Outcast Quest [Updated 10/10/18 - Turn 14]

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Logannion »

[X] Colonel Brian Pierce
[X] Skilled Migrants

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Calling it for Colonel Pierce, six votes is an unassailable majority at this point.
Colonel Brian Pierce


Age: 45

Martial: 20
Diplomacy: 12
Stewardship: 13
Intrigue: 14
Learning: 10

Colonel Pierce is a man of few words, not that he apparently needs them judging by the way he can silence his men with just a glance. Outside of the contact between high ranking officers necessary to move troops between locations, he hasn't said two words to you.

???: You don't know the Colonel well enough to reveal this.
???: You don't know the Colonel well enough to reveal this.
???: You don't know the Colonel well enough to reveal this.
Frontier Colonials and Skilled Migrants are tied as of the latest vote. I'll leave that vote open for now while I get to writing the first portion of the introductory interlude. I've only got a skeleton together right now but I should be able to pump something out in the next day or two. If the vote is till tied by then, I'll do another roll to tiebreak.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Siber »

I suppose I'll throw my hat in for

[X] Frontier Colonists
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

That seems to clinch it for Frontier Colonials then. Voting closed.

Also, remember when I said I'd take a day or two writing up that interlude?

I lied.


You wake up to the taste of old spit and the cold feeling of the deck plating beneath your cheek. Were you in the hallway? How did you get here?

You pick yourself up groggily and feel slightly nauseous. It's the feeling you get every time the ship jumps from one system to another... though, hadn't you been on your way to the bridge to relieve your XO?

Your mind clears up as you pull yourself to your feet. Something obviously happened... perhaps you'd best see Dr. Campos? Fainting in the hallway is definitely not good, and you're sure Commander O'Malley can bear the extra time you'd need to get checked out.

The bridge doors slide open and you find that most of the crew present is unconscious and slumped at their posts. The red headed Commander O'Malley looks to be the worst off though, with her neck at an odd angle and-

Your heart leaps into your throat and your rush over. Fortunately she's breathing and her pulse is reasonably strong. She stirs as you put her head into a less awkward position, her green eyes open and look to you with a clear lack of focus.

"Commander O'Malley, are you alright?" you ask.

She opens her mouth to speak before a look of panic crosses her eyes. She dives in the opposite direction to you and heaves. Not a whole lot comes up. She had just been on duty and in two years you'd never seen Commander O'Malley snack on the job even once.

When it looks like she's just about done, you pass her a squeezie of naus-aide. Usually you're the one getting the offer from her after a bad jump.

"Check the others," she says hoarsely as she sucks down eagerly on the bag, desperately wanting the nausea to stop.

You do so, finding most of the crew either fast asleep or on their way to a nauseaous awakening.

It's as you're ensuring that Ensign Izumi's airway is clear that you notice an incoming message on her console. You accept the incoming transmission without delay.

"I repeat, this is Colonel Pierce to anyone that can hear this message, I need a sitrep asap."

"Colonel Pierce? This is the Captain, please standby," you answer.

The colonel clicks his tongue before responding "Very well."

You pull up the ships status on a nearby console and invoking your captains privilege get a full systems report. You skim most of it but the parts that stick out to you are:

Life Support Systems: Offline
Engines: Offline
Jump Engines: 17% Capacity
Warning: Shear stress detected in rear sections
Alert: Navigation Error 404
Alert: Unauthorised personnel detected in subsection 12

You frown. There's a lot of not-good things in this report. The fact that some of the passengers have left the passenger module is fairly glaring. There was a reason those things had a seperate life support system. The worst though is the navigation error. You really don't want to contemplate the full implications of that. Right now you need to get your house in order.

"Colonel, I have our situation," you say as Ensign Izumi groggily begins to stir beside you.

You relay the report to him quickly and efficiently. You need to rectify this potential disaster as fast as possible or your title isn't Captain.

"Hmm, I see," says the Colonel as he works through the situation, "I have a dozen men not up to their eyeballs in jump sickness and this is your ship. What are your orders, Captain?"

[] Write In.


Since we're all still learning, I recommend that the vote for this be formatted thusly:

[] Plan Whatever
-[] Tell him to to this
-[] Tell her to do that
-[] Do this
-[] Then do this
--[] Do this while doing this
-[] Then do that
-[] Don't do this.
--[] Unless this.
---[] Then do that.

This makes it easier for me to keep track of and carry out your intentions in the next writeup. Regular sentences can still work, but if there are any ambiguities and you don't get what you want... I'm afraid you're going to have to wear it. As with prior plan votes, if a plan meets your approval and you want to support it, simply vote for [] Plan Whatever.

This writeup had the following basic rolls involved.

Jump Sickness: Rolled 90

You rolled damn well. You're no worse for wear... in fact you're faring better here than on regular jumps. If you critted, you would have had zero jump related issues. Not even nausea. A crit fail would have netted you hallucinations, nausea, and vomiting.

Commander O'Malley: Rolled 21

Yeah, she rolled pretty badly. She wasn't in danger of dying, there'd be no point in giving you a character to have as an ally only to kill them before they ever debut, but she's faring far worse than you are when it comes to the jump sickness, which is pretty much a reversal of the usual course of affairs.

Ensign Izumi: Rolled 28

Izumi didn't roll quite as badly, but still pretty bad. Fortunately her airway was only partially blocked and she's barely managing to keep from throwing up, though it is burning the back of her throat something fierce.

General Wakefulness: 50

About half of your crew is, groggily, awake. The rest are still out like a light.

Colonel Pierce, badass that he is, was awake before you. I'm not 100% on military protocol, but I figure that in a situation where you've got two officers of the same rank and one officer is on the other's turf, that officer yields authority. The ship is your turf and Pierce is yielding to your authority; your ship, your rules. Unless you start showing gross incompetence or start straying outside of your authority, it should stay that way.


Also, I've updated a few things. Your character sheet contains updated info for your immediate reference and I've linked this post in the ToC as the start of the story to make it easier for new players to skip ahead of the char gen to the meat of the action.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

Ok let's see if I can offer the first directions:

Plan: Establish Control of the situation. Having a panic spread throughout the passengers as you attempt to establish control will mean doom.
-[] Tell the colonel to do this

Order 1: Tell the colonel to send a few squads to see how the passengers are faring and calm the situation by establishing a semblance of order.
1b: If some passengers need medical assistance then they should be escorted to the sick bay.

Order 2: In conjunction with 1 the colonel must send some of his men to find the stray passengers and escort them back to their assigned location.

Inform him that we trust his judgement on how to handle weary passengers without resorting to violence, we (as the captain) will personally inform the passengers on the situation when we have more information but we need them to stay calm and cooperative as we do so.

2b: If the marines find anyone of our crew who is incapacitated then they should wake them up and tell them to contact the bridge for instructions.

Order 3: Ask him to have one of his squads on standby with a full combat load out in case the situation was due to a sabotage by terrorists/fanatics/whatever, this squad must stay out of sight unless they are needed to combat possible hostiles.

-[] Order your XO to bring the ship up to full alert. (Sharon is a tough girl, she should snap out of it as a matter of pride).

Then she is to contact the sickbay as you contact engineering.

Depending on the reports or lack of them, you will have her divert any available crew to assist these sections with the priority being engineering for damage control.

-[] We need information from engineering.

The list of priorities is life support followed by the shear stress at the aft (because it must be tied to the engines), then the engines and finally the navigation error.

--[] If engineering doesn't report in then you go there to check yourself since everything hinges on having life support and the engines back online as soon as possible.

---[] We will establish a plan of action once we have more information.

----[] Once the situation is under control the captain will have to inform the passengers (this is for later).
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Siber »

[X] Plan: Establish Control of the situation(dragoongfa)

One point of clarification.... does sheer stress indicate that the aft section has taken some stresses, or is still taking?

If it's an ongoing stress, we may need to prioritize that over life support.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

It indicates that the rear section took some shear stress, past tense. It is no longer under stress, but the hull wasn't designed to flex that way and some damage may be apparent. This is the automated system reporting this, so a manual inspection may be necessary. If you're supremely lucky, it could just be the sensors that are on the fritz.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by alpha »

[X] Plan Establish Control
Razor One wrote:It indicates that the rear section took some shear stress, past tense. It is no longer under stress, but the hull wasn't designed to flex that way and some damage may be apparent. This is the automated system reporting this, so a manual inspection may be necessary. If you're supremely lucky, it could just be the sensors that are on the fritz.
I hope we still have the rear attached to the front of the ship.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by sunphoenix »

dragoongfa wrote:Ok let's see if I can offer the first directions:

Plan: Establish Control of the situation. Having a panic spread throughout the passengers as you attempt to establish control will mean doom.

Yeah... what he said! lol!

[X] Plan: Establish Control

On a side note.. I'm actually VERY pleased with the Marine Commander "Pierce".. lol! you should have named him "Shaft"... 'one bad motherf~..' "{Gasp!}.. shut your maouth!" :)
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

It's the weekend for most people, so I'll leave the vote open until I've finished filing my tax returns (a few hours, a day at most). Unless a rival comes to bear and can swing a majority in that time, it'll default to Establish Control.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

[X] Plan: Establish Control

...though considering the huge majority it already enjoys, not like it'll make much difference one way or the other! :lol:
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

[X] Plan: Establish Control


You don't even need to consider what needs to be done. It's so obvious that even a first year cadet up to their eyeballs in sleep deprivation would have this figured out.

"Colonel, I can't have our passengers wandering the decks unattended. Take what men you can and escort them back to the passenger module. I need those people calm and contained until we can get more information. If they need medical attention see that they get it."

"And if they prove to be uncooperative?" asked the Colonel.

"Then I expect your marines to insist to the fullest extent possible without violence," you respond.

"Understood," he says, "will that be all?"

"Two more things," you continue, "Firstly, most of my crew still hasn't checked in as yet. If your men come across them, please rouse them and give them instructions to contact the bridge for further instructions."

"And the second thing?" he asks.

"I hate to consider this," you say in a low tone, "but this may be more than just an accident. Can you have a squad on standby just in case?"

"Terrorism?" he asks with a serious tone.

"Maybe. Best to play it safe," you say, "we all remember the Tripoli."

"That we do," he affirms, "I've only got a dozen men on their feet and fighting fit, but they're yours. I'll see to the passengers personally. Pierce out."

"Terrorists? Where?" blinks Ensign Izumi groggily.

You press some naus-aid into her fingers before checking back with Commander O'Malley.

"Break's over O'Malley, we've got work to do," you say, your tone all business.

"Aye, Captain," she says weakly.

You've never seen your XO affected by jump sickness this badly before. It's only because she's been your right hand woman the last two years that you can tell its only by sheer force of will that she's fighting down both the urge to throw up again and a severe case of the shakes.

"I need you to contact sickbay, we've got too many people incapacitated. Dr. Campos may be able to prescribe something a little stronger to take the edge off the jump sickness," you say to her, your tone a careful balance of pushing her to work and dangling a reward to motivate her.

"Aye, Captain," she says, rising to fulfill your order.

"After you've done that, bring the ship to full alert status, I want this boat running again and the sooner that gets done the better."

O'Malley acknowledges with an almost crisp salute and sets about her task. She's out of it, as is everyone else, but you know she'll fight on regardless and that's enough for you to let her be as you tend to your own work.

"Chief Engineer Volkov, I need a status report," you say.

Silence is all that comes back.

"Chief, are you there? Please respond," you ask.

After a few more moments of silence you check back to the systems report you called up and note that the line to engineering is dead. Whether through accident or deliberately is impossible to tell. The damage sensors are operating fine but you know they're generally built to withstand phenomenal amounts of punishment and still be able to transmit.

"Captain, I've raised our alert level and Dr. Campos wishes to speak with you, he says it's urgent," says Commander O'Malley.

"Put him through to my console," you say.

A moment later, a man with glasses and on the verge of greying is looking at you.

"Captain, how are you feeling?" he asks, "this is vitally important."

"I'm feeling well enough, but Ensign Izumi and Commander O'Malley have definitely seen better days."

"Hmm," he says, absorbing the knowledge, "Have you checked what time it is?"

Your brow creases at the game he's playing but you play along.

"It's 15:42 shiptime, what of it?" you ask.

"And what time did we jump?" he asks.

It takes a moment as you try to remember, but the moment you do you connect the dots he's drawn.

"We should have recovered by now," you say, leaping to the conclusion.

"Precisely. Most of the people I've tended to in the last few minutes are exhibiting a greatly exagerrated form of acute jump sickness, while others, like yourself and I, seem to be experiencing the reverse," he explains.

"How many people have reported in sick? Is there anything you can do to take the edge off? I need my crew fighting fit as soon as possible," you say.

"Eleven people have stumbled in here so far with symptoms ranging from acute to moderate. I can prescribe them some specialised jump meds, but they're more about numbing the mind sufficiently that nausea no longer becomes a factor. I can only dose them once a day though and it would only last for eight hours, more than that risks permanent liver damage," he explains.

"I'll keep that in mind," you say, "Did anyone from engineering walk in?"

"None I'm afraid," he replies.

You do some quick mental math. The bridge crew makes five people, medical makes twelve, and engineering has four, leaving a remainder of four crew members unaccounted for. You glance at O'Malley and she holds up four fingers with a nod, confirming that only engineering is left.

Those marines work quick, you think, rather impressed.

"Alright, I need everyone that isn't strongly affected to start working on damage control. Engineering may be out of contact but there's a lot broken that needs fixing and with environmentals and engines down we're definitely in a bad way. I'll be heading down to engineering to check the situation myself," you declare.

"In that case I recommend relieving Commander O'Malley and Ensign Izumi. They're clearly being adversely affected despite how well the Commander hides it," says Dr. Campos.

"Denied," you respond and continue before he can protest, "Our situation is still uncertain and I need them on deck. As soon as I've determined that we won't be exploding or worse I'll consider relieving them of duty."

"Very well," he acquiesces, "I can release three of my patients for damage control. Their symptoms are minor enough to allow them to return to work."

"Good, keep looking into this matter Doctor, I don't like my crew being down for the count," you then close the connection and turn to your XO, "Commander O'Malley, you have the deck. Don't break my ship."

She barely manages to contain a grin at that remark. A message passes between the two of you silently.

As if it could break any more than it already is.

The door swishes shut behind you and you begin the trip to engineering located aft along with the engines. The bridge is amidships, closer to the fore than the aft, meaning you need to traverse most of the ship to get there. While engineering is important, there are a few minor detours you could take on your way there.

Pick Only One

[] Go to engineering: Go directly to engineering. Do not pass go. Do not collect two hundred dollars.
[] Stop by the armory: The situation is unknown and a gun could come in handy.
[] See to your passengers: Your silver tongue should be able to keep that potential mob from becoming unruly. No offense to the Colonel.
[] Check environmental control: While you're no Volkov, you know a thing or two about ships systems from your time on the Centaur.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Siber »

[X] Go to engineering: Go directly to engineering. Do not pass go. Do not collect two hundred dollars.

With lost time, I don't think we can afford to dally on making sure nothing is going to blow op and/or getting air working again.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

Let's see...

Shear stress at the aft, engines out, lines to engineering cut and environmental is out. 2 of them could be a coincidence, 3 of them raise an eyebrow but still possible to be just a coincidence. All 4 at the same time?

The odds of someone having done something nasty are too great. Any doubts must be dispelled immediately and any potential hostiles must be subdued.

1) [] Go to engineering: Go directly to engineering. Do not pass go. Do not collect two hundred dollars.

We gain time but we are unarmed and we are not marines.

2) [] Stop by the armory: The situation is unknown and a gun could come in handy.

If it is a terrorist incident gone wrong a gun could be helpful but the captain is still not a marine.

3) [] See to your passengers: Your silver tongue should be able to keep that potential mob from becoming unruly. No offense to the Colonel.

Helping the marines in controlling the passengers will free up some more of them while we can have the prepared squad tag along with the captain on the way to engineering.

4)[] Check environmental control: While you're no Volkov, you know a thing or two about ships systems from your time on the Centaur.

Could provide answers about the situation, if it looks like someone tampered with the system then there are hostiles aboard. If its not tampered with and it is something that we can fix then one of the problems has been taken care off.

I am ambivalent between 3 and 4.

4 gives an immediate answer and could also lead to a major problem getting fixed (if the rolls are good).

3 on the other hand ensures that the character with the greatest authority and the greatest diplomatic score is there to calm the passengers. Then having a marine escort on the way to engineering could mean a quick resolution to a nasty situation.


Its in my nature to assume the worse so I am going with 3. The worse case scenario involves both terrorists and the passengers turning into a mob. Covering both of these possibilities is the best possible approach for the worse case scenario.

[X] See to your passengers: Your silver tongue should be able to keep that potential mob from becoming unruly. No offense to the Colonel.

EDIT: Vote in the air, I need more info.
Last edited by Guest on Mon Oct 19, 2015 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Suederwind »

[x] Check Enviromental Control:
While Engeneering is important, a small detour to check if there is enough air to breath or so would be beneficial.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

dragoongfa wrote:Let's see...

Shear stress at the aft, engines out, lines to engineering cut and environmental is out. 2 of them could be a coincidence, 3 of them raise an eyebrow but still possible to be just a coincidence. All 4 at the same time?

The odds of someone having done something nasty are too great. Any doubts must be dispelled immediately and any potential hostiles must be subdued.
You'll get answers to all four of those factors as you investigate and one other that you didn't notice. Some of those factors may be linked. One of those factors is time sensitive, so if you don't hit the nail on the head now you may be left in the dark.

With regards to air, your life support system wasn't built using science fiction tropes. Turning off the life support does not mean you immediately start to choke and die. You can breathe the air you've got for a day or two before it becomes toxic (you're only a few hours in) and even if it does, the passenger module has a separate life support system which should last a fair amount of time.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

Razor One wrote:
dragoongfa wrote:Let's see...

Shear stress at the aft, engines out, lines to engineering cut and environmental is out. 2 of them could be a coincidence, 3 of them raise an eyebrow but still possible to be just a coincidence. All 4 at the same time?

The odds of someone having done something nasty are too great. Any doubts must be dispelled immediately and any potential hostiles must be subdued.
You'll get answers to all four of those factors as you investigate and one other that you didn't notice. Some of those factors may be linked. One of those factors is time sensitive, so if you don't hit the nail on the head now you may be left in the dark.

With regards to air, your life support system wasn't built using science fiction tropes. Turning off the life support does not mean you immediately start to choke and die. You can breathe the air you've got for a day or two before it becomes toxic (you're only a few hours in) and even if it does, the passenger module has a separate life support system which should last a fair amount of time.
Yes the navigation 404, we as the players know that this game centers around a misjump and that the ship is still in Hyperspace but the character doesn't know this and I hate breaking the 4th wall (especially this early). The doctors report is a hint that the time sensitive part is probably Hyperspace wreaking havoc with people's brains, the more time passes the more people will be affected by it.

The chief question is what caused the error in the first place, an inertial damper failure during a jump would explain the shear stress and other damage if the inertial dampers couldn't take the stress of instantly entering and exiting hyperspace. But someone putting in the wrong coordinates for a Jump at engineering for their own nefarious purposes? Again shear stress and damage explained because the dampers were designed with certain stress limits in mind.

With the above in mind time weighs more than gold but the chief problem is what and who awaits us at engineering.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Suederwind »

I know that we won't immediatelly start to die when life support is offline, but I thought that it would indicate leaks or we could at least estimate the damage and the we will have left, as well as how long a repair would take.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

Hmm. Some questions before I vote.

  • Where is everything in relation to our current position? Which is closest, and are any of the options on the way to any of the others? Where are any of them in relation to Subsection 12 (where the intruder was detected)?
  • How much mobile communication/information control do we have right now? The last thing we need is to miss a vital development elsewhere on the ship, and if we can just whistle up a marine escort on the way to wherever we're going we won't need that gun.
  • Unlikely, but do we have camera feeds anywhere we could tap into so we can look before we leap (metaphorically speaking)?
  • Based off our (admittedly somewhat limited) knowledge of engineering, what are the odds of an impact or malfunction taking out our life support and engineering simultaneously? If they're on opposite ends of the ship/nowhere near the sheer damage, sabotage is the most likely option.

As a side note, considering we're at -1 on all our stats due to our MILD jump sickness, am I the only one extremely worried about leaving O'Malley and Izumi in charge of the bridge when they tanked their rolls that badly? I'd say we need to wrap this stuff up as fast as we can and get them some rest.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

I am interested in these answers as well, I am even open to change my vote depending on what we learn.


Question of my own: What exactly does the navigations404 error mean? That the navigation systems cannot be accessed (404) or that the systems have no idea where the ship is?
Last edited by Guest on Mon Oct 19, 2015 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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