Halfway station RP thread.

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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by sunphoenix »

Well for a RP game to sort of begin.. we would have to decide upon a game system to adjudicate the action... we have been using BESM... but it is NOT the only system. That way we also have some means to define... character creation and character capabilities. GURPS could work as Arioch has shown... but the point values between Beryl, Tempo and Fireblade are... significant so some idea of what system and what point values or whatever would be nice to have beforehand.
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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by Sweforce »

sunphoenix wrote:Well for a RP game to sort of begin.. we would have to decide upon a game system to adjudicate the action... we have been using BESM... but it is NOT the only system. That way we also have some means to define... character creation and character capabilities. GURPS could work as Arioch has shown... but the point values between Beryl, Tempo and Fireblade are... significant so some idea of what system and what point values or whatever would be nice to have beforehand.
A simple system could do on the station. Leaving the station to go on an adventure another system could be needed. Unless there is a need for some cloak and dagger on going on on the station a simple storytelling system could work just as well. Star Trek DS9 is a good model of what I have in mind.

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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by Absalom »

[edited in]
This was directed mostly at sunphoenix, not really at Sweforce. Though that last bit applies regardless.

Sweforce wrote:
ShadowDragon8685 wrote:Here's a question: Are you planning on this being a PbP style of normal tabletop RPG, or is it freeform RP without any stats?

Here's another question: We have a Discord Server, that could allow for real-time RP and/or real-time OOC discussion. I imagine Carl wouldn't object much to making a Halfway Station RP and Halfway Station OOC channel, if people are interested.
Completely social, no stats. However, if someone want to "go on an adventure" then that is excellent. Consider the station for most parts as the traditional inn the roleplaying characters meet up in at the beginning of an fantasy game. At the station maybe there is a report of something that needs to be investigated in a nearby system. A ship is prepared to scout it out, some players join in as crew members and THAT would be the another RP adventure. After that, eventually, the survivors return to the base. Of this reason there may also be the need to have more then one character if the adventure thread update to slowly for a while. The character I presented in the beginning is part of the stations maintenance crew and as such unlikely to leave at all. It is a almost purely social character.
Probably just as well, actual rp systems on a forum strike me as only being a good idea if the forum has a plug-in that supports the rp system. Forums are free-form, thus most or all RPs for them realistically should be as well.

If you want this RP to happen, then post in-character instead of equivocating.

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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by sunphoenix »

I'm not fond of 'free-form' RP... it seems too much like a popularity contest with the rest of the players for the storyteller to adjudicate. For instance... 'my character has computer hacking as a skill.' 'Neat... so does mine!'" Well which one is the more skilled hacker? Mr Storyteller... and how do you determine that without solid stats for skills and abilities?
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by Krulle »

*Chuck Norris walks in*
*addressing the puppet players behind the characters he can see:*This ain't a popularity conquest.
This is a place to hang out and socialize while in-character.
No stats, no tasks.
Just talk.
About your character's life, or universe politics.

This is the tavern where your group forms and posibly finds a quest.
Except, there are no quests here.
*Chuck walks out again*
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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by Sweforce »

sunphoenix wrote:I'm not fond of 'free-form' RP... it seems too much like a popularity contest with the rest of the players for the storyteller to adjudicate. For instance... 'my character has computer hacking as a skill.' 'Neat... so does mine!'" Well which one is the more skilled hacker? Mr Storyteller... and how do you determine that without solid stats for skills and abilities?
Let's just say a system easy enough to get you locked up in rules discussions. I have seen PnP roleplaying meetings spending more time on on that then actually advancing the story. So something that is easy to handle.

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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by Diodri »

Free form roleplay is indeed difficult. It takes compromise and writing skill from all players to be fair and accommodating, while at the same time telling a compelling story. It's very easy to do badly, I've been a part of many forum based roleplays over the years, some have gone well, but ultimately none have ever reached a conclusion (most due to eventual disinterest, some due to a problematic players).

However, it can be done, in fact, if we plan on using this forum as the medium, free form is almost the only way to go about it, as rules such as dice rolling and the like are cumbersome unless everyone is also in IRC doing it in real time and whatnot.

But when you get right down to it, even table top games like Dungeons and Dragons and GURPS are, at their core, just collaborative stories no different from a free form roleplay. I've also been a DM for many years, and I have come to realize this. The dice are just a way to tease out the fine details and to make the game feel challenging and rewarding. But the dice are meaningless in the end, because the world is subject to the DM's whims. A character can say, "I attack this monster". He rolls his dice. I hum and ha, and then determine the outcome. 90% of the time I go by what the dice say, because I find the game to be most interesting that way and the players do too, but really, I could fabricate every result and the players would not know the difference. That's because the essence of DND is the story, not the rolls.

I'm not really sure how to conclude my thoughts, but the TL;DR is this: If you want any RP to work, it requires collaboration of all players. Your character has to be believable (not some Godlike force), you need to have flaws, you need to work with other players and remember, the goal is to create a story and a world that everyone wants to be in and is simply fun to read. That's why we're here right? To try and experience this universe that Arioch has introduced us to.

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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by Absalom »

And this is ultimately why I think the "run-away" part of "run-away male Loroi" idea is nonsense: too much power-fantasy, not enough average-character. If you want to go around min-maxing then just play a hack'n'slash instead of pretending to role play. If you can't find a sensible reason for your character to be there, then you really aren't trying. If you focus on playing a character that's achieved the absurd (e.g. surreptitiously arming a jump-capable and thus multi-person starship, evading capture despite having any reason to need to evade capture, and then being welcomed into the administration of a group that deeply wants to maintain friendly relations with the group that he evaded), then it mostly implies that you aren't willing to accept the reasonable (e.g. accepting an invitation to travel with a small fleet to set-up and maintain an embassy and investigate an alien space station as an adjunct to a Loroi diplomatic delegation: the Loroi aren't stifling mother hens, just militaristic and matriarchal).

There should, for example, be relatively little reason for storyteller adjudication, because most of it comes down to the players, not the GM/DM. In your very first character post to the RP you should demonstrate your character's outlook, principal skill focus (try to make it reasonable: "Cisco cracker" makes sense, "Master hacker" just says that you watch too many cheesy & inaccurate hacker movies), and primary history (e.g. male Loroi journeyman station architect). In following posts you should take into consideration the portrayed outlook, skills, and history of any characters you're interacting with. No invented neuroses or relationships, no stealing the spot-light, because every character rightfully should have their own spot-light, and leave the "big and important stuff" for NPCs: the important people don't have time to go larking off on a quest for quadrilight toilet paper when they have both average stuff and cheap gas-station styles already onboard, only minor characters get to do that stuff (no, you don't get to play a Rogue Trader who's the center of the story, because that would be either boring for you, or unfair for other characters).

In short, if you need a formal system in a forum game, it means you're over-reaching and need to work within either your limits, or the limits of the other players.

Also, sunphoenix, there's no way you'd be able to pull off what you're describing your character to have done within any sane points limit. Equipment costs points too, after all, and a starship is really far up the cost list.

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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by Diodri »

I agree with you that the run-away male Loroi does not really gel with the Outsider story, or what we have seen of it so far. If Sunphoenix is really dead set on playing a male Loroi, there could be a small cadre of males on the station. (That introduces it's own problems, and males are not really fighters and would just sit around getting laid.) The Loroi caste system does not really allow for males to do much of anything but philosophize and mate.

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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by ShadowDragon8685 »

Wow. The amount of "stop having fun" and "you don't get to play someone important/awesome" here is staggering.

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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by Krulle »

In other forums there are tavern/inn like RP in-character threads too. Mostly, they are no game, just some in-character chat.
I'm not interested myself, but have observed them.
The best ones are the ones where there isn't much of a character description.
You just walk in, descrbe what you look like, order your beer and wait and see what happens/who approaches you/listen in to interesting talk and give unwanted remarks on that...
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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by Diodri »

Wow. The amount of "stop having fun" and "you don't get to play someone important/awesome" here is staggering.
Whoa let's back up a minute here, that's not what we're saying, or at least, that's not what I am trying to say. I'm happy to let people play what they want, as long as it makes some kind of sense. Ultimately it comes down to, how strict you/we want to be with the canon, which I don't think has been nailed down yet.

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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by Absalom »

ShadowDragon8685 wrote:Wow. The amount of "stop having fun" and "you don't get to play someone important/awesome" here is staggering.
You need to understand that "games you play with others" and "games you play with yourself" are different sorts of games. Both can be fun, but they are usually NOT the same sort of game. sunphoenix's character ideas are not compatible with both the game as described, and "games you play with others" at the same time. They could probably work in some other setting (one where it actually makes sense for a player character to have their own ship, for one), but they have too much power fantasy in them to mesh well with the game in the way that it's been described.

At any rate, if what you got out of my post at least was "stop having fun", then you missed the point: the point was "that version of fun doesn't mix with other people's version of fun", their version being the version where they get to have fun. The character that sunphoenix described would basically have to:
1) be the dominant character in the game, or
2) be separated off from all of the other characters, or
3) have no further involvement with his own backstory,
just as a consequence of how nonsensical the backstory is.

Why did the character have to run away (hint: Loroi males aren't cloistered obsessively as though by a domineering mother, they are actual productive members of society)? How did he get a jump-capable ship to himself, despite the fact that jump-capable ships are large multi-person vessels with large multi-person crews(no seriously, how? if it was inheritance, then it would go to a clan or sub-clan. if he stole it, there's no way he'd be accepted. the whole thing is so implausible that it's honest-to-goodness nonsense)? How did he get starship-grade weapons in the first place? How did he install them without the shipyard techs noticing (note: this bit is almost guaranteed to make the character a criminal)? How did he evade capture (or destruction) by military ships despite them having some sort of reason to capture him (see again: why did the character have to run away? note that once they notice that you've taken a military-grade ship or have unauthorized ship-board weapons, you're pretty high up on the "kill or capture on sight" list, simply because you've departed from the norm in dangerous-to-others ways)? Why would he be made part of the security apparatus on the station (no really, why would they do that? if it's a TCA station, they'll use TCA marines, if it's a joint station, the Loroi will have a say, if it's civie then he'll still have to get certifications which he won't have because he's a Loroi male, and can't get because he'd have to go to TCA or Loroi space to get them. they still wouldn't hire him because here's a suspicious Loroi male showing up out of the blue to ask for a security job. the only reason I can think of is that he's threatening the station with his ship's weapons, in which case sunphoenix gets to have every other character trying to kill him: and if he gets do have such an outlandish character, then someone else gets to play as a Human Cyber Ninja, and kill him in their first post. seriously, it's just a pile of dubious ideas piled up until it's insane)?

And no, "refuge in audacity" is not a valid strategy for getting a character accepted into an RP, you're thinking of "amuse the other characters with absurd exploits". They may seem similar, but they are in fact completely different.

As for playing someone important/awesome, the first scales with the RP situation (the guys sitting in the doctor's waiting room aren't important right now, even if they've just gotten off their job of splitting planets with utter force of will), and the second usually isn't actually awesome if the player finds their character to be awesome most of the time: if the character is usually doing "awesome" things (instead of having one or two awesome moments during a quest) then it's more likely that they're just obnoxious to everyone else (I have literally worked with someone who had "awesome" tattooed on their arm: good worker, but actually annoying and childish instead of awesome). "What to do with Jardin"-style characters can be fun in stories if well-written, but they are not fun in multi-player games unless you're the one playing the ball of obnoxiousness: everyone else gets to play SOMEWHERE ELSE (a.k.a. ignore you), Umiak (a.k.a. exist solely to be your chew toy), Fragile Spear (a.k.a. exist solely to suffer for your amusement, so an allied chew toy), or The Triad (a.k.a. exist solely to support your self-glorification). Steam-rollers like that don't belong in multi-person RPs.

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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by sunphoenix »

Uhm.. Excuse me.. but where did you get ANY of that form what I suggested? I had not bothered with any detail or even a fully fleshed out story as WE HAVE NO CHARACTER CREATION SYSTEM!!!

1. No Amber Eyes does not own his own ship.. though a small orbital launch might not be out of the question.

2. He merely did not tell his over protective sisters what he had in mind. The only thing I inferred is that Amber Eyes might be considered affluent in wealth.

3. As for armed, I'm sure Loroi do hunting and other sports .. he merely purchased weapons available to civilians.. not military grade weapons but a hunting blaster or a sidearm. Likely considering the danger of certain beast there is also civilian grade protective armor and gear.. so he purchased some.

4. No he did not steal a jump capable ship he merely bought a travel ticket likely upon a freighter to parts unknown to his immediate protectors and then never told them where he was going.

5. As for qualifying for a security job ... are you serious? There are many levels of security jobs many of which have no need to carry a firearm.. now your just being obnoxious. A Loroi male applying for a job as a security person on a joint civilian station might be seen as an asset actually considering how stand-offiish most Loroi would likely seem.

6. NONE of this matters as we have no character generation system to fairly or evenly adjudicate what can and more importantly CANNOT be done by a 'starting character'.

Please refrain from ascribing to me suppositions I never posted or even suggested.
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by Absalom »

sunphoenix wrote:Uhm.. Excuse me.. but where did you get ANY of that form what I suggested? I had not bothered with any detail or even a fully fleshed out story as WE HAVE NO CHARACTER CREATION SYSTEM!!!
Sorry, but I got it from reading your description. Literally, I got it from reading your description. None of your rebutals were implied in your post, so I went with the most direct interpretation, i.e, the one that was relevant when going to a space station instead of a nature preserve.
sunphoenix wrote:1. No Amber Eyes does not own his own ship.. though a small orbital launch might not be out of the question.
Here's a quote of your post:
sunphoenix wrote:He got about his civilian ship and took a flight to human-space
I certainly wasn't going to assume that another ship was involved in the trip, since it is not implied anywhere.
sunphoenix wrote:3. As for armed, I'm sure Loroi do hunting and other sports .. he merely purchased weapons available to civilians.. not military grade weapons but a hunting blaster or a sidearm. Likely considering the danger of certain beast there is also civilian grade protective armor and gear.. so he purchased some.
Considering the nature of Loroi society, I don't think that civilians would be allowed to have actual weapons, probably not even on the scale of high-power airguns.
sunphoenix wrote:5. As for qualifying for a security job ... are you serious? There are many levels of security jobs many of which have no need to carry a firearm.. now your just being obnoxious.
No, I'm being serious. It's not a cheap resource (even just as bulk materials, a station will be hideously expensive), and the insurance company will require all of the security guards to have professional training, even if the station authority doesn't care (the station authority will care, because you don't get that much money to swing around without caring). Security training isn't just about firearms (in fact it mostly isn't about weapons), it's largely about the laws & regulations that apply to security guards & police, first aid, writing reports, etc. In a course schedule booklet that I have on my desk, you are required to complete two other unarmed courses before you're allowed to take the firearms course (because guns actually don't matter in ordinary law enforcement duties, just the unusual stuff), and the third course (out of five) is actually a private investigator course instead of a gun course.
sunphoenix wrote:A Loroi male applying for a job as a security person on a joint civilian station might be seen as an asset actually considering how stand-offiish most Loroi would likely seem.
I suspect that you're thinking of a bureaucratic job instead of a security job. There are bureaucratic jobs within police forces, but they're pretty rare (most police forces are fairly small, and honestly need to focus on doing the most fundamental parts of the job). A Public Relations department would be more of what you seem to be looking for.

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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by Tamri »

I agree with Absalom. SC - is primarily a special preparation, not just weapons and skill with them. And the Loroi man get this training is simply nowhere. This is the first.

Second - totalitarian structures are usually very tightly regulate the access of its citizens to arms, especially if there is a division between civil and security agencies. I don't think that getting weapons in the Union for Loroi (especially men), bypassing the state - an easy task. Especially considering the attitude of Loroi to the military sphere and matching attributes as a "high" employment. It is more correct to compare the Union would not modernity, but rather with the Middle Ages, where only certain classes of people had the right to own and use weapon.

Third, directly coming out of the second - Loroi men are full-fledged members of society, but carefully controlled and protected members of society. I doubt that a Loroi man can just come to the spaceport and say "Hey, I'm a one way ticket to the TCA please" and doesn't cause any questions. Plus, I'm not sure that they have the money - they are provided by the state, or of their custodian structure. In addition, I, again, not sure what the Loroi men own all the necessary for a fully independent life skills (or at least a trivial applied profession).

And finally, the fourth (and most harsh) - your character is Loroi. Given the inherent structure of any security default level of paranoia, seems to me highly unlikely that the security service will take Loroi (of either sex) to the service, especially on field work, under any circumstances. What would have been easier, abstracted from Loroi, and imagine the same Oges, who came to the FBI, and said, "I heard you needed the staff. I will take?". What do you think, what will be the response? Especially considering p.1-2, in your case.

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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by Suederwind »

Hi Guys!
Not really sure I should write a few things here, as I am not interested in playing in this RP (no time at the moment). But there are some things I would like to add on the whole "male Loroi as a playercharacter" discussion:
1.) Such a character would be interesting, as they are currently not present in the comic, but play an important part in Loroi society. The RP could benefit from it, if the character is well played and the player knows its boundaries.
2.) The player could show us a bit about the "inner workings" of a Loroi male. Would he be not confused in such a situation with all those similar looking aliens, all these human males around him and all those females that would react very differntly to his presence, than he is used to?
3.) The player hast the chance to develop the background of his char basically from scratch, as there are few informations. What cast would he be? Why is he there? There will be a strong motivation neeeded to explain the later.

1.) Lets face it: Loroi males are tiny and physically weak. Depending on the setting, this can be a serious downside.
2.) Like mentioned by others before: the Loroi are a basically a militaristic dictatorship. Also their males are rare and protected, like we protect our children. I can't imagine why they should let a male wander around or travel to the TCA. Someone will notice him and, againe, I can't imagine a Loroi frighter captain taking him aboard without facing the consequences. If we add to the mix, that this male might be a strong telepath, then the gripp of the Loroi goverment will be even tighter. Regardless, I am sure no Loroi will be able to simply buy a ticket on a starship and travel around freely.
3.) And they major point against such a character: we know they have a very strong sexdrive, so far that they get sick if they can't let off some steam, so to speak. I can imagine that this will lead to some _very_ unpleasant scenes with female player or nonplayer characters, because Loroi males are apparently used to get "helped" if they develop such a "problem" by any female around.

As a rather expirienced GM, I would suggest choosing a different character. I wouldn't go as far as call a Loroi male unplayable, but from my point of view, its not far off.
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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by dragoongfa »


If I may make a suggestion about the plausibility of your character, we do know that Loroi males are over protected and kept away from the female masses in order to limit the population growth.

A fertile Loroi male running around freely would be a big no no in Loroi society but a Loroi male who would want to travel around and 'escape' the usual restrictions of Loroi society would have to undergo the Loroi equivalent of a vasectomy or vasalgel injection.

Would make an interesting character tidbit as well as allowing for the much needed freedom he would crave. (He could also mate at will with any Loroi without any issue since infertile).

EDIT: @Suederwind

I think that most of the restrictions put in place on Loroi males revolve around their fertility, a Loroi male let loose among the masses would probably end up impregnating dozens of females in days. Probably thousands in a couple of months. Remember that most Loroi females don't have any access to males and as such they would be the ones jumping at him on sight.

Now a chronically uncooperative and 'rogueish' male who suffers from wanderlust would be hard to control, even with his biological weakness. Its not beyond the realm of impossibility that such a male would be 'allowed' to go somewhat free provided that he would not be able to father any children.

As for the sex drive need, Arioch has said that the Loroi over exaggerate the issues their males have with not mating. They won't die, from what I have gathered they just produce too much 'seed' when frequently mating which tends to leak if not 'drained'. IIRC There are some small castes of relatively celibate males scattered around the Union.

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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by sunphoenix »

...yes, yes, yes... I'm sure EVERY Female Loroi turns into a rapist in the presence of unprotected male.

...And despite their having ultra-tech weapons that can lay waste to planetary surfaces.. the concept of a 'condom' is lost on them for controlling their population growth in means less than surgery.

Yeah, whatever dudes.. you can play all you want in your little close-minded universe... have fun.
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
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Re: Halfway station RP thread.

Post by dragoongfa »

So you went to Rape...

Let me put it like this:

The vast majority of Loroi females have scant if at all access to males; access that is tightly controlled by the warrior castes. One male ends up in one of the poor civilian districts which for all intents and purposes are the bottom of the barrel of Loroi society, the Loroi there have either not ever seen a male or have have a few minutes fling with one that was assigned to them. Saying that they will pursue the one in a lifetime opportunity for a direct encounter with a male is an understatement.

However the forming of a 'rape gang' is an over exaggeration. Loroi are socially conditioned (if not biologically conditioned) to be over protective of their males, the male in question will not be in any short of physical danger. He will be seen as the rarest of treasures for the down rotten Loroi in question (unlike how some human criminal gangs see women).

The problems wont be for him but for the warrior castes that see males as a control mechanism for their whole society. They will try to get him back and the civilians will riot to keep him where he is.

EDIT: TL;DR: Control of males is power, power that the warrior castes cannot allow to flee from their tight grasp. If a male is just to bothersome to control (because they can't violently coerce them) then they will at least make sure that they wont father thousands upon thousands of Loroi when they are free of oversight.

I can see why you could infer a mass 'rape orgy' if a lone male was around but that would require a mass breakdown of Loroi society to happen.

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