Outcast Quest [Updated 10/10/18 - Turn 14]

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Razor One
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

First off, I'd like to apologise for the long hiatus. The holidays certainly played a part in delaying things, however there were other factors, including helping a dear friend deal with some rather nasty drug withdrawal, that added to things. Throw in that my brother had complications due to surgery and I'm gearing up to move soon... yeah, interesting times for me.

Anyway, I've managed to find some time to come back to this. I've corrected the errors above and made good on making the science sheet. You can check Research here on the research tab of the budget.

I've also got Turn 10 prepared for you.


February 2nd 2156

Turn 10

The election in your colony is in full swing despite the tense situation. The willingness to keep calm and carry on is being spun as a strength both sides of the divide, and between your own point defense laser mounted on the L'Amour's bow and the backup mounted on the colony grounds, to say nothing of the emergency shelter just in case, your colonists honestly feel they have little to fear.

The only current of fear present is directed elsewhere, towards the Loroi. Your people know that you've finally managed to crack through the language barrier and have given them limited freedom of movement. The fear comes from talk and rumours, some of it true, some of it not.

That the Loroi look damn close to human while having telepathic powers of some description is both true and the main driver of the rumours. Others, such as mind control or alien egg implantation, wherever the hell that came from, are patently false. It might help to put forth an information campaign to get everyone on the same page, but for now you'll be holding that in reserve until the election and your immediate crises are over.

And speaking of your immediate crisis, you eye the most recent scans of Fenrir with a worried gaze. Yes, you've taken steps towards remedying this problem as best you can. Yes, you feel confident that you can handle a minor meteor shower with your military grade lasers. Yes, you're fairly certain that the whales and their attendant biota are not going to be a significant threat to your colony.

Still, you feel uneasy. Have you considered the situation from all the angles? Have you taken into account all the possible variables? Your crew gives your their assurances, but even large numbers of people can sometimes miss the patently obvious in hindsight.

You'll feel better when this is all over.


Elections: This is an election turn. Two political parties currently exist and are vying for dominance in an election. While your people stream to the polls, you are but one woman, and you have but one vote. What political party would you prefer to win? (Choose One)
[] Frontier Party

Jonathan Spencer leads what is called the Frontier Party. Their goals are to investigate this new area of space as thoroughly as possible, find a way home, and discover all that can be discovered about aliens. They are, in essence, a party of knowledge and discovery.

+10 To Learning Actions
+10 To external diplomacy
+10 To knowledge derived stewardship actions (Biolab, Physics Lab, etc.)
+10 To military and intrigue actions that increase knowledge of the region

[] Homesteading Party

Vanessa Hughes, and only Vanessa you note, is the leader of the Homesteading party. Their goals are to tame this region of space and turn it into a true home for humans. They support any actions that assure the prosperity and security of what is certain to be an infant nation within this starless void. They are, in essence, a party of strength and security.

+10 To Stewardship Actions
+10 To Military Actions
+10 To internal diplomacy
+10 To Learning actions that either secure your location or make the region more livable

With your vote cast, you turn your attention towards planning for the month. While the date of Fenrir's shattering is uncertain, the duration is likely to cause no more than a day or two's disruption, and thus there is no reason you can't plan for the rest of the month, provided everything goes alright.
Martial: Both Commander O'Malley and Colonel Pierce have begun work to secure your colony's future with their military knowledge and might. (Choose One)
[] Childrens Creche: With children on the way to being born, Colonel Pierce suggests a contained and well defended area be built to shelter them in case of an emergency. A team of marines will be posted as a permanent defence force to defend them to the death.

Cost: 1000 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Children guaranteed protection during boarding actions. Parents rest easy. Colonel rests easy.

[] Combat Exercises: Commander O'Malley wants to run a series of combat simulations aimed at determining how best to defend the colony in case of an incursion by Urkuk or something worse.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 50%, Reward: A better idea of how you'll fare in a worst case scenario.

[] Whalers of the Sky: Ever since the discovery of life flying about in the Briar Patch, the prospect of samples to work with has been on most people's lips. Acquire them.

Cost: 1000 RU, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: New research options, ???, ???

[] Ordnance Plant: An ordnance plant would allow the manufacturing of ammunition for the marines existing gear as well as the production of your first round of mass drivers.

Cost: 2000 RU, 250 RU Upkeep, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Guns and Ammo ranging from sidearms to CIWS batteries.

[] Chemical Missile Plant (Requires Ordnance Plant): Basic chemical missile production facilities. Not the best in the universe, but better than nothing.

Cost: 5000 RU, 250 RU Upkeep, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Missile production.

[] Niflheim CIWS (Requires Ordnance Plant): A series of defensive CIWS batteries for your colony that will attempt to shoot down anything that threatens you that is within range.

Cost: 5000 RU, 500 RU Upkeep, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Colony better defended.

[] Niflheim Missile Batteries (Requires Chemical Missile Plant): Missile Batteries for your colony, allowing you to fire on enemy ships at greater range and accuracy than your CIWS system.

Cost: 5000 RU, 500 RU Upkeep, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: Colony better defended, can support actions at greater range.

[] Shipyard (Requires Drydock): A place for building ships.

Time: 3 Months, Cost: 3000 RU, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Allows the production of frigate and scout vessels.

[] Shipyard II (Requires Shipyard): A place for building larger ships.

Time: 3 Months, Cost: 3000 RU, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Allows the production of destroyers.

[] Shipyard III (Requires Shipyard II): A place for building even larger ships.

Time: 3 Months, Cost: 3000 RU, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Allows the production of cruisers.

[] Shipyard IV (Requires Shipyard III): A place for building ships loaded for bear.

Time: 3 Months, Cost: 3000 RU, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Allows the production of carriers and battlecruisers.
Diplomacy: Lieutenant Izumi is your most effective diplomat when it comes to aliens, though you're no slouch yourself in that department. (Choose One.)
[] Opening Relations: Until now you've kept the Loroi under guard and interacting with your military personnel only. Introduce them to your civilian population as the first step towards establishing a greater trust.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: Your civilian populace begins to form a working relationship with the Loroi, ???

[] The Common Folk: Between the upper echelons of your society and the military, you haven't had much of a chance to talk to the average people of your colony in a cordial and unofficial manner, and while everyone is working hard there's always a chance to converse with regular folk in the mess.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Vox Populi becomes available.

[] Improving Relations: Your last exchange with your Loroi guests went quite well, but there are still things you don't know about one another and steps to take if they're going to do more than sit tight.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Boost in Loroi Opinion, Improved chances for Opening Relations, ???
Stewardship: Alex Cole and an economist, Samantha Nguyen, have worked out not only a way to easily tabulate your resources, but also what you can do to build your colony up. (Choose Two)
[] Recycling Tanks: Recycling is a time honoured tradition of any successful colonisation. Why throw away anything that can be broken down and reused?

Cost: 500 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +1 RU per Population

[] Hab-Complex Expansion (Small): Expand your hab complex and give your population some room to grow.

Cost: 500 RU, 125 RU Upkeep, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Hab Complex Expanded, Room for +250 People

[] Hab-Complex Expansion (Large): Expand your hab complex even more and give your population room to grow.

Cost: 1000 RU, 250 RU Upkeep, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Hab Complex Expanded, Room for +500 People

[] Agricultural Complex Expansion: An expansion to your existing Agri-Complex, this expansion will increase your food production capacity.

Cost: 2250 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: Agricultural Complex Expanded, Increased Food Production, +500 Food, requires 250 RU upkeep, requires two turns to begin production after completion.

[] Crop Diversification: You brought more than just potatoes with you. Introduce these crops to your agri-complex and diversify your foods. [IN PROGRESS UNTIL TURN 15]

Cost: Agricultural Yield Halved, Time: 8 Months, Reward: Diversified Crops, chance of crop failure falls to zero, colonists happy about not having a diet of 100% potatoes, once executed, does not occupy Stewardship slot.

[] Expanded Yeast Production: More yeast. More food.

Cost: 750 RU, 125 RU Upkeep, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: Yeast Production Plant Expanded, +500 Food.

[] Stabilisation Thrusters: Pimp your ride and roll on around the Briar Patch with these sweet 'air' breathing rockets. Allows you to move your home slowly with constant thrust, so long as it stays in the Briar Patch.

Cost: 2000 RU, 375 RU Upkeep, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 50%, Reward: Able to move asteroid home (slowly) out of harms way.

[] Science Annex: A place for general scientific inquiry.

Cost: 5000 RU, 250 RU Upkeep, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: All Learning based actions gain an additional 1d100.

[] Biolab (Requires Science Annex): The biolab will handle all science biological, from alien physiology, botany and disease control, to genetic manipulation and vaccination production.

Cost: 5000 RU, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: More research options, Biology based science gains additional 1d100.

[] Physics Lab (Requires Science Annex): The physics lab will handle all science physical, allowing you to understand the new realm you find yourself in more fully.

Cost: 5000 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: More research options, physics related research gainsa additional 1d100.

[] Mining Operations: Start mining operations on a nearby mineral rich moon with whatever you can scrape together.

Cost: 10,000 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Mining operations commenced, +500 RU per turn, unlocks new options.

[] Mining Operations Expansion: Expand your existing mine on Niflheim for more glorious ore. Due to the depth of your current mine, further expansion will be a bit more expensive to undertake.

Cost: +500 Per Expansion (1500) Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +500 RU per turn

[] Industrial Autoplant: Unpack your industrial equipment and start churning out finished goods.

Cost: 500 RU, 150 RU Upkeep, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +50% Base Income from Mining

[] Heavy Ore Refinery: “Heavy Ore” is the spacer term for difficult to refine ores, often requiring specialised conditions or equipment to get at the good stuff.

Cost: 4000 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: +50% Base Income from Mining

[] Centrifuges (Requires Heavy Ore Refinery): A requirement for the processing of nuclear material for power generation and nuclear ordnance.

Cost: 5000 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: Fissile Materials available for use.

[] Fission Plant (Requires Centrifuges): Modern nuclear power is safe, energetic, clean, and only slightly radioactive.

Cost: 15,000 RU, Time: 4 Months, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: +100% Base Income from Mining, limitless power for your colony, fission warheads

[] Fuel Refinery: Harvests the surrounding hydrogen rich atmosphere and converts it into delicious fuel for your ships to burn.

Cost: 2000 RU, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Ship automatically refuels while at home.

[] Docks: Basic mooring and umbilicals for the L'Amour, allowing for ease of transport and for cargo and personnel and basic repairs.

Cost: 3000 RU, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Allows for easy disembarkation of people and goods, Unlocks new Options.

[] Drydock (Requires Docks): More significant facilities for ship repair and modification, including an annex for smallcraft.

Cost: 3000 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Allows for major repairs and refitting of the L'Amour. Allows the production of smallcraft (Fighters, Corvettes) when researched.

[] Warehousing: Space to store spare parts, raw materials, and sensitive goods. Allows you to empty the L'Amour's cargo hold.

Cost: 1000 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: A place to store goods and cargo other than the ship.

[] Machine Shop II: Allows for the reproduction and repair of more advanced tools to micron precision.

Cost: 2000 RU, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: Advanced Tool Production, Shipbuilding

[] Machine Shop III (Requires Machine Shop II): Allows the reproduction of precision scientific equipment and specialist equipment. Includes 3D printers for custom jobs.

Cost: 4000 RU, Time: 4 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Scientific Tool Production, Shipbuilding

[] Skunkworks (Requires Machine Shop III): When confronted with impossible to understand supertechnology, the Skunkworks will be there to rip it apart and put it back together until they learn all its secrets.

Cost: 15,000 RU, Time: 6 Months, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Better able to analyse advanced alien technology, reverse engineering

[] Scrapping the Jumpdrive: Your Jumpdrive is useless here and consists of a lot of highly valuable materials that could be used elsewhere in the founding of your colony, though Volkova argues that it's made of precision parts that can't be easily reproduced.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +15,000 RU.

[] Deep Pressure Proofing: When a few heads turned towards toughening up your colony versus meteors, one person had a rather bright idea. The Briar Patch is unique in that it actually has atmospheric pressure coupled with relatively free movement. With a lot of work and dedication, it's believed that your colony can be proofed against high pressure environments, allowing you to live where your enemies would find it difficult at best to get at you.

Cost: 20,000 RU, Time: 6 Months, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: Colony able to withstand up to 20 Atmospheres of Pressure.

[] Deep Pressure Proofing II (Requires Deep Pressure Proofing): Toughen up your colony even further, allowing you to hide even deeper in the Briar Patch.

Cost: 50,000 RU, Time: 6 Months, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: Colony able to withstand up to 50 Atmospheres of Pressure.

[] Deep Pressure Proofing III (Requires Deep Pressure Proofing II): Toughen up your colony yet again, allowing your colony to penetrate into the deepest regions of the Briar Patch.

Cost: 100,000 RU, Time: 12 Months, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: Colony able to withstand up to 100 Atmospheres of Pressure.
Intrigue: SOD SOP is to lay low, watch, and wait for anything that might require our attention. The Blue Rose Cell is vigilant and on standby. If something comes up, we'll contact you. (Choose One)
[X] Every Step You Take: The Blue Rose managed to acquire high fidelity copies of the Loroi children's written materials while they were otherwise occupied with Christmas and New Years. They just need a primer on written Loroi from Lieutenant Izumi.

Cost: 0, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: Information on Loroi children.

{Locked in until Turn 11}

[] Half The Battle: Rumours about our Loroi guests have been spreading since we broke through the language barrier. A lack of information is causing people to fill in the gaps with whatever they can invent. While they were concerned more with survival before, the relative security in spite of recent events is proving to be the perfect environment to set tongues wagging. Setting things straight should be fairly straightforward.

Cost: 0, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: Rumours quelled, ???
Learning: You have many skilled people at your beck and call just waiting to tear into the unknown and reveal its juicy, succulent knowledge. (Choose One)
[] Loroi Trade: Lieutenant Izumi wishes to continue learning Trade as fast as she can with the help of your new Loroi friends.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 1576 / 1750, Difficulty: Easy (5d100 + 5d20 + Learning), Reward: Lieutenant Izumi increases her knowledge of trade, can teach others upon completion.

[] Teaching Trade: Lieutenant Izumi is now both fluent and confident enough in Trade to begin teaching others to speak the alien language. Considering all the things you've learned, it may well be beneficial for your people to know this regions vernacular, to say nothing of other benefits.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 0 / 1500, Difficulty: Very Easy (10d100 + 5d20 + Learning), Reward: Lieutenant Izumi begins teaching Trade to your colonists, greater succcess chance on Opening Relations.

[] Urkuk: Considering how prolific the Urkuk are to the region, it may be prudent to have the Lieutenant learn what she can of Urkuk. Perhaps they'll go away if you ask them nicely?

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 230 / 750, Difficulty: Easy (4d100 + 4d20 + Learning), Reward: Lieutenant Izumi increases her knowledge of Urkuk, can teach others upon completion.

[] Jump Transit Analysis: Chief Engineer Volkova wants to look over the data for your last jump transit to see if your sensors picked anything up anything unusual, perhaps what brought you here in the first place? Perhaps a clue to getting home? She's not sure.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 0 / 500, Difficulty: Medium (2d100 + Learning), Reward: ???

[] Loroi Biochemistry: Doctor Campos would like to do a more detailed study into Loroi biochemistry to determine with certainty what foods the Loroi can handle as well as derive what nutrients they require to fully recover from their ordeal in addition to what medicines they're able to consume.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 222 / 650, Difficulty: Medium (2d100 + Learning), Reward: Knowledge of what is and is not toxic to Loroi biochemistry.

[] Slave Collar: Chief Volkova and a number of scientists want to look into how the slave collars removed from the Loroi work.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 25 / 50,000 (DC 90), Difficulty: Almost Impossible (1d100 + Learning, requires roll of over 90 to succeed), Reward: Knowledge of the inner workings of the collar, ???

[] Drone Design: Some of your civilian engineers want some time to continue designing those sensor drones they proposed to you.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 64 / 500, Difficulty: Hard (1d100 + Learning), Reward: Disposable sensor drone capable of extending your sensor range.

[] Jump Sickness Research: Dr. Campos research into jump sickness has the potential to eliminate it in your population. All he needs is time.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 819 / 5000, Difficulty: Easy (4d100 + Learning), Reward: Jump sickness penalty removed.
Personal: Months of trials and tribulations have finally come to an end and you now have a small modicum of spare time. Spend it wisely. (Choose One)

{Currently Locked Out}
[] Spending Time with Commander O'Malley: Commander O'Malley has been your XO for some time and you trust her implicitly. Talk shop with her on how best to proceed from here on out.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 80/50/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Martial, Increased Closeness with O'Malley.

[] Spending Time with Lt. Cole: Lt. Cole has done a phenomenal job of managing supply chains and shuttle schedules. Just how the hell does he manage that?

Cost: 0 Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70/40/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Stewardship, Increased Closeness with Lt. Cole.

[] Spending Time with Chief Engineer Volkova: The chief is a miracle worker with all things technological. Not so much with people. That doesn't mean you can't learn anything from her, and thanks to your time on the Centaur, you're as handy with a wrench as she is.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70/40/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Learning, Increased Closeness with Chief Engineer Volkova.

[] Spending Time with Colonel Pierce: Colonel Pierce has suggested that you undergo the same anti-interrogation training that his marines go through. He does not promise to be gentle.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70/40/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Intrigue, Increased "Closeness" with Colonel Pierce.

[] Spending Time with Lieutenant Izumi: Rumour has it that Lieutenant Izumi has the best tea set in the colony. Put that rumour to the test, and get to know your Lieutenant a bit better to boot.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100/60/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Diplomacy, Increased Closeness with Lieutenant Izumi.

[] Spending Time with Doctor Campos: Dr. Campos would like to perform a routine physical exam whenever you have the time to spare.

Cost: 0, Time, 1 Month, Chance of Success: 80/40/10%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 ???, Increased Closeness with Dr. Campos.

[] Spending Time with Spear: Spear is the leader of the Loroi and is the only one of them that speaks, making her an important point of contact. Get to know her better.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: ???, Increased Closeness with Spear.

[] The Lost Souls: Are there other humans out there? Since the jumpdrive was invented, quite a few ships have disappeared, never to be seen again. Could they have wound up here? Could there be a successful human enclave out there? Do some research and try to figure out what the odds are.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: List of ships likely to have misjumped before you.
Survey should be up in a few days. Hopefully me being rusty hasn't introduced new errors. Sorry again about the delay.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

Don't worry too much about the delay, I can sympathize :P

The only 'big' thing that we may have forgotten is the whales lingering around to make an other egg.

Other than that I will look into things but my stewardship and military propositions are the same as my head plan:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... edit#gid=0


[X] Ordinance plant. In order to negate the explosives malus


[X] Industrial Autoplant
[X] Mine Exp

The next turns will have to be debated, I am in favor of a quick journey to the Loroi mixed with enhanced RU production.

For the elections I am leaning towards the frontier party for the simple reason that a good offense is the best defense. More Learning, better external diplomacy and enhanced intelligence offer better chances overall to the colony.

Diplomacy I am leaning towards improving relations. The 60% is still chancy and I want to know more about the general situation. Plus I don't want to get the Loroi out with the rumors circulating uncontrolled.

Learning, I will take teaching Trade. Better odds for opening relationships and maybe it will help in bringing down the rumors.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

I'm with dragoongfa.

We'll need the Ordinance Plant to avoid mining penalties, and our existing strategy of research/diplomacy makes the Frontier Party the most logical election choice. I also agree that 60% is too low for me, so I think we need to Teach Trade and Improve Relations before we formally introduce the Loroi to everyone else.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Siber »

Glad to have you back Razor, life happens. Trade, frontier, and improving relations all sound good to me. I still want a creche and a sci annex, but I'm not prepared to do math to those desires.
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Razor One
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Survey is up, please vote here.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »


Frontier Party
Improving relation
Ordnance plant
Mining Exp
Industrial Autoplant
Teaching Trade

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Absalom »

Went with the same as dragoongfa.

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Razor One
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Voting is now closed.

Here's what won:

[X] Frontier Party
[X] Ordnance Plant
[X] Improving Relations
[X] Mining Operations Expansion
[X] Industrial Autoplant
[X] Teaching Trade

You rolled a 7 on Asteroid Day, meaning Fenrir broke apart early on in February. I've already done the math for the ensuing combat, I just need to write both it and the arrival of the whales.

For those interested, the notes/numbers for your fight with giant space rocks:
Arrival / Roidage: On the 7th

Asteroid Pieces: 53 (1d100)

Round 1

Asteroid HPs: 15, 19, 11, 8, 20, 7, 20, 10, 20, 20 = 150

Threat Arrangement: 20!, 20!, 20!, 20!, 19/, 15, 11, 10, 8, 7

2, 3, = 5/2 = 3 (17)
6, 5, = 11/2 = 6 (11)
4, 5, = 9/2 = 5 (6)
6, 3, = 9/2 = 5 (1) KO!
2, 5, = 7/2 = 4 (16)
2, 6, = 8/2 = 4 (12)
6, 3, = 9/2 = 5 (7)
6, 3, = 9/2 = 5 (2) KO!
6, 1, = 7/2 = 4 (16)
2, 6, = 8/2 = 4 (12)
6, 5, = 11/2 = 6 (6)
4, 5, = 9/2 = 5 (1) KO!
1, 2, = 3/2 = 2 (18)
5, 1, = 6/2 = 3 (15)
1, 3, = 4/2 = 2 (13)
6, 5, = 11/2 = 6 (7)
4, 3, = 7/2 = 4 (3) KO!
3, 5, = 8/2 = 4 (15)
5, 3, = 8/2 = 4 (11)
2, 6, = 8/2 = 4 (7)

Round 2

20, 19, 18, 13, 12, 10, 11, 20, 20, 15, 19, + (7, 15, 11, 10, 8, 7) = 177 + 58

Threat Arrangement:

20!, 20!, 20!, 19!, 19/, 18, 15, 15, 13, 12, 11, 11, 10, 10, 8, 7, 7

4, 2, = 6/2 = 3 (17)
4, 5, = 9/2 = 5 (12)
6, 4, = 10/2 = 5 (7)
3, 1, = 4/2 = 2 (5) KO!
2, 1, = 3/2 = 2 (18)
2, 5, = 7/2 = 4 (14)
3, 4, = 7/2 = 4 (10)
3, 6, = 9/2 = 5 (5) KO!
1, 5, = 6/2 = 3 (17)
1, 6, = 7/2 = 4 (13)
6, 5, = 11/2 = 6 (7)
3, 6, = 9/2 = 5 (2) KO!
5, 5, = 10/2 = 5 (14)
5, 6, = 11/2 = 6 (8)
6, 5, = 11/2 = 6 (2) KO!
5, 4, = 9/2 = 5 (14)
1, 2, = 3/2 = 2 (12)
2, 6, = 8/2 = 4 (8)
3, 5, = 8/2 = 4 (4) KO!
2, 5, = 7/2 = 4 (15)

Round 3

9, 6, 9, 20, 7, 17, 18, 9, 11, 12, 8 = 126
Remainder: 18, 15, 15, 15, 13, 12, 11, 11, 10, 10, 8, 7, 7 = 152

Threat Arrangement:

20!, 18!, 18!, 17!, 15!, 15, 15, 13, 12, 12, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6 = 278

5, 5, = 10/2 = 5 (15)
4, 3, = 7/2 = 4 (11)
4, 4, = 8/2 = 4 (7)
6, 2, = 8/2 = 4 (3) KO!
2, 2, = 4/2 = 2 (16)
6, 1, = 7/2 = 4 (12)
1, 1, = 2/2 = 1 (11)
3, 6, = 9/2 = 5 (6)
3, 6, = 9/2 = 5 (1) KO!
1, 5, = 6/2 = 3 (15)
3, 3, = 6/2 = 3 (12)
3, 5, = 8/2 = 4 (8)
3, 5, = 8/2 = 4 (4) KO!
2, 4, = 6/2 = 3 (14)
6, 5, = 11/2 = 6 (8)
4, 6, = 10/2 = 5 (3) KO!
4, 2, = 6/2 = 3 (12)
4, 4, = 8/2 = 4 (8)
1, 2, = 3/2 = 2 (6)
6, 1, = 7/2 = 4 (2) KO!

Final Round

20, 11, 15, 18, 12 = 76
Remainder: 15, 15, 13, 12, 12, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6 = 190

Threat Arrangement: 20!, 18!, 15!, 15!, 15!, 13!, 12/, 12, 12, 11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 9, 9,
9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6

6, 1, = 7/2 = 4 (16)
6, 3, = 9/2 = 5 (11)
2, 6, = 8/2 = 4 (7)
6, 1, = 7/2 = 4 (3) KO!
2, 5, = 7/2 = 4 (14)
6, 2, = 8/2 = 4 (10)
5, 2, = 7/2 = 4 (6)
6, 6, = 12/2 = 6 (0) KO!
2, 3, = 5/2 = 3 (12)
6, 1, = 7/2 = 4 (8)
4, 2, = 6/2 = 3 (5) KO!
6, 5, = 11/2 = 6 (11)
2, 3, = 5/2 = 3 (8)
3, 1, = 4/2 = 2 (6)
5, 4, = 9/2 = 5 (1) KO!
6, 6, = 12/2 = 6 (9)
6, 4, = 10/2 = 5 (4) KO!
5, 6, = 11/2 = 6 (7)
5, 2, = 7/2 = 4 (3) KO!
6, 5, = 11/2 = 6 (6)

Roll for Bonus Round: 26 + 15 (O'Malley Martial) + 10 (Niflheim Defense) = 51

Bonus Round Get.

Threat Arrangement: 12!, 12!, 11!, 11!, 11!, 11!, 10!, 10!, 9!, 9!, 9!, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6 = 152

6, 4, = 10/2 = 5 (7)
5, 1, = 6/2 = 3 (4) KO!
5, 2, = 7/2 = 4 (8)
6, 6, = 12/2 = 6 (2) KO!
3, 4, = 7/2 = 4 (7)
6, 5, = 11/2 = 6 (1) KO!
2, 4, = 6/2 = 3 (8)
2, 2, = 4/2 = 2 (6)
2, 4, = 6/2 = 3 (3) KO!
3, 5, = 8/2 = 4 (7)
4, 6, = 10/2 = 5 (2) KO!
1, 6, = 7/2 = 4 (7)
6, 6, = 12/2 = 6 (1) KO!
5, 4, = 9/2 = 5 (5) KO!
1, 3, = 4/2 = 2 (7)
5, 6, = 11/2 = 6 (1) KO!
6, 3, = 9/2 = 5 (4) KO!
6, 2, = 8/2 = 4 (5) KO!
2, 3, = 5/2 = 3 (6)
4, 3, = 7/2 = 4 (2) KO!

Roll for Bonus Round: 30 - 10 (Bonus 2: Electric Boogaloo) + 15 + 10 = 45

Bonus Round Fail.

Colonial PDL: Online
Targeting: Online
Asteroid Destruction: Commencing

Threat Arrangement: 8!, 8!, 7!, 7!, 7!, 6!, 6! = 49

6, 4, = 10/2 = 5 (3) KO!
2, 6, = 8/2 = 4 (4) KO!
1, 4, = 5/2 = 3 (4) KO!
6, 2, = 8/2 = 4 (3) KO!
3, 5, = 8/2 = 4 (3) KO!
4, 5, = 9/2 = 5 (2) KO!
6, 6, = 12/2 = 6 (0) KO!
1, 2, = 3/2 = 2 (4) KO!

Threat Eliminated!
Light Ore Refinery Offline! (1d3 = 2 Turns! {Turn 12})
Colony Saved!
Opinion of you: +500
You are now appreciated by your colonists.

PDL = 2d6
2xPDL = 4d6
5 or below = Safe, eliminate.
Ten volleys per round (40d6 total). Prioritise highest first.
Half damage due to atmosphere. Rounded up.
Any remainder added to next round.
Any remainder after final round goes to colonial PDL.
May be a few days writing this one out. I'd like to make it as exciting as those numbers make it seem. :P
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

The gamble with just the 1d100 didn't pay in full but since the colony and the ship are unscathed I say its a win.

Some plans should be put in motion regarding the RU income for this turn and turn 11.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Tamri »

Long time this trade doesn't give signs of life. To may be continued or declared a break?

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

Tamri wrote:Long time this trade doesn't give signs of life. To may be continued or declared a break?


Jokes aside Tamri, for future reference most forums generally frown on people posting to topics that have been dormant for too long. It's called necromancy or necroing (because you are raising topics from the 'dead'). Things are pretty laid back around here, but just figured I'd let you know because other sites take it a bit more seriously.

To answer your question though... Since Razor One hasn't posted here for over two months, it is pretty safe to say the RP is on an indefinite break. Mods are busy people and we've all got lives outside the internet, sadly. If you want to know for sure, I'd suggest you message Razor directly. With that out of the way...

Back to your tomb, fallen topic, and let no mortal posts disturb your dark dreams! The stars are not yet right for your return! Slumber once more to await the strange eons when even RL complications may die!
"Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

I'm not dead. I apologise for the frequent hiatuses. I finally got done moving house and will try to keep the quest updated once a week.

It turns out that I forgot a few of the plotlines as well. I should be able to recover them once I get my notes fully in order. Update was a bit hectic because of that, but I believe it's all here.

As a reminder, you can find the budget and research Here.

Turn 10 Results


Fenrir shatters into thousands of pieces, helped along by a series of well calculated and situated explosives, with only a handful in a position and bearing to threaten all that you’ve built here.

A part of you kind of expected a pitched battle in space against desperate odds as your ship bucked and heaved beneath you against a storm of debris.

The reality is more tedious than exciting. Your gunnery crew has the lion's share of the ‘fun’, acquiring a target lock and firing as fast as your laser systems can handle it. You managed to nail most of the asteroids, but in the end, the point defense laser in your colony had to be fired up to clean out the stragglers. You hate that it came to using your last line of defense, but you’re glad you took the precaution of setting it up using your spares, even if it did cost you.

Reward: Asteroid Crisis is over. Personal actions unlocked.

A Whale of a Time

The space whales have arrived, and not a moment too soon. While you were busy shooting out rogue space rocks, millions upon millions of tiny baby whales were freed and released into the surrounding environment. What ensued could only have been called a fracas, as whales and mantas competed to claim as many young as they could, either to nurse and protect or to consume respectively.

With most of your crew tending to their stations, your ship more concerned with defense, and your colonists in the fallout shelter, you couldn’t really glean more than that, though.

Elections: This is an election turn. Two political parties currently exist and are vying for dominance in an election. While your people stream to the polls, you are but one woman, and you have but one vote. What political party would you prefer to win? (Choose One)

[X] Frontier Party

Jonathan Spencer leads what is called the Frontier Party. Their goals are to investigate this new area of space as thoroughly as possible, find a way home, and discover all that can be discovered about aliens. They are, in essence, a party of knowledge and discovery.

+10 To Learning Actions
+10 To external diplomacy
+10 To knowledge derived stewardship actions (Biolab, Physics Lab, etc.)
+10 To military and intrigue actions that increase knowledge of the region

Frontier Party Votes: 1d530 = 6 + Captains Favour (3d100) = 6 + 140 = 146
Homesteading Party: 1d530 = 87

Election Failure!

-Both parties are reeling against the sudden voter backlash against them, with many delivering protest votes instead of actual ballots. While a few did vote your way, it seems more out of loyalty to you than belief in the Frontier Party’s actual policies.

With neither party coming even close to an acceptable margin for victory, let alone a mandate to govern the people, they’ll be going back to the polls in three months time (Turn 14).

Martial: Both Commander O'Malley and Colonel Pierce have begun work to secure your colony's future with their military knowledge and might. (Choose One)

[X] Ordnance Plant: An ordnance plant would allow the manufacturing of ammunition for the marines existing gear as well as the production of your first round of mass drivers.

Cost: 2000 RU, 250 RU Upkeep, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Guns and Ammo ranging from sidearms to CIWS batteries.

Rolled: 53, Success!

-At the end of the day, producing ammunition for mass drivers, kinetic weapons and chemical explosives is a simple matter, given how mature and well understood the technology is. You’d have honestly been surprised if they screwed it up.

Reward: Ordnance Plant Built. New options unlocked.

Diplomacy: Lieutenant Izumi is your most effective diplomat when it comes to aliens, though you're no slouch yourself in that department. (Choose One.)

[X] Improving Relations: Your last exchange with your Loroi guests went quite well, but there are still things you don't know about one another and steps to take if they're going to do more than sit tight.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Boost in Loroi Opinion, Improved chances for Opening Relations, ???

-Lieutenant Izumi has managed to glean the final remaining details about Loroi culture, as much as can be derived from children anyhow, as she can. You’re now well versed and prepared to deal with Loroi personally with a reasonably good chance of not offending them, though if there’s some kind of higher etiquette not privy to children you’ll just have to cross that bridge when you come to it.

On a more personal front, and as a sign of the increasing trust between your two groups, Spear admitted something she’s been keeping secret from you for some time; that she is one of Icefury’s granddaughters.

Reward: Increased chance of success for Opening Relations (+15). Reasonably complete knowledge of Loroi culture based on what your guests have told you.

Stewardship: Alex Cole and an economist, Samantha Nguyen, have worked out not only a way to easily tabulate your resources, but also what you can do to build your colony up. (Choose Two)

[X] Mining Operations Expansion: Expand your existing mine on Niflheim for more glorious ore. Due to the depth of your current mine, further expansion will be a bit more expensive to undertake.

Cost: +500 Per Expansion (1500) Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +500 RU per turn

-Your miners have taken to song lately.

Brothers of the mine rejoice!
Swing, swing, swing with me
Raise your drill and raise your voice!
Sing, sing, sing with me
Down and down into the deep
Who knows what we'll find beneath?
Tungsten, iron, gold and more
Hidden in the mountain store

Born underground, suckled from a teat of stone
Raised in the dark, the safety of our mountain home
Skin made of iron, steel in our bones
To dig and dig makes us free
Come on brothers sing with me!

[X] Industrial Autoplant: Unpack your industrial equipment and start churning out finished goods.

Cost: 500 RU, 150 RU Upkeep, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +50% Base Income from Mining

-The industrial autoplant was designed to mass produce just about everything a growing colony could need, from sheet metal to basic electronics, all without the burden of manual labour, giving a massive boost to both your workforce and your economy.

Reward: +50% to base mining income starting next turn.

Intrigue: SOD SOP is to lay low, watch, and wait for anything that might require our attention. The Blue Rose Cell is vigilant and on standby. If something comes up, we'll contact you. (Choose One)

[X] Every Step You Take: The Blue Rose managed to acquire high fidelity copies of the Loroi children's written materials while they were otherwise occupied with Christmas and New Years. They just need a primer on written Loroi from Lieutenant Izumi.

Cost: 0, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: Information on Loroi children.

Rolled: 68, Success!
Sub Roll: 59

-The ‘civilians’ have completed their training and were set to the task of checking over the scans you took of the Loroi children’s written materials. For the most part, they’ve found what appears to be a detailed layout of your vessel alongside plans for a potential escape. Fortunately the plans seem a bit old and appears not to have been updated for some time. Still, you use the opportunity to plug any potential holes in your security. There were some sections that appeared to be written in some kind of code though. Beyond that, diary entries are the mainstay of the written material, mostly addressed to parents, friends, or the deceased.

Reward: Knowledge on out of date escape plans, coded entry discovered.

Learning: You have many skilled people at your beck and call just waiting to tear into the unknown and reveal its juicy, succulent knowledge. (Choose One)

[X] Teaching Trade: Lieutenant Izumi is now both fluent and confident enough in Trade to begin teaching others to speak the alien language. Considering all the things you've learned, it may well be beneficial for your people to know this regions vernacular, to say nothing of other benefits.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 0 / 1500, Difficulty: Very Easy (10d100 + 5d20 + Learning), Reward: Lieutenant Izumi begins teaching Trade to your colonists, greater success chance on Opening Relations.

Rolled: 590 + 18 = 608 / 1500

-Lieutenant Izumi’s lessons have begun in earnest, building off her prior lessons for your ‘civilians’. Your people are taking to the lessons well, hopeful of trading opportunities with the Loroi in future.

Reward: Progress on teaching Loroi Trade to your civilian populace. +5 to Opening Relations.


Loroi Biochemistry: 222 + 34 (1d50) = 256 / 650
Izumi’s Trade: 1576 + 1d100 + 1d20 + 18 = 1576 + 65 + 9 + 18 = 1668
Spear’s English: 1357 + 1d100 + 12 = 1357 + 15 + 12 = 1384


I've probably made a few mistakes, if you spot them, please let me know.

If I can I'll see if I can get Turn 11 written up and a vote prepared sometime tomorrow.

<< Turn 10 || Turn 11 >>
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

Yay, Razor is alive :P

Yay, the RP continues :)

Nay, my mental notes have disappeared :(

In any case I will update the headplan:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... edit#gid=0

@Razor: Shouldn't the mining income be -50% because the ordnance plant was finished in turn 10.

Also one of the two of us must have messed up their food counting.

EDIT: Turn 10 mining expansion should cost 1250RUs
Last edited by Guest on Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

dragoongfa wrote: Nay, my mental notes have disappeared :(
This puts us on completely even ground. :P

I'm updating the prior posts with a new feature for ease of navigation. You can see it if you check back on the opening pages at the bottom of each relevant quest post. I'm hoping to make it a standard feature to make going back and forth between turns easier than hitting the index. A proper index would be nice but that becomes increasingly annoying and difficult with the 10 urls per post limit.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

dragoongfa wrote:
@Razor: Shouldn't the mining income be -50% because the ordnance plant was finished in turn 10.

Also one of the two of us must have messed up their food counting.

EDIT: Turn 10 mining expansion should cost 1250RUs
The mining income for Turn 9 was halved due to the fallout shelter. Since the moon cracked early in the month, it didn't hit production too hard.

The food was originally accounted for at 500 units of usage without rationing. Since it's 1 unit per population, with 1/3rd for Loroi, I corrected to account for this. You have 555 population, 24 Loroi, 555 - 24 + 8 = 539, which is your current usage.

Expanding your mines is becoming increasingly expensive. From what I recall of my mental notes, this is by design.

The cost is still very low and you'll recoup the costs easily at this point in time, but the more you push it, the more expensive it becomes. This is to reflect labour costs, inefficiencies, etc. Raising your working population would slow this down or even reverse it, as would new and exciting technologies.

The -50% was from Shearing down, so I indeed forgot about that. As I recall, the penalty lifts next turn because you built the ordnance plant, rather than lasting until turn 13.
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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 5/7/16 - Turn 10 Results]

Post by dragoongfa »

Indeed the mine gets progressively more expensive but the plan was to have a 250 increase in RU cost per mine expansion so it should be 1250 for this expansion and 1500 for the next expansion.

Also, I think that your food has an error somewhere.
Last edited by Guest on Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 5/7/16 - Turn 10 Results]

Post by Razor One »

+250 per expansion.

Originally it was free. Then it got +250, so:

Expansion N = 0, where N is the arbitrary threshold for expansions costing rather than being free, N+1 = 250, N+2 = 500, N+3 = 750, N+4 = 1000, etc.

After a certain point the rate will double to +500 per expansion, then +1000 per expansion. This is to encourage you to dig wide as well as deep, though I'll admit the new mine is prohibitively expensive as of the last iteration. Your economy is coming along though, so perhaps the cost can afford to come down a bit.
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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 5/7/16 - Turn 10 Results]

Post by dragoongfa »

So it doubled to +500? Bad Razor, you should have told us sooner :P

Checked the food situation, at round 8 we lifted our food restrictions due to the success of the Yeast plant but you applied the lifting from the next turn.

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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 5/7/16 - Turn 10 Results]

Post by Razor One »

My explanations suck.

You've been on +250 for a number of expansions, this turn you hit the threshold for +500 per expansion.

And I did tell you, after all:

[X] Mining Operations Expansion: Expand your existing mine on Niflheim for more glorious ore. Due to the depth of your current mine, further expansion will be a bit more expensive to undertake.

Cost: +500 Per Expansion (1500) Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +500 RU per turn

Which basically means it takes three turns to recoup the cost of expanding before pure profit, which is damn good for mining. If anything I should make it more expensive. :P


Corrected the food consumption. My bookkeeping really sucks.
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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 5/7/16 - Turn 10 Results]

Post by Siber »

Good to have you back, Razor :D
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