Page 220: Clearing the Path

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Re: Page 220: Clearing the Path

Post by spacewhale »

Tempo as a character could have been conceived later as well, long after the original interrogation scene was done. I wasn't around in the Outsider eocene era though, so I assume Arioch would be the only one who'd know the answer to that.

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Re: Page 220: Clearing the Path

Post by Arioch »

spacewhale wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:41 am
Tempo as a character could have been conceived later as well, long after the original interrogation scene was done. I wasn't around in the Outsider eocene era though, so I assume Arioch would be the only one who'd know the answer to that.
No, Tempo as a character has existed since the beginning (though she originally had a different name, as most of the characters did). There is a story-specific reason why Tempo was not present at the first interrogation, if it's not already obvious.

(one of the earliest Outsider illustrations from 1998)
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Re: Page 220: Clearing the Path

Post by Demarquis »

It's a sign of how evocative your art is that I can see how the characters have evolved since then. I don't mean just in appearance, but in terms of their, er, character.

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Re: Page 220: Clearing the Path

Post by raistlin34 »

Demarquis wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 3:48 pm
It's a sign of how evocative your art is that I can see how the characters have evolved since then. I don't mean just in appearance, but in terms of their, er, character.
I like Beryl's old hairstyle.

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Re: Page 220: Clearing the Path

Post by avatar576 »

Demarquis wrote:
Mon Jun 19, 2023 2:59 pm
Ok, that actually makes sense. And your two theories are compatible with each other: Stillstorm, because she doesn't get along with the Empress, kept Tempo out of the interrogation, which backfired on her when they made no progress, so she kicked him off the ship (and got rid of Tempo in the bargain! Happy day for her). Now, given their proximity and time, Tempo could indeed be cluing in on whatever it is that is happening between Firestorm and Alex. I like the version where Tempo is being reasonably straightforward as well, because that fully explains her behavior without adding in any secret agendas or unnecessary complications. I don't think Tempo could be causing the dream sequences and so forth, because that would seem like too much progress in too little time. Plus, it kinds of short circuits the story arc of Alex slowly discovering what he can do. Tempo isn't the protagonist of this story, Alex is, so any solutions to the story's overall source of tension should come from him. I also don't see her as an antagonist either, although that would be quite the twist!
Here's another possible supporting point for the Tempo theory. It's on page 184. In every other case where Alex is able to perceive Fireblade's "aura" or telepathic signature, it is described or shown as something fiery or burning. And by this point, Alex can even recognize it as Fireblade, despite his limited experience.

The transition from Alex's "usual" nightmare to the dream about Seren is different. As we know, each Loroi has a unique mental or telepathic signature. What we see on the last panel of pg. 184 is not the usual way we've seen Fireblade's aura depicted. Granted, she's not wearing her amplifier at this time, which may account for the difference, but the fact that it is only described as "bright" and that it surrounds him is still different than what we know thus far.

On the previous subject, I also agree that Tempo has been honest with Alex in her explanations and answers to his questions. The simplest explanation is that if she were lying, it would make the plot too confusing to follow. And it would also be unwise from a diplomatic point of view to alienate yourself from a potential ally if/when the lies are uncovered.

As for the final point, Alex's lotai vs. Loroi sanzai and the whole discovering of abilities I think is just an incidental subplot to the main story, which is how Alex will decide the course for Humanity through the Loroi-Umiak war. An important subplot for sure, but it so far isn't the central focus of the story. A third possibility for all of this is that Alex will never actually figure it all out, and it will remain open for interpretation/debate.

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