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Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:37 am
Geo :) I didn't mention telepanty/coaster yet ( I take the telepanty credit :oops: ), but I think they would be outlawed given the health risk from just one person getting sick on the ride. Then all the rider would get sick ( or piss their pants in this case) which would cause and serious case of mass coking .

but I probably wrong and ed_montague is right.

edit: late cooming but nice one Riess, Fracken saved. can't wait for the coloured one

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:48 am
by ed_montague
Life is catching up to me, but if necessary I can write more stuff to relieve the delirium of monotony. How's that?

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:18 pm
by GeoModder
Well, I wouldn't say it's necessary perse... :P

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:31 am
by bunnyboy
necessary arse? :P

Sorry about that. It's just that perse means that bodypart in my language and I don't know the meaning of that english word.
My dictionary tell me, that means dark purple?

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:37 am
by fredgiblet

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:25 pm
by bunnyboy
fredgiblet wrote:per se
Oh. :oops: Thanks.

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:56 pm
by GeoModder
Perkele! :P

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:51 am
by discord
geo: mind your language, there might be ladies around.

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:19 pm
by GeoModder
Of course there are. This is, after all, the blue warriors site. :P

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:59 pm
by junk
Should blue warriors ring some sort of bell?

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:21 am
by Absalom
junk wrote:Should blue warriors ring some sort of bell?
Yeah, go read the comic again.

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:35 pm
by discord
junk: could be a reference to loroi or celts....

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:19 pm
by junk
Absalom wrote:
junk wrote:Should blue warriors ring some sort of bell?
Yeah, go read the comic again.
I thought it was a reference to blue balls or some other similar thing. Of course, us blondes are sometimes slow on the uptake :P

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:09 am
by ed_montague
Whoa, this is still around? Makes me want to reorganize the original post and write more stuff. :oops:

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:04 pm
by GeoModder
You're doomed! :twisted:

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [UPDATED]

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:47 am
by ed_montague
<Explain what happened.>

<It’s a little hard to do, commander…>


<Well, you know how you ordered the full toxicity tests on the alien diplomat? So the little incident last month wouldn’t be repeated? It…well, we might want to expand that a little, cover several things that were—>

<Get to the point. What has befallen the entire diplomatic security detail.>

<Through the toxicity tests and trial-and-error, we’d managed to confirm the Human’s reactions to most common Loroi foodstuffs. Kind of silly, really, that we didn’t do all that immediately after recovering him from his ship. Anyways, it seems that a number of foodstuffs that were deemed unlikely for him to ever come into contact with were omitted from the testing program, and as a result the security detail was unprepared for his reaction to…one of our more powerful beverages.>

<And this sequence of events led to…?>

<As it turns out, some quirk of biochemistry causes him to be more or less immune to many Loroi intoxicating agents.>


<You had given leave to the security detail. Take a few days off, you said. No need to worry, you said. Show him how Loroi have fun, you—>

<Who neglected to administer the toxicity tests.>

<What is done is done. What happened was he managed to get into a drinking contest with the members of his security detail.>


<I am pleased to report that none of that occurred. However, Fireblade is still in the medical bay thanks to overindulgence. She will recover. It seems she will not attempt something like that again.>

<Have a word with her. The Teidar are always so headstrong on matters of pride.>

<I already have. Oh, and speaking of which, the human is currently in the medical bay as well. From what we can tell, he finally managed to succumb to intoxication after his security detail finally found something that would work on humans and believed himself to be capable of flight. No permanent injuries were sustained.>

<…after this is over, I think I will need a drink as well.>

<The three-day leave you granted to all crewmembers of the Tempest has already expired, I am afraid. As the commander is aware, intoxication while on duty is a serious—>

<Shut up, Tempo.>

<Just kidding.>

<You're starting to act more like the human every day. Stop it.>

<At once, commander.>
EDIT: Just to clarify, the events depicted take place on a Loroi planet or base or moon or whatever, not in Terran space. Also, we have officially surpassed the Introduction thread in number of posts! :o

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [FREE ALCOHOL]

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:06 pm
by Michael

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [FREE ALCOHOL]

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 6:08 am
by Fotiadis_110
the captain isn't allowed a drink?
it's her job to delegate tasks, so obviously she can have a couple quiet ones after checking the night shift captain is on duty.

When a 'couple' becomes 'far too many' all depends on the captain of course.

Also: how could Alex get intoxicated by foregn intoxicating agents... unless they didn't realise he's susceptible to a variety of unusual substances... That may or may not be added as a matter of course as a part of the tradition.
Like their version of salt and tequila... complete with the worm.

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [FREE ALCOHOL]

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:40 pm
by ed_montague
Fotiadis_110 wrote:the captain isn't allowed a drink?
it's her job to delegate tasks, so obviously she can have a couple quiet ones after checking the night shift captain is on duty.

When a 'couple' becomes 'far too many' all depends on the captain of course.

Also: how could Alex get intoxicated by foregn intoxicating agents... unless they didn't realise he's susceptible to a variety of unusual substances... That may or may not be added as a matter of course as a part of the tradition.
Like their version of salt and tequila... complete with the worm.
She is the captain on a Loroi vessel (not sure of the regulations on navy vessels of the US/UK, but I'd imagine Loroi regulations to be much stricter). In any case, Stillstorm doesn't really seem to be the one to indulge in little luxuries. Tempo's just making fun of her because the Mizol are allowed to get away with stuff.

And...erm...biological coincidence? It took a bit of effort to find something that could intoxicate the human diplomat, although this time the Loroi made sure that the stuff they were giving him were relatively non-toxic. Really, I just wanted to throw Jardin a bone after having to spend a few days puking his guts out. At least this way was slightly more fun.

Re: A Reflection on the Hypothetical [fanfic] [FREE ALCOHOL]

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:49 am
by Fotiadis_110
honestly? chemistry is universal, between all points in the universe as far as we can tell... CH3C3OH is a rather simple molecule to memorise and i'm almost certain there would be a source of it on a Loroi starship, either in food form, or some other useful purpose like cooling liquid ;)

Once alex showed a Listel the chemical structure and described a little about it they would know exactly what chemical species he is discussing, and i'm sure with fireblade and other guards 'encouraging' them they would likely manufacture or obtain him a nice strong source, probably a flammable one so he can impress the warriors by doing the equivalent of flaming vodka shots :p.
The phsycological effect and toxicity effects between our species may vary considerably, in particular consumption of ethanol might be lethal to Loroi :p
Drinking shots of flaming poison would certainly boost your popularity among a warrior caste system, such bravery!
Or he could be kidnapped smuggled out and sold to a illegal Loroi Circus act for millions of pounds gold equivilance, enough finances to put a lowly warrior into high standing among the rich and powerful in Loroi society.
As for how an illegal circus still exists in total warfare, i beleive i mentioned bored and wealthy arisocrats who would be amused watching a pink male, largely feminine in appearance, drink something that can only be described as toxic waste... on fire, while riding a unicycle... 5 meters above the ring with a Loroi Bear pacing around beneath him seeking to eat him.

maybe i should make up my own fanfic?

BTW: Afaik alcohol is allowed to be consumed while abroad while on a warship, as it is one of the few stress relievers available... or maybe that is only confined to the British navy (and her ex-colonies) O_o, however the quantity available is extremely limited (like one glass a day) although the 'tot' or quantity allowed increases with rank.
Of course British captains were never allowed to get DRUNK on the ships rum supply, oh no... Not that ever stopped them either.

Edit: just thought i should make it clear the toxic waste is on fire... not Alex, at least not until after the popularity of the act wanes.