[RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Suederwind »

Durabys wrote:Da'aw!!! Romance. :oops: :cry:

Sweet holy mother of Jesus! This will be hilariously funny to watch unfold. :mrgreen:
Oh dear... Poor Charlie...

However: Do you want to join? 8-)
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Charlie »

Suederwind wrote:
Durabys wrote:Da'aw!!! Romance. :oops: :cry:

Sweet holy mother of Jesus! This will be hilariously funny to watch unfold. :mrgreen:
Oh dear... Poor Charlie...

However: Do you want to join? 8-)
As I am back from the dead, I would think so...
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Suederwind »

Ah well, a few things to discuss/inform you about:
1.) I´m thinking about ending that meeting scene. If you want to ask the Captain or the Parat a few questions, add comments, etc... Now would be the time. I am out of town this weekend, so the next story post would be posted by me on Sunday or Monday. Should we then skip forward to the beginning of the next shift or do you want to have some free time to relax in the messdeck, or so?
2.) The NPCs are still missing most of their stats. Sorry for the delay.
3.) Still need to make that "crude" map of the next system and an image / map of the researchstation.
4.) Sunphoenix asked me to implement some form of experience points that you could earn. I have no problem with the idea itself, as it is common in most RPG systems. But after looking through the BESM rulebook, I found no way to "level up" a character with those points (at least it wasn´t explained how to do this after character generation or I missed it). However, giving you points without something to use them on would be useless and all the PBP RPGs I have looked into had no such thing, too. What do you think? Should we implement some way to earn XP points and maybe use them to level up a character?
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by bunnyboy »

There is no levels, because you can buy those point anything you want.
So when you give xp, you just give more points to buy things.

For myself, I don't think that my character is getting superpowers from nowhere, just because she has meet humans, or learn our every secret soon after first meeting, so it is not difference, if I have 30 or 30.000 unused points.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by sunphoenix »

The rules for Character Advancement/Experience point acquistion are on page 208 of the BESM Core Rulebook.

The standard speed suggested is 1-5 character points per RP session. Usually a 4 to 6 hour gaming night of play for a sitdown game... not really applicable in this case but I'll get back to that.

Bunnyboy is correct those experience /character points are used exactly like character points when the character was constructed they can be sent to directly improve Stats or attributes immediately or accumulate for future use. Of course Humans could not suddenly buy psionics or super powers but they could improve skills, buy extra actions or extra defenses or attack and defense combat value... all expensive thing but acquirable with time and focus. Players could also invest in buying items or creating items as per the normal cost of the Item attribute as in the rules.

And keep in mind 'super-powers' is not flying through the air or blasting things with eye beams... a human coud invest in something that might seem like a super power as long as it was in the special effect of skills or technology. Take for example the Artificer Template on page 121. Arguably that template's - [ Power Flux - Creation ] attribute could seem like a super power but it could also simply be a engineer with a large toolbox and a utility belt who just always seems to have the right tool for the job. With the proper Restrictions... which would reduce the cost of the attribute a limited list of available items could be come up with with attributes that are appropriate for a high-tech gadgeteer...within the scope of human and or Loroi technology.

My suggestion for the idea of character Advancement rate -
Experience will be given out in three ways!

1 - Post count, every ten full posts is 1 xp.

2 - Milestones in the game - this range from 1-3 xp - and is handed out by Suederwind when you have achived an minor or important plotpoint in the story that is in a way related to your character. This is something Suederwind will reward I expect through PM.

3 - Story award, this is a standard 1-15 xp depending on how the story chapter went, you can never fail an adventure, the higher xp award is given out when you roleplay to the fullest and achieve something for the group whatever the outcome. And is posted at the end of the "chapter" buy Suederwind.

...which brings up a question do we wish to have a continuing single RP thread or do we have Suederwind make new chapters for the game as the story proceeds? I started the [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers'] and Suederwind started the [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC] thread... I don't see why we could not keep making new chapters titling each as we continue on. Suederwind would have to name his [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC] Thread... perhaps [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC: First Impressions] or [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC: A House Divided]

Also Suederwind could just post int he IC thread - END CHAPTER 1 and open the next post with a new scene or situation as the story continues.

This will give a regular flow of experience - and I feel it is not a low count either considering this is a pbp game.
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Suederwind »

The rules for Character Advancement/Experience point acquistion are on page 208 of the BESM Core Rulebook.
Hm... must have missed that. I will look into that again, as soon as I can.
Bunnyboy is correct those experience /character points are used exactly like character points when the character was constructed they can be sent to directly improve Stats or attributes immediately or accumulate for future use. Of course Humans could not suddenly buy psionics or super powers but they could improve skills, buy extra actions or extra defenses or attack and defense combat value... all expensive thing but acquirable with time and focus. Players could also invest in buying items or creating items as per the normal cost of the Item attribute as in the rules.
That makes sense to me. In most systems I have played, there are very complex rules for level up a character. For example: you can buy a new spell and try to master it, or you search some mage who teach it to you. However, both ways take some time (days, weeks, months, etc...) and so this is done off screen between adventures. Something that wouldn't work here, because Captain Blake can't lets his crew take a few days off between scenes. But you could for example study some books or so at the ende of your shift.

Now to your suggestions:
Experience will be given out in three ways!

1 - Post count, every ten full posts is 1 xp.
No Problem with that and that sounds fair to me.
2 - Milestones in the game - this range from 1-3 xp - and is handed out by Suederwind when you have achived an minor or important plotpoint in the story that is in a way related to your character. This is something Suederwind will reward I expect through PM.
Hm... we have a similar system in my usual RPG group: The players can earn additional xp for good rollplaying, actions, etc... That mustn't be exceptional brave things, for example. But it should be belivable to your character. Just as an example: On of the characters in that group is very superstitious and believes in all kind of stupid things, in one occation he listend to a childs story about "snow ghosts" (basically: don't go out or they catch you) and failed his mind roll, so he believed in those things, but he did such a good and funny job, that he received bonus xp.
I would like to do it that way, if that is ok for you.
3 - Story award, this is a standard 1-15 xp depending on how the story chapter went, you can never fail an adventure, the higher xp award is given out when you roleplay to the fullest and achieve something for the group whatever the outcome. And is posted at the end of the "chapter" buy Suederwind.
No problem with that idea, too.

That leaves us with the problem of leveling up itself. I would like to do that together with you. Basically, you enhance your character, send it to me and I tell you if it is ok or if we should talk a bit about possible problems. I hope thats ok.
which brings up a question do we wish to have a continuing single RP thread or do we have Suederwind make new chapters for the game as the story proceeds?
As this is not an RP forum, I would like to keep it in one thread and keep the chapters seperated with individual posts.

As for gameplay: There are several "scenes" that make up one chapter. Those are not fixed in any way and you can add extra scenes (like the whole baby scene, or the one in Stormrages room), shorten, lengthen or skip them as you like (thats why I am asking if we should skip forward sometimes, so I know if you are done with that scene or not).
There is one more "scene" I made up for you in that chapter.

Small spoiler ahead:
The jump in the next system will mark the end of chapter one, be prepared for things other than flirting with the boys/blue girls...

I would like to include the xp system in the next chapter onwards, if that is okay for you.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by sunphoenix »

Seems all good to me... not that it needs my approval or anything! lol!
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Suederwind »

not that it needs my approval or anything! lol!
Thanks for reminding me! :lol:
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by sunphoenix »

I think that the Stormrage / Softsapphire conversation has gone on long enough.. I don't want to hog all the drama and slow the story unfolding down too much.

EDIT: Opps.. forgot my last part reacting to Thoughtvenom's sending... Fixed it!
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Hālian »

Indeed. Time for food perhaps :3?
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by sunphoenix »

Hey, Stromrage is standing right next to Twilightsabe rand Sun Bloom at the airlock.. where the two human women are talking to them right? There is no other way for them to get onto the loroi living quarters deck right?

Stronrage went to Sun Bloom as she was at the airlock specking tot he two women right?
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Suederwind »

Okay... maybe I was a bit of a lazy bone, as I made that map of cydonia. I admit it! :oops:

Think of the quarters as cabins arranged around an inside corridor, that is only accessible to the main corridor through an airlock. The guest quarters are a bit bigger and more posh than the normal ones for the crew. However, there are now additional bunk beds in them to house that many quest. Interstingly each Loroi (and human) player has a cabin for his own.
I hope this explanations solve some problems.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Charlie »

Suederwind wrote:Interstingly each Loroi (and human) player has a cabin for his own.
I was most confused on this matter. Do the normal crew have two dorm style showers, one male and one female?
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Suederwind »

I think I have to correct myself:
The human officers do have similar (but a little bit smaller) cabins for their own. The normal crewmembers will have to share a cabin.
Do the normal crew have two dorm style showers, one male and one female?
I have to admit, that I didn´t thought about that. However, I think so, yes.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by sunphoenix »

Charlie wrote:
Suederwind wrote:Interstingly each Loroi (and human) player has a cabin for his own.
I was most confused on this matter. Do the normal crew have two dorm style showers, one male and one female?
Oh..good question I didn't consider this. Got to get the STAR TREK image of starship out of my mind!

Almost every crew cabin is like a apartment suite in STAR TREK..lol!
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Suederwind »

I think the normal crew cabin will most likely look like something from BSG (new version):
I think about 4 crewmembers will have to share a cabin with a bunk for their own, a locker for private stuff, maybe a mirror, a small desk/table and a few chairs. Nothing more. The lower ranking officers will most likely have to share his/her cabin with another equal ranked officer (Cho with Anderson, for example).
Officers like Ferox will have a small cabin for their own.
Remember, those Loroi quarters are normally used to house diplomats and other high ranking VIPs.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Suederwind »

Hi there,
I will try to finish some maps and a new post today. Sorry for the delay.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Durabys »

Suederwind wrote:
Durabys wrote:Da'aw!!! Romance. :oops: :cry:

Sweet holy mother of Jesus! This will be hilariously funny to watch unfold. :mrgreen:
Oh dear... Poor Charlie...

However: Do you want to join? 8-)
You mean to join the game? No. I am already playing two other RP's on spacebattles.com. Also. Am thinking about writing a Self-Insert fic..but would need the original pre-alpha version of the Outsider plotline from Arioch to pull it off..if it even exists and if it is different enough from the current plot that revealing it in the SI-fic wouldn't spoil the entire story of the comics for you.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Suederwind »

Well, I am out of town this weekend, therefore you can use that time for RP in the messdeck (or else) and have some fun. ;)

However, I made a little map of the upcoming system called "Lacrimosa": click
An artistic impression of that system: click

Generally is it a young system around a blue giant star, that is full of asteroids, comets and debris. There are cycles of higher sun activity in which bursts of x-rays are emitted. At the moment the activity of Lacrimosas sun is low.
(As for Astronomy: this system is, like the last one, pure fantasy. :oops: )

a.) gasgiant "Urd" (Lacrimosa-A or "big red one" by the scout corps. ~1,9 Jupiter masses)
b.) gasgiant "Verdandi" (Lacrimosa-B, or nicknamed "green lantern" for its strong and well visible Auroras, ~1,8 jupiter masses), orbited by the joint TCA/Shenuda Industries refuel/research station.
c.) gasgiant "Skuld" (Lacrimosa-C, ~1,2 Neptune masses, called "little blue")
d.) Jumpzone to / from the Hellespont System
e.) Jumpzone to the Ate System (way to Esperanza)Well, I am out of town this weekend, therefore you can use that time for RP in the messdeck (or else) and have some fun. ;)
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising (OOC)

Post by Suederwind »

The XP system:

I think we follow sunphoenix suggestion and use this:
Experience will be given out in three ways!

1 - Post count, every ten full posts is 1 xp.

2 - Milestones in the game - this range from 1-3 xp - and is handed out by Suederwind when you have achived an minor or important plotpoint in the story that is in a way related to your character. This is something Suederwind will reward I expect through PM.

3 - Story award, this is a standard 1-15 xp depending on how the story chapter went, you can never fail an adventure, the higher xp award is given out when you roleplay to the fullest and achieve something for the group whatever the outcome. And is posted at the end of the "chapter" buy Suederwind.
I would add, that if you want to use this points, please send me a PM, so we can discuss that.
Thanks to sunphoenix for his suggestion!
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