[RP] Incursion (OOC)

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[RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by TheUnforsaken »

Ok, I figured I'd try my hand at GMing a RP...so here goes :D

Anyway, this RP is open to all and sundry, lots of RP experience or none, if you only want to post occasionally or as often as possible, whatever, it doesn't bother me and I'll be happy to have you and find a spot for you to play as you prefer. You can even run multiple characters if you feel up to it. This is my first RP as GM though, so there might be a few bumps along the way, but I'll be doing my best to make the game interesting and enjoyable for all concerned.

One thing I will say (well...two) is that there probably won't be any high-ranking players (ie, generals or admirals) since I'd like to be able to keep the plot mostly on track. And also that this RP is (for now, at least) intended be the Ground-Pounders domain, with much of the action taking place on-planet with any space combat taking place as cutscenes (well, a written version thereof)...if enough people want to crew a ship I'll try to work something out, though.

I will be adding to this as time passes, if it's more than a tweak I'll post to say I've made a update. So, if you're interested, just post below and we'll see what happens.

Special thanks to Sunphoenix for acting as a sounding board, this should be much more interesting because of your suggestions. 8-)



The revelations and events following what has become known as the Bellarmine Incident brought the Umiak and Loroi to the brink of destruction; badly weakened, the two warring powers settled a lasting if rather uneasy peace. Humanity, as the only more or less neutral power left in the area was gifted the rights to systems within the Burned Steppes in order to patrol and maintain a neutral zone between the two powers as well as restore the battered, once habitable worlds within. In the years since the War ended the Umiak have become highly isolationist with only limited trade occuring in border systems carried out almost exclusively by humans, no one except the Umiak themselves really know what they are up to. The Loroi on the other hand have struggled to heal the physical and psychological scars the War caused. Their Empire has been further stressed by social upheaval and restive client races brought about by cultural contact with humanity.

Three hundred years have passed since the War ended: In that time humanity has advanced, finally catching up to the other races tech levels and have even begun to develop technologies that aren't imitations of already existing techs. A major discovery made about two hundred years ago greatly aided humanity's spread into space: Stellar Reefs, pseudo-biological 'seeds' that turn sunlight and raw materials into massive hollow structures that almost seem alive and are quite simple to render habitable. With this advantage humans have managed to heavily settle systems that would require massive effort by other races, and doing so cheaply. Human space may be limited realative to the Umaik and Loroi realms but it is very densly populated, with most systems exploited to one degree or other. The centuries have not been entirely peaceful for humanity however, political and social unrest in the mid 2300's led to a near civil war as the Colonial Fleet fought itself over whether to interfere or not. Eventually the Colonial Fleet opted not to meddle in politics and the Terran Colonial Authority was disolved, leading to the creation of the Terran Commonwealth. Meanwhile the Fleet quietly dropped 'Colonial' from its name and went about its business.

Despite three centuries of peace, however, the winds of war once again whisper across the Steppes: In the last few weeks a number of Loroi controlled systems beyond the Neutal Zone have gone silent with expected cargo vessels failing to appear and no messages arriving by fast courier. No ships sent into the affected systems have returned and a reconnaissance-in-force sent by the local Loroi fleet headquarters hasn't been heard from since. Fleet patrols into the Neural Zone between the area and the Umiak border are now overdue. Queries sent to the Umiak by both Commonwealth and Empire have gone unanswered and traders returning from the Umiak Border Worlds are reporting increased military activity as well as severe new trade restrictions. The Loroi are massing fleets, preparing to launch a massive counter-attack into the so-called 'Incursion' and punitive raids into other areas of the Umiak border.

In a last-ditch attempt to maintain the peace the Loroi have been convinced to allow a Commonwealth force to enter the Incursion to ascertain the situation.
Last edited by TheUnforsaken on Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by TheUnforsaken »

Assorted Data:

This section will have lists of ships, important techs, a history of the post-War/pre-Incursion years for some of the races and other interesting tidbits which currently doesn't exist anywhere but in my head...

List of Ships

Terran Commonwealth:


TCNS Bellerophon
Class: Command Carrier
Length: 900m
Crew: 1300
Screens: Heavy
Max Accel: 26 G
Armor: Medium

01 Hell Lance
08 Heavy Plasma Focus
16 Medium Plasma Focus
10 PD Plasma Focus
04 Counter Missile Launchers

Small Craft and Ordnance:
24 Fighters
08 Assault Shuttles
06 Standard Shuttles
100 Counter Missiles
80 Fighter-launched Hell Lances

Latest in a long line of Sector flagships within the Neutral zone. The Command Carrier is designed to have maximum flexibility in any tactical situation with limited support. In addition to its two fighter squadrons the Command Carrier is also able to use its embarked Marine Battalion in planetary operations. The Terran Commonwealth operates seven of these mid-sized capital ships within the Neutral Zone.

TCNS Intransigent
Class: Battle Cruiser
Length: 850m
Crew: 1200
Screens: Heavy
Max Accel: 28 G
Armor: Medium

02 Hell Lance
12 Heavy Plasma Focus
16 Medium Plasma Focus
08 PD Plasma Focus
04 Counter Missile Launcher

Small Craft and Ordnance:
02 Assault Shuttles
04 Standard Shuttles
100 Counter Missiles

Lead ship of the newest class of Commonwealth battle cruisers, the Intransigent was on an endurance testing and publicity tour of the Neutral Zone with the Seraphim when the Incursion crisis began.

TCNS Seraphim
Class: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 520m
Crew: 560
Screens: Medium
Max Accel: 28 G
Armor: Medium

01 Hell Lance
08 Heavy Plasma Focus
10 Medium Plasma Focus
05 PD Plasma Focus
02 Counter Missile Launcher

Small Craft and Ordnance:
02 Assault Shuttles
02 Standard Shuttles
50 Counter Missiles

Like the Intransigent, the Seraphim is new construction. Its designers believe that it is the smallest possible hull a Hell Lance can be fitted to with current technology and without compromising combat ability through the sacrifice of other weapons systems.

TCNS Apollo, TCNS Retribution, TCNS Spartan
Class: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 500m
Crew: 550
Screens: Medium
Max Accel: 27 G
Armor: Medium

08 Heavy Plasma Focus
12 Medium Plasma Focus
05 PD Plasma Focus
02 Counter Missile Launcher

Small Craft and Ordnance:
02 Assault Shuttles
02 Standard Shuttles
50 Counter Missiles

A much upgraded class that is coming to the end of its operational lifespan, these heavy cruisers have formed the backbone of Neutral Zone squadrons for many years.

TCNS Pathfinder, TCNS Adventurer
Class: Light Cruiser
Length: 370m
Crew: 220
Screens: Medium
Max Accel: 31 G
Armor: Light

04 Heavy Plasma Focus
04 Medium Plasma Focus
04 PD Plasma Focus
02 Counter Missile Launcher

Small Craft and Ordnance:
02 Standard Shuttles
50 Counter Missiles

A reasonably common sight in any Fleet squadron, these ships are a popular choice for patrols.

TCNS Active
Class: Light Cruiser
Length: 350m
Crew: 190
Screens: Medium
Max Accel: 31 G
Armor: Light

02 Heavy Plasma Focus
06 Medium Plasma Focus
04 PD Plasma Focus
02 Counter Missile Launcher

Small Craft and Ordnance:
02 Standard Shuttles
40 Counter Missiles

An elderly class, there are few ships like Active in service today. The recent upgrade to Mk. 17 Counter Missiles means that it is technically in violation of the Fleet's minimum for CM magazine capacity, as at maximum launch rate the Active will run out of Counter Missiles in ten minutes.

TCNS Banshee, TCNS Brazen
Class: Destroyer
Length: 260m
Crew: 170
Screens: Medium
Max Accel: 33 G
Armor: Very Light

04 Heavy Plasma Focus
03 PD Plasma Focus
01 Counter Missile Launcher

Small Craft and Ordnance:
02 Standard Shuttles
30 Counter Missiles

Another common sight, this class of destroyer is heavily armed at the cost of defenses.

TCNS Havock, TCNS Lynx
Class: Heavy Frigate
Length: 225m
Crew: 140
Screens: Medium-Light
Max Accel: 35 G
Armor: Very Light

02 Heavy Plasma Focus
02 PD Plasma Focus
01 Counter Missile Launcher

Small Craft and Ordnance:
01 Assault Shuttle
01 Standard Shuttle
25 Counter Missiles

Nimble ships, these heavy frigates are capable of independent action, hitting the enemy where they are most vulnerable.

TCNS Griffon, TCNS Locust, TCNS Panther, TCNS Sealion, TCNS Wolf
Class: Frigate
Length: 200m
Crew: 110
Screens: Light
Max Accel: 36 G
Armor: Very Light

03 Medium Plasma Focus
02 PD Plasma Focus
02 Counter Missile Launcher

Small Craft and Ordnance:
02 Standard Shuttles
50 Counter Missiles

Intended for capital ship support, these frigates fend off enemy missiles, fighters and other light combatants.


TCAS Vesuvius, TCAS Krakatoa
Class: Fleet Auxiliary
Length: ~600m
Crew: 80
Screens: Medium
Max Accel: 24 G
Armor: None

04 PD Plasma Focus

Small Craft and Ordnance:
04 Standard Shuttles
Assorted munitions, spare parts, Antimatter Fuel Cells etc.

Purpose-built military cargo ships, not really suited to combat situations. Much to the annoyance of their crews, BuShips tends to name Fleet Auxiliaries after volcanoes.

TCAS Hermes, TCAS Cheetah, TCAS Endurance
Class: Fast Fleet Courier
Length: 100m
Crew: 40
Screens: Light
Max Accel: 40 G
Armor: None

01 PD Plasma Focus

Small Craft and Ordnance:

The fastest FTL capable ships in the Fleet, there are countless Fast Fleet Couriers and their civilian equivalents throught the Commonwealth.


Sephal: A moderately habitable world on the frontier between the Umiak Heirarchy and Loroi Union. The world was only colonised following the end of the War, thus avoiding the damage many border worlds suffered. Despite having a perfectly breathable atmosphere and few chemical or biological hazards the planet is not a wonderful place to live: with extensive oceans and only a single small continent, precipitation of one form or another is a near constant fact of life. Due to its proximity to Umiak space one of the primary purposes of the colony is to be a base for Farseers to observe the Umiak and to provide early warning in the event of an attack. Eventually resource extraction and minor industrial capabilities were added as the colony grew, though today many of the planet's 10 million inhabitants still live in the capital city. There is a small facility in orbit, used as a refueling and minor maintenance base for a patrol squadron stationed in the system.

Heierlark: Base of operations for many of the ships of Task Force 27, Heierlark Base is a 10km long Stellar Reef. The Heierlark System's wealth of resources made it a natural centre for human efforts despite the lack of a habitable planet.

Whitehaven: One of the damaged Burned Steppes worlds ceded to humanity following the end of the War, Whitehaven has become an economic powerhouse as well as a symbol of what humanity is capable of. Whitehaven is the base of the Commonwealth's 8th Fleet and is several weeks travel from Heierlark.



Stellar Reef: Pseudo-biological entities which are used by the Terran Commonwealth as the primary hull of most of their space habitats. Little is known about the Reefs by the Commonwealth at large, information about their development, production methods and basic nature are closely guarded secrets of the Davidson family who, through their privately owned company Reef Ltd. have maintained exclusive distribution rights. The Reef material itself is highly resistant to damage, although it is vulnerable to electrical currents. The Davidson family have steadfastly refused to allow their product to be militarised.

Hell Lance: A relatively recent addition to the Commonwealth naval arsenal. Taking advantage of advances in Screen and Artifical Gravity technologies the Hell Lance concentrates and focuses a portion of the energy released in a matter/anti-matter reaction and, in the case of ship-board systems, absorbing what can't be usefully redirected. Hell Lances are deployed in two basic forms, a capital ship version and a single shot fighter deployed system. As with other directed energy weapons the effective range of the Hell Lance against a maneuverable target is around one light second.

Inertial Dampeners: The product of decades of research and centuries of dreaming, inertial dampeners do exactly as advertised, significantly reducing the effects of acceleration upon any objects within their field of effect. While this is not necessary for most ships, the bulky AG generators they use simply cannot be fitted to fighter scale platforms. Craft fitted with Inertial Dampeners can exceed 60 G accelerations without the crew needing protective hard-suits, although they are still subjected to not insignificant g-forces.


Implants: Although the mainstream Commonwealth population shares the Loroi's distaste for extensive cybernetic 'improvements' almost all Commonwealth citizens are 'wired'. Subdermal input/output nodes placed in the palm and behind the ear are connected to primary processors commonly located near the upper thoracic vertebrae, these nodes transmit data between the user and whatever headgear they are wearing or devices they are touching. Nerve impulse sensors allow a suitably equipped person to interact virtually with any devices their implants are connected to without the need for physical controls or indeed close proximity. Military personnel have 'double wiring', implants in both hands and a second processor to boost native processing capacity and added redundancy in an inherently dangerous profession.

Armor: Commonwealth groundforces typically use three grades of armor; Light, Medium and Heavy. All types of armor include communications systems, basic medical systems, basic sensors and can safely operate airtight for up to 3 hours. Light armor boosts speed and agility and has advanced sensor systems, Medium armor boosts speed, strength and accuracy, while Heavy armor boosts strength and accuracy. The power cells of all types are designed to last 2.5 hours under combat conditions assuming standard use, heavy use of speed and strength ehancements for example will drain the power cells faster while sparing use will allow for longer operation.

Laser Weapons: Typical of infantry weapons found throughout Human, Umiak and Loroi space, they pack a decent punch whilst retaining decent mobility, rate of fire and ammo capacity. Commonwealth laser weapons come in pistol, rifle and heavier Autolaser types.

Plasma Weapons: Energetic lasers excite a pellet of Duterium into a plasma state within a magnetic field, the field then accelerates the plasma 'bolt' at the target. Plasma Cannons are found on Commonwealth ground vehicles and assault shuttles, a smaller Plasma Rifle is available to infantry although its size, slow rate of fire and low ammunition count ensure that it is often an uncommon sight. They are, however, nifty at putting large holes in hard targets.
Last edited by TheUnforsaken on Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:54 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by TheUnforsaken »

Character Data:

This section will have a guideline for character creation as well as rules and such for using/interacting with characters etc. It will also have a list of characters for easy reference...

NPC Characters:


Rear Admiral Mitch Vandermeer- CO, Task Force 27. Aboard TCNS Bellerophon
Commodore Zoe Hashim- 2IC, Task Force 27, CO TF 27.1. Aboard TCNS Bellerophon
Commodore Marco Lee- CO TF 27.2. Aboard TCNS Pathfinder

Captain Isiah Minari, CO TF 27.3, CO TCAS Vesuvius
Captain Isra Kasemsarn, CO TCNS Bellerophon
Captain Kerem McNamee, CO TCNS Intransigent
Captain Akan Sung, CO TCNS Pathfinder


Torrai Torret Innaltotor (Pureflame)
Listel Tozet Loiloneie (Peaceful Dawn)
Mizol Sanzet Dioptase

Player Characters:

Sunphoenix: >>x>Mizol Lennai Maiannon (Golden Hair)
Gudo: >>i>>>l>>Bistima Chrysocolla (Garnet)
Bunnyboy: >>>>>Nelodez (Sun Flare)
Fusebox: >>>>>>Harold “Harry” Markum & Moira
Paragon: >>>>>>Doctor Darius Smith

NPC Characters on Sephal:

Yzmarik: Barsam/male - Age 67, Aging 'Retired' Troubador/Cleric {Professor of philosophy at local college}
- 'blinded by atomic flash from recent bombardment' - being treated by Maiannon

Gertilk: Neridi/male - Age 46, Fussy Accountent for a Import shipping company... now in ruins

Nelazal (Sun-Rune): Loroi/female - Age 29, Office Assistant / Mother of two daughters
- currently with a broken leg 'splinted' and recovering from a tropical illness... she was at home recovering when the attack came and immediately fled with her daughters.
Tab>* Sedoinzil (Yellow-Wind): Loroi/female, Sun-Rune's daughter, age 4
Tab>- blonde hair, silver eyes; petulant and rebellious
Tab>* Lomirodai (Bright-Cloud): Loroi/female, Sun-Run's daughter, age 3
Tab>- white haired, green eyes; pretty, always smiling and sweet in disposition, a little shy

Travis Cardigan: Human/male - Age 36 'peramtuely balding' Shopping Mall Sports Store Manager {like 'Dicks'}
- Purely a civilian, he runs the second shift at the sports store in the shopping mall... but is NO sportsman himself. Nursing a wounded arm and complains about it all the time.

Markus {?}: Human/male - Age 14{?}
- Orphan child found wandering the ruins does not speak, Maiannon rescued him and brought him to the current safehouse
- Name is only known from the Id tag on his shirt from school
Last edited by TheUnforsaken on Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:10 am, edited 10 times in total.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas

[A] book need never die and should not be killed; books [are] the immortal part of man. - Robert A. Heinlein

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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by Fusebox »

I do believe that Berj would have been better suited for this campaign. Ah well, I'll roll out Lars, the pyromaniac engineer with a love of cheesy one liners.

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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by sunphoenix »

Ok. Here I go... breaking conventions. I stand...er sit ready to receive the stark fist of criticism...

300 years... can bring a lot of change...

Maiannon ‘Golden Hair’ son of Nelotris ‘Sunwarrior’-Travis. A Half-Loroi/Human male raised by his mother, his father, 'Captain' Travis Benard, a career solider unaware of his existence for many years. Now a young adult he is a 'sport', ie. a Loroi male who is not 'kept' for only breeding as his half-loroi nature and wander lust have made him something of a embarrassment to his mother. He has taken up work in the ranks of the diplomatic corp as NO male Loroi would even be allowed to be a solider, despite his fiesty warrior's heart {from his father... and none too little his mother...} he continues to break tradition by training for combat and pretty much rebels against the social 'norm' of the Laroi but his actions have painted him a equal-rights activist that many male Loroi wonder at...some derisively and others questioning if he is not truly speaking out for their gender's rights.

But his half-loroi blood makes many Loroi ignore him and name him 'Outsider'.

Maiannon has met his father and they have struck up a close relationship... but one of only occasional times to see each other.

His telepathic talents are weaker than normal full-blooded Loroi and he has had to struggle to strenghten them. Though oddly enough his Photokinetic abilities are quite formidable... but as per the norm he has not been trained to use them offensively as 'Males' are NOT warriors. But he practices much in secret.

Truth is he is an irritant to the Loroi hierarchy and he has been assigned to the incursion diplomatic envoy ...in hopes...he will not return.
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by Fusebox »


(Ha! Could you imagine. In all seriousness though the only thing about it that irks me is the cliche of him, but I can't exactly talk. Lars is pretty much about as stereotyped as a Schwarzenegger character's clone can get.)

Larson “Lars” Bonwick – Lars is a career soldier. Born the only child of a wealthy set of human politicians, Lars grew up an absolute hell raiser. From the time he could stand, he was about as confrontational as one could get, and as a result grew up dishing out punches and receiving a lot of punishment and counselling. So one should not be surprised to hear that he didn't do well at school either, barely scraping by high school, and only because his parents greased a couple palms.

The moment the graduation ceremony was over, Lars stole the keys to his parent's car and took off to enlist. By the time they figured out he was gone, he was already at the recruitment center. When his parents found out what there son intended to do, they went through hell and high water to try to get him out, all to no avail. Within a month, their demon spawn of a son was shipping out to basic to become a marine.

Years later Lars, now in his early thirties, is a perpetual corporal. His personality hasn't changed much, if at all, and god only knows what kind of shit storm he'd cause with a position of any real power. So they keep him a lowly grunt, just the way he likes it.

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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by TheUnforsaken »

Cliches are good, I like cliches ;)

Also, don't go setting things in stone just yet. For instance I was thinking of having the players start in two groups, a bunch of human soldiers with the Fleet in one and another group on a planet within the incursion. That way we can get a whole lot of Empire aliens and Loroi who aren't just their military caste, plus it makes sense if they get involved without actually starting with what is essentially a human gig (with some Loroi oversight...nosy so-and-so's :) )

But that's the point of this early part, so we can decide together what needs to go with character creation, what rolls are needed (ie. do we need to roll to eat that apple ;) ) Obviously the more people we get joining the more flexibility we'll have as far as characters and where they start etc.

Edit: I added some stuff to the Assorted Data post, yay for me getting some work done :geek:
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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by TheUnforsaken »

Added more stuff to the assorted data post, one more tech and two of the larger ships in the human task force. Anyone using human soldier characters will almost certainly be on the Bellerophon...at least to begin with. I'll post the rest of the ships tomorrow plus whatever else I think of then. Anyway, I hope you like what I'm putting up, if not, well...I'm open to discussion ;)

Also, to begin discussion about character formation and rules etc: What do you think of something like Icekatze's version? It seems to me to nicely cover both simplicity of use and sufficient detail, it'd probably need some tweaking to fit our purposes more but otherwise suits as far as I can tell.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas

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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by sunphoenix »

I'm partial to BESM...but Icekatze's system seems to work ok.
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by Fusebox »

I've always wanted this in a piece of fiction, so I'mma ask for it here. What are your opinions in regard to vanguard units and preliminary scouts getting planet side by HALO jumping from low orbit?

... I've got to mention this. I'm playing Sins of a Solar Empire right now, and the VERY FIRST asteroid I came across was called Bellerophon. That one name out of a list of what I'm guessing is hundreds long.

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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by TheUnforsaken »

@sunphoenix: I'm not entirely familiar with BESM, if you can point me to an electronic version of it I'll have a look.

@Fusebox: Umm, I'll see if I can work it in at somepoint if it makes sense to do so. It wont be in the first part of the RP though.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas

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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by TheUnforsaken »

Ok then, we now have a complete list of all ships in Task Force 27. I also tweaked Intransigent since I think I may have given it a few too many weapons last night...so now it has 4 less ;)

Plus we have a few NPCs now...naming them all is a pain though and there's plenty more to come :roll:
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas

[A] book need never die and should not be killed; books [are] the immortal part of man. - Robert A. Heinlein

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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by bunnyboy »

Nelodez "sun flare", Former Tenoin Narrat [spacefighter pilot]

Yzmarik, old barsam and Gertilk, neridi accountant

I will collect all pictures of the characters here.
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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by TheUnforsaken »

At the moment its planned to be one or two groups of players working together alongside NPCs, but there'll be a bunch of stuff going on in the background which is why I'm making all the other NPCs and stuff up. Plus the more concrete info the players have the less chance they have of going off on some truly odd tangent or something else. The better informed they are the more accurately they'll be able to react as the game moves on.

The problem is that I don't want to have all the players stuck in separate areas of the story and unable to interact in any way that makes sense, but nor do I want to dictate to them what they can do either...

I suppose I can give away some of the plot since this will be revealed in the first posts anyway.
The Umiak aren't invading :shock: (If you hadn't already guessed ;) )

The first phase of the story will take place on and near a rather unpleasant planet that may or may not be called 'Drizzle'.

Ideally players will take part either as human marines checking the planet out or as a group of Loroi soldiers and civilians and other aliens from the Loroi Alliance/Union/Empire who have so far managed to evade their uncouth visitors. Or, if they want, they can make more than one character and we'll see what happens.

They will then spend their time trying to figure out how the hell a bunch of not-Umiak managed to get into the middle of Umiak/Loroi/Human space. Oh...and surviving the attentions said not-Umiak too :twisted:
Edit: I should also add that you needn't know by heart all the info I'm putting up, your characters survival won't likely depend on it or anything, and if it is something important I'll give you a heads up.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas

[A] book need never die and should not be killed; books [are] the immortal part of man. - Robert A. Heinlein

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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by TheUnforsaken »

Been a bit busy today, I did add three new techs and two of the Loroi going into the incursion with Task Force 27 though. Making up names for them is even worse than humans :P
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas

[A] book need never die and should not be killed; books [are] the immortal part of man. - Robert A. Heinlein

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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by Codius_Dak »

sorry i just got this idea so i ran with it... enjoy

TCNS Bring the Rain
Class: "Prototype" Super Heavy Heavy Battleship
Length: ~1200m
Width: (at widest) 500m
Crew: 1520
Marines: 2 Companies
Screens: Very Heavy
Max Accel: 24 G
Armor: Heavy

05 Hell Lances (3 Forward, 2 Rear)
16 Heavy "Experimental" Extended Range Plasma Focus
04 Very Heavy "Experimental" Plasma Focus (Forward fixed)
20 Medium Plasma Focus
15 "Experimental" Quad mounted PD micro Plasma Focus
20 Triple mount Laser PD
04 Torpedo Tubes
05 Counter Missile Launcher Batteries 3 tubes each

Small Craft and Ordinance:
06 Fighters
03 Assault Shuttles
02 Standard Shuttles
200 Counter Missiles
50 Heavy Dual Purpose Torpedoes
20 Fighter launched Hell Lances

The TCNS Bring the Rain, is a experimental weapons platform mounting experimental weapons systems, it is also a political tool to show the military might of the new Terran Commonwealth. it is the largest warship ever built and was designed around several human designed modifications to the Plasma Focus. Is currently en route to the steppes Terran command base where it will be used to test the heavy weapons on several old Husks of Umiak and Loroi decommissioned warships that have been sold to the Terran's under the condition that members of both sides can observe the effectiveness of the Terran warship.
::/Classified: Top Secret: Unauthorized disclosure of contents will be considered High Treason against the Human Race and will be punished by Death:\ Terran Naval High Command, Admiral Horus Wittman, Project Director: TCNS (HBB11) Bring the Rain has finished shake down and weapon trials in the Naam System, Weapons systems and power systems are fully functional and are ready for mass production for new vessels and as refit kits for ships currently on active duty in the Terran Commonwealth fleet roster. The new Extended Range Heavy Plasma Focuse's are capable of ranges of the Loroi Pulse Cannon . The Bring the Rain class is ready for production and a further 2 vessels will be ready to lay down in 2 years after the mock shakedown and weapons testing are complete. the 2 marine companies will be comprised of Specialist Shock Troopers from the 12th Marine Planetary Assault Division assigned to the Steppes fleets. security is paramount and this warship is paramount to the continued safety and stability to the existence of the Human Race.
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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by TheUnforsaken »

That certainly is an interesting ship Codius, it looks like it'd live up to its name quite well ;)

I actually had a bit of trouble deciding exactly what level of tech humans and the other races had reached in the 300 year gap, and how fast humans would have caught up to them. I know there has been quite a bit of discussion about just that question in other threads. In the end I decided that although humans advance quickly compared to the Loroi (and apparently the Umiak), they also have a fair few other things on their plate: expanding, terraforming planets, cultural changes, a near civil war and the raft of other ups and downs human societies undergo regularly. Then there is the difference between what is known theoretically, what can be achieved under lab conditions, what can be made at great expense and what has become ubiquitous within the greater Commonwealth.

Using this as a guide I believe that almost all level 10 techs have become more or less commonplace while level 11 represents the state of the art as understood by the general populace, and level 12 is being nudged in a few areas, such as the powerful gravity lenses the Hell Lance uses. I have no idea what level theoretical science has gotten to. All in all, on top of everything else, having humans advance from level 9 to pushing level 12 in 300 years doesn't seem to be too slow...to me at least.


Also, I've been trying to hammer out some sort of framework for character creation and interations: one thing I'd like to know, from anyone who is or possibly might be interested, is whether you'd prefer to have a fairly comprehensive system that would use dice rolls and keeps track of many aspects during gameplay (particularly during combat) or if you'd prefer something that was more free-form and which only uses dice-rolls for important actions (such as making a difficult shot, or any action that is particularly difficult or unusual for the character). Or somewhere in-between?

The problem with a free-form system is that it would restrict the players using Human marine charcters to basically following orders and putting holes in things, mostly through exposition...not the most riveting RP experience. The other group has rather more scope for interations etc.
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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by sunphoenix »

I'm a rules monkey... so I'd always prefer a concrete set of rules governing actions and combat. A simple role dice whoever rolls higher succeeds in opposed rolls while a static number is set for unopposed... but difficult skill tests should suffice.

There is no real need to come up with a unique system of your own unless you really like doing that... its a lot of work. There are MANY game system conventions out there in the world of role-playing that can be utilized for a setting.

...all depends on how much work you want to do as the GM.
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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by Gudo »

I too prefer solid rules, but I've found that in loose games (like forum RPs) they tend to bog things down, as there's quite a bit of back and forth when it's time to bust out the dice. One thing that *might* be worth considering is maybe playing over IRC or something. Meetings would have to be scheduled well in advance, but we could get quite a bit of play done.

Anyways, I'm with Sun on this one. Simple die rolls for opposed actions, roll vs a static number for unopposed.

So uh, what's open as far as character options? I noticed the Heavy Frigate Havock doesn't have a captain yet... Though if that's beyond the scope of the adventure I'd choose something else. I'd hate to be stuck in orbit while the rest of the group is tromping around on some planet.

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Re: [RP] Incursion (OOC)

Post by TheUnforsaken »

Well I have no problem doing plenty of work as GM, but I don't want things getting bogged down either. IRC is a good idea but there always seems to be someone who has to be awake at some odd hour to join in. We'll have to wait and see on that score...

@Gudo, Ship crews and captains are intended to be NPC's at the moment, with much of the action taking place on the ground. There are two groups of player characters: survivors in the form of Loroi Union races and some humans on the planet's surface, and more human marines arriving with TF 27. I'm a bit worried though that the marine element wouldn't provide players with a decent experience...I'll have to see what I can do on that part.
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