Outsider Musical Character Portraits

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by Bamax »

EDIT: Starmachine is the song I intended. Moon and Star was a mistake.

This could easily work for a fanfic, but this music make me think of the adventures Talon and Spiral would have on Earth if they ever went there for vacation.

I think of trying rides at an amusement park, lounging at the beach, or trying icecream with Alex not bothering to tell them what it's made of.

At some point I reckon a late night talk show would want to host them... while they share stories... probably embellished of their adventures.

SNL would want them too... but I reckon Tempo would try to hinder that unless she was given creative control over the sketches.

Hijnks would ensue no matter what with those two. Would be fun to watch.
Last edited by Bamax on Mon Dec 13, 2021 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by Demarquis »

Bamax wrote:
Sun Dec 12, 2021 12:22 am
Demarquis wrote:
Sat Dec 11, 2021 11:52 pm
While, in general, I think your taste in music rocks (seriously, I could drive across country with these tracks), I actually think that the "Break of Reality" piece works better for Tempo than Firestorm, because it sounds sneaky and conflicted to me. You could just swap the two tracks between the characters, in fact.

Hahaha! Thanks.

1.There is a way and there are several ways to do so... freely. I personally use a free app to just take audio or video direct from youtube. Just click and download.

From a computer there is a program called youtube-dl. Works great... but may require a little bit of typing commands if it has no GUI... at least for the computer version.

2. I picked Tempo's song due mainly to her status and work as a Mizol. The music I picked for Fireblade because I know she is a bit of a tortured soul. And I am sympathetic to that as I can relate... on some level. That is what the music means to me... a lot of simmering under the surface is how I see Fireblade.

A circle goes round and round, and any situation that comes full circle in a story or in life I find truly fascinating. I do not know what Fireblade's story arc will be, but I would like to think it will develop her character further... but not without struggle.
I see what you are saying, but Tempo is the more interesting character to me, perhaps because we don't yet know that much about her. But I caught hints of an unresolved conflict between her and Stillstorm, one that resulted in Tempo leaving the ship, so something is going on. Or maybe I'm just reading into it something that isn't there.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by Bamax »

Demarquis wrote:
Sun Dec 12, 2021 6:29 pm
Bamax wrote:
Sun Dec 12, 2021 12:22 am
Demarquis wrote:
Sat Dec 11, 2021 11:52 pm
While, in general, I think your taste in music rocks (seriously, I could drive across country with these tracks), I actually think that the "Break of Reality" piece works better for Tempo than Firestorm, because it sounds sneaky and conflicted to me. You could just swap the two tracks between the characters, in fact.

Hahaha! Thanks.

1.There is a way and there are several ways to do so... freely. I personally use a free app to just take audio or video direct from youtube. Just click and download.

From a computer there is a program called youtube-dl. Works great... but may require a little bit of typing commands if it has no GUI... at least for the computer version.

2. I picked Tempo's song due mainly to her status and work as a Mizol. The music I picked for Fireblade because I know she is a bit of a tortured soul. And I am sympathetic to that as I can relate... on some level. That is what the music means to me... a lot of simmering under the surface is how I see Fireblade.

A circle goes round and round, and any situation that comes full circle in a story or in life I find truly fascinating. I do not know what Fireblade's story arc will be, but I would like to think it will develop her character further... but not without struggle.
I see what you are saying, but Tempo is the more interesting character to me, perhaps because we don't yet know that much about her. But I caught hints of an unresolved conflict between her and Stillstorm, one that resulted in Tempo leaving the ship, so something is going on. Or maybe I'm just reading into it something that isn't there.

Tempo never struck me as person with much inner turmoil. Her character sheet shows she is very loyal to the Loroi emperor. Stillstorm is famous and is known (from Arioch no less) to be openly critical of Tempo's boss, who sent her personally to keep a watch over a possible rival to the throne.

It seems rather easy to see why there would be conflict between the two, besides the caste based prejudice Loroi have between each other. If I recall correctly Stillstorm preferred the previous Emperor, who I think died in battle even though some dissenters are known to say it was an assasination by the current Emperor.

Fireblade is more... unpredictable than Tempo, who is as far as I can tell the epitome of a Loroi acting classy. Fireblade has the potential to go berserk, and with her power set, that would be interesting to watch.

Besides that, I dunno, I have said before that in my life I have found often in life that 'hard' people can be surprisingly kind and sweet once their 'shell' is cracked.

Whereas there are also those with a thin veneer of kindness that gives way to sheer nastiness and an unwillingness to give or ask instead of taking and demanding.

Tempo I think for all intents is kind... but will do what she must to ensure the survival of her species. Loroi are rather poor with subtlety, so I don't think Tempo is anything more than she appears to be.

When your character is nice the only change that could occur is them becoming mean. And since mean characters' can only change by becoming nice, that gives them a positive trajectory to take in their character arc. Which probably why I like both Fireblade and Stillstorm.

When you are at the bottom there is only one way to go. Up. Likewise when you are already at the top, you either stay there or go the only other way. Down.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by wolf329 »

Bamax wrote:
Sun Dec 12, 2021 1:36 am

This could easily work for a fanfic, but this music make me think of the adventures Talon and Spiral would have on Earth if they ever went there for vacation.

I think of trying rides at an amusement park, lounging at the beach, or trying icecream with Alex not bothering to tell them what it's made of.

At some point I reckon a late night talk show would want to host them... while they share stories... probably embellished of their adventures.

SNL would want them too... but I reckon Tempo would try to hinder that unless she was given creative control over the sketches.

Hijnks would ensue no matter what with those two. Would be fun to watch.
I could definitely see this.
#1 Tempo simp

Fun fact: did you know that "Loroi Union" has the same number of syllables as "California"?

On Bluesky at https://bsky.app/profile/wolf329.bsky.social

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by Bamax »

wolf329 wrote:
Sun Dec 12, 2021 7:45 pm
Bamax wrote:
Sun Dec 12, 2021 1:36 am

This could easily work for a fanfic, but this music make me think of the adventures Talon and Spiral would have on Earth if they ever went there for vacation.

I think of trying rides at an amusement park, lounging at the beach, or trying icecream with Alex not bothering to tell them what it's made of.

At some point I reckon a late night talk show would want to host them... while they share stories... probably embellished of their adventures.

SNL would want them too... but I reckon Tempo would try to hinder that unless she was given creative control over the sketches.

Hijnks would ensue no matter what with those two. Would be fun to watch.
I could definitely see this.

Fixed it. I had the wrong song since the pics look similar.

The music I originally intended is posted in it's place.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by kiwi »

Maybe I’m misjudging because I really like the song, but Until it Sleeps might fit Fireblade.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by avatar576 »

This seems like a fun thread to dig back up as I explore more and more of the Outsider-verse. I'm still pretty new to it (as well as the forums), so greetings!

First up is Beryl. She seems to me to be genuinely kind, open, and friendly, curious to learn all about the world and universe around her, and excited by new experiences. She's relatively young, so she still has a touch of that youthful innocence and optimism about her, I think, but the reality of the war into which she was born (literally) has tempered that to some extent. This, along with her training as a Listel, has demanded a more pragmatic worldview from her, but I like to think she still retains a degree of optimism about the future. I think the song "Red" by Thomas Bergersen suits her character nicely from what we know about her so far, as a generally lighthearted and upbeat piece, and encapsulating a bit of the sense of wonder I imagine she might still feel about everything if there were no war going on.

Next up: Tempo. There is definitely more to this psi-ninja than any of us or the characters know. But she is obviously dangerous. When I first read her, I couldn't help but think "Vorta" from Deep Space 9. She always has an ace up her sleeve. She gives you just enough information about a situation to direct and manipulate your actions according to her design. It's a finely honed craft and she is at the top of her game. I think if she had a catchphrase, it would be, "You're on a need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know." And her motto would be, "There is a dagger behind every smile." In that regard, she might feel more at home in the Star Trek universe as an operative of one of the shadowy intel agencies, such as the Tal Shiar, Obsidian Order, or even Section 31. When last we saw her, she was leaving the shuttle with an Umiak hardtroop sock puppet while her cabin girl, Cloud, has been MIA for several hours, presumably as a pawn in Tempo's plan. If anyone on the shuttle knows where she is, they're not saying. I've chosen the song "Mythos" by Brand X Music for Tempo's theme. It's dark, enigmatic, and mysterious. It's Tempo in musical form.

I tried to come up with separate themes for Spiral and Talon, but in the end, I decided one song could work for both of them, since they are always together, and are probably as close to each other as sisters, having grown up, trained and served together. I went in a different direction with my choice for their theme than others here. While they do add a degree of comic relief to the story, and they would be bundles of fun to hang out with in peacetime, the harsh truth of their existence -- that they are the last two surviving members of their squad and are barely out of training -- means that their humorous antics are most likely a coping mechanism for dealing with the fact that they will not live very much longer if things continue they way they are. The "diral-seii" takes this even further. They see their deaths as a forgone conclusion, so a talisman to bring good luck would be useless to them. The "diral-seii" is instead intended as a magnet for the misfortune that will befall them, in order to stall the inevitable for the others as long as possible. There is definitely a strong element of tragedy to this otherwise comedic duo. "The Story of You and Me" by James Dooley is my choice of theme for them. I think it does a nice job of blending their effervescent personalities with the reality of their existence, and that, in the end, "you and me" are all they really have left.

Now onto Stillstorm. The consummate military commander. Battle-hardened. Ruthless. Cold-blooded and calculating. Far better able to compartmentalize the horrors she's witnessed over the entire course of the war than Fireblade with her own personal demons, slaughtering Umiak forces is just another day's work to her. It's just business. There's little else to be said about her, for we haven't seen too much of her in the story, but she's nevertheless deserving of her own theme. I chose "Across the Blood Water" by Two Steps From Hell. The song marches its melody forward with a relentlessness befitting Stillstorm's reputation, and as you listen to it, you might also get a sense of the horror the Umiak might feel (if they could) at seeing Stillstorm's Tempest at the head of Strike Group 51 poised to rip their fleet to shreds.

Last but certainly not least, my personal favorite -- Fireblade. I confess, I have a huge weakness for the "tortured soul" character type. I love them. The characters who have suffered unimaginable loss or grievous injury; the kind that would break most people right away, but the Fireblade types deal with it by bottling it up and burying it deep within their psyche. She's tough as nails on the outside because she has to be, but we know there is something tearing her apart inside (and we have a pretty good idea now what that is). Something none of her comrades can relate to, except perhaps Stillstorm or Tempo, but neither of them would allow her to show weakness or vulnerability. Though I'm certain that Fireblade's trials and tribulations are far from over in this saga, I like the direction her character development is taking. I think she is even beginning to subconsciously trust Alex, or at least she is beginning to distrust him a bit less. She probably still finds him impertinent and annoying, but I've seen three signs thus far to possibly indicate her gradually changing attitude.
First, she takes off her armor (both literally, and later figuratively). Not that she really needs it, seeing as she could turn Alex into a pulpy, red smear on the bulkhead with a single thought, but to me, it's a sign that she doesn't see him as a threat, since she is certainly more vulnerable without it. Secondly, she falls asleep. OK, obviously she needs sleep like everyone else, but it's when she falls asleep that is more telling. When Alex wakes up, all three of his guards are asleep -- Flint, Fireblade, and presumably Reed, since we don't see her anywhere else after Alex gets up. If she thought he still needed to be watched, she would have stayed awake until one of the other guards relieved her. And I wonder how effective Fireblade's PK abilities would be against Alex without her amplifier. Thirdly, and this may be the strongest sign, is when she finally engages Alex in conversation (in her own way) by telling him a little about her past. It's a very personal story she tells, and people who don't want to show vulnerability would never tell anyone, let alone someone like Alex (whom she inherently distrusts because of his "lotai"), something of that nature. At least among humans, that takes a great deal of trust.
Because she's my favorite character so far, and because of her complexity as a character, I feel she is deserving of two themes. The first is "Young Blood" by Audiomachine. It's a haunting theme to parallel Fireblade's backstory, and might also help the listener imagine some of the horrific things she has probably seen since entering service in the fleet as well.

The second theme is "This Is the Light of Life" by Gabriel Salcedo. Or as I like to think of it, "Fireblade's Salvation". I can particularly hear this theme (especially the first half) as I think about a young, traumatized Fireblade seeking solitude for a moment of peace in her little hiding place at the Teidar Academy. I really look forward to seeing the rest of her story unfold.

I am still searching for a good theme to represent Alex. This is harder to do than I imagined, maybe because as the central character of the story, there is just way too much going on in his character arc to capture in just 3 or 4 minutes of music. But if I do find something befitting and appropriate, I will post it here.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by Bamax »

Hmmm.... I think this song works for Alex

Alex is the outsider, along for the ride ready or not as it were, but I reckon once his grand adventure is finally over and a whole montage of memories is going through his head over what he has been through this music would suffice.

Even for... or especially for the action sequences of what he remembers. If you have ever nearly faced death, then you know that time seems to slow as you use every muscle you have to 'tell' death to wait another day.

Slow dreamy music really does suffice.

What remains to be seen is if Alex will ever actually find who is responsible for the destruction of his original ship, the Bellamarine.

He said as much he wants vengeance, but that was in the moment he thought he would die.

I do not actually think Alex is like the Equalizer or John Wick.

He would go through proper channels rather than act out as a lone vigilante or assassin.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by Bamax »

avatar576 wrote:
Wed Jan 19, 2022 7:21 am
This seems like a fun thread to dig back up as I explore more and more of the Outsider-verse. I'm still pretty new to it (as well as the forums), so greetings!

First up is Beryl. She seems to me to be genuinely kind, open, and friendly, curious to learn all about the world and universe around her, and excited by new experiences. She's relatively young, so she still has a touch of that youthful innocence and optimism about her, I think, but the reality of the war into which she was born (literally) has tempered that to some extent. This, along with her training as a Listel, has demanded a more pragmatic worldview from her, but I like to think she still retains a degree of optimism about the future. I think the song "Red" by Thomas Bergersen suits her character nicely from what we know about her so far, as a generally lighthearted and upbeat piece, and encapsulating a bit of the sense of wonder I imagine she might still feel about everything if there were no war going on.

Next up: Tempo. There is definitely more to this psi-ninja than any of us or the characters know. But she is obviously dangerous. When I first read her, I couldn't help but think "Vorta" from Deep Space 9. She always has an ace up her sleeve. She gives you just enough information about a situation to direct and manipulate your actions according to her design. It's a finely honed craft and she is at the top of her game. I think if she had a catchphrase, it would be, "You're on a need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know." And her motto would be, "There is a dagger behind every smile." In that regard, she might feel more at home in the Star Trek universe as an operative of one of the shadowy intel agencies, such as the Tal Shiar, Obsidian Order, or even Section 31. When last we saw her, she was leaving the shuttle with an Umiak hardtroop sock puppet while her cabin girl, Cloud, has been MIA for several hours, presumably as a pawn in Tempo's plan. If anyone on the shuttle knows where she is, they're not saying. I've chosen the song "Mythos" by Brand X Music for Tempo's theme. It's dark, enigmatic, and mysterious. It's Tempo in musical form.

I tried to come up with separate themes for Spiral and Talon, but in the end, I decided one song could work for both of them, since they are always together, and are probably as close to each other as sisters, having grown up, trained and served together. I went in a different direction with my choice for their theme than others here. While they do add a degree of comic relief to the story, and they would be bundles of fun to hang out with in peacetime, the harsh truth of their existence -- that they are the last two surviving members of their squad and are barely out of training -- means that their humorous antics are most likely a coping mechanism for dealing with the fact that they will not live very much longer if things continue they way they are. The "diral-seii" takes this even further. They see their deaths as a forgone conclusion, so a talisman to bring good luck would be useless to them. The "diral-seii" is instead intended as a magnet for the misfortune that will befall them, in order to stall the inevitable for the others as long as possible. There is definitely a strong element of tragedy to this otherwise comedic duo. "The Story of You and Me" by James Dooley is my choice of theme for them. I think it does a nice job of blending their effervescent personalities with the reality of their existence, and that, in the end, "you and me" are all they really have left.

Now onto Stillstorm. The consummate military commander. Battle-hardened. Ruthless. Cold-blooded and calculating. Far better able to compartmentalize the horrors she's witnessed over the entire course of the war than Fireblade with her own personal demons, slaughtering Umiak forces is just another day's work to her. It's just business. There's little else to be said about her, for we haven't seen too much of her in the story, but she's nevertheless deserving of her own theme. I chose "Across the Blood Water" by Two Steps From Hell. The song marches its melody forward with a relentlessness befitting Stillstorm's reputation, and as you listen to it, you might also get a sense of the horror the Umiak might feel (if they could) at seeing Stillstorm's Tempest at the head of Strike Group 51 poised to rip their fleet to shreds.

Last but certainly not least, my personal favorite -- Fireblade. I confess, I have a huge weakness for the "tortured soul" character type. I love them. The characters who have suffered unimaginable loss or grievous injury; the kind that would break most people right away, but the Fireblade types deal with it by bottling it up and burying it deep within their psyche. She's tough as nails on the outside because she has to be, but we know there is something tearing her apart inside (and we have a pretty good idea now what that is). Something none of her comrades can relate to, except perhaps Stillstorm or Tempo, but neither of them would allow her to show weakness or vulnerability. Though I'm certain that Fireblade's trials and tribulations are far from over in this saga, I like the direction her character development is taking. I think she is even beginning to subconsciously trust Alex, or at least she is beginning to distrust him a bit less. She probably still finds him impertinent and annoying, but I've seen three signs thus far to possibly indicate her gradually changing attitude.
First, she takes off her armor (both literally, and later figuratively). Not that she really needs it, seeing as she could turn Alex into a pulpy, red smear on the bulkhead with a single thought, but to me, it's a sign that she doesn't see him as a threat, since she is certainly more vulnerable without it. Secondly, she falls asleep. OK, obviously she needs sleep like everyone else, but it's when she falls asleep that is more telling. When Alex wakes up, all three of his guards are asleep -- Flint, Fireblade, and presumably Reed, since we don't see her anywhere else after Alex gets up. If she thought he still needed to be watched, she would have stayed awake until one of the other guards relieved her. And I wonder how effective Fireblade's PK abilities would be against Alex without her amplifier. Thirdly, and this may be the strongest sign, is when she finally engages Alex in conversation (in her own way) by telling him a little about her past. It's a very personal story she tells, and people who don't want to show vulnerability would never tell anyone, let alone someone like Alex (whom she inherently distrusts because of his "lotai"), something of that nature. At least among humans, that takes a great deal of trust.
Because she's my favorite character so far, and because of her complexity as a character, I feel she is deserving of two themes. The first is "Young Blood" by Audiomachine. It's a haunting theme to parallel Fireblade's backstory, and might also help the listener imagine some of the horrific things she has probably seen since entering service in the fleet as well.

The second theme is "This Is the Light of Life" by Gabriel Salcedo. Or as I like to think of it, "Fireblade's Salvation". I can particularly hear this theme (especially the first half) as I think about a young, traumatized Fireblade seeking solitude for a moment of peace in her little hiding place at the Teidar Academy. I really look forward to seeing the rest of her story unfold.

I am still searching for a good theme to represent Alex. This is harder to do than I imagined, maybe because as the central character of the story, there is just way too much going on in his character arc to capture in just 3 or 4 minutes of music. But if I do find something befitting and appropriate, I will post it here.

Enjoyed it

Stillstorm's is very fitting given all Taben girls DO serve aa sailors on sea ships, and she still talks like one after all these years lol.

Runner up favorite to that for me is Fireblade's music.

And Umiak evidently do have fear. Arioch implies as much.

The cyborg was careful enough not to recklessly barge inside the Loroi shuttle, and Stillstorm remarked that the 'talky shell boss' survived encounters with her fleet by fleeing... unlike many other umiak.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by avatar576 »

Bamax wrote:
Thu Jan 20, 2022 10:11 pm
avatar576 wrote:
Wed Jan 19, 2022 7:21 am

Enjoyed it

Stillstorm's is very fitting given all Taben girls DO serve aa sailors on sea ships, and she still talks like one after all these years lol.

Runner up favorite to that for me is Fireblade's music.

And Umiak evidently do have fear. Arioch implies as much.

The cyborg was careful enough not to recklessly barge inside the Loroi shuttle, and Stillstorm remarked that the 'talky shell boss' survived encounters with her fleet by fleeing... unlike many other umiak.
I'd forgotten Stillstorm was a Tabenite. The name of the song was purely coincidental.

I had wondered about fear in the Umiak. We've seen that at least some of them do exercise caution, as in the examples you mentioned. But their battle tactics do reflect a certain disregard for their own lives, and the overall strategy of the Umiak is to just send wave after wave of cannon fodder at the Loroi. If they truly did fear for their lives, you'd think their strategy wouldn't be as...wasteful. You'd think some of them would stop and think, "Hmm, the last 100 times we tried this, we were utterly decimated. We're not standing for this when it's our turn. No way." But, for the most part, they seem to me to regard themselves as completely disposable.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by Bamax »

avatar576 wrote:
Fri Jan 21, 2022 2:09 am
Bamax wrote:
Thu Jan 20, 2022 10:11 pm
avatar576 wrote:
Wed Jan 19, 2022 7:21 am

Enjoyed it

Stillstorm's is very fitting given all Taben girls DO serve aa sailors on sea ships, and she still talks like one after all these years lol.

Runner up favorite to that for me is Fireblade's music.

And Umiak evidently do have fear. Arioch implies as much.

The cyborg was careful enough not to recklessly barge inside the Loroi shuttle, and Stillstorm remarked that the 'talky shell boss' survived encounters with her fleet by fleeing... unlike many other umiak.
I'd forgotten Stillstorm was a Tabenite. The name of the song was purely coincidental.

I had wondered about fear in the Umiak. We've seen that at least some of them do exercise caution, as in the examples you mentioned. But their battle tactics do reflect a certain disregard for their own lives, and the overall strategy of the Umiak is to just send wave after wave of cannon fodder at the Loroi. If they truly did fear for their lives, you'd think their strategy wouldn't be as...wasteful. You'd think some of them would stop and think, "Hmm, the last 100 times we tried this, we were utterly decimated. We're not standing for this when it's our turn. No way." But, for the most part, they seem to me to regard themselves as completely disposable.
The Loroi have heavy long range weapons. It is not for lack of trying to not get killed that Umiak die. Stillstorm and commanders like her can wipe out all the missile cover fire thrown at them, which forces the Umiak ships to get closer to fire their heavy powered but shorter ranged beam weapons. Umiak ships are slower too. Whereas the Loroi are fast with the equavalent of reloading beam bazookas on them

The reason the Umiak die en mass is due in part to sheer tech disparity. Against a slower foe with weaker weapons the Umiak would not suffer nearly as many losses.

Arioch described the average umiak as profoundly humble.

Does not mean they lack fear, only that they often do not aspire to be more than whatever role they have been given.

There is... an example... or rather multiple ones in human history who fit the Umiak type of humility.

Every martyr in history to die or suffer for the sake of principle or refusing to renounce religion.

Now as far as I know, the Umiak are not religious. So that leaves their principles or whatever virtues Umiak civilization values most.... humility definitely being one of them.

And the Umiak value that enough to die for it in waves.

All for all and one for all seems to be the Umiak ethic.

The Loroi are more like us: All for one and one for all.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by Bamax »

I suppose Talon and Spiral can have better music than I originally gave them... so here goes.

Throwing Fire by Ronald Jenkees I picked for Talon. Seems fitting... given her spunky, fiery spirit at times.

Spiral is seemingly less serious and comes off as a playful as they come, so I thought Disorganized Fun fits her well.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by avatar576 »

Bamax wrote:
Tue Jan 25, 2022 10:31 pm
I suppose Talon and Spiral can have better music than I originally gave them... so here goes.

Throwing Fire by Ronald Jenkees I picked for Talon. Seems fitting... given her spunky, fiery spirit at times.

Spiral is seemingly less serious and comes off as a playful as they come, so I thought Disorganized Fun fits her well.

Hmm...I like it. What I'm looking forward to is seeing how well all these choices age as the story progresses and we learn more about everyone.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by Bamax »

Well.... I recently found the extended version of the music you picked for Stillstorm and I like it even more than the original.

To me the music would be fitting for a Stillstorm origin story... where she becomes the famous commander we know by winning several daring battles against seemingly impossible odds.

Her ship lacks retro thrusters too according to Arioch as it is an older pre-Semoset model... meaning she must literally turn tail to fly backward if desired.

After the Semoset campaign ended in the Loroi assault being thwarted, the Loroi began thinking more about how to design their ships to survive a major battle with the Umiak.

Because when you are overlords as long as the Loroi have been... you may forget what it's like to be an underdog.

Even so, Stilly's ship is still quite lethal, as pre-semoset vessels were built for speed and packing a punch.

Ever since they have brought more consideration to durability and manuverability than before.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by avatar576 »

Many of the songs from Two Steps From Hell and other such groups have fan-made extended versions. I've been listening to them for at least 10 years now. Their stuff gets better and better with every album.

Re: Tempest, as the saying goes, "age and wisdom beats youth and enthusiasm every time." Often times its the older hardware in the right hands that's far deadlier than the state-of-the-art warships. Give me an older, slower, weaker ship in the hands of a commander with 10-15 years of experience with the ship who knows how to utilize the systems to their fullest potential (often beyond design specs), and an unseasoned commander with a top-of-the-line, but untested warship, and the smart money picks the veteran every time.

I would totally love to see origin story spinoffs for some of our heroines. Stillstorm's would be epic, as would Fireblade's. There could be a lot of potential in a Tempo spinoff, too. But I'll settle for seeing how the imminent raiding party pans out, and where the heck Cloud has gotten off to.
Arioch already shot down my "Cloud is an undercover Teidar" theory in another thread, so I'll have to imagine something else.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by avatar576 »

And on the subject of TSFH, how about this one for Alex's musical portrait. "Rocket to the Moon" by Thomas Bergersen. Starts out with the sense that you are embarking on the adventure of a lifetime. And at 20 years old and truly going "where no one (from Earth) has gone before" you've got to think that Alex is pretty darn excited about it. The music crescendos then into a bit of the chaotic whirlwind of turmoil Alex finds himself in, and the outro quickly turns kind of mysterious, leaving you wondering where the adventure will lead next.

I think it would make pretty good trailer music for an Outsider movie as well.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by Bamax »

Yes an origin story for Stilly would be interesting.... especially because according to Arioch she had her basic training in Taben just like Talon and Spiral... a bunch of teen girl Loroi sailing the wild oceans of Taben.

Arioch also revealed that Stillstorm was not the leader of the group of the girls on the ship either.

So it took time.... later on for her to truly distinguish herself as an exceptional commander.

My guess is that she is both a keen opportunist and also very observant... otherwise she would be dead like most of her peer warriors who fought from the beginning of the war.

Here is a picture of a younger Stillstorm during basic training.


And here is the grown up veteran we know.... scornfully laughing at her enemy.


And last but not least... here is the extended version of the music picked for Stillstorm.... which I prefer because it is more epic.... assuming the original song did not satisfy your needed dose of epicness, this one certainly will!

G. Janssen
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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by G. Janssen »

I'm a sucker for classical music, so here is my selection



Strike Group 51.

The Mizol behind the smile.

The Stray.
Watching the prey draw near.

Farewell, kind soul.

The human is kind of cute.

Spiral being Spiral.

Interceptors in the crossfire.

The first Human telepath awakens.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by avatar576 »

G. Janssen wrote:
Thu Apr 14, 2022 12:47 am
I'm a sucker for classical music, so here is my selection
Great choices. Holst goes really well with Stillstorm, but that organ piece for Tempo is my favorite. There is just something...unsettling about her. Maybe it's the eyes. But she's the one character in this story around whom I'd have the most trouble letting down my guard.

Just realized I never picked a song for Cloud in my original list. I suppose I shall have to update it. She deserves one.

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Re: Outsider Musical Character Portraits

Post by Bamax »

This music is for the occupation of Seren by the Umiak.

Sums it up well. Umiak frustration gives way to Loroi desperation.... which leads to Umiak desperation. For every action there is a reaction. Cause and effect.

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