Outcast Quest [Updated 10/10/18 - Turn 14]

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by anamiac »

my Vote: We ain't Gordon Ramsay but we are working on it.

Seems to be the closest so far.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

joestej wrote:
I agree that water should be distributed first. It's almost certainly not going to hurt them, and thirst is a bigger danger than hunger. I've still got reservations though.

Much of your plan relies on communication, and we're still crap at that. It's also very complex. I'd rather plan in steps than get thrown for a loop if we botch a roll or they do something unexpected.

Still, we're going to have to try communicating more complex topics to them at some point and the plan is logical. If the rest of the Hive Mind likes it, I could be convinced to change my vote.
I hope that the ensign being there in person, hearing things from first hand and observing subtle mannerisms from up close will give a further minor bonus to vocabulary understanding (should she find it helpful being there in person).

Then by giving the water first we further calm them, probably getting an other small bonus. The exchange with the doctor and the medical team about identifying themselves as medics will be done by a character that has 17 diplomacy (20-3) and shouldn't have any dire consequences in case of a roll fail (should a roll be needed for this).

A certain roll is them moving willingly from their cell to the cleaner compartment, it should be obvious to them that a medic would want them to move someplace cleaner thus no dire consequence of them getting violent at the suggestion.

The first roll that will be problematic is the explanation of the food situation. They are young and they may not understand the concept. However their thirst will be sated by that point and trying to explain that 'need test food poison' isn't nuclear physics while the doctor and the ensign both have high diplo.

The problem is that this step is inevitable even if we take it one step at a time. Furthermore if we seem to be wasting time the elves will become agitated for sure. I am hoping that the rolls will be favorable or that the GM will add some small bonuses to help towards a passing grade because we acted smart :P

One thing that could help with the explanation is doing it by using pictures on a tablet computer. If the physical similarities also pass a similar way of thinking then the elves should understand a basic demonstration in which the doctor shows a set of pictures about bad food. We could add this as a suggestion to the doctor in order to partially bypass the language barrier.

The big problem are the tests.

The tests will be done if the elves just sound displeased or just object. The reason they would be so is if they don't like to see their dead touched but they should understand that we are doing the tests for their own good sooner or later. The fact that we treated their dead with a modicum of respect should pass the message that we don't want to commit some short of sacrilege.

Them turning violent should only come in a critical fail in which case we cut our loses and do this the hard way. In this situation of critical failure we could restrain them and run the tests anyway, hoping that they will understand anyway or go with the trial and error approach.

One lesser alternative for taking samples for testing could be to swab them for saliva. Saliva is practically the first step of the digestion track and it should give some clues about what is edible, not the same with getting a sample from a stomach but still far better that just trial and errors.

We could add asking for saliva samples and thus avoid at least doing trial and error without any idea.

EDIT: Question to Razor: Would getting Saliva, blood or puke samples from the live elves be better than the samples than the ones from the dead?
Last edited by Guest on Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by anamiac »

If you get the tests from the dead around the bridge, and leave the other bodies (that the surviving elves can see) you should be able to prolong them finding out about you bisecting their dead for long enough that it won't be a big deal.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Absalom »

joestej wrote:[*]Could some of our medical and science types make an estimate based on their existing knowledge of biochemistry about what food types might be cross-species compatible?[/b] I know very little about subject, but I do know some foods are easier for our bodies to process than others, and I'll take anything that will improve our odds at this point.
I have some tangential knowledge on this subject. The only food that you should even half-depend on being edible in this situation is the monosaccharides, such as glucose. Even then, it's important to only provide small amounts at first, only partially due to the possibility of toxicity or metabolic side-effects. Food is simply not going to be safe without tests or experiments, and the starving have been known to cause themselves physical harm by over-consuming food and water. Give them a little, then give them a little more a few minutes after they finish it, etc. Apparently it's actually a semi-standard measure, when you either don't have IV supplies, or don't want to use them.

Protein, incidentally, is absolutely a no-go, as the toxicity of both chocolate and macadamia nuts to dogs demonstrates.

dragoongfa wrote:I hope that the ensign being there in person, hearing things from first hand and observing subtle mannerisms from up close will give a further minor bonus to vocabulary understanding (should she find it helpful being there in person).
She's trying to learn by comparing recordings of what they already said with what they're currently saying, I doubt that she'll be able to apply as much attention if she's distracted by being on-site.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

True, the computers will probably be more helpful for deciphering the language.

So minor change of plan in the works:

Instead of asking her if it would be better if she was there, we ask her what would help her in order to expedite some basic understanding of their language. Offer a suggestion with the 'picture tablet' idea (something like 'show something and have them say what it is' style) and having a direct line with someone on site whose task will be to help her (probably the doctor to combine their diplomatic skills?).

I will revise the plan in the morning in case anyone has any other idea.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

dragoongfa wrote:EDIT: Question to Razor: Would getting Saliva, blood or puke samples from the live elves be better than the samples than the ones from the dead?
They undoubtedly would be better, if you could convince the elves to part with them willingly.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by alpha »

[X] Plan Provisions
- Search for food and water. Have someone load fly the shuttle back and deliver some carbohydrates and water. Try to go for minimal protein.
- Have the shuttle deliver a small samples from several dead bodies (Nothing too noticeable) and have the doc analyse it
- Get the Ensign over there and try to communicate/ learn their language. Bring tablets.
- Bring a nurse. The doc should stay behind. This isn't Star Trek. We do not send all of our important people into potentially dangerous situations, including ones involving the word 'quarantine'.
- Have teams of marines sweep the ship for goodies
- Remove snouties and cover space elf bodies in the corridors.
Too tired to type much more. This plan minimises risk. I hope.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

I'll be calling the vote in about nine hours from now. As usual, whatever has the most votes will win.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

Promised a revision and my vote:

[X]Plan: We ain't Gordon Ramsay but we are working on it (v2).
[X] Have food and water prepared and sent. The marines are also to report if they found the alien food storage in case there is food that is compatible with the elves.
-[X] While this is done the marines are going to put on a show of good will by removing the snooties corpses unceremoniously and quickly. Leave the elf corpses as they are but cover them with some sheets.
-[X] Have the marines identify an other safe compartment nearby so the elves could be peacefully moved there, away from the dead and filth.
-[X] Ask the ensign if there is something that will help with the translation and communication. Suggest an idea about using tablets with pictures and her having a direct link with someone on the medical team.
-[X] Volkova or Mitchell are to look for a nearby operable airlock for quick movement of people and goods.

[X] The doctor and a nurse or two have to go with the food for tests and medical aid in case of complications (I hope that he has been paying full attention so far).
-[X] Ask him about the danger of cross species contamination or other medical problems that may arise if someone doesn't wear a suit.
--[X] If the danger is negligible to non existent then ask for volunteers. The necessary time in quarantine will be deemed acceptable (inform the volunteers that paperwork will still be expected to be done dutifully and on time).

[X] Once the corridor is tidied up have the medical team distribute water, since thirst is far more maddening that hunger, we know that it is safe for consumption while it will also put them more at ease knowing that food will be coming as well.
-[X] While they do that, the doctor and his team are to identify themselves as medics.

[X] Once the elves have had their thirst sated and understood the function of the medical team. Attempt to convince them to move to the cleaner compartment.
-[X] If they agree then have them moved there.
-[X] If they don't then we do everything where they are.
--[X] In either case the medical team is to try and identify the medical condition of each elf, providing first aid if someone needs it.

[X] Try to explain our concerns for giving them food without testing if they can safely consume it. In the condition many of them are in it could be lethal to give them something that would cause an adverse reaction.
-[X] If alien food was found (doubtful with the storage blown up) see if the Elves identify anything as edible by them, after making sure that they understand that eating the wrong food may kill someone.
--[X] In case they do identify something as edible have the healthiest one eat a small quantity at first, if nothing happens in a reasonable amount of time distribute to the rest in appropriate quantities to avoid overeating.

-[X] If no alien food was found or is edible explain that you need to run tests with samples taken from them to identify what is poisonous for them.

-[X] Sample attempts:

--[X] Samples that are to be requested from them (this whole part takes into account that volunteers without space suits are there): Saliva, blood, poop and gastric acids (essentially have one or more of them puke in a bag).
---[X] Saliva is extremely easy, have a volunteer spit into a sample tube in front of them and then give them a few sample tubes motioning for them to do the same. They have certainly pooped in their holding cell, so I doubt they will object about someone taking some from their refuse pile (if they are still there). Blood and gastric acids are the hardest to part with since its a complicated concept to explain. For gastric acid, have a volunteer demonstrate what they want (without actually puking), hopefully the 'hand in the mouth to puke' gesture will pass the meaning and someone brave enough will do it. For blood (which is probably the hardest): Have a blood sample taken from a volunteer in front of them (blood samples today are easy and taken in less than 30 seconds, hopefully they improved it somehow by 2155), then explain that we want the same from them. Under no circumstances they are to be forced to give samples.
---[X] If no volunteers without space suits, attempt to make due without the physical demonstrations (tablet pictures?).

----[X] If they gave sufficient samples run the tests. If they gave none or insufficient samples run the tests with what we got and take some more from the dead elves that the survivors have no access to.
-----[X] If tests are run and finished quickly have the team distribute the appropriate food in appropriate quantities to avoid overeating.
-----[X] If tests are run and take too much time start with trial and error trials based on the preliminary findings of what is and isn't toxic. (this in order to keep them calm by showing that we ain't idle)
EDIT: Seems that few people log in on Saturdays...

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

The votes so far:

[X] Plan: We're not Gordon Ramsay v2

dragoongfa, anamiac

[X] Plan: Necessary force v3


[X] Plan Provisions


[X] Plan: Baby Steps


Calling it for [X] Plan: We're not Gordon Ramsay v2.

In the meantime, I did some quick name research. I facepalmed when I realised we had effectively three variations of Alexander in the mix.
Mira Sheridan

Mira: Latin; Wonder, wonderful; Slavic; Peace, World
Sheridan: Irish; Siridean, Searcher

Wonderful Searcher
Peaceful Searcher
World Searcher

Homura Izumi

Homura: Japanese; Blaze, Flame, Inflammation
Izumi: Japanese; Fountain, Spring

Burning Spring
Flame Fountain

Sharon O'Malley

Sharon: Hebrew; Plain (terrain)
O'Malley: Gaelic; Descendant of a nobleman of the plains

Noble descendant of the plains

Alex Cole

Alex: Greek; Defending Man
Cole: Anglo-Saxon; A person with dark features

Black Guardian
Dark Guardian
Guardian of the Black
Guardian of the Dark

Sasha Volkova

Sasha: Short form of Aleksandra --> Cassandra; To Excel, Shine
Volkova: Russian; Wolf

Shining Wolf

Alexandro Campos

Alexandro: Greek; Defending Man
Campos: Italian/Spanish; Field (terrain), Countryside

Field Defender
Defender of the Field
Defender of the Countryside

Brian Pierce

Brian: Irish, English, Ancient Irish; Hill, High Noble
Pierce: Medieval form of Peter; Stone

Hill of Stones
High Noble of Stones
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by alpha »

Razor One wrote: In the meantime, I did some quick name research. I facepalmed when I realised we had effectively three variations of Alexander in the mix.
/me facepalms.
We like our Alexanders. :P

Changing vote to [X] Gordon Ramsay (v2).
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

Razor One wrote:

Calling it for [X] Plan: We're not Gordon Ramsay v2.

In the meantime, I did some quick name research. I facepalmed when I realised we had effectively three variations of Alexander in the mix.
Mira Sheridan

Mira: Latin; Wonder, wonderful; Slavic; Peace, World
Sheridan: Irish; Siridean, Searcher

Wonderful Searcher
Peaceful Searcher
World Searcher

Homura Izumi

Homura: Japanese; Blaze, Flame, Inflammation
Izumi: Japanese; Fountain, Spring

Burning Spring
Flame Fountain

Sharon O'Malley

Sharon: Hebrew; Plain (terrain)
O'Malley: Gaelic; Descendant of a nobleman of the plains

Noble descendant of the plains

Alex Cole

Alex: Greek; Defending Man
Cole: Anglo-Saxon; A person with dark features

Black Guardian
Dark Guardian
Guardian of the Black
Guardian of the Dark

Sasha Volkova

Sasha: Short form of Aleksandra --> Cassandra; To Excel, Shine
Volkova: Russian; Wolf

Shining Wolf

Alexandro Campos

Alexandro: Greek; Defending Man
Campos: Italian/Spanish; Field (terrain), Countryside

Field Defender
Defender of the Field
Defender of the Countryside

Brian Pierce

Brian: Irish, English, Ancient Irish; Hill, High Noble
Pierce: Medieval form of Peter; Stone

Hill of Stones
High Noble of Stones
The fact that the next update hasn't come yet means that either we have some progress or a large number of people are now dead due to critical roll failures.

Fun in either case :P

Alex is a common name, less common than George :P

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Part 12

"Doctor, prepare to head over to that alien vessel. I want to know what they can eat and what they can't. Take what you need and do whatever you have to do, but I don't want those aliens to starve or die because we fed them something with food colouring," you say.

"I thought you'd never ask," says Dr. Campos.

You switch channels over to your next victim.

"Chief, do you have the schematics of that vessel handy?" you ask.

"Yes, what do you need?" asks Volkova.

"I need you to identify if there are any other suitable compartments nearby. If our elven friends tire of their surroundings it would be best to have a cleaner area for them to call home," you say, before continuing, "I also need you to find us a working airlock to ferry supplies aboard."

"I'll have Mitchell work on the airlock," says Volkova, "I'll take a look at the nearby rooms. The marines have already swept them, and frankly anywhere is better than where they currently are."

"Good. Colonel Pierce, do you read me?" you ask.

"Loud and clear," he confirms.

"Any luck finding supplies over there? Anything that could sate the elves hunger?" you ask.

"Our search of what's left of the cargo bay turned up very little," he says, "Anything that wasn't bolted or welded to the floor got blown out into space. We could try to recover some if we backtrack in a shuttle but it would be like trying to uncrack an egg while blindfolded."

"Best you don't then. We can't afford the amount of fuel and the inherent risk of the shuttle being separated from the ship for that long," you muse before asking, "Would you say that the ship is secure?"

"There's a few compartments we haven't checked yet, but I'm willing to declare the ship secure," confirms the Colonel.

"Good, I'll be sending over supplies for our new 'friends' and a medical team soon," you say, "until then, I think it would be beneficial to clear the halls immediately surrounding them of corpses. There's no one there to mourn the snouts but make sure you treat the elf corpses with respect."

"Understood," says the Colonel.

You flick over to your supply officer the moment your call to the Colonel is done.

"Lieutenant Cole, prepare a shuttle and some food, water and blankets to be flown over to the alien vessel. Additionally, prepare an area in the pressurised section of the cargo bay as a holding area if our elven 'friends' decide they don't like their current digs." you order.

"Do we even know what those elves eat?" he asks.

"No idea, hold on," you say, before patching in Dr. Campos.

"Doctor, what kind of food would you recommend as a starter for the elves?" you ask.

"Well, I was hoping to start with lollipops," he says.

You facepalm. You always hated it when he gave you one after a medical exam because it felt as though he were treating you like a child. The fact he does it to everyone regardless of rank, age, or sex and the fact that he's a damn good doctor makes you tolerate it.

"Will that even work?" you ask.

"They're just hardened sugar, captain," he says, "If they use the same isomers we do, it will nourish them, if not, they'll be harmless. Their teeth may be in some slight danger if they overindulge though."

You hope that's a joke.

"Anything else?" you persist.

"Basic foodstuffs, simple carbohydrates and the like," he explains.

"In english, Doctor," says Lieutenant Cole irritably.

"Oh. Um. Cereals, potato chips and the like," he explains, "I'm not confident in feeding them any meat until I've had a chance to see what their biochemistry is like."

"You heard the man, snap to it," you order.

"Aye captain," says Lt. Cole.

"Ensign Izumi," you say, turning to her, "Anything that will help the translation along? Perhaps some equipment?"

"What would help," she grumbles, "is if I wouldn't have to keep trying to infer meaning and just ask them."

"Ensign?" you ask, probing for an explanation.

"Languages are a lot easier to learn if you have someone to teach you. Listening in just won't cut it. I..." she trails off as a thought strikes her. She swallows nervously and looks to you, before finding the confidence to speak again, "Captain, permission to meet with the elves?"

"Will going in person really help that much?" you ask.

"Yes, I'm positive I can make a difference, ma'am," she says with conviction, "I will learn their language if it's the last thing I do."

"Let's hope that it isn't then. Alright Ensign, suit up and head over on the next shuttle, if you can get those elves eating that'd be great, and if you can get them on my ship there'll be a promotion in it for you," you order.

"No, no suits," says Ensign Izumi, "Our suits are part of the problem. You get the same thing back home when the CDC rolls up to contain an outbreak in airtight suits. It's difficult to trust someone when they're not breathing the same air you are."

"You do realise what you're asking," you say, "You could catch an alien plague and die. At the very least you're looking forward to a month of quarantine."

The Ensign looks at you determinedly.

"Captain, this is our first contact. I refuse to let this go wrong. I will not let those aliens die because we took too long to figure out their language. We need to understand them as soon as possible and this is the single fastest way to do it. I am fully willing to accept the consequences of what I'm about to do," she announces.

Did she always have that fire in her eye? That set to her jaw? Your greatest critique of Ensign Izumi was that she always seemed to lack confidence... but if this is that same Ensign then that critique is gone with the wind.

"Clear it with Dr. Campos on the shuttle," you say, rather taken aback, "Take whatever you need."

"Y-yes captain!" she says, the uncertainty returning before she rushes to her station to collect her things.

"Oh, and Ensign, no slacking on your paperwork unless you're dying of the plague," you say.

"Yes ma'am!" she affirms before scooping up her things and running off the bridge.

"Never thought she had that in her," says O'Malley.

"I think we might have underestimated her," you say with a wry grin.


You watch from the bridge monitors as the shuttle docks with the alien airlock with a thud. A membrane extends outward to create an airtight seal as the alien design and yours mismatch, but eventually a solid seal is formed and positive air pressure is achieved.

"Last chance to back out, Ensign," says Dr. Campos, "You can still suit up, but once that hatch opens..."

"I meant what I said," says the Ensign without a trace of fear.

"Alright, hold on then," he says, and cracks the seal.

Air rushes out of the shuttle in a gentle breeze as pressures equalise. The marines waiting by the lock salute the Ensign, probably more for her bravery than her rank, and then file into the shuttle, grabbing the food, the water and the other supplies.

"Just don't fiddle with the filters in your nostrils, or the smell alone would probably kill you," he jokes.

"I can already taste it," she says, making a disgusted face, "this whole ship, it tastes like death."

The two make their way to the detention block. You can see that the area has been cleared somewhat. The spear wielding elf looks on warily if impatiently.

"Any change Colonel?" asks Ensign Izumi as she makes her approach.

"None," says the Colonel, "they know they need us but they don't know if we can be trusted."

"Will you follow my lead?" she asks.

"Ma'am, you're more of an expert on this kind of thing than me," he admits and then grins, "my job is to shoot things and on rare occasions, not shoot things."

"Alright then," says the Ensign.

She takes a deep breath. She then gags because the air is foul and takes a moment to settle herself. That done, she grabs a small heap of supplies and she finally steps out into view of the spear wielding elf.

The reaction is not immediate. The elf's eyes lock onto the newcomer as though assessing a new threat. Then she realises she's not in a suit and lets out a gasp of surprise. Finally, her eyes narrow and she grips her spear tightly once more, as though making a new threat assessment.

The ensign slowly approaches with the supplies in hand and stops a meter from the door the spear wielding elf is guarding, easily within spearing range, and then she sits down on the floor and looks up, holding her hand out as invitation to do the same.

The spear wielding elf looks back and forth between the marines, then down at the sitting ensign, then back at the marines again.

"Colonel, have your men back off about ten meters," says Izumi calmly.

"Ma'am, they won't be able to stop that elf if she does anything rash," warns the Colonel.

"I'm aware Colonel, please," insists Izumi.

"Very well," says the Colonel unhappily.

The marines back off. The spear wielding elf looks down at the ensign with a renewed curiosity, and finally, warily, she settles into a ready crouch, though her hands never leave the spear.

The ensign is unphased and begins upacking a small portable table. She sets upon it two cups, one red and one blue, and pours water out from a flask. The two stare each other down until finally the elf gives the ensign a wan smile and takes the red cup for herself. Izumi takes the red cup and together, they share a drink.

And then they wait. The elf refuses to drink or talk for almost thirty minutes, holding the cup to herself and simply staring that Izumi, waiting for something. You feel as though its for the other shoe to drop.

When it doesn't, she lets one hand off the spear and points to the flask.

"Memal," she says, then, letting her other hand off the spear, points to her palms and holds them out, "Memal."

Izumi picks up another flask of water and hands it to her. The water is passed backwards into the door, where blue hands shoot out of the dark, grabbing it quickly and retreating. The formerly spear wielding elf looks to Izumi and holds her cup outwards once more.

The ensign obliges, filling her cup. She moves to fill her own but finds the elf gripping the flask, stopping her. She lets go, allowing the elf to take the flask and, to her surprise, finds the elf filling her cup before setting the flask down once more.

"Memal," says Izumi, holding her cup as though toasting her new friend, "Water."

"Wat-ter," repeats the elf slowly.

Izumi nods, and the two of them drink.

"Izumi," she says pointing to herself.

"Izumi?" asks the elf, before looking outwards and pointing to the marines, "Izumi?"

"No," says Izumi, shaking her head. The elf seems to understand that meant no, and quickly catches on, "Human," she says, pointing at them, then pointing at herself, "Humans."

"Izumi?" asks the elf, and points at Izumi.

"Yes," says Izumi, nodding and pointing to herslf, "Izumi."

"Izumi," says the elf, tasting the name, "Humans?"

She gestures towards the marines.

"Yes," confirms Izumi, "You?" she asks, pointing at herself and then back at the elf, "Izumi, Human, you?"

The elf falls silent and simply shakes her head. She seems sad about something, but neither you nor your ensign know what.

"You need a name," says Izumi. She looks to the elf's weapon and finds inspiration, "Spear."

"Sp-ear?" asks the elf.

"Izumi," says Izumi, pointing to herself, then points to the elf, "Spear."

"Spear," says the elf, tasting the word, before saying it again more confidently, "Spear. Loroi."

"Loroi?" asks Izumi pointing towards those in the room.

Spear nods, "Loroi," she says with an expansive gesture.

The two lapse into a brief silence as they think things over briefly.

"Pomai?" asks Spear.

"Pomai, no," says Izumi slowly, shaking her head, "Pomai, urrp."

She imitates being sick for several minutes. At first Spear seems confused, but then seems to understand what Izumi is getting at.

"Pomai lirran dizoi?" she asks.

What follows, between a lot of cups of water between the two, is an hour of fairly boring language lessons between the two. It mostly consists of pointing at things and naming them in their respective languages.

"Ensign Izumi, I assume contact is going well?" asks Dr. Campos.

Spear looks at the Ensign curiously as she sets about answering the Doctor.

"Very well, I think we've made friends," she says.

"Good enough to submit to some medical tests perhaps?" he asks hopefully.

"I don't think we're that far along," says Izumi, "Food would go a long way towards that though."

"Well, I have good news and bad news," says the Doctor, "Which do you want?"

"Good news first, Doctor," says Izumi.

"It will take me another three hours to get a decent workup of their biochemistry from the samples I have, but from my preliminaries I do believe that they can digest the same sugars we do and while I'm still waiting on the results I believe that our carbohydrates won't harm them either," he announces.

"And the bad news?" asks Izumi.

"There are definitely pathogens in the air you're breathing. Fortunately it seems that they're no more harmful than the common cold, at least as far as I've been able to check, what with all the juggling I'm doing back here," he says.

"Am I clear to pass on some food to our friends here?" asks Izumi.

"Most certainly, but only a little at a time," he says.

Izumi nods and begins the next phase of her plan. She withdraws two of Doctor Campos' infamous lollipops and demonstrates to spear how to unwrap it. She then pops the sugary end into her mouth and bites it clean off the stick, chews it, swallows it, and finally says a single word.


Izumi slides Spear's lollipop over. She looks at her lollipop, swallows, and then slowly begins to unwrap it, copying Izumi's actions almost exactly, with only unfamiliarity with the foodstuff to hinder her.

Eventually, the elf begins to crush and crunch the lollipop between her teeth.

"Vimas," she says with a curious expression.

This time Izumi knows what to expect. It seems that Spear is on a similar page, even if it is in a different language. She's waiting to see if there's a bad reaction or poison.

You watch on fascinatedly as the two pass the time by chatting in broken elven and english that gradually becomes better and more understandable as the hours pass. Finally, the elf seems to nod and taps her lips once more.

"Pomai rabara, Pomai... bozil?" she asks.

Izumi passes her another lollipop. Spear holds it and gives her a disdainful look.

"Bozil! Bozil!" she says in encouragement.

Though she doesn't seem to fully understand, Izumi passes the box to her. It is quickly snatched by the elven hands waiting in the darkness and the sound of rifling and crunching can be heard, alongside the occasional 'Vimas!' by way of exclamation.

"I think they like the lollipops," grins O'Malley.

"I'm glad someone does," you say, glad that you'd tolerated the Doctor's eccentricity until now.

What follows are more food tests. In keeping with Doctor Campos limitations, they are fed potato chips, several kinds of cereal, and a few vegetables both cooked and raw. While Spear has varying reactions to the taste, they're mostly decent to good, with the exception of carrots which she spits out disgustedly on contact.

After washing out the evidently horrid taste, she fixes Ensign Izumi with a look and nods.

"This, bad," she says in broken english, pulling at her collar, "take, please."

"Chief," says Izumi over the radio, "have you been looking at those collars?"

"Hn? What? Oh. Those things?" she asks, "Yes, I figured them out an hour ago. Highly advanced. Can't tell what their purpose is though, but they come off with a screwdriver. I've been concentrating on their computers for now."

"You figured it out an hour ago?" asks Izumi incredulously, "Mind sharing the secret Chief Baka?"

"Huh? Sure, okay," she says.

Izumi stands up, wobbling on her feet from how long she'd sat down for, and then staggers off towards where Volkova is holed up.

"Izumi?" calls out Spear.

Izumi turns around and look to Spear.

"I'll be back," she says.

Spear doesn't understand her words but she does understand the emotion beneath them. She nods, and turns back to those behind her. The sound of elven talk filters out down the hallway.


"Alright, this is how you do it," says Volkova, handling a closed collar that was mercifully not around the neck of a decomposing elf.

She fiddles with it until it suddenly unlatches.

"That's it?" asks Izumi, "Why couldn't they have figured that out?"

"The cell is dark and I doubt they have screwdrivers in there. They're probably lucky they even got a spear," reasons Volkova, "It was hard enough to figure out how to do it in the light, but once you know how, it's simple enough."

Izumi rushes back to Spear with both the collar and Volkova's screwdriver in hand.

"Spear!" she exclaims, rushing to sit at the portable table.

Over the twenty minutes she shows the method Volkova showed Izumi to undo the collar, but despite multiple tries and assists, Spear can't seem to get it. It isn't helped by the fact that Spear categorically refuses to touch or be touched by Izumi, making it harder to demonstrate the proper technique.

Finally in frustration, Spear grumbles loudly and turns her back on Izumi, lifts her hair out of the way, and reveals the part of the collar that she needs to mess with to release it.

"Please," says Spear.

Izumi carefully puts the screwdriver to the collar, mindful not to touch the elf and the fact that so much trust is being put into her right this second. The reward comes as the collar unlatches. Spear rips the collar away, revealing bruises and swelling where the collar had sat for so long, and throws it to the ground. She gasps in exhiliration, and then surprise. She looks to Izumi curiously, then all the marines standing to attention in the distance.

"Izumi... lotai?" she asks.

"What is lotai?" asks Izumi in turn.

"Lotai is..." Spear trails off as she tries and fails to find the words.

She looks to Izumi helplessly and then just shakes her head. Instead, she looks back into the cell and lets forth a string of alien words that you can only make out a handful of, and none of them important details.

What follows however makes it clear. In place of Spear sits a green haired elf with sallow eyes. She turns her back, lifts her hair, and points to the collar. Izumi frees her, only to find a new lavender haired elf in place. She repeats the process, over and over again, until all the elves are freed.

Finally, Spear comes back to the door.

"This place, bad," says Spear, "Urkuk bad!"

She spits at the word Urkuk.

"Urkuk...?" asks Izumi, miming a long snout.

"Annen," says Spear, "you good."

"You come my place?" asks Izumi, "See if good?"

"Yes," affirms Spear.

A grey haired elf appears by Spear's side. The two look at each other intently, before Spear passes her weapon over. She then steps out of the room for the first time and nods to Izumi.

"I follow. If good, we follow," says Spear.

You sit back in your chair and look to the roof in disbelief. The timid ensign that you thought would drop out of the military lifestyle in a few years due to a lack of confidence in herself and her abilities has managed to talk down a belligerent if desperate group from wanting to disembowel you on sight to practically running into your arms.

"Commander, please write up a letter of commendation for Ensign Izumi," you say, "If we ever get back she's definitely up for promotion off this rust bucket. And if not, I'll promote her myself."


Your work here is done. All the Loroi have been evacuated from the Urkek vessel. You could salvage the vessel, but that would take up too much time that you simply do not have. You could leave it to drift or destroy it. The Loroi now in your care have asked that the bodies of their former comrades be incinerated along with that hated vessel.

Though you briefly toy with the idea of letting it drift, you decide to obliterate the vessel and everything it stood for. Spear stood witness to the event and thanked you deeply for granting their meager request.

A part of you did destroy that vessel to accommodate their need to grieve, but another part of you wanted to leave no evidence behind that you were ever there. Paranoid as it may be, a rapidly expanding cloud of debris is harder to glean evidence from than an intact and drifting ship.

And from what the Loroi have told you, there are numerous advanced and aggressive species out there. As advanced as you were over the Urkek, there are species out there, Loroi included, that are as advanced over you. If you're going to survive, it's best not to leave things to mere chance.


Izumi's First Contact Plan: 94 + 17 – 10 = 101 (Supercrit)
Reaction to Unsuited Izumi: 63 – 10 = 53 (Success)
Izumi's Language Roll: 84 + 17 + 18 + 12 = 131
Spear's Language Roll: 81 + 12 + 17 = 110
Biochemistry Speed: 26 + 19 = 45 (4 hours)
Biochemistry Results: 53 + 19 = 72 (Good results!)
Contagion Roll: 62 + 19 = 81 (Mostly Harmless)
Volkova Collar Roll: 88 + 17 + 10 (DC 90) = 115 (Supercrit)
Izumi Collar Roll: 87 + 15 = 102 (Supercrit)
Izumi Collar Demonstration: 19 + 12 = 31 (Fail)
Trust Roll: 93 + 17 – 10 = 100 (Supercrit)
Lotai Roll: 68 – 10 + 11 = 69 (Decent)
Lotai Explanation: 2 (Crit Fail)
Invitation to the L'Amour: 92 + 17 = 109 (Supercrit)

Loroi: 402 / 3000: Highly limited. Can refer to common objects. Child-level conversations.
Spear's English: 110 / 3000: Somewhat gibberish, though she does understand a small number of common terms.

Bonuses Unlocked:

Spear will report that conditions on your ship are favourable and the remaining Loroi will transfer over without incident. They will also submit to medical testing for their benefit.

Ensign Izumi is considered a friend by the Loroi, and they have chosen to share some of their common knowledge with her, and thus you by extension. Gain knowledge on several common species, technological levels. Gain knowledge of telepathy.

While the group is still wary of your intentions, the fact that you've fed them, removed their bonds, and offered to take them in has gone a long way towards assuaging their inherent mistrust of non-telepathic species. -10 modifier to diplomacy rolls with telepaths reduced to -5 for this group.

Revealed certain advantages / disadvantages of the human race.

Psi Stat revealed.

Ensign Izumi gains +5 Diplomacy. Gains Trait: Diplomat: Any failure on a diplomacy roll is automatically rerolled. The highest roll is always kept.

Race – Human

Psi Immunity: You cannot be detected nor read through Psi abilities. (Psi locked out. Bonus to rolls on intrigue vs. Psionic species, malus to rolls on diplomacy vs Psionic species).

??? [LOCKED]

??? [LOCKED]

Well Rounded: The costs of space travel preclude all but the best and brightest having access. (Stats cannot start below 10, can fall later due to injury or other actions).


Psi Immunity: You cannot use Psi abilities nor benefit from Psi. (All Psi based research requires alliance with Psionic species to unlock. Psi locked out. Mistrust from Psionic species).

Technologically Backwards: You are severely behind in technological development compared to most of your rivals. (Very low tech, will have to work hard on research)

Low Population: You have barely a few hundred people to work with. Unless you can find other lost souls in this region, it will take you generations to set up something appreciable. (Low numbers)

Junk Assignment: Your ship was a lowly transport vessel, and this was your first command. You may be the exception, but anyone that was ever exceptional amongst your crew got snapped up. (Stats cannot start above 20, can rise with effort and training).


Because this update is huge, I'm gonna post up the next vote tomorrow. I'll say this much though. Your rolls were insane. You did have a few failures here and there, but you crit everything you needed to crit when you needed to crit it. Ensign Izumi's crits stole the show and pretty much derailed everything for the better.

For now, I'll share with you some rough maps of the area you'll be playing about in. These maps are not to scale. The Urkek tended to navigate from memory and the maps were just a reference, and often stolen from anyone they could raid, and not an accurate representation. Distances may vary.

Black Hex = Empty Space
Purple Hex = Nebula
Mountains = Impassable Anomaly
Radiation Symbol = Lethal Radiation
Skull = Pirates and Raiders
Red/Green/Blue Dots = Asteroid Fields
White Cross = Derelict
White Pinwheel = ???
Yellow House = Trading Post

Blue Four Pointed Star = Your Current Position
Blue Three Pointed Star = Your Initial Starting Location
Oh, also, here's another map. Your choices will be Red Green or Blue. Descriptions to come later. Discuss amongst yourselves for now. I need to sleep.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

I don't know what to feel at the moment. Happy for finally getting things moving or slightly miffed because most of the plan was derailed because of the crits :P

Anyway, the psi immunity was expected, good or bad depending if the Loroi are the only telepaths here or not. If they are we may need to jump through some hoops to cash in some good will. If not then they may find it useful. In any case, psionics are to be researched later with the help of the Loroi, provided that we fully win them over.

As for the choice, I am liking the Green location; The Rapids.

The radiation can prove problematic to navigate at first but my main concern is the combination of a hard to get location and the fact that the only nearby 'empire' looks small and probably has trouble with the raiders above them. Thus less incentive for them to come get us should they discover us.

Further bonuses (that I can see):

1) Counting the 3 asteroid fields of the nearby cyan empire, there are 15 extra asteroid fields that are not in close proximity to raiders. 12 if we avoid the cyans until well into the game.
2) Proximity to the pinwheel thingy.
3) 4 avenues of escape if needed.


1) Look like to be at a moderate distance from the trading post
2) No nearby derelict
3) If we piss of someone with radiation shielding we are screwed.

I have some issues with the fortress and the Briar patch. The Fortress looks like a death trap. Like an animal's nest that proves inescapable when a snake figures out that there is food inside. Going there is a gamble of staying hidden until we develop enough weapons to scare away anyone willing to snoop in.

The Briar patch on the other hand is too big and although it's in a nebula it has too many points of entry and is right next to the big red blob that I will affectionately call 'the raider sea'.
Last edited by Guest on Sat Nov 07, 2015 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Siber »

I'm also leaning towards the rapids. It seems like the fastest trip, and possibly the safest too. I'm assuming we'll get supplies from the various colored asteroids, but I guess we'll need to wait on the next post to know for sure
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Nugget »

wee late for a vote again

Nice Crit rain, altough i was kinda curious if a crit fail would lead to spear doing a banzai charge and bashing the marines with her stick. Guess we'll never know.

The rapids do look like the most sensible option, everywhere else seems too close to the rest.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Grayhome »

Psi Immunity: You cannot be detected nor read through Psi abilities. (Psi locked out. Bonus to rolls on intrigue vs. Psionic species, malus to rolls on diplomacy vs Psionic species).
Could also say that it grants bonus to intimidation checks. I personally enjoyed the GURPS Anti-Psi Perk tree:
Gaze Into the Abyss: Any psi who tries, and fails, to read
your thoughts or emotions will receive only the impression
of a deep, soulless void. The first time this happens with a
given psi, he must make a Fright Check.

Hostile Dampening: Your innate ability to suppress
psionic powers makes you unnerving to psis on a subconscious
level. You get +2 to Intimidation and +1 to Interrogation
when using them against someone with psionic

Nonthreatening: Opponents with a psionic version of
Danger Sense or Precognition are at -1 to their rolls to get
early warnings regarding you or your attacks.

Personal Awareness: You have trained yourself to recognize
when your mind or body is acting without your permission.
Any mundane (i.e., not psionic or anti-psionic
skill) rolls you make for Detecting Psi (pp. 11-12) are at +2.

Simple Defense: Anyone who uses harmful psi on you
must make a second skill roll (or Will roll, if better) to avoid
a headache (-1 to all DX, IQ, skill, and self-control rolls) for
1d seconds times his margin of failure. Those with High
Pain Threshold ignore this; Low Pain Threshold doubles
the penalty. Multiple headaches are not cumulative.

Skeptic: Your disbelief makes it harder for others to
work psi. Any psi within two yards of you is at -1 to his
psionic skill rolls if you are watching him. If five skeptics
(i.e., people with this perk) are watching a psi in person
(not over a video feed, etc.), he is at -1 to psi skills regardless
of distance to the skeptics – not cumulative with the
previous penalty. This becomes a -2 penalty with 10 skeptics,
a -3 penalty with 20, and so on. A psi in a world where
skeptics are common will have to be careful not to attract

Tolerance: You have +3 to resist one specific psionic ability
– e.g., Tolerance (Confuse). This is redundant with Psi
Static and cumulative with Resistant to Psionics (both
p. 26).
Gaze Into the Abyss is my favorite, the GURPS fright check table is no joke. Rolls on the fright table range from huddling into the fetal position in a corner to permanent psychological damage and added *quirks*. We can get some real Cthulhu-esk stuff going down here with this.
Last edited by Grayhome on Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by alpha »

The classic question of where to start your mighty empire.

[X] Green

Hivemind for the win!
dragoongfa wrote: The radiation can prove problematic to navigate at first but my main concern is the combination of a hard to get location and the fact that the only nearby 'empire' looks small and probably has trouble with the raiders above them. Thus less incentive for them to come get us should they discover us.

Further bonuses (that I can see):

1) Counting the 3 asteroid fields of the nearby cyan empire, there are 15 extra asteroid fields that are not in close proximity to raiders. 12 if we avoid the cyans until well into the game.
2) Proximity to the pinwheel thingy.
3) 4 avenues of escape if needed.


1) Look like to be at a moderate distance from the trading post
2) No nearby derelict
3) If we piss of someone with radiation shielding we are screwed.

I have some issues with the fortress and the Briar patch. The Fortress looks like a death trap. Like an animal's nest that proves inescapable when a snake figures out that there is food inside. Going there is a gamble of staying hidden until we develop enough weapons to scare away anyone willing to snoop in.

The Briar patch on the other hand is too big and although it's in a nebula it has too many points of entry and is right next to the big red blob that I will affectionately call 'the raider sea'.
Though I mostly want proximity to the pinwheel thingy. A path that does not pass near a large cluster of raider space is another plus.

The lack of derelicts is not that much of a bad thing, considering that to reach one from blue, it is necessary to go around the anomaly, and the one by the Red path is adjacent to raiders.

If anyone has weapons that can fire through radiation, we're screwed. Other than that, Green is good.

Also, GURPS Anti-Psi is interesting.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

I will note again for the record that the Urkek's maps are not accurate. They've been cobbled together from a hundred sources and are absolutely not to scale.

One little fact going in your favour though is that the local Urkek are not generally aware of, or are afraid of, these locations, hence why they haven't occupied them. The Urkuk-Dus ship was alone and was simply passing through.

The Urkuk-Nas are migrating to the southeast. In a year or two they likely won't be there. They fear crossing too deeply into the nebula, attempting to cross only at the narrowest points in their journey.

Each hex generally represents an area much larger than a single light second. You're not very likely to encounter anyone without deliberately following them or leaving a trail for them to follow. You may have a chance of encountering them if you pass directly through one of their pirate bands, but even then that chance is low. Aside from the Urkek-Nas however, the other Urkek are generally sedentary. The Urkek-Rol have a partial besiegement on a trading post near the grand fortress. Each skull symbol represents roughly 30 vessels or so
Nugget wrote:wee late for a vote again

Nice Crit rain, altough i was kinda curious if a crit fail would lead to spear doing a banzai charge and bashing the marines with her stick. Guess we'll never know.

The rapids do look like the most sensible option, everywhere else seems too close to the rest.
Crit fail would have probably lead to her getting very hostile very quickly. In this situation, she would have stabbed Ensign Izumi and charged your marines, lethal force would have followed and you'd have a much smaller and far more hostile band of elves 'joining' your group. Of course, Izumi's diplomacy would have obviated a crit fail to just a major fail, which would have lead to the elves getting extremely skittish and withdrawn again, resulting in yet another delay as you try to gain their trust.
alpha wrote:
The lack of derelicts is not that much of a bad thing, considering that to reach one from blue, it is necessary to go around the anomaly, and the one by the Red path is adjacent to raiders.
Bear in mind that the black areas are unexplored space. There are likely things there that the Urkeks had no idea was ever there. Derelicts. Other pirate groups. Empires. Red boots.

If anyone has weapons that can fire through radiation, we're screwed. Other than that, Green is good.

Also, GURPS Anti-Psi is interesting.
Mass driver weapons can definitely fire through radiation fields. Missiles too. The danger of the radiation is in their anti-personnel effects. Computers will degrade in the heavier fields too though. If your enemy knows where you are and decides to throw rocks at you until you die from out of line of sight, you won't know until they're a light second out. Better have a good perimeter defense.

Barriers are a physical... barrier. They block physical access, and line of sight is still limited to one light second.

The Gurps Anti-Psi is interesting, but it looks like it isn't a thing in Outsider. Technically speaking, you did have a check versus your psionic deadness, your Lotai roll. You rolled decently, copped your non-psionic malus, but benefitted from your prior trust roll. The thing you failed on was an explanation of it. The elves can't find the words necessary to explain what's 'wrong' with you.

Would have more details but my nephew has been distracting me. Here are your options with some additional description.

Choose One.

[] Amidst The Rapids: Far from your current location, this area is awash with powerful radiation fields that create significant barriers to entry. In the center of this region is a rather large zone of stability with a fairly rich asteroid field. The radiation and particulate effects of this area make navigation hazardous, meaning you're highly unlikely to ever be disturbed unless you go looking for trouble.

Cost: 60 Days travel time, 12% Fuel.
Pro: Isolation, you won't be found unless you put in a dedicated effort, and even then, you're likely too far to bother with.
Con: Isolation. Difficulty reaching others, too far to bother with. It may take years before anyone ever finds you.

[] Inside The Briar Patch: This area has less radiation and barriers, meaning you'll have less direct protection from anyone hostile, but is nearer to your current position. The area is nestled deep within a complex gas cloud akin to Jupiter's atmosphere in terms of density and composition and has a scattering effect on sensors, reducing sensor range to almost nothing. Fortunately your crew did an exceptional job interpreting the Urkek 'maps' and found a large asteroid field that can be fashioned into a homestead.

Cost: 45 Days travel time, 7% Fuel.
Pro: Hidden location. Excellent for remaining icognito until you're ready to enter the wider world on your terms.
Con: There's a lot you don't know about your new home. It might not be as safe as you think.

[] Within The Grand Fortress: This area is closest to your current location, making for short travel time. The likely passage through hostile space and proximity to aliens other than Urkek make your more hawkish officers were worried about this, until they saw the location. It's practically a fortress. The barriers surround this area, leaving only a single narrow opening less than 10,000 kilometers wide to let ships pass through. Properly fortified, it would be murder for anyone trying to break in. The downside is that there is only one exit, and if they want to blockade you there's nothing to stop them... if they're hostile, of course. As with your other options, an asteroid field awaits development and your people's inhabitation.

Cost: 30 Days travel time, 10% Fuel.
Pro: Strong defensive location and likely close enough to meet someone who isn't a raider very soon.
Con: You will be found whether you like it or not. Hostile forces can blockade you easily if they know you only have one exit.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Absalom »

dragoongfa wrote:As for the choice, I am liking the Green location; The Rapids.

The radiation can prove problematic to navigate at first but my main concern is the combination of a hard to get location and the fact that the only nearby 'empire' looks small and probably has trouble with the raiders above them. Thus less incentive for them to come get us should they discover us.
If you mean the Urkuk-Fah, I think they are the raiders. With the exception of "The Gaping Maw" (Silicoid territory, ahoy!), all of the concentrations of raiders match up with the territory of a branch of the Urkuk.

alpha wrote:If anyone has weapons that can fire through radiation, we're screwed. Other than that, Green is good.
I'm not sure how big the hexes are (haven't tried to run the math), but they are decently big, since it took the ship 60 days to cover 5 hexes. They'd need more than just the ability to laugh in the face of radiation.

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