Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the future.

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Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the future.

Post by Chad.Hale »

I have ideas. Some of which may be suited for outsider, others which may not...
as such I would like to request additional forum topics.

Please, may I have a "Technology Speculation" forum for us futurists who want to imagine the details of the technology in the outsider universe?
It is me "Psiandco" from deviant art and I do have a lot on my mind regarding;
Artificial gravity technology methods and applications?
space travel and warp jumps?
the future of computers, quantum computers and A.I.?
the future of medicine/bio-tech/ and public adoption of genetic screening?
the future of 3-d printing?
the future of scanning electron microscopes and Single atom construction technology?
Future recycling technology?
Exoskeletons, Robots, and cybernetics in Outsider?
What is life like on earth in the outsider future?
Post-scarcity economics, and into an individual MERIT economy?
A much more in depth look at each of the civilized intelligent life in the OUTSIDER universe?
All the futuristic weapons tech ideas you guys have that may be a part of outsider?
in outsider, Can a consciousness be uploaded into a computer?
Or is consciousness a quantum event and not a computational one?
Is psionics "Space-magic" or possibly fact?
Is psionics a manipulation of consciousness triggering some form of non-local quantum event?
is quantum entanglement the mechanism of telepathy?
is non-locality or pin-prick wormholes the mechanism of clairvoyance?
is the retroactive observation double slit experiment proof that information travels to the past, and could this be the mechanism of precognition?
Could Loroi technology be interwoven with psionic science?
Could the Loroi have a super-psi weapon, like some kind of Telekinetic cannon?

How about an Outsider fan fiction forum?
Where fans of the comic can write their own stories that occur within the OUTSIDER universe?
What ever did happen to Ellen Kirkland, could she have survived too?
Have aliens of the outsider universe ever visited earth?
Could the supposed Roswell ufo crash have been a lost damaged umiak jump frigate?
What if the Roswell crash surviving aliens were Loroi instead?

How about a, "This may not be (but probably is) Off topic" forum?
For example, a Xeno-science culture question: because of the population gender disparity is it common for female loroi to be lesbians?
conversely, are there any gay male loroi? Because there are so few male loroi would being gay be a crime demanding the most extreme punishment?

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Re: Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the fut

Post by Arioch »

You're welcome to discuss any of those topics here; just create a thread and go. Just be as descriptive in the subject line as you can regarding the topic at hand.

In my opinion, too many forums make the mistake of creating too many subforums when the forum traffic doesn't warrant it. I don't like having to check 10 subforums every day to read 4 new posts.

The Outsider forum is open to the discussion of Outsider specifically, but also science fiction in general, as well as topics that may be of interest to the Outsider reader: science, technology, art, popular media, futurism, politics, comics, psychology, worldbuilding, gaming, fanart, fanfiction, etc. The forum traffic is not yet so huge that I think it's necessary to subdivide everything into separate subforums.

My only requirements are that it be an open and civil discussion, and not some kind of advertisement or preachment.

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Re: Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the fut

Post by Krulle »

Arioch wrote:In my opinion, too many forums make the mistake of creating too many subforums when the forum traffic doesn't warrant it. I don't like having to check 10 subforums every day to read 4 new posts.
That's why I use View active topics on this forum. Most phpBB forums have this, but on many it just gives too much information.

I agree with Arioch, the traffic on this forum does not warrant several subforums (yet).
Get the discussions going, and when it becomes active enough, opinions might change.

Also: welcome.
Chad.Hale wrote:How about a, "This may not be (but probably is) Off topic" forum?
For example, a Xeno-science culture question: because of the population gender disparity is it common for female loroi to be lesbians?
conversely, are there any gay male loroi? Because there are so few male loroi would being gay be a crime demanding the most extreme punishment?
These specific questions could go into the Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread, where Arioch does a terrific job on answering a lot of our questions regarding weird questions to Loroi society, biology, history, politics, technology, ...
Go ahead and give it a try yourself. You would not be offtopic there.e

But I assume that with telepathy hiding yourself because you're "not normal" is difficult, especially if it a core matters of your personality.
Also hurting others for what they are unleashes a lot of pain on telepathic canals, which is undesireable for a society, so I assume that the Loroi society is rather open to such personal things. They may not "speak" actively about it, but they simply do not make a fuss over your personal life.

As a result of this, being "gay" is likely not an offence in any form. (Otherwise I assume the girls would break up the male castes, so the men cannot hide behind other men any more.)

If bi-sexuality of lesbianism happens more often than with Humanity, just because of the gender bias, I cannot say. These kind of things happen naturally with us Humans, and it never was a problem in the evolutionary sense. So why should it be a problem with the Loroi.
It may be that there is no increase in their culture compared to ours, as in an evolutionary sense there is a limit to how much "non-reproductive" elements can be carried, but e.g. bisexual individuals have no reason not to become parents. With that a lot of "lesbianism" is carried along, if this even comes from our genes, which still has not been conclusively proven or disproved.
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Re: Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the fut

Post by Hālian »

I think there should be an off-topic forum, and that people should refrain from asking questions in the Miscellaneous Loroi Q&A thread that have nothing to do with the loroi (and similarly for the others).
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Re: Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the fut

Post by Razor One »

As it says in the forum description:
Outsider Discussion

Discussion regarding the Outsider webcomic, science, technology and science fiction.
The forum is broad enough in scope and small enough in traffic to not really warrant dedicated subforums. Even an off topic forum, we're just too small.

Maybe when we've put on a few dozen active members it may be worth reconsidering though.
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Re: Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the fut

Post by icekatze »

hi hi

I can't promise that I'll want to post in threads about random off-topic technology, whether it is in a sub-forum or not, but the thread at the bottom of the page was last used on January 1st. I don't think anyone is in danger of missing something because things fall off the bottom of the page too fast.

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Re: Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the fut

Post by Chad.Hale »

I will get to work on prepping some interestin' stuffs.

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Re: Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the fut

Post by Mr Bojangles »

This kind of makes me curious. Just how many of us are regularly active in the forums? We're a small group (I recognize several users by writing style), but we seem pretty vocal.

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Re: Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the fut

Post by Arioch »

Mr Bojangles wrote:This kind of makes me curious. Just how many of us are regularly active in the forums? We're a small group (I recognize several users by writing style), but we seem pretty vocal.
There are 80 users with 50 or more posts, and 30 with 200 or more posts. I'd say there are between 30-40 users who are currently pretty active.

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Re: Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the fut

Post by Krulle »

While I would agree that a fanfic subforum would be handy (it would making a search for them much easier), I indeed still see no need to create one in this rather quiet forum.

(Just read through this thread and all the stories in there. Damn! Great work to all those authors. Well spent time reading that.
I know necroing old threads is considered to be bad netiquette, but this forum seems to take a less strict stance on it, if you keep to the topic (and not necro very old off-topic discussions).)
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Re: Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the fut

Post by Arioch »

There is no rule against reviving an old thread, as long as you add something to it. The one case that I objected to was when a person bumped about 20 old threads and didn't add anything substantive to any of them.

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Re: Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the fut

Post by Tamri »

By the way, I don't know how to use search, or specialized topics for uploading sketches, art and other creative work is not here? Just, i have to slowly accumulate different sketches, some would be interesting the lay out over time to discussing.

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Re: Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the fut

Post by Sweforce »

Tamri wrote:By the way, I don't know how to use search, or specialized topics for uploading sketches, art and other creative work is not here? Just, i have to slowly accumulate different sketches, some would be interesting the lay out over time to discussing.
There are a guest galley with fanart thou. Rarely updated thou so a sticky thread to draw attention to it could perhaps be useful.

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Re: Request for a new forum to discuss technology of the fut

Post by Arioch »

There isn't a dedicated thread for posting fanart, but you're welcome to post them in your own thread or wherever, and I collect most of them in the guest gallery.

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