Page 14 of 34

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:10 pm
by Charlie
Post number: 6

Charlie grabbed the handle and turned to the Corporal. Speaking softly.

"I'm going to make a dash for the security station, I need to get up armored."

Charlie looked first to the Loroi table then all around the rest of the room. Speaking in a whisper, Charlie made sure no one could hear.

"Nobody gets in, nobody gets out. Am I understood Corporal?"

Charlie didn`t let the Corporal know. The Life support system: Gravity, Atmosphere and heating were still online. That meant a targeted attack on the ships systems, and there had been two Loroi on the bridge. The bridge was the one place where this could be done. Charlie didn`t like think that Stormrage could have anything to do with this. He hoped that it was not the case, he felt convinced of it.

Still in a whisper.
"If there is somebody unfriendly, shut the door and don`t open it not even for me."

Charlie at first opened the door only enough to stick is arm through the gap, shining his light and seeing nothing he opened it enough that he could slide through sideways.

"Alright Corporal, shut the door. You are in command if I do not return. Keep them safe."

With that Charlie moved as close to the left side of the wall as possible as to present and smaller target. He began to sprint towards the fall end of the deck.

{Just gota get past the crew and officer quarters.}

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:57 pm
by Dragoon
"Commander you might need this." Roland stripped his service issue Sidearm out of it's shoulder holster and offered it to the commander as he moved to exit the bridge."Just in case."

"Storm rage would you take charge of the private there, He'll be at your disposal until this situation is resolved." He motioned to one of the guards."Private your to assist the Loroi, if anything happens to the Ambassador you better be a smudge on the deck."

" The rest of you secure the entrance."

Aye sir,
Moving to assist the injured ensign he examined the wound and took the med-pack. he examined the wounds and broke open the pack, nothing much he could do except apply some anti-bacterial salve and apply a dressing. "The good news is that you still have an ear ensign, the bad news is I don't have anything to give you for the pain."

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:17 pm
by sunphoenix
Stormrage chuckles at Ferox's outburst and smiles, "{tee-hee}...thermonuclear warheads? You still use those toys? None of the major Stellar nations do anymore... they are too obsolete.. they don't carry enough power for any real use in 'modern' space warfare. The Loroi don't and certainly not the Umiak. Stable Matter/Anti-matter detonation - 'brilliant' multi-warhead torpedoes are the standard ordinance for long-range missile assault... the Antimatter acts as fuel and detonation device... far more efficient and vastly more destructive! But ordnance barrages are a secondary weapon to real space weapons.. long-ranged energy artillery with a optimum range of one-quarter of a light-second roughly 100,000 of your kilometers in range. Missiles are mostly used only as a distraction to lessen energy weapons fire or for planetary sterilization as only perhaps a couple handfuls of warheads can lay waste to the entire surface of a planetary body making it unlivable with radiation for... decades... is that the right term in your speech? Your Cydonia's radiation shielding would not survive the smallest near-miss missile strike from the radiation let alone an actual hit which would vaporize you - if, that is, anyone were inclined to waste limited ordinance on your slow vessel. More likely you would be hulled with a couple plasma focus or particle beam shots long before you even detected the enemy. Small vessels like our frigate "Argent Fire" have a cruising speed of about 20Gs of acceleration... our ships of the line are much faster as are the Umiak - you would not likely get a chance to even attack before enemies were upon you; your ship is too slow. No one would waste a multi-X-Ray laser anti-matter ordinance on you... well maybe the Umiak would; though the radiation even of a missed shot would kill your crew. If there are Umiak here the radiation you... were... detecting could have been one of their warheads... they annoyingly seem to have an unlimited supply of them and have no qualms about wasting them. Loroi would not use them on a whim against a insignificant threat. Anti-matter radiation is very potent it is likely overloading some of your sensors. Fortunately anti-matter radiation is relatively short-lived... when there are no space bodies to irradiate, at least... it should clear up soon."

...It seems likely that Ferox's comments about Umiak, skulls and cabbage was completely not understood. Likely the 'turn of phrases' and innuendo apparently did not translate as something she understood.

Turning she dismissed speaking with him and focused on the important one on the bridge - Captain Blake.

"The facts are this Captain, your severely out-matched in a engagement with any hostile force or either stellar empire. You are like children playing with a leaking broken plasma torch.. you have no idea how dangerous and vulnerable you are out here. I would suggest trying your best not to encounter any hostile - for if you can see them on your sensors... assuming you can get them working again... they have likely already seen you for some time. The Loroi Union wants humanity to survive... you are.. precious to us. In all space we have never met another race that looks like us in such close similarity... you are a treasure! We want you to survive... please let us help you!"

Stormrage, heard Roland's request and nodded, replying in trade to Roland her voice a purr of sensuousness, "Understood, Rooll-land. I'll keep everyone on the bridge safe."

She drew her Heavy blaster and thumbed off the safety.

In Broadband General Sanzai:
{Crewsisters, we have an ... issue. Someone is infiltrating the humans data-systems and has disabled main power to the ships helm and sensors. Life support seems to be functional so it this could be a prelude to a boarding action buy hostile forces. Be on alert... remember. Humans may not be scannable with Sanzai...but they can still be hurt and or paralyzed by intence mental probe and mental stabs. It should not be necessary as I believe they are in as much threat as we are. but 'Copper Spear' is in danger as she is separated in their medbay. I will try to gain permission to secure her safety. Fear not... I am Unsheathed... Always! Your Teidar is at the ready!}
Stormrage walks over to the console that is being electronically hacked, her shapely hips swaying unconsciously with her steps. She looks at the control console pondering it for a few moments resting a hand contemplatively on the chin of her heart-shaped face and grimaces. To the males present... she is indeed poetry in motion... her soft blonde hair stirring as she moves and the confined bridge her and Nelopaio's faint scent of clean sea water can be sensed. Storm's blaster is held barrel up at her shoulder as she regards the console... but she does not seem to be reading anything flashing on the screen... its as if she were... looking - through the console trying to ponder its inner workings...

Focusing her senses on the flow of the electricity in the ship's systems a spectacular display fills her sight. As usual, her powers overlay the sight of the flowing circuitry in the walls and the electronic systems around her. The ebb and flow of electrical current hers alone to witness and hers to command with but a touch of her will...

Perception: Mind +5 = 2d6 + 5 + 5 → [6,4,5,5] = (20)
* Mods = +1 heightened awareness, +4 Environmental Influence {Electricity} w/psi amplifier
- Environmental Influence: Electricity [Deplete -3], Area {3 Base} = Lvl 1, 1 Environment - Electricity; +Area/2 '5' [100m r] <+2>, Range/2 [100m] <+2> {3pts}
OOC: Considering the size of the Cydonia's 200m length... Stormrage could with a 100m range and a 100m radius area... theoretically she could shut down EVERY system onboard the Cydonia by simple arresting all electron flow or shut-down {or activate} discrete systems as she desired. This of course would take A LOT of energy and tire her quickly! And also, of course, her unfamiliarity with the ship as a whole would slow her progress is she wanted to be surgical and not just shut down swaths of ships systems all at once ...some like life support she might not want to do that too. But if someone would assist her by describing the discrete systems available she could with a little time shut down specific systems very quickly.

Addressing Captain Blake in Trade her voice a soft purr of femininity, "Captain, I may be able to stop whoever is ...'hacking?'... stealing data from your data systems... but I'd need your permission to attempt to do that as it could be considered a security issue. I can't read your computers... but I can stop whoever is trying to read them or open the comm array to transmit an outgoing message."

[ P8 ]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:38 pm
by Charlie
Post number: 7

Charlie could feel the disharmony emitting from the Officer and Crew quarters as he passed them, he wanted to let them know that they weren't alone and that he would get them out. But if he did he risked revealing himself to anyone whom was watching, not the the bright light on his arm did any better. But shouting in the corridor would be unthinkable, Charlie simply had to prioritize and hope for the best.

He got to the Security Station with out event, and here too the door was shut due to power loss.

Charlie opened the access panel to the turn wheel.
{Hmm, manually then? I wonder why back up power has not come online. Life support seems fine though else we'd all be freezing while floating. I suppose if Sonni wanted the ship she wouldn`t risk killing her own crew sisters through asphyxiation.}
It was very difficult for Charlie to think of her with maliciousness, but the precision with witch the power was shut down was undeniable. EMP would have fried all of the systems, Charlie knew the the England Destroyers were not the most modern ships in the fleet but they were extremely reliable and had shielding against smaller scale EMP based effects. Something big enough to effect the systems would have fried everything including life support.

{That leaves cyberwarfare attacks, or a bridge takeover... I just hope everyone is ok.}

With a sigh Charlie set to work turning the heavy wheel, simply hoping the shadows at the ends of corridor did not conceal foes.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:44 am
by Suederwind
The Captain listened to what the Loroi officer had to say:

Stormrage quote nr 1:
"{tee-hee}...thermonuclear warheads? You still use those toys? None of the major Stellar nations do anymore... they are too obsolete.. they don't carry enough power for any real use in 'modern' space warfare. The Loroi don't and certainly not the Umiak. Stable Matter/Anti-matter detonation - 'brilliant' multi-warhead torpedoes are the standard ordinance for long-range missile assault... the Antimatter acts as fuel and detonation device... far more efficient and vastly more destructive! But ordnance barrages are a secondary weapon to real space weapons.. long-ranged energy artillery with a optimum range of one-quarter of a light-second roughly 100,000 of your kilometers in range. Missiles are mostly used only as a distraction to lessen energy weapons fire or for planetary sterilization as only perhaps a couple handfuls of warheads can lay waste to the entire surface of a planetary body making it unlivable with radiation for... decades... is that the right term in your speech? Your Cydonia's radiation shielding would not survive the smallest near-miss missile strike from the radiation let alone an actual hit which would vaporize you - if, that is, anyone were inclined to waste limited ordinance on your slow vessel. More likely you would be hulled with a couple plasma focus or particle beam shots long before you even detected the enemy. Small vessels like our frigate "Argent Fire" have a cruising speed of about 20Gs of acceleration... our ships of the line are much faster as are the Umiak - you would not likely get a chance to even attack before enemies were upon you; your ship is too slow. No one would waste a multi-X-Ray laser anti-matter ordinance on you... well maybe the Umiak would; though the radiation even of a missed shot would kill your crew. If there are Umiak here the radiation you... were... detecting could have been one of their warheads... they annoyingly seem to have an unlimited supply of them and have no qualms about wasting them. Loroi would not use them on a whim against a insignificant threat. Anti-matter radiation is very potent it is likely overloading some of your sensors. Fortunately anti-matter radiation is relatively short-lived... when there are no space bodies to irradiate, at least... it should clear up soon."

"The facts are this Captain, your severely out-matched in a engagement with any hostile force or either stellar empire. You are like children playing with a leaking broken plasma torch.. you have no idea how dangerous and vulnerable you are out here. I would suggest trying your best not to encounter any hostile - for if you can see them on your sensors... assuming you can get them working again... they have likely already seen you for some time. The Loroi Union wants humanity to survive... you are.. precious to us. In all space we have never met another race that looks like us in such close similarity... you are a treasure! We want you to survive... please let us help you!"
Blake was quite for a while and just stared at her. Then he started to answer her in trade, first slowly, then faster and maybe because of some reflection, Stormrage thought for a moment, she could see his rage sparkling in his eyes.

[Thank you for your lack of faith, ma´am. We might not have antimatter weapons or other fancy stuff yet, but I can assure you that this "crude" vessel has enough firepower to blow a hole in a moon and it will do so in an enemy vessel, too. It might not be that elegant, fast or modern as your precious "Argent Fire", but we are still here. You should keep in mind, after telling us so much about your superior technology, that even a weapon as simple as a stick can kill a soldier, if used in the right moment. You might think about us as children, but you have obviously no clue what humans are capable of and what great things we can achieve in such situations. Cydonias crew is well trained and knows her ship in and out, its strong points and weaknesses. We know what we are doing here and not simply toying around. Who ever attacked us, will regret it, sooner or later, as I let no one who damaged my ship and injured my crew, get away easily!]

The Captain made a short break, stepped a bit closer to her and added, in a tone just as he would, if Stormrage was a misbehaving member of his own crew:

[And finally: keep in mind that your ship was destroyed. There is no "Argent Fire" anymore and _this_ is now your ship, too. So keep your lectures, as I will keep mine about how to speak to a superior officer. Understood?]

He looked over to Roland as he requested Stormrage to stay here. He then looked over to Ensign Metzger and simply nodded to him. The Ensign then took his gun in his hand and didn´take his eyes from Stormrage.

{Just to make sure she doesn´t do any funny things here.} he thought to himself and then observed Anderson examining the console, as well as Stormrage walking over to it.

Stormrage quote nr 2:
"Captain, I may be able to stop whoever is ...'hacking?'... stealing data from your data systems... but I'd need your permission to attempt to do that as it could be considered a security issue. I can't read your computers... but I can stop whoever is trying to read them or open the comm array to transmit an outgoing message."
{Speaking of the devil...}

[I have no idea how you might be able to do that. However, as long as that "infection" has no control over the communications array and tries to transmit something, hold your horses.]

Just in this moment, a weak voice could be heard from the speakers on the bridge:

[Th[...]is engene[...]re you[...]up there? Auxil[...]power will be[...]en seconds[...]ually cut [..]f comm[..]tion. ]

And after a moment that seemed like ages, the dim red emergency lights went on. At least, there was light again on the bridge and the consoles started to get back to life.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:39 am
by sunphoenix
Stormrage listened to the captains words with only an amused smirk when he drew close to give her private words she whispered back to him as well in trade..

"I understand your proud military heritage Captain truly. We Loroi have the same... in that we are very much alike our species. But you have missed my point... the Argent Fire was not 'precious' ...she we just one lone frigate among many thousands of frigates the Loroi Union have. She was not even a ship of the line - just a close escort. But the Umiak greatly outnumber the Loroi Union fleets... almost 10 to one! We hold them at bay by outmaneuvering them strategically. Our ship killed one Umiak destroyer... at the cost of loosing our vessel and our technology is comparable to theirs. But Umiak patrols travel in packs of 5! Do you understand? I cannot stress how unprepared you are to fight them... you have no energy weapons that can reach them before they would kill you.... kill US! You asked for our advice and help... listen to it."

Stormrage parted from the Captain watching the Ensign watch her closely.

{Oh spirits... these nervous children...!}

Storm sighed - rolling her eyes as she thumbed the safety on her Heavy Blaster on and ejecting the E-Cell re-holstered it at her hip.

Again addressing the Captain, "Will you know if there are any hostile boarders with your...emergency power on... or will you still be unaware of any potential hostiles?"

"I only ask because though all my Crewsisters are in the ...mess hall{?}... our former Captain is in the medbay still unconscious and in peril if there are hostile intruders. If you no longer require our input on your ship... I'd like to go to the med bay and gather her to the rest of my crewsisters in the 'mess hall' where she can at least be monitored and kept safe until ... you get your ship working again."

She pondered for a moment, "Our shuttle should still have power... our sensors should be working... if you can't get your systems back up and running... it is an option for getting some intel on whats going on in this star-system... and potentially let us know if hostiles are still in system."

[ P9]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:51 am
by Beliskner
Hadrid walked to elevator and following guards advice he opened emergency hatch leading to lower deck.

Arriving to deck 2 he kicked hatch open which made a commotion inside the deck. It's seems that security detail organized themselves deploying few halogens\flashlights in crossings including fully armed checkpoints. Not seeing his face they started shouting...

[Don't move!! Hold it!!] and pointing guns at him.

[Hold fast.] He said straightening up and allowing his face to been seen.

[Commander on the deck] All soldiers lowered their guns.

Approaching them Hadrid smirked to himself {I guess constant training pays off}

[At ease, everyone alright?]

[Sir, we lost all power, comms. No casualties. What's happening?]

[We are still figuring it out, stay frosty. Make sure you have this deck secure.]

[Yes, sir]

Hadrid moved to officers rooms and his room. Upon entering he moved to middle and floor locker. Inside, beside half-empty bottle of expensive Rum few more valuable books was a casket with bunch of old-tech pendrives and stand-alone server hub. Taking the whole casket with him Hadrid rushed back to the bridge. He had to be fast...

Post 11

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:25 am
by Charlie
Post number: 8

Charlie saw the red lights come on, the seemed extremely bright. His first instinct had been to dive roll to safty as they could be VL Pointers, Visible Light - think modern laser sights, but no the emergency power was online.

{No need to open this by hand.}

Charlie was not at all surprised to discover a Marine Corporal had been on duty at the time, the Corporal had taken the time to put on his combat armor. Charlie applauded the Corporal intelligence and began to get his own armor on.

"Corporal, go and relieve the Corporal in the mess deck. Tell her to come here to get up armored."

Charlie put his helmet and synchronized the rifle to the helmet. It read 35x4 AP Ammo, which meant he had 35 rounds AP loaded, and four magazines of the Depleted Uranium rounds. The rounds them selves were DU Dart like Cores surrounded by a thin jacket of lead to reduce radiation spillage and normal copper that shattered on impact with a armored target along with the lead while the dart punched through. Training had made it clear the AP rounds should be used sparingly as the could punch through thinner and weak sections of bulk head.

Charlie saw the Corporal blue dot on the tactical map, inside of the helmet, moving towards the mess deck.

Charlie waited for the Corporal to get he suit on, he could now see three blue dots on the map. Charlie grabbed a medical kit and turned to speak the Corporal.

"We will clear out the crew and officer quarters, we won`t be able to do much more as there is only three of us. We'll shift everyone to the mess deck where we can watch all of them. I also remember hearing something about a Loroi who is in a bad way up at medical, we can send the other Corporal with Docter Neils, I mean Noel to secure the wounded women. I don`t think we be able to move her so the Corporal with stay there with the doctor."

Charlie set to work with the Corporal, clearing both quarters and moving all of the people to the mess deck. He sent the Corporal and the doctor to medical, then he took up guarding positions on the outside of the mess deck`s door with Corporal Nordstroem.

It wasn`t long before a figure came out of the elevator at the far end of the corridor.

Charlie reacted first

Came the reply, Charlie already knew who the voice belonged to.
"Hold fast."

Charlie whispered the Corporal.
"It`s only the Commander."

Charlie waited until Commander Ferox was a bit closer.
"Commander on the deck."
And in unison they both lowered their rifles and gave a quick salute.

"At ease, everyone alright?"

"Sir, we lost all power, comms. No casualties. What's happening?"

"We are still figuring it out, stay frosty. Make sure you have this deck secure."

Charlie had many more questions about the state of the bridge and the people in it, he wanted to ask for a one or two extra men to help secure the large deck.

{Guess I'll have to do it with the men that I have.}

"Yes, sir."

Charlie still had questions but the commander seemed to be in a hurry.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:43 pm
by Suederwind
Parat Twilightsaber had stayed in her room, as she thought that at least one officer should not be affected by a possible food poisoning. She was eating one of the emergency rations instead, as suddenly the light went off. She wasn´aware of any kind of energysaving protocols the humans could use, but this was strange to her. She switched her suite in duty mode, so she had at least a little bit of light. She tried various things in her room: the lights, intercom, etc.. they all didn´t work and even the doors wouldn´t open in there normal way of just pressing a single button on a touchscreen. In fact even that screen was black and had now power. Then she received Stormrages general sanzai and knew that her instincts saying to hear that this means trouble, were true. She decided to answer Stormrage, as she needed to know more about what was going on. The humans and her sisters on this ship will need her help, as she at least had some experience with Umiak cyber attacks from her Mizol cast training.

To Stormrage:
{How bad is it, sister? Has the enemy control over this ships systems?} a strong wave of worried feelings was send with that, as she knew what such an Umiak attack could lead to and added: {How can it be possible that they know how to manipulate and take over human systems? Even we couldn´t do that and we had the remains of the human Scout vessels at hands. I will try to get to you and assist them.}
This was bad news, very bad and she hoped that Stormrage understood what this could mean. She immediately tried to find a way to open her door and quickly found a small hatch that revealed a small crank. {As always with those humans: simple but effective.}
A brief moment later, a small red light over her door started to shine and the touchscreen at her door hat power again. She pressed it and was finally able to leave her room. {Time to get some answeres...} She then walked to the security door that separated the Loroi quarters from the main corridor. To her surprise the door open in front of her and one of the human soldiers nearly bumped right into her. He quickly stepped back and took a fighting position, with his rifle pointed at her. He lowered it a brief moment later, as he realized who she was and said in trade:

[Sorry, ma´am. Are you and your uhh... "sisters" alright?]

[Yes, no one was hurt. I need to speak to your superiors at once. I might have information that could be helpful.] she replied.

[Sorry, ma´am. I can´t let you leave...]

Just in this moment, she could see the second in command of this vessel leaving his quarters, obiviosly carrying some form of equipment. Without thinking about it, she shouted out to him in english and hoped that he would listen:

[Commander "Feh-rocks"! Please wait, you might need my help!]

Meanwhile on the messdeck:

Doctor Noel rubbed his head and old habit he had, when suffering headaches. Somehow this was worse than the nightmares he had. Dreams of never ending darkness and suffering. He had some trouble with sleeping before and after a jump, but this was nothing compared to this time. He looked to the Lorois at the table and wondered how they could sit there still and continue eating their meals. He shook his head and said to himself:

[Oh... I hate it when dreams come true. At least no one is whistling...]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:43 am
by Senanthes
From the moment of meeting the floor through the exchange between Captain Blake and Stillstorm, Nelopaio takes a few moments to collect herself. With no data to peruse, she simply stands and brushes herself off, her Sanzai meant for Stormrage only...
{I'm fine... Though I'd appreciate a lack of manhandling. If there were an explosion in here of sufficient force, it wont matter where we are, the confined area will make sure we're all thoroughly toasted. As for these 'proud warriors'... I'm increasingly thinking that any advice we could offer would not be heeded, or even heard without more blustering bravado. However, and unfortunately, it is their ship we're stuck on...} she sends, an undertone of ironic exasperation there.
[With all due respect, Captain Blake...] she says in her ever calm tone, turning to face the ships commander, her eyes locked on his, [We've fought them. You have not. If our advice is not needed, then we will respectfully leave the bridge and await a resolution to this issue. If it is needed, then listen. Right now, your ship is blind. Our shuttle could be deployed to provide sensor coverage, as Sonnidezi suggests. Further, as you pointed out, we're stuck here, so we have an obligation to defend this vessel as well. We're willing to risk our lives for all of yours, as well as the rest of our sisters. I can make no better effort than to assist in preserving the safety of the ship you are clearly so proud of. Will you allow this? Or are we to continue this dance of words? I have no more that I can offer.] she says with finality... It's the final words she can, and will offer, in the face of continued prideful hubris. In the end, Nelopaio is not a diplomat, she's a warrior, and seems to be running short on patience for the continued back and forth between both sides officers. So, here it is, in front of the crew and whatever deities they believe in... The captain has been called out.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:40 pm
by Beliskner
Just in this moment, she could see the second in command of this vessel leaving his quarters, obliviously carrying some form of equipment. Without thinking about it, she shouted out to him in english and hoped that he would listen:

[Commander "Feh-rocks"! Please wait, you might need my help!]

Hadrid stopped for the moment hearing his twisted name. Looking at it's source he noticed unknown Loroi to him trying to pass a guard protecting guest room's door.

He moved closer to see her when emergency lights popped up lightning everything. His caller was 172 cm tall, slim. Her hair was long and black like coal. She shared pale bluish skin. Her green eyes shining like beryls.

Twilightsaber looked at the human officer, that she only knew from her sisters. She hoped that he would listen to reason and not go mad.

[Commander, I assume that this is no training exercise and that this ship is in danger. Am I right? If there is a problem with your computer systems, I could offer my help...]

{Does all Loroi speak human now? What kind of idiot this Jardin was.} Hadrid thought to himself before speaking.

[Hold on, not so fast, who are you? I don't remember being introduced.]

She sighed and answered with a hurry:

[I am Mizol Parat Twilightsaber, the "diplomatic" officer. However, I have also knowledge about the enemies electronic and cyber warfare capabilities that might be useful...]

[Alright Let her pass.] Hadrid said looking at blocking way guard. [BUT I warn you that I will not tolerate any misbehavior. Got it?]

[But, off course Commander. Fear not, I do not intend to make any trouble.]
after a brief moment she added
[Would you explain to me what has happened?]

[We are being hacked... someone is stealing data from our databanks. We need to go quickly to the bridge. I have something nasty for him.] He said pointing way to emergency ladder shaft.

[And what would that be?] she said in a curious and innocent voice and added:

[I am very interested in what happened. As you should be aware that the manipulation of computer systems requires great insight into the targets systems. Something we could not do, for example. Its important for us all to find out who did this and why he could do that.]

She hopped that her last words would make this "Commander" feel a bit easier about herself.

[I must assume that worse has happened...] Swinging carried casked on his back(like backpack).
[If it is what I think is happening, someone...umiak, loroi or ....human will gonna regret messing with my ship. Come on, up the ladder.]

He started climbing up. The Parat stood at the entrance to the laddershaft, wondering about this strange emergency replacement for a lift.

[Is this way of... "Travelling" save?]

She could help but ask this the human Commander.

[Perfectly, just watch your head upon leaving, ceiling of hatch is a bit low.]

post 12

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:53 pm
by Dragoon
[ " Sir, we are under attack, if it's a third party we might stand a chance...but if it's The Umiak we're in over our head...we always have been.." ] Roland spoke after listening to the back and forth Roland looked deeply thoughtful. something was definitely welling up as he listened to the conversation.Roland spoke softly keeping his voice professional. [ Captain, I'm sure you and the commander know best what this ship can do. And I know that everyone on this ship is as good as it gets...but were dead in space and blind as a bat.

If I were the enemy commander my next step would to board this vessel and take it before we can recover. I cant hold this ship against an unknown enemy, with unknown capabilities...Not with what I have to work with.

To hold this ship, I need every gun, and every able body trained to fight...that includes the Loroi. My recommendation as Highest ranking marine here is to arm the Loroi, let me take, my teams, Stormrage, and her marines and sweep this ship.. If it's Umiak we need their expertise. If it's Loroi it wont matter if the ones on board are armed or not...if it's a third party..well they might think twice if they see we have Loroi's time to call or fold sir."


Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:16 am
by Suederwind
On the bridge:

Captain Blake looked in the eyes of his officers and the Loroi assembled on the bridge. He knew it was time for a decision that might be crucial for his ship, his crew and humanity as a whole, as well as for his Loroi guest. He then looked at the Loroi officer called Nelopaio and said in his most professional tone:

[If the sensors of your shuttle work in this mess of a system, get them to work. We need all the information we can get. Its crucial that we find out whats going on outside and all _we_ can do at the moment is put a crewmember at every porthole and window, to report if he sees something unusual. That wouldn´t be really helpful, as we are not on a sailing ship on earth and a attack might be imminent.]

Having said this, he turned to Roland:

[Sergeant Steen, you and your Marines, try to secure the ship and escort the Loroi Commander to the shuttlebay, but leave a guard at the door to the bridge. Also, try to establish whats going on in engineering and report back here, if Ferox isn´t back soon.]

he sighed, turned back to Nelopaio and offered her the sidearm Roland gave him:

[You might need this.]

In this moment, the voice from the speakers spoke again, it was clearly Chief Abramovic:

[Engeneering to [..]rg. Got in[..]ternal sensors [..]ck online. No [..]ruders on board. Manually [..]t off the bridges [..]m station. How did [..]s happen?]

The Captain looked around and added:

[Thats good news, for now and a good question.] he looked down to Ensign Cho and continued [Ensign, what happened?]

The Ensign looked back with her tear stained eyes. It took her a moment to form an answer, but then she replied:

[Uhm... I think... it was my mistake...] she then bow her head and tears could be seen running down her cheek again. [I... thought it was... uhm... some form of communication... an emergency call or so...]

Anderson looked at her, disbelieving what she just heard. She felt that she had to say something as one of the ships science officers:

[But all that is out there is noise and static!]

Cho looked up and quickly replied:

[No... that static is some form of carrier wave... I... uhm... could hear it...]

[Hear it? How in gods name could you do that?!]

This was all Anderson could say to this at the moment. The Captain added:

[I understand... then you open a com link on that frequency and that little surprise got on board...] he remained silent for a brief moment and then added [Steen, take her with you to the sickbay...]

His eyes closed, facing the large, empty screen, it was clear that he wasn´t sure what to do with her. This silence was broken only moments later when Anderson reported:

[Uhm... sir? The readings on the console... changed. I don´t know what that is...]

At the elevator on the upper deck:

Parat Twilightsaber climbed out of the emergency hatch to the ladder shaft. She had heard of such kinds of climbing aids, but never had to use one before. However, seeing more of the inside of the human ship was interesting, but she didn´t want to repeat that experience anytime soon. Then she looked at the human Commander and asked:

[Commander, where do we go now? I hope its not far. Time is a luxury we do not have, at the moment. Might I asked what kind of equipment you are carrying with you?]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:56 am
by Senanthes
Looking at the weapon for a moment, Nelopaio takes it from the Captains hand, nodding, [Thank you.] There is an understanding in her eyes before they turn to the weapon, turning it over with a small frown... A slugthrower... She'd used them before... Nearly as toys for target practice, and not for some time. Still, it was better than nothing until she could obtain a more proper sidearm. Leaving the toggle on the side where it is for the moment, she turns towards Roland, [I'm prepared when you are, Sergeant Steen.]

To Stormrage:
{I hope I remember how to use one of these... But, I've got you, and that's a much more effective defense. If we encounter anything, it's yours... I might still be able to use my own abilities... If they don't mind the ship needing some interior work.} she sends, an undertone of grim humor in the sanzai.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:27 am
by Dragoon
["Aye Sir," Roland nodded and accepted his orders he'd said his piece no he was leaving it in the hands of the captain counting on his judgement. He gave Cho a pat on the soldier congratulating her one spotting the intrusion into the system.

[ {trade} Ladies, I am going to move fast and quiet, Stormrage bring up the rear and watch our back...I'll take lead in case we run into any jumpy crewmen." ]He explained his tactics and his reasons as he moved toward the hatch.[ Ambassador, do me a huge favor, if we run into any trouble haul your ass back to the bridge, if at all possible. I am sure your able to take care of yourself, but If we loose you It means we might have bigger problems than before."

"Mess deck first, to round up some marines and your people,.Then your quarters...Stromrage I need to know all you can teach me about the Umiak in the next ten minutes."

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:39 am
by sunphoenix
Storm watched the humans scramble around trying to figure out what their vessel was disabled. She wanted to be doing something but couldn't without 'official' permission...

Then she felt the familiar... and in this situation comforting call from Twlilightsaber's mind... {At last...! Someone who can properly think... and might be better at getting the humans to listen...!}
Suederwind wrote: To Stormrage:
{How bad is it, sister? Has the enemy control over this ships systems?} a strong wave of worried feelings was send with that, as she knew what such an Umiak attack could lead to and added: {How can it be possible that they know how to manipulate and take over human systems? Even we couldn´t do that and we had the remains of the human Scout vessels at hands. I will try to get to you and assist them.}
In Reply to Twlightsaber Sanzai:
{Things are... tense my Mizol... the humans react like suspicious children so often... and find listening to our advice grating ... though it was they who asked to consult with us. I am uncertain if the enemy has control of their data systems... what I am sure is that their entire vessel is compromised by a data-system intrusion and they have no control currently of their in limited degress. Life support systems seem to still be operable... which is good. I agree.. I'm not sure the threat is a Umiak one. I have proposed that we use our shuttle's sensors to get some idea of what is happening outside in this system lest we be caught totally unawares. The captain seems amicable to the idea... at least he is listening to reasoning from Sun Bloom in this case. We are being assigned to assist in defending the ship from intruders... and will be collecting some of our Sorin to assist armed with whatever weapons can be gotten access to.. I will keep you informed. Yes, your coming to the bridge will be useful to keep an eye on the human crew. Sun Bloom and I will be leaving here..but will keep you informed of our activities.}
Stormrage respectfully waited for Sun Bloom to collect herself from the deck... a little embarrassed the 'threat' the human soldier 'Rooll-land' had urged her into motion about never materialized. Storm had spoken truthfully, as she was at liberty to to - at least, to the human captain... and he had taken offense... diplomacy was not her strenght... she was a warrior... the subtlety of diplomatic tact was lost on her when a clear and potential threat was evident and nothing was being done to consider it. Perhaps Sun bloom would have greater success.
Senanthes wrote:
{I'm fine... Though I'd appreciate a lack of manhandling. If there were an explosion in here of sufficient force, it wont matter where we are, the confined area will make sure we're all thoroughly toasted. As for these 'proud warriors'... I'm increasingly thinking that any advice we could offer would not be heeded, or even heard without more blustering bravado. However, and unfortunately, it is their ship we're stuck on...} she sends, an undertone of ironic exasperation there.
To Nelopaio Sanzai:
{Forgive my.. roughness My Captain, it seemed as if the the Marr-ine Rooll-land might have seem something I missed in his urgency after the loud blast on the bridge... I feared he might have seen an actual gunman fire a weapon... Is rather annoying to be around beings who are alive and thinking and not be able to sense any of them. I felt discretion was prudent so I followed his lead - my first priority was your safety. It appears he was in error... my reactions were... excessive in the situation... not being able to sense my foes... is unsettling. Not use to reacting to such a foes... I apologize, My Captain.}
Storm watched in silence ...comforted at Sun Bloom's backing her stand... a show of support that secured the new Captain in Storm heart and respect! Storm resolved if all else fails and the mission a loss.. she would make sure she would personally die before she would allow THIS captain to come to harm like Copper Spear!

Storm observed Nelopaio shifting the unfamiliar weapon in hand and nodded.
Senanthes wrote: To Stormrage:
{I hope I remember how to use one of these... But, I've got you, and that's a much more effective defense. If we encounter anything, it's yours... I might still be able to use my own abilities... If they don't mind the ship needing some interior work.} she sends, an undertone of grim humor in the sanzai.
Stepping to Sun Bloom's side Storm Sanzaied:
{I understand my Captain, I have closely watch the human soldiers handle the handguns... the small lever to the right side of the gun ejects the ammo cassette.. the one on the left is a safety switch to prevent firing. I also think their handguns are electronically tied to their combat helmets H.U.D...I can since a resonance of electronic activity between them when they handle them... that means the guns likely have a tracer in them for tracking onboard their vessel.. something to keep in mind. Worry not.. My Captain.. I'll let no harm befall you.. I am unsheathed...Always!}
Storm watched and listened to the interchange between the 'Captain' Blake and 'ensign' Cho.. understanding her breach of security allowing a foreign malicious transmission access to the data systems... {poor girl.. trying so hard to do well and failing...}

As Roland approaches the two Loroi women turn their attention his direction... it is hard to think of them as soldiers.. their both so very stunningly lovely and seemingly delicate... but its their eyes that are hard with determination and the keen glint of combat competence that is unnerving. It is difficult to focus on that fact and draw one's attention from their petite shapely feminine figures... and deep vibrant colored eyes...
Dragoon wrote: {trade} Ladies, I am going to move fast and quiet, Stormrage bring up the rear and watch our back...I'll take lead in case we run into any jumpy crewmen." ]He explained his tactics and his reasons as he moved toward the hatch.[ Ambassador, do me a huge favor, if we run into any trouble haul your ass back to the bridge, if at all possible. I am sure your able to take care of yourself, but If we loose you It means we might have bigger problems than before."

"Mess deck first, to round up some marines and your people,.Then your quarters...Stromrage I need to know all you can teach me about the Umiak in the next ten minutes."
Stormrage draws her Heavy Blaster, thumbing the safety off and slapping in the e-Cell again nodding in acceptance.

Replying in trade, [Good sense. I'd really like to get to the living quarters and get into my combat vacuum armor before we go to the shuttle bay and arm our few Soroin with weapons to sweep the ships for hostiles. I will cover your aft flank Rooll-land... ]

Stormrage's voice is a purr of feminine sensuousness... equally distracting is her exotic... very-sexy accent as she speaks his name....

[ P10, +1xp ]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 6:23 am
by Senanthes
Nodding at the quick explanation, Nelopaio works her way through ejecting the magazine, emptying the chamber, then locking and loading the sidearm before giving it a more familiar look, [I think there are only so many ways to make these, in the end. I may not look it, Sergeant Steen, but I've been Unsheathed for most of my life. We've both got your line if we encounter anything... It's Twilightsaber who has command of the diplomatic mission. My job is to see to my crew's safety, as well as that. And we're not letting anything get in the way of either.] Nelopaio says with confidence... Turning towards the comms station, she calls out in a slightly louder tone, taking a minor liberty, [Ensign Cho! We'll be taking our shuttle out... Stand by for a data uplink from our sensor feeds if you can restore some semblance of power to the bridge.] she states, her tone authoritative... Meant to carry the trust of putting a certain weight on the young officers shoulders. Turning, she follows Roland out without another word, moving in a half-crouch, weapon held in a two handed grip at a forty five degree angle, trigger finger alongside the guard for a measure of safety in selecting targets, her other wrapped around the front of the trigger guard to steady her aim against muzzle flip... Clearly, she's handled small arms before, both often and well...

To Stormrage:
An odd undertone of mirth is easy to feel, {Stop apologising... It's bad luck.} she quips in her mental voice, {Armor and familiar weapons would be a good idea. Let's go... This is just a step back in time for me, Sezon, a little jaunt.}

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:26 am
by Beliskner
Parat Twilightsaber climbed out of the emergency hatch to the ladder shaft. She had heard of such kinds of climbing aids, but never had to use one before. However, seeing more of the inside of the human ship was interesting, but she didn't want to repeat that experience anytime soon. Then she looked at the human Commander and asked:

[Commander, where do we go now? I hope its not far. Time is a luxury we do not have, at the moment. Might I asked what kind of equipment you are carrying with you?]

[This way.] Hadrid pointed. [A computer, stand-alone sever to be more precise. I will use it to hack intruder's link and well... we will see what then.]

Seeing large group leaving the bridge leaded by Roland.

[Report Sergeant.]

Post 13

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:22 am
by sunphoenix
Stormrage exiting the bridge heads the short distance down the hall to the elevator lift as Roland speaks to Ferox.

She ponders the unpowered lift controls and touches the panel with her hand...

Stretching out with her powers she traces the circuitry of the electrical flow and finding the needed actuator and motors powers up the elevator forcing the flow of electrical current.

'Environmental Influence' {Electricity}: Soul +5 = 2d6 + 7 + 5 → [6,6,7,5] = (24)
* Mods = +1 heightened awareness, +4 Environmental Influence {Electricity} w/psi amplifier
OOC: Opps! Critical Success!! Any additional Effect Suederwind? All she wanted to do was power up the elevator briefly.
- Environmental Influence: Electricity [Deplete -3], Area {3 Base} = Lvl 1, 1 Environment - Electricity; +Area/2 '5' [100m r] <+2>, Range/2 [100m] <+2> {3pts}

[cost: 1 EP/min; Total EP 65 / Current EP 64 ]

Suddenly, the elevator panel lights up and the elevator door opens the interior light shining a soft ding rings signaling a waiting elevator lift. Storm puts a foot in the door to hold the elevator and crossing her right arm impatiently under her breasts while holding her heavy blaster in her left hand, elbow crooked and barrel pointed up the ceiling held at her shoulder level. Her little braids at the nape of her neck bouncing with the gesture and her soft blonde hair stirs as if some large amount of static were in the air...

She comments in trade, [ Power seems to be coming back intermittently... this lift is available for now...we should hurry. ]

[ P11 ]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:12 pm
by Dragoon
With the two Loroi now ready to travel he glanced back to ensign Cho to Join him. [ If your ready Ensign ...we have to stop by the Mess haul to pick up any crewmen Stormrage needs, and then her pressure suit...think you can handle the walk?"]

He didn't wait long for the answer.. he didn't have that luxury...he was counting on Cho being ready to travel. the fact Nelopaio seemed more than competent with a handgun, and combat, movement was a bit of a surprise she moved like a marine, not a crewman.

"when Ferox called out to him Roland signaled for a halt. [ Orders from the Captain sir. Take Ensign Cho to the med bay, escort Stormrage and Nelopaio to their shuttle and accompany them while they use their sensors to sweep the area for unknowns."