Outcast Quest [Updated 10/10/18 - Turn 14]

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Nugget »

dragoongfa wrote:snip
I agree on all except for the Engineer and Supply officer choices. The way i understand this (i probably don't) learning and intrige will help the most when engineering starts dealing with alien tech. Regarding supply, while Alex has much more intrige than Erica i think 19 Learning is worth the trade.
dragoongfa wrote:Damn, there goes the subplot of being seduced by a Mizol...snip
Yeah, what a shame :cry:

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

As the GM I have to recuse myself from voting. I know too much, and anything I vote for may cause a landslide because "THE GM KNOWS! THE GEE EM KNOOOOOOOOWS!".

Above all else, it ensures my neutrality on how things go. If I roll for a certain action, I can take equal glee in watching you squirm or watching you celebrate. If I voted for something though, the temptation to reroll because the dice were obviously not warm enough or "wait! that doesn't count!" becomes all to real. I suffered it a bit when going for a coin toss earlier between Mira and James, and since I felt I couldn't trust myself, I decided to make the roll visible for all using one of the numerous roll websites.

In the meantime...

Trying to find decent character art for Mira Sheridan is a pain in the ass. I dig that most sci-fi artists are ladies men, but please, can you make the women not look like bimbos? Ugh. Yet another reason to love Outsider. The women look look all the better because they avoid the bimbo zone!

Ah well. Placeholder for now.


"You're working too hard," said Captain Noah in his slight southern accent, "you should take a rest, it's near the end of your shift anyhow."

You turn back and regard him with the ghost of a smirk as you hold the panel in place to screw it back into position.

"You insisted I get to know the systems in and out," you say, before turning back to your task, "and besides Old Man, like you're one to talk about working too hard."

Captain Noah chuckled. It'd taken you a full year to get used to the Old Man's relatively casual attitude and seeming lack of discipline. Seeming being the key word. While the man had a relaxed attitude born from living in space for far longer than he'd ever lived on a planet, standards were on the up and up across the board. It had surprised you that a ship could run this way, especially after your long run with Captain Jacobson and Admiral Taylor, noted hardliners when it came to discipline and standards.

"It's hardly work nowadays, especially since my paperwork keeps on disappearing," he says with a knowing smirk.

"Yes sir, I'll get right on it," you say.

You know his habits well by now and he clicks approvingly before leaving you be.

You get up and wipe the sweat off, opting not to pull your full jumpsuit up until you've had a chance to cool off. Maintaining and old ship like this might have been cheap but the labour was intense and some of the narrower sections could get quite warm with all the copper wiring and old componentry. You nod to the remaining engineering crew still working their shifts, fill out the maintenance log, return your tools, and finally head back through creaking old corridors that are just a bit too narrow after spending so long on the America.

Still, space is space. You think.

You step into your quarters and already you feel lighter. Literally. The gravity in this section of the ship is just a tad lighter than the rest, a quirk that had been there since the ship had been built you were told, and it made coming home all the better.

You settle in to do the paperwork necessary to keep the ship running when something catches your eye. A letter, made of actual paper, is sitting on your desk. You pick it up and see the name James Ander in neat handwriting on the front, while a return address is on the back indicating that it's from the Europe.

"James Ander, huh?" you say out loud, smiling nostalgically, "Now there's a name I haven't heard for years."

You smile at the small onrush of old memories, the clearest of which was the day you two enlisted together to get off that forgotten little colony on the frontier and actually see the universe together, but you know now isn't the time.

You put the letter in a draw and fully intend to read it once the paperwork is done.

You never did open that letter.

{{Checking New Posts}}

Don't hew too closely to CK2. It's CK2 style but it's very much a custom system going on here, especially since I'm kludging a few things together since this is the first quest I've ever GM'ed.

Supply and doctor are sort of up in the air, hard to judge their relative utilities without knowing what we might have to use them for.
The Supply officer pretty much makes sure that you won't starve and that every section has what it needs to function. The equivalent naval term would be Steward I think. He's rather important if you want to be able to keep track of your supplies. Also if you want to stretch and organise them. He can also ensure that building projects get what they need to complete on time and on schedule; if he fouls up then that hab complex that was supposed to take one turn might take two or three. Or ten in the case of multiple successive critical failures.

The Doctor is useful under a variety of scenarios, but the main uses are disease prevention, vaccine production, surgery and more or less anything to do with the biomedical sciences that you can't throw an engineer at, so no robot arms for you. Counselling is also possible but would more likely get passed on to a specialist, since their role in this case is more of an insurance thing than a dedicated position. You may be able to recruit other specialists as you need them, such as physicists or botanists depending on certain choices you make later on in the cargo options. You're getting 200 passengers by default, since a crew of 25 does not make for much of a population to start from.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Logannion »

My votes along with quick reasoning.

Executive Officer
Sharon O'Malley

She could cover for us in terms of stewardship and intrigue, with decent martial score means she's no slouch in a fight either. Makes for good chemistry.

Communications Officer
Mandeep Singh

Good all around, seeing how he'd be the face of our group on day-to-day communication as well as the person who deals regularly with, well everyone we communicate with, I'd rather him be good enough in everything to understand the situation no matter what situation it is. A passable intrigue score helps insure he could at the very least detect foul play when it happens.

Supply Officer
Erica Hernandez

Kinda meh about this one, but figured since she'd be doing a desk job anyway (as it's logistics after all), it should meld well with a high learning skill.

Sasha Volkova

Since when were engineers diplomatic? Double-whammy with the Russian stereotype. Brilliant mind, and since it's engineering, if she's angry about something she'd usually have a good damn reason.

Alexandro Campos

I'm not planning in involving our doctors in any type of intrigue anytime soon, but lets make sure he's diplomatic enough not to piss off any possible foreign (extraterrestrial or otherwise) patients that arrive to his care.

In all, I kinda skimped on Diplomacy since our character is good at it, and went heavy on intrigue since the quest name is "outcast quest", so I figured that since we'll be a small-ish group of relative newcomers to the interstellar community, a lot more people would be out to screw and swindle us then set up working relationships.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Jericho »

Yeah so i kinda went with the idea that the crew should excell at the task for which they are assigned so the first three are a no-brainer but for engineering i choose Sasha because her stats tells me she's a numbers girl who doesn't care what anyones opinion of her and her work is, you better pay attention to what she says because she's the best at what she does.

And she looks like this :D
As for the doctor i took the diplomacy guy. I think is empathic and understanding nature makes him very popular amongst the crew.
If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through. General C.H Melchett commander of some unknown british regiment in the western front.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

Razor One wrote:Trying to find decent character art for Mira Sheridan is a pain in the ass. I dig that most sci-fi artists are ladies men, but please, can you make the women not look like bimbos? Ugh. Yet another reason to love Outsider. The women look all the better because they avoid the bimbo zone!
Preach, brother!

Image-wise I sort of pictured our girl Mira as something along these lines:
It's quite 'commander-y'. Still, might need something a little less well-known to use as our 'official' portrait.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Therein lies the trouble, finding something that looks 'commandery' while avoiding the vacant look, the puffed up lips, the perfectly primped hair, boobs bouncing in the breeze or a pose that says "fuck me" rather than "Get back to work". The lack of casual shots, like checking out reports or conferring with crew also irritates, but I get that glamour shots look better than 'living' shots.

The only one that came close was Elizabeth Lochley from B5. I figure that's probably a bit too well known, and her face didn't fit the idea of a young captain, so I went with Gilina from Farscape, though she probably looks a bit too young she at least avoids 90% of the bullcrap while looking like she might actually have done some work in her life.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Jericho »

Well do we have to have a real life actor?
If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through. General C.H Melchett commander of some unknown british regiment in the western front.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Glamour shots everywhere, not worth it. Not gonna stress too much about it since I'm more concerned with getting through character generation and getting into the meat of the quest for now, but if you find something amazing, post it and if I approve that'll be our official character portrait.

Speaking of which, it's time to update your details over in the reserved post.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Jericho »

Who update what in what post?
If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through. General C.H Melchett commander of some unknown british regiment in the western front.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

This Post

It's mostly for bookkeeping purposes, but also for reference as well. Whenever you earn new stats they'll get updated there. You also can quickly check the state of the realm and any achievements you've unlocked.

Right now achievements are kind of a joke feature though. They don't affect anything other than my amusement.

Once your crew is locked in, you'll also be able to check their character sheets there, though there will be some hidden details as I mentioned earlier. The only detail is that I need to update it regularly and not be a lazy ass about it. :lol:
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

Razor One wrote:This Post

It's mostly for bookkeeping purposes, but also for reference as well. Whenever you earn new stats they'll get updated there. You also can quickly check the state of the realm and any achievements you've unlocked.

Right now achievements are kind of a joke feature though. They don't affect anything other than my amusement.

Once your crew is locked in, you'll also be able to check their character sheets there, though there will be some hidden details as I mentioned earlier. The only detail is that I need to update it regularly and not be a lazy ass about it. :lol:
You forgot to write in the upbringing trait :P

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

dragoongfa wrote:
Razor One wrote:This Post

It's mostly for bookkeeping purposes, but also for reference as well. Whenever you earn new stats they'll get updated there. You also can quickly check the state of the realm and any achievements you've unlocked.

Right now achievements are kind of a joke feature though. They don't affect anything other than my amusement.

Once your crew is locked in, you'll also be able to check their character sheets there, though there will be some hidden details as I mentioned earlier. The only detail is that I need to update it regularly and not be a lazy ass about it. :lol:
You forgot to write in the upbringing trait :P

I thought the score was a tad too low. Okay, edited and fixed. Your new stat block:

Martial: 13
Diplomacy: 17 - You can generally talk a bad situation into a good one. Turning a good situation into a great one though is still a bit of a challenge.
Stewardship: 12
Intrigue: 13 - With a little work, you can find sweet spots on ships or stations that lets you eavesdrop on others. With a little more, you can also find the more secluded spots.
Learning: 13

The text is mostly fluff but takes its cue from where you probably learned to do things. Intrigue is a result of Mr. Loudmouth SigInt officer + Childhood sneaking, Diplo takes into account living in close proximity to others + being Admiral Taylor's shadow and doing a bang up job at the surprise press conference.

{Edit} Heading to sleep by the way. Vote will close after I get back from work tomorrow, about 15 hours from this post.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by sunphoenix »

Executive Officer

[X] Peter Lockwell

Communications Officer

[X] Homura Izumi

Supply Officer

[X] Alex Cole


[X] Sasha Volkova


[X] Alexandro Campos

My votes...
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

Razor One wrote:

I thought the score was a tad too low. Okay, edited and fixed. Your new stat block:

Martial: 13
Diplomacy: 17 - You can generally talk a bad situation into a good one. Turning a good situation into a great one though is still a bit of a challenge.
Stewardship: 12
Intrigue: 13 - With a little work, you can find sweet spots on ships or stations that lets you eavesdrop on others. With a little more, you can also find the more secluded spots.
Learning: 13

The text is mostly fluff but takes its cue from where you probably learned to do things. Intrigue is a result of Mr. Loudmouth SigInt officer + Childhood sneaking, Diplo takes into account living in close proximity to others + being Admiral Taylor's shadow and doing a bang up job at the surprise press conference.

{Edit} Heading to sleep by the way. Vote will close after I get back from work tomorrow, about 15 hours from this post.
Better, although the high diplomacy is also attributed to the character's current assignment. You counted it but having it written down as a trait is probably superfluous.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Hālian »

Voted. I've already forgotten who for. :(
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by alpha »


Executive Officer
[X] Peter Lockwell

Communications Officer
[X] Homura Izumi

Supply Officer
[X] Alex Cole

[X] Sasha Volkova

[X] Kamilka Nencha
I think I'm supposed to have a sig here.
Other Forums:
Alpha: Schlock Mercenary/Nightstar Zoo
And some others that I'll add... eventually.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Logannion »

Carl Miller wrote:Voted. I've already forgotten who for. :(
Ikr? I voted and then spent the next 20 minutes puzzling over who exactly I voted for. :P

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Voting is now closed.

Results in the spoiler.
Executive Officer

Sharon O'Malley

Age: 32

Martial: 18
Diplomacy: 11
Stewardship: 14
Intrigue: 15
Learning: 11

Commander O'Malley joined up with the TCA the year she turned 18, though she never did say why. She's been the XO for the L'Amour since before you arrived, and the two of you have formed a 'good officer, bad officer' dynamic, with her being the stick to your carrot. It's worked well over the last two years so far. Perhaps too well.

???: You don't know your commander well enough to reveal this.
???: You don't know your commander well enough to reveal this.
???: You don't know your commander well enough to reveal this.

Communications Officer

Homura Izumi

Age: 27

Martial: 11
Diplomacy: 20
Stewardship: 10
Intrigue: 10
Learning: 18

If not for the uniform Ensign Izumi would be a small and unassuming woman that you'd never really be able to picture on the bridge of a ship. The fact that she knows three languages, Japanese, Chinese, and English, makes her indispensable when it comes to dealing with local port authorities, though her lack of confidence seems to be a hindrance.

???: You don't know the ensign well enough to reveal this.
???: You don't know the ensign well enough to reveal this.
???: You don't know the ensign well enough to reveal this.

Supply Officer

Alex Cole

Age: 44

Martial: 10
Diplomacy: 12
Stewardship: 17
Intrigue: 17
Learning: 13

2nd Lieutenant Alex Cole is a model of efficiency and organisation when it comes to doing his job. In the last two years, you haven't heard a single complaint, nor have you been able to fault his work, with his only fault being that he's sometimes a bit surly. Last year he managed to catch a small drug shipment by noticing some irregularities in package size.

???: You don't know the Lieutenant well enough to reveal this.
???: You don't know the Lieutenant well enough to reveal this.
???: You don't know the Lieutenant well enough to reveal this.


Sasha Volkova

Age: 35

Martial: 12
Diplomacy: 10
Stewardship: 12
Intrigue: 15
Learning: 20

While Engineer Volkova is abrasive on the best of her days, the fact that she can make the L'Amour's engines purr like kittens is worth the price. You're still not certain how she managed to get greater than 100% fuel efficiency on your last Earth-Aldea run though.

???: You don't know Engineer Volkova well enough to reveal this.
???: You don't know Engineer Volkova well enough to reveal this.
???: You don't know Engineer Volkova well enough to reveal this.

Doctor (Medical)

Alexandro Campos

Age: 52

Martial: 14
Diplomacy: 16
Stewardship: 10
Intrigue: 10
Learning: 19

Dr. Campos serves the medical needs of the passengers and crew with a generally pleasing disposition and an attention to detail that nips even the smallest of medical concerns in the bud. If you had to fault him for anything, it'd be his tendency to hand out lollipops at the end of every exam and the fact that he's always behind on his paperwork. This is not helped by the fact that his signature is illegible.

???: You don't know Dr. Campos well enough to reveal this.
???: You don't know Dr. Campos well enough to reveal this.
???: You don't know Dr. Campos well enough to reveal this.
Next up is your cargo. This vote will be a bit more complicated than what you've done before and may bear some discussion.

Your cargo will determine your starting resources. The more you have, the better a start you'll get, but there's a catch. The more you get, the more likely it is that I'll throw in a complication, or multiple complications, that you'll need to overcome. You'll need to decide between having a strong start with many complications, or having a hard start with no complications, or anywhere in between.

I've made this clear by assigning each item a number of points. You can try to get a good mix without complications, or accept some mild complications in exchange for a better start. You can see what this looks like in the spoiler below.
[X] 200 Passengers (LOCKED) {Free}
[] Extra Passengers (1d100+100) {9 Points}
[] Marine Contingent (Company sized, 1d170+80 Marines) {9 Points}
[] Luxury Goods {9 Points}
[] Scientific Equipment {9 Points}
[] Industrial Equipment {6 Points}
[] Raw Materials {3 Points}
[] Data Hard Drives {3 Points}
[] Medical Supplies {6 Points}
[] Yeast {3 Points}
[] Potatoes {6 Points}
[] Chocolate {3 Points}
[] Mining Equipment {12 Points}

[] Biological Samples (Pick up to 36 points worth) {6 Points Each Live, 4 Points Each Genetic}
-[] Livestock (small)
-[] Staples (Wheat, Corn, Rice)
-[] Bees
-[] Insects (Various)
-[] Apple Saplings
-[] Bamboo Saplings
-[] Pine Saplings
-[] Oak Saplings
-[] Algae
-[] Orange Saplings
-[] Aldean Peppers
-[] Berries (Various)
-[] Cacao Saplings

All live samples can be taken as a genetic sample instead for four points individually, but will take much longer to cultivate and contribute to food supply in addition to requiring learning actions to unlock. Note that all votes taking more than six options in the live samples section of the vote will be counted as a genetic sample and not a live sample. If you exceed 36 points worth of biological samples, genetic or live, the vote will be invalid.

Your point thresholds are as follows:

50 Points: 1 Complication
80 Points: 2 Complications
110 Points: 3 Complications

Complications are basically monkey wrenches I can throw at you whenever I feel like it just to be annoying. :P

They won't ever be something you can't handle or result in a rocks fall everyone dies scenario, unless you choose to do something incredibly stupid. They can even work out to your benefit if you handle them well.
As this will be a bit more complicated, I'd like to introduce you to Planned Voting. Planned voting occurs when someone figures out a bunch of stuff, makes a vote name, and then votes for that plan. For example:

[X] Plan Winning

[X] Win
-[X] Win Some More

In order to support this plan, all you need to do is vote for [X] Plan Winning. All the subvotes count as part of Plan. If you don't like the plan, you can make your own.

Planned voting is useful for highly complicated votes; it allows me to tell these votes apart with ease and tag who voted for what more simply. It also makes things easier for you; if someone has already made a plan you like, you just vote for the plan name instead of copying and pasting a lengthy vote.

It's also useful for write ins that have multiple points to them or need to address potential contingencies.

A few sample votes are shown below. They aren't a recommendation, just to let you guys know what an acceptable vote looks like.
[X] Plan Hardware (72 Points)

[X] 200 Passengers (LOCKED) {Free}
[] Extra Passengers (1d100+100) {9 Points}
[] Marine Contingent (Company sized, 1d170+80 Marines) {9 Points}
[] Luxury Goods {9 Points}
[X] Scientific Equipment {9 Points}
[X] Industrial Equipment {6 Points}
[] Raw Materials {3 Points}
[X] Data Hard Drives {3 Points}
[X] Medical Supplies {6 Points}
[] Yeast {3 Points}
[] Potatoes {6 Points}
[] Chocolate {3 Points}
[X] Mining Equipment {12 Points}

[X] Biological Samples (Pick up to 36 points worth) {6 Points Each Live, 4 Points Each Genetic}
-[] Livestock (small)
-[] Staples (Wheat, Corn, Rice)
-[X] Bees
-[X] Insects (Various)
-[] Apple Saplings
-[X] Bamboo Saplings
-[X] Pine Saplings
-[X] Oak Saplings
-[] Algae
-[] Orange Saplings
-[X] Aldean Peppers
-[] Berries (Various)
-[] Cacao Saplings


The above is an acceptable vote that has live samples taken, meaning that what you're taking can much more quickly contribute to your colonists food supply. You do have a reserve of food aboard, enough for you to have completed your journey and reach port, but when that dries up, well, let's just say that Colonists without food will starve, and starving people aren't very governable.

The vote above also nets you a complication. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but do note that there was a bit more room to maneuver. A single additional six point item or two three point items could have been taken as well without blowing past the threshold for a second complication, so while this vote is acceptable, it definitely is sub optimal.

In order to support this plan, one does not need to copy the entirety of the plan. One simply needs to vote for [X] Plan Hardware. It is assumed that the person making the plan will not change it after the fact, or at the very least give people a heads up when the plan changes.


[X] Plan AGRICULTURE! (45 Points)

[X] 200 Passengers (LOCKED) {Free}
[] Extra Passengers (1d100+100) {9 Points}
[] Marine Contingent (Company sized, 1d170+80 Marines) {9 Points}
[] Luxury Goods {9 Points}
[] Scientific Equipment {9 Points}
[] Industrial Equipment {6 Points}
[] Raw Materials {3 Points}
[] Data Hard Drives {3 Points}
[] Medical Supplies {6 Points}
[X] Yeast {3 Points}
[X] Potatoes {6 Points}
[] Chocolate {3 Points}
[] Mining Equipment {12 Points}

[X] Biological Samples (Pick up to 36 points worth) {6 Points Each Live, 4 Points Each Genetic}
-[X] Livestock (small)
-[X] Staples (Wheat, Corn, Rice)
-[X] Bees
-[X] Insects (Various)
-[X] Apple Saplings
-[X] Bamboo Saplings
-[X] Pine Saplings
-[X] Oak Saplings
-[X] Algae
-[] Orange Saplings
-[] Aldean Peppers
-[] Berries (Various)
-[] Cacao Saplings

As with the above, this vote is also acceptable, though definitely not optimal. A three point item could have been taken, and it's harder to cultivate genetic samples since you need to grow them in a lab first... which in turn is also hard to do without proper scientific equipment. On the bright side, no complications for me to throw at you. On the downside, all the complications are of your own doing.


[X] Plan Random (69 Points)

[X] 200 Passengers (LOCKED) {Free}
[] Extra Passengers (1d100+100) {9 Points}
[] Marine Contingent (Company sized, 1d170+80 Marines) {9 Points}
[X] Luxury Goods {9 Points}
[] Scientific Equipment {9 Points}
[] Industrial Equipment {6 Points}
[X] Raw Materials {3 Points}
[X] Data Hard Drives {3 Points}
[] Medical Supplies {6 Points}
[] Yeast {3 Points}
[X] Potatoes {6 Points}
[] Chocolate {3 Points}
[X] Mining Equipment {12 Points}

[X] Biological Samples (Pick up to 36 points worth) {6 Points Each Live, 4 Points Each Genetic}
-[6] Livestock (small)
-[6] Staples (Wheat, Corn, Rice)
-[6] Bees
-[] Insects (Various)
-[4] Apple Saplings
-[] Bamboo Saplings
-[] Pine Saplings
-[4] Oak Saplings
-[4] Algae
-[6] Orange Saplings
-[] Aldean Peppers
-[] Berries (Various)
-[] Cacao Saplings


The difference between this plan and any other above is that it mixes and matches between genetic and live samples. You can see which samples are live and which are genetic, as I substituted the usual X in the checkbox with a number, 6 points for live samples, 4 points for genetic. Please note that despite this, the point cost still adds up to 36. Try to use up your full point cost here, because no matter what, taking live samples adds 36 points. Choosing only 30 points worth of samples will not net you a discount.
I encourage you all to discuss what you will absolutely need to get a good start. All things are useful, but some more than others. There are some no-brainers in that list, but there are also ones that may turn out to be surprisingly useful. Use your imagination to try and figure out the value of the various items and weigh up their potential costs.

If you have questions about the various cargo items you can carry, I'll answer as best I can without spoiling matters for down the road. This vote will remain open until a reasonably clear consensus forms.

I'd do this as a Survey if I could but the complexity means that survey monkey can't actually handle it, at least as far as I can figure.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

Eh, tricky choices... Let's see if I can whip up some preliminary builds here. Genetic samples are notated with italics.

EDIT to fix some faulty math on my part.

Plan Low Risk (1 Complication, 78 points):
[X] 200 Passengers (LOCKED) {Free}
[] Extra Passengers (1d100+100) {9 Points}
[] Marine Contingent (Company sized, 1d170+80 Marines) {9 Points}
[] Luxury Goods {9 Points}
[X] Scientific Equipment {9 Points}
[X] Industrial Equipment {6 Points}
[] Raw Materials {3 Points}
[X] Data Hard Drives {3 Points}
[X] Medical Supplies {6 Points}
[X] Yeast {3 Points}
[] Potatoes {6 Points}
[X] Chocolate {3 Points}
[X] Mining Equipment {12 Points}
[X] Biological Samples
Biological Samples (Pick up to 36 points worth) {6 Points Each Live, 4 Points Each Genetic}
-[X] Livestock (small)
-[X] Staples (Wheat, Corn, Rice)
-[X] Bees
-[] Insects (Various)
-[x] Apple Saplings
-[] Bamboo Saplings
-[] Pine Saplings
-[] Oak Saplings
-[X] Algae
-[] Orange Saplings
-[] Aldean Peppers
-[x] Berries (Various)
-[x] Cacao Saplings
Plan High Risk (2 Complications, 108 points):
[X] 200 Passengers (LOCKED) {Free}
[X] Extra Passengers (1d100+100) {9 Points}
[X] Marine Contingent (Company sized, 1d170+80 Marines) {9 Points}
[X] Luxury Goods {9 Points}
[X] Scientific Equipment {9 Points}
[X] Industrial Equipment {6 Points}
[X] Raw Materials {3 Points}
[X] Data Hard Drives {3 Points}
[X] Medical Supplies {6 Points}
[X] Yeast {3 Points}
[] Potatoes {6 Points}
[X] Chocolate {3 Points}
[X] Mining Equipment {12 Points}
[X] Biological Samples
Biological Samples (Pick up to 36 points worth) {6 Points Each Live, 4 Points Each Genetic}
-[X] Livestock (small)
-[X] Staples (Wheat, Corn, Rice)
-[X] Bees
-[] Insects (Various)
-[x] Apple Saplings
-[] Bamboo Saplings
-[] Pine Saplings
-[] Oak Saplings
-[X] Algae
-[] Orange Saplings
-[] Aldean Peppers
-[x] Berries (Various)
-[x] Cacao Saplings
Frankly I'm leaning toward High Risk, since we get a LOT more for just one extra complication. Still might not be fun to handle, but if we can turn it around we might actually get a bonus out of it. But I won't cast a vote until I see what the rest of you have to say on the subject.

Crop-wise, I prioritized food over utility, so staples and livestock are required. Algae is a must (seriously, google all the stuff you can do with it), and if we want fruit we need bees. Cacao and chocolate will make nice trade goods once we get it going. Lumber won't be that useful for building, since metal is a better (albeit slower) building material, and I doubt anyone will want to trade with us for it. If they do, we can use applewood. Berries are a nice starter for fruit, since they grow like mad and won't take years to set up like the orchards will.

Out of curiosity, could we take Biological Samples more than once to get extra picks if we wanted to?
Last edited by joestej on Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »



I think that the combination of extra passengers and the marines are a non brainer. The extra passengers to mitigate the problem of the limited population and the marines as a generally stable mean to handle internal security because people will be upset the moment they realize that they can't return home.

So I would like to call my plan : Plan Security
[X] 200 Passengers (LOCKED) {Free}
[X] Extra Passengers (1d100+100) {9 Points}
[X] Marine Contingent (Company sized, 1d170+80 Marines) {9 Points}
[] Luxury Goods {9 Points}
[] Scientific Equipment {9 Points}
[] Industrial Equipment {6 Points}
[] Raw Materials {3 Points}
[] Data Hard Drives {3 Points}
[X] Medical Supplies {6 Points}
[X] Yeast {3 Points}
[X] Potatoes {6 Points}
[] Chocolate {3 Points}
[] Mining Equipment {12 Points}
The above combination of passengers, food, medical supplies and marines is 9+9+6+3+6 which means 33 points at minimum for the cargo alone, this plan however entails that the passengers will be pacified peacefully by the combination of marines, medical supplies and ample food. If we leave it at this we are left with 17 points for no complications but I say that we should aim for 1, maybe 2 complications (which allows us to get all 36 points of Bio Samples and some more stuff).

Bio samples:
[] Biological Samples (Pick up to 36 points worth) {6 Points Each Live, 4 Points Each Genetic}
-[] Livestock (small)
-[] Staples (Wheat, Corn, Rice)
-[] Bees
-[] Insects (Various)
-[] Apple Saplings
-[] Bamboo Saplings
-[] Pine Saplings
-[] Oak Saplings
-[] Algae
-[] Orange Saplings
-[] Aldean Peppers
-[] Berries (Various)
-[] Cacao Saplings
The things that are going to be needed earliest are the Staples , Insects and Bees (local bug control and pollination), with probably Livestock (small) if this includes birds and various pest eating animals for a semi natural bug population control and full dietary coverage. So this means 6+6+6 = 18 if we don't pick livestock and 24 if we do. This limits our options. However if we put some of our extra population to help with pollination and local pest control then we may be able to skip insects and livestock, going with a Staples and Bees combo. The problem will then become one of meat proteins, we may have to settle a planet that doesn't have a ready and safe protein source and insects could offer a protein source until something better came along. If we go with just staples and bees as bio samples then that leaves us (36-12) = 24 Genetic samples, or 6 genetic samples. One of those has to be a safe fruit to combat scurvy in the mid game, oranges is the best for that because the orange tree produces a lot of fruits and also has the added benefit of being a tree (so 5 genetic samples remaining). Algae could be useful for terraforming a barely breathable atmosphere but it would need insects for control and it would take years for it to take effect so it ain't useful to have at first(this combo costs 2 genetic samples). Now the interesting choice is Cacao saplings because we don't know if some aliens can get addicted to this luxury but it costs a genetic sample. If we go with just the staples and bees combo then we either have to find a way to see if our people can eat from a local food chain (for the other dietary needs) or if we can genetical adapt our crops and bees to it. If we are to go with full biosphere take over then we will needs genetic samples of insects and small livestock.

This will depend with what we go for in regards to establishing a quick renewable food source.

Bamboo, trees, peppers and berries, don't know what we could use them for but let's leave those options open.

By using our full 36 bio points and the 33 for the Security plan we come up to 69 points. Which brings us 1 complication and leaves us with 10 points to spend before going into the second one. 40 points to spend if we go for 2 complications.

We will need scientific equipment in order to do tech research and probably adapt the genetic samples we will take, so that brings us to 78 points. Anything more than that gets us 2 complications.

However if we bite the bullet and accept the second complication that brings us an extra 31 points to spend.

Data hard drives will assist with research so +3
The combination of industrial and mining equipment is +18 points but it allows for establishing a quick industrial capacity. The problem will then be one of security but unless the ones causing trouble are unreasonable and have a warship the marines should be able to handle things. so combination of Hard drives and Industry is +21 which leaves us 10 points.

The choice then is between the combination of Raw materials and chocolate or just Luxury goods. Luxury goods could help with morale but if we pick Cocoa beans as a genetic samples then chocolate is a non brainer to check if we can establish a chocolate export business to aliens. Raw materials will help with the establishment of the equipment and initial colony without having to cannibalize the ship.

I would go with the combo of chocolate and raw mats. which leaves us 4 points to spend but nothing to spend them on. This of course is if we want to bite the bullet and face two complications.

EDIT forgot my recommendation:

Plan: Complicated Security with a headstart (105 points, 2 complications):
[X] 200 Passengers (LOCKED) {Free}
[X] Extra Passengers (1d100+100) {9 Points}
[X] Marine Contingent (Company sized, 1d170+80 Marines) {9 Points}
[] Luxury Goods {9 Points}
[X] Scientific Equipment {9 Points}
[X] Industrial Equipment {6 Points}
[X] Raw Materials {3 Points}
[X] Data Hard Drives {3 Points}
[X] Medical Supplies {6 Points}
[X] Yeast {3 Points}
[X] Potatoes {6 Points}
[X] Chocolate {3 Points}
[X] Mining Equipment {12 Points}

Bio Stuff:

-[x] Livestock (small) (4)
-[X] Staples (Wheat, Corn, Rice) (6)
-[X] Bees (6)
-[x] Insects (Various) (4)
-[] Apple Saplings
-[] Bamboo Saplings
-[] Pine Saplings
-[x] Oak Saplings (4)
-[] Algae
-[x] Orange Saplings (4)
-[] Aldean Peppers
-[x] Berries (Various) (4)
-[x] Cacao Saplings (4)
And Plan security without Headstart (1 complication):

[X] 200 Passengers (LOCKED) {Free}
[X] Extra Passengers (1d100+100) {9 Points}
[X] Marine Contingent (Company sized, 1d170+80 Marines) {9 Points}
[] Luxury Goods {9 Points}
[X] Scientific Equipment {9 Points}
[] Industrial Equipment {6 Points}
[] Raw Materials {3 Points}
[] Data Hard Drives {3 Points}
[X] Medical Supplies {6 Points}
[X] Yeast {3 Points}
[X] Potatoes {6 Points}
[] Chocolate {3 Points}
[] Mining Equipment {12 Points}

Bio Stuff:

-[x] Livestock (small) (4)
-[X] Staples (Wheat, Corn, Rice) (6)
-[X] Bees (6)
-[x] Insects (Various) (4)
-[] Apple Saplings
-[] Bamboo Saplings
-[] Pine Saplings
-[x] Oak Saplings (4)
-[] Algae
-[x] Orange Saplings (4)
-[] Aldean Peppers
-[x] Berries (Various) (4)
-[x] Cacao Saplings (4)
Last edited by Guest on Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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