[Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

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[Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Quickdraw101 »

Outsider and all content relating to it are property of Jim Francis, also known as Arioch. As such, I claim no rights to his story or property.

July 21st, 2180
0700 Hours Greenwich Mean Time
High Earth Orbit

Captain John Alder looked out from the bridge of the UNSA Retribution, the flagship of Earth’s defensive fleet. He looked out across the vastness of space, space which was filled with the bright blue of the engines that powered the newest ships of Earth fleet. Even before events two years prior, Earth had contact with another alien race before. A race of aliens that came to conquer the planet, and exterminate humanity. Humanity had gotten unbelievably lucky at the factors that allowed it to survive the war, and was doing everything in its power to ensure they’d never be put in the same situation again. This included an ambitious military expansion over the last 20 years, which saw new classes of warships being built, which outclassed the older Colonial Fleet and Scout Corps, although not by much. The technology being used was all bleeding edge, and anyone who knew about that, is how easy it is to cut yourself on it.

But it was all deemed necessary, especially after what the Orgus had told humanity. There was a war between two heavily armed superpowers just a few hundred light years away. A war that had taken on a genocidal tone, and neither side would accept neutrality for an answer. This had rattled Earth and its colonies into action. They were on a wartime footing, preparing for war against an enemy, that by all indications, was so far ahead of them, that it wasn’t even funny. Humanity was scrambling for answers, which culminated in a scouting mission being organized, and sent out in the direction of space the Orgus came from. Six vessels in all, four for contact, one for refueling, the last for communication. After the UNSA Icarus had returned to Sol to give its report, command learned that contact with one vessel, the ECS Bellarmine, was lost.

“Have any of the surviving vessels reported contact with either the Loroi or the Umiak?” Captain Alder asked his communications specialist, Lieutenant Commander Tori Holder, who was reading the reports given by the Icarus.

“No sir, only thing of note to report is that the Bellarmine failed to check in with Prabhu at the designated time frame one week ago. There was intelligence to suggest that the system they arrived in had the highest probability of alien contact, but nothing had been heard from since.” she replied as she looked over the message logs. “Prahbu’s captain considered checking its last known location, but decided against it when realizing that the Bellarmine may have been destroyed by hostile action.”

“Their captain was wise in that decision, the Prabhu isn’t made for that type of mission, considering her design. She’d be even more defenseless than the other scouting ships would be. If something or someone had taken out the Bellarmine without issue, the Prabhu would be a sitting duck. Has the information packets been transferred to Admiral Raines in Geneva yet?”

“Yes sir, Icarus has already sent a full detailed report to fleet command, and is-” her voice cut off as she turned her attention towards a comm request from Earth. “Sir, Admiral Raines is on the line in your office!” she informed him.

“Very well, bring him up!” he ordered, turning his body in the direction of the comm screen on the bridge, which was soon displaying the Admiral of Earth’s defensive fleet.

“Captain Alder, its damn good to see you again, son! First and foremost, I have a classified briefing for your eyes only. Meet me in your operations office.”

“Yes sir.”

CommO, patch the Admiral to the Captain’s Operations Office.” his XO ordered.

“Check, connecting now.” Holder replied. Walking to his office, he entered the four digit passcode to unlock the door, stepped in, and locked the door behind him. Stepping towards the comm screen, he allowed the message to come through.

“What is it sir?” he asked as the Admiral’s image took over the screen.

“As you know Captain Alder, we are by all indications, horribly outclassed against who we’re facing.”

“Yes sir, I’ve read the reports from the Orgus. Both the Loroi and Umiak are well ahead of us in everything.”

“Indeed, which is why we are going forward so fast in sending out scouting missions, and trying to accelerate the shipbuilding process for our naval assets. Make no mistake Captain, this war is coming to our doorstep sooner or later, and we need to pick a side we think is going to best ensure our very survival. The circumstances here are far different than they were in the First Contact War.”

“I understand that sir, but why is this classified information? This is common knowledge throughout the officer ranks?”

“Because thanks to the Icarus’ advanced jump drive, she confirmed the destruction of the Bellarmine in a system 217 light years away. A distress beacon and audio recording from a survivor was picked up, but was extremely garbled. The only reason it was picked up was due to the Icarus arriving at a rather long distance from its last known location. We can assume that from what was said, the ship was destroyed.”

“I assume you are here to let me hear the recording?” Alder asked.

“Indeed I am Captain, but be wanted, there’s not much that can be easily distinguished.” he told him before bringing up a tablet and playing the audio.

“Mayday this is-zzzk-Bellarmine to anyone-zzzk. Earth vessel Bellarmine. Ship down-zzzk. Missed me, you sadistic bastards! Zzzk-You’ve made the wrong enemy today! There will be more of us. We’ll keep coming, and coming....until you’re history. That’s a promise from me to you.” From there the message ended, and Alder just looked at Admiral Raines with a look of disbelief and shock on his face.

“It looks like we made contact with one of them, but it ended poorly for the crew of the Bellarmine.” Raines said. “The voice of the survivor was put through voice analysis, and it belongs to Ensign Alexander Jardin. A rising star in the Scout Corps, a damn shame that we couldn’t get him either. The kid was a genius, although had a reputation as a trouble maker.”

“Sounds like he could’ve done better with us than the Scouts.” Alder replied.

“Indeed, we do get tired of them poaching from those we take interest in, but unfortunately that’s all over now. Right now we have to face the fact that one of our ships has been destroyed, and with it, 88 men and women who swore to defend Earth and its colonies. The Icarus left the system shortly after picking up the broadcast, as it had detected a large number of ships in the system that were dangerously close to it. The long range cameras captured footage of them, and from the description we gave to the Orgus refugees, it seems they belong to the Umiak.”

That last sentence hit hard. What it meant is that one of the major powers had been encountered by the Scout Corps after all, however they didn’t want to talk. This possibly meant that one or both sides were now aware of humanity, and may very well try and force a decision on Earth and its colonies.

“This doesn’t bode well for us sir. If one side has already shown outright aggression, we may find ourselves fighting a war here sooner than we think.” Alder said.

“Indeed Captain, which is why people like me, as well as the politicians, are pulling out our hair trying to figure out what to do next. If the Umaik are outright hostile to us, and won’t allow us to open negotiations, that leaves us with the Loroi.”

“Which we know even less about that the Umiak.” Alder said with a sigh. “What we do know is that they love genocide, and damn near wiped out two whole species. Being on their bad side means we take it even worse than we did during The War. It basically boils down to be slaves or be wiped out, only the ones who’d want us as slaves don’t want us.”

“Which leaves us with the option of trying to communicate with the Loroi. As it stands, we’re trying to get the Orgus to help us figure out just where their territory starts, and if the Bellarmine may have been close to it. If so, our scouts will be sent towards regions of space they control, with the Icarus leading the way. Let’s just pray that we end up making the right choice, because billions of lives depend on it.”
Last edited by Quickdraw101 on Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Krulle »


Thank you!

Very nice interpretation of the cause of Bellarmine's demise.
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Quickdraw101 »

After being sucked out in the darkness of space, the last thing Lieutenant Sean Brooks could remember before a piece of debris from the Bellarmine had hit him, was the screams of the ship’s crew as they met their end at the hands of this unknown attacker. Before losing consciousness, he hit the distress beacon on his EVA suit, hoping someone would pick it up. Now darkness was all there was. He was aware that he wasn’t awake, sort of how you know when you're in a dream, but this was different. A bright light began to form in the darkness, and was steadily getting closer and closer to him. A primal fear had gripped him, and the urge to get away had intensified. But no matter how bad he wanted to escape, he couldn’t move, not as the light grew closer and closer to him, as if a predator ready to strike.

The light had pressed up against him, a burning sensation taking over his senses. Right as it seemed to intensify, he was jolted awake. Bright lights burned his eyes as his vision adjusted to the environment around him. He also soon realized that he was strapped down to a table, completely naked as well. As he looked around, he saw that the aliens in the room were, elves? Blue skinned elves, each wearing different types of uniforms stood around him, and as he looked to the left, another survivor of the Bellarmine. Standing right next to him was a purple haired, who simply scowled down at him, disdain evident in her facial features.

‘Well they aren’t the Umiak.’ he thought as he looked around at the blue skinned aliens. Another one with long flowing green hair and yellow wrist bands looked down at him curiously. No malice or anger was present in her expressions, just genuine curiosity. Still though, he didn’t feel comfortable, and judging by the look on the face of the other survivor, the feeling was mutual. They didn’t fit the description of the Umiak that the Orgus gave, which left only one possibility. “These must be the Loroi we were told about.” he said, turning his head towards the blonde kid strapped to the table.

“They look like elves!” he said incredulously. “This is not what I expected them to look like.” before either of them could continue their conversation, a white haired Loroi came between them, and began to speak.

“Oren anor, deseir basen tobei?” she spoke in a language that took them a moment to understand, given the shock both of them had incurred from recent events. She was speaking the Trade Language, the same language the Orgus had taught humanity. A language which they all had to learn before setting out on the mission. “I repeat, do either of you speak the Trade Language? Can you understand me?”

“Yes, I can understand you.” the blonde kid said.

“Both of us understand you.” Brooks said. “Well kid, you are the expert in this situation, so take it away.” he said as he looked over at him.

“Ah, very good. Are the both of you undamaged? Can you breathe acceptable?” she had asked both of them.

“I believe so, just a little cold is all.”

“We will get a besai for the both of you. Can you tell us who you are?”

“I am Ensign Alexander Jardin of the Terran Scout Vessel Bellarmine,” the kid said, looking over at Brooks.

“My name is Lieutenant Sean Brooks, team leader of the Bellarmine’s Security Detachment.” he said, before allowing Jardin to take over once more.

“We are on a mission of peace from the Terran Colonial Authority, on behalf of the six worlds of humanity.” the Loroi in the room began to look curiously at each other, seemingly not knowing what to do. After a few seconds, the white haired Loroi spoke again.

“We are not familiar with humanity. Are you an ambassador? Of what Meshreid are you Rebanin?” she asked Jardin, while Brooks just listened to the exchange. It seems their grasp of Trade, despite all the classes, wasn’t completely up to snuff, as some words still escaped their understanding. The Loroi with brown hair laid a blanket over Jardin, while the green haired one did the same with Brooks.

“Thank you.” Brooks said, eliciting the slightest smile from the blue elf.

“Yes, I am a diplomat, however I’m not sure if I understand the rest of your question.” Jardin replied. “To tell the truth, we don’t even know where we are.”

“Yes of course,” the white haired Loroi began. “You seem to be aboard the Tempest, command vessel of the…” he voice trailed off as the door at the end of the room opened, and two more Loroi stepped in. One of which wore the same armor as the two red and purple haired Loroi in the room. The other one wore armor that was more ornate, colored burgundy red, with silver pauldrons, and boots. For both Jardin and Brooks, they recognized that this was definitely a commanding officer. A commanding officer who from the look on her face, wasn’t happy whatsoever.

“The fuck?” Brooks said, looking on curiously as the Loroi entered conversation with each other, only without speaking a single word. Jardin and Brooks exchanged a curious glance at each other, not entirely sure of what was going on, or what was about to happen. Not more than a few seconds later, the white haired Loroi approached them.

“We…” she hesitated before continuing. “We require to know the true nature of your mission, your orders, and your contacts. Also the alignment of your Meshreid...nation, and its location. And how this Lotai...this… mask of yours is achieved, and how it can be counteracted. The commander asks, will you tell us these things?”

“Mask? What mask is she talking about?” Brooks asked as he looked over at Jardin.
“They speak telepathically.” he said to himself, before turning his attention towards her. “Are you Loroi?” he asked.

“Yes, we are Loroi.” she replied.

“Well this simplifies things, doesn’t it kid?” Brooks said with a slight chuckle.

“We will be happy to answer whatever questions you have, that are within our ability to answer, and that doesn’t jeopardize the security of our nation. However our vessel was destroyed, deliberately, by an unknown vessel. We won’t give any information to a potentially hostile power either. I must have assurances that this was not the work of a Loroi vessel. I’m sure you understand.” as he finished speaking, the spiky red haired Loroi just glared at Jardin.

“That seems to be a reasonable request, but I am sorry. I am in no position to give information.” she paused for a moment, a slight bit of nervousness visible in her body movements. “I...must urgently request that you cooperate. Please understand that unless you do so, I can’t guarantee your safety.” she said, the ominous look from the spiky redhead, as well as the commanding officer set the tone for what was about to come if they said no.

“So that’s the game you're gonna play with us, huh?” Brooks asked as he glared back at the redhead, ignoring the much closer purple haired Loroi glaring down at him.

“In that case we must consider ourselves prisoners of war, and will only divulge information that you are entitled to under our government.” that did it. The commanding officer gave a sharp look towards them, and a hand gesture that had most of the Loroi in the room begin to leave, except for the three in golden armor. The Red and green haired one approached Jardin, while the purple one approached Brooks.

“You’ve got cold hands,” Brooks remarked as the purple haired Loroi placed her hand on his neck. His reaction caused her to raise an eyebrow. A hand that raised itself to his head, and a look of intense concentration grew across her face.

“Get out of my mind!” Jardin said, causing Brooks to look back at him. The redhead’s eyes began glowing green, and the look on her face changed to one of anger. He watched as the Ensign’s body began to seize up, and his eyes shut tightly.

“GET AWAY FROM HIM!” Brooks screamed as loudly as he could, before succumbing to the same force that was being applied to Jardin. He heard the screams from Jardin as they did to him the same as what was being done to him. His eyes clamped shut and he couldn’t even breathe. He felt an electric surge begin to spread throughout his body, and he saw the same bright flame from earlier. It didn’t last more than a few seconds before it exploded, and everything went black.

When Brooks regained consciousness, he realized that his captors had the courtesy to give him back some of his clothing. Black shirt and shorts, with his brown socks. He guessed either they didn’t want to give him back his pants, or they got torn to shreds from the Bellarmine being gutted, same with his combat top. He could only guess they did the same with Jardin, or at least he hoped so. He had noticed that the cuts and other various injuries he had incurred from the attack seemed to have been healed. The only downside being that his head felt like it did during his 21st birthday.

Looking around the room, he could guess they just tossed him into a basic holding cell, since there was barely anything present inside of it. He tried to figure out how to get out of this situation, but saw no options. The thing that concerned him the most was what they were going to do to him and Jardin. He just had to wait and see what the space elves were going to do to them. He didn’t have to wait very long though, as a voice came through the keypad on the door.

“Attention, please step away from the door. The lock is being opened.” the voice told him. Brooks stepped back to the edge of the cell, waiting for whatever was going to come next. The door opened, and two familiar Loroi stepped in. One with purple hair, who knocked him out, and the other with green hair, who went after Jardin earlier. The purple haired one had what could only be called resting bitch face, while the green haired one held a neutral expression. The one thing they shared however, was the fact that both of them were armed.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Krulle »


Can't wait how you'll make this play out.

Also, on my 18th birthday my head was clear, the day after though, is how I imagine Brooks head feels.... (European, we celebrate the 18th hard...)
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Snoofman »

Interesting take on how the Loroi might react to a marine/soldier. How tall is Brooks actually? If he is taller than the Loroi and even Fireblade, I'm curious if that might put the Teidar a little on edge. I'd love to see how he butts heads with Stillstorm, since they both seem like individuals who won't take other's shit.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Quickdraw101 »

Snoofman wrote:
Tue Mar 30, 2021 5:55 pm
Interesting take on how the Loroi might react to a marine/soldier. How tall is Brooks actually? If he is taller than the Loroi and even Fireblade, I'm curious if that might put the Teidar a little on edge. I'd love to see how he butts heads with Stillstorm, since they both seem like individuals who won't take other's shit.
Brooks is roughly 6'0, so he definitely stands taller than them, as well as being more muscular than Jardin, but not overly so. He's got a lean muscle build, if that's what your wondering. Although there's something else about him that'll elicit an interesting reaction from those aboard the Tempest's control room when he and Alex are brought there. A physical aspect, or lack therof. Not every part of him is flesh and blood, him having seen combat made that so.

Dan Wyatt
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Dan Wyatt »

Quickdraw101 wrote:
Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:12 am
Snoofman wrote:
Tue Mar 30, 2021 5:55 pm
Interesting take on how the Loroi might react to a marine/soldier. How tall is Brooks actually? If he is taller than the Loroi and even Fireblade, I'm curious if that might put the Teidar a little on edge. I'd love to see how he butts heads with Stillstorm, since they both seem like individuals who won't take other's shit.
Brooks is roughly 6'0, so he definitely stands taller than them, as well as being more muscular than Jardin, but not overly so. He's got a lean muscle build, if that's what your wondering. Although there's something else about him that'll elicit an interesting reaction from those aboard the Tempest's control room when he and Alex are brought there. A physical aspect, or lack therof. Not every part of him is flesh and blood, him having seen combat made that so.
So, Brooks got bionics? Or is he a cyborg?

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Quickdraw101 »

Dan Wyatt wrote:
Mon Apr 05, 2021 1:06 am
Quickdraw101 wrote:
Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:12 am
Snoofman wrote:
Tue Mar 30, 2021 5:55 pm
Interesting take on how the Loroi might react to a marine/soldier. How tall is Brooks actually? If he is taller than the Loroi and even Fireblade, I'm curious if that might put the Teidar a little on edge. I'd love to see how he butts heads with Stillstorm, since they both seem like individuals who won't take other's shit.
Brooks is roughly 6'0, so he definitely stands taller than them, as well as being more muscular than Jardin, but not overly so. He's got a lean muscle build, if that's what your wondering. Although there's something else about him that'll elicit an interesting reaction from those aboard the Tempest's control room when he and Alex are brought there. A physical aspect, or lack therof. Not every part of him is flesh and blood, him having seen combat made that so.
So, Brooks got bionics? Or is he a cyborg?
Next chapter should be ready tonight, so you'll see then.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Quickdraw101 »

Chapter 3, Part 1
Part 2 should come later today if I can finish it, I just don't feel like posting 4-5k words at one time here.

“So, are you here to kill me, or just stare at me all day?” Brooks asked at the two Loroi who stood in the doorway. Purple just glared at him, a gesture he returned in kind, while the green haired one just looked slightly amused. “Or is this good cop, bad cop you're trying to play? Going to torture me until I tell you what you want?” Again, the Loroi just glared at him, not saying a word. The stare down finally ended when a voice from behind them broke the tension.

“Nothing so much,” said a Loroi, who was one of two that approached him, both wearing full battle kit, one with his clothes in hand, the other with a rifle in hand. “Greetings Lieutenant Sean Brooks, your clothing has been cleaned.” said the Loroi with blue hair.

“Thanks?” Brooks replied with a raised eyebrow as he took his two piece jumpsuit from the Loroi. Luckily it wasn’t torn from the Bellarmine’s explosion, and was thoroughly cleaned. It was easy enough to slip on, however he noticed his pockets were completely empty. No wallet or phone present in them. The former virtually everyone carried, the latter could’ve gotten him hit with disciplinary action. It didn’t much matter now, given his current predicament.

“My title is Soroin Pideir Derred. Soroin is my caste, Pideir is my rank, and my spoken name is Derred. You may address me as either Pideir or Derred.” hearing the word caste initially confused Brooks, as he didn’t think such a system would be utilized by a civilization of such technological advancement, but he shrugged it off.

“Lieutenant is my rank, Brooks is my family name. You can call me Lieutenant Brooks.” her expression remained unchanged as he told her, and she unslung the rifle on her shoulder, and placed her hand near the trigger.

“Very well, Lieutenant Brooks. I have been instructed to inform you that we have found the remains of what may be your own ship. Was your ship’s color scheme red and white?”

“Yes, it was,” he replied quickly, the change in his demeanor noticeable to the other Loroi present. He wanted to know if there were other survivors they missed initially, or if he’d find out who was responsible for destroying their ship. “Please tell me that there are other survivors!”

“I’m sorry, but you and other are the only survivors we picked up.” she told him, a slight show of remorse visible on her face, and a bigger one present on Brook’s face. One more he was the last survivor of his group of Marines. Once more he’d know the shame of being the last one left alive, a reminder of his failures to keep his own brothers and sisters alive.

“Not again,” he muttered to himself, looking off blankly into the distance. All he could do was clench his fists in frustration, and the servos in his right arm making an audible whine as he did so. Apparently he had done so longer than he realized, as the other Loroi present grasped his shoulder, which shook him back to reality. The looks they gave him were that of curiosity and slight disdain. At least the purple haired one showed the latter.

“Are you alright?” Derred asked him, her eyes showing curiosity as Brooks fought to keep his emotions under control. He would have time to grieve properly at a later point, assuming he wasn’t being dragged out for execution.

“About as well as I can be, considering the current circumstances, since you told me all my colleagues are dead.” he said in as neutral a voice as he could. She simply nodded and motioned for him to follow.

“Before we leave, this is Teidar Ragan Razorthron and Teidar Mothwing,” she said, pointing to first the purple haired Loroi, then the one with green hair. “To repeat what was said to the other, they are members of the Teidar caste, the “Unsheathed”. Razorthorn directs me to explain that she is responsible for your security, and that our ship is currently engaged with the enemy. While you are allowed to move without restraint, she instructs me to tell you that neither of them will tolerate misbehavior on your part.”

“And I should tell you that I can think of easier ways to get myself killed. I’m not stupid enough to try and fight four armed individuals, especially when I have neither a reason, nor weapon of my own.” he said, glancing at Razorthorn as he did. “Regardless, the message has been understood.” the four of them exchanged glances at one another, likely a telepathic conversation, before beginning to move out of the cell, pointing him along.

As he stepped out of the cell, he heard a familiar voice off to his right. It was the white haired Loroi in white and purple armor from earlier. With her, was the red haired one, who was also one of these “Teidar”, and in the middle was Ensign Jardin, the only other survivor from the Bellarmine. It was here he noticed two things. First being that Jardin’s escort was only 2 of these Loroi, neither armed. His escort was four, all of them armed, plus 3 more armed guards in the holding area. The second thing was that every last one of them was female.

“You alright, kid?” Brooks asked as he approached Jardin. “They didn’t do anything untoward, did they?”

“No, I’m fine, just feeling like I’m wearing off a hangover.” he replied, putting his hand to his stomach. “Don’t know about you, but I’m hungry as hell.”

“You aren’t the only one kid.”

“Ensign, Lieutenant, how is the health of you both?” the white haired Loroi asked as she interrupted their conversation.

“Just a bit hungry, I don’t know how long its been since I’ve last eaten.” Jardin replied.

“Same here.” Brooks said.

“We will find the both of you something digestible after the interview.”
“Also, neither of us have shoes.” Brooks added.

“Certainly, I will arrange something.”

“Thank you,” Jardin said before glancing back over at Brooks, his eyes wandering over the various Loroi in the room, and Brooks understanding what he meant. “Something else we’ve both been wondering...we have noticed that all the crew seem to be female.”

“Yes.” the white haired Loroi replied.

“What he means to ask is, is it normal that your crews are mostly female?” Brooks asked, not wanting to beat around the bush.

“I am sorry, but I do not think I understand your question.” she replied, a curious look on her face.

“Do the Loroi have a separate male of the species?” Jardin asked her.

“Yes, of course.”

“Are all those aboard this ship females?” Brooks asked, looking back at their five female escorts, who were still eyeing him with a look that did nothing to hide their lack of trust in the both of them.

“Why do you ask? Are human males territorial?”

“No, we’re wondering why all of the Loroi we’ve seen thus far are all females.” Brooks said, getting straight to the point.

“You both said that Ensign and Lieutenant are your ranks... is it a military title? Is it common for humaniti males to be fighters?”

“Normally, yes.” Jardin replied.

“Throughout most of our history, and even now, most of our military has been made up of males, because we’re physically stronger and taller in stature than our females are.” Brooks added. As he did, he could’ve swore he heard one of the Loroi behind him scoff in disbelief. Since they didn’t understand human hand gestures, he shot out his middle finger to them, carefully keeping his arm to his side the whole time.

“This seems to be surprising. We appear very similar, but there must be significant behavioral differences.”

“What do you mean by that?” And why do you keep saying “Seems to be”?” Jardin asked her.

“I apologize if my speech is confusing to you both. Loroi often say the word “seems” instead of the word “is” when trying to be polite. I will try to be less formal.”

“You don’t have to worry about offending either of us. We’ve both heard far worse.” Brooks said.

“Of course. What I meant about differences...only one in eight Loroi births is male, so the males have been traditionally protected. We consider the large ratio of females to males to be a basic adaptation for a warrior species, to allow maximum reproductive capacity while still being able to control the population growth through restriction of...access to males.” she paused momentarily, looking at the expressions across both of their faces, which told her what she had said was shocking or at least somewhat unnerving to them.

“What the fuck?” Brooks said in English as he looked over at Jardin, who was equal parts confused and slightly disturbed.

“This is not the case with human?” she asked, looking even more puzzled than they did. “What is your ratio of females to males?”

“In our species, as well as those we’ve encountered in the past, the ratio is roughly half and half.”

“Only half of your population can reproduce?”

“Yes, that’s right.” Jardin replied.

“You have found this ratio acceptable to your needs?”

“Well, uh...yes, so far.”

“I am unfamiliar with the usage of your dialect word “uh”. After hearing it repeatedly, I still cannot work out the meaning. Is it some sort of polite form?”

“No, sorry. It's something I say when I’m thinking of something to say.”

“I do not understand. If you are uncertain of what to say, what is the purpose of continuing speech?”

“Humans have a tendency to think out loud.” as he said this, the white haired Loroi erupted into laughter at that, which confused the both of them. But they figured it made sense, a telepathic race wouldn’t be familiar with much of what humans have come up with in terms of verbal communication.”

“Moio Sagit! “Thinking out loud”...that is very funny.” as she looked back at them, she quickly realized that they were being serious, and as such, her demeanor changed back to the professional manner it was before. “I am very sorry, I thought you were making a joke. I...think I understand what you mean.”

“That’s ok. I take it Loroi are uncomfortable with speech?”

“Spoken words are awkward for many Loroi. We rely on Sanzai for communication.”

“Sanzai? Is that your...uh...mental communication?”

“Yes, you could call it that.” at least these blue skinned space elves had a sense of humor, however weird it might be. As they got to the next door, two Loroi in orange uniforms were walking by, both of which fixed them with a curious look. “Uh, hello.” Alex said awkwardly, which only forced Brooks to grin and shake his head.

“No hitting on the sexy aliens, Ensign.” Brooks playfully chastised him.

“This way, both of you.” the white haired one said, leading them down a passageway, where a Loroi in a green jumpsuit awaited. As they got closer, they noticed she was holding two separate pairs of shoes. “Humanity does not have the Sanzai ability?”

“No, not really.”

“Shoes as you requested!” she said, taking both pairs from the rather young looking Loroi, and handing it to them.

“Oh, thanks! That was fast. How did you know our sizes though?”

“I guessed. Your feet look about the same size as Fireblade’s.” she answered with a grin on her face, while Fireblade had at best, an annoyed expression at the comment. “Go ahead and try them on. Be careful with your limbs, this is a lift. The floor moves!” she said as they entered.

“That’s obvious.” Brooks said while rolling his eyes, and slipping the shoes on rather easily. He also noted just how packed the lift had gotten with the two of them, plus the seven other Loroi. Something that seemed to agitate them to some degree.

“How is it?

“Surprisingly comfortable, considering these shoes aren’t designed with our species in mind.” Brooks said as he straightened his posture after putting on the shoes.

“It's amazing how similar humans and Loroi are on the physical level.” Jardin said.

“Yes, we have certainly noticed this. It is indeed...amazing. Although there is something I need to ask you both.”

“What is it?” Brooks answered.

“I am not sure how to properly phrase this question. I know nothing of your cultural selan, and I do not wish to offend you...but you do seem so similar to Loroi males, though certainly larger…” this last bit made Brooks chuckle in amusement.

“Oh, I’m sure in what regard as well,” he chuckled as he glanced over at Jardin, who was still messing with his shoes.

“Understand that I am only concerned for your health when I ask…” she paused, unsure of how to phrase the question, which made Brooks wonder what she was about to ask. “What is the normal safe period between...mating encounters for the males of your species.” it was at this moment the lift had chosen the right time to jerk to a sudden stop. Jardin, who was still fumbling with his shoes, tipped over, and was about to head directly into the red haired Loroi across from him. That was, until Brooks quickly reached out and grabbed him by the collar, while also laughing in response to the question asked by the Loroi, who looked even more puzzled than before. Finally, the door to the lift opened, and they all stepped out.
Last edited by Quickdraw101 on Tue Apr 13, 2021 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Onaiom »

Why Jardin dont talk to this Brook dude? Beryl also not interacting with him. It is almost as if he is a ghost.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Quickdraw101 »

Onaiom wrote:
Tue Apr 06, 2021 12:38 am
Why Jardin dont talk to this Brook dude? Beryl also not interacting with him. It is almost as if he is a ghost.
Jardin has talked to Brooks, however both of them are engaged in a conversation with Beryl, who is more familiar with Jardin. Brooks was armed when he was found, unlike Alex, and said he was the security detachment leader. That's why he's got two Teidar and Soroin escorting him around.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Dan Wyatt »

Quickdraw101 wrote:
Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:43 pm
Chapter 3, Part 1

“Not again,” he muttered to himself, looking off blankly into the distance. All he could do was clench his fists in frustration, and the servos in his right arm making an audible whine as he did so. Apparently he had done so longer than he realized, as the other Loroi present grasped his shoulder, which shook him back to reality. The looks they gave him were that of curiosity and slight disdain. At least the purple haired one showed the latter.
I thought touching was forbidden? Even for a Teidar?
The Teidar should not touch an alien's shoulder, even fireblade PK'd Jardin when he was about to fall on her in the lift.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Quickdraw101 »

Dan Wyatt wrote:
Tue Apr 06, 2021 6:06 am
Quickdraw101 wrote:
Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:43 pm
Chapter 3, Part 1

“Not again,” he muttered to himself, looking off blankly into the distance. All he could do was clench his fists in frustration, and the servos in his right arm making an audible whine as he did so. Apparently he had done so longer than he realized, as the other Loroi present grasped his shoulder, which shook him back to reality. The looks they gave him were that of curiosity and slight disdain. At least the purple haired one showed the latter.
I thought touching was forbidden? Even for a Teidar?
The Teidar should not touch an alien's shoulder, even fireblade PK'd Jardin when he was about to fall on her in the lift.
That was Reed doing it, after Brooks had essentially gotten lost in his thoughts, and wasn't responding to verbal stimuli. It wasn't either of the Teidar doing it, since they are assigned to guard him, and keep him from doing anything out of bounds.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Quickdraw101 »

Chapter 3, Part 2

Well, here's the rest of it. A bit bigger than I hoped to write, but I was on a roll the last 2 days when writing. Up next, witnessed the annoyed stare down of two pissed off warriors.
“I’m sorry, but what did you say? Do you mean...” Brooks said while getting himself under control. He knew exactly what she was referring to, however he was having difficulty trying to find a word that works as an alternative to sex. “You're referring to copulation, are you not?”

“Yes. I am only trying to understand the logistics of how human males function as warriors. It is difficult to anticipate ways in which human and Loroi males might be different. The primary social function of Loroi males is reproduction. As such they are accustomed to frequent mating encounters. It is...necessary for them. For their physical and mental well-being. Is this not so with human males? Or have you perhaps been sterilized.”

“No!” Both Jardin and Brooks were quick to reply, feeling the blood rushing to their ears when they realized what she meant., and what she was asking. They both looked at each other, unsure of how to respond, before Jardin decided to try and clear it up.

“Neither of us are sterile. Human males commonly go for extended periods without mating encounters.”

“Because you have only a single female to impregnate? Of course. How silly of me.”

“I think you misunderstand something,” Brooks said, cutting her off. “We humans don’t copulate solely for procreation, we do it mostly for recreational purposes. I can tell you for a fact that neither of us have children. Stress relief, boredom, experimentation, love, lust, the list goes on, but copulation for the sake of procreation is at the absolute bottom of the reasons we humans engage in it. While your female to male ratio means its entirely different for you, we don’t suffer those problems. So while neither of us have children of our own, and likely won’t any time soon, we have plenty of experience in regards to making an encounter with our females, a very enjoyable one.”

As he finished explaining that, he couldn't help but notice the ears of the Loroi escorting them, turning an even deeper shade of blue, and incredulous looks written across their faces. Given how they kept rapidly looking at each other, he guessed they were having a telepathic conversation with one another, and based on the shades of blue they kept turning, some lewd ones as well. Brooks happened to look back at the green haired Loroi, Mothwing as she was called, who raised her eyebrows and smiled even wider at him, before he returned his gaze forward.

“What he said,” was all Jardin said as he looked back at the procession following them, and their various facial expressions, many of which were a give away of what they were thinking.

“That does seem to simplify things.” the white haired Loroi finally said after some time. “I was concerned that for your health we might have been forced to implement some sort of...accommodation. If you do experience any health problems, please notify us before they become serious.” Brooks and Jardin said nothing as they both fully realized what she meant by that. The rest of the trip to their destination was a quiet one, as neither one of them wanted to spark anymore biological inquiries from the white haired girl. Suffice to say, they believe they may have already confused the living daylights out of their captors with their explanation of human sexuality.

“What's your name, kid? Might as well get to know you before we get brought before whoever the hell we’re being taken to.”

“Alexander Jardin, you?”

“Sean Brooks.”

“I don’t think I’ve seen you on the Bellarmine before, where were you guys at during the trip?”

“We mostly kept ourselves in the hangar doing drills or in our cabins. We weren’t expecting much, and we did our best to stay out of your way.”

“Its nice to meet you, although don’t take this the wrong way, I was hoping to see some more familiar faces.” Jardin said with a glum look on his face.

“You and that girl, huh?” Brooks said unsurprised, which made Alex look at him in surprise.

“How do you know about that?”

“We kept ourselves out of your way, but we saw plenty of what was going on aboard the ship. I’m sorry for your loss, son, but she’s in a better place now. Best we can do now is ensure that her sacrifice, as well as those of the Bellarmine, were not in vain.” Alex nodded at that, returning his gaze back to the front, and at the door that lay ahead, signalling they were getting closer to their destination.

“Fireblade wishes to inform you both that we are now entering a sensitive area. Please do not touch anything or speak suddenly. Especially so to you, Lieutenant Brooks.” Before Brooks could say something out of turn, they stepped into what was very obviously the ship’s command center. The walls seemed to be an artificial projection of the space around it, as there was no hint of windows or any easy to break surfaces along them. Brooks found it beautiful, while Jardin saw it as slightly unnerving.

“With all due respect, Historian…”

“Irran Mizol Parat Sedel…” came the voice from some pink holographic projection, which made both of them shudder slightly at the sight of it. “Your commander’s accomplishments in yesterday’s battle are to her credit, but to remain in this system while the enemy reinforces is utter madness. The enemy is certain to press the attack as soon as they have gathered sufficient force. This small fleet is not suited for static defence, and cannot repel a determined assault--even were you at full strength, which clearly you are not.”

“Your concern for our safety is touching, emissary, but we do not require your tactical analysis.” said a rather pale skinned Loroi to the pink hologram.

“Make light of the situation if you will, Parat Tempo, but you risk losing what you have already gained. You should be well on your way home, returning those artifacts you have already collected, and not here still picking at that derelict.”

It was here they saw the remnants of the Bellarmine. The ship had been completely obliterated by an unknown attacker. The forward section of the ship showed evidence of a third strike, and it being the only recognizable part of the vessel left. For Alex, who had heard the screams of his friends over the radio, the voice of Ellen screaming for help, seeing this infuriated him. For Brooks, all he felt was regret. Regret that once more in his life, he’d fail to bring his own home, and protect those he was assigned. It was in their anger and regret that it wasn’t until their names had been called, were they brought back to reality.

“Ensign Jardin, Lieutenant Brooks, please approach.” the pale Loroi ordered, her red eyes staring at them with an intensity that unnerved even Brooks.

“What is this? More of your Loroi humor?” the hologram asked, not believing what it was seeing.

“You're up, kid!” Brooks said, nudging him forward.

“I am Alexander Jardin of the Terran Scout Vessel Bellarmine. With me is Lieutenant Sean Brooks, the Security Team Leader of our vessel. That’s our ship out there, or what’s left of it” Those in the room immediately fixed the both of them with looks of mistrust and curiousness, unsure, or unbelieving of what was in front of them.

“So, it is true.” said a large blue alien that was visible on some communication projector that was also present in the room. The ensuing conversation between Jardin, and the pale skinned Loroi, known as Tempo, went on without Brooks paying much attention. Not only was he more focused on the hyper realistic display on the walls of the command center, this level of communication wasn’t his job. The Scouts were always in charge of contact with either the Loroi or Umiak. The Marines on board were there to provide security and nothing more.

In the end, he and his fellow Marines were infantry put aboard the ship to keep the Scouts safe. All of them prior enlisted who got commissioned, as to be part of the mission. While Jardin and the diplomat talked over the terms, he looked back once more and saw that their armed escort was almost exclusively staring at him. He shrugged and looked back out into space, towards the wreckage of the Bellarmine, and what appeared to be salvage teams hauling out objects and bodies from it.

“What about you, Lieutenant Brooks?” Tempo asked, snapping him back to reality. “Do you remember what type of weapon destroyed your vessel?”

“I don’t remember much of anything. I was running from the armory on board, when a whitish green light tore through the ship, and I got sucked out into vacuum. Sorry, but that’s the best I can tell you.”

“That is not very precise intelligence, excellency.” the Historian said.

“I’m sorry, but that’s all we know,” Jardin said. “I’m sorry, but I must ask about the status of our crew. Were there any other survivors?” Brooks already knew the answer, but he assumed that Jardin wasn’t told, for whatever reason.

“I am sorry to report that you two were the only members of your crew we were capable of reviving. The remaining sixty we recovered were beyond the help of our medicine. May I ask how many that leaves unaccounted for?”

“The full crew complement was 80, plus eight Marines for security,” he replied, all eyes falling on Brooks once more, and Tempo’s eyes on his right arm.

“Are there any more humanity starships in this system?”

“No. Our nearest vessel’s Prahbu and Icarus, our tanker and communication vessels respectively, are still ten jumps behind us. If you have a starmap, I could show you the location of our relay vessel. “That’s where we will need to go-” Tempo’s eyes widened as the sound of a door opening behind them became her main focus. Looking behind him, Brooks saw another pale skinned Loroi, the same commanding officer from before, walking into the command center.

“Ensign Jardin...you have kept your part of the bargain. Now I will keep mine. I do hereby declare you to be an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, and do establish you as head of mission for humanity. Further, in consideration of your status as commander of a foreign vessel, I recognize you as military attache for your mission, with the right of you to be called Captain. I also recognize Lieutenant Brooks as military attache as well.”

“At least we’re not being executed,” Brooks muttered to himself.

“I will convey your status on behalf of the Barsam, little brother.” the blue spikey headed creature said.

“Felicitations, excellency. This emissary can barely contain our enthusiasm for the prospect of future conferences.”

“Captain, is it?” Came the voice of the commanding officer in red armor. “How convenient.”

“Captain Jardin, Lieutenant Brooks, I believe you have already met our commander, Torrai Lashret Dellasoni. Her spoken name means “Still-Storm”. She asks to know the meaning of your names.”

“I suppose my name means...Guardian of the Garden.” Jardin answered first. Brooks took a second longer, because he never imagined having to explain the meaning of his name to aliens. Sean meant Gracious, while Brooks meant Stream.

“My name means Gracious Stream.” he said, a disappointing look from Tempo and the others present.

“One sounds like a warrior’s name, while the other does not. Neither look like one, however.” Stillstorm sneered.

“And what exactly is a warrior supposed to look like to you then?” Brooks replied, barely holding in his annoyance and rising anger.

“Nothing like you,” was all she said as she sat down in her command chair.

“If that’s how you want to play it,” he said with a sigh, before bringing his left hand over his right arm, and started to remove the synthetic skin that covered his arm. As he did so, the eyes of those around him, including Jardin, went wide in shock and disgust as he took off the covering, slowly, but surely revealing what lay beneath it. His right arm, from the elbow down, was all robotic. An advanced prosthetic that was indistinguishable from a real limb, as long as the synthetic skin covered it. He brought his arm up, waving it around, and moving his fingers with it. He put his arm out in front of them, to give them a good look at what he was and wasn’t. “Is this what makes one a warrior? Does it require one to lose their limbs in service to their nation?” he asked, staring at Stillstorm the whole time.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by GeoModder »

You're really overdoing on the use of the word 'both' in this story, Quickdraw.
There are a couple other ways to express that two instead of one survivor of the Bellarmine are the stars here.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Snoofman »

Excellent chapter. I loved the Lorois' reaction to Brooks explanation of human copulation. He also seems less bashful unlike Alex. Then again he seems older and more experienced. I can only imagine what Mothwing was thinking with her cheeky grin. ;) What a naughty girl! I notice in the Loroi Concept Art section that Mothwing seems like the happier of the three Teidar we have seen so far. So I could definitely see her as having a friendlier disposition toward humans. Razorthorn not so much, judging by her fierce glares toward Alex. Fireblade still undecided, but I suspect in the comic that she does not hate Alex.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Quickdraw101 »

Snoofman wrote:
Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:22 am
Excellent chapter. I loved the Lorois' reaction to Brooks explanation of human copulation. He also seems less bashful unlike Alex. Then again he seems older and more experienced. I can only imagine what Mothwing was thinking with her cheeky grin. ;) What a naughty girl! I notice in the Loroi Concept Art section that Mothwing seems like the happier of the three Teidar we have seen so far. So I could definitely see her as having a friendlier disposition toward humans. Razorthorn not so much, judging by her fierce glares toward Alex. Fireblade still undecided, but I suspect in the comic that she does not hate Alex.
Well since Brooks was armed when he was recovered, more solidly built than Alex, and taller in stature, this is going to warrant more security for the humans. This means that if Fireblade is assigned to guard Alex, Mothwing gets to watch over Brooks, along with Flint and Reed. In general, Brooks isn't prudish in regards to talks like this, with him being a Marine, and seeing combat, means he gives zero fucks at this point. I think I'll be able to make the two establish a friendly relationship, or at least a trusting one. Both are going to have to get used to being around the other, so being belligerent won't be beneficial.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Dan Wyatt »

Quickdraw101 wrote:
Wed Apr 07, 2021 10:15 am
Snoofman wrote:
Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:22 am
Excellent chapter. I loved the Lorois' reaction to Brooks explanation of human copulation. He also seems less bashful unlike Alex. Then again he seems older and more experienced. I can only imagine what Mothwing was thinking with her cheeky grin. ;) What a naughty girl! I notice in the Loroi Concept Art section that Mothwing seems like the happier of the three Teidar we have seen so far. So I could definitely see her as having a friendlier disposition toward humans. Razorthorn not so much, judging by her fierce glares toward Alex. Fireblade still undecided, but I suspect in the comic that she does not hate Alex.
Well since Brooks was armed when he was recovered, more solidly built than Alex, and taller in stature, this is going to warrant more security for the humans. This means that if Fireblade is assigned to guard Alex, Mothwing gets to watch over Brooks, along with Flint and Reed. In general, Brooks isn't prudish in regards to talks like this, with him being a Marine, and seeing combat, means he gives zero fucks at this point. I think I'll be able to make the two establish a friendly relationship, or at least a trusting one. Both are going to have to get used to being around the other, so being belligerent won't be beneficial.
Brook's prosthetic may cause some issue, the umiag uses heavy prosthetics. Brooks may be in deep trouble.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by silentstormpt »

Strange, they should know about Brook's prosthetic, specially Stillstorm

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Caught in the Crossfire

Post by Quickdraw101 »

Dan Wyatt wrote:
Wed Apr 07, 2021 12:31 pm
Quickdraw101 wrote:
Wed Apr 07, 2021 10:15 am
Snoofman wrote:
Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:22 am
Excellent chapter. I loved the Lorois' reaction to Brooks explanation of human copulation. He also seems less bashful unlike Alex. Then again he seems older and more experienced. I can only imagine what Mothwing was thinking with her cheeky grin. ;) What a naughty girl! I notice in the Loroi Concept Art section that Mothwing seems like the happier of the three Teidar we have seen so far. So I could definitely see her as having a friendlier disposition toward humans. Razorthorn not so much, judging by her fierce glares toward Alex. Fireblade still undecided, but I suspect in the comic that she does not hate Alex.
Well since Brooks was armed when he was recovered, more solidly built than Alex, and taller in stature, this is going to warrant more security for the humans. This means that if Fireblade is assigned to guard Alex, Mothwing gets to watch over Brooks, along with Flint and Reed. In general, Brooks isn't prudish in regards to talks like this, with him being a Marine, and seeing combat, means he gives zero fucks at this point. I think I'll be able to make the two establish a friendly relationship, or at least a trusting one. Both are going to have to get used to being around the other, so being belligerent won't be beneficial.
Brook's prosthetic may cause some issue, the umiag uses heavy prosthetics. Brooks may be in deep trouble.
Hardtroopers are all cybernetic except for the brain and internal organs, Brooks just has his right arm as a prosthetic. Not to say many won't find it disturbing, but he's far from a cyborg in that regard.
silentstormpt wrote:
Wed Apr 07, 2021 3:20 pm
Strange, they should know about Brook's prosthetic, specially Stillstorm
Maybe the topic never came up when she came in with Razorthorn and Mothwing, she just wanted them interrogated. The Doranzers know, as does Beryl and Fireblade, but not everyone would. Besides, the bridge crew wouldn't know, and part of this is him standing up to Stillstorm because he's sick of the shit he's getting.

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