[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Sonni looks Charlie in the eyes and... there is a shift in her gaze... one of relief.. and a deep personal appreciation...

"Thank you..Chaar-lee.."

Without further comment she turns and breaks into a run... not for the mess hall but toward the Guest Quarters...

She reaches the airlock door and touches the panel... it immediately lights up powering fully, and the door triggers cycling its locks and sliding open its motors actuated as if by remote control.

'Environmental Influence' {Electricity}: Soul +5 = 2d6 + 7 + 5 → [6,2,7,5] = (20)
* Mods = +1 heightened awareness, +4 Environmental Influence {Electricity} w/psi amplifier
- Environmental Influence: Electricity [Deplete -3], Area {3 Base} = Lvl 1, 1 Environment - Electricity; +Area/2 '5' [100m r] <+2>, Range/2 [100m] <+2> {3pts}

[cost: 1 EP/min; Total EP 65 / Current EP 63 ]

She does not pause but enters and heads immediately for her quarters. She favors Charlie a look over her shoulder to make sure he is following.

Entering her room she holsters her blaster thumbing the safety on by reflex... then unbuckles the attached weapons belt from her Bioplas Crew Suit dropping to the floor as she moves to her bedside where her Armored Vacuum-Suit waits. The petite pretty woman begins to pull on the armored suit favoring Charlie with a shy smile...

Seeing his surprise at her electrokinetic manipulation of the airlock she gets a sad look on her face and as she dresses she says, "...please do not be frightened Chaar-lee, I am not responsible for your ship's failing systems... we Loroi have not enough understanding of your data-system information protocols to invade your computer systems in this fashion.. and honestly.. I don't think our enemies.. the Umiak can do so either. They have even less understanding or contact with humaniti. My abilities are natural.. I promise to explain as soon as this is over .. to you.. personally.. I'll leave it to your conscience as to what you feel you must to reveal to your superiors. But know this.. there is not a room, system or containment facility upon your ship that could hold me against my will. I have, in the spirit of diplomacy, not been so crass as to insult your reasonable need of security by bypassing your systems - as I could at any time I might have chosen to! It is not a data intrusion I assure you.. but a natural ability I posses.. but right now.. there is a great danger.. I think my previous Captain "Copper Spear"...may be a threat to you and your crew. She is injured... and perhaps mentally so.. she could wreak terrible damage if she is not calmed down... she could kill me. I may need to use my abilities openly to stop her. So I'll need help of my crew sisters to ascertain how ...dangerous and what needs to be done to calm her before she does kill someone. I know you were all watching while we first investigated your space probe.. I'm sure you saw ...things that you could not explain... those were abilities I naturally possess..."

Sealing up her breastplate and snatching her helmet from the floor she steps uncertainly over to Charlie and looks him deeply in the eyes, "...I would never lie to you Chaar-lee... or harm you... you have shared a .. bond with me.. and I thank you for that, it was...Very special to my heart. Trust me please just a little longer.. I want to make sure not only my crewsisters are safe... but also your human crew as well! I was under orders to not reveal my abilities.. the abilities ALL Teidar possess.. but if "Copper Spear" is a danger not only to us but your crew as well.. then you must understand and I will have to use my abilities to deal with her... hopefully .. not permanently! I believe she just tried to kill Twilightsaber our Mizol Diplomat.. if she is willing to do that... she may do untold harm if not stopped.. but she is ill I do not think she knows what she's doing.. at least I hope that is so.."

He is armed.. and her blaster is left untouched on the floor ... noticeably out of reach... almost intentionally so...

[ P16 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

OOC: Sorry, forgot this part in my last post.

For all Loroi players:
You suddenly have the feeling that someone or something is standing right behind you and whistles in your ear: Link
Forum RP: Cydonia Rising
[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Senanthes »

Sixth Sense: Emotion (Mind 7+1(Sixth Sense)+2D6(2)=10)

Failing to notice the growing 'issue' between Charlie and Stormrage, Nelopaio makes her way along quickly and easily, frowning at the thought that Copperspear might be either out of control... Or acting willfully against them... Stuffing the thought aside for the moment, she breaks off from the other two, entering her own quarters and retrieving the armored vacuum suit there... Quickly, she don's the armor, half a mind reaching out towards her executive officer as she does so...

To Stormrage:
{We might want to keep the Humans away from her as best we can until we know exactly what is going on... She could just be panicked. But if she's willingly acting against us, you and I are better prepared to counter her efforts. It would be counterproductive to have their own warriors present near a potentially out of control telekinetic.}
Donning the helmet, she exits the quarters, rejoining the two of them in Stormrages as the suit finishes it's diagnostics... Suppressing the irrational urge to double check the atmospheric level more than twice, Nelopaio addresses Charlie in her silken voice, [Sergeant Aldridge? It might be advisable to remove your crew from Copperspear's immediate vicinity... In fact, consider it a strong suggestion, for their own safety, until we have ascertained her condition.] she says, her tone ever calm, but carrying with it a certain force of command that serves to press the 'suggestion' home as something more than that...

Picking up on the buzzing, she grimaces, glancing in that direction...

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 14

"Thank you..Chaar-lee.."
Without further comment she turns and breaks into a run...
... Charlie also breaks into a run. His boots smashed down like hammers compared to the females cat like grace and silent foot steps.

They arrived at the airlock for the guest quarters with nothing of note happening, and yet a unpowered door blocked their path.

Charlie thought to open it via the wheel, but, Stormrage touched the panel and everything was restored to operating power levels. That simple act triggered something in Charlie brain, like the last piece of a puzzle falling into place. A puzzle that up until now could not be see. Charlie followed as she stepped though, in spite of this new relation. She looked back to see that he was still following.

She removed her weapons belt, Charlie might have looked on with different reasons before. But his eyes had been opened, a look of distrust or betrayal plain on his face. She looked back with a smile, but it quick shifted to something sadder on seeing Charlie`s face. She didn`t stop putting on the armor but spoke.

"...please do not be frightened Chaar-lee, I am not responsible for your ship's failing systems... we Loroi have not enough understanding of your data-system information protocols to invade your computer systems in this fashion.. and honestly.. I don't think our enemies.. the Umiak can do so either. They have even less understanding or contact with humaniti. My abilities are natural.. I promise to explain as soon as this is over .. to you.. personally.. I'll leave it to your conscience as to what you feel you must to reveal to your superiors. But know this.. there is not a room, system or containment facility upon your ship that could hold me against my will. I have, in the spirit of diplomacy, not been so crass as to insult your reasonable need of security by bypassing your systems - as I could at any time I might have chosen to! It is not a data intrusion I assure you.. but a natural ability I posses.. but right now.. there is a great danger.. I think my previous Captain "Copper Spear"...may be a threat to you and your crew. She is injured... and perhaps mentally so.. she could wreak terrible damage if she is not calmed down... she could kill me. I may need to use my abilities openly to stop her. So I'll need help of my crew sisters to ascertain how ...dangerous and what needs to be done to calm her before she does kill someone. I know you were all watching while we first investigated your space probe.. I'm sure you saw ...things that you could not explain... those were abilities I naturally possess..."

Charlie spoke in little more than a whisper.
"The box, the lift..." Charlie touched a spot on his face with his glove covered fingers. "... Yesterday."

Charlie let out a slow, long sigh.
"It doesn`t matter, if I say anything... the commander... he'll have me clap you and all your crew sisters, in irons..." Charlie wasn`t sure he'd disagree with that.
"I won`t say anything, I don`t want that blood on my hands...

Charlie had visions of being court-martialed for High Treason against Humanity by concealing Information. Of being held up as a Judas to future generations. His family losing immeasurably. But he shut out these dark thoughts, to him at least, he was doing the right thing.

Charlie let out a small sigh.
"So this captain then, what needs to be done? I'd prefer it if no died, most of all you."

"Lead on then, I'm still following you."

But she got her helmet and sealed up her armor, and walked close

"...I would never lie to you Chaar-lee... or harm you... you have shared a .. bond with me.. and I thank you for that, it was...Very special to my heart. Trust me please just a little longer.. I want to make sure not only my crewsisters are safe... but also your human crew as well! I was under orders to not reveal my abilities.. the abilities ALL Teidar possess.. but if "Copper Spear" is a danger not only to us but your crew as well.. then you must understand and I will have to use my abilities to deal with her... hopefully .. not permanently! I believe she just tried to kill Twilightsaber our Mizol Diplomat.. if she is willing to do that... she may do untold harm if not stopped.. but she is ill I do not think she knows what she's doing.. at least I hope that is so.."

Charlie looked at the hand he touched his face with and opened and closed it.
"I... I believe you, I'll trust you."

"I can`t claim to understand what is happening here, I don`t know what needs to be done. You tell me what needs to happen, I'll do my best to accommodate it."
Last edited by Charlie on Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Dragoon »

"If this keeps up I'm gonna start believing this ship is haunted." Roland commented as he took Ensign Cho and headed toward the medical bay. Checking the woman over visually to make sure she was still in good shape.
Charlie turned to his friend the Staff Sergeant.
"Boss, you heard all that? Looks like there`s trouble in medical. I'll go with Stormrage, pick up the specialist and get to medical. All the while you can continue with the security sweep. Then we'll head over to the shuttle, once all medical matters have been resolved."
"I'm Headed that way with Cho, I'll check in with you one I get there." Roland nodded as he moved away picking up his pace slightly hoping the power situation hadn't caused any problems for the injured Loroi, or the new addition to the crew.

~hmmm if it was born on a warship on mission, does that mean the kids a citizen...~ He thought idly, by tradition and more than a few laws anyone born in on a military ship was born on Earth territory, and had a claim on citizenship.

Shaking his head and deciding t have that discussion with the captain later he headed down the hallway with Cho in tow.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

There was a fear in her eyes before... a fear of seeing hatred or fear at her in his eyes... and she was noticeably relieved at his acceptance... if wariness... not an unexpected reaction to the unknown.

Again speaking in English, "Thank you Chaar-lee, we did not lie about our intentions we are here seeking peaceful negotiations with Humaniti. We have not used our abilities to manipulate, influence or alter any of your perceptions... in fact my crew sisters were quite cross with me that I chose to share my...'touch' with you... Your Captain did not ask if we have abilities not obvious so we did not bring them up... that is not lying... any more then your Sergeant Ferox denying us access codes to your security systems. But we can discuss this later... and I promise to explain everything!"

She smiled sadly at him ...but there was hope in her eyes... she really did not want him to hate or mistrust her...

Her eyes still locked on his conveying her feelings in unspoken emotion.. she gathered her soft blonde hair at the nape of her neck and donned her helmet carefully allowing her head piece to fit under the helm and snugly settle upon her head. Still eyes on Charlie she sealed the neck-pieces of her Vacc-suit helm with her suit pressurizing it.

'Telekinesis': 'Simple task - unopposed' no roll needed
- Lift 3 kg at best... no challenge
- Telekinesis [Deplete -3], Range {1 Base} = Lvl 1, 1kg, 10m, Flight 10m/turn {5pts}
+ w/Amplifier: Telekinesis = +Lvl 3 {Lvl 4}, 1,000kg, 10kg-hurled object {Weapon Lvl1, Range/1 '10m'} <24 VPP>

[cost: 1 EP/min; Total EP 65 / Current EP 62 ]

She smiled at him again and without turning her head gestured toward her holstered blaster upon the floor and "Jedi-like" it was plucked from the floor and flew to her outstretched waiting hand instantly! She attached the holster to the modular mount on her shapely.. now armored hips.

She whispered to make her point with him, "...no cell, containment, or binding could hold me..." but in her mind... {but your heart does... spirits preserve me!}

Setting and logging in on her internal HUD and picking up "Sun Bloom's" activating combat HUD she opened her communications with Twilightsaber's communicator to chirp her opening the link ready for transmission. To give her some excuse to the bridge crew how she was able to communicate with Stormrage and Sun Bloom.

Seeing "Sun Bloom" enter her room armored and ready to act she nodded... wondering quietly how much she might have heard of her conversation with Charlie...

"Yes we must move quickly if we are to handle this before it gets out of hand."

Storm lead the way from the room heading for the Guest Quarters airlock making for the Mess hall...

[ P17 ]
Last edited by sunphoenix on Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

"...you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is Kill him."

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 15

"I think... I think that I understand. I won`t do anything till you have your say."

She seemed to smile, maybe it was just Charlie, but it was almost wistful. She didn`t look away as got her helmet on. It felt like Charlie was missing what she was trying to say, maybe he just couldn`t get it but she seemed genuine. It gave Charlie a measure of happiness, a measure of honesty. Charlie didn`t say anything to her, but he understood exactly why and what she did, he'd have done the same to keep his people safe.

Sonni held her hand in the direction of her firearm, it came to her as if by magic. Charlie might have been surprised but with all that happened it did shock him at all.

She whispered "...no cell, containment, or binding could hold me..." it`s wasn`t threatening, it was just fact. Charlie thought it seemed out of place, it felt like it meant something else - something that Charlie should know, but was missing. Before he could speak further a second Loroi entered.

[Sergeant Aldridge? It might be advisable to remove your crew from Copperspear's immediate vicinity... In fact, consider it a strong suggestion, for their own safety, until we have ascertained her condition.]

Not reveling more than was necessary.
"Yes, I may have surmised as much. I'll have it clear before we get there.

Sonni was quick to add.
"Yes we must move quickly if we are to handle this before it gets out of hand."

She move to leave the room and Charlie followed, he felt the movement in the air behind him and knew that the other Loroi was following. They were moving in the general direction of the mess deck.

Charlie activated in comms and dialed into the command frequency.

"Boss, we've got a problem. They tell me that the medical matter might need a delicate touch, culturally speaking. It seems it`s a very private matter, they don`t want to say much more. Is it possible for you to clear out medical? I know you have Cho with you, can the Doctors treat her elsewhere for a while? I know it`s a lot to ask, but they insist. We are getting close to mess section now."
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

Meanwhile on the bridge:

To Stormrage:
{Its not that bad. Just some blood coming from my nose. The attack was strong. I never experienced something like this... I have no idea why someone would do such a thing, but could you hear that whistling?}
Twilightsaber watched as most of the bridge crew were busy trying to get most of the ships system working again and a few minutes later, main power kicked in again and so did more and more status reports got though. She was surprised that the humans got their ship running again after such a short period of time, but at the moment her mind was absent, trying to heal her mental scars and repair her mental shields. The bleeding from her nose stopped, too. She didn´t even pay much attention to what that first officer was doing on that corrupted console.
She couldn´t allow something like that from happen again! Not to her! She was a Mizol nevertheless!

She did, however manage to listen to the "Captain" answering those reports and all of them seemed to be harmless, except one...

[...Corporal Whitehead, I can barely understand you... whats going? ... In sickbay? ... What happened to Dr. Noel?! ... WHAT?! ... ]

Even in that dim light on the human command deck she could see that the human "Captains" face suddenly turned white. Like in slow motion she could see him turn towards her, his face showing a mixture of horror and fear.

{Ghosts of the sisters, what happened?} she thought for herself as she looked in the eyes of the human called Blake and quickly sanzaied to Stormrage and Nelopaio:
{Sisters... something must have happened in the sickbay... Are you close by?}
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Senanthes »

Keeping pace with Charlie and Sonni, Nelopaio answers the sanzai with her own as she jogs along...

To Twilightsaber:
{We're almost there, and the situation should be contained soon.} she replies, a tinge of reassurance on her thoughts, {We seem to have main power back... What is the situation on the bridge?}
From time to time, she glances between the other two with her, wondering a bit at the tail end of the conversation she caught while coming up the corridor... Lacking much time to consider it at the moment, she nevertheless files it away to consider once this crisis is resolved. After all, things are rapidly getting to be complicated, and another would not make the weight on her shoulders any lighter...

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Dragoon »

"Boss, we've got a problem. They tell me that the medical matter might need a delicate touch, culturally speaking. It seems it`s a very private matter, they don`t want to say much more. Is it possible for you to clear out medical? I know you have Cho with you, can the Doctors treat her elsewhere for a while? I know it`s a lot to ask, but they insist. We are getting close to mess section now."
Heading toward the med bay Roland sighed as he heard the request from charlie. He tabbed his comms and kept walking trying to decide on a way to refuse without insulting the Guests.{ radio}" I don't think the doc is going to want to evacuate the Med bay charlie. I'll mention the request, but don't get your hopes up. with wounded, and a kid in there She may want to keep them right where they are.."

If they can give me some details I might have a better chance at making sure there privacy isn't breached...But I don't think we can shut down the Medbay without a really good reason.

(To cho}" just about there Cho, how ya holding up?"
he asked the Ensign as he reached the doors to the Medbay and hit the tab to open it.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Stormrage heard the telepathic suss-auras of eerie and ominous music... and dread gripped her heart... it was sometimes whispered that such telepathic banner transmission were signs of extreme madness. A normal healthy Loroi mind or non-loroi/non-teepathic mind emitted naturally a 'feel' of stiring emotions and mental activity... each had its own sound... even a sick or damaged psyche... but a cognizant and social-pathic and telepathic mind emitted madness... and was VERY dangerous! It was something Loroi did not talk about. A mad telepath... a "Black-Sanzai" could attempt to make other minds resonate with it - similar to like when a telepath attempted to probe a mind, in effect spreading the madness!
Suederwind wrote: To Stormrage:
{Its not that bad. Just some blood coming from my nose. The attack was strong. I never experienced something like this... I have no idea why someone would do such a thing, but could you hear that whistling?}
Storm replied with clipped tight Sanzai VERY guarded.. mental defenses hard as possible...
To Twilight:
{Yes. I hard it. A "Black Sanzai"? Switch to radio I've pinged your comm. Close your mind.. telepathy may be dangerous.}
Stormrage lost all propriety and began sprinting in urgency not bothering to shut the Guest Quarters airlock door.
Literally running full speed for the Mess Hall...
Suederwind wrote: {Ghosts of the sisters, what happened?} she thought for herself as she looked in the eyes of the human called Blake and quickly sanzaied to Stormrage and Nelopaio:
{Sisters... something must have happened in the sickbay... Are you close by?}
Stormrage triggered her suit comm and replied...
<<[We are hurrying Beganenzit, now gathering 'Softsapphire' and Malidasaria from the Mess Hall!]>>

Opening her mind once more slightly... Stormrage sanzaied to 'Softsapphire' and 'Thoughtvenom':
Her tone is guarded she is trying to only barely let her mind open to telepathic transmissions {Sisters, come to the Mess Hall entrance immediately! Sun Bloom and I are on our way... we need you to help in the Medbay. Copper Spear ...may be a... 'Black Sanzai'!}, she mentally sends the accusation with great shame and concern...
[ P18 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

"...you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is Kill him."

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by bunnyboy »

OOC: Damn. This was bad week to forgot roleplay.

In the mess hall Paiad was waiting calmly that other do what they must and act only if it was required.
She was sitting isolated from humans and loroi, leaning on her hands. Anyone looking at her would think that she was nodding off, if it wasn't small puddle of blood on table.
When the lights went off, she tried to listen all the sanzai she could heard. Her mind was defenceless against mindvirus and could do only one thing to protect herself. By closing off before it could get affected. Without black sanzai distracting them, the loroi near her could have noticed her mind disappear as she dropped on deep unconsciousness.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

[OOC: sorry for my delay in posting. Writing this for the second time now.]

On the bridge:

Twilightsaber watched the human Captain staring at her. She realized that he was unsure what to do and quickly sanzaied to Stormrage and Nelopaio, before something worse might happen:
{I don´t know what that was. I never experienced anything like this. Be careful! I keep you informed over radio.}
After this, she quickly activated he suite radio unit and saw how Captain Blake nodded to the guard on the bridge, who stepped closer to her, his hand on his sidearm. She knew something bad had happened, but not what. Therefore she asked the Human Captain:

[Captain Blake, what is going on? Please tell me...]

But he could just stared at her in absolute disbelieve for a long while. Then he snapped out of it, shook his head and replied:

[You stay were you are and keep your hands were we can see them. Don´t touch anyone... I have been told that your kind has psychic powers. We knew that from the Orgus, but even they didn´t knew what exactly you could do or what those powers might be... Maybe telepathic communication, I have been told. No one could imagine that they could be able to kill a man by a simple touch...]

Meanwhile in front of the medbay:

Ensign Cho looked at Roland and replied:

[Uhm... it hurts... Does it look... bad? Do you think it can be... treated?]

As they reached the door to the medbay, they could suddenly hear loud shouts coming from the inside.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Dragoon »

" It probably hurts worse than it looks." Roland assured Cho as he and reached to open the hatch. Hearing the shouts he physically reached out and pushed her back slightly." go find Sgt Aldridge and those Lori...move it crewman. get them back here."
He drew his weapon and thumbed off the safety, switching to the stun module mounted under it's barrel.

{over radio, to bridge and marines} "Disturbance in med bay.... response squad report to med bay." Charlie had warned him there was a situation, what ever that situation had been it had gotten out of hand from the sound of it.
He ran through the layout of the med bay in his head, rehearsing the next few seconds in his head for an instant. His hand slapped the open switch, as soon as the door was open enough for hi to squeeze through he moved, slipping in, stepping quickly to the side of the doorway. pistol coming up in a smooth motion it's muzzle tracking to follow his eyes as he scanned the room for threats, and asses the situation.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Hālian »

sunphoenix wrote:Stormrage triggered her suit comm and replied...
<<[We are hurrying Beganenzit, now gathering 'Softsapphire' and Malidasaria from the Mess Hall!]>>

Opening her mind once more slightly... Stormrage sanzaied to 'Softsapphire' and 'Thoughtvenom':
Her tone is guarded she is trying to only barely let her mind open to telepathic transmissions {Sisters, come to the Mess Hall entrance immediately! Sun Bloom and I are on our way... we need you to help in the Medbay. Copper Spear ...may be a... 'Black Sanzai'!}, she mentally sends the accusation with great shame and concern...
«... ... ...En route, Sezon. O_O»

Malidasaria runs full-tilt across the mess hall to its main entrance.
Don't delay, join today!

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by bunnyboy »

Suederwind wrote:Paiad listened to the sanzai of her crewsisters as she felt how something changed. At first she thought it was as sister being sad, but then it turned into waves of pain and darkness. She heard a song of someone she didn´t know, too. A whistling that she felt was strangely close and someone was reaching out to her.
Bunnyboy wrote:Mind roll. (1d10+6=10)
At the last possible moment she could raise her defense against whatever that was. She could feel that it was trying to drag a sister with it, in what appeared to be an ocean made of dark water, tides of fear and pain. Something that she had only heard from in "old stories", as the human ambassador would have said. Unable to do something against it, Paiad realized that this sister being dragged down was Parat Twilightsaber, struggling in pain against it. But there was more: screams and emotions of two more minds, that drifted in that sea of pain.
Paiad's head slips between her hands and hit on the table with loud thump and the sudden pain wakes her up. She writes message with her communicator and sends it with emergency channel for authorized only.

Code: Select all

Actually she has stepped out of her boundaries, but those specialized in sanzai warfare would ignore it anyway. Most important was stop the fear spreading and find the affected ones. She needed a vaccinate and she had to improvise.
She wiped her face with tissue and lied voicely. "Oh the food was so good that I nodded a bit."
She gathered good memories to fill herself with smile and happiness and continued. "I think we should thank our hosts like our ancestors, when the space was unknown and we had to gather around fire to survive."
She slowly stripped out of her uniform and throwed it floor. The light elements on it were flickering randomly and lively, like electrical candles, giving cheap imitation of fire. Then she grabbed a hand of scared loroi.
Trust me. We live. We have seen much worse and survived it all. We are childrens of our ancestors. You are warm, your tummy is full, you are with friends, what else would you need. We got child among us. The life continues. Enjoy this moment.
As the loroi relax and they both started to glow with comfort, as they feeded positive emotions to each other. Paiad reached out her free hand inviting others to join them.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Beliskner »

Just a brief moment later, he heard a load moan behind him. He turned his head towards it and saw the Loroi "Diplomat" on her knees, holding her head in her hands. She was obviously in great pain, judging from her face.

Hadrid leaned over the console to see Loroi at her knees.

[Is she supposed to do that?]

With no answer he got back to his newly restarted console. To his surprise his seeker drone came back.


[Yes, I know seeker. Plan changed and I have different task for you.]


[We are going to hack infected console, it maybe infected with rouge AI of some kind. Plan is to corner this AI to remote partition and seal it off. I will study it later.]


[Yes, thank you e-5 will be more than enough. I will use the Judge to hack console.]

Hadrid quickly stepped over to the com console and directly connected his server to it. He also looked what it showed on its display: a simple line of symbols that looked very strange to him. The color of the text had changed too, from the usual green to a dim brownish yellow. He had never seen such a color scheme on any TCA or civilian computer system. This really was strange!
That blinking dot spotted his eye. Maybe that keyboard was still working?

He sat at console's hair and hesitated. Looking at blinking console he wrote down simplest thing which came to his mind.


Hadrid saw after a brief moment that a line of strange symbols appeared beneath what he has typed and the blinking dot changed his position to another line below. Apparently this thing could answer, but what was it saying?

[You stay were you are and keep your hands were we can see them. Don´t touch anyone... I have been told that your kind has psychic powers. We knew that from the Orgus, but even they didn´t knew what exactly you could do or what those powers might be... Maybe telepathic communication, I have been told. No one could imagine that they could be able to kill a man by a simple touch...]

Hearing those words Hadrid turned. [Sir? What's happening?]

I don't know for sure, Hadrid... But apparently Dr. Noel is dieing at the moment.

He took his com unit and tried to contact Sergent Steen:

Sergent, how is the situation in medbay? Can you confirm what happend to Dr. Noel? How is his status?

He then looked over to the Mizol Parat again and added:

Maybe our "friend" here can share some insight on what happend...

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Stormrage meets her crewsisters at the Mess Hall entrance looking at the guarding Marine...
CJ Miller wrote: «... ... ...En route, Sezon. O_O»

Malidasaria runs full-tilt across the mess hall to its main entrance.
"I have need of my crewsisters assistance... Chaar-lee will vouch for us.. there is danger we must handle one of our sisters is VERY Ill.. we must stop her before she harms someone!"

She gestures to the waiting crewsisters to follow and again dashes away heading for the Med Bay... as she moves she draws her heavy blaster and arms it with a E-Cell, then tries to engage its electrolaser {STUN} setting... only to find its already set for that when she drew it before.

Triggering her comm for contact with Twilightsaber...
<<[Mizol Beganenzit, 'Softsapphire' and Malidasaria are with us and were hurrying to the Med Bay to stop Beinrezei...]>>

There is a pauses and Storm wonders why there has been no response... triggering again, but not slowing her pace...

<<[Mizol Beganenzit, is everything fine? Have there been any new developments? Please respond.]>>

[ P19 ]
Last edited by sunphoenix on Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 16

Charlie arrived at the mess deck to a Marine hold back two of the Loroi delegation.

"I have need of my crewsisters assistance... Chaar-lee will vouch for us.. there is danger we must handle one of our sisters is VERY Ill.. we must stop her before she harms someone!"

"Be at ease Corporal, they're with me."

Hardly waiting Stormrage and the now increased party set off towards Medical. Charlie couldn`t place his finger on it but he felt like something was about to go wrong. It hardly mattered however, he knew what had to be done.

Stormrage drew her firearm and loaded it, perhaps not the best of signs for what is to come but Charlie had a job to do.

She tried to raise her captain over the radio but failed to do, she never stopped running. Charlie was feeling less and less confident as things progressed steadily towards medical.

She didn`t stop nor even slow this time when she tried her Captain. She didn`t get through, weather this was a sign of things to come or nothing special was hard to say. Charlie didn`t voice his concerns he just kept his head up and rifle ready.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Hālian »


Malidasaria follows, her fists raised.

«Benganenzit, we ‹request›‹beseech›‹beg›‹demand› you to respondondondondondond.»
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