the Barsam would be the ones who have it.” Shadowcloud commented dryly.

“If the Barsam are indeed based on the Nibiren then…”

“All Soia-Liron species are based on a template species that has a highly desirable trait.” Shadowcloud said with the same dry tone.

“Even us…”

“No we are different.” Sulfur immediately realized that it was a lie, as Shadowcloud filled her mind with self loathing as she spoke. “We are made to the image of the Soians and we are the rightful heirs of their legacy; thus we are the only ones fit to lead the other races. We are nothing less than that.”

“Then the humans may be…”

“Don’t say it and don’t think of it no matter the company you have. Only the most free thinking and disillusioned of us have thought of that possibility but no one has ever realized the true repercussions.” Shadowcloud visibly sighed as she thought that. “I need you to make certain that they are not a Shell trick and that they are something that we wish they weren’t. We need to prepare the Union if that’s the case. Compare us and the humans, look for any and all similarities and then try to find any signs of tampering like the Nibiren had. Can you do this with what you now know?”

“I can.” Sulfur replied with confidence.

“No matter what you find, you will only contact me with the findings. If something happens to me, tell Teidar Razormist that you have to report something of importance to higher authorities; she will know who to contact. Only high ranking Mizols and Listels are authorized for that kind of knowledge; don’t divulge it to anyone else.”
Shadowcloud explained.

“Yes Mizol.”

“Good, now go; send the humans the information I told you to prepare. Then be ready to analyze whatever they send us.” Shadowcloud said as she opened the door and headed back to the medical bay. Leaving Sulfur to head back to the isolated computer terminal she used for the task at hand.

She was confused at first as to why Shadowcloud had insisted for her to find an isolated computer but now she understood why secrecy had to be kept. It didn’t take long to get back to it and access the communication systems again; as a precaution she made sure that no other terminal on the ship had access to the communications systems before she accessed the data that the Mizol had told her to prepare.

Many Loroi warriors frowned with sharing their full biological information with aliens, despite the fact that it was standard practice to do so in case of an emergency; in order to give alien doctors a solid and trustworthy point of reference in order to help them with patients whose biology and biochemistry was more often than not completely foreign to their own. After making sure that the package contained everything that it should and that it was written in a standard format she accessed the communications system and begun transmitting it to the human ship above.
It didn’t take long for the transmission to finish and soon afterwards the human ship hailed her.

“This is ECS-175 Matveyev to the Loroi vessel, we received your transmission successfully, even if we weren’t warned about it.” A female voice said with a weird accent. She wondered for a moment if the human signal had video as well but she hadn’t prepared her console for full video communications so she just replied.

“I apologize; I didn’t mean to surprise you.”

“It’s no issue, are you prepared to receive our transmission?” The female voice asked.

“Yes.” A few moments later the human ship begun transmitting and the computer automatically scanned the data for any potential malware before storing it permanently. “Transmission received.” Sulfur said when the computer finished and she remembered to be polite right before closing the channel. “Thank you.”

Without losing time she sent a copy of the data to the medical bay before looking into it herself. However it took some time for the computer to access the data; looking into it after the computer finished accessing it she realized that this happened because it wasn’t a standard template but a different one; optimized and organized to work with a keyword search function instead of the standard breakdown between different subjects. The computer had trouble presenting it the way it was compiled so it compensated by introducing a crude search function. Deciding to play with it a little she searched for ‘Skeletal structure’ and was immediately greeted with two results ‘male and female’. She chose female and immediately thought that she was looking at the skeleton of a female Loroi, she then went back and chose male. It was different than she expected; the similarities were there but the differences were also evident. Beyond the difference in height the human males also had expanded rib cages and broader shoulders while their bones looked far sturdier.

The muscular structure was the same as well but the human males were far more muscular than their females.

“Mizol Shadowcloud, I am looking at the data the humans sent and so far I see little to no differences between us and the human females but their males are geared to be more muscular than the females.” Sulfur reported to Shadowcloud.

“I am looking at a naked male right now, to call them just muscular does not do them credit.” Shadowcloud replied.

“It says here that human muscle growth and expansion is highly dependent on hormones that are prevalent on human males; human females have those hormones as well but to a far lesser degree.” Sulfur commented.

“This proves that their males are indeed geared to provide physical labor and war fighting.” Shadowcloud replied. “What is the split between their two sexes?”

“Just a moment.” Sulfur searched for the keywords and was immediately shown the result. “106 male births for 100 female births.”

“A nearly 1 to 1 ratio, with a slight slant favoring the manual laborer. Sounds like a natural species and nothing like us.”


“Can you look at their genome?” Shadowcloud asked.

“Wait…I am looking at it now.”

“Does it have any similarities with any other alien life form that you know of?” Shadowcloud directed.

“With a quick glance no. It looks unique and it has a lot of evolutionary garbage but…something is weird with it.” Sulfur replied. “From what I am seeing the humans have numerous distinct subraces whose main physiological differences are down to their skin color but the data shows very limited genetic variation between them.”

“And why is that weird? We Loroi have very little genetic variation between us.”

“It means that the races split very recently from a common ancestor.”
Sulfur explained.

“How recently?” Shadowcloud asked.

“I would say more than 50.000 years, less than 100.000, depending on how mutable the human genome is.” Sulfur replied.

“That doesn’t mean that they are artificial.” Shadowcloud pointed out.

“No but it indicates that the genetic variation is limited because their species was limited to only a few thousand individuals for an extended period of time before they split.” Sulfur explained.

“Sounds like their ancestors went through a hard time…”

“I don’t see any signs of tampering on their genome.” Sulfur said after a few moments.

“Do you see anything out of the ordinary in regards to their brain and nervous systems?”

“No…other than the fact that their brain and nervous systems are also identical to ours.”


“They are exactly the same. Mizol this is exactly like the Nibiren and the Barsam, if our biochemistry was the same we would probably be considered the same species; with the only difference being that the human males are physiologically stronger, taller and sturdier than our males and us.” Sulfur pointed out.

“Do they have the same issues in regards to the need to reproduce?” Shadowcloud asked.

“No, I don’t see anything like that.” Sulfur replied.

“Add that to the list of differences then.”

“Mizol, if we are identical, why aren’t they telepaths?” Sulfur asked.

“I told you that I think that they may be… They allowed me to touch one of them. It was like their entire body was a self contained anti-telepathic jamming field.”

“Why would they do… they aren’t doing it knowingly are they? Are they even conscious about it?” Sulfur asked.

“I don’t think that they know about it.” Shadowcloud replied.

“Let’s say that out best theories about telepathy are indeed correct and our telepathy is dependent on the way our brain and nervous systems are arranged; then that means that the humans who have the exact same arrangement should also be telepaths.” Sulfur thought. “If they are our template however it would make sense that the Soians would do something to blind them telepathically and they did so in a way that kept their brain and neural systems intact.”

“Sounds reasonable but their entire body feels like a jamming field.” Shadowcloud replied.

“Then it must be something that is all over their body, something in their cells perhaps.”
Sulfur said as she accessed the necessary data. “Nothing that seems out of… they have cellular endosymbionts.”

“Many natural species have those.” Shadowcloud pointed out.

“These symbionts, these mitochondria as the humans call them. They are in almost every cell of their body and regulate numerous functions within each cell and…”

“What is it Listel?”

“I found tampering in the mitochondrial genome; the same kind of tampering that the Nibiren have.” Sulfur explained.

“You think this is it?”

“Maybe… and it says here that all living humans today are sharing the same mitochondria.”

Chapter 7, part 1: http://www.well-of-souls.com/forums/vie ... 080#p19080
Last edited by Guest on Thu May 28, 2015 9:48 pm, edited 12 times in total.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by dragoongfa »

There goes chapter 6, it was a big one and somewhat of a bitch to write.

EDIT: I am going to leave these here for some light reading, sorry for the wikipedia links but they have to do :P :


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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Hālian »

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by kclcmdr »

Good update..

One wonders how the humans will react when they notice similarities of the Lorei and humanity, biologically wise.

And also that their bodies might have been (modified) a long time ago..

Maybe they can tell tales of possible past aliens in the past that might have interact with humanity that are legends or rumors.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by dragoongfa »

kclcmdr wrote:Good update..

One wonders how the humans will react when they notice similarities of the Lorei and humanity, biologically wise.

And also that their bodies might have been (modified) a long time ago..

Maybe they can tell tales of possible past aliens in the past that might have interact with humanity that are legends or rumors.
Genesis and the Original sin, the Cataclysm, the tower of Babylon Babel, the war between Heaven and Hell over the dominion of Earth.

Everything suddenly falls into place when someone realizes that the only sin the first humans had was that they were able to talk to the gods above them.

Especially if the gods did something that not only cost the ability for humans to talk above their 'place' but also was the cause of a nearly extinctive population bottleneck that lasted from the fall of the Soias till the late stone age. Who knows how the humans will react if the Loroi keep pushing the 'we are the inheritors of the Soias' line after the humans realize that the Soias literally tried to kill them all for being what they evolved to be.
Last edited by Guest on Fri May 22, 2015 10:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Hālian »

Ohhh myyy. :shock:

This is certainly going to be interesting...
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by Zakharra »

Did anyone else read this:
“These symbionts, these mitochondria as the humans call them. They are in almost every cell of their body and regulate numerous functions within each cell and…”

“What is it Listel?”

“I found tampering in the mitochondrial genome; the same kind of tampering that the Nibiren have.”
Sulfur explained.

“You think this is it?”

“Maybe… and it says here that all living humans today are sharing the same mitochondria.”

as midichlorine from Star Wars? :) :lol:

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by dapple26 »

Well, this is something to explain humanities apparent immunity to telepathy that's a little mind blowy.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by NuclearIceCream »


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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror

Post by dragoongfa »

They are also responsible for my second favorite game ever:


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