[RP] Incursion (IC)

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Re: [RP] Incursion (IC)

Post by Michael »

Arthour jumped down in to the sewer and fell in to a crouch immediate.
With his pistol in hand Arthour swept the left and right sides of the sewer entrance and not for the first time wondered

"why the hell did I volunteer for this?"

He had been part of a Loroi Task Group, part of the main army meant to defend this planet come hell hole, the only reason he was even here was because Earth's military bright sparks wanted to bring the two races together more closely, get them used to working together to face a common enemy

"well that part had been working out great, wasn't it?" he thought.

Ever since they'd been ambushed by the enemy he'd lost track of his squad, lost all contact with the Task Group and to top it all off their HQ had been reduced to molten glass and now here he was, trapped in the industrial sector, nothing but his side arm, the rifle he'd gotten on graduation and the Recon Special Forces Armor to keep him going till reinforcements came and who knew when that could be? He tapped a button on the side of his helmet, bringing up the IR scanner on his HUD, he looked round slowly..and...THERE! again, a spike in the IR, but were they other survivors or the enemy? Well only one way to find out, he set of, remaining low to ground and thanking god his armor could recycle and filter air or he'd know what these disgusting sights smelled like, he'd had enough of that when the enemy blasted their flanks with high plasma blasts, scorching and burning through the flesh and armor of any thing close.
he carried on, daring not to hope that at last he might have found others, he shook he's head

"best not go down that road again" he thought and carried on through the sewer quietly as possible
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Re: [RP] Incursion (IC)

Post by sunphoenix »

As Maiannon wrapped Nelodez's bruised knee one of the Loroi children came close... Lomirodai (Bright-Cloud). She seemed to... feel the shy nervous tension between Maiannon and Nelodez... so she waited patiently, but the youthful impatience was showing in her fidgeting demeanor.

Maiannon turned to her and smiled, "Yes, Bright-Cloud... what is it? You may speak..."

The young loroi girl looked at Maiannon her cheeks flushing with emotion, "Uhm... Golden-hair... there seems to be someone else entering the sewer section... I heard something heavy and mechanical moved past the pipes you told me to listen at."

Maiannon's brow furrowed with concern... his thoughts moving fast, {uh..oh! That can't be good! Perhaps our new guests were indeed followed...}

But he did not let his concern touch his eyes, "Thank you Bright-cloud... your doing great as watch. Don't worry... I'll go look into it... go back to listening at the pipes."

The loroi girl beamed with adoration and hurried shyly away.

Turning back to Nelodez his tone serious but totally unafraid, "I'll be back.. I need to look into this..."

With that Maiannon stands and strides purposefully away toward the main entrance his cloak fluttering behind him his left hand drawing his Loroi-LazPistol, thumbing off the safety again and his right pulling a oddly short... crystal-like handgrip in his right hand....


Maiannon was taking no chances this time... mechanical intruders could mean enemy powered troopers! Under cover of his bent light Invisibility 'cloak', his 'Light Shield' up ready to turn any incoming laserfire, 'Light Agis' powered and ready to flash the optics of any physical blow struck against him and his 'Photonic Sword' pulsing in silence in his right hand... he moved quietly as possible through the darkened sewer. His Sanzai powers alive with controlled and manifested power... he was ready to do battle with whatever intruder had found their safehouse. His left fist tightened its grip in apprehension on the Loroi LazPistol in his left fist... ready for battle if need be!

Maiannon pondered that his 'cloak' was not complete enough to hide him from IR scans it was the best he could do. Hopefully it would give him the element of surprise if there were indeed hostiles in-bound...
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP] Incursion (IC)

Post by Michael »

Arthour continued through the sewer, he'd been forced to shut down the air filters as they'd begone to get uncomfortably warm, the Recon armor, while being a cornerstone in Battle Armor for Earth military, when compared to the Loroi's it was cumbersome and had a short usage life.
luckily the Recon variant of the light armor had rechargeable battery cells and a small sensory interference suit, making the dark, noisy sewer the best place to use the armor's system. Arthour continued travailing down the sewer, flicking through he's IR scanner, keeping track of the group of potential surviver when something caught he's eye

"was that a flicker on the IR? was someone coming up the passageway?" Arthour thought freezing for a moment unsure what to do now, he looked around, a small alcove in the wall would provide perfect cover from possible enemy fire and keep him out of view, he hid and watched the corner and waited for whoever it was to come straight into his laser pistol's fire range
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Re: [RP] Incursion (IC)

Post by sunphoenix »

Maiannon moves cautiously forward laser pistol in hand 'Photonic Sword' in the other... thinking he heard motion in the distance. Odd for the invaders... they do not sneak but storm about and assault directly.

He ponders if it were the enemy..surely they would 'feel' his use of sanzai, though indeed they seemed more capable of detecting telepathic use of Sanzai as opposed to raw psychokinetic usage.

Maiannon decided to take a change as were it the enemy they would be systematically searching... not sneaking about. Maiannon moves from his cover back the the wall as he moves down the corridor. Then he stretches forth his will spinning the photonic waves of the unified ambient electromagnetic medium at his whim manifests his 'Light Burst' and a blinding incandescent burst of white searing light some 10 meters down the corridor filling an area some 3 meters in radius!

He speaks, "Who is there? Come out and Identify yourself!"


Briefly on the IR scans there is an anomaly... a man shaped after image heat trace but UV and visible show nothing then suddenly there is a overload of light as if a searchlight were turn full on - making any flare compensation black out the light to avoid any retina damage. A flash/bang grenade would be suspect... but there was no bang... only light...

But there is no mistaking the Human-like males voice that addresses the darkened corridor... for certain ... the aliens DO NOT speak... they kill!
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP] Incursion (IC)

Post by Michael »

Arthour was momentarily blinded by the sudden flash, his visor had darkened and he'd still been forced to shut his eyes, he remained motionless for a moment, there was no doubt his cover was blown, the IR had overloaded so had shut down, Arthour clicked a new button on his helmet, activating the night vision mode, THERE! it was a Loroi! Arthour once again felt hope blossom in his chest but it was tempered with caution, he'd come across two other Loroi survivors before, both of them on different days, both torn mad by their telepathy, perhaps they had felt the final death throws of a loved one? or maybe they had already been unstable before the invasion, at any rate their death had been a mercy.
Arthour looked closely, searching for any signs mental instability and noticed the cloths he wore, the white armor of the Mizol, cloak and all which explained the photonic sword in his hand and pistol in the othe-

"Wait. A Male Mizol?" Arthour looked again."Yes definitely male. perhaps he was mad? or maybe...? No. Could I really have the bad luck to run into the only male Loroi in their military and he just happen to be insane?" Arthour doubted his luck was that bad and but kept his pistol handy
" I am Lieutenant Arthour Deathblade of the Terran Commonwealth Army! Recon Special Forces, on assignment with the Loroi Military Forces here on Sephal! im coming out now, Don't Shoot" Arthour moved out from his cover and stood in front of the Loroi male, just a meter out of sword reach and waited for his reaction
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Re: [RP] Incursion (IC)

Post by sunphoenix »

Maiannon suddenly realized his lack of insight... dropping his invisibility cloak...was not his intention with the 'Light Burst', ruefully he thought, {... must be fatigue. I AM pushing my powers to their limit here.}

But at sight of the Terran commonwealth solider he relaxed gasping, "Oh thank goodness!"

The young loroi man is taller than any Loroi male Michael has ever met. At first his height and broad-shoulders would easily be taken for a average build human male... but his pointed ears and his pale complextion tell of his heritage. Though in truth his pale complexion is... not really outside the range of human tones of skin color.

He is surrounded by a nimbus for shifting light like a heat distortion in the air about him... so form of a energy protective barrier perhaps? The hand held hilt in his hand no form of weapon of technology in human or Loroi science but a focusing crystal for his Sanzai abilities the projected glowing blade of focused searing light slightly sizzling as it ionizes the air particles that come in contact with the lethal blade of light. The LazPistol in his hand is a loroi standard sidearm... indicator light on the pommel showing a full charge.

The young man has green eyes, and long honey-colored hair that shimmers in the emergency lights in the hallway. A pretty boy - to be sure, but there is a calm unfrightened certainty to his eyes.

"Well met Lieut. Deathblade. I am Mizol-Lennai Maiannon 'Goldenhair'. Please, you are among friends... let me take you to the others."

He makes a casual gesture and the shimmering field about him fades from view, and the glowing sword projected from the hilt flickers out - and he holsters both his pistol thumbing the safety back on and the crystal Photonic Sword focusing hilt.

[ooc: By the way... he never became visible... but I just rolled with it! :)]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP] Incursion (IC)

Post by Michael »

"thank the gods" Arthour breathed under his breath, he holstered his sidearm and moved closer to Maiannon and said
"Its been a long time since I saw a friendly face, i see the name 'Goldenhair' is well deserved"
with a rueful smile on his face and raised the visor on his helmet so Maiannon could see his face, stopping within arms reach and looking up into his face "how strange we should under these circumstances, the first Loroi male and one of the first Humans in the Loroi military, standing knee deep in something that's best not thought about too much"

"there are others you say? I wasn't sure as these tunnels and pipes block most Infra Red emissions, do any of you have a way of communicating with the orbital resupply station?" Arthour asked the last part with more urgency, if the TCN have a ship moving into the system then that would be the best place to put an encoded message, telling the ship what the situation was, along with an approximation of the forces they would be dealing with and then hopefully they could find a way get the Umiak out of the system

[Oops, sorry :) ]
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Re: [RP] Incursion (IC)

Post by sunphoenix »

Maiannon smiles but his tone is somewhat somber, "Yes...there are quite a few of us... but it is no longer safe with such a large number... we are making plans to move on. From what we know there were several survivor cells but they are being systematically wiped out. We must move."

He turns leading the way back through the water treatment facility tunnels his cloak and hair fluttering with his graceful movements.

He casts a his gaze the soldier's direction, "I'm sorry no. We have been in contact with no one of official government or military status... I'm the closest to anyone if official capacity among our survivor cell and my Comm-link has not been transmitted to since the invasion forces landed troops."
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP] Incursion (IC)

Post by Michael »

follows close behind, unconsciously resting his hand on the butt of his pistol and nodded

"that makes sense, if there are any command officers out there then they would be hiding as much as we are and opening comms would only attract the enemy to us"

Arthour was feeling upbeat, while he knew it would be dangerous with a large group, but being with other people, even aliens was better than being on his own out in the desolation that was now Sephal
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Re: [RP] Incursion (IC)

Post by sunphoenix »

Maiannon leads the Lieutenant to the Maintenance door he taps rhythmically upon an exposed pipe and waits... for the watch to disarm 'Garnet's' door trap.

Shortly the door opens upon the safe-house - light spilling into the hallway inviting entry to the growing survivor cell.

Maiannon enters and addresses everyone, "Its ok everyone... another survivor has found us, its not the enemy. This is Lieutenant Arthur Deathblade - of the TCA!"

Turning to the Lieut., "Lieut. Deathblade, allow me to introduce... Bistima Chrysocolla "Garnet" a female Loroi technician and engineer, Yzmarik a male Barsam retired Troubador/Cleric, Gertilk a male Neridi accountent, Nelazal "Sun-Rune" a female Loroi secretary and mother of two daughters - Sedoinzil "Yellow-Wind" and Lomirodai "Bright-Cloud", Travis Cardigan a male human sports store manager, young Markus a male human child... he doesn't speak, Doctor Darius Smith a male human physician, Tenoin Narrat medi Lenodez "Sunflare" a female Loroi... er ex-spacefighter pilot, and Uhm...", Maiannon is unsure of the proper title to assign to the new human arrival considering how brief his introduction was.

The informal and slightly impolite introduction... {by Loroi standards - at least} of simply just stating his name and none of his status or profession... briefly throws the young Loroi diplomat off kilter for a moment, "... 'Harold' a male human... 'Man-At-Arms' and his young companion Moria a female human child. Eight adults, four children."

Now that Arthur can get a good look at the young Loroi male before him in regular light... the only Loroi male present he notices that he is indeed odd for a Lori. Maiannon's skin tone - pale as it is, is within human range and his ears though pointed are not nearly as pronounced as the Loroi present. Plus, his height... now with Loroi females to compare to is significantly taller than ANY male Loroi. His broad shoulders and lean frame making him a handsome if slightly feminine in appearance... mostly the effect 'visually' of his long honey-colored hair and pretty green eyes. Also his speech pattern seem almost human... especially his tendancy to 'think out loud'...
Last edited by sunphoenix on Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP] Incursion (IC)

Post by Michael »

[EDIT: i didn't like that post so im editing it, since no else has posted yet it shouldn't make a big change]

Removing his helmet Arthour smiled warmly at each person as they were introduced and was forced to chuckle a bit when Maiannon stumbled over what title to call the man named Harold by.
As each person and their role in the cell was described Arthour felt a pang of concern, not only were there children here, but most of the people here were civilians, in the likely situation that they were found by the enemy they would have a hard time defending themselves but with Harold, Sunflare, himself and Maiannon they could probably hold out for a while, long enough at least for the civis to make an escape although, he wasn't too sure how the ex-fighter pilot would measure up in a firefight and hoped he'd wouldn't need to find out.
Arthour nodded his thanks to Maiannon for introducing him to the other survivors and walked towards an empty side of the room and sat down on the floor resting his sore limbs with his rifle and helmet sitting next to him
Last edited by Michael on Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [RP] Incursion (IC)

Post by sunphoenix »

Maiannon walks over to Garnet his expression a little haggard,

"Garnet, we will have to make plans to move sooner than we might be ready for. With some many with us... its imperative we leave as soon as we can. I'm feeling a little tired I'm going to do some restorative-meditation to recover my energy reserves for about an hour. Would you send out perhaps 6 of your Spider-Drones to patrol the water treatment tunnels, perhaps have two watching on the surface? I fear use being discovered before were ready to leave and before we know were in danger! I'd also ask you to get everyone packing what we might need for travel in-case we run out of time."

He pauses looking over the growing crowd of refugees, "When I'm awake again.. I'll organize a search party for the parts you need for your 'Tunnel-Crawler'. Unless while I'm resting YOU want to send out a scavenger party for your needs... time IS of the essence."

His posture is confident if obviously weary. But his handsome features and pretty eyes make him charming even if he is drained to almost exhaustion.
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP] Incursion (IC)

Post by Michael »

Arthour sat watching the other people going about their business, paying him little attention, apart from the occasional glance from one of the children, they all didn't seem too bothered with his presence and Arthour was content to sit, watching them all work, learning their routines as well as continuing to examine the structure they were in.
He double checked the best places to be, if the enemy should come he'd be ready for them.
Arthour sighed, stretched his arms and went looking for something to do, there must be something he could do to be of some help around here
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fredgiblet: ALL OF THEM! Our banhammers will blot out the sun!
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