Last Update: Thursday, January 05, 2023  
Newer items are at the top; older items are at the bottom.

Loroi Character Design
As with all things Loroi, dress is part function and part flair. The Loroi duty uniform is an armored suit made of a flexible, electrically active fiber mesh. Each of the warrior castes sports its own armor style and color, with the color of the wrist/collar tabs indicating rank. Hairstyle is an individual choice, but in general, the more elaborate the hairstyle, the higher the social status of the wearer, and the longer the hair, the older the individual.

Tenoin underwear

Sunfury concept

Fireblade cadet fatigues and Teidar underwear

Nedatan (Loroi males) costume concepts

Detair Mogin (Nedatan female caretakers) costume concepts

Teidar combat armor

Tempo uniform turnaround

Gallen uniform color concept

Spiral and Nilnol blade

Opal and Torrai Sorimi uniform concepts

Greywind costume concept 

Nova concept

Moonglow concept

Greywind concept

Reed head studies

Arclight head study 

Cobalt head study 

Redrill head study 

Rune-Laurel concept

Head studies 

Ashrain head study 

Ashrain uniform color concept 

Male Loroi sketch

Forest head study 

Tenoin officer duty uniform 

Tenoin (pilot) uniform color concept

Talon head study 

Tenoin uniform color turnaround 

Spiral head study

Tenoin off-duty uniform

Soroin uniform color concept

Soroin duty jumpsuit color concept 

"Shoe girl" concept

Soroin heavy armor & helmet concepts

Soroin comm. skullcap 

Stillstorm early concept

Torrai (command) uniform concepts

Stillstorm color concepts

Stillstorm head study 

Soroin officer color costume turnaround 

Tempo early sketches

Tempo color concepts

Tempo uniform color concept

Tempo environment color test

Tempo head study 

Fireblade early sketches

Fireblade sketches

Fireblade color concept

Fireblade uniform turnaround

Misc. Loroi uniform concepts

Beryl uniform concept

Beryl color uniform turnaround

Beryl revised uniform concept

Beryl uniform turnaround

Mothwing sketch

More to come