Page 134: For Science!

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by orion1836 »

For what it's worth, I think what we see on page 18 is Fireblade's telepathic equivalent of "poke the body with a stick to see what happens." Her look of surprise in the next panel is in reaction to the previously unconscious Alex yelling (in English) in response to her "poke."

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by novius »

orion1836 wrote:For what it's worth, I think what we see on page 18 is Fireblade's telepathic equivalent of "poke the body with a stick to see what happens." Her look of surprise in the next panel is in reaction to the previously unconscious Alex yelling (in English) in response to her "poke."
Well, that was more than just a "poke". Alex got the distinct impression that "something" was closing in on him, and that triggered an almost instinctive reaction of fear and rejection. Given their positioning on pg. 19 it is reasonable to assume that it was Fireblade who was spearheading the mental intrusion, and Beryl might just be there to watch the vitals.

Looking at the GURPS character sheets I was a bit surprised to see that while Fireblade is the strongest telekinetic-wise, she is not the strongest when it comes to raw telepathy - Tempo is - and Fireblade is halfway between Beryl and Tempo in respects of telepathic strength.

And that gives food for thought. If it would be just telepathic power he senses, he would have an even clearer image of Tempo in his mind. So that begs the question, what is it that Alex is homing in on?(*) Perhaps it is her telekinetic ability that makes the difference, or that the Loroi in question does need to try make any deeper contact beforehand and needs some considerable power to boot. "Truly sorry, Beryl, you're cute and smart and cheerful and all that, but you don't have it where it matters." :D

I wonder if Loroi do use telepathic strength to make up a pecking order. To me that sounds likely.

(*) Forgot about the amplifier. But I'd wager it's not always on and adds a power boost only on demand.
Last edited by novius on Sun Jun 17, 2018 4:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by nweismuller »

Are we looking at the same GURPS sheets? I'm seeing a Telepathy power of 17 for Fireblade and 15 for Tempo.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by novius »

nweismuller wrote:Are we looking at the same GURPS sheets? I'm seeing a Telepathy power of 17 for Fireblade and 15 for Tempo.
Dunno? Telepathic (Power 5) in "Advantages" on the left side is same for both of them (and even for Beryl), but skills like "Telesend" and "Telereceive" on the right side are different. ... eblade.png ... _tempo.gif

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by Arioch »

novius wrote:
nweismuller wrote:Are we looking at the same GURPS sheets? I'm seeing a Telepathy power of 17 for Fireblade and 15 for Tempo.
Dunno? Telepathic (Power 5) in "Advantages" on the left side is same for both of them (and even for Beryl), but skills like "Telesend" and "Telereceive" on the right side are different. ... eblade.png ... _tempo.gif
"Telepathic (Power 5)" is part of the baseline "Loroi" advantage. Look down a few lines to see the character's full Telepathy power.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by boldilocks »

It could be that Alex noticed her presence, rather than a direct mental intrusion in the first case, given that just by relaxing he could observe almost the same thing but at a greater distance.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by CrimsonFALKE »

icekatze wrote:hi hi
novius wrote:Alex noticed her attempt at mental contact right from the very start, even before he recognized it as such. That should disprove the notion that he somehow got sensitized to her presence.
We don't know if Fireblade was probing Alex's mind prior to regaining consciousness. It is possible that she was, and that she left a mark on his mind. Telepathy is plenty mysterious anyways.
That could mean she has permanently made a mark on his mind.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by novius »

Arioch wrote:"Telepathic (Power 5)" is part of the baseline "Loroi" advantage. Look down a few lines to see the character's full Telepathy power.
:o Ashes on my head, I must've been blind. Though.... the "17*" means "with amplifier", and that is, compared to Tempo, still just slightly above her 15. Without the amplifier it would be halved (center column), and thus at 8 or 9 (dunno the rounding rules for GURPS), which puts her on par with or slightly above Beryl.

So, again... if it's just power Alex would sense, he should have seen at least a "flicker" from Tempo, too, since she's in comparable range, and definitely from her and Beryl if Fireblade is showing up with her raw, unamplified power. Of course this is just conjecture on my part, but it just gives reason to think that it's not raw power Alex homes in on, but something different.

But... there's the big question - is that amplifier always on or would it just provide a boost to her powers when she demands it?
CrimsonFALKE wrote:That could mean she has permanently made a mark on his mind.
Permanently? Maybe not. Long-lasting? Sounds very much likely. And I'm sure neither Alex nor Fireblade would like that idea being connected on that level.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by CrimsonFALKE »

novius wrote:
Arioch wrote:"Telepathic (Power 5)" is part of the baseline "Loroi" advantage. Look down a few lines to see the character's full Telepathy power.
:o Ashes on my head, I must've been blind. Though.... the "17*" means "with amplifier", and that is, compared to Tempo, still just slightly above her 15. Without the amplifier it would be halved (center column), and thus at 8 or 9 (dunno the rounding rules for GURPS), which puts her on par with or slightly above Beryl.

So, again... if it's just power Alex would sense, he should have seen at least a "flicker" from Tempo, too, since she's in comparable range, and definitely from her and Beryl if Fireblade is showing up with her raw, unamplified power. Of course this is just conjecture on my part, but it just gives reason to think that it's not raw power Alex homes in on, but something different.

But... there's the big question - is that amplifier always on or would it just provide a boost to her powers when she demands it?
CrimsonFALKE wrote:That could mean she has permanently made a mark on his mind.
Permanently? Maybe not. Long-lasting? Sounds very much likely. And I'm sure neither Alex nor Fireblade would like that idea being connected on that level.
What if the link in his mind is some sort of barrier keeping alex locked out of all Loroi?

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by novius »

CrimsonFALKE wrote:
novius wrote:
CrimsonFALKE wrote:That could mean she has permanently made a mark on his mind.
Permanently? Maybe not. Long-lasting? Sounds very much likely. And I'm sure neither Alex nor Fireblade would like that idea being connected on that level.
What if the link in his mind is some sort of barrier keeping alex locked out of all Loroi?
Unlikely. Assuming she was the one who tried to make mental contact to him in Sickbay, given that the 'presence' he perceived looked very much similar to that on pg. 134, and she was in the forefront when he woke up on pg. 19 is it a reasonable assumption, it would mean that he should have had a moment where he would have perceived at least the other two Loroi (including Beryl) in Fireblade's vicinity. Well... unless it is some sort of 'imprinting' where the human mind latches itself on the first mental contact (by a Loroi) it perceives and excludes everything else from the very start. But, that doesn't fit the picture that Alex felt an almost primal fear on her presence closing in on him.

But, if it is so, that Fireblade (unwillingly) put her mark on him, thus barring out any other Loroi... I'm pretty sure that Beryl would be very much let down by the news. And Fireblade herself might hardly agree with the idea to be chained to that pink menace, too. In addition, Alex himself made it clear who makes the top and the bottom of the list titled 'favourite Loroi' :)

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by Warringrose »

Awesome web comic! I cannot put this thing down and just bought Master of Orion because of it! A prediction/ theory I've been thinking about: A few pages ago the inquisitive, hyper active Beryl fell asleep in the middle of a conversation with our hero. I think that was Tempo putting her to sleep so she could mind swap with Beryl because later, we see Tempo falling into what appears to be a "kung fu meditation pose". I think this is for the purpose of getting inside Alex's head via the medium of a Beryl's friendly (and beautiful!) face.

I would like to present exhibit A, Beryl's suspicious slumber:

And exhibit B, Tempo's sudden concentration:

Now a prediction: Alex might see Tempo's psionic silhouette in his lap, where Beryl's should be. Tempo's concentration on hiding herself disrupted by the announcement of a torpedo launch. Shenanigans may well ensue!

Amazing web comic! Cannot wait for the next page!

What do you guys think? Am I just overthinking it? Or is there some serious drama going down.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by Zarya »

Warringrose wrote: Now a prediction: Alex might see Tempo's psionic silhouette in his lap, where Beryl's should be. Tempo's concentration on hiding herself disrupted by the announcement of a torpedo launch. Shenanigans may well ensue!

Amazing web comic! Cannot wait for the next page!

What do you guys think? Am I just overthinking it? Or is there some serious drama going down.
The Loroi mind-hacking each other, or perhaps mind-hiking and playing the puppeteer?
Very interesting idea. I’d never have thought about that.

We haven’t seen the Loroi interact up close under great pressure yet, and Tempo has been somewhat conspicuously out of the picture for a while now. Still, I’m inclined to see Beryl ‘acting as herself’ and not as if controlled, although she can - and most likely will - sanzai any discoveries about Jardin to Tempo when asked for it.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by entity2636 »

Warringrose wrote:A few pages ago the inquisitive, hyper active Beryl fell asleep in the middle of a conversation with our hero. I think that was Tempo putting her to sleep so she could mind swap with Beryl because later, we see Tempo falling into what appears to be a "kung fu meditation pose". I think this is for the purpose of getting inside Alex's head via the medium of a Beryl's friendly (and beautiful!) face
Personally I also believe that Tempo put Beryl to sleep but that was because a) Beryl was about to spill to Alex that Tempo's an intel officer and b) might "correct" Tempo's story about the war, it's beginnings and Loroi foreign policy; and her mischievous smirk and comment here could be an indication thereof. Both those are topics that Tempo would prefer to keep under her own control.

The idea that Tempo could completely take over control of Beryl's, or anyone elses, body, walk around and impersonate them does sound remotely plausible and scary, but I don't think it is the case. Beryl has been acting like her normal self the past few hours and Alex might have noticed something being off.
Last edited by entity2636 on Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by Arent »

Warringrose wrote:Awesome web comic! I cannot put this thing down and just bought Master of Orion because of it!
Haha, sadly master of orion conquer the stars is only ~semi good. But to be fair, civilization 6 is also only ~semi good.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by Warringrose »

The idea that Tempo could completely take over control of Beryl's, or anyone elses, body, walk around and impersonate them does sound remotely plausible and scary, but I don't think it is the case. Beryl has been acting like her normal self the past few hours and Alex might have noticed something being off.
OOooh, but that's what makes it so scary. While inside Beryl's mind, Tempo might have access to all of Beryl's mannerisms and affectations, and can impersonate her perfectly. Isn't that a freaky thought!? It's totally invasion of the body snatchers themed, they can mimic their prey perfectly.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by Zarya »

Yeah, or it is a bit like a sanzai feature, where Loroi can share mental resources and send/share each other skils and knowledge as needed. For example Beryl might fly the shuttle, but would be assisted by Talon.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by entity2636 »

Warringrose wrote:
The idea that Tempo could completely take over control of Beryl's, or anyone elses, body, walk around and impersonate them does sound remotely plausible and scary, but I don't think it is the case. Beryl has been acting like her normal self the past few hours and Alex might have noticed something being off.
OOooh, but that's what makes it so scary. While inside Beryl's mind, Tempo might have access to all of Beryl's mannerisms and affectations, and can impersonate her perfectly. Isn't that a freaky thought!? It's totally invasion of the body snatchers themed, they can mimic their prey perfectly.
Allow me to copy this into the Tempo Character Discussion thread ... 6&start=25 so it doesn't get lost and we don't derail this thread even more and let's continue from there, over there.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by orion1836 »

entity2636 wrote:
Warringrose wrote:A few pages ago the inquisitive, hyper active Beryl fell asleep in the middle of a conversation with our hero. I think that was Tempo putting her to sleep so she could mind swap with Beryl because later, we see Tempo falling into what appears to be a "kung fu meditation pose". I think this is for the purpose of getting inside Alex's head via the medium of a Beryl's friendly (and beautiful!) face
Personally I also believe that Tempo put Beryl to sleep but that was because a) Beryl was about to spill to Alex that Tempo's an intel officer and b) might "correct" Tempo's story about the war, it's beginnings and Loroi foreign policy; and her mischievous smirk and comment here could be an indication thereof. Both those are topics that Tempo would prefer to keep under her own control.

The idea that Tempo could completely take over control of Beryl's, or anyone elses, body, walk around and impersonate them does sound remotely plausible and scary, but I don't think it is the case. Beryl has been acting like her normal self the past few hours and Alex might have noticed something being off.
There are a few [redacted] psi powers on Tempo's character sheet, so she might be able to do it. But for now, I noticed that while Tempo does not show the "sleep" ability... Fireblade does.

Here's how I see that going down:

Beryl: <prattles on obliviously about the intricacies of human measurement systems>
Reed (in Sanzai): Ugh, she's giving me a headache.
Flint (in Sanzai): Does she ever shut up? I don't want to deal with this all the way to the Clearbrook.
Fireblade (in Sanzai): I got this.
Beryl: ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by boldilocks »

orion1836 wrote:Here's how I see that going down:

Beryl: <prattles on obliviously about the intricacies of human measurement systems>
Reed (in Sanzai): Ugh, she's giving me a headache.
Flint (in Sanzai): Does she ever shut up? I don't want to deal with this all the way to the Clearbrook.
Fireblade (in Sanzai): I got this.
Beryl: ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Tempo: *Laughs in sanzai*

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Re: Page 134: For Science!

Post by novius »

boldilocks wrote:
orion1836 wrote:Here's how I see that going down:

Beryl: <prattles on obliviously about the intricacies of human measurement systems>
Reed (in Sanzai): Ugh, she's giving me a headache.
Flint (in Sanzai): Does she ever shut up? I don't want to deal with this all the way to the Clearbrook.
Fireblade (in Sanzai): I got this.
Beryl: ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Tempo: *Laughs in sanzai*
Tempo sort of took over and got into a lengthy discussion about politics. I bet no psi powers were needed to bore nerdy Beryl to sleep with that kind of talk :) Figures. Beryl has "Falls asleep anywhere" actually listed on her character sheet as a disadvantage.

Even more interesting - Beryl was up and about again even less than three minutes later, I'd say. Hmmh. Could it be that Tempo 'listened in' on Talon and nudged Beryl awake to have a look herself after she noticed that Alex and Talon got quite familiar with each other? :) After all, it was Talon who was supposed to show Alex around, not Beryl - she was out for the time being.

I'd say, a simple "*nudge* You might be interested in what these two are about to do in the cockpit..." directed at Beryl by Tempo would be more than enough to put certain ideas in Beryl's head :)

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