[WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by novius »

Well, at least Bastobar Wavecrest won't find any reason to complain on my behalf..., Alex thought, giving a sidelong glance on the peacefully resting Teidar to his right side. Idly he noticed that she had tied her hair together with several straps - makes sense, the longest of her tresses reaching even below her hips would be a nightmare to untangle if they'd be free floating in the water.

Even asleep she didn't let go of his right hand, much the opposite, he cannot remember when she pulled herself closer to him, but at some moment she must have done so, since he got keenly aware of her skin against his.

He remembered the last time he was in that close contact to Fireblade. He surmised to have seen some of her memories and nightmares - and there were lots of them.

Were she human, a psych would diagnose her with enough PTSD enough for five soldiers he thought with a pang of sorrow. And having been told that she is a danger even to their own males must have done wonders for her self-assuredness.

Just as his thoughts turned a darker path, Fireblade's eyelids began to flutter and she woke up with a content yawn.

'Did I ... fall asleep?', came her incredulous thought.

'You did. I didn't find it in my heart to disturb you. You looked that peaceful, in mind and body.'

'Never tell a Teidar she's peaceful.', she mock-chided him, then smiled. 'But... thanks. I never even realized myself how much I needed that.'

'You and me both. And... it looks like the novelty of me being on board is slowly wearing off. No one seemed to spare us a second glance.', Alex related his observation.

'Don't be so sure. I think it was me being here warding off any overly curious Pasets. No one would risk crossing a ticked off Teidar, even other Teidar would hestitate to do so. Had you been here with, say, a Soroin and not having an encounter, most of them would be much bolder.'

Alex groaned. 'Please don't remind me. As a disciplinary measure I had to clean up the water filters.'

Fireblade made a valiant effort to suppress her laughter, but still failed. 'Ew. No need to relate me the details!'

'So, no encounters in the bath then. And...', here he allowed himself some of his earlier thoughts to bleed through, '... you deserve so much more than a quick fling.'

Fireblade's ears went dark blue. 'You tease! Don't send such things if you don't intend to follow through with it!', then her thoughts turned somewhat more serious. 'What's the matter?'

'Uh...', he hestitated, '... that reminded me - Beryl got the front seat of my escapades with Talon.'

A quick askance look of Fireblade prompted him to explain the idiom 'front seat'. Sanzai, I come to love it. Saves me lengthy explanations.

'So you mean you sent to her and relayed the emotions you picked up from Talon, too?', she asked, with a note of incredulity in her thoughts.

'She told me so, yes.'

'Enzin....', Fireblade started haltingly, '...she wasn't on the bridge, but the datacenter of the ship is still maybe 250 to 300 of your meters away from the baths.'

'Is... that a problem? You're starting to worry me.'

Fireblade vigorously shook her head. 'No! Not a problem.... But... you know that the range of an ordinary Loroi is about one hundred meters? Three hundred is quite above average, but not overly so.'

'What is yours, if I may ask? Or is that classified information?'

'It is. Not just mine, but the capabilities of every Teidar. Though chances are that you might get clearance if you ever need to plan out ground operations as well.'

Alex could feel some subtext in her sending. He wasn't sure, but he got the feeling that Loroi males were perhaps weaker telepaths, and the caretaker's concerns wasn't her doing them physical harm, but overwhelming them with her own sanzai. He felt a sensation of hope coming from her, to actually have the chance of experiencing a male where she could let go of her fears.

'But... Be lucky of your Lotai. Just think, else you would have given everyone in your range a free show.'

'I'm not sure if it would have made matters any worse', Alex sent, thinking about another matter.

'What do you mean?'

'I promised to explain Stillstorm's remark about 'continuing the earlier discussion' to Tempo. This might not be easy.'

'What is this about?'

'Remember that I told you that I said to her I'd intend to go through with her own mating encounter rather than officially denying it? In the same instance where she ordered me to report to Wavecrest for latrine duty, she told me that she was about to come back on my acceptance to the mating encounter. As she got it in her head that this might be the easy way for her to link herself in to my sanzai - and my Lotai. But, shortly thereafter, she said she was just having me on, as a payback for me not denying the encounter. But, on the bridge, she said she'd come back to it...'

Fireblade was silent for a moment, but he felt her thoughts racing.

'That she broached the subject to you tells me that she at least entertained that thought and considered it a viable option. And, she still does. Else she would have considered the matter settled once and for all. So I wouldn't be too surprised if she indeed comes back to you to hold you to your promise.'

Alex groaned.

'There is that single rule in human military - no fraternization amongst the ranks. Sure, it is the most overlooked rule, especially if it concerns mixed crews on a longterm mission, but the line is drawn on hooking up with the someone above or below you in the chain of command. Even if I'm just in an advisory position now, this is very much crossing that line.'

'I think I understand. Given how strongly you bond to your females - or them to you - it could turn into a conflict of interest? And, as long as you weren't part of Stillstorm's staff, it was still tolerated, but questionable, and her putting you to task changed that. Perhaps you should tell her this, and how the situation had changed.', Fireblade mused.

'Not good. That could make her think I am making things up to get out of this mess. She has granted me a great deal of trust as she put me into this role - I don't want to squander it. And her reasoning makes sense, in a crazy way.', Alex mused. 'But... for something different. How's your training coming along? I heard Razorthorn calling you 'barely adequate', but make no mistake, that's high praise coming from her.', Fireblade sent with an upbeat vibe in her thoughts.

'More complicated than it is supposed to be, I think...', Alex started.

'How come?'

'Tempo told me that hurting a male is a punishable offense?', at Fireblade's nod, he continued, 'And training accidents can happen. I made it clear to Razorthorn that I don't wish to be treated any different than her other recruits - and that I'd sign a waiver to absolve her from any ramifications were something to happen to me while training. She said something to the effect that while she might not fear court martial, she would hereself have to live with having let a male come to harm. And that is not even the worst.'

'I have an idea where this is going. But go on.', Fireblade prompted.

'Every single time without failure there is one recruit offering to carry my gear, for example. Or in combat exercises. They're either hestitant to hit me, or they consciously jump into the line of fire, or push me out of harm's way.'

'I get it. How do your people manage it?', Fireblade sent curiously.

'On the grander scale, women in the armed forces are a fairly recent thing. And... we had about the same problems, other way round, come to think of this. It took a long, long time for us men to actually trust our women to do the job as good as we do. And their favourite line was that men are the pansies here... no one would be able to stand the pains of childbirth.'

Alex felt her body hitching, she was trying to suppress a laugh.

'This was a good one.', then her thought trail off in shock, as she lifted Alex's hand to her eye level and looked at his fingers. 'Enzin! Is that normal with humans?'

Startled, Alex followed her line of sight. Sure enough, the skin on his fingertips got wrinkled. 'The skin pruning up? It actually is. No worries, it'll pass as soon as we dry up. And it's a signal that it's about time we get out of the water.'

'True. Actually, I feel refrshed enough for you to have another lesson in mental defense if you agree... and I'd like to see if you might have other talents. Say, in about eighteen hundred solons in my quarters?'

'It's a date.', Alex agreed jokingly.


'Come in.', Tempo sent. The door opened, revealing Brightshield. 'You said this is too important to discuss via sanzai. The last time you did that was when you revealed these 'Natan files' to me. Please don't tell me this isn't another bombshell you are about to drop on me.'

'I'm afraid it is. Maybe even more so', Brightshield started, 'On uploading the files into the Tempest's systems, it installed its triggers again, and one other did fire, decrypting yet another set of these files.'

Tempo racked her brain. What would have.... Then it dawned on her. 'The contaminant alert, I guess.'

'Yes. The trigger had been oddly specific. Human DNA, haploid chromosome set. As with gametes. And not to be triggered together with the first set of files.'

'Hmmm....', Tempo mused, '...whoever did this wanted to not to reveal everything at once, and only if we get hold of a human's seed for whatever reason. What could be....'

'See for yourself.', Brightshield prompted, placing her tablet onto the console and lighting up its display. 'I'm no Listel, but these files were specifically made to understand by laymen, I think.'

Tempo browsed through the files, quickly first, then slower as realization dawned on her.

'Mizol Losat Lomileilar', she sent formally, 'swear to me by all that you deem sacred that no human, especially not Captain Jardin ever learns of this. Never until you hear otherwise. Delete any and all traces of this on Tempest's systems. No one, especially not Tozet Beryl, should ever learn of this, too. Hide this in your deepest, darkest corner of your mind, never to let it see the light of the day. Is that clear?'

'Very clear, I swear, but why?'

'Because this is as destructive as an antimatter planet killer. It could either unite our two species as one, but most likely it would destroy the human species at a whole. Captain Jardin did say that to human men we'd be about everything they'd wish in a female - their own women's saving grace is that we cannot bear their children. But if this comes out....'

Realization dawned in Brightshield, her eyes went wide as she looked over Tempo's shoulder, reading the files with renewed interest.

For these described a procedure to genetically edit human gametes to make the biochemistry compatible to the Loroi one. To create a viable fetus. Nothing in the files led them to believe that someone actually tried that, but this was to believe, a Loroi could, theoretically, bear a child from a human.

Which would shunt human women completely aside. And Tempo was sure they wouldn't take it lightly.

Mad science, Tempo mused as Brightshield left. Another idiom Enzin came up with. Experiments which are questionable, morally deranged, hazardous, groundbreaking, outlandish or all of that rolled into one. Like his idea of torpedoes with 'micro jumpdrives' launching from a planetary gravity well into the enemy's formation. If this here ever goes public, hatemongers would rise on both sides, clamoring for 'genetic purity' and such, advocating the segregation of our two people. This must not happen - humans have so much to give to use to squander this unique chance. And what about the children? Would they be envied, revered or reviled when they can trace back their heritage to a human? What would their place in Loroi, or human society?

Tempo shook her head, feeling a headache building up, the moment it knocked on her door. Of course, he promised me an explanation on what Stillstorm's comment meant., realizing that there is just one person on the whole ship who needs to knock rather than use sanzai to announce his presence.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by Werra »

With the force of ingrained habit, Tempo made sure no sensitive info was visible anywhere before she called out: "Enter, Enzin!"

Enzin entered and Tempo noticed that he spared a look as if to make sure the door was closed. He went to the chair in front of her desk with purpose. Little eye contact from him and a strained look on his face, he seemed unhappy to be there. Tempo gave him time to sit down and waited for him to start talking.

"Tempo, I need your opinion on a difficult matter. Do you have a moment?"

She actually hadn't. SG51 was now alone in the system against superior enemy forces. Yet Tempo was equally unwilling to send Enzin away again. Not only did he look truly in need of help, this would also be a valuable opportunity to study humanity.

"Of course I can fit you in my schedule, Enzin. What is this about?"

Enzin seemed to have understood her perfectly. Humanitys appreciation and fine grasp of speech pleased Tempo. He often behaved like a Mizol in this wayas she had noticed.

"I'll make it quick then. Do you remember the look I gave you on the bridge?"

"Yes, was that about this discussion you had with the Lashret?" While she carefully emphazised the discussion, Enzin already started to nod.

He licked his lip before continuing: "Well, no point beating around the bush, Stillstorm wants to uh sanzai with me."

The news were big but not unsurprising to Tempo. She had suspected something like this to happen anyway. Yet the way Enzin fidgeted around on his chair made her suspect more.

"That is only natural. She would of course be interested in taking your measure with Sanzai now that she is your superior, Enzin. Are you worried because you two have feuded in the past?"

"No, well, yes, that as well; I explained to Stillstorm that my Lotai lowers for those I trust and that I doubt our history helps there. She believes mating to be a shortcut around that however."

The news got bigger and bigger. Stillstorm wanted to mate with an alien? For a short moment Tempo regretted not having told Enzin about who exactly watched him shower on the shuttle. That a traditionalist such as Stillstorm seriously considered mating with humanity promised huge social changes for the future. If the empire at large would come into contact with humanity, many traditions would dissolve. A small voice in the irrational part of her brain reminded Tempo that Stillstorm would get to be with Enzin before her.

"If you weren't trusting me already, I'd offer to test that theory. I don't see the problem here, Enzin. Didn't you say that you find all Loroi attractive?" she asked.

Enzin rewarded her with a nice, red colour in response to that suggestion. Yet he explained further: "I do, Tempo. It's not that easy. Stillstorm is a superior officer and in human militaries there are rather strict rules against such a thing. To make matters worse, I am also the only diplomat and representative of humanity to the Loroi. My government will not like this."

"I see, Enzin." said Tempo, slowly deliberating. Then leaning back she said: "While I can only guess at the position of your government, I can assure you that gaining Lashret Stillstorms trust is one of the best things you can do for your mission. Surely they will be understanding? Your mission also surely includes getting a cultural understand of the Loroi? As such nobody should fault you too hard if you show yourself a good, open minded guest."

Enzin stared at her for several Solon before he answered: "Are you saying I should agree to it?"

"If you'd like a piece of advice from me, you should do your best to gain Stillstorms trust by other means. She is one of our best Commanders. Should mating really turn out to be a shortcut around your Lotai, it will have less of an impact than gaining her respect as a warrior. Should she ask, give her your honest opinion on this matter. She might even respect you more for refusing out of duty what you would otherwise enjoy."

She saw Enzin nod at this in agreement, now significantly calmer. "Thank you, Tempo. You helped me a lot."

She decided to have a bit of fun with Enzin: "As your immediate superior I feel it is my duty to point out that there are no regulations against mating with higher ranks amongst Loroi."

Both of them locked eyes for a moment. Oh, he had understood her. How lovely it was to have met a species so like Loroi with such a keen grasp on language.

Enzin proved it with his answer: "I will need to make myself more familiar with Loroi culture. Can I count on your assistance, Mizol Parat?"

"We can start right now, Enzin."

That had an effect. Enzins eyes went wide as he processed that. Too bad for him that there was another very important matter to discuss.

"Keep your uniform on." she reminded him. "I am far too busy for that. We'll get back to that once we have more time. No, we urgently need to talk about regulations concerning you."

"I never know when you are joking or serious, Tempo." sighed Enzin. "What has come up?"

Tempo picked up a data pad and showed it to Alex. "This is Torrai Tazites Duskcrown. She is currently at Sala-128 and is Stillstorms direct superior. Do you remember that we received orders from Seren to send you there?"

After Enzin had nodded in understanding, she continued: "Duskcrown would never have agreed. Officially you were the one who initiated your service with SG51. Please keep that in mind. It is vital that you play the part."

"Con the admiralty. Got it."

She fixed him with a stare. "Enzin, SG51 is a very unusual unit. Your very first welcome on Tempest was comparatively friendly. Duskcrown supports the no-neutrality policy."

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by dragoongfa »

"Which means what in my case?" Alex asked, curious as to where this was going.

"It means that she will force the issue in regards to your Lotai and if it is related to the new Lotai of the Shells or not; when she learns that some of us have gone threw your Lotai she will order us to extensively probe you for any and all information you have no matter the consequences to your mental health which can be disastrous if not fatal to you." Tempo explained.

"That's not funny Tempo." He said as he tried to absorb this.

"I am not joking Enzin."

"That's..." Words failed him for several seconds as he tried to comprehend what Tempo just told him. "What more do I have to do?" He realized that he had yelled at her only when he saw her shocked expression.

"Enzin please unders..."

"Don't Enzin me!" He snapped back at her. "I have cooperated to the fullest of my abilities, I planned the extraction of Gora Relay, I have assigned myself as a staff member to Stillstorm and I even helped identify the flagship of a Shell admiral! I have even managed to get four of you through into my mind! What more do I have to do so your kind will stop seeing mine as a threat?"

"I understand your position Enzin but pl..."

"I said don't Enzin me!" He yelled at her. "You recognized me as a plenipotentiary and extraordinary ambassador of Humanity, military attache to the Union and with the right to be addressed as Captain; this in front of representatives from the Barsam and the Historians! And now you tell me that this doesn't mean anything? That your government may murder me at will because they still don't trust me despite all of my actions so far? Despite the fact that I have already aligned the fate of my entire race to the fate of the Union through those actions?"

"En... Captain Jardin the Union protects all foreign dignitaries in its territory and appreciates your contributions to the war effort." Tempo tried to assure him with an immaculately calm expression.

"A human saying goes that nothing before the word 'but' means anything." Alex said dryly. "What comes after the 'but' Parat Tempo?"

"Torrai Tazites Duskcrown does have the authority as sector commander to pursue all actions that safeguard the Union; her authority can only be countermanded by either the Emperor or a vote by the Diadem if the Emperor is unavailable." Tempo replied.

"See? Nothing before the 'but' means anything no matter how good it sounds..." Alex said dryly.

"I am sorry Captain Jardin."

"Do you remember what I said to Captain Hamilton? That I am less concerned with how the Loroi treat their enemies than I am with how the Umiak treat their friends?" He asked her after a few moments of silence.

"Yes, I remember Captain Jardin."

"Good..." Alex paused at that and made a decision before standing up in attention. "I formally request that I send an open message to the Loroi Emperor, the Diadem, the Union Assembly, the Historian embassy, the Barsam governing polity and Torrai Lashret Stillstorm through the Union's diplomatic channels."

Tempo just looked at him in disbelief for a few moments.

"Wasn't I clear Parat Tempo?"

"Yes you were clear Captain Jardin but..."

"Are you a diplomatic representative of the Loroi Union refusing a formal request by the ambassador of the Terran Colonial Authority, a request that has to do with my ambassadorial duties?" Alex pressed her, managing to momentarily draw an expression of shock out of her.

"No, Captain Jardin. Would you prefer a written message or a video message?" Tempo asked after she composed herself.

"A video message, so they can see me as I am." He replied and Tempo immediately typed a few commands on her console.

"You may begin when ready."

"Honored Emperor of the Union, honored members of the Diadem and the Union Assembly, honored ambassadors and whomever this messages is addressed to.

I am Captain Alexander Jardin, Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary and head of the mission for the Terran Colonial Authority and currently military attache of the TCA aboard the Union warship Tempest, Flagship of the 51st Strike Group commanded by Torrai Lashret Stillstorm.

I was rescued from the verge of death by Lashret Stillstorm's ship and it's crew during the battle of Naam for which I am eternally grateful. My recognition as ambassador came by Mizol Parat Tempo in front of witnesses from the Historian and Barsam nations, after receiving a formal apology for the initial indignities I suffered due to the circumstances and timing of my rescue. In the time since then I have come to deeply respect the Loroi warriors around me and learned of the suffering that this war has caused to them and the Union which I consider to be the only sensible choice as an ally for my race; not because of our physical similarities to the Loroi but also because of the way the Umiak Hierarchy treats their allies. We humans never liked being the slaves of any short of a taskmaster and for us it is better to risk everything to be free than live an eternity in slavery.

To prove the commitment of our race to the war effort in accordance to the Union non-neutrality act in place I have cooperated fully with the warriors accompanying me in order to discover the true nature of an apparent human resistance to telepathy. Together we have discovered that the human Lotai is a subconscious defensive measure that can be bypassed with a sense of personal trust which then allows me to communicate via sanzai with the individuals I trust provided we touch or we are very close to each other; furthermore my Lotai encapsulates them in a subconscious attempt to protect them. We have taken these discoveries as proof that humans have a natural telepathic ability that is largely left untapped.

Immediately after these discoveries the Hierarchy launched a massive assault against the Tinza sector and I attached myself to the 51st Strike Group in order to aid the defense to the best of my ability. As of the moment of sending this message I have planned and helped execute the successful extraction of the entire crew of Gora Relay station accompanied with the destruction of dozens of Hierarchy ships with the station's scuttling at the ending stages of the battle of Leido. I have advised Lashret Stillstorm to the best of my abilities and I helped identify the flagship of a Gate-crasher force at the battle of Enedd, as identification which resulted in the destruction of said flagship.

I consider the actions I have undertaken so far to be fully in line with Union laws and wishes in regards to its allies and as such I politely request the full disclosure to me and my government about the events surrounding the discovery of a lone human on Deinar four..."

"Captain Jardin, that is classified information!" Tempo warned him at that as she typed something in her console.

"I as plenipotentiary ambassador of the Terran Colonial Authority don't consider it to be under any form of classification under our laws. In fact the Terran Colonial Authority considers the information pertaining to that incident to be of primary importance to the survival of the human race. If the Union does not wish to disclose the information the TCA requested after the services I have provided then I will have to conclude that the Loroi Union is not sincere in its declared outlook towards humanity and as thus I will stop aiding the Union in its war effort and I will consider myself a prisoner of war." Alex said with a forced even voice as he stared down at Tempo. "Should I consider myself a prisoner of war Parat Tempo or should the Union as a whole be allowed decide what its outlook towards humanity will be once and for all?"

"You stubborn fool!" Tempo stood up and said angrily at that, her perfect poker face cracked open.

"I take this as confirmation that I am now a prisoner of war. Please have me escorted to the brig."

"Fine, continue from a few words before from where you were, I will edit it to make it seamless." Tempo relented as she typed a command on her console.

"...the discovery of a lone human on Deinar four hundred tozons ago. I request to know the events surrounding the discovery of said human, his fate while at the care of Loroi authorities, the reasons behind the classification of his discovery and any and all information pertaining to him and any and all research that was conducted about him. The Terran Colonial Authority and humanity as a whole places great importance to this request whose answer will reveal the Union's intentions towards humanity, in particular if the Union even desires humanity's continued existence as a race.

I trust the diplomatic officer of Tempest to forward all data available to her pertaining to me and my request provided that it doesn't hold personal information about me and my personal interactions with any and all Loroi warriors.

I thank you all for your time and consideration. End of message."

"Do you even realize what this message will do to the Union?" Tempo said angrily as she stared him in the eyes.

"Do you realize what it means to be betrayed by those you trust? I trusted you and the others, I thought that Loroi honor meant something and now you tell me that despite everything I did and everything that happened I may still end up killed because you have a maniac of an admiral that wont trust me no matter what? Honor is not about how others treat you but how you treat others, if the Union cannot treat me and what I represent honorably then I cannot expect that humanity will fare any better than the Mannadi or the Tithric after you are done with us and this no matter what we do to appease you." Alex snapped back at her.

"Duskcrown may not even be alive at this point!"

"And I hope she is alive because it would mean that the fleet is already destroyed otherwise." It was easily obvious that he caught her by surprise at that.

"I am sorry Captain, I can't allow this message to be sent but I swear to you that no harm will come to you." Tempo replied after recollecting herself.

"I see... Thank you for your time and consideration Parat Tempo." Alex said as he offered her his right hand which she reluctantly grabbed but to her shocked surprise they didn't connect. "I guess that either anger boosts the Lotai or that I am not stupid enough to trust you anymore Parat Tempo." He said before he let go and walked out of her cabin.

He walked aimlessly through the corridors after that, in a vain attempt to vent his anger at the absurdity of it all. He didn't care about the stares he got and he was certain that someone had called up to him at some point but he didn't care. He just walked up and down like a maniac until he found himself in front of Fireblade's door where he remembered the 'date' they had set for his training. He knocked, intending to at least call it off but he just walked in when she opened the door and sat on one of her desk's chairs without even looking at her. He was certain that she stared at him in disbelief for several moments before she reached out to him. He felt her cool hand on his forehead but he didn't sense the warmth that was her being.

"I am sorry, I can't go on like this..." Alex said as he looked up to her, worry clearly visible on her face. "No matter what I did and no matter what I will do I know that it will never be enough." Fireblade pulled her hand away at that and moved the other chair next to him before sitting on it. "I don't know who to even trust anymore." She reached out to him once again ruffled his hair in a playful manner at that.

"You have enough trouble on your own to worry about my problems as well..." He said dejectedly at that but that only served to annoy her as she turned his face to hers. "...you are right, I am sorry. I have come too far to stop now..." He slowly felt something warm next to him as he calmed down, her mental image becoming clearer and clearer with each passing moment until they were connected.

"What happened? Why couldn't we connect?"
She asked him the very same moment they did connect.

"I think its anger, the Lotai returns stronger when I am angry."
He replied without thinking.

"That's good to know, this means that anger will protect you." Fireblade reassured him. "But why were you angry?"

"You will get in trouble if you learn about it...

"I can always go and take the truth out of the Mizol, I know you were there with her." Fireblade replied.

"Go and do that then but it's all classified. All I know is that soon the sector commander, once she jumps from Sala-128, will start demanding for my mental dissection to make sure that I am not a Shell agent." He explained.

"What? Even after everything you did? Even after I vouched for you?"

"Apparently it won't be enough, Tempo is convinced of that, she is also convinced that neither my ambassadorial status will be a protection. She vouched that no harm would come to me but that's the word of a Mizol."
Alex explained.

"What about the word of a Teidar? I vow to you that no harm will come to you no matter who orders it."
Fireblade sent as her flames engulfed both of their minds.

"That's... that's weird coming from a woman, even from a Teidar..."
He replied without thinking, the image of the chivalrous knight who protects women and children coming at the forefront of his mind. Fireblade just burst out in laughter at that, a pleasant and amused laughter that caused her flames to tickle his mind before she leaned in to kiss him.

"How about a vow from someone who considers you strong enough to withstand her?"
She sent after she pulled her cool lips back from his but the warmth of her being had enveloped him whole, his whole being resonating with it; something at the back of his mind made to protest but he pushed it aside when their lips met again. The warmth was everywhere and all encompassing, intense but also gentle as they laid each other bare as they sought to find peace with each other.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by Krulle »

About four hours later, Fireblade and Alexander woke up to a pretty hefty knocking on the door.

They heard a shout that the security forces will now open the door, and to stand clear of the door.

Alexander was just able to grab a pillow to hide his nudity, but Fireblade stood up and positioned herself between the door and the bed, when the door opened and revealed Tempo and Stillstorm standing in front of the door, and Beryl just so visible behind these two.

Seeing Fireblade in an obviously intent position, Stillstorm ordered "We do not wish harm, but things have happened, and we need to talk about what happened. Stand down, Teidar Pallan Leinnol."

When Fireblade did not move, Tempo added "Please Fireblade, you may notice that even though you're not touching Alexander right now, you're still not able to use Sanzai right now. This started about two hours ago, and while it happened, we conducted some tests, those we could do without the participation of you two, or even better without you knowing. But we've come to the point where we need to inform Alexander, and see how we can return the Sanzai to this ship before we're seeing combat again.
We would like to meet you in 15 bima in the captain's ready room for a small briefing about what happened.
And a 'brainstorm' of ideas what could've caused this, and how we can end it."

Fireblade looked perplexed, then concentrated, and then said "Indeed, I cannot feel you. How widespread is this?"

Stillstorm said: "Nearly the whole ship. Some outlying elements are not under a Lotai, but all elements where crew normally operates fall within the area of the current Lotai.
I expect you two in the ready room, now get freshed up and dressed. We will discuss matters there."

With that she left, and Tempo followed her. Now Alex saw that Beryl was accompanied by two guards, and she looked quite... tired, dishevelled, angered, and ... unhappy?

"Hey, what's the matter?" Alex said to Beryl.

"You tease!" she said, but this time with a lot less friendly smile than the last time. Apparently he had been sending to her again. He turned quite red at that.

"Oops." He tried to reach for her mentally, and yes, there was her signature. "Sorry, I did not mean to. Why are the guards here?" Aloud he said: "Come in."

"To prevent me from touching you. I am under orders to observe you, but they made it clear that I am not allowed to touch you for the moment being." came the reply with a strong sadness attached to it. And a slight bit of jealousy. Aloud she said: "I am under orders to accompany you to the ready room, but am not allowed to be closer to you than these two guards."

"You're getting good at reading me. I did not mean to leak my feelings to you." Beryl added.

Alexander felt a small stab in his side, and when he looked, he saw Fireblade donning her uniform and smiling at him. "You need to get dressed, and while my Sanzai is hampered somewhat right now, my telekinesis works."

He started getting dressed. While he did so, he tried to reach Fireblade without touching her, and indeed he felt her presence. "Okay, okay."
He tried to stay connected to both warriors, and sent "I am sorry, Beryl. I did not mean to send to you. I know this is mean, flaunting you like that. But I fear that my special feelings for you have created a possibly permanent connection to you. Where were you when you received us?"

He tried to ignore Fireblade's shocked face, but Beryl replied directly to Fireblade: "Alexander sends mating encounters in a very vivid sending to me. Last time with Talon, I was in the datacenter. About 280m from Alexander's position in the baths." A small confirmatory sending from Fireblade acknowledged she knew about this already. "This time, Tempo found out and sent me to the farthest reaches of the ship. I was still receiving everything. And furthermore, this triggered something in my memories. The sending began when I was on the bridge and looking at jump points. Suddenly I said out loud, that those jump points would be good positions for minefields, drawing curious glances. Apparently I have the full knowledge he has inside my memory now, it just wasn't structured or "flagged". I needed a special trigger to release the information."
Aloud Beryl said "I am allowed to tell you some of the things that happened, but they want to see us in the meeting room very soon. So please get dressed, Enzin."

Fireblade looked at Beryl, and apprehension showed in her face. "Stillstorm knows this now? Oh, Beryl, I am sorry. And I think this is why they waited several hours before coming here?"

Alex didn't fully understand what Fireblade meant. "?"

Fireblade replied: "You feared you'll be mind-raped for the information you carry? Well, you are safe now. Apparently your bonding with Beryl has given her memory most, if not all, of your knowledge. When she said "minefield", in Sanzai she also sent the information what it is, but neither us Loroi nor the Enemy uses minefields. They're too impractical in space. But that information likely came from you, as she also sent the notion of Earth battlefields being mined. So, when Stillstorm found out, she likely ordered Beryl's mind to be read. That's why she looks so dishevelled." Taking a look at Beryl, she added "And because it was me who comforted you when she longs to do that."

This definitely elicited an unwanted reaction from Beryl. Together with the jealousy came a very heartwarming feeling.
He involuntarily reacted by sending "My love!" to her.

Alex finished dressing, and stood up. "Shall we go, ladies?" he asked. Trying to uphold the conversation.

Beryl sent "True, but the real problems began when they found out that my Lotai was perfect. Neither the Mizol nor Stillstorm, nor the others could get through it. Something happened, and they want to know what and how. They were able to read my mind, but when they tried to sift through my memories for knowledge about Earth, Humanity, or Alexander, a Lotai sprung up, and our whole ship went "dark". Even the other ships noticed that. This ability is what the enemy has.
I fear they will order experiments. And I still cannot Sanzai to you directly, Fireblade. Only through Alexander.

She turned and started walking along the corridor, the guards moving so that Alexander would be unable to get beside her.

"Well, a perfect Lotai for our talkative Listel. That must've annoyed that Mizol and Stillstorm very much." an amused sending from Fireblade came, which was answered with first an icy sending from Beryl, which changed into a small smile.

"I know I can talk, and the weird thing is I answered many questions they had voluntarily, but that was not enough. They wanted to force me to see if I was hiding anything. Or knew about deceptions of Alexander. That was when all went haywire aboard the bridge. No Sanzai anymore on the ship. Do you know how loud a bridge is when everyone needs to talk?"

Another involuntary sending from Alexander came. To which Fireblade replied "Beryl can defend and protect herself. And I will be with her to help her."

Beryl replied "And now I definitely know how you feel, Alexander. Your Lotai may have saved my life, but I fear that this is not the end of it. Especially once we meet up with Duskcrown's fleet.".

Seeing the door of the ready room, Fireblade sent one last comment: "Maybe the old sailors of the seas are right. Males do not belong on a ship. It just brings bad luck and problems."
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by novius »

'You might be not surprised to hear that we have the same saying about women on board a ship. Though I'm sure neither your and mine old sailors ever thought about this. So, I .... what? .... sanzai-block the whole ship out of spite?' Alex sent incredulously.

'Later, lover-boy, let's get to the bridge first.'

It took Alex a moment and Fireblade's wordless inquiry for the three to notice that Beryl used a completely human expression for something that is a perfectly normal thing, to Loroi at least.

The walk to the bridge felt completely different.

Where he was met with curious, and often enough sometimes appreciative stares earlier, now said looks were still curious... but somewhat fearful, too.

'The two of you said you cherished the silence my Lotai conveyed to you...', two wordless assents answered him, '... but I bet for those here it is terrifying.'

And it was already loud, Alex noticed.

'Figures.', Beryl sent, 'Whatever takes a solon to explain via sanzai now needs a whole bial by speech. And that's when a Mizol is doing this. Members of the other castes don't even have the aptitude to convey concepts via speech. The Torrai, mainly, when the need to issue commands and discuss strategy via comms.'

Crossing the bridge to the ready room felt like walking a gauntlet. Had it been loud, the bridge fell silent as soon as they entered.

About a dozen of sets of Loroi eyes rested on the trio, less so on the guards and Stillstorm, in a mix of curiosity and a good deal of begging to release them from the forced silence.

Alex felt almost glad when the door to the ready room closed behind him, cutting off the rest of the bridge. Almost.

Stillstorm strode around her desk, placing her hands on it and leaned forward.

"Can someone explain to me why almost no Loroi on this ship can send to one another? How did it happen for my ship to be in that sorry state in a contested system and with enemy contact to be expected any time? And why we have to do this with spoken words all the way?"

Tempo has at least the decency to look properly chastised, Alex thought. Then he noticed something else.

This was the first time he saw her lacking her usual poise and bearing. It was the looks of a woman feeling lots of sorrows and defeat, the look of a soldier who knows he's in for a stern chewing out - or worse - and feeling to deserve it, too. She even looked unkempt, her usually immaculately coiffured hair disheveled and...

Fireblade caught his last thought, gave Tempo a side glance, eyes widening. 'Did she really try to shear off her hair?'

'I'm missing something here, I guess this is very important to you?'

'It is. The last time we shear our hair down to our scalp is when we finish our warrior training, and then it's only trimming to keep it in shape, else it's letting it grow out. To cut off one's own hair is... a show of atonement for a great transgression committed. To keep our hair long is a show of unblemished honor. By the looks of it she must've been interrupted while doing so - and that means, whoever interrupted her denied her the easy way out.', Fireblade explained.

'Oh. That makes sense....', Alex admitted, sending Fireblade a picture of herself, complete with her own long tresses - and little else - which earned him a feeling of pride coming from her.

"...It started with me." Tempo admitted with a defeated tone in her voice. "I tried to explain to Captain Jardin that Torrai Tazites Duskcrown is even more likely to see him as a Shell trick and thus order his mind to be probed... by all possible means. It didn't go over too well with him."

"Of course it won't!", Beryl exploded, forgoing all decorum.

"Tozet Eilis!", Stillstorm interrupted sharply, "let her speak."

"He went to pre-record a message to the Historians, the Barsam, the Council, the Emperor... and you... in his capacity as a diplomat, where he listed off the events that brought all of us here including our assumptions that his Lotai is sort of a defensive measure and a means to protect all he holds dear."

Stillstorm took a deep breath and held Tempo locked in her gaze. "This is all known to me, but why did I never receive that message?", she asked slowly, deliberately.

"Because I never sent it."

Stillstorm furrowed her eyebrows. She knows that Tempo is not telling the whole story., Alex thought to himself.

"This still doesn't explain why only Captain Jardin can send to us, and only two of us, and no one else?"

"Things deteriorated from there. My refusal to send the message made him consider himself a prisoner once more, and as this, I presume his Lotai revoked its trust in us, except for select Loroi, where it protects the information he confided in them. And the moment we decided to probe for them in Tozet Eilis... it must have went on the offensive, interdicting any and all sanzai within its reach, save only for those Captain Jardin approves of."

"Namely Tozet Eilis and Pallan Leinnol, perhaps Arrir Nesin - those he had an encounter with." Stillstorm concluded.

Stillstorm took another deep breath, rubbing her temples in the universal gesture of someone feeling a headache building up.

"Captain Jardin, had it happened before I tried to send you away to Seren I had no reason not to believe this to be a Shell trick. You... humbled me by showing time and again that you did everything to stand by our side. So I ask you to give me anything that wouldn't require me to simply get you off the ship, spacesuit optional, to get it back into operational state."

Fireblade, Beryl and surprisingly Tempo stiffened at her words.

Alex sighed. "I understand your position. There were times I even thought about killing myself to protect the information I carry - and I think this is not a big secret to spill."

'NO!', came a double-voiced outcry in his mind, courtesy of Beryl and Fireblade. 'I will not allow it.'

'This point is moot, in any case. I cannot do that anymore, because that would paint a target on you.', he sent, directed at Beryl.

"Tozet Beryl. Arrir Talon. Pallan Fireblade. Losat Brightshield. Mazil-Toza Winterbloom. Mazeit Cerulean. Flint. Reed. Cloud. Wavecrest. Moonglow. Hotspring. Razorthorn. Ashrain.", Tempo started listing names.

Alex looked askance, but Stillstorm seemed to have caught up what Tempo meant.

"Lashret Stillstorm. Parat Tempo."

'What are they getting at?', Alex sent to Fireblade, but his question was answered by Tempo.

"These warriors... and many others ... including myself owe you their lives by now, sometimes many times over. You may not believe it by now, but this is something we recognize. If Duskcrown were ever to issue such an order... she'd be hard-pressed to find anyone within SG51 to hand you over."

Alex's brain halted at the implication of her words and he looked at Stillstorm. By all measures Tempo was talking mutiny.

And Stillstorm remained perfectly calm about it.

"There's something intriguing me. By the reports, your Lotai extends around those your subconscious deems worthy of protection.", Stillstorm started.

Beryl's eyes went wide. "...and the interdiction on sanzai is just a side effect, not the intended goal..."

Tempo blinked as she connected the dots. "... which is to hide the Tempest from detection. An instinctual response on the threat of Duskcrown arriving?"

Alex looked completely baffled. "This... is crazy enough that it actually makes sense. And it would explain something else."

"Like what?", Stillstorm prompted.

"On Earth, there are some crackpot theories about humans having been abducted by aliens. Perhaps Tempo already relayed that to you, perhaps not. Now imagine these were true and some humans or their descendants fell into the hands of the Shells and are pressed into service. If the need for self defense is enough to trigger a ship-wide Lotai, I imagine them putting humans directly into immediate harm's way to elicit the instinctual response, whether we find these overgrown bugs abhorrent or not."

"An interesting theory, absolving humans from any willful collaboration with The Enemy, yet still expeaining the similarities in the Shell's newfound abilities. Though that doesn't clear up the most immediate problem - how to get my ship working again."

"With all due respect, I see only two ways out. Either the looming threat of Duskcrown is removed, one way or another, or you simply stow me into that shuttle of yours again and send me far off into space, possibly to pick me up some time later. Downed on a metallic asteroid and powered down, it would be nigh impossible to find me and whoever is with me. And as with Beryl... you learned that my Lotai encompasses all it deems worthy of protection."

Stillstorm looked at him for a long time, trying to get a measure of his dedication while Alex got a warm feeling from Beryl.

"The idea of sending you away is tempting, but a bit short-sighted. There are too many Loroi who would not look kindly upon losing their 'good luck charm'. In addition, the idea that you can hide a whole ship from Farseers - or what the Shells may have for them - sounds compelling. Which brings me to another topic."

Alex looked askance.

"Don't look that surprised. I saw you exchanging sanzai with Pallan Fireblade and Tozet Beryl several times over, now. And I have a good impression on what it takes to have that kind of connection. In fact, if your theories are correct about what triggers the shipwide Lotai, I am sure it won't be the last time happening while you're on board. And in that case, I do want a similar exemption from this. And..."

Alex thought the smile forming on Stillstorm's face to be quite scary.

"...I have it on good authority that your 'method' of granting said exemption is quite ... invigorating and relaxing, both."

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by Werra »

Alex wondered how this woman could think of sex of all things now. He could do nothing but stare at her, hoping this was again one of her tricks. As the seconds passed the realisation set in, that Stillstorm was serious.

In the back of his mind, he remembered what Tempo had told him, when they were still on speaking terms. While he was still trying to formulate a polite yet firm refusal, Stillstorm spoke again.

"Don't give me that look. The theory needs to be tested and it can't be with a Loroi you like. And since you already accepted..."

Having overcome his shock, Alex said: "Commander Stillstorm, in the terran Scout Corps it is strictly forbidden to have affairs with superiors. As representative of humanity I have to refuse."
"You are serving on a Loroi warship and fall under Loroi laws now. This theory will be tested. Since you are privy to sensitive information, your choice of options are limited to senior officers." Stillstorm calmly laid out.

Alex broke eye contact and glanced at the others. Tempo didn't look up and he didn't try for long. Fireblade stared ahead stoically, yet couldn't hide her surprise fully. Beryl was turning blue but otherwise very brave. The feelings he got from her via Sanzai were indicating quite a bit of turmoil in her. He tried his best to assuage her.

Having found more resolve, he answered Stillstorm: "Commander, that would go against my duties and my personal conduct of honour. Please do not ask this of me. I will have to refuse."

"Rest assured, Captain, that I have no intention of forcing the matter. This discussion can wait anyway. Our immediate concern has to be to restore Sanzai to this ship before combat renews."

With Stillstorms switch of topics, a wave of relief from Beryl warmed Alex. That gave him confidence enough to push on.

"Commander, I have already given you my opinion. I see no other alternatives. If I knew how to, I would stop."

"See, Captain, I already know the problem." said Stillstorm. "You are the worst diplomat I have ever seen." That drew sharp breaths from Alex, Beryl and Fireblade.

"Excuse me?"

"The issue is one of trust, no? Your Lotai is acting up, because you have lost trust in us." With a sideglance to Tempo, she added: "Tell me, how did that happen?"

That puzzled Alex, Beryl and Fireblade too from what feelings he received from them.

"Commander, you already know that. Parat Tempo refused to send a diplomatic message, effectively cutting me off from the rest of the Union."

Stillstorm was actually shaking her head in disbelief. "How did you plan to send your message to the rest of the Union, Captain?"

"As a diplomat via your network, of course, Commander."

"How do messages travel from system to system, Captain?" Stillstorm asked perfectly calm.

It dawned on him then, that he had missed something big in all of this. Suddenly he had an idea what Stillstorm was getting at and he didn't like it at all.

"They are carried by ship, jumping to the next system."

"That is correct, Captain. What ship will make this jump next?"

"Enedd is contested, the Shells control all the jump points, except to Sala-128."

"Correct, go on."

Even though Alex had always been a smart kid, it had ever so often happened that he had missed something important. Most of his teachers had enjoyed these rare chances to needle him with slow, leading questions. Stillstorm reminded him of his more succesful teachers in that regard.

"The next Loroi ship jumping will likely be SG51 as a whole."


"After SG51 has achieved its strategic goal in this system."

"Which is?"

Alex saw it now. He really didn't like what Stillstorm was getting at. With a low groan he said: "Reestablishing contact with Tinza fleet and Tazites Duskcrown."

Very pleased with herself, Stillstorm kept pressuring Alex. She was having fun, he realized. Beside him, Beryls mouth fell open in silent understanding of the situation.

Stillstorm continued: "As soon as Duskcrown and her Mizols receive the files on you -an automatic process Captain- all of them will be very interested in anything you do. Before your aggitative message can leave this system to give you a tiny bit of diplomatic protection, Duskcrown will know about it. This message of yours can only make certain that Duskcrown sees you as a threat to the stability of the Union. The next time Tempo stops you from doing something incredibly stupid, thank her for it instead of throwing a tantrum."

Stillstorm had worked up quite a temperament during her speech. She carried that energy forward as she leaned into her next tirade. One finger pointing upwards.

"The next time Tempo forewarns you with classified personal files about a commanding officer, you thank her and do exactly what she tells you to do. Because the only reason you are here is because Tempo, you and I have broken the law!"

Confusion within him and crashing into him from the other two Loroi. Alex didn't remember breaking any laws and he certainly hadn't done so with Tempo or Stillstorm.

"What do you mean, broken the law?"

Stillstorm just stared at him, still pointing upwards. Her face turned blank.

"He doesn't know." she said to Tempo.

"You don't know?" asked him Tempo. That was the first time she had reacted to him with more than glances. Now he saw her eyes wide open, redder than usual, her hair a mess.

"Know what?"

"Enz...Captain Jardin, do you remember how I approached you with the chance of serving with SG51? Do you remember the orders from Seren to send you there I have told you about?"

Alex remembered and realisation hit him like lightning. At the time he had been too busy with his new position, but he should have understood. What army would allow their soldiers to not only refuse direct orders but to do the exact opposite.
"Fuck." was all he managed. Moments later the broad sentiment reached him from Beryl, then still later from Fireblade too. Physically and mentally the two were staggering. Beryl had to reach for a chair to let herself fall into.

Tempo continued aghast: "In the official papers, the idea came from you. If it gets out that we influenced you to discard our orders, Stillstorm and I will be expulsed from the warrior cast. You will be found guilty of having conspired with senior officers in an attempt at sabotage."

From her chair a horrified Beryl asked: "You did what? Counteracted direct orders from Seren? From the Emperor?"

"Not from quite that high, but close." was Stillstorms brisk answer.

"You just made us your confidants?" came Fireblade from his right.

"Yes." said Stillstorm. "You are now complicit. Unless you report this to Duskcrown."

Tempo interjected: "When we decided to keep Captain Jardin here, we thought we'd receive a reprimand, a demotion at worst. But now, with these new findings about his Lotai stakes have risen."

Beryl said: "You make us complicit. Just like that?"

"Just like that. With your connection to Enzin you would have found out eventually anyway. Best to get the choice over with."

Beryl and Fireblade looked at each other. This situation was unique for both of them. Not only had they to decide on the course of their lives, they also had to do it in silence as their Sanzai between each other was still muted.

At last both gave their agreement, bringing the number of criminals in the room up to five. Stillstorm looked perfectly calm. Tempo was getting there but still shaky.Somehow Alex had found a chair to sit in as well. His very first deep space mission, the very first contact between man and Loroi, the fate of all of mankind rested on his decisions and he had committed treason. The absurdity made his head spin. More and more his life felt like poorly written fiction.

After a while, Stillstorm continued: "Now that we all share the same razor, I hope your trust issues will fix themselfes, Enzin. Our next objective is how to keep Enzin from being mind probed."

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by dragoongfa »

"You are quite mistaken Commander..." Alex said as he gathered his wits after the latest development. "On both our next objective and to the fact that I hadn't realized where and when my message would be sent. I trusted that you would find a way to send the message after witnessing it while our objective is still to 'resolve' my trust issues." He actually smiled when he saw Stillstorm frown in anger at that.

"I never believed that you were actually insane but it seems that I was wrong." Stillstorm said after a moment of silence.

"Parat Tempo, would you please inform the commander as to the classified aspects of my message?" Alex said as he turned his gaze at Tempo, her visage of assumed calmness collapsing once more.

"No, I have already told you that the issue is classified and it will damage the Union if it leaks out!" Tempo replied with clear agitation.

"And you forget the fact that said issue being classified and your and the Union's insistence of keeping it that way is the sole reason this is happening." Alex replied, his anger flaring back to the forefront of his mind. "Now, either you tell them or I will."

"No! Please Captain Jardin!" Tempo begged

"I don't like putting the fate of my race on the line Parat Tempo but fine I will do as you please and I won't tell them." He replied with a crooked smile as Tempo realized what exactly he intended to do. "I will just tell them how to find it themselves."

"No!" Tempo said once again before he turned his gaze to Stillstorm who looked more confused than angry by that point.

"Commander Stillstorm, could you please transmit the information of my genetic material to a few other ships of your Strike Group? While ordering the commanding officers to make sure that the Mizol agents aboard their ships transmit back to Tempest any and all data that will be automatically unlocked in their systems?" Alex said with a calm voice despite his anger.

"What is this?" Stillstorm asked angrily while looking at both him and Tempo who looked completely defeated.

"That information is highly classified." Tempo said dejectedly after a few moments.

"It may also contain information critical about the current situation, don't forget that most of the data that was unlocked on Gora Relay was corrupted. Personally I would consider ensuring the proper running of the strike group's flagship in the midst of a contested system to be of greater import than the knowledge of those past events spreading out." Alex added, knowing full well that he was bullying Tempo by that point.

"Is this true?" Stillstorm asked Tempo with a forced steady voice at that, Tempo offering no reply other than shaking her head in defeat.

"I hope that this will be worth it..." Stillstorm said dryly as she contacted Arclight, Moonglow and Ashrain to instruct them accordingly.

His anger at Tempo subsiding he sensed both Beryl and Fireblade trying to connect with him again, wondering what this was all about, he just reassured them that they would soon know and waited for a few long minutes before Stillstorm received a report from Ashrain and read something on a holographic window before she exploded in anger.

"You Bloody Imbecile for a Mizol! When were you going to tell me about these orders of yours?" Stillstorm yelled her lungs out at that, catching everyone by surprise as she stared down at Tempo as if she was going to strangle her.

"Orders, what orders? There were no orders with the data I received!" Tempo replied with obvious agitation.

"Then what is this?" Stillstorm yelled again as a holographic window appeared in front of Tempo whose eyes raced down the text as she read it; her expression shifting from agitation, to shock, then back to agitation before settling back to a disbelieving shock.

"I... these are..."

"Orders under the Emperor's own authority that any discovery regarding 'humanity' is to be reported immediately to the Imperial cabinet and any human found is to be sent alive and unharmed to be interviewed by the cabinet!" Stillstorm said angrily before continuing to read the rest of the text.

"Enzin? What is going on?"
Beryl asked with a mind full of worry that was mirrored by Fireblade's

"I honestly don't know anymore."
Alex replied as Stillstorm looked back at him.

"How did a human end up on Deinar 400 tozons ago?" She asked in disbelief.

"I honestly don't know, humanity was barely achieving industrialization back then." Alex replied.

"What? A human on Deinar?"
Both Beryl and Fireblade asked as one.

"That's the classified part of my message that Tempo didn't want to leak out and what I and Brightshield talked about, I am the second recorded contact. And I am deeply worried that the way the Union handled this is a sign of inherent hostility towards humanity."
Alex replied.

"I... made a mistake... in not pursuing to get an intact set of this data cache in my belief that the mere act of pursuing it would be a breach of classification..." Tempo muttered before composing herself. "The information wasn't merely meant to inform those who would come in contact with a human about the basic rundown of the only recorded contact before them but to also instruct on observed and studied human telepathic abilities and how to manage them as they escorted any human, whether captive, representative or part of a delegation to converse directly with the Imperial Cabinet if not the Emperor herself."

"The damn Mizol knew about Humanity for all this time and they kept this a secret!" Stillstorm said angrily. "They knew about the human Lotai, they knew about human telepathy, they studied it and realized how it works 400 tozons ago! They even describe humanity as our template species in this!"

"It was a lone human on Deinar, the Union wasn't ready for such an announcement with just a single individual!" Tempo said. "Even now most Loroi would not easily accept the truth of us having a template species with such a radically different form of telepathy."

"Your caste kept the possibility of the human Lotai being used against us in this war hidden and now the Shells may actually be using it!" Stillstorm snapped angrily at her.

"We don't know this yet." Tempo replied.

"Be that as it may, does it say anything about how to disarm the ship wide Lotai?" Stillstorm asked.

"It says here that the human Lotai is probably a subconscious and constant passive defense of the human telepathic potential made manifest; it can be bypassed when intimate trust is formed between a Loroi and a Human but in doing so the otherwise inert human telepathic ability becomes active; allowing at first the human to communicate with Sanzai with those individuals they trust while also protecting them with their Lotai while in contact or in close proximity. The deeper the intimate bond the more pronounced the telepathic examples will be, including but not limited to the sharing of unprotected memories and the ability to use Sanzai even in extreme ranges. The passive Lotai becomes broadened in its application when a deeply bonded Loroi feels threatened or agitated and the human subconscious picks this up via the shared connection; it is strongly advised to not actually harm a deeply bonded Loroi under risk of the human telepathic talent becoming active in its defense. All active telepathic abilities can be exhibited at will after prolonged training, up to and including the conscious lowering of the Lotai although this is not advised due to the danger that is the now unused telepathic potential to everyone around the human. Positive effects to the telepathic potential of a Loroi that is intimately bonded to a human have been observed." Tempo said out loud.

"That's all well and good but how do we shut it off?" Stillstorm asked.

"Wait... It says here that the effects remain active as long as the human subconscious considers the bonded Loroi to be under telepathic threat. This can be alleviated when the two of them touch while in a calm mental state." Tempo explained.

"So we just have to touch?" Alex asked at that.

"While in a calm mental state." Tempo said with a nod.

"Alright, let's try this then." Alex said out loud as he walked up to Beryl who offered him her hands when he got close; he gently grabbed her cool hands and they felt each other's full anxiety for the first time.

"Now, calm down, everything is fine and it is going to be okay..."
He sent to Beryl as they closed their eyes while trying to calm each other down. Slowly but surely he sensed her anxiety give way to a serene calmness until it was completely gone.

The Lotai is gone! Somebody broadcasted and Alex's mind was momentarily filled with telepathic cheering before his and Beryl's attention were drawn to something... different a great distance away; they were more than one, unthinking masses of blankness that moved in the void, alien to the both of them and yet eerily familiar. Beryl tried to reach at them in her curiosity but they were too far away and Alex wasn't even sure that the presences were even aware of anything around them before both of them opened their eyes to find themselves back into Tempest's ready room.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by novius »

The first thing Alex noticed was that even Stillstorm looked more relaxed, now that the immediate crisis was over, but still cast some ugly glances into Tempo's direction, a dark promise that that matter is not entirely over for her.

He almost felt pity for Tempo. Almost. But... She did have good intentions at heart, even if her methods are questionable, he thought, I'd feel like a cad to throw her to the wolves.

Beryl, once having had the chance to get hold of his hands, didn't release them, so she picked his thoughts, even if he never intended to send them to her. She moved around to look him straight into the eyes with a mock-stern expression.

'Captain Alexander Jardin! Stillstorm is about right when she says that positing you as a diplomat would be a ... less than stellar choice. You're much too noble, straight-laced and kind-hearted for politics; the Council and the other ambassadors would skin you alive!'

'Point taken. Perhaps... that's why I found the same wavelength with Losat Brightshield much more easily than I did with Tempo. She seems... less jaded', Alex mused.

A pang of jealousy came from Beryl on hearing that name, but he felt her consciously squashing it down. 'Figures. She doesn't have thirty-five to fourty tozons of experience under her belt like Tempo likely has.'

That brought Alex up short. 'Wait. HOW MANY? If she's into the fourties, I'm eating my badge. Women even a decade or two younger would gladly kill for the secret of her looks.'

'I have it on good authority that she's about fifty tozons old. And before you ask, Stillstorm is into the one hundred and fifties. But, we digress, I think Stillstorm is already getting impatient....'

The elation of the regained sanzai ebbing down and the numerous stations reporting readiness to Stillstorm took its time, but already she was visibly getting curious about what took the two that long, Alex noticed as he returned to the waking world.

"Now that you are back, and everything is back to normal, how can we prevent a repeat performance if Duskcrown ever gets it into her head to mind-scan you or any Loroi around you? And do keep in mind that I will not accept any proposal that includes removing you from my ship."

"Even less so after what we experienced just now. I ... think it would be better to show, rather than to tell. As we're now neck deep entangled in a giant government cover up...", there Stillstorm wasn't above casting another ugly glance at Tempo, "perhaps my Lotai might accept you as trustworthy, too", he said, extending his free hand.

"That sounds surprisingly logical. It has been a long time since I had to earn someone's trust. I almost forgot how it feels like", Stillstorm nodded, taking Alex's hand in a firm grasp.

For a long moment, nothing happened, and as he felt Stillstorm lose patience, he tried at sending to her. '?'

He received a feeling of satisfaction coming from her and slowly, but surely, the impressions formed themself to words.

'...this is indeed so much better, won't you agree? A pity though, that we might not have to... but now I see how you regard it as a matter of honor to not to have an encounter with specific Loroi in question...'

Alex got the impression that the matter is still not quite closed for her, just put on hold.

'...But, since I sense Beryl here, too, but no one else, it means we're all covered under your Lotai?', Stillstorm inquired, which Alex confirmed.

'Mizol would gladly kill for an ability like this. They could pass undetected and exchange intelligence without ever being overheard', Stillstorm admonished, 'But, what is it what you wanted to show me?'

Alex moved the collective focus outward again, past Fireblade's blazing presence, out into the void.

There... the feeling of blankness against the void. Alex likened it to looking at an object covered with Vantablack, the blackest material known to humans. No structures, no nothing, just... an even deeper void, provoking a primeval fear in him, even more so because of the sense of familiarity it has. The only way to discern these ... nothingnesses ... was against the backdrop, like a cloud moving across the sky.

'I see them... but what do I see there? And why do these ... things have you so agitated?', Stillstorm asked.

'For the latter question... I don't know. Back on the shuttle we speculated that proto-humans might have come across a telepathic foe and had to develop the Lotai as a defense... and this... might resemble our genetic memories of said foe. As for your former question... could it be that they might be these 'invisible' Shell divisions?'

Stillstorm paused at this and Alex felt her 'gaze' shift to these ... things ... once more.

'And, given your own Lotai you might be more adept at detecting other active Lotai, once you got sensitized to it. Makes sense. And, incidentally you have given me excellent leverage in the matter with Duskcrown.'

'What do you mean? Wait, let me guess - me, alive and sane, being able to detect these invisible divisions, is of a much higher value to all of you than me, my mind turned into mush, likely dead, or shipped off to God-knows-where.'

Did he just sense Stillstorm's approval? He wasn't sure.

'So you aren't completely inept when it comes to politics, once you see the full picture. Still, do please stay as a military advisor to cause chaos in the enemy ranks, rather than ours.'

'Can you pinpoint their location?', Alex asked.

'Not right now. We need to move and ... have you try assense them anew. But let's return to reality.'

Alex was jolted awake when Stillstorm removed her hand, blinking in confusion.

"Congratulations. You do have advanced from being a nuisance no one actually knew what to do with to quite a valuable asset which already started to turn this disaster into something more palatable and has the unique potential of continuing to do so. I am sure even Duskcrown wouldn't be that insipid of squandering the opportunity your strange brand of sanzai presents. For now, you are dismissed, but I have need of your talents in about four thousand solons for another scan. Keep yourself at ready."

With the explicit dismissal, both Beryl and Fireblade tugged on his arms in an eerie repeat of his dismissal from the bridge after the destruction of the Bellarmine. Tempo was about to leave as well, but a sharp glance by Stillstorm rooted her in place.

'I get the feeling that now the real chewing out starts for Tempo just right now...', Alex sent to the two Loroi.

'Let's get back to your quarters. And what is this about? Classified files? Hidden triggers in the ship's systems? A human on Deinar, four hundred tozons ago? You being not the first, but second contact? A standing order to bring everything even remotely connected to humans to Seren?', Beryl rattled off questions a mile a minute.

'Slow down, Beryl. I admit, I'm curious as well.', Fireblade sent. 'Perhaps with these files out in the open, you can access them from Enzin's quarters with your authentication.'

Beryl's already brisk stride turned into an almost run and as they reached his quarters she wasted no time to enter her own access keys to bring up any new files for her to peruse.

Scrolling though most of them - anatomy, physiology, biochemistry - and briefly scanning some more - case report about the 'lost diral', the discovery of the ruins with a hitherto unknown purpose - she stopped short at another file. Genetic engineering?

Even Fireblade was intrigued as Beryl opened the file, starting to read it thoroughly, her eyes going wide.

'Stars, I understand not even a quarter of what's written there.... but is that really possible?', Fireblade sent, completely stunned.

'Uh... Ladies? One heads up for the latecomer from a primitive planet here? Please?', Alex tried at a bit of leeway.

'It says....', Beryl started, '...it describes a procedure how to modify a human's gamete to create a viable offspring with a Loroi.'

'WHAT?! Did they....', Alex sent, completely flabbergasted.

'Nothing here says that it was ever attempted, but the research was initiated by.... strange, this seems to be redacted here ... on the behest of one Soroin Tiris Tin. Why would a Soroin...?'

'Wait, Tin? Please open that case report file again...?', Fireblade prompted. 'There, the diral's roster. Leader: Initiate Tin, spoken name 'Argent'.'

Alex felt a little light headed. Tempo was right - the implications of these files could be disastrous. The idea that there had been a human in Deinar's past. Then, the idea that he might have had a child - or children - with a Loroi. Not even knowing about the circumstances.

And the idea that human women could quickly be put at a disadvantage, were they ever to compete with Loroi.

As for that part, he could already feel Beryl mulling several ideas in her head.

And Fireblade as well.

I should stop digging. Because, every time I do, I somehow find myself in an even deeper hole, he groaned.

He was sort of rescued by the door opening, revealing Tempo.

A contrite Tempo with her hair being shorn off, in her black off-duty outfit. Fireblade winced at the sight.

She took a moment to take in the sight. Alex, being flanked by Beryl and Fireblade. "Oh... It looks like I came at an inopportune time. If it is alright with you, I shall return later?"

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by dragoongfa »

Alex eyed her closely before making a decision.

"No, it's fine we are done here." He said.

"Beryl please look into this and try to find what was going on with this genetic engineering thing. Fireblade just leave us alone, I and Tempo need to talk."
Both of the acknowledged his wishes and left his cabin, Tempo and Fireblade exchanging glances as they passed by each other.

"Say whatever you have to say." He told her dryly without even standing up.

"I have been in error, I should have looked for the complete data cache in the databases of the rest of the Strike Group the moment I learned of it. If I had done this none of this would have happened and for this grave mistake from my part I am sorry." Tempo replied with a steady voice and expression.

"Is this the only thing you need to apologize for?" Alex asked her, feeling his anger flare up from within him.

"I will not apologize for saving your life and keeping the Union stable." She replied with the same steady expression and voice.

"You don't seem to get it, I am expendable." He noticed her wince at that. "My mission is to do anything and everything possible to safeguard my entire race from a war that we have nothing to do about. I told you that I don't want us to end up worse than the Mannadi and the Tithric when you are done with us because of what your government thinks of us; I am fully prepared to die if it means that no Loroi fleet will lay waste on our worlds. I fully trusted you and Stillstorm to do everything in your power to make sure that the Union would not allow any maniac like Duskcrown to do exactly that; if the price to do that was my lobotomization and death then I would gladly pay it. That message wasn't just an attempted blackmail for my well being, it was my final insurance against the genocide of my race and you denied it."

"I understand your conviction but I will not apologize for saving your life and keeping the Union stable." Tempo repeated with the same unchanging voice and expression.

"Too late on the later and the former may still come to pass." He pointed out dryly at that.

"No, neither of these will happen. Stillstorm isn't an idiot to let such classified information spread, that's why she contacted only Mazeit Moonglow and Torrets Ashrain and Archlight to test your claims. Of those three only Ashrain was able to convince her Mizol intelligence chief to send the newly unlocked files to the Strike Group's commander, the other two didn't cooperate; to the chagrin of their commanding officers." Tempo replied.

"So your little secret is safe? Then how did Beryl have full access to the data?" Alex pointed out with a smile.

"The Commander believes that Beryl should have said access to ensure hers and yours full cooperation; she is after all the Loroi you share the deepest bond with." Tempo explained and for a moment he thought he saw her mask crack a bit before she regained her full composure.

"And how is my life safe? Stillstorm may think that the latest development with me 'sensing' the Shell Lotai will be enough but I am not convinced."

"Stillstorm didn't realize that the orders for you being transported to meet the Imperial cabinet surpass even Duskcrown's authority. I don't know how or why but the Imperial codes for the orders match Azerein Greywind's verification codes after I referenced them, not just a member of her cabinet. You are to be transported to 'Cry of the Wind', alive and unharmed; the Emperor herself issued these orders and Duskcrown cannot countermand them even if you came attached to a Shell." Tempo explained.

"The Emperor? The Loroi Emperor?" Alex asked in disbelief.


"Why would the Emperor even give these orders? And wasn't she crowned at the height of the war?" Alex asked without thinking

"Yes, Greywind was crowned at the darkest moment of the war and as to why she gave these orders? I can think of many reasons, just one of whom is the fact that humanity is a telepathic species. That alone would draw the Emperor's own attention even in the middle of this war. She also came from the Mizol caste, it is not improbable that she was aware of the 'Deinar Human' long before she became the Emperor." Tempo replied with the same unchanging expression that somehow ended agitating Alex even more than the ridiculousness of it all.

"Humor more me this then, why wasn't this data triggered when I was revived on Tempest?" He asked. "You had run all kinds of test on me and yet this didn't happen, Brightshield thought that this was because Tempest was a relatively new warship and that the data from Gora Relay was really old."

"Tempest is the last of the Vortex class warships and has undergone extensive refurbishing from its engineers as they try to keep her in combat ready status despite the lack of certain class specific spare parts. Its computer systems have undergone several maintenance periods where extensive amounts of data were lost and mission critical data had to be copied from other ships. It's not unreasonable to conclude that the data pertaining to the 'Deinar Human' was lost during such a maintenance period." Tempo explained.

"At one point the thought of the strike group's ships not having said data had crossed my mind but I decided to risk it anyway, mainly because I thought that you would relent and inform Stillstorm yourself; I gave you plenty of time to do just that but you kept at it despite all the reasons to the contrary, why?"

"I was not of sound mind and judgement at the time. There were ample reasons that would justify me in informing the Commander of this classified matter, you even mentioned one yourself; that the safe running of the Strike Group's flagship was a priority over the classification. I should have pursued the data pertaining to the 'Deinar Human' days ago and I should have done so before I... caused your Lotai to engulf the ship." Tempo replied, her expression wavering momentarily as she said that.

"What? What do you mean that you caused my Lotai to engulf the ship?" Alex demanded angrily.

"I insisted on deep probing Beryl in order to collect any and all data that would otherwise be collected from you. She cooperated at first in order to ensure your safety but her cooperation wasn't enough to get everything that Duskcrown would demand out of you. Her mind resisted and I pressed through the resistance and despite her protests; you Lotai engulfed the entire ship a moment after that." Tempo replied with the same tone of voice and the same unchanging expression, driving him over an edge he didn't know he hanged over.

"You murderous bitch!" He screamed at her as he jumped on his. "How could you do this to one of your own? How could you do this to Beryl?"

"I was not of a sound mind and judgement and I couldn't think of any alternatives at the moment." Tempo replied.

"You murderous, lying and conniving excuse of a warrior. You think that this was enough of an excuse to harm Beryl?" He yelled at her.

"Your safety is enough to excuse any such act."

"What? You... You..." He could already picture himself pummeling her head against the bulkhead as he tried to come up with the words, any words to express himself. "I would kill for her and now you spout shit like this!"

"You are not expendable to me!" She cried out in agitation, her words and agitated expression knocking some sense back into him.

He looked straight into her stubborn red eyes, her lips trembling from the agitated tension that was clear on her face. He felt his anger retreat, his legs losing all their strength as he sat on his bed to bury his face into the palms of his hands.

"Get out." Alex said as he tried to control his breathing but he didn't hear her take a step for several long seconds, his anger flaring up again at that. "I said, Get out!"

He looked up to her only to see her standing naked at the same spot she was standing before, with her body suit at her ankles and her arms pressed at the side of her body as she stood in attention.

"What do you think you are doing?" Was all he could think of saying at the pitiful sight she offered.

"I have no honor, I have repeatedly failed in my duties towards you and the Union. I cannot make amends in any way for what I have done and I can offer no recompense to either you or Beryl. It is only just for you to do with me as you will." Tempo said with a trembling voice while sitting perfectly still.

"Get dressed and get out." Alex said as he averted his gaze from her, this time Tempo did as she was told and put her bodysuit back on.

"I will not bother you again and I will inform the Commander that I am no longer able to liaise with you. I will recommend Losat Brightshield to fulfill my position." She said and made to leave.

"You stupid bitch!" Alex said angrily as he grabbed her hand and forced her to look him in the eyes. "Never lie to me again, can you do that?"


"Never even think of harming one of mine, can you do that?" He asked her again.


"Good..." He said as he let her go. "Go, calm down and get some sleep. We will both need it for tomorrow." Tempo just stood there staring at him for a few moments before deciding to speak again.

"Thank you." She said and left his cabin.

* * *

"She wasn't well when she came to see him but she is better now, I wonder what he told her."
Fireblade sent as she sensed Tempo walk back to her quarters.

"For a moment I could feel him enraged to the point of being ready to kill her."
Beryl replied as she read the genetic engineering data on her console.

"What? Why?"

"I think that Tempo told him what exactly led to his Lotai engulfing the ship. He didn't like it."
Beryl replied.

"Figures... I could sense his sentiments towards you even when we mated."
Fireblade commented.

"And I could sense the ones he now holds for you, don't underestimate the bond you now share with him Fireblade."
Fireblade sensed that there was no sense of jealousy or apprehension in Beryl's mind as she sent that; unlike when she pictured Stillstorm or Brightshield being with him.

"You truly care for him, I know it and he knows it."
Beryl commented at that before her mind flared up in irritation. "This is stupid, this is all wrong, this would never work! The biochemical markers are all wrong and there is no adaptation for the human genome in order to produce viable cells without the necessary endosymbionts that the human cells need to function. This is all made up to look legitimate but it would never work." Beryl sent in agitation.

"It's all fake research? Why would someone even go to the effort to do this?"
Fireblade asked.

"I don't know, it's all stupid!"
Beryl replied angrily and even... dejectedly over the lost prospect of having his child.

"Perhaps the way you react now is the reason."
Fireblade commented, Beryl's mind flaring up in anger before the realization hit her.

"Someone had deeply bonded with the human of Deinar."
Beryl thought.

"Perhaps more than one."
Fireblade commented.

"The lost diral, there is no record of what happened to its members after they were took in by the Hos'te blec clan."
Beryl thought as she looked something in the archives. "Yes, the clan drew a lot of attention about 400 tozons ago when they produced a large number of Mizol caste warriors. It was even rumored that the only reason the Mizol caste gained a real foothold on Deinar was because of those warriors as the Deinari Loroi had only begrudgingly accepted the Mizol caste after the unification and held them in disdain even after all that time and now 400 tozons later a Deinari Mizol is on the throne and the Hos'te blec clan has been allowed to remain functional and prosperous despite the anti-clan acts of the past."

"I don't think this is a coincidence."
Fireblade commented at that.
Last edited by Guest on Fri Jul 27, 2018 6:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by Werra »

With his head in his hands, Alex sat on his bed for a long time. In his mind he played back the events of the day. It was quite a lot and the vivid images made it hard for him to concentrate.

Apparently he was able to send to Fireblade now, too. He hoped it was a fluke that it happened shortly after their sex. Stillstorm might decide to link him with the whole crew this way otherwise. Her theory remained still untested and now that they had managed to sanzai each other via touch, Alex noted with relief, she was no longer a candidate to test it. To see whether sex was a shortcut, required a Loroi he didn't trust.
"I hope it's not going to be Tempo now." he dreaded. Tempo worried him too. How foolish he had been to trust her. He was warned about Mizol and should have known from the start. She had been introduced by Beryl as a diplomatic officer. That alone should have made him distrust her. How did his subconsciousness ever start trusting her? The answer came to him nearly instantantly. Her perfect looks, that's what made him lower his guard. Her great personality did the rest. Though now he wondered how much of her personality was real.

She certainly looked remorseful. With her bald head, she even looked downright pitiful. To Alex it seemed, all her pride had been in her hair. What was that? She just undressed and presented herself to him like a piece of meat. Even through his still brooding anger, he pitied her. Perhabs she would keep her word and never harm him or Beryl again. What he had seen in her eyes certainly made that likely. It would also explain why he had still not refrained from making that conciliatory gesture at the end.

What else had he seen? Oh yeah, just the whole Umiak fleet in this system, under their Lotai. He had forgotten. He supposed that should concern him. Their fleet outnumbered the Strike Group still 10 to 1 or so. Depending on how many ships would return from Sala-128, that could change for the better or worse. SG51, Alex mused, was still in position around the jumppoint to Sala-128 and so far the Shells had made no moves to dislodge them. With their superior numbers, they could if they applied themselfes. Would they? Most definitely, letting the Tinza Fleet escape from Sala would jeopardize their whole offensive. It all depended on how long it took them to reorganise after the death of their local commander. What vectors would they come in and would they send several divisions at once or space them out?

A bleep tore him from his thoughts. His data pad had just started blinking. As he grapped it, he checked the time. Nearly two hours had passed. A message was on the screen.

The message read: "Captain Jardin, come to my office. And don't worry about them. Stillstorm."

Wondering whom she meant, he made to leave. Opposite his door two Loroi jerked to attention. A brown haired Doranzer and a Soroin. The Doranzer he recognized from the first time he woke up. The Soroin he had never seen. Since she wore combat gear, Alex also didn't see her rank.

The two looked at him awkwardly for a moment. Then the Soroin introduced herself. "Captain Jardin, Soroin Tiris Rainsplatter. Do not worry, we here for safety. Not see us."

Alex wasn't aware of any safety concerns. Having him watched made sense however.
"Is there cause to worry, Tiris Rainsplatter?"

Where a human would have said well or uh, the Soroin stayed silent. Then she answered briefly.
"Commander will tell you."

Following her gesture, Alex started moving towards Stillstorms office. By now he was more familiar with the layout of Tempest and made his way relatively quickly. The multiple Loroi that ran into him didn't say anything, as was usual, but for once, the looks they gave were directed behind him, where the two Loroi followed him. Apart from the occasional clatter of the armor, both were silent.

This time Stillstorm answered almost immediately "Enter!" as he knocked. She sat at her desk with a pile of data pads in front of her. Several monitors were extended and a large projection of the system behind her showed SG51s and their enemies positions. A green arrow was drawn coming in from the vector to Sala-128. A timespan had been written below it next to a span of percentages.

He entered and followed Stillstorms cue to take a seat in front of her desk. His guards remained at the entrance. His neck had begun to prickle.

"Captain Jardin." Stillstorm greeted him. "Diversions are over. We need to concentrate on the Shells again."

Alex threw a sideglance at the display. The Umiak formations had shifted and repositioned in the last hours. It seemed their command problems had resolved themselfes.

"What is the situation, Commander?"

Stillstorm shoved a data pad across to him. "The Shells have repositioned three divisions to hit us with. They seek to retake control over the jump point. We are still waiting on the fleet to return from Sala-128."

"Do we know when that will be, Commander?" asked Alex.

"I can make guesses. Maximum system travel time in Sala is close to 65.000 Solon. If we add a bit of maneuvering leeway to that, Tinza Fleet should return anywhere from 20.000 Solon to 30.000 Solon."

"I see. Then we need to hold the jump point for at least 30.000 Solon. I suppose the Shells will hit us sooner?"

Stillstorm acknowledged that. "Indeed. They come in three waves. The first will reach us in 12.000 Solon, the next 4.000 later and the last 4.000 later again. Once past us, they will like decelerate and reverse for another pass, 10.000 or so Solon later."

Hours of near constant fighting weren't good news for their Strike Group. Alex distinctly remembered that Historian pointing out how poorly suited SG51 was for static defense. Their situation was so engrossing, he nearly forgot the prickling in his neck.

Stillstorm continued as he was pouring over fleet compositions: "I have informed the Parat that you will now be working directly under me, Captain. Now that we can use Sanzai, I expect things to go smoothly."

Alex perked up. Had she just said Parat? Alex asked: "Parat? Tempo is still a Parat?"

Stillstorm replied with a curious look: "Of course, what else is she supposed to be?"

Carefully aware of his guards, Alex carefully phrased his next question. "I thought that with the drastic changes she would be taking a break from her duties?"

Stillstorm just shrugged: "There are no breaks for anyone here. I need all hands. She'll get a reprimand and then the matter is settled."

"Then the longest penalty will be her haircut?" a surprised Alex asked.

"Shame is temporary, Captain. Her honor will regrow in a few tozon." Stillstorm said. Then she leaned forward and showed him something on her screen. At first it was covered randomly with red lines, but slowly he managed to see. Those were trajectories for missiles and torpedoes.

"I need to decide where to deploy the point defenses. You're going to work that out, Captain."

A few minutes into his work, Alex heard a sniff coming from behind him. He turned around and saw his guards. The Soroin had one hand leisurely on her gun. That hand looked so relaxed there, that not a single muscle moved. It was obviously at home.

Alex turned to Stillstorm: "Commander, I can better concentrate without guards. Surely I don't need safety in your office?"

Stillstorm gave the two guards a sidelong glance and said: "They are here for the safety of Tempest, Captain. Ignore them."

"I don't follow, Commander."

As answer Stillstorm let out a heavy breath. "SG51 will soon be in pitched battle. Who knows what your subconsciousness decides to do if we take battle damage."

"What are you insinuating, Commander?"

Just as the Soroin had, Stillstorm too needed a moment before she spoke: "Captain, we can't risk a ship wide Lotai during battle. Loroi that can't control their abilities can often kill with a thought. Drastic measures sometimes have to be taken to avoid danger."

Alex turned around on his stool. The two Loroi behind him did their best to avoid eye contact. Stillstorm had just turned a lot of doubts in his mind into horrible reality. He turned again.

"Okay, that explains the Soroin, but why the Doranzer?"

"We try drugs first. You will be content and relaxed, Captain."

Worst part of this was, that these two would immediately notice should his Lotai act up. Alex epected to feel a needle before he saw anything alarming.

"Aren't you under orders to deliver me to the Emperor, Commander?" he managed.

"I can't do that if Tempest founders. This is a cold necessity every Loroi on board is aware of. Better use that mind of yours, Captain."

"I don't think it's a coincidence either." replied Beryl. "I wonder if one of the elder Listel has a first hand memory about this."

"We will only find out if, I mean when we leave Enedd, Beryl. No need to worry about Deinar now." send Fireblade.

"It's all so frustrating, Fireblade. Here we are with all this knowledge, all these huge discoveries and I might never get to share them. The Union will not even hear from it unless we somehow defeat the biggest invasion of the past decade."

"Food?" asked the Teidar.

"Food." agreed Beryl.

The two had sat in the mess hall for quite a while. Empty plates pushed to the side while they discussed their discoveries when the rumour came. It made them both stop immediately. An uncertain image from a hallway. Two Loroi standing in front of a cabin, Enzins cabin. As the impression became clearer, Beryl and Fireblade shared a horrified look.

The blanket of Lotai had been the talk of the ship. Every Loroi, no matter the rank had discussed it. There isn't much that can make Pasets vehemently argue with Teidar, but today every Loroi was an equal in uncertainty.

Tiris Rainsplatter in front of Enzins door, special forces no less, made the conclusion obvious to all. Captain Alexander Jardin, first ambassador of humanity would hear about one of the oldest traditions of the Loroi.

Beryl and Fireblade each felt the surge of worry coming from the other. A fact comforting to both. It didn't change the brutal logic behind any of it though. One more thing to worry about.

Memories from Fireblades own training seeped through but were cut short, as Mizol Losat Brightshield made contact.

"Pallan Fireblade." she sent with some respect. "Tozet Listel." she sent with less.

As Beryl was busy staring daggers, Fireblade answered. "Losat Brightshield, what is it?"

"I plan to test some of the limits of Enzins Lotai." she said.

Beryl was immediately alarmed. While she still felt the after effects of Tempos touch on her mind, she was far more worried about Enzin. A worry that made her jerk up from her stool.

"What are you scheming, Mizol?" she sent.

"Nothing bad, youngling. We will find out what the range on this new sending of his is."

"Why would we help you, Brightshield?"

"Tozet Beryl, have you forgotten that I talk to you only when necessary? This is official."

The insult stung, because while she hadn't forgotten, Beryl had been inattentive. Something a Listel never should be.

"As long as it keeps you from Enzin." conceded Beryl.

"Oh, haven't you heard, Tozet? I have been appointed as Enzins new liaison. He will see a lot of me."

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by novius »

Alex regarded the two Loroi with renewed trepidation, but to their credit, both the Soroin and the Doranzer eyed him with chagrined expressions. To Alex it was clear that they didn't wish to be in a position like this where they would have to hurt him... or maybe just any male. He tried at a reassuring smile and sanzai, though he doubted that they received him.

"Everything to protect your ship, and us being dead and the Tempest destroyed would render any orders about me moot, anyway? I respect that, truly. And I am not holding it against you. Any of you", he added, coined towards the two Loroi.

"Everything to protect my ship, this system, and the Union at a whole", she confirmed, holding out her hand in that gesture Alex came to recognize. "Uh...", Alex hestitated, hand outstretched, "just saying, when you do this, you go dark for the rest of the ship?"

"Of course.", she said with a slightly condescending tone, "I have instructed my bridge crew to trigger an alarm on my console if something requires my immediate attention and I am ... unavailable." Not waiting any further, she took Alex's hand in a firm grip.

'Perhaps this strange gesture of yours is a remnant from the time your people conversed with that peculiar sanzai of yours?', she asked after making contact.

Huh, that was unexpected, he thought to himself. 'Uh... no. As far as I know it came from the time when humans started to use weapons like swords and such which they had strapped at their hips like today's sidearms. Two humans using their main hand for a handshake makes it impossible for them to reach for their weapons. Well, but it moved beyond the original intention.'

'Interesting. And as for these 'precautions'... I have no wish to resort to this every time we go into battle, so do make getting conscious control over your Lotai a priority, as well as your training with Teidar Ragan Razorthorn. But, enough chatter. This is the situation we face. Your input on this?'

For a long time Alex was silent, but she could feel him entertaining and dismissing one thoght after another, playing out various scenarious.

'This position is definitely untenable as it is. We are too few and ill-suited to stand and defend the jump zone, all we can do is try to harass them as they approach. They have to do so on a narrow vector, though, unless they need to evade or change course for any reason... here's my idea....'


Tempo knew she had lost everything. Her honor, her dignity... and if it's not for the battle situation, it would have been her rank, too. Stillstorm made it abundantly clear.

She rubbed her hand over her shorn scalp. Shred this, to add insult to injury, it itches, even.

I deserve that, she thought remorsefully, remembering how she took the razor in hand and turning it on her locks.

Shocked glances met her on her way from the bridge back to her quarters, but no one dared to send to her. Or were revulsed by her appearance and what it implies. She became a pariah amongst the warriors...

Save for Cloud. Good and loyal Cloud, still holding a candle for her.

Her thoughts went back to moment in his cabin. There she was, nude and completely at his mercy.... and he sent her away.

Even more depressing, when he grabbed her hand, she felt... nothing. His Lotai must have been back in place, meaning he lost any and all trust in her.

A Mizol shouldn't get so worked up, she tried to collect herself, People not trusting us is par for the course for us.

But this is Enzin, another part of her mind countered. He came to an accord with even Fireblade and Stillstorm, and you, a trained diplomat, lost everything with him.

These shredded Deinar files!, she cursed, Everything started to go downhill with them. He was right. Secrets made everything go to Oblivion faster than a hyperspace jump. Had I...

She sighed. Now even this route of making amends had been taken from her, as he had Beryl going over them with a fine toothed comb.

"You are not expendable to me!", Tempo shouted towards Alex, and since then, she had lots of time to get a grip on her feelings.

This had not been a calculated move. This had been raw, unaltered emotion. She felt attached to him, longing for him...

...like Beryl and now Fireblade does?, she blinked in realization. Is this the secret of the humans, that they can form bonds that strong that they are willing to sacrifice everything for each other..?

Now she felt even more lost, as Enzin is hidden behind his Lotai again.

His last demands.... never lie to him again, or hurt one if his... that's something she can do.

Something she has to do if she ever wishes to feel that closeness to him again.

This sounds so wrong to all that is Loroi. Such attachments are not our way. But why does it feel so right?

She had no idea. Asking Enzin, or Beryl... out of question. Fireblade... Tempo feared the prospect of facing her as well. She saw that these two warriors - a bubbly Listel and a dour Teidar, of all things, you can't get bigger opposites than these two! - even bonded to each other over him, through him. Yes, Fireblade might take exception at her hurting Beryl as well.

Perhaps I misjudged you over the choice of your ... bondeds...?, Tempo thought. But, if she can't ask them, who can she ask?

Maybe the 'lost diral', and the only other human ever encountered, she concluded, turning to her console, putting up a listing of the Deinar files.


'And I am the dutifully appointed recorder of all events concerning and surrounding Captain Jardin, so your appointment concerns me as well, if you want it official', Beryl bit back.

Brightshield smiled, a sweet and poisonous smile. 'Oh, I already know what kind of memories you're after... is he that good? Nevermind, I guess I'll have ample chance to try out myself....'

Even Fireblade blinked in shock. The nerve....!

'And what makes you think that he would trust another Mizol, after he got severely burned by the first one? Leaving messages in one's brain might be a Mizol prank, but I bet everyone else sees it as poor taste, and her AND YOUR secrets might get him killed and almost got me mindraped!', Beryl exploded.

'Temper, temper', Brightshield tsked, 'Might be you need a refresher lesson in opsec. And as to why he would trust me... I revealed the existence of the Deinar files to him firsthand, and that alone should count for something, and ....'

'Did he ever send to you?', Beryl cut in.

Brightshield blinked, and Beryl broke into a smile of her own as no answer was forthcoming. 'Thought as much. Unless you manage to send to him, and he to you, especially over distance, do not talk to me about trust.'

Fireblade rose an eyebrow but kept silent. I guess I need to reassess my opinion about Listel. They sure can get downright nasty, too, she thought with grudging admiration. Me, Beryl, Talon, and Stillstorm, to an extent? Enzin, you sure know how to pick spirited warriors.

'Whose hopper-brained idea was it anyway, to appoint you of all things?', Beryl tacked on.

'Not that it's of any concern to you, since you're just here to remember events, but it was Parat Tempo who resigned from her position and put me forth as a replacement, and Lashret Stillstorm countersigned it.'

Delivering her final blow, Brightshield stood up from the stool she sat herself on and sashayed out of the mess hall.

Up until a stool next to a table to the side started to move by itself right into her path, making her trip over it and collapse in an undignified heap on the floor.

Brightshield casted a sharp glance at the Teidar who seemed to be more interested in her fingernails at the moment.

Beryl's eyes went wide as she glanced from Brightshield, righting herself and making her egress in a less dignified manner, to Fireblade. 'Did you just...'

Fireblade glanced at Beryl with a rather guarded expression, but Beryl was sure she saw the corner of her mouth twitching. 'Do not ask if you don't really wish to know the answer.'

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by dragoongfa »

"Now what are they doing?" Alex asked as he saw the vector changes of the three incoming divisions. The division that would have reached them first had pivoted and broke their velocity considerably as if waiting the other two to link up with them.

"It seems that they had a change of plans..." Stillstorm replied. "Instead of three attacks 4000 solons from each other they will coalesce into a single force; if it is their standard doctrine about securing a jump point by dislodging a hostile force then they will expand their formations and hit our ships as we come in range instead of forming a wedge to target a specific point of attack. They have the long range firepower to keep us away with the torpedo barrage of three combined divisions and the depleted Van squadron would have trouble with the barrage and gunboats of a single division, three are too much."

"There goes my plan..." Alex commented at that.

"It was a decent proposal and one that Strike Groups like the 51st often employ. Splitting off the wings and hitting them from different vectors at the same time; four small targets from different angles instead of one concentrated one, the Shells have trouble adapting to that due to their maniacal target fixation. The risk is that one of the wings might get too close and ends up facing an the combined firepower of an entire division; I have seen it happen too many times." Stillstorm replied. "I would have probably had decided to do that on my own, the position is after all untenable and killing a few more Shells before they reclaim the point would be preferable that simply withdrawing from it without a fight."

"So there was no way to keep the route from Sala-128 open in the end..." Alex said dryly.

"There isn't a way to keep the jump point with just one strike group but the route to Nezel is still open. My recommendation to Duskcrown was for her to deep jump the fleet and then head straight for Nezel, to do that I would try to lure as much of the Shell fleet away from the possible intercept vectors and this I have accomplished by simply staying on top of the jump point to Sala-128." Stillstorm explained.

Looking at the map again Alex realized what Stillstorm had taken a sensible choice although not the one that he would have taken. He would have used the Strike Group's superior mobility to keep the enemy off balance and dispersed, perhaps making them waste their torpedo inventory with mock attacks. It would be risky but that's what he would have done. Instead Stillstorm elected to trick the Umiak into concentrating their forces to retake the high priority objective that was the jump point to Sala-128; in order to blockade it and to be in the position to intercept anyone who jumped in but if the fleet deep jumped then they would be bypassing said blockade much in the same way Stillstorm bypassed the blockade on Azimol's jump point.

"Deep jumping the fleet will be risky though; especially if they jump while in combat." Alex commented.

"A calculated risk, Enedd is a red dwarf so deep jumps in this system are relatively safe." Stillstorm replied.

"Understandable..." Alex said while nodding. "I was quite surprised that it took them so long to regain their composure, don't they have an established chain of command about who is to be in charge if the commander is killed?"

"The Shells have a convoluted command system; their empire is highly compartmentalized and the different compartments don't interact much with one an other. The Shells are also very humble and unassuming on the individual level; one of them clamoring to take the overall command after the death of the previous commander wouldn't be like them. The overall commander would have appointed someone to take their place beforehand but if that someone had been killed or was unavailable then there would be a command vacuum until the rest came to a consensus about who was in overall command." Stillstorm explained.

"Such a second or even third in overall command would have certainly be sent to Sala-128 or would have been in the rear-guard action of Leido." Alex commented.

"Indeed... In any case it looks like the strike group will have to reposition before the combined Shell force comes in range." Stillstorm said at that.

"We have certainly wasted enough of their time already..." Alex commented before deciding to ask something that had really bothered him with the tactical doctrine the Loroi employed in all of their engagements. "If I may Commander, I find certain aspects of Loroi tactical doctrine to be odd; would you mind to explain the thinking behind them to me?"

"We certainly have the time..."

"Thank you... I can see the benefits of the interceptors in the point defense role and even in an assault role when the circumstances are right but I simply can't shake the feeling that it would be better to simply emulate the enemy's doctrine with the use of dedicated missile cruisers and gunboats in the point defense and offensive roles. Especially since the Shells seem so inept in using their torpedoes and gunboats effectively." Alex said.

"There have been many who have advocated to do what you say..." Stillstorm begun. "But what do you mean that the Shells are so inept in using them?"

"Here, let me show you." Alex said as he brought up a simulated tactical display with the console in front of him. "Normal Shell doctrine is to use the gunboats and torpedoes as 'skirmishers', a combination light units and expendable weapons meant to cause disarray on the opposing side before the main units of the assault are brought to bear."

He showed her a standard Umiak assault with the gunboats and torpedoes darting ahead of their main battle line.

"But what if the gunboats were employed as fast, detached weapon platforms that would harass the flanks?"

This time he showed the Umiak assault changed, instead of the gunboats darting ahead with the torpedoes they coalesced into two groups that would rush to the flanks of the defending formation while the main assault would wedge itself against the center of the formation without receiving the crossfire from the flanks.

"Or even better, what if the gunboats were used in an active assault role during the attack?"

The third simulation had the gunboats stay behind the main Shell battle line up until the moment of contact, then they would dart ahead by squadrons to attack the defending formation as their ships ballooned away from the wedge, several gunboats hitting individual ships at will as they were without any fire support from a defensive formation.

"And then there is their approach with their torpedoes, a fast detached formation made up from missile ships would wreck havoc to any defensive line if they were allowed to fire their ordinance from radically different vectors while the main assault took place." Alex finished and Stillstorm just looked at the frozen simulation for a few moments before turning her gaze back at him.

"I think that you and Torret Ashrain would get along well, she has showed me similar simulations plenty of times so we would come up with possible counters to them." Stillstorm begun. "The Shells however would not use such assault tactics; they are maniacally focused on beating down the enemy with overwhelming brute force rather than use any form of finesse in their tactics. Even the Stray hasn't used such tactics, not because it is a foolish Shell but because they demand daring and open thinking local commanders, something that the Shells lack."

"I see, I have thought about why the Shells aren't using such flexible aggressive tactics and I tried to understand their mindset; on humans such aggressiveness was prided among mounted warriors who would use mass assault tactics much like the Shells do, forming wedges to break up the enemy formation or by simply running down less massive infantry formations who didn't have the weapons necessary to counter them but human mounted warriors coupled this aggressiveness with the superior mobility of their mounts in order to strike from the best possible positions but the Shells don't do this which I found it extremely out of place." Alex explained.

"Mounted warriors? Humans used mounted animals in their warfighting?" Stillstorm asked.

"Yes, of course. Didn't the Loroi do the same?"

"No, there were attempts to use large miros as mounts on Deinar, some of them successfully but the miros is a temperamental animal that can't be counted on to be used as a tool of war." Stillstorm replied.

"I see, the vast majority of our mounted warriors used 'horses' as their mounts. They are large, strong quadrupedal animals that was also extensively used as a beast of burden in our pre-industrial eras." Alex explained and was surprised when Stillstorm extended her arm towards him again.

"I want you to show them to me."

"Of course." Alex replied as he took her hand in his, showing her images of horses and how large and fast they were.

"Yes, they do look like majestic creatures; and they are herbivores?"
Stillstorm asked.

"Yes, they couldn't be used in warfighting if they were carnivorous, too dangerous for their riders and too expensive from a logistics point of view."

"And how did the mounted warriors fight?"
Stillstorm asked and Alex showed her various images of light and heavy cavalry as well as horse archers and the general idea of their employment.

"I see, light cavalry for harassment and heavy cavalry with heavy armor, heavy swords and long spears designed to strike hard at a formation."

"Cavalry spears are called lances, long spears designed to be carried by charging cavalry. They were first used by the cavalry unit of an ancient conquering warrior King who popularized my name, Alexander the Great, but they became prevalent by the mounted warrior nobility of our middle ages, the knights."
Alexander explained as he mentally described how heavy cavalry operated and attacked.

"I see, the knights do look like warriors as we Loroi would describe them."
Stillstorm commented, impressed by the picture of the heavily armed and armored knight on top of an armored warhorse.

"They were later popularized as a chivalrous and altruistic ideal but they were mostly just a militant nobility who were mostly looking for their own interests and were in time sidelined with the advent of the mass use of gunpowder weapons, centuries before our industrialization era."
Alex explained.

"Wait, you had gunpowder weapons before your industrialization?"
Stillstorm asked, showing him that the Loroi and all of the races they knew about discovered gunpowder during their industrialization, not before like humanity did.

"Yes, gunpowder was first used for cannons, siege equipment designed to destroy defensive walls and emplacements, then as technology progressed hand held weapons were first introduced; the arquebus which eventually replaced the bow due to its ease of use which allowed for masses of infantry to fight with little training. At first they were used in conjunction with other classic infantry formations like pikemen and swordsmen but they had become the dominant weapon of choice before the first steam engine was built."
Alex explained with the accompanying historical examples he could remember.

"I understand and thus cavalry became extinct?"
Stillstorm asked, imagining a cavalry charge breaking from mass defensive volley fire from an infantry formation.

"No, quite the contrary, cavalry use simply evolved and adapted. Horses still offered unsurpassed mobility and although shock assaults became rarer and rarer over time the ability of cavalry to quickly move and engage over great distances was still key for all armies. Scouting, attacking the rear of the enemy, harassing and destroying supplies, capturing a strategic location before the enemy; in all respects cavalry use became more prominent with the advent of gunpowder weapons, in fact several armies successfully used mounted warriors during our second world war despite the advent of mass warplane and mass mechanized weaponry."
Alex replied, catching Stillstorm by surprise.

"Second world war? Weren't the issues of the time solved with the first?"

"No, in fact the resolution of the first world war was the reason why the second happened. While the resolution of the second was the reason for a long near war state between two human superpowers, the war being avoided due to the fear of mutually assured destruction via the mass use of atomic and biological weaponry."
He sensed her shock and surprise at that.

"I didn't expect humans to be so warlike, especially because your warriors are primarily males."
She commented at that.

"Many humans still wonder how we haven't destroyed each other yet, we came really close plenty of times in the past century and we thought that species extinction had been avoided with the advent of interstellar travel and the colonization of other worlds."
Alex replied before taking the conversation back on track. "In any case, I believe that the tactics I showcased would be ideal to use against the Shells and their apparently inherent inflexibility. Dedicated missile cruisers and ships for both point defense and offense and fast attack gunboats for both point defense and flexible offense."

"I understand what you mean but there has always been major political pushback against the implementation of different tactics and weaponry. For example the Tenoin caste fought hard against the retirement of the fighter craft because it is their castes prerogative weapon platform; many thought that the resources invested in fighter crafts, pilots and their carriers should instead be invested on more destroyers and escort cruisers for greater point defense capabilities."
Stillstorm explained. "In the gunboat case many recoiled from the thought of adopting a Shell weapons system."

"That's stupid, a warrior should be able to always adapt themselves to the changing circumstances, war must always be fought against one's enemies not against one's political rivals."
Alex replied instantly.

"It is stupid but that's the way we are Captain Jardin."
Stillstorm replied, her memories of her vocal political opposition to the current Emperor coming at the forefront of her mind. "Loroi always convey what is in our minds, it is dishonest to do otherwise."

"But the war should take an absolute priority, there is no sense in even thinking of arguing if there is nothing left to argue for."
Stillstorm became amused at that.

"A noble sentiment but why do you think Parat Tempo was assigned on my flagship by the admiralty?"

"I don't know..."

"I am a vocal political figure of the Loroi Axis and I find the Mizol Emperor to be an affront to the front line warriors who live and die in this war. I will not deny that certain of Greywind's policies helped the war effort but she should not be on the throne and I am quite vocal about that. Parat Tempo was assigned here to keep watch over me and to ensure that I don't overstep my bounds, they know that I wouldn't do anything to endanger the war effort but they still assigned one of their best Mizol agents to me."
Alex became shocked at that.

"Tempo was assigned on Tempest to keep watch over you? That's why you weren't on good terms? That's why you had her shave off her hair?"
He asked without thinking.

"Yes that's the reason she is on Tempest and part of the reason why we are not on good terms but no, I didn't order her to shave off her hair; that was her own choice to make in order to atone for her mistakes, like I and some others did after the great disaster of the Tasinei ways where we failed to rescue Soshret Sunfall and her forces from the massive Shell counterattack that stopped the Semoset offensive."
Stillstorm replied matter of factly.

Alex asked without thinking, trying to picture Stillstorm with longer hair.

"My hair was as long as Rune-Laurel's at the time but I failed as a warrior, I wasn't good enough to save the fleet and my daughters who were with Sunfall."
Stillstorm explained as she unwittingly showed him the painful memories of that time.

"...I...am sorry for your loss Commander..."
He managed to send at that.

"I am not the only one who has lost daughters in this was Captain Jardin, all of the crews of the 51st are someone's daughters and almost all of them have daughters of their own either already at the fleet or at our worlds being raised and trained to fight in this war."
Stillstorm replied coldly.

"All of them have daughters?"
Alex asked without thinking, his mind racing over all the warriors he knew and had shown interest in him.

"Of course they do, bar Fireblade and the various Pasets who aren't full warriors yet all of them have daughters."
Stillstorm replied as she sensed a subconscious question in his mind. "Yes, even Beryl who you are so attached to has a child of her own being raised in a creche."

"She... never said anything about her child."
Alex thought.

"Because she has barely spent any time with her child."
Stillstorm explained. "Before the war we had the time and ample opportunities to visit our children in the communal creches where they are raised and trained, we interacted with them, we played with them and taught them what we could before they would be sent in their dirals to become proper warriors. We would meet them again at their initiation, where we would shave their heads and welcome them as fellow warriors among our ranks. The war brought an end to all this, mothers and daughters die in droves without ever seeing each other. Many wonder how their children are doing in their creches, if they are strong in mind and body but most won't get the opportunity to get to shave their daughter's head when they pass their trials. That's what this war has done to us and Beryl has been hit hard due to this, unless you foolishly believed that her relatively short hair was a stylistic choice."


"Don't feel sorry for us Captain Jardin, it's a waste of ones mind. Use that energy to hate our enemies if you care as much about us as you think you are." Stillstorm chastised him, making him want to change the subject.

"Then why did Tempo shave her hair?"
He asked, drawing a sense of amusement out of her.

"You mean besides endangering the ship due to her decision not to pursue the matter with the data? Despite her failure to uncover the Emperor's own orders by doing so? She also emotionally compromised herself with you, allowing her feelings about you to cloud her judgement in regards to her duty to the Union."
Stillstorm told him. "And like a fool she didn't realize this until after the fact. If she hadn't recused herself from being your liaison I would have ordered her to do it. Stuff like this is why we consider growing too attached to a male to be an ill portent."

Stillstorm broke the connection they had at that.

"Thank you Captain Jardin for the informative discussion." Stillstorm said.

"Likewise Commander. Our discussion was very informative about the Loroi way of doing things and thinking." Alex replied as he collected her wits. "So it is safe to assume that we won't engage the Shell assault?"

"No, just the torpedo barrage would be too much for our point defense capabilities and the enemy formation will be too spread out to dodge them if we harass them. Our objective is to inconvenience the Shells long enough for the fleet to deep jump into the system before proceeding to Nezel and because of that I see no reason to engage them. The Strike Group will accelerate away from the jump point when the Shells get too close to us and I hope that Duskcrown will get the fleet here in time before the Shells decide to reinforce the blockade of Nezel. Until that time you are dismissed Captain." Stillstorm said.

"Yes Commander..." Alex asked before turning to look at his escorts.

"I wanted to ask, will I be escorted everywhere from now on?" He said at that.

"It would be prudent if you were but since there is no threat of imminent combat I don't see the reason; as long as no other Lotai incident takes place that is." Stillstorm said right before his Doranzer and Soroin escorts turned to leave, relief clearly shown with their expressions and their body language.

"Thank you Commander, I will be taking my leave now." Alex said as he remembered that he still had his training drills with Ragan Razorthorn to deal with before trying to catch a shower and a nap since his last night's sleep was interrupted.

* * *

Tempo didn't find much about the interactions of the 'Lost Diral' and the 'Deinar Human', there was very little if at all on the files about them but it was obvious when reading between the lines that most if not all of the Diral became bonded with him over the course of their training. There were plenty of mentions about the telepathic effects of bonding, especially about the how the Lotai works but precious few about the 'positive effects to telepathic potential' that were merely mentioned in passing.

Positive effects to telepathic potential, that can only mean that the Loroi that a human lets through the Lotai by bonding with them get telepathically stronger.
Tempo thought, remembering that all other research about enhancing telepathic potential had failed, either by genetic engineering, drugs and mental conditioning there was no way to simply enhance the telepathic potential of any given Loroi bar using an amplifier.

What if the entire Diral became telepathically stronger due to their bonding with him? Is that why all evidence about them and the human were erased? To hide the fact that a way to enhance telepathic potential existed?
Tempo thought as she tried to look up what happened to the members of said Diral after they were given to the Hos'te Blec clan but found almost nothing in either the files or the archives she had access to; it was if as they had completely vanished from existence.

Wait, I remember I saw a name somewhere, Soroin Tiris Argent, why would a Tiris of all ranks be given privileged access and mention in this? And wasn't Argent the temporary spoken name of the Diral leader?
Tempo thought as she tried to look up any record about that Soroin, she found plenty of Soroin Argents in the files but none of which matched either the diral leader or the Tiris Argent mentioned in the files.

Yeah, someone went into a lot of trouble to cover their tracks while writing these files but I wonder why they included the genetic engineering data? There was no reason to include them in the data package?
Tempo could think of a few reasons as to why, none of them good before trying to find any report about human telepathic training.

The data said that a trained human can consciously control his telepathic potential, it would be a boon Enzin if he could control himself and not be wary of his subconscious acting up.
She thought as she looked up all the mentions about training until she found what she was looking for.

Tricky... The principles are different... but still doable...
She thought as she skimmed through the data. Who to train him though? Beryl is a Listel and Fireblade is a Teidar, this needs finesse and perseverance. Brightshield? No, she is not as good as she think she is and I don't truly trust her with Enzin even when I was willing to work with her...

She couldn't think of anyone else but herself at that, trying as she might she simply couldn't imagine anyone else she knew who was capable enough to offer the training he needed.

He doesn't trust me anymore however, I want him to trust me again, to sense him again but he doesn't trust me and I can't think of anyone other than me able to train him. He does however trust Beryl and Fireblade... Can I convince them to help me?
Tempo thought before making a decision, she knew that she had to make amends and she knew that Enzin needed to be trained to control his abilities; her shattered pride and honor were secondary to that.
Last edited by dragoongfa on Sat Oct 12, 2019 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by Werra »

If Razorthorn was annoyed with his tardiness, it was hidden by her usual hostility. Todays lesson was to be shipboard tactics in a firefight. For that the class, consisting of 17 Listel, Doranzer and Gallen, had to don full combat gear.

Luckily Doc Winterbloom was there too and walked Alex through the process of equipping the gear. It wasn't that complicated. Loroi and human physiology being too close for impossibilities. The armor was designed so that one person could equip it in a timely fashion, as were the straps of assorted gear and the pulse rifle.

Yet even though the suit was made from light weight materials and more advanced than anything Alex had worn, it was surprisingly uncomfortable. However Alex couldn't quite point out why.
A question Winterbloom cleared up for him by rapping her nuckles on his chest piece.
"Sounds hollow." she teased.
Another hint that he was wearing alien armor was the sweat that formed on his body. These suits were made for Loroi temperatures and it got stuffy very quickly.

The next hour was spent by going over the various bits of equipment and their functions. The Loroi around him did their drills of assembly and disassembly of their guns dutifully if bored. It seemed to Alex that the amount of detail was more for his benefit than to train the Loroi.

With that out of the way, Razorthorn pushed a few buttons, prompting the room to rearrange itself by extending several metal sheets, simulating a ships corridor.

She continued: "You are here for your refresher on boarding actions. Since you are not Soroin, we will be going over defensive maneuvers. But why, some of you might ask, do we have to train this? The last boarding action SG51 fought was 6 Tozon ago. Who can explain the situation needed for boarding actions? Jardin!?"

Razorthorn had snapped that last question at him. She had flat footed him for a moment; humanity never had fought a boarding action on a spaceship before. The closest they got was when Marines boarded the Orgus refugees. Some of his teachers had mentioned theories offhandedly so with some quick thinking he patched together an answer.

"Uh...distances in space are huge and spaceships carry fission reactors that can be made to explode. So to be boarded, a ship needs to be immobilized and of high enough value to risk boarding while being of low enough value to not be foundered on purpose."

"The Captain missed something. Can anybody tell?"

A listel with red hair spoke: "A ship can also be too valuable to be foundered, such as when it carries unique or vital intelligence." Unique intelligence like the only ambassador of a new species. Nobody needed to spell out that capture of such an asset would be avoided at all costs should the boarding fight go poorly.

"Correct, Antimony. That is why the Commander has ordered a refresher for the whole crew on boarding tactics. Form up in fire squads!"

Fire squads consisted of three people working together. Despite being surrounded by non combat roles, Alex had a hard time keeping up with the training. The Loroi were all surprisingly well drilled and diligently took shots at the projections of Umiak that were their targets. Alex had no idea what a Hardtrooper was, but the image of them was enough for his tastes.

When they were done, or as much so as they would ever be, according to Razorthorn, the class stowed away their equipment and dispersed. Finally able to reach his brow, Alex wiped away the sweat.

Half an hour later he came out of the showers feeling refreshed and headed towards his cabin hoping for some some much needed sleep. Something he should have known better.

With newfound determination, Tempo set out on her task. The training methods described before her were complicated and would require the utmost amount of care. But her own training as a Mizol had been similarly arduous. She found enough similarities to work out a decent training plan. Some improvisation would still be required, which was why she could trust nobody else on board with this task.

How she would regain Enzins trust enough to do this, was a more difficult matter. She hoped that he'd understand the urgency of the situation. She had been forced to probe Beryl. Not just for the intelligence within her, but also because enemy action could have happened at any time. Tempest would have been an easy target while crippled by Lotai.

She had good arguments for the benefits of her training. The advantages to Enzin and the Union were apparent. His Lotai could be extremely useful and it seemed like humanity was the key to counteracting the Shells Lotai, however it was achieved.

While she made notes from the Deinar files, she came to the usual section full of military red tape. Letters of judical matters, copies of regulations, a reminder to take regular breaks to stretch from deskwork. Her instinct was to quickly scroll past. But this time she noticed a speck somewhere as text buzzed past. Slowly scrolling back up she came to a section headed "Health and Safety". It looked like the usual spiel of the Doranzers about contaminants, risk of injury and such. What made her wonder was that this specific file was locked behind a password.

She tried her own as a Mizol, which returned a negative. Then she tried Stillstorms password, which also produced a negative. A locked file within a locked file that not even a fleet commander could access. There wasn't much higher you could go in clearance. A remarkable amount of care for a 400 year old file.

Tempo was still brooding, when the door opened. Cloud walked in carrying the usual stack of data and a tray of food. To her great credit, she slowed down only for a short moment as she neared Tempo with her new haircut.

"Parat Tempo, here are the daily reports." She didn't acknowledge the food she placed on the edge of Tempos desk. Yet the gratefulness for saving her a trip to the mess hall, must have been felt by the female.
"Thank you, Cloud."

The Paset wanted to turn around, but hesitated halfway.

"The word amongst the crew" she started.

"Spare me, Cloud. I can imagine what they're saying about me."

"Nobody knows what to say, Parat."

"What do you mean?"

"You are obviously dishonored, but nobody can imagine why."

"It should be quite obvious. I caused the ship wide Lotai and a lot of diplomatic trouble." Tempo protested.

Cloud looked stunned: "Those trivialities? A ship wide Lotai is huge, but how could you have known? And what trouble? That alien is all alone with us!"

It irked her to hear Cloud speak so derisively about Enzin, but she still remembered how young and patriotic she herself had been fresh from training.

Cloud continued after a moment a lot more conscious about her tone now.

"Look, as chief Mizol you have never been popular, but you were respected. The model of a Mizol, dedicated to the Emperor. We don't remember the last time you made a single slip up. Now you are dishonoured and nobody knows what changed."

"There is more to it. But it's classified. I am sorry, I can't tell you. You are dismissed."

Cloud send clear worry, but let it be and left. A moment later, Tempo returned to creating a training routine and was shocked to find that she had forgotten to clear her screen as Cloud entered. How could that happen, she wondered. Her slip ups started to pile up.

Both of them watched the Mizol strut of indignantly. Brightshield quickly left the mess hall under the snickering looks of several Loroi.

"Thanks." Beryl sent to Fireblade. "That Mizol gets me angry every time we talk."

"It's what they are trained for. What do you think Enzin will make of her as his liaison?"

"I hope his recent experiences with Mizol have taught him something and he puts her out of his head."

"Yes, I'm not too keen on her prowling around Enzin either."

"Nothing we can do about it. If she is acting under orders, we can't stop her." send a frustrated Beryl.

"We can at least make sure that she is not left alone with Enzin."

Beryl caught her meaning. One of them would have to keep around Enzin at nearly all times for his own protection.

"Okay, I will go and work on this Deinar file in his room. At least I can concentrate there." decided Beryl.

"Look who's eating in her office today, Beryl."

Beryl turned her head just in time to see Paset Cloud leave the mess hall with a tablet of food. She hadn't seen what it was, but it was no big guess to know it was from Perein.

"Tempo must be sulking to order Cloud to bring her food."

"Understandable. I wouldn't like to show my bald head around either." came begrudginly Fireblade.
Then she added a question. "Do you think Enzin and her will ever have some trust again?"

"I don't know. Probably not. He felt ready to kill. I never would have expected a male to be so aggressive."

"True. Beryl, I'll relieve you after my shift. Have fun with Deinar. Perhabs you find something new."

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by novius »

As if on cue, Alex thought. The moment he stripped down to his skivvies, ready to catch some urgently-needed z's, he... well, he wasn't sure, but he thought he felt something.

Just like feeling the proverbial stares on the back of your head. But I've seen too many psionic abilities by now...

Unwilling to shoo away his thoughts he rose up again and to look for the source of his agitation. As an afterthought, he put his new off-duty shirt back on - wouldn't do if he'd accidentally flash yet another Loroi, shower video or not.

Which turned out to be a wise idea, because as he went to the door to look outside, it opened, revealing Cloud, looking very much out of place and lost.

Figures. Perhaps no one introduced her to the concept of knocking, and she looks too shy to enter a cabin unannounced.

"May I come in?", she asked, in a rather stilted way.

Figures - apart from Talon, Spiral and Fireblade I've been around Loroi who are adept at speech - Beryl as a Listel, the Mizol because of their training, and Stillstorm because she has to be able to give clear, succinct commands via comms, Alex thought, deciding to cut Cloud some slack.

But then he remembered who is Cloud's immediate superior and his mood soured again.

"Come in", he said gruffly, stepping aside, allowing her to enter. "Just say your piece and be quick about it."

Cloud rose her eyebrows, startled. The few times she had met that alien he always tried to display some manners - strange manners, but nonetheless. She cannot remember seeing him being outright rude.

"Tempo is hurting, very much. What happened?", Cloud started.

"Didn't you ask her? Or does even a Soroin Paset trust the word of an alien more than that of a Mizol?", Alex bit back. He knew he was downright petty, but his tiredness and the whole situation was starting to creep up on him.

Cloud flinched as if he had beaten her physically. "Explain to me. You are hurting, she is hurting, without honor and disgraced. No one knows why."

Alex took a deep breath. Whatever beef he had with Tempo, he started to feel guilty on taking it out on Cloud.

"I'm sorry. Tempo made some bad decisions with classified information and orders, and deeply hurt me and those I ... care for, very much."

"Tozet Beryl. You care for her.", Cloud said.

Not sure if she intended it as a question or statement, Alex took it as the former. "Yes... more than you might imagine."

"And human males are warriors. fighting for those they care."

"In a nutshell... uh, summed up...", Alex amended as he saw the askance look in Cloud's eyes about the idiom, "... this is about right."

"Tempo cares for you.", Cloud stated.

That brought Alex up short. "Come again?"

"Tempo cares you you.", Cloud repeated. "Very much."

Alex was about to bite back a sharp retort - that she has a very strange way of showing it - when he clearly sensed a familiar presence on the other side of the door. Beryl. 'Cloud is here, but please do come in.', he sent with a small bit of desire.

The door slid open, revealing Beryl, her posture stiffening as she focused on Cloud.

A quick exchange in sanzai followed, something which was too fast for Alex to catch up, but he got the impression that Beryl was even less impressed on seeing Tempo's aide than Alex was.

"I wish to understand. What is it with you humans?", Cloud almost pleaded.

Alex blinked and turned to Beryl. 'Did she really say humans, as in plural?'

'She did. And she ... meant it. I saw it in her thoughts when she spoke. Do you think....', Beryl didn't finish the line of thought, instead asking loudly: "Tell me everything. What do you mean?"

"You. And Fireblade. And Tempo. She's longing for him. Stillstorm. She was close to spacing him, now she's ... cordial around him. Taking his advice. And what is this 'Lost Diral'?"

That hit both Alex and Beryl like a hammer.

"Cloud, this is....", Beryl started, "... swear to me that you never repeat these words outside these rooms. Swear it! It goes far beyond your level of clearance, we only came about them because they directly concern us."

"What...?", Cloud asked, trying to process Beryl's words.

"I can only say that much that the humans are far more important to us than you might ever believe. And they could be crucial to our war effort.", Beryl stressed.

Cloud looked at Alex, eyes wide.

"I... don't know. But... please help Tempo. She's starting to waste away.", Cloud finished in a dejected tone, before standing up to leave, decidedly wobbly.

Not a second after the door closed, Beryl found herself in Alex's arms. 'I missed you.', she sent. 'This is against everything we grew up as proper, to feel this much for a single male. But it feels so right.'

'Were you a human, this would be completely right. Perhaps... when the Soia designed you, they... well, made an oversight and left the instinctual need for bonding in your genes?', Alex mused.

Beryl pinned him with a mock-stern glare. 'Enzin! Please never repeat that to any Loroi besides another Listel, because this is talking blasphemy! But...', here she amended, '... your theory makes some sense.'

'...and since you experience such bonds for maybe the first time in your life, you got it very hard. Heard what Cloud said?'

'About Tempo? This... sounds like withdrawal symptoms from substance abuse. Yes, this fits. Irrational behavior, loss of social interaction, obsessions, she very much acts like someone on cold withdrawal.'

'Substance abuse? Is that a thing amongst Loroi?', Alex questioned.

Beryl nodded. 'More than you might think. We haven't encountered a sentient species which hasn't had a slew of recreational drugs - even the Barsam have a whole slew of them used in their rituals, but each and every species has a list of banned substances which are highly addictive and detrimental to the health.'

'Perhaps 'humans' get on such a list for Loroi, too.', Alex joked, but it fell a bit flat as he felt Beryl mulling over it. 'Might be that's the reason that the First Contact with the humans was hushed up like this.'

Beryl held him more tightly. 'I do not wish to lose you, ever. If Tempo's fate would await me, too...'

She wasn't referring to Tempo's fall from grace, but her apparently declining condition.

'...Being separated from one's love is withdrawal. Falling in love does play on the same hormones and brain centers like substance abuse. Lighting the reward system up like a bonfire. And since you're so similar to us, I bet this would be the same to you... perhaps even amplified tenfold with your sanzai.', Alex mused.

Beryl looked him into his eyes with a pleading expression. 'Tempo. You have to help her.'

'What?', Alex sent flabbergasted.

'I know what she did, but I simply cannot find enough hate in myself to let her suffer so much. I wish I could, leaving her to her fate, but I simply ... cannot.'

Alex pulled her closer again into his embrace, his fingers playing along the tip of her exposed ear, looking away with a thousand-mile stare.

Stillstorm was right. I shouldn't bemoan Beryl's fate, I should hate the shells for what they do to them all. She's such a kind and compassionate soul, and she didn't deserve to be thrown into the meat grinder, Alex mused.

But it begs the question - if Beryl found it in herself to forgive Tempo, even after what she did, perhaps he should do so, too.


'Pallan Fireblade, has Captain Jardin ever talked to you about the history of his species?', Stillstorm sent, catching Fireblade very much off-guard.

'...only in the broader sense, when we speculated about Soia influence on human evolution. And maybe ours, too.'

'Soia influence on humans? Undoubtedly interesting, but not what I mean right now. I had a rather interesting discussion about human ground warfare tactics and that led to a brief look into their history. Did you know that about two hundred tozons ago, just before they made their first steps into space, they had not one, but two world-spanning conflicts? "World War One" and "World War Two" he called it. In fact, the technology to get into orbit was theorized and developed in their World War Two. And after that, he said, the two superpowers on his planet were locked in a state of near war in mutually assured destruction for a long time.'

Fireblade fell silent. Not just one, but two world-spanning conflicts? Most civilizations usually had one, and that is the crucible which had them form a world government thereafter or be destroyed. 'That... is news to me', she sent hestitantly, 'I never had imagined....'

'Me neither. I never imagined them to be that warlike. His ship was definitely not a warship, and he himself claimed to be on a peaceful mission, but more and more I get the impression that humans can be anything but, if they are provoked. We should never fall into the trap to think they're just males... the pictures he showed me were mostly males fighting. I fear... if there'd ever be an order to subjugate the human population, they wouldn't take it lightly but fight back with everything they had. We'd end up with another genocide.

'Do you know that he expressly told Ragan Razorthorn that he does want to be treated like all the other recruits? It seems as if she and the other recruits tried to shield him from harm like training accidents. And that the humans had about similar problems when they integrated their women into the troops.'

'I see. Please do keep me apprised of his progress in his training. If there is another species with an active military tradition, especially one so similar to us, his ideas and strategems could be the thing we need to put up as a viable alternative to our more outdated battle doctrines.'


It took quite some time for Beryl to get out of her funk, which is saying something because Beryl could usually shift gears quite easily.

'You know... Fireblade and I had a run-in with Brightshield in the mess hall.', she started, replaying the events.

She could feel his ire raising on Brightshield talking down to Beryl like she did, but his mirth and surprise on her toppling over the stool that 'just happened' to find itself in her path.

'If she thinks she can get me into her bedsheets now, she has definitely taken the wrong choice.', he sent acerbically, 'at least Stillstorm has taken herself off that list, too, but...'

'But what?', Beryl prompted.

'If she gets into her head that I have to have an encounter with one of you before I can send to someone without touching, I could see her starting to schedule encounters for me with the whole bridge crew, and perhaps key positions throughout the ship.'

'She wouldn't dare!', Beryl sent sharply.

'I hope I can convince her that it is likely the other way round. That it requires a great deal of trust from both sides to agree to an encounter. That the encounter itself would be ... incidental, but not the ultimate cause for the improved connection.'

'That makes sense. But it would require an encounter between you and a Loroi unfamiliar to you to test that theory as well. If you link up to her, it would mean that Stillstorm is right with her assumption.', Beryl hedged.

'I won't agree to this if you're not okay with it.'

Beryl vigorously shook her head. 'My consent would be unimportant to the larger scope of things.'

'Beryl. It is important to me', he sent, eliciting a warm feeling from Beryl.'

'That reminds me of something. This human on Deinar might have faced similar issues? Perhaps the files give us an insight into how his sanzai developed, if any. I recall having read something....'

Once more Alex was amazed by Beryl's memory, replaying the files she read with crystal clarity.

'There....', she stopped, '... training techniques. They look quite ... advanced. And Mizol in origin.'

'Are you sure?'

'I know that they look much like Mizol techniques, but I couldn't teach them... they themselves build on Mizol knowledge as a foundation.'

'Which means I'd need a Mizol to teach them to me', Alex groaned.

'Definitely NOT Brightshield!', Beryl switftly cut in, with a stab of jealousy.

'Which means... either Tempo, or me hooking up with one unfamiliar Loroi, and then perhaps the rest of the bridge crew, at least, if Stillstorm deems it prudent.'

It took a long time for Beryl to think things over, and Alex felt that it was like the choice of the lesser evil for her.

'Let me think on it. And let me stay here, just sleeping in the same bed. No encounter. I felt how tired you are, Razorthorn really put you through the paces. But, help me shutting out the other voices in my head, just you, me, and Fireblade.'

Alex gave her a long kiss on her lips, moving a strand of her hair out of her face. 'Deal.'

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by dragoongfa »

Fireblade's relatively gentle sending woke Beryl as Enzin slept heavily next to her.

"What is it Fireblade?"
Beryl asked while wondering what time it was.

"I just had a discussion with Tempo, she believes that Enzin needs to be trained for his own well being."
Fireblade replied while passing along her own agreement with Tempo's proposal.

"Enzin and I talked about this, if only to avoid Stillstorm having him mate with most of the command and bridge crew so they won't be affected by his Lotai if it acts up again."
Beryl replied as she recollected her thoughts.

"It's worse than just him mating with all others Beryl, Stillstorm will be sending a Doranzer and an armed Soroin to be with Enzin whenever we are in combat; to sedate him if he acts up telepathically during it and if that fails, to kill him."
Fireblade added, shocking Beryl into mental standstill.

"What? What about the orders from the Emperor?"
Beryl managed to ask.

"Stillstorm doesn't like it either but if the ship is destroyed in battle then he will die along with it anyway. He needs to be able to control his powers and Tempo believes that she is the only one who can offer him the training he needs and I agree with her."
Fireblade explained and Beryl had to agree with the Teidar on that.

"Where is Tempo now?"

"She is waiting for your and Enzin's response to her offer Beryl, she was respectful and didn't pressure me about it but she was certain that this needs to be done and that she doesn't trust anyone else she knows with the task."
Fireblade replied.

"Alright, I will wake Enzin up and we will tell him of Tempo's offer."
Beryl replied before shaking Enzin awake.

His drowzy mind made Beryl chuckle as she waited for him to focus before explaining the situation to him. "I had expected that you two would insist on this when you would learn of my... escorts."

"Why didn't you tell me?"
Beryl sent accusingly at that.

"I didn't want to worry you."

"And you think me seeing a Doranzer with a drawn syringe and a Soroin with a drawn blaster standing over you in the midst of battle wouldn't worry me?" She sent angrily, drawing feelings of guilt out of him.

"You are right, I am sorry."
He acknowledged making her calm down before he continued. "And the both of you agree on this?"

Both of them sent at the same time.

"Fine, I will at least listen to what she proposes before deciding on this."
Enzin replied before closing his eyes again.

"No, get dressed so we can see her."

"What? Now?"
Enzin asked incredulously.

"Yes, now, the less time we waste the better."
Beryl insisted as she stood up to wear her own armor, Enzin begrudgingly following suit.

"We are ready, is she waiting for us at her cabin?"
Enzin asked right before they heard a knock at his door.

"No, I told her to wait by your cabin."
Fireblade replied with barely concealed amusement as Beryl opened the door to let Tempo in.

Beryl didn't need to sense Tempo's mind to see how troubled Tempo was, she had somehow learned to clearly distinguish one's demeanor and mental state through their body language just like Enzin could and even he saw how... depressed Tempo seemed when compared to her usual highly composed self even if she had shaved off her hair.

"I apologize for the intrusion but I truly believe that there is no time to waste. I trust that Pallan Fireblade has already explained my reasoning." Tempo said with a steady professional voice while Enzin tried to maintain a calm mind despite his second thoughts..

"Please Enzin..."
Beryl implored him, drawing a nod out of him.

"Yes, she explained and both Beryl and Fireblade agreed on the need of me being trained by you. I trust their judgement and that's why I agreed to see you about the matter." Beryl could swear that Tempo flinched slightly when Enzin said that he trusted both her and Fireblade, undoubtedly taking it as an attack on her person.

"Enzin..." Beryl warned him at that.

"From the Deinar files and from what I observed your telepathic abilities are almost entirely subconscious and out of your conscious control. The Deinar files also outline the techniques necessary to assume conscious control over them using mental conditioning techniques that we Mizol use to implant subconscious blocks and behavioral suggestions but in reverse, with the instructions to train our human... guest should the need arise." Tempo explained.

"...Guest?" Enzin asked after picking her hesitation for that word.

"The files described any human being transported according to our orders as cargo. You are not a cargo." Tempo replied with a steady expression.

"I told you not to lie to me again Parat Tempo." Enzin replied with a low voice.

"I didn't lie!" Tempo yelled at him, catching Beryl by surprise before she composed herself again. "I am sorry Captain Jardin but I didn't lie to you."

Beryl snapped at him after that.

"She tried to hurt you!"
He replied stubbornly.

"And I am a warrior, I can hold my own grudges and animosity!"
Beryl scolded him. "And she did everything in order to protect you! I am certain of this now."

"That doesn't make it right!" Enzin snapped back.

"It makes it right for me!" Beryl replied angrily. "She hurt me because she couldn't stand to see you hurt, I agreed to that because I didn't want to see you hurt. Don't assume that I or Fireblade wouldn't do whatever we could in order to protect you from injustice!" She sensed him relent at that, he didn't like it but he relented.

"Understand that I cannot stand seeing one of mine get hurt, I cannot just accept it. You, Fireblade, Talon even Stillstorm who I still consider somewhat of a bitch. I don't want to see you hurt, that's who I am." Enzin finally sent before turning his attention to Tempo.

"I told you to not lie to me again and to not harm anyone of mine again. You answered that you can do both. I will trust your word on that." Enzin said as he walked up to Tempo and offered her his right hand.

Tempo's face lit up in surprise and joy as she reached out to grasp his hand, only for her joy to turn back to a depressed shock when they didn't connect. She made to pull her hand back but Enzin just held her hand with both of his as he closed his eyes in concentration. Beryl could sense his effort to reach her but his subconscious didn't cooperate.

"We trust her, if you trust us then you will trust her." She tried to reassure him.

"No, I will trust her only when I trust all of you with her." Enzin replied as he focused his mind again, trying to remember the times he had connected with Tempo, his initial training with both of them; the discussions they had, they times they were alone with each other, the time Tempo helped him after a jump...

It wasn't sudden but it wasn't slow either, Tempo's mind appearing along side Enzin's and Fireblade's as if it was always there. It wavered and trembled at the realization, a couple of tears running down her cheeks as she let out an involuntary sob.

"I will not lie to you again and I will not harm anyone of your again."
Tempo sent to him, her mind a flurry of emotions that she could barely control; all three of them becoming shocked with how affected Tempo had been with the whole ordeal.

"Alright, calm down, it's in the past now and it won't happen again..." Enzin reassured Tempo as she slowly regained her familiar composure.

"Yes, it won't." Tempo replied confidently, her bright and composed mind just as Beryl remembered it.

"You were...far more affected by this than I believed." Enzin commented at that.

"Yes I... don't really know why..." Tempo replied as her mind raced back to everything that had happened. Her conflict between her feelings towards him and her duty after his reaction about Duskcrown had hurt her, she was truly desperate to find a way to keep him safe and she hated the very idea of trying to get everything out of Beryl forcefully but she didn't know what else to do she was...

Tempo sobbed again at that.

"I am truly compromised with my feelings towards you Enzin, I don't know why, perhaps it's because I can't help but see you as a male and because I know that you mean us no harm and you care for us. We are warriors, doing what we have to do in order to win this war and you an alien male came to us and you genuinely care for us. The first good thing that has happened to us in a long time and I just can't stand to see you wasted. I tried to balance my feelings and my duty; I failed and I dishonored myself."

"It's alright, it's all over and done now." Enzin reassured her again.

"Yes, it's done and it's in the past. Your new training takes priority now." Tempo replied.

"Before you start, we already told her not to say anything but Cloud knew about the Lost Diral." Beryl cut in.

"What? She... saw. Tempo sent before pulling her hand away from Enzin's but the connection with him remaining for a few more moments before she could contact Cloud with Sanzai. They saw her expression turn from anger to calm in the span of a few solons before her attention turned back to the two of them.

"Alright I told her not to even think about it and she knows how to keep a secret." Tempo said at that.

"She cares for you." Enzin commented at that.

"I know she does... Now in regards with your training, you will have to learn to grasp control from your own subconscious which is the opposite of what we Mizol learn to do onto others with some of our suggestion and mental manipulation techniques. What I did with your jump sickness the other day was me instructing your subconscious to ignore the nausea as if your body wasn't affected by it; your body was however affected but because your subconscious was instructed to believe otherwise the body was allowed to correct itself without the conscious mind feeling the sickness's effect for the few minutes that the suggestion was active. I will show you how to repeat the suggestion on your own self in order for you to grasp the process of manipulating your subconscious which is important in order to learn how to grasp control away from it." Tempo explained.

"So I will never get jump sickness again?" He asked with obvious excitement.

"No you will be getting jump sickness, your body will still be recoiling but your subconscious will be tricked to not bother your conscious mind with them but you should still sit idle to let the body recover from a sickness anyway." Tempo replied before turning to Beryl. "You can help with his training as well, you and Fireblade are linked with him and you can point out if you sense him doing something wrong with his meditations."

"Is this alright? These are Mizol techniques after all." Beryl said.

"Someone has to always observe him while he practices on himself by meditating, ensuring the correct application of the techniques is of greater concern than a Listel and a Teidar learning the basics about mental suggestions and subconscious manipulation." Tempo explained.

"The basics?" Beryl asked and Tempo just smiled as if in reply.

"Are you ready to begin Enzin?" Tempo said as she extended her right arm to him.

"Yes, show me." Enzin replied as he grasped Tempo's hand again.
Last edited by Guest on Tue Jul 31, 2018 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by novius »

Willing or unwilling, that didn't matter, but both Fireblade and Beryl got front row seats to whatever Tempo did. That suits them both well, Beryl might be readily accepting of Tempo, but Fireblade was dead set on double-checking whatever Tempo did to Alex. Both of them exchanged thoughts now and then, in a tight sending, careful not to disturb whatever they were doing.

'What was that picture I picked up from him? You as a small girl, bringing in a small furry four-footed animal with a wounded leg?', Fireblade asked, with thinly veiled amusement in her sanzai.

'That's a metaphor on how he sees me. From what I gathered, it's the sort of cliche picture amongst his people, the little girl who cannot stand to see any wounded and helpless creature and trying her best to nurse it back to health... what is missing in the picture would be the exasperated mother of their home when she brings in yet another animal to care for. I'm still not sure if I should find that thought endearing or insulting.', Beryl groused.

'Well, you were quick to jump to Tempo's defense, and you were the one who took to talking to Enzin when he woke up the very first time...', Fireblade sent back.

Try as she might, but Beryl couldn't shake the feeling that Fireblade does have a point.

'Fireblade, did you notice something? I'm a Listel, and you as a Teidar are trained in mental techniques, too, but I don't understand even half of what happens between them, yet Enzin's brain seems to readily incorporate the concepts she's sending him. And remember, he has no prior training in sanzai techniques save what he got from us', Beryl sent.

'Hmmm...', Fireblade mused, 'Now as you say it... what do you think of this?'

'The Mizol only recently got a foothold on Deinar, right? And now our Emperor is a Mizol, too, the orders to bring him to Deinar, alive and unharmed, came from her desk, too, and I've spotted at least one file encrypted with a quadruple-strength key. This is only reserved for the Council and the Emperor herself. There's got to be a connection. It sounds crazy, but would you agree that the modern Mizol techniques might be heavily influenced by what they could have learned from the Deinar human... and thus humans might be even more compatible to them?' Beryl elaborated.

Fireblade fell silent, visibly surprised.

'You're right, this is crazy. But... the whole thing is crazy. We stumbled across a conspiracy that's reaching into the highest echelons of the Union! This is madness, whatever we do or don't do, we could either be hailed as heroes and saviors of the Union or executed for treason, depending on who you talk to.'

'Remember, the key is visualizing your Lotai as a separate entitiy, one you don't need to readily accept as it is, but one you can train to heed to your wishes. Much like your... dogs, is this right? That animal you domesticated to herd and protect your livestock from predators?' Tempo just concluded the session.

'Makes sense. A good and loyal dog, with the need to protect its human on its mind. Kind-hearted, but needing some training to not to bark at or attack the visiting stranger.' Alex agreed. 'Color me curious, what would it mean to transport me ... or any human ... as cargo?'

It was Beryl who answered, with a tinge of distaste in her sending.

'Either to put you in stasis or cryosleep, or to keep you heavily sedated, or failing that, secluded in the brig with no contact to the crew.'

'That... somehow makes sense', Alex admitted.

'WHAT?!', the triple-voiced outcry 'loud' enough to send a stab of pain through his head, and it was Fireblade who got a grip on his upper body - telekinetically - to spin him around and pin his eyes with hers. 'Listen to me and listen well, buster. You are NOT cargo. NOT to be shipped around like ... a piece of meat! I WILL NOT allow it and I WILL challenge everyone to a duel of honor whoever issues that kind of order!', Fireblade sent sharply, fierce determination in her thoughts and accompanied by equally strong assents from Beryl and Tempo.

'Whoa... calm down.' Alex tried to placate them. 'Remember what Cloud said? About you being bonded to me and even Stillstorm on the verge of turning around? And this is me not even trying. Imagine a human intent on subverting a ship's crew.'

Beryl shook her head. 'You have it wrong. These bonds are based on deep understanding and trust, as I see it. It shouldn't be possible if you were doing this for nefarious purposes.'

Point, Alex thought. 'You all know it. But whoever issued that orders may suspect otherwise. But... with considerations like these, bringing a human to Seren or the Emperor's flagship rather than an isolated facility would be the recipe for disaster.'

'What do you mean?', Beryl inquired.

'Remember how I told you about our fictional works on aliens? A often used trope is human exploration crew found something they should have better left alone, and this one is sort of a classic, if the images are a bit... disturbing.'

Feeling that his warning didn't deter the three Loroi, he played some pieces of an old movie in his mind. A human in an enviro suit on a stormy planet. Something attaching itself to its face. The human in sickbay, and with the ... thing ... falling off seemingly getting better. Then, in the mess hall, a ... worm-thing bursting out of his chest in a grisly manner. Fights. Hunting that creature throughout corridors and catwalks, with that thing killing the crew one by one.

A different movie. A slim, alien-looking spaceship, long, thin, with one end fanning out in long spires in the orbit of a blue planet. 'Earth', Beryl's thoughts supplied, recognizing the image from his memories. A primitive looking vessel approaching. Scene cut. Inside the alien ship, drifting in microgravity, a large number of... winged things, desiccated corpses. And in the center, a transparent casket and the shape of a ... human? ... woman inside it. Bringing the casket down to earth, 'she' waking up and starting to ... suck ... the life out of the humans, leaving dry, aged husks in her wake while escaping.

The images subsided, leaving three deeply rattled Loroi in their wake, Beryl looking much paler than usual. Alex clearly felt that she was close to vomiting.

Fireblade was the first regaining her composure. 'And humans watch this for entertainment?', she sent, disbelievingly.

'Uh... many do. It was a subgenre called 'sci-fi horror' which plays on terror and scare. But, actually, things like these make our scientists think long and hard about safety and containment procedures to ward off any possible danger we might not even find conceivable.', Alex admitted.

'I ... think I see your point...', Beryl sent hestitantly, still trying to calm down her upset stomach. 'We would be foolish to bring a human to one of our sister worlds if you are that dangerous. Perhaps that order to bring any human as cargo was intended to protect the ship's crew, yes, or maybe keep the crew ignorant about your people and your abilities.'

Tempo kept her subdued silence for a long time, but then she spoke up.

'I don't think that this order is a matter of inadequate containment procedures. I'm sure we would have directed any humans found to an isolated asteroid facility if we thought him to be a biohazard of such dimensions. Beryl might be right... it is more a matter of secrecy. A human in close contact with a ship's crew... you've seen what happened.'

'Whoever wanted to get hold of anything human wanted to do it all hushed up. But that's not possible anymore with the Barsam and the Historians knowing of my existence.', Alex stated.

'Let's hope that them knowing turns out to be for the better, rather than the worse. Please do keep in mind that they'd readily use you for their own ends... as well.', Tempo sighed. 'Can I stay for a while? Stars, I missed your touch in sanzai...', she trailed off.

Alex casted a worried glance at Beryl, remembering their earlier discussion.

'She's definitely addicted to you... is it possible that Mizol react more strongly to humans just because their ways of thinking are quite similar? Uh... no offense intended.'

'None taken, but that could explain Brightshield, too...', Alex hedged.

'Which makes it doubly important to not to let her claws get into you!', Beryl, and surprisingly Fireblade, sent with red-hot jealousy in their thoughts.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by dragoongfa »

Stillstorm hoped that the three of them were indeed training the alien and they were not goofing around under the cover of his Lotai. Fireblade at least had the good sense of explaining why the recently shaved Parat Tempo and Tozet Beryl were together alone with the him so soon after the Lotai incident, training him to control his powers was a good idea and she would have probably ordered them to do just that if they hadn't decided to do it on their own initiative. Allowing Fireblade to go and observe the training in person did demand a change in the shifts for the Teidar on bridge duty but Mothwing didn't seem too annoyed with having to start her shift so early. The problem however was the fact that his new liaison didn't like the fact that an obviously dishonored and compromised Mizol would be the one to train him.

"It's obvious the Parat Tempo has compromised herself with the infatuation she has with Captain Jardin, she shouldn't be allowed near him until she solves her personal issues."
Losat Brightshield protested.

"Parat Tempo has recused herself from being Captain Jardin's diplomatic liaison after her recent failures but as you are aware he is exempt from the encounter rules and as such he decides who has access to him and who gets to train him."
Stillstorm replied nonchalantly.

"But all three of them take so much of his time that they interfere with my duties as his diplomatic liaison."
Brightshield insisted.

"Perhaps you should consider the reasons he prefers their company over yours Losat Brightshield. It is after all your duty as a liaison to instill a good impression onto him, for your own shake I advise you to not to annoy him by denying him the company he has chosen for himself."
Stillstorm replied with open irritation just as Rune-Laurel contacted her telepathically.

"My Lashret the fleet just deep jumped in from Sala-128."

"This discussion is over."
Stillstorm sent to the flabbergasted Mizol as she opened up a holographic window to take in the status of the fleet.

She didn't know if it she should be glad or shocked that there were about four divisions worth of ships left from a combined fleet that should have amounted to 8 or 9 divisions. The 24th and the 36th Battle Groups were now part of the fleet as well but they had taken some losses while damage was clearly visible on many of the warships. 'Green River', Duskcrown's flagship was among the fleet but the flagships of Soshrets Rattlesword and Shortspear weren't anywhere to be found. A priority message alert blinked on her holoscreen for a few moments before she accepted it.

"Attention 51, this is Tinza Sector command." Tazites Duskcrown begun, she looked as immaculate as ever with her long orange hair caught in a braid that was loosely looped around her right shoulder, highlighting her Grey-blue skin and emerald eyes. "The fleet will proceed to Nezel jump point and dislodge the enemy before jumping to Nezel, you are to follow us and join us at Nezel. Be warned that the Shell's have been prioritizing the fleet's command ships in every engagement."

Stillstorm took in the tactical situation before replying. The jump point to Nezel was guarded by a single division, Duskcrown's fleet should have no trouble forcing the way open and by her estimates they would engage the Shells in about 12.000 solons. The 51st was about 18.000 solons away from Nezel's jump point under full acceleration but there was no Shell formation in place to intercept either the fleet or the 51st to stop them from getting to Nezel. The three divisions that had secured the jump point to Sala-128 had begun to maneuver with the arrival of Duskcrown's fleet, their new vectors would allow them to intercept any Loroi attempt to reach the resupply contingent that still lingered near the jump point to Leido.

"Attention Tinza Sector command, this is Tempest. I have received your orders and the 51st will follow you to Nezel."

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by dragoongfa »

From her experience the actual wait before an impending engagement was one of the most nerve wrecking experiences for a commander. The desire to simply oversee every last preparation was always present, to micro manage everything so it would all be perfect; the greatest mental trap for any commander as it would tire both them and their crew. Seeking perfection within one's self was noble but seeking it on all others was simply foolish and counter productive. No one is perfect, one can always strive for perfection but they can never truly attain it and that's the real trap of the long wait before an engagement.

There simply isn't a way to be perfectly prepared for what is to come, there will always be something wrong, whether on one's own side or the enemy's side it matters little for there will always be something that couldn't be accounted for. In the early stages of the war Stillstorm's fellow warriors learned this the hard way, they hadn't accounted for the Hierarchy's preparations for war, they hadn't accounted for their sheer numbers or their willingness to absorb horrid loses in order to come to blows with the enemy. They hadn't accounted for their own mental failings, the belief of inherent martial superiority despite the centuries long peace; all of them unbloodied warriors who always won in their mock exercises against foes that acted just as they were expected to act. Fools to the very last one of them for thinking that the outcome of any war would always be in their favor; more so when they believed that they had finally turned the tides with Semoset only to be taught an other harsh lesson in warfighting with the disaster of the Nelain salient.

Two times they had underestimated the Shells and two times the Shells took a heavy toll out of them; two times too many to still consider themselves proper warriors. Stillstorm still remembered the frustration and grief, her daughters were lost, her ship shot from under her, wounded and broken but her long hair was still there; a mockery of honor that meant nothing for she had learned nothing from all the years she had allowed it to grow. She remembered how she gathered all the strength she had left and took a knife to them, she screamed as she cut them, not out of a sense of guilt or from the pain of cutting her scalp accidentally but because she felt that it was the only way to gather her broke self into a single whole with a single purpose. She wasn't the same warrior as before, she wouldn't allow the same kind of foolishness to befell her and she would focus everything she had against the enemy without losing herself in the pain of the past.

The others thought of her as broken and unbalanced, they still clinged to the past but the new generations needed to learn from their mistakes and she would make sure that they would learn. She toured the corridors of her ship, not to seek out perfection in it or its crew but to make sure that past mistakes were not repeated. Making sure that the warriors knew their posts and that their equipment would function as intended despite the ship's peculiarities and temperament. By the time she returned to her bridge she was confident that Tempest would weather whatever the Shells would throw at them next but for now Tempest and the 51st would have to be content on seeing Duskcrowns fleet destroy the lone division blockading the jump point to Nezel before they could jump.

Duskcrown hadn't elected to employ a fancy stratagem to engage the Shells who were outnumbered almost four to one. She had split the fleet into three formations, the main formation held two divisions of warships while each of the remaining two was comprised of a single division. The two division sized formation had raced ahead of the fleet's main body, one above and one below of the plane that marked the jump point's vector, the main body seemingly aiming to follow the vector as if it was going to jump.

Stillstorm half expected the Shells to rush ahead and try to attack the main body in order to stop them from jumping but the Shells accelerated in an intercept course against the division above the jump point's vector. Duskcrown waited for the Shells to fully commit on their assault and altered the course of her formations the moment the Shells launched their gunboats and torpedoes. The Loroi division the Shells aimed to attacked immediately dived as the main body turned into an intercept course with the Shell formation while the division from below the jump point's vector accelerated upwards and into a curved course that would allow them to hit the rear of the Shells.

The Shells tried to correct their course, their torpedoes and gunboats curving downwards in pursuit of the Loroi division while their ships tried to turn downwards in turn. The Loroi ships cut off their acceleration and pivoted in place as they kept going downwards by momentum alone, the torpedoes and gunboats now having to travel several solons more under fire before they could get in range all the while they were shot down with impunity with point defense lasers and particle blasters. Solons later the Shells found themselves in a crossfire of three divisions with a fourth closing in behind their formations, dozens of ships simply disintegrated from Pulse Cannon and Superheavy blaster fire but the Shells kept going, their formation altering its course to meet the Loroi main body head on.

More and more of their ships were destroyed in droves but at least a third of them got in plasma focus range and fired at any Loroi ship in range. Stillstorm saw two already damaged destroyers break apart, a light cruiser losing its starboard engine, two heavy cruisers getting pierced clean through by two heavy plasma foci and battleship that took heavy damage as it screened Green River. About twenty Shells ships had made it through the fleet's main body only to be rundown by the division that had looped from below.

A flurry of shuttles then traveled back and forth Duskcrown's fleet as it arranged itself for the jump, the shuttles picking up survivors from the destroyed ships and the ships that would be resigned since they would be too damaged to jump. Barely a thousand solons after the last Shell ship was destroyed Duskcrown's fleet had vectored itself into for the jump before the Tazites messaged them again.

"Attention 51, This is Tinza Sector command." Duskcrown begun. "We will see you at Nezel and I will be expecting your detailed report about the battles at Leido and Enedd as well as a detailed report about the alien male with the Lotai that you picked up."

Stillstorm couldn't help but let a crooked smile form on her lips as Duskcrown had timed her message perfectly so no response would reach her before they would jump, undoubtedly intending to let Stillstorm finish her report in the time it would take for the 51st to jump to Nezel. She turned her attention to the alien and his three teachers who were still dark, she hoped that they were indeed training him for he would undoubtedly need it for what was to come when they would arrive at Nezel. Duskcrown wouldn't dare countermand orders from the Emperor herself but she would certainly want to have him and those close to him interviewed, for both his Lotai and his newfound ability to detect the Shell Lotai.

The arrival of the Shell fleet from Sala-128 came almost as an afterthought right before the 51st jumped, about 11 divisions worth of ships many of them damaged and with their visible torpedo racks empty. They would certainly need some time, at least 3 days to resupply and reorganize themselves. A formation of 8 super heavies drew her attention, Tempest's system recognizing them as being part of the Stray's fleet back on Naam; for a moment she wondered if the Stray had somehow gotten itself killed but she shook that thought away as it would never make things that easy for her.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by Werra »

She stared for several moments longer at her display, trying to discern some pattern or stratagem the Stray might be using. That was foolish, of course, since her fleet was too close to the jump point for the Umiak to even bother. Even if the Stray gave orders, it would have all the time in the world to form up its divisions any way it liked once SG51 had left the system.

So she left Rune-Laurel instructions to bring the strike group and went to her office. Duskcrown had asked for a full report on Enzin, the alien. Not giving her all she asked for was unthinkable. There were orders from the Emperor regarding Enzin and Tazites Duskcrown was the closest thing to an Emperor in the Tinza sector.
But the peculiarities of the situation and the little trick Tempo and her had played together, required careful phrasing. A care usually shown by Tempo. Yet by some cruel twist of fate, the Lorois pristine sense of duty had cracked the one time Stillstorm had relied on it not to. Stillstorm would never admit it to Tempo or herself; the countless feuds between them had not only left grudges, but also a hard won respect for the professionality of the other.

Now Parat Tempo had become unreliable. A fact that weighted surprisingly heavy against twelve or so enemy divisions close by. Since she had been stuck in that shuttle with Enzin, Tempo had become strangely soft on the alien. If Stillstorm wouldn't know better, she'd say that Tempo was downright infatuated. A ridiculous thought that turned sour as soon as Stillstorm remembered, how Tempo had beelined straight to Enzin as soon as she had found something to ingratiate herself to him again.

The message that Stillstorm found on her desk was therefore needed to lift her mood. It was reassuring to know, that at least some of the Mizol were still doing their job.

"Commander Torret Lashret Stillstorm,

as you already know, the Lotai that Captain Jardin demonstrated did not affect the whole ship. By interviewing the unaffected crew I was able to deduce that the Lotai covered a radius of approximately 350 mannas. The closest unaffected Loroi was Gallen Bastobar Wavecrest at a distance from Teidar Pallan Fireblades cabin of about 354 mannal.

Tenoin Arrir Talon was closer, but whether she was affected or the only unaffected in her sending range can't be determined anymore. No conclusive evidence whether or not a mating encounter is a viable shortcut to instinctual trust either way. Further testing required.

Since Listel Tozet Beryl and Teidar Pallan Fireblade downright refuse to partake in testing Captain Jardins range of Sanzai, it must be assumed that his sending range is at the very least ~ 350 mannal.

The most troubling fact about this incident is how it started. Listel Tozet Beryl was willing to give information she gathered from mutually voluntary skin contact with Captain Jardin to Parat Tempo. Yet parts of her memory have been blocked by a strong Lotai effect that must be assumed to stem from Captain Jardin.

At the time of the incident Tozet Beryl has been closer than the speculated sending range of Captain Jardin. As Parat Tempo tried to access parts of Tozet Beryls memory containing vital information about humanity, the Lotai effect spread across parts of Tempest.

As Captain Jardin had been soundly asleep at the time, I can only assume the manifestation of the Lotai to be a subconscious effect either to protect Tozet Beryl from perceived harm or to stop strangers from accessing memories with vital information.

Since the last option would require Captain Jardin to somehow be able to read Tozet Beryls mind at large range with great accuracy, that is a theoretical possibility at best.

Subject to further study should be Captain Jardins precise range of sending and what the triggers are for his Lotai effect to activate. Maybe the Lotai needs one of his trusted Loroi in sending range to even activate above his usual baseline.

Suggestion: First, Temporary removal of Tozet Beryl and Pallan Fireblade from Captain Jardins sending range and simulation of a believable threat scenario in an attempt to trigger his Lotai.
Second, a test run to see if drugs can control his Lotai.

Should the result be that the Lotai can not activate if neither Tozet Beryl or Pallan Fireblade are in range, keeping both of them away from Captain Jardin during battle could ensure the survival of the unique and valuable alien assett.


Mizol Lozat Brightshield"

Shortly after Stillstorm had finished her report to Duskcrown, she felt the fleet jump.

Rune Laurel sanzaied her quickly afterwards: "Commander, Tazites Duskcrown gave SG51 preferred resupply at Nezel. Forest has put in a course to dock at the station already."

If you asked Stillstorm or any Raider leader to name the best possible news, "preferred resupply" was somewhere on the level of total victory over the Shells. A day of rest portside for the crew and a full stock of munitions and fuel were all a Raider could ask for. Yet this close to a major battle Nezel would empty its stores to fill up every single ship in the system anyway. In this case, preferred resupply politely meant get to Nezel at once.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by novius »

"Jumping in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Now!", the ship-wide announced.

Alex found himself on the bed again - and by strange coincidence, again with Tempo at his side, her hand in his.

Neither Fireblade nor Beryl did leave, and Alex was sure them being in his cabin, unsecured, was not exactly to regulation, but if they didn't care, he wouldn't be the one to remind them. Perhaps they did commence jumps under even worse conditions than simply not being secured.

Alex tried to block off the queasiness as Tempo instructed him, but it was difficult. Interestingly, the knowledge that they just jumped convinced him that he should feel nauseous... and thus he did.

'Psychosomatic', Tempo provided, accompanied with Beryl's confirmation. 'Please, let me help.'

Beryl turned to Fireblade.

'I can't help myself... It feels to me as if this should be right. Tempo, part of ... this ... as well. Perhaps it is because we spent the time in close quarters on the shuttle? That this was the moment our bonds were formed? That may explain why both Tempo and Alex took it that hard when his Lotai was up again.'

'Perhaps.', Fireblade mused. 'Do you think that Tempo might aim for an encounter with him, too?'

Beryl sighed. 'She already has that kind of interest in him. I wouldn't be surprised if she asks him quite soon.'

'And Alex would ask if that is alright with us', Fireblade sent, 'It is strange, I know he would. By all means he is a male and we'd have no say in with whom he has encounters with, but I am sure he holds our feelings in high regard. If we'd say no to her... or Brightshield ... he'd back off. He'd make up some excuse to not to hurt their feelings, but he would back off.'

'Would you say no?', Beryl asked.

'Brightshield, definitely. Tempo... I don't know. You?'

'Same here', Beryl confirmed.

'After all she has done?'

'She did it with best intentions, but her choice of methods left much to be desired. She's ... hurt, deeply. If an encounter with him would help her healing - and him, too - I'd say yes to it.'

Neither Alex nor Tempo had an idea about the silent discussion between the two Loroi.


'Mizol Lozat Lomileilar, to the ready room, at once.'

The bridge crew stared at each other bleakly. Stillstorm using the full formal name to summon one crew member usually doesn't mean something good, especially when coupled with an 'at once'.

They watched as Stillstorm stood up and headed into the ready room, followed by Brightshield who entered the bridge half a minute later.

'I've come to read your proposal', Stillstorm started without further ado. 'Your inquiries about his sending range and the peculiarities of your Lotai are well done.'

Brightshield smiled.

'But what by the stars had you make such a hopper-brained proposal?', Stillstorm sent sharply.

Brightshield's smile froze. 'What?', she asked dumbly.

'Had Parat Tempo not pulled her stunt with Tozet Beryl, she'd still have her hair, and only the fact that she could offer some training was her saving grace, else she would still not even be on speaking term with Captain Jardin, Tozet Beryl and Pallan Fireblade. What makes you think you'd fare any better if you think you can separate them and put them on a threat scenario?'

'It is to be just a simulation...', Brightshield hedged.

Stillstorm rose up sharply and slammed her flat hands down on the console's surface in a gesture of unbridled anger, making Brightshield flinch back.

'You know it and I'd know it! But for his Lotai to become active, that 'threat scenario' would have to be real enough. And if he finds out that YOU are behind all of this - and trust me, so far he had an uncanny ability to dig up dirty secrets, so chances are that he WILL - what do you think his reaction would be?'

Brightshield remained silent. No words were necessary.

'Exactly. Tempo gave him enough reason to lose much of his faith in the Union. If he ever learns of your idea, I am sure we would need to find another Mizol to liaise with him - if he would accept any other Mizol after having been burned by the second one out of two.'

'But...', Brightshield started.

'I. Did. Not. Give. You. The. Leave. To. Send!', Stillstorm cut in, enunciating every word. 'Do you know what Captain Jardin said why he preferred the Loroi? Because he was less concerned with what the Loroi do to their enemies than what the shells do to their friends. But if we are to pull yet another stunt like this he has every reason to rethink his stance on the matter! TWICE now he considered himself a prisoner of war, first time after he woke up, the second time when Tempo refused to send his message. And you have the gall to propose treating him like a lab nazil without his consent?! Come up with more ideas like these and Captain Jardin would take the only sensible choice to him and choose the Umiak over us, and I could not even begrudge him for doing so! Now, do you have anything to add to this?'

Brightshield was silent for a long time after Stillstorm's tirade. Stillstorm scoffed.

'To me it looks like the Mizol had forgotten to be diplomats and became solely political officers and spies. So far Captain Jardin has been forthcoming with information, had you ever considered asking for his cooperation while you still could?'

Brightshield shook her head.

'You may have earned a lot of credit with him on revealing the Deinar files, but THAT proposal would have put you far into the negatives when it comes to trust. I remember asking you why do you think he prefers the company of Tozet Beryl and Pallan Fireblade over yours? And your first idea would be separating them? I believe I know your motive....', Stillstorm paused.

'... Jealousy.' She finished, making the word sound like a death knell in sanzai.

The Mizol had nothing to say to this. Stillstorm felt that her accusation must have hit the mark.

'Thought as much.' Stillstorm sniffed. 'Parat Tempo had the decency to shear off her own hair after what she did. If I ever hear of something like this from you, I will take up the razor myself, and it won't be pretty for you. The only words I wish to hear from you now is, 'I understand, my Lashret', am I clear?'

Brightshield's eyes went wide. 'I understand, my Lashret,', she relented.

'See that you do. Dismissed!', Stillstorm sent with a sharp hiss in her thoughts.

Brightshield didn't need to be told twice. She left Stillstorm's ready room as fast as decorum allowed.

Stillstorm sighed. Best to give the necessary orders for the restocking. And then there's the matter of Duskcrown...

Headaches seem to have become a rather frequent occurence for her.

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