[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Charlie wrote: [Look, we are all friends here.] Charlie was made sure to look at everyone.
[Lets not let things get out of hand here. Everyone has been under some stress, now I know a solution can be found to our current predicament.]
Stormrage heard Charles speak, she was indeed angry... but also shared his sentiments... this was not productive and not helping... but this human Officer Ferox was being obstinate and foolish in her opinion. It was indeed likely had 'Captain' Alexander Jardin been rescued armed... he would have been disarmed... as it was he was unconscious and unarmed when he was taken on-board the "Tempest" so the matter never came up.
Charlie wrote: Charlie turned his head to Stormrage, who despite being very angry did not have any of the feral-lookingness that comes with been enraged - she looked graceful if nothing else.

Charlie changed from English to trade to try and show non bais.
[The marines would not be in your way, they won`t follow you - they will only be on the bridge when you are there.] Charlie added that part so it would not seem like the humans were caging the Loroi officers.
Then Charles spoke to her directly... his tone subtly different...

Storm cast her gaze at him and met his eyes...

...And she could feel the wind taken from her sails. It was hard to remain angry...like she wanted to be with his soft words and deep brown eyes holding her.

{...what in spirits name is wrong with me? Why does he affect me so... my heart is speeding up... not now!!}

Then Nelopaio spoke up... thankfully allowing Storm to gather her thoughts and collect her emotions...
Senanthes wrote: [Clearly, whatever need you felt you had of me is not so pressing, given that this caused such an upset.]
Motioning Stormrage along with her...
[I offered my expertise in good faith... But I am not your servant, and neither myself or Sonnidezi are required to accept repeated insults. And while I am grateful for the assistance rendered, I think you may have a skewed view of the stakes in this endeavour. The Umiak will NOT negotiate, or even care to. I would advise you and yours consider that for a time. As for the presence of my executive officer, I will, and always have, take full responsibility for her actions. Now, shall we proceed?]

To Stormrage Sanzai:
{Forget about it. Let them make the decision as to how deep the water beneath them needs to be to drown in. Our concern is the mission, not their ship, or their crew. If sacrificing the safety thereof is worth a show of bluster, so be it. It tells us who we're dealing with... Let's get this over with.}
Storm cast her eyes at Nelopaio and they shared a silent wordless... look... that was ...oddly perplexing to the humans present.

To Nelopaio Sanzai:
{Forgive my outburst of anger Soroin Mallas... it was unseemly and not productive. But not all the humans of this crew should suffer for one's hard-headedness...}
Storm cast her eyes Charles direction... her expression softening with concern...
{I would not want ALL the humans harmed just to make a point from one of their number having ill-placed bluster...}
Then they both followed in silence as if the matter had been resolved... as if there had been some silent communication. The Loroi must be experts at reading each other... or perhaps there was something more going on...?

Storm cast a lingering look at Charles as he snapped to following his orders
Charlie wrote: "Yes, sir. At once Commander."

Charlie turned to leave without more prompting. He turned back to look at the group one last time, mainly to study one in particular.
Storm met Charles eyes again... and could not keep herself from returning him a gentle affectionate smile...

{He does think of me... often... I'm sure of it! How... sweet. Calm down Sonni... mission first!}

... and Stormrage's trained and battle hardened mind shields...waverer slightly... letting her emotions briefly show.

Nelopaio could not miss the emotional slip of genuine affection radiate from Stormrage for the tall brown haired, brown-eyed marine.

[ P4 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

"...you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is Kill him."

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Dragoon »

Beliskner wrote:Hadrid looked at Sergeant [I studied aerospace engineering not earth history, Sergeant. Yet from what I remember Aztecs considered the Spaniards the Gods and they worshiped them. Rest as you say is history. But we should learn from it not remake it...]

Now speaking quietly so loroi could only catch a glimpse.

[You think I am bad guy here? Maybe we should roll out red carpet, bring best dishes for them? From what I saw and heard they are no better than umiaks...] Making a quick peek behind. [Well... maybe more appealing to eyes than bugs. Besides we got some new Intel from it.]

Post: 6
" Really, Seems we may have some common interests my father is an Aerospace engineer." Roland comment conversationally. smiling slightly. " That we have to be careful not to end up like the Aztecs was my entire point sir. Were in a very tricky spot...play it too friendly we're' screwed, play it to hard were screwed...play it wrong in any one of a million ways....were screwed."

Bad Guy? No sir, Your doing exactly what you think your duty, and your conscience requires I have no doubt. Someone needs to make them work for every inch they get...and to keep the rest of us on our toes."
Roland looked thoughtful for a few seconds letting the mile a minute thoughts going through his head ever since they met the Lori show, in his expression.

" I am not sure if they are better or worse sir..I think I would prefer it if they were bug eyed, tentacle waving horrors...I know what runs around in a human mind sir...and that's what worries me...Are they having the same thoughts our ancestors had when they ran up on a new culture..are they looking for a way to profit, and exploit us....god only knows...

Until I'm sure..I'm going to do my duty, carry out my orders, keep an eye on them, and keep my sidearm close.

Of course on my own time,I'm going to smile, treat them like guests, and try to get in their heads Sir... Poker, battle, diplomacy, women...It's all the same.....know your enemy, know yourself, know the situation...and keep them talking, and smiling, as long as you can."

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

[OOC: Please consider this post as wip! Ok, can't fix this post on my phone, please stay tuned...Okay, fixed it! Thanks to Beliskner, Senanthes, Dragoon and sunphoenix for their lines! If you have any additions or which me to change something, just PM me.]

The small group left the messdeck and entered Cydonia's central corridor. It was full of activity, as it was time for the new shift to get to their stations and the crew members of the old shift wanted to get some rest. Again some of the crew members gazed at the unfamiliar guests, not because they were afraid, but because they were curious.
They then entered a lift, that much to the Lorois surprise was not a simple moving platform, but more like a capsule on its own. With it, they moved a deck upwards and left it, entering another corridor, that lead to a security door, guarded by two marines. As the group approached them, they looked unsure for a moment, but then let them enter the bridge.

Roland noted The two guards had hesitated before letting the two Loroi into the bridge, He nodded slightly to himself they hadn't simply let her stroll in as if it were business as usual. they stopped thought about it. A good sign by his standards. Even with Himself and Hadrid along, they should be thinking twice about allowing non crew into he ships most sensitive areas.
The bridge was quite, no one was speaking, however the crew members there were working on something, everyone could feel it.

Roland nodded and took up a position out of the way. motioning for Nelopaio to join him as he stepped out of the way of any station or crewmen going about their tasks.
{trade} "This is our Command Deck Ma'am, They are fairly busy now going through a post jump checklist, carrying out a basic scan of the system, as well as for any unexpected company no doubt."
He wasn't that familiar with bridge crew, or bride procedures, but he was familiar with people. he could see that the bridge crew was on edge, tense, as if expecting something.

[Wait here.] Hadrid said to the Loroi officers after a brief moment and left the others to speak with the Captain. That gave Nelopaio and Stormrage the possibility to look around a bit.

Well behaved as a visiting officer, Nelopaio stays where she is told to until summoned... Which doesn't preclude her from taking in the sense of the Humaniti warship... 'Nostalgic' wasn't the right word, it was downright primitive, the systems and functionality a long departed antique by her standards... Looking over when she hears her name, she nods, and walks calmly onto the bridge, taking a moment to look around at the stations, different, yet passingly familiar, enough so that she has little trouble determining which major ship functions are connected to what consoles. Regardless, it's an alien design, and the familiarity ends there...

Stormrage looked around at the 'bridge' and smirked at its quaint antiqueness. Touch Screens and an smaller assortment of manual switches instead of touch-sensitive holographic interfaces and cyberinductive neural-link fields...

{how... early-sellar!}

Following her Captain's lead she stays right where she is told to wait.

To Nelopaio Sanzai:
{Its... small.. 'snicker' I hope the humans are fast learners ... this tech will not be of much use to the Loroi Union if this is the best they have...!}

[ Sir? Is something wrong?]
He said to Blake as he reached him, still starring at the screen.

[Hadrid? Good that you are here! What took you so long? Have you brought our "guests" along?] not waiting for him to answer, he added:

[There is something very wrong here. First things first: no sign of Alberta at the moment, the communications buoy at the jumpzone is gone and that has only been the good part...]

[That's bad, any wreckage around? if yes, there should be black box jettisoned somewhere, those things are very robust. I will make telemetry scan for emergency beacons...]

Blake turned directly towards Hadrid and answered:

[There is no point in searching for wreckage or telemetry at the moment... According to Anderson, something is blocking our sensors. More than that: as we made our routine scan after the jump, this "disturbance" was so strong that it fried some of our sensors before we could shut them down.]

[Fried? There must be much electromagnetic radiation around to do that.]

He now stepped closer and looked directly in Hadrid's eyes, while his face looked cold and emotionless

[I want our friend to have a look at this...]

Hadrid made eye sign, moving his both eyes to the right, pointing at Nelopaio, who was standing at bridge entrance.

[She is right there.]Turning he looked at Loroi [ Mallas Nelopaio please approach.]

When Hadrid called for the Loroi commanding officer, Roland extend his hand politely and stepped to her side as if offering her a courtesy escort. He had pulled a very short stint as an embassy marine once, so he was familiar enough with protocol to make the offer look genuine, he hoped. even if he didn't make it look like a simple matter of courtesy, he was still going to stay right with her while they were on the bridge.

Approaching Commander Ferox, Nelopaio nods once, [Yes, Commander Ferox?]

Captain Blake looked closely at the unfamiliar women on his bridge and without looking around, he knew that almost everyone was starring at her right now, even if they tried to avoid it. He then looked at Commander Ferox and waited till he had spoken to her, hoping that he would introduce him.

Stormrage and Nelopaio being both two of the most attractive Loroi in the survivors of the "Argent Fire"... could hardly miss the rapt appreciative attention the bridge crew focused upon them... a good number of them being male. Stormrage nodded at their attention her soft shoulder-length blonde hair stirring slightly with the motion. But her pretty green eyes were sharp and observant taking in the various crew stations and generally understanding their significance to the operation of the vessel... however primitive. The humans were on the right track... which was promising... a little.

[Mallas Nelopaio this is Captain Blake, commanding officer aboard this vessel. He request your council on particular matter.] he said.

Not requested forward but easily within sight of Nelopaio Storm held her position hoping to get a look at the telemetry herself at some point...
Forum RP: Cydonia Rising
[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

[Meanwhile on the messdeck.]

The other Loroi were still on the messdeck, accompanied by Charlie and Nordstroem. As the kitchen personal started cleaning the dishes, a song could be heard coming out of the galley. [for your entertainment: Link]
A brief moment later, the door to the messdeck opened and a familiar face entered the room. It was Dr. Noel, who looked as if he had no sleep at all. Dark circles could be seen around his eyes, his hair was a mess and his first walk lead him to the dispenser, getting himself a large mug of coffee. His hands tried to get his dark hair back in place, with very limited success. He looked around and to his surprise, he saw the remaining Loroi and the two marines. Not sure what to do, he decided to get closer and have a better look and see who was sitting there. He soon recognized Paiad again and couldn´t help but smile, although it looked a bit off and stepped closer.

[Uhm... Hello! Nice to see you again. How is your... health? I am sorry, but I think I have forgotten to ask your name the last time we met...]

He then looked up to Sergeant Aldrige and added:

[Would you mind if I take a seat here?]
Forum RP: Cydonia Rising
[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

[OOC: Okay, more from the bridge. Please consider this to be the next story post. There is music, too: Link Edit: added a part that I have forgotten.]

Stepping forward slightly, her silken voice low, but easily audible, so as not to interrupt the bridge crew, Nelopaio nods politely,
[How may I help you, Captain Blake?]
she queries, raising one ivory-cerulean eyebrow slightly. Aside from her initial glances around, Nelopaio seems quite content to leave scrutiny of the information around her to a more permissible point in time... After all, there is work to be done, it seems.

Captain Blake looked at her for a brief moment. This was the first time he saw her, since the speech in the shuttlebay. She looked different than he remembered for some reason, more attractive but not in a cute way. She looked beautiful to him, somehow similar to the beauty of a tiger he once has seen in a zoo on earth. Without a doubt that woman could easily him or anyone else on the bridge. But in her strangely Amethyst colored eyes he could see no hostility, as well as no sign of fear.

[Mallas Nelopaio, I am Captain Jeremiah Blake. According to Parat Twilightsaber your kind has the tradition of "spoken names". My personal name means "God will rise" and my familyname means "dark haired", the last is no longer the case as you can see...]

Somehow he had to smile about himself for that one. But he continued:

[However, it is nice to meet you again, but the circumstances are not as good as I hoped for.]

He nodded in the direction of Ensign Anderson and the large holografic screen behind him was switched on, showing an image of the system they were currently in. [OOC: See this post Link] Then he continued:

[As you know, we jumped in this system a short while ago and are currently in the process of determine our exact position and doing some post jump checks. I assume you have similar protocols. We realized quickly that something is very off in this system, as our ship was hit by massive outbursts of electromagnetic energy and various forms of radiation. The hull is protecting us from possible harm, but those energy and radiation levels were high enough to damage parts of our sensors. Nothing serious, but this is on a scale we have never encountered before, and...]

he nodded again to Anderson, and the radiation was show in form of a diagram on the screen, overlaying the image of the system, below that digram was another, similar one:

[...maybe you want to have a look at this. The diagram on top is showing an analysis of the radiation and energy outbursts in this system. The lower one is an analysis of an energy source we measured some time ago.]

Speaking this, the two diagrams overlaid each other.

[As you can see, they are almost identical. That second set of data was taken from one of our drones scanning your ship.]

He now starred directly into her eyes.

[Are there other ships from you in this system or nearby? But mind your words, if yes and this is the work of comrades from you, hiding in this system, my orders are clear and I have to rate this as an direct attack on Cydonia and its crew. This will leave me with no choice than to declare you prisoners of war...]


Ensign Cho was at her station, on the bridge and tried not to peek at the familiar Loroi officer, standing not too far away. She was checking that data from the outbursts that Anderson had send her and tried not to think about what happened in the messdeck. The data was strange and like nothing she had ever seen, but she soon realized that this was no random radiation. This was something different: it should look like radiation, but in fact it was hiding something.
{Maybe some form of carrier wave?} she thought for herself and fiddled on her ear piece, that was connected to her com station. Then she modulated Cydonias communications array to proof that there was a message hidden in that. She wanted to know what it was and proof that she was worth it, being here as well...

The Captain had just finished his speech and was awaiting an answer from Nelopaio as the silence on the bridge was struck by a loud bang and the painful scream of a woman. Loud static could be heard from the speakers for a moment and then the bridge was suddenly shrouded in darkness and silence.
All the screens were black, the lights off and only the cries of an all to familiar voice could be heard...
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[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Storm was watching from a distance trying to be patient as she had not been called over to look at the telemetry... considering how mistrustful and secretive the humans were being she didn't want to agitate them unnecessarily on their... primitive fragile bridge... but as she strained her ears to hear what Commander Blake was telling Nelopaio about the energy readings; Storm's urgency was starting to make her decide to just be assertive and walk over to assess if it was the tell-tale readings consistent with Umiak plasma pulse signatures...

Then there was a loud bang and the bridge systems lost power...

She grimaced in frustration... who knew how long it would take the humans to get their tech working properly .. {if it ever did for that matter}.. to see those readings... if the Umiak were here.. all of them were in grave danger!

{Really? How did Humaniti get into space with this junk they call a spaceship?}

To Nelopaio Sanzai:
{Are you unharmed Sun Bloom? Do you need assistance? I can sense your exact location... but I'd rather not make matters worse lest they blame me for the failure of their primitive space-trash tech!}
Storm moved slightly to place her back to a bulkhead wall out of any moving humans so she was not ran into...

{Where are their emergency lights on this wreak... why did they not immediately turn on? Do they not even know how to design dependable basic housekeeping life support systems?}

Backed against the wall Storm drew her E-Cell for her blaster and kept it in hand less she need to arm it for some reason.. that bang could have been a weapons discharge ...despite how - to her at least, it seemed just an overloaded power relay.

[ P5 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

"...you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is Kill him."

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Dragoon »

Roland visibly relaxed slightly s the officers began to converse and discuss the situation, the tension was evident but they were carrying out the meeting in a professional and non belligerent fashion. That was a definite good sign.

The loud bang and scream were a trigger to practiced reactions. Roland dropped to a ready stance, head pivoting as he tried to locate the source of the sounds. He saw Stormrage hands move, it was some sort of clip for her pistol if he remembered properly from when she unloaded the weapon.
His heavy sidearm was out and pointed safely at the deck finger poised ont he trigger guard as his thumb stroked the safety to the fire position. the weapon and his eyes went int he same direction mentally picturing bringing the weapon up, lining up the sights, and squeezing the trigger if he detected an immediate threat.
In the movies, the guard always shouted a warning, or made some other stupid comment. anyone who he perceived as a threat wouldn't be so lucky. on the bridge with the to most important event in recent human history underway he would fire first and fill out the reports later.
The only hint he wasn't without some restraint was a flick of a finger that switched to the stunner module under the barrel of his sidearm. the first shot would be to disable and neutralize. if there had to be a second it would be high velocity rounds not a modulated EM pulse.

[ {Trade}Stormrage on me, secure the ambassador."...] His voice was icy calm, a simple set of instructions to get the Loroi moving, if she had a problem with it she could protest later.[ "Charge your weapon but keep it holstered." ]

he'd been under fire, and training took over where thought and emotions might paralyze a recruit or civilian."He began to move to the Captain and Nelopaio, they were his first concern, after them anyone else on the bridge were expendable, including himself.
He had only a second before the lights went out to act, but that wasn't quite enough. The sudden plunge into darkness brought an immediate reaction fro Roland, as if he were moving without any need to think he snapped open his kit bag and pulled out his helmet smoothly slipping it on, sealing the neck ring, and snapping down the visor in one fluid motion born of many many repetitions of the same move.

[ ( over radio) All marines report to duty stations, Security lock down, Alpha Section to the bridge..... Alrdridge get the Loroi back to quarters take two men and secure their area... no one in or out without myself or the Captain clearing it....All marines Security plan 25...prepare for direct action." ]
He spoke and moved at once. A quick touch to his helmet triggering the visor into Low light mode, another on his pistol to activate the laser sight, which he hoped would be enough to illuminate the bridge clearly.

OOC: suggested security plan..marines move to secure engineering, life support, and airlocks...one section remains in armory to respond to an actual threat under direction of the captain, or senior marine on duty...altered by moving the response team to the bridge and detaching two marines to Charlie to secure the visitors quarters.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

[ ( over radio) All marines report to duty stations, Security lock down, Alpha Section to the bridge..... Alrdridge get the Loroi back to quarters take two men and secure their area... no one in or out without myself or the Captain clearing it....All marines Security plan 25...prepare for direct action." ]

As Roland had released the button of his com unit and triggered his visor, he was able to see at least a little bit. Cho was lying on the ground, holding a hand on her ear. He could see dark spots on her uniform, apparently from her blood. Also, the color of the skin on her cheek was darker than usual, but in a different tone. Hey could still hear her cries and see how she pressed her hand against her ear. A natural reaction from pain.

Strangely, he received no answer to his radio call. Only static, filled with some form of howling could be heard...
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[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Storm held her position and just noticed "Rooll-land" moving with purpose weapon in hand just as the lights went out and his words... confusing her.

{What!?! Was there weapons discharge on the bridge...!?! Who would...?}

Perhaps "Rooll-land" had seen something she had not..? She decided it was best to follow the human soldier's lead... he knew the ship better than she did...

Storm reacted with only a second's delay to process what was happening... nodding in acceptance to "Rooll-land's" directions - then in one fluid motion quickdrew her Heavy Blaster slapped the E-Cell in the grip, thumbing off the safety and with her other hand jacked back the limiter to shift the weapon to electrolaser non-lethal setting.

She was in motion as she pulled the trigger to condition two with the slightest pressure activating the utility setting and a cone of light brushed the ceiling from the upheld charged weapon as she panned the light around not to find Nelopaio - she knew exactly where she was... but so as not to run into the humans that annoyingly she still could not detect! Moving to her side Storm pulled her roughly to the floor beside her as she crouched and watched for the reactions of the rest of the human crew.

But her will was already flexing as she gathered electromagnetic energies ... in abundance around her ready to errect her PK/EK shield around her and Nelopaio at a thought if needed.

The console screens around her glowed softly - their CRT monitors illuminating slightly with static from the gathered electromotive force bound to her precise will. Currently .. the only visible effect of Storm's psychokinetic powers being invoked and readied on precaution.

[ P6 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

"...you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is Kill him."

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Beliskner »

[Spare it, Sergeant Comms are off line..]

Hadrid walked half-blindly to his console, lucky he was near it. He bent down to find lightstick pack striped along fire extinguisher to console wall. Opening it and breaking each one only to thrown them around, sufficiently lighting up the bridge.

[Thank you Commander, good call.] Said Captain looking around.

[Even emergency power is off line.]

[Accidental FTL drive overload?] said navigator

[No, there would be explosion which we would hear and feel. Also there would be alarms and backup power. It's something else.]

said frighten Anderson

[Thank you lieutenant for you professional expertise on the subject.] Hadrid said with static cold voice which made few chuckles around bridge.

He turned to Captain who looked a bit lost in current situation.

[Sir, we have no power and comms across the ship. I will go to engineering and see what is happening. Maybe forced manual will restart systems.]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

A loud squeal could be heard from the door to the main corridor. Apparently someone was trying to open it on the old fashioned way: by hand. A low voice could be heared:
[Everyone ok in there? Do you have power?]

With the light from the sticks and Stormrages Blaster, they could now see what happened to Ensign Cho. Apparently her ear piece had overloaded and exploded. It burned her ear and parts of her cheek. Blood could be seen, as well as little parts of molten plastic that hat sprayed over parts of her face and clothes.
Forum RP: Cydonia Rising
[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

With the Executive officer retrieving some ... chemical lighting {at least he didn't try lighting a torch with his uniform...}, Storm noticed it was the Ensign cho who had been injured and none other.. and no one was waving a weapon around threateningly.

Calmly she thumbed on the Heavy blaster safety and re-holstered the weapon at her shapely hip... standing to help Nelopaio from the floor...

.. and her will releasing her tug on the electromagnetic forces around her the slight static on the surround CRT monitors vanishing in response.

To Nelopaio Sanzai:
{Forgive me my roughness my Captain Crewsister, I was not sure if the human solider had seen a hostile... I figured it prudent to take him at his word.}
Stormrage stood in silent agitation her expression speaking volumes of her opinion of human-technology... or lack thereof. She studied the crew reactions and spoke to the human Captain Blake in trade for convenience, "... you really need to reestablish your power systems. I did not get a chance to look at those sensor readings your..{ahem}.. devices were registering ... but it is just as likely they were Umiak ECM emissions.. for they have very advanced electronic warfare technology ... I'm sure more than capable of burning out your ships systems. The Umiak plasma focus weaponry has a very distinct energy signature.. not sure if your ...devices could differentiate enough to tell the difference. If they are here.. we are ALL in Grave danger!"

"...But I do know there are no other Loroi Union Vessels in this district of space. We have very stretched resources engaging the Umiak on a myriad of fronts. Our "Argent Fire" was the only Loroi Union Vessel assigned to this first contact mission - which is why we had no picket escort scout ships in the previous star-system. I am positive no Loroi Union Vessel fired upon your... colonists here..."

[ P7 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

"...you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is Kill him."

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

"... you really need to reestablish your power systems. I did not get a chance to look at those sensor readings your..{ahem}.. devices were registering ... but it is just as likely they were Umiak ECM emissions.. for they have very advanced electronic warfare technology ... I'm sure more than capable of burning out your ships systems. The Umiak plasma focus weaponry has a very distinct energy signature.. not sure if your ...devices could differentiate enough to tell the difference. If they are here.. we are ALL in Grave danger!"

"...But I do know there are no other Loroi Union Vessels in this district of space. We have very stretched resources engaging the Umiak on a myriad of fronts. Our "Argent Fire" was the only Loroi Union Vessel assigned to this first contact mission - which is why we had no escort in our previous system. I am positive no Loroi Union Vessel fired upon your... colonists here..."

It took Captain Blake a moment to get back to his usual self. He listened to what the Loroi had to say and said to all:

[You have heard what she said. Defcon 1, ladys and gentleman! Get me that power back online! Anderson, try to find out what just happened. Ferox, try to establish a connection to engineering and see whats going on down there.]

He then kneeled down to Ensign Cho and gently pet over her head. His voice sounded almost as if he spoke to his own daughter:

[Don´t worry... you´ll be fine. I have seen worse.]

Somehow she stopped crying, but still, tears could be seen running down her cheek.
Blake looked up and said in a louder and more angry voice:

[Could someone get a first aid kit?]

He then looked irritated at Chos console.

[What...? Who switched it on again?]

Apparently that console was back to life and it displayed some strange things. Columns full of apparently random numbers, signs and letters.

[Ferox, forget engeneering. What in Tritons bloody ass is that?]
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Beliskner »

Stormrage stood in silent agitation her expression speaking volumes of her opinion of human-technology... or lack thereof. She studied the crew reactions and spoke to the human Captain Blake in trade for convenience, "... you really need to reestablish your power systems. I did not get a chance to look at those sensor readings your..{ahem}.. devices were registering ... but it is just as likely they were Umiak ECM emissions.. for they have very advanced electronic warfare technology ... I'm sure more than capable of burning out your ships systems. The Umiak plasma focus weaponry has a very distinct energy signature.. not sure if your ...devices could differentiate enough to tell the difference. If they are here.. we are ALL in Grave danger!"
[Since when you are expert on our tech Loroi, I know my ship, it can withstand electromagnetic pulse blast wave of thermonuclear explosion. It's something else. And if I hear again word 'UMIAK' one more time today, the skulls will start falling like heads of cabbage.]

After the console light up with numbers...

[Ow that looks familiar.. ]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 5

Before Charlie or the Corporal made any real progress collecting dishes, kitchen staff arived and whisked the dishes away.

Charlie had been musing on things, just thinking on recent events and what he thought about them. Charlie had been half listing to conversations and half thinking about stuff. He hadn`t made much progress in sorting out his thoughts, they were permeated by a face - and feelings albeit confused ones. Charlie was raised out of his loopy thoughts by a new voice, on that belonged to the french doctor he embarrassingly kept forgetting the name of.


He had been talking to one of the Loroi, Charlie didn`t know who but she had been in the sick bay for quite so time. Nevertheless it was the doctor who spoke to Charlie first.

[Would you mind if I take a seat here?]

[Sure, go ahead... uh... Doctor Noel.]

And yet as the doctor took his seat, everything was black. Pure darkness. And there was silence as well. It was as if everyone was gone, the room had it`s collective breath.

There is something primal about the blackness, something that all humans have feared at one time or another. The pitch black with the silence of the grave was unsettling.

Charlie could feel it, the fear but he had to act - He had a job to do.

Without even getting off the bench he made a huge leap up to the table top, in the air he heard and felt the room loose it`s collective fears and questions. A tide of sound rushed past him, and yet those closest to where he had been sitting my have heard something louder. The heavy thump of Charlie`s boots impacting the table.

To Charlie the trip up seemed like an eternity, long enough to remember the Emergency Response Training he had revived.

{First: control situation, limit further casualties.}

Charlie turned on his personal light on his communicator pad strapped to his wrist, he then held his arm facing the deck roof. The light was blindly bright, his eyes had been washed out by the brightness. Charlie must have seemed a brightly lit man in darkness.

But he would not need eyes for what was to come. Charlie mustered perhaps the loudest whistle he had ever made in his life. The flash slowly faded as he whistled.

Charlie shouted as loud as he could, to make himself heard over the ruckus.

Hearing no cries of pain nor people calling for help Charlie decided on what to do next.

His previous shout had silenced the entire room, he shouted now to be commanding as possible.

Charlie looked down to his Loroi table guests. He saw surprise on their faces but not fear, the acted like soldiers - they were completely silent, they did however seem to look at each other as if to offer support to one and other. Charlie filled it away and attended to the task at hand.

[I must ask all of you to remain in your seats.]

Charlie once again turned to the room. Still holding up his arm he pointed at the bright communicator.

He shouted again, but this time it had more force and less volume.

The effect was instant, the whole mess deck was once again lit up. Not as bright as normal but more than bright enough to see.

This time he shouted all attention was his to command.

Seeing no one stand Charlie knew the chains of commanding were his responsibility.

{It`s not a breach or engine malfunction, we'd have felt the impact or explosion. That leaves a Cyber attack or an EMP.}
Charlie hoped it wasn`t and EMP or Cyber, in trainning they singled the mock attacks by the instructors pretending to board the mock ship. Out in the real world this could mean a real boarding.

Charlie brought is wrist pad down for inspection.

{Hmm, Hard line coms to the bridge are down. Lets try unit to unit coms.}

"Staff Sergeant, this is Sergeant Aldridge. Over. Can you hear me Over.

Nothing but static could be heard, something else too. Charlie wasn`t sure what but he heard something.

{DAMMIT! Ok, second: Asses situation.}

"Corporal, do you have any coms?"

"No, sir."

"Didn`t think so. I am not sure whats going on but we need to get eyes on it."

Charlie jumped over the head of doctor Noel, this time his booted impact could be heard all over the entire mess deck. A loud thump.

"Corporal, on me."

Charlie walked over to the door with the Corporal.

"Powers out, I'll have to open it by hand. Be ready I'm not sure whats on the other side of this door. It could be an attack by hostile forces."

Charlie saw the Corporal ready her rifle, not a trance of fear could be seen. she just did as ordered.

Charlie looked at his hands, he pulled them into fists as tight as he could even stopping the blood flow. He released them and grabbed the turn wheel for manually opening the door.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by bunnyboy »

Paiad thanked Noel for asking and told that she felt good. When the room went dark, she waited for moment and when human started to use light of their communication equipments, she changed status of her uniform to duty, which lighted his rank and caste marks. Seemingly paying no attention to what was happening, she finished her meal. She looked on the humans and while they were handling the situation, she followed the order and kept sitting.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Beliskner »

Hadrid approached blinking console. "Flying" numbers, symbols and letters were making familiar pattern.

Roll for process identification
2d6 + mind + computer skill
2d6 + 5 + 3
9+5+3 = 17

Looking at the columns of random numbers and letters, Hadrid realized that there was something trying to get access to the communication array, as well as the ships database. Small pictures could be seen now as well: from Earth, Aldea, History, Starcharts, Biology and many others.

[Okey this means war...] With that he turned and with out more speaking he started walking towards bridge exit.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

[Okey this means war...]

The Captain looked at Ferox as he was on his way to the exit, which was still opened by the two marines. Blake still hold Ensign Chos hand and yelled at his first officer:

[What is going on Hadrid?]
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Beliskner »

[What is going on Hadrid?]

Hadrid turned back to Captain

[We are being hacked, someone is stealing a lot of data, everything AND I'm going to release my anger on him. I will be back ASAP with proper tools. Please let this console be online...]

Passing Roland [Sergeant organize help for ensign Cho and guard this room.] Ending he run away from bridge as fast as he could in darkness.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

Ferox run past those guards, who had just finished opening the heavy security doors to the bridge.

[Sir? That elevator isn´t working, use the emergency ladder!]

One of the guards said to him.
On the bridge, Anderson looked closer at those colums:

[He is right, Captain. There is someone trying to get access to our main database and apparently Cho managed to cut of the communications array.]

Ensign Cho nodded as Anderson said this.

[Something or someone is trying to get a connection to the communications array again. Not sure how long that will take.]

Metzger finally gave the Captain a med kit for Ensign Cho.

[Its been a while since I used one of those... Steen, might you be so kind?]
Forum RP: Cydonia Rising
[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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