[AU Fanfiction] Super Beings

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[AU Fanfiction] Super Beings

Post by Quickdraw101 »

Outsider and all content relating to it are property of Jim Francis, also known as Arioch. As such, I claim no rights to his story or property. This story here was partly inspired by my readings of Snoofman's stories Dawn and Wind and Fire, as well as some inspiration from Dragoongfa. In this story, its an obvious AU where I, with the consent of Snoofman, borrowed some of his characters in a crossover with Outsider. A crossover featuring the Heroes of Earth, who were simply beings of legend, who have once more appeared in Humanity's time of need. Too late to participate in the Great War, but just in time to help mankind in their time of need. WIthout further ado, here it is.
It was a dark day in the Union capital of Deinar. Not only because of a storm that darkened the sky above, but because of the reason Torrai Azerein Greywind, The Diadem, and the senior most Torrai and Mizol from across Union territory. It had not been a good year for the Union. The Nissek Hegemony was seeking to expand, more often than not at the expense of any neighbors. This had led to more than a few tense standoffs with Nissek fleets at the fringes of Union territory. Standoffs which were threatening to turn hostile.

“Another war on the horizon,” Greywind thought to herself. Only a handful of decades since The Great War, and it looked as if the Union would have to fight yet another. This, combined with the increase of incidents in The Great Wastelands, which had forced the Union to deny all travel and tourism from TCA territories, made the situation with humanity even more precarious. Even as they were gathered, relay stations and embassies had sat almost empty, as the humans were subtly expelled from Union territory.

Now only diplomatic missions were permitted within Union borders, and that was only if approved by herself or the Diadem. But now there were disturbing reports emerging from Mizol operatives within TCA territory. Reports of great technological breakthroughs, and something referred to as “Super Beings” were showing up across human worlds, performing feats that would seem utterly impossible, and fantastical.

But as more reports came in, along with recorded evidence, it was soon realized the reports were not mere fiction, nor were they a joke. It was regarded as even less of a joke when these “Super Beings”, began to show up within the borders of the Union. One such recording came from Torrai Tazites Duskcrown, stationed in the Maoren sector. A Nissek fleet was moving much further inward than was acceptable, and Duskcrown was preparing to engage them if they didn’t turn back.

She was outnumbered 3-1 by the Nissek fleet, but was prepared to give her life to keep the aliens out of Union territory. However, it was not needed for her to fight, as something, or rather someone, took care of the Nissek for her. The recording playing in front of everyone in the room, among many others, was the reason they were gathered here.

It began with a bright green light flashing in the middle of Duskcrown’s fleet and the encroaching Nissek. When the glare faded, it revealed three strange figures floating in the vacuum of space, all of which looked suspiciously like humans. One of them wore a strange dark blue suit that clung to the human’s form. On his chest, was emblazoned a strange, yet familiar symbol, one that Greywind swore she’d seen before. The second, whose head appeared to literally be on fire, wore strange yellow and orange garments, and looked to have an atomic nucleus swirling around his body. And finally the third, who stood in the middle of the other two, glowed bright green, wore a strange green and black suit, with a strange white symbol in the center of his chest, like the first.

In the recording, audio from the communication frequency from Duskcrown’s fleet was included, in which the unknown figures spoke over, in seemingly perfect Trade Dialect.

“Attention Nissek fleet, you are infringing on territory of the Loroi Union. Turn back immediately, or be destroyed.” Was spoken over the communication channel by the green one, as enhanced recordings show it was he whose mouth was moving. How he was able to speak into the vacuum of space, none of them knew, nor understood.

The Nissek fleet continued unabated, either not hearing or not caring about what the Human said.

“Turn. Back. Now!” the Human said, emphasizing each word. Again, the Nissek fleet continued forward. But then, it opened fire.

Particle beams, pulse cannons, missiles, and torpedoes erupted from the Nissek fleet, aimed at the Humans, as well as Duskcrown’s fleet. Duskcrown ordered her fleet to return fire on the Nissek, but it was all for naught. Before her eyes, as well as the eyes of every Loroi present in the fleet, watched as a massive green shield materialized in between both fleets. A shield that originated from the green glowing Human, who simply extended his arm out towards the Nissek.

Greywind, the members of the Diadem, and every Torrai and Mizol in the room watched in sheer amazement, awe, and more than a little fear, as the massive field shrugged off everything the Nissek were throwing at it, as well as the return fire from Duskcrown’s own fleet, which had ceased not soon after it started. Soon, the barrage let up, the Nissek finally realizing that their actions were in vain.

The shield dissipated soon after, and the three Humans simply shook their heads in apparent disappointment. Then, the Humans launched their attack. At almost impossible speeds, they lashed out towards the Nissek, and explosions tore through the fleet within seconds. As the optical apparatuses zoomed in on the Nissek fleet, they were shocked and appalled by what they saw.

The three Humans were tearing the Nissek battle fleet apart, and in the case of one of them, quite literally. The one with flaming hair merely pointed his arms at a ship, and it simply fell apart in front of him. The green one seemed to conjure up weapons of gigantic size, or even large hands that would grab an offending vessel, and use it to throw at another. The one in the blue suit seemed to be strong enough to push and shove away any ship in his way and…fired lasers from his eyes, which sliced through ships like they weren’t even there.

The Nissek fleet was cut to ribbons in mere moments. In merely a few hundred solons, most of the Nissek fleet had been entirely destroyed. What remained of it was badly crippled, weapon emplacements ripped off, and fires visibly burning on them. The last shot fired in anger was from a Nissek battlecruiser, and aimed at a ship in Duskcrown’s fleet. A shot powerful enough that, after careful computer calculations, if it had made contact, would have cored the reactor, and landed a killing blow.

Instead, the green Human simply dashed backward, putting himself between the ship, and the laser shot. One bright flash later, and the Human simply hovered there, unmoved, unflinching, and still facing the now retreating Nissek fleet. Even the battlecruiser who attempted to lash out in desperation, was allowed to leave. Of the over 150 ships the Nissek brought to face Duskcrown’s fleet, and barely two dozen had been allowed to leave.

The recording paused, having frozen at the point when the Human looked back at the ship he had saved, his upper face obscured by a green mask.

“This is why I requested so urgently to return to Deinar.” Duskcrown sent. “This is why we are all here today, because of this.” as she looked out at those assembled, not a single face among them weren’t in some form of shock, awe, bewilderment, or fear. For others in the room, the recording merely proved to be the ultimate proof they needed, to prove that something was going on within Terran space.

“So these reports about Terran ‘Super Beings’ have turned out to be entirely true, have they not?” Torrai Azerein Greywind sent towards the Mizol operatives in the chamber.

“Yes, my Emperor.” Mizol Parat Tempo sent in reply. “The first reports we assumed to be merely fictitious delusions the Humans love so much, but I saw firsthand that they were indeed true. But the scope and magnitude of their power was not believed to be this high. Those myself and other operatives witnessed, while powerful, were dwarfed by this.” she finished.

“And I might add that this recording is far from the only one we have.” Mizol Losat Shadowlane added.

“There’s more of them?” Diaderet Brightsword asked, the scowl on her face deepening. An act that was reciprocated by many others present.

“Indeed so. This is not even the first within Union territory, this is just the latest, and arguably most concerning one.” Tempo sent.

“What do you mean it is not the first?” Diadret Darkside asked.

“There was an incident at the Laget Relay Station in the Tinza Sector, bordering the Wastelands.” Mizol Rhythm sent. “Due to the ban on Humans in the Union, a Terran freighter was in the process of picking up diplomatic personnel and their guards, when there was an accident. An interceptor came loose from its berthing, and fell towards a group of Tenoin below it. Only they were not crushed.”

“They were saved by one of these Humans, were they not?” Greywind questioned.

“No, my Emperor, none of the three encountered by Torrai Tazites Duskcrown’s fleet. The one I saw was…different. Like a living bolt of electricity, that moved at impossible speeds, and saved the Tenoin before they were killed.” Rhythm explained. “The bolt came so fast, and blended back into the crowd of Humans so quickly, that we could not identify the offending Human.”

“And these others? The recordings in Human territory?” Torrai Rizeladi Rubyglass asked. “What else are we dealing with?”

“Play the recordings, Losat Shadowlane.” Greywind commanded.

The Mizol did as she was ordered to do. Those in the chamber sat quietly as the rest of the recordings played, which revealed a number of Humans exhibiting strange abilities. One who seemed capable of conjuring up lightning, as well as absorbing it. Another showed a Human suddenly light on fire, but moved about as if it didn’t affect them. Then there was one dressed in a ridiculous green outfit, and firing a bow and arrow. The third one made a few of those assembled laugh, who would take that one seriously? The more they kept watching, the less and less happy many of them were, and the more agitated they got.

When the last one had been played, everyone in the room began to mull over the consequences this would bring.

“Well, I think that any plans of subjugating the Humans will have to be put on hold, if not completely scrapped.” Rubyglass sent, still trying to process what she had seen.

“We had our chance in the past to do so, but it was decided that we should let the Humans run amuck and cause us problems. Now they can do this!” Torrai Lashret Stillstorm sent, with barely contained resentment for Emperor Greywind, a fact that numerous present had picked up on.

“And you should remember who you are in the presence of!” Shadowlane snapped.

“Enough!” Greywind commanded. “We did not come here to fight each other. In fact, I hoped for us to not have to wage yet another war, not with our last one being so recent. And especially not against any of our allies.”

“But now it seems we may have no choice.” Sunfury sent. “The only question is who are we going to war with now?”

“We may in fact fight neither.” Mizol Torimor Silvermist said, getting the attention of those present. “In fact, the appearance of these ‘Super Beings’, may indeed have indeed snubbed out the flame for one potential conflict.”

“How so?” Diaderet Second Claw inquired.

“The Nissek representatives, instead of being arrogant and aggressive in their meetings with us, have turned rather timid, and have backtracked on a number of demands, and are even offering concessions to us. Concessions I might add, are rather favorable to us. All because of that!” she finished, pointing towards the still paused recording that showed the green Human.

“They seem to be under the impression that we unleashed them onto their forces.” Parat Tempo added. “They, for lack of better words, begged us not to let them loose into Hegemony territory.”

“Well, did we?” Torrai Oirel Lodestone asked. “Because it is very suspicious that these humans appeared now of all times. Not only does all this come at a time of heightened tensions with the Terran Colonial Authority, but also when the Nissek are trying to bite chunks of our territory out.”

“Tried to take bites out of our territory,” Torrai Mazeit Ashrain corrected. “I think many of you are ignoring that these Humans, despite how concerning their abilities are, fought on our side, and destroyed the Nissek fleet. One even threw himself in front of an incoming shot meant for one of our ships! A ship commanded by one of the very Torrai present here now!” she finished, her gaze shifting from Lodestone, to one of her friends, and fellow veterans of the Charred Steppes campaign, Torrai Torret Arclight.

Slowly, the gazes in the room turned to the Torrai in question. Arclight blinked a few times, before finally nodding agreement with her friend.

“Something that I am quite thankful for, if not for myself, but for my crew who were spared from death. I must agree with Torrai Mazeit Ashrain, however. The Humans showed no hostile intent towards us in the encounter. And while I have no doubt we would have won the engagement, the cost would have been high. The intervention of the Humans, on our side, guaranteed victory.”

“Nevertheless, the timing is most suspect,” Greywind added. “And you are sure these beings weren’t sent by the TCA?”

Now Silvermist, Tempo, and a few other Mizols exchanged looks with each other, unsure of how to answer the question. Their hesitation made more than a few of those present scoff at the Mizols. Even after all this, many of them still seem intent on keeping secrets.

“We may have an answer to that question, at least partly.” another Mizol, by the name of Livewire said. Now, all eyes were on her. She reached for the datepad on her belt, taking it off its clip, and interfacing it with the projection screen in the room. Once it was interfaced properly, she opened a data file on the Human military personnel that have or had been in Union territory. A few swipes and taps on the screen later, the file she was looking for came up.

Once she selected it, she connected her datepad to the projector in the room. Next to the image of the green human in the recording, appeared the image and subsequent file on a Terran Special Forces operative.

“I have not the slightest idea why that mask is only covering his eyes, but they have done nothing to prevent us from using facial recognition on him, and identifying who he is.” Livewire explained. “Corporal James Ramirez, Terran Ranger Regiment, twenty five Human years old. He and a number of other Human special forces operatives participated in a joint exchange in the Maoren Sector with select Teidar and Soroin special forces. An exchange which turned bloody as Nissek forces on the planet attacked them.”

“An incident where the Humans performed quite bravely and skillfully.” Teidar Pallan Mothwing added. “This one in particular I personally saw save two warriors on the battlefield.”

“So this Human is affiliated with the Terran government then.” Brightsword sent.

“Yes, this one is confirmed.” Tempo replied. “However, as stated earlier, these beings have mysteriously appeared within the TCA as well, and they seem just as confused and suspicious as we are now. I have my doubts as to if his own government even knows about his abilities.”

“They may seem confused like all they wish, but that does not change the fact that these beings are all Human, or that they’ve appeared at times such as this, when the chance of war seems ever more likely against Humanity.” Stormcry sent.

“Mizol Livewire, continue with your report of the Human,” Greywind ordered. “What is his opinion of the Union, and what information did you manage to obtain when he was still present within our borders?”

Livewire shuffled around, uncertain how to respond for a few moments before continuing.

“That is somewhat difficult to answer. From my own observations of him, while not appearing to be openly hostile towards those in the Union, and heavily admires and respects our warriors,he is quite mistrustful of us.”

“The feeling is quite mutual, I can assure you of that.” Duskcrown sent.

“It is amusing such sentiment comes from a Human, they are by definition untrustworthy.” Stillstorm added.

“I should also note that much of his mistrust, and from what I know of the Human language of ‘English’, insults towards the Loroi, seemed almost exclusively aimed at the higher ranks, and those who openly seek conflict with Humanity. Those were his own words, not my own opinions.” she quickly added, cringing inwardly as a large number of those present seemed to glare at her.

“She is not wrong,” A Listel Pasadi by the name of Pure Sand put in. “When I accompanied Mizol Livewire on her mission for record, what she stated was indeed the opinion of the Human in question. He seems to bear no ill will towards the Loroi, but is quite critical. If you desire, we did record the subject in question, alongside his comrades while they were at the Justa Relay Station.”

“Audio and visual recordings both, I might add.” Livewire said, hoping to take some of the glares off of her.

“Let us see them.” Greywind commanded.

Justa Relay Station
Nine months ago

“These fucking pirate raiders are gonna start a fucking war!” Lance Corporal Brian Laurent snarled.

“Yeah, you're telling me.” Corporal James Ramirez replied as he took a pull of his nearly empty mug of Taben ale. “Bad enough already the Loroi hate us, these attacks are only going to make it worse.”

“Have made it worse,” Private First Class Daniel Watson put it. “I just don’t get it though. The War between them and the Umiak was beyond devastating. Why are they so eager to fight again?”

“Where do you want to start?” Ramirez scoffed. “They can’t read our minds and tell what we’re thinking, so they believe we’re a perpetual threat to them, we won’t join The Union and give up our independence, they generally hate all other species, and are arrogant and up their own asses.”

“And that’s not even all the reasons.” Laurent sighed. “Some are just bloodthirsty, others want to prove themselves, while yet others believe we’ll stab them in the back and invade them.”

“With fucking what?” Watson exclaimed. “Our fleet is a small fraction of their own, and not one of our ships is an equal to anything larger than a fucking corvette!”

“Paranoia and mistrust are aplenty among the ranks of the Loroi.” Ramirez sighed, tapping a button on the table indicating he’d like a refill. “Even more so since they can’t ‘detect us’ so to speak, and thus believe we’ll suddenly pour out of the vacuum like a barbarian horde.”

“Which is exactly what these damn pirates are doing.” Laurent said. “They’ve killed thousands of people in the border territories, Human and Loroi alike, and it’s a pain in the ass trying to track them down. And that psychopathic Loroi commander either doesn’t know or seem to care that most of the ships she attacks are either TCA warships or freighters themselves.”

“The latter I reckon is most likely. From what little I’ve spoken to the Soroins and Teidar’s, the higher ranks really do not like us. At all.” Ramirez added. “And given how damn near all of them watched God only knows how many of their friends and family die at the hands of those fucking bugs, they aren’t liable to try and talk to any ships they encounter.”

“They have families?” Laurent laughed. “I thought they were like Jedi from Star Wars, believing emotions are bad, and families are a sign of jealousy, or some stupid shit.”

“They have families, just not the way we do.” Ramirez corrected. “But their definition of family is way different than what we call it, to say nothing of love. They are like Jedi in regards to attachment, they view that as vile, and just as bad as being a liar.”

“Sounds depressing as shit.” Watson commented.

“From our perspective, it certainly is.” Ramirez replied, looking at the Loroi bartender who brought him a refill for his ale. The woman offered to refill the mugs of his comrades, to which both his comrades gratefully accepted. They said nothing for a few minutes, as they focused on emptying their mugs, wanting to forget what they had seen on that miserable border world, and the news that was reaching them. “Here’s to you Nakamura, McConnell, may you boys rest in peace!” he said, raising his glass above his head, Watson and Laurent doing the same, and in one long pull, emptying their large mugs.

Again, they were quiet for a few minutes, once more waiting for a refill, and drumming their fingers on the table they sat at.

“Do you think we’ll really go to war with the Loroi?” Watson asked nervously, as his fingers tapped the table even harder. Ramirez simply sighed tiredly.

“If these damn pirates keep going at freighters, and the Loroi high command gets their way, without question.” he answered grimly. “Hell, the old bitches in charge might just decide to declare war on us anyway. Shriveled old prunes have serious bloodlust.” all three of them chuckled at that last comment.

“And our chances won’t be good, will they?” Watson already knew the answer, but he still asked anyway. The other two men simply shook their heads.

“They have more ships in one sector than we do in both the military and scout corps.” Laurent said. “They’d roll us over without any problems. And after that…” he let the words hang in the air.

“We know what they did to the Mannadi. The Arekka. The Tithric. Then the Umiak when we won the war. The same thing would happen to us, only far worse.” Ramirez said, shaking his head. “And since they can’t read our minds, and don’t have a high tolerance for resistance fighters, they wouldn’t bother keeping us alive. They won’t take prisoners, they won’t take cities. They’ll murder and raze every world they attack. And without any civilian oversight, they'll do as they please."

“I guess us looking like them won’t matter, will it?” again, they shook their heads.

“We had no problem killing each other in the past, and we were the same people. And when you look at their men compared to us, they won’t see us as men. They see us as giant brutes that look somewhat like men.” Once more, his mug was refilled, but Laurent and Watson both waved her off, not wanting to drink anymore. “No, they’ll do what we used to do. Kill the women and men, and if I had to bet, take any small male children they find, and rape them.”

“Makes sense when you think about it,” Laurent said. “They are just as violent and bloodthirsty as we are, you don’t think they don’t get horny? And given how our young children look like their men…you can guess what they’ll do if they land on any world.”

“Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking their women are like ours. They are beautiful, no ones denying that, but they think and act like men do. Hell, given how psychotic and bloodthirsty some of their admirals and council members are, you don’t think they wouldn't want war trophies?” Ramirez asked Watson, whose fists steadily grew tighter and tighter. “I guarantee you some of their admirals would love to have a personal sex slave in their quarters that they could do whatever they want to.”

“And that’s not counting what their jackboots will do.” Laurent added.

“The Mizols?” Watson asked.

“Yep, no different than the SS or NKVD.” Laurent answered. “Spies, assassins, political officers, torturers, intelligence gatherers. Bet they got quite a few sick fucks within their ranks, who’d love nothing more than to slaughter and torture people they don’t even see as living beings. To most Loroi, they see us as fleshy machines with no soul, not people. And that’s just the Loroi who don’t outright hate all aliens they see.”

“So yes, Watson, if war does come, and I have a bad feeling that it will, we will be completely fucking screwed. And unless we can come up with some way to achieve at least parity with the Loroi, or that the diplomat works a damn miracle, I imagine we’ll be facing our allies on the field of battle.” Ramirez said.

With that, Watson had had enough. The kid was brave, and a good fighter, but he’d had enough. He didn’t want to hear it anymore. Watson paid his tab on the datepad, and made to leave.

“I’m gonna head back to the dock and get to our shuttle, see y'all later.” he said, before pushing in his chair, and heading out of the bar.

“We’ll be right behind you,” Laurent said, taking a look to a dark corner of the room where three Loroi sat. “You notice our friends in the corner? They haven’t moved a fucking inch the entire time we’ve been here.” Ramirez looked back at the darkened booth that contained four Loroi. Despite how darkened it was, they could both make out one of them glancing over, and looking back at him.

“Surprised they didn’t come to say hi,” Ramirez replied.

“Hope they got an earful.” Laurent replied, as the two of them paid their bar tab, and walked out of the bar, leaving the Loroi alone in their booth.

As the two Humans left, the two Mizols, Listel, and Teidar just sat there, momentarily stunned, and more than a bit aggravated by what they had just heard. And for the Teidar who had even fought alongside those exact Humans, a little upset by what she heard.

The recording had ended and the room sat there, shocked and angered by what they had seen and heard. For those who didn’t understand certain Human terms, the Mizols and Listels present clarified what they meant, and it only disgusted and angered them further.

Rape. There wasn't a direct word in Trade for it, but the concept wasn't unknown. The act itself was extremely rare in the Union, and offenders were punished most harshly. But to listen to the Humans casually refer to them as beings who'd commit such actions, and be happy to do so, offended them. It disgusted them. It angered them.

Even Greywind herself, who was usually really adept at controlling her anger and emotions, was upset by what she had heard.

“That they think so low of us to do such a thing to children.” she thought to herself, doing her best to control her emotions, and not let it show.

“How disgusting!” Diadret Peridot sent angrily.

“Quite hypocritical to hear such words from a Human of all species!” Stillstorm added. “They would know more about such vile activities than we would.”

“Nothing but drunken ramblings from alien males!” Diadret Second Claw sent. “You saw them putting away Taben ale the way they did!”

“The Humans do have a saying about being honest when drunk.” Torrai Rubyglass joked.

“They weren’t drunk,” another Mizol, by the name of Twoface, put in. “Me and a few others here have been…privileged, if that’s the right word, to see what Human soldiers are like when drunk. What you saw there wasn’t even close.”

“When they are drunk, there is usually a shortage of both clothes and inhibitions for the Humans,” Pure Sand added, a slight flush taking form on her cheeks. “They also tend to perform certain…’acts’ on willing participants. Or get into fights. Or both. I have also been ‘privileged’ to see those very same things.”

“As have I,” Mothwing said, coming to the defense of the Humans. “Especially in the aftermath of the Nissek attack. They were drinking even Taben Loroi under the table with frightening ease. They and the Taben Loroi also got into the most trouble, I might also add.”

“We also spoke to him and his brother in arms after we left the bar.” Livewire added. “They were most certainly not drunk. Perhaps getting there, if they had another half dozen drinks, but they were not drunk.”

“Drunk or not, what they said was unacceptable!” Sunfury sent, her bright orange hair matching her mood. “To insinuate that we would do such things to children!”

Now it was Silvermist’s turn to add to the conversation.

“As vile and offensive as those words were, I am sickened to say that it does merit some truth.” she sent, getting more than a few confused glances as she did. “There have been reports of some civilians, and even warriors, attempting to entice Human children that they mistook as being adults, to mate with them.”

“Disgusting!” Ashrain sent, her face contorting to a grimace.

“The worst incident on record involved a few Soroin groping a young boy.” Silvermist continued. “Inside the terran consulate, completely oblivious to the fact that the Terran Marines were watching them do it. The end result ended in a brawl that sent all of the offending Soroin to the nearest medical facility, and the ambassador lodging a personal complaint over it.”

“One which reached even my eyes and left me sickened by the conduct of those warriors.” Greywind put in. “Rest assured that those warriors were dealt with appropriately.”

“Combine this with other instances within TCA territory of visiting Loroi merchants and refugees who settled on their worlds, they have come up with some nasty terms in response to these instances.” Tempo added. All those in the room, hateful of humanity or not, were sickened by the thought of forcing themselves on a male, especially a child!

Even Livewire, who was renowned for being violent and forced to get what she wanted, was sickened by the thought. Another thing that bothered those assembled, although to varying degrees, was the willingness the Humans believed the Loroi would happily slaughter them. Even among some of the Torrai, Mizols, and Listels present, they know such actions would be devastating to the warriors forced to do it, and could even lead to the collapse of faith within the Union from the other species.

Twoface, who had a softer spot for humanity, due in part to very recent events, was even more repulsed. The fact that any warriors would do such a thing, was abhorrent. Now that she had become at least a partial caretaker to an orphaned human infant, the thought of hurting the child was even more repugnant. Even Mizol Livewire, for as brutal and cold as she could be, seemed to be amused by the small child.

The discussion raged on for another hour, with the various Diadrets, Torrai, and other senior officers in the room debated on what to do, with Humanity’s newfound strength, and how they could combat it. By the end, they reached an agreement that seemed to satisfy both the anti TCA members of the high command, as well as those whose position towards Humanity was considerably less hostile.

Mizols would be sent to Human worlds throughout the Wastelands and in the TCA proper, with the goal of seeking out, and identifying these individuals. With some persuading, and more than a little luck, perhaps some could be convinced to come over to the Union. Or if the opportunity presented itself, ambush and kill any of these “Super Beings” up close, when they won’t expect it.

“When the delegation arrives tomorrow,” Greywind began. “We will broach this topic with their delegates, as to get a firm answer on whether or not these ‘Super Beings’ are truly their own creations, and if they’ve sent them within our borders. As helpful as they proved themselves by aiding Torrai Tazeites Duskcrown and her fleet, such actions cannot, and will not be tolerated, especially without any prior consent from the Union. And should they wish to truly help the Union, and are worried about our position, they can swear allegiance to us. If there is nothing more that any of you might add, I hereby dismiss you all, and will see you all tomorrow at the conference with the Human and Nissek delegates.”

Now, it was up to the diplomats of the Mizol caste, along with their Human counterparts, that would decide the outcome between their two peoples.
Last edited by Quickdraw101 on Mon Mar 27, 2023 8:21 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: [AU Fanfiction] Super Beings

Post by EdwardSteed »

It's nice to see the fan fiction picking up again. While the characters from Snoofman are obvious I can also really see some of the tone from Dragoongfa which is good because I really like their work.

Was this a one shot or do you plan on continuing it? I'm wondering if Ben is around and going to make an appearance (maybe a spoiler?)

And I assume when they encouter a man in a black cape and cowl with pointy ears that they'll be forced to conclude that his super power is some form of strategic clairvoyance.

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Re: [AU Fanfiction] Super Beings

Post by Quickdraw101 »

EdwardSteed wrote:
Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:33 pm
It's nice to see the fan fiction picking up again. While the characters from Snoofman are obvious I can also really see some of the tone from Dragoongfa which is good because I really like their work.

Was this a one shot or do you plan on continuing it? I'm wondering if Ben is around and going to make an appearance (maybe a spoiler?)

And I assume when they encouter a man in a black cape and cowl with pointy ears that they'll be forced to conclude that his super power is some form of strategic clairvoyance.
I most certainly will continue this story, and work on the second chapter will likely commence some time tomorrow at the earliest. That being said, while I imagine the identity of two of three are obvious, I wonder how many could identify all three of those who destroyed the Nissek fleet.

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Re: [AU Fanfiction] Super Beings

Post by EdwardSteed »

Quickdraw101 wrote:
Sat Jan 07, 2023 7:55 pm
That being said, while I imagine the identity of two of three are obvious, I wonder how many could identify all three of those who destroyed the Nissek fleet.
Based on the color scheme and powers my naive assumption would be Superman, Firestorm and Green Lantern.

Presumably "James Ramirez" is the Green Lantern in question, his military background sounds like a nod to the Earth's most famous lantern Hal Jordan. Without knowing how these heroes appeared I don't know if Firestorm is supposed to still be Jason Rusch, Ronnie Raymond or a completely new character. And given Superman's lifespan he might be Kal-El, Kon-El (the description is vague enough), Jonathan Kent or some other descendent.

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Re: [AU Fanfiction] Super Beings

Post by Snoofman »

EdwardSteed wrote:
Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:33 pm
And I assume when they encouter a man in a black cape and cowl with pointy ears that they'll be forced to conclude that his super power is some form of strategic clairvoyance.
Twoface clutches Dawn protectively as the man in black cape and cowl rises from the assaulting gangers he just pummeled.

Twoface: Who are you?

Man in black: I'm vengeance.

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Re: [AU Fanfiction] Super Beings

Post by Quickdraw101 »

EdwardSteed wrote:
Sat Jan 07, 2023 8:37 pm
Quickdraw101 wrote:
Sat Jan 07, 2023 7:55 pm
That being said, while I imagine the identity of two of three are obvious, I wonder how many could identify all three of those who destroyed the Nissek fleet.
Based on the color scheme and powers my naive assumption would be Superman, Firestorm and Green Lantern.

Presumably "James Ramirez" is the Green Lantern in question, his military background sounds like a nod to the Earth's most famous lantern Hal Jordan. Without knowing how these heroes appeared I don't know if Firestorm is supposed to still be Jason Rusch, Ronnie Raymond or a completely new character. And given Superman's lifespan he might be Kal-El, Kon-El (the description is vague enough), Jonathan Kent or some other descendent.
I'll actually explain this one in the future as to not confuse anyone. But these ones here technically aren't the first heroes.

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Re: [AU Fanfiction] Super Beings

Post by Bamax »

Still have to read it and will.

The timeline of DC universe is more or less a highway of diverging alternate stories, thanks in no small part due to the crisis on infinite earths....a multiverse event that occurs with some frightening regularity in DC comics.

Supergirl has had so many iterations that her postcrisis version was even aware there was another before her, and she even asked with annoyance why Clark's parents why he did not let her live with his parents at the farm in smallville... since the previous supergirl did, and even superboy as well.

https://crapboxofcthulhu.blogspot.com/2 ... 8.html?m=1

Her character has evolved over the years, and my favorite versions are by far postcrisis and her brief appearances and two isues in Future State (a far future setting where Supergirl's story finally ends... in a good but impacting kind of way).

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Re: [AU Fanfiction] Super Beings

Post by gigachad »

A fascinating idea, and the reaction of the top military leadership to such completely inappropriate events is especially beautiful. It would also be funny if the reason for the appearance of "higher life forms" along the way was some kind of technology or serum from the TV series "The Boys" and the characters themselves would have been created with a cosplay of comics on purpose, moreover.

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Re: [AU Fanfiction] Super Beings

Post by Bamax »

Nice... a few typos but nice.

Such as:

Mannkind in their time of need. WIthout further ado, here it is.
It was a dark day in the Union capital of Deinar. Not only because of a storm that darkened the sky above, but because of the reason Torrai Azerein Greywind, The Diadem, and the senior most Torrai and Mizol from across Union territory. It had not been a good year for the Union. The Nissek Hegemony was seeking to expand, more often than not at the expense of any neighbors. This had led to more than a few tense standoffs with Nissek fleets at the fringes of Union territory. Standoffs which were threatening to turn hostile.

Fix: Perhaps you could add "because of the reason a meeting was called between so and so (all the titles).

You could even shorten it or just add the ranks in the next sentence.

It is all up to you.

Still... I enjoyed Stillstorm showing up... I have bad suspicions she won't survive Arioch's official story, so it is nice to have her in fanfics.

Now all fanfics that have our favorite "green haired biscuit graveyard" will somehow have to explain how she survived... which I reckon they can do when Arioch finally shows what ended her.

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