Writing Prompts

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

My take on this was that
  • 'They' pretty much kept the Orgus' presence under wraps and had them sequestered in some remote area on Earth, most probably under surveillance at best or in some sort of research facility/military compound at worst.
  • That in turn means the news of sapient alien life might not have been that widespread. And I think 'they' pretty much keep it low key, because of 'national security' (the catchall phrase for 'let's keep it quiet and the populace in the dark') and to avoid a mass panic.
  • And because of that, they might even be less inclined to fess up that Earth and the humans had almost been in a crossfire between two interstellar superpowers.
  • Not to mention the fact that one of these two alien species may be very much patterned after humans. The upheaval in Loroi society might pale in comparison to the upheaval in human society.
So... Enough reasons why the presence of the Loroi might not have been news all around. And as long as no one takes a closer look at their ship's interior, it could be explained away as a fancy pleasure barge owned by rich kids.

And, on the other side, I portrayed Melvin (and his mother) as to be not that affluent. If someone has to make ends meet from one day to another or one month to another, aliens might not be on the forefront of their thoughts.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Krulle »

He may know about the Loroi as people, but it may well be that the TCA did not disseminate images of any kind.

Would be weird, because there was a war, and it's over, so there has likely been a longer contact than just a formal channel to the core world.

Also: Melvin and his mum are running a bar, which means working long times and long hours.
You tend to push a lot of other things, like following news, to the background.
Spacefaring visitors though, which likely have heard, seen, and tell rumours like anything.
But sicne you'd expect a lot of rumours, you mostly ignore them.
(But then, he should've at elast spent a second on "oh, look, another rumour come true, some pilots spent money on facial surgery to look like an Anime character" - which you basically did.)

But indeed, to be brushed off like this...
Maybe Melvin should show them these C-rated films to make them understand.
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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

The TCA hiding stuff isn't that weird when one thinks about it; they are a multinational/global organization who don't directly 'answer' to the people and as such they can be as secretive as they would like/are ordered. They also control most, if not all, of the interstellar infrastructure and communications channels; if the powers that be decided to keep things hush hush until the time was right then they could do so.

The reasons as to why the TCA could elect to do this are simple once one thinks about it; the Orgus refugees have too high of a profile to hide but the war and its scope could be downplayed and 'swept under the rag' for some time until more information came out. Humanity taking sides in the war? That would be a really hard sell. Being coerced to do so? Even harder. The simplest solution would be to keep the contact missions and the whole 'no neutrality' thing hidden and then sell the side that humanity chose as the 'good guys' fighting the 'absolute evil'.

If the TCA allied with the Loroi but the war ended without it entering human space then the TCA would be able to start a gradual declassification and a gradual trickle down the truth.

All things considered the two parts posted so far hint on this being the case. The TCA and port authorities 'know' of the Loroi but the regular populace has yet to be shown anything about them. To the average smuck aliens are supposed to be 'alien' and not blue space elves who are just acting weird.

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Re: Backwater

Post by EdwardSteed »

orion1836 wrote: You assume we can even engage in this 'marriage' practice in the short amount of time we have. May I remind you that while I know it exists, I know almost nothing about the practicalities of it.
novius wrote: "Do you really want me to believe that you came looking for men? C'mon, that's so C-rated porn movie plot. And with you looking like this, I'd wager C-rated porn movie plot for complete sci-fi nerds. Nope, not gonna fall for it. Now buzz off and tell Arthur he can do better than that." Not waiting for an answer Melvin turned away towards the nearest table to start scrubbing it with added gusto.

Windfall blinked as she tried to process what just happened. As inexplicable as it sounded, she just got spurned by a male. And she had not a clue why, because half of what that male said was way over her head.
They may not know half of those words yet but once the crew does some quick research on the local net for this "porn" that the pretty male spoke about our friendly Loroi will be far more knowledgeable about the human mating customs they need to follow in order to claim a mate-for-life. Count down to major diplomatic incident in 3..2..

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Re: Backwater

Post by kiwi »

EdwardSteed wrote: They may not know half of those words yet but once the crew does some quick research on the local net for this "porn" that the pretty male spoke about our friendly Loroi will be far more knowledgeable about the human mating customs they need to follow in order to claim a mate-for-life. Count down to major diplomatic incident in 3..2..
Well, unless porn has changed a lot by that point, they won’t learn about human relationships. Porn is developed as entertainment, not education, and not really honest about the sex either. Which makes it really concerning when you hear about teenagers saying things like “you mean that it isn’t normal to choke the woman during sex?”

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

It isn't?

The Loroi should do better in societies that see marriage more as a contract still. I'm sure there will be more than enough men who'd happily leave human space for a live amongst the technologically superiour Loroi.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

"I take it back, they actually wrote something that turned out to be true in the dossier!" Special Agent Mary Simmons said as the two of them finally stopped laughing.

"Which part? The part that Loroi may be sex starved or the fact that they may find short teenagers 'hot'?" Special Agent Antony Ramirez replied. "I distinctly remember you calling bull on everything!"

"It ain't my fault that it all looked like it came out of a weird teenager's secret sex fantasy book!" Simmons protested. "And don't forget that you are the one who said: 'Blue Space Elves? Really?' out loud at the briefing."

"Just voiced what we all thought." Ramirez replied. "It was fun and all observing them but I suggest we make ourselves known before people actually realize that they really are aliens and not rich and eccentric cosplayers playing a prank at the poor fringe yokels again. The crowd will be overwhelming and I am sure that both the governor and the planetary council will want to meet them in person before the media decides to look away from the latest gossips about the Karesians for a few minutes in order to look into what's trending at espernet."

"Whose idea was it again to sit back and observe at the first place?" Simmons asked.

"Shang's and the director agreed, the governor told him that it is our jurisdiction unless someone makes a mess out of it." Ramirez said with a smirk.

"I can understand the weeb but how did the director agree at the first place?" Simmons asked.

"Don't know, probably thought that we would learn more by observing them a little at first. It's not like the dossiers are ever wrong, is it?"

"I sure hope that whoever wrote the Loroi one gets a raise; so do we both go or do we rock, paper, scissor it?" Simmons asked and Ramirez just raised his closed fist in response at that. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Better not spook them with a crowd and I think that they would be more open to discuss things with a friendly man."

"Before or after they try to solicit you for a romp?" Simmons pointed out.

"A woman may be able to relate to them as well." Ramirez replied with a shrug. "So, are we doing this or what?"


* * *

"Alright, alright, you convinced me; first we try to learn more about their cultural norms and then we try to find eager passengers to come with us." Windfall finally relented, passing along the desire that she just wanted to maintain the momentum of their early arrival and get some profit going before the big guilds rush in with their fleets and snatch up everything of worth.

"Rushing without forethought won't do us any good, remember that I know the bare minimum about them and most of it came from a single male and the first diplomatic exchanges before the war's end. It is a lot more than what everyone without ties to the government knows but it is still not enough to make agreements with them!" Ember replied.

"I know that already but we still need to work fast!" Windfall replied.

"I agree, let's see how the others fared before we discuss this further; maybe some of them got lucky and...

"Excuse me ladies, would you mind if I joined you?" The sudden introduction mentally startled both of them but thankfully Windfall was quick on the uptake.

"No, not at all." Windfall replied instantly and the human male took the empty seat next her. He was taller than both of them, with dark hair, brown eyes and a slightly brownish skin tone; his clothing seemed to be unremarkable when compared with all the other human males they had seen so far.

"Thanks." He said and paused for a moment to study both of them; Windfall just stared at him and tried to come up with something to say but he broke her train of thought with the very next thing he said. "So, what brings you and your ship to Esperanza so early?"

"What do you mean?" Windfall asked as Ember's mind was filled with alert worry.

"The agreement with the Union was that regular civilian traffic would be established a dozen nanapis or so from now." The man said with heavily accented Trade. "To ease things in, inform the populace, establish protocols and all that."

"We wanted to..." Windfall begun to absentmindedly reply but Ember mentally cut her off before she could even think to finish.

"Don't say anything!" The former warrior sent, passing along the need to learn about him and the situation they were in before divulging any further information. Windfall just nodded at Ember at that.

"Sanzai must be awesome." The man said in Trade again before switching back to English. "Where are my manners; I am Special Agent Antony Ramirez of Esperanza's Intelligence Bureau. We have been monitoring you, your ship and your crew from the moment you entered orbit. I decided to introduce myself after hearing your discussion with the young waiter over there."

"You have been monitoring us? Why?" Ember asked at that.

"It's a small colony and not a lot of things happen here, an alien civilian freighter arriving long before it was supposed to was bound to draw attention. If anything it allowed us to see if the briefings we received about your kind were anywhere near accurate." He replied with a smile. "For once they seem to have been accurate, although they did mention that civilians don't wear armor and shave their heads."

"We are part of the merchant marine and we are on an alien world, we are given some latitude for security reasons provided that the armors do not have the scheme of a warrior caste." Windfall replied as Agent Ramirez signaled the male Windfall had approached earlier; he visibly scoffed and approached their table with visible annoyance.

"What is it now? Need help with coming up with a better porn plot?" Agent Ramirez just chuckled at that.

"Easy there Melvin; you will make our guests blush."

"Do I know you?" The male, Melvin, said as he visibly tensed up.

"What's going on?" Windfall asked Ember at that.

"Just observe for now, let's see how this develops." Ember replied.

"Relax, this should clear things up." Agent Ramirez said as he procured a plastic card from a pocket and gave it to Melvin who glanced at it and run it over a small device he took out before speaking again.

"You E.I.B?" Melvin asked as he gave the card back.

"Isn't that what your phone said?" Agent Ramirez replied. "Anyway, these two fine ladies here are indeed aliens and yes they did try to solicit you to go with them. No, the deal is off the table because soliciting a minor for sex is a crime."

"How did you..." Melvin begun before realizing something. "You used a fly?"

"We call them mosquitoes nowadays and I and my partner heard everything." Agent Ramirez replied. "Now, how old are you?"

"Fourteen sir."

"And I wager that you are helping with the family business; good boy." Agent Ramirez commented as he took out a small device of his own and typed something on it. "Here is a tip from me in order for you to forget what the lady here tried to do; not fair for them to get into trouble for laws they don't know after all. Just do me a favor and wait a couple of hours before spreading the news in the web and tell your mother that the three bottles they brought in are the first of their kind in Terran Space so she doesn't undersell them." Melvin just looked at Agent Ramirez and then at Windfall and Ember before glancing at his device before glancing at Agent Ramirez again. "That's not a typo Melvin, just make sure that you forget this whole misunderstanding."

"Of course sir, thank you sir!" Melvin replied while duck-nodding before rushing at the office where the female server had disapeared earlier.

"Kids these days..." Agent Ramirez said out loud before turning back at Windfall and Ember. "Now, where were we?"

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

Had to post something about this side story; couldn't resist.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Krulle »

That's a great part. I like it.

Going from porn plot to agent movie?
Quite a few film customers might be very disappointed, depending on how the trailer was cut...
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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

The two Loroi just glanced at each other for a few long moments before the Captain, Windfall, spoke again?

"Did I commit a crime?" She asked with a straight expression.

"No but you were certainly going to, even if you did not know our laws about it." Agent Ramirez leaned back on his chair before continuing. "The boy you talked to is underage; legally speaking he cannot consent to sex with an adult even if he wanted it. On top of it taking him anywhere without his parents permission would be a kidnapping of a minor. Even if you somehow gained permission from his parents the reasons as to why you wanted him to travel with you would certainly fall under human trafficking laws and sexual exploitation of minors. All of the above are quite heavy crimes even if he enthusiastically agreed to everything beforehand."

"He is underage?" Windfall asked as she glanced at her companion.

"He is fourteen years old, a teenager. He would legally be an adult at 18 but most humans fully mature at around 20 or so." Ramirez replied. "I take it that you didn't know that?"

"He looks exactly like one of our males and we do not really know much about humans in general." The other Loroi replied.

"Good thing that we have been keeping watch over you and your crew; my agency doesn't want a misunderstanding to sour human outlook to our new friends." He replied with a smile and paused as the two of them glanced at each other again for a few moments; telepathy was indeed amazing but they weren't able to hide the tension that the silent discussion must have had.

"And do we owe you a favor for making sure that we would not commit such a crime?" Windfall asked.

"If I was a Jerk I would say yes but no, you do not really owe us anything." Both of them eased up at that and he smiled before continuing. "What my agency has in mind is a mutually beneficial exchange; we give you something that you want in exchange for something that we want. No hidden agenda, favors owed or trouble involved."

"What sort of an exchange?" Windfall asked with obvious interest.

"Depends of what both of us want; lets start with something small and say that my agency is really interested in double checking what we have been told about your kind. We have no reason to believe that the information your government has given us about your kind and the Union in general is wrong or falsified but governments tend to say what's best for them and rarely divulge uncomfortable details. An accomplished and daring civilian briefing us and correcting what we were told would certainly be a boon to my agency and humanity in general." Ramirez replied and was momentarily taken by surprise when Windfall frowned.

“Accomplished and daring civilian…” She begun. “False flattery isn’t something that we Loroi take kindly to.”

“I certainly tried to flatter you, but I didn’t lie; a Captain of your own vessel, taking it to a new frontier to grasp whatever opportunities may be found there. Starfaring vessels are not cheap and easy to come by nor would the average Captain risk everything into such an endeavor; some would call you foolhardy, but I prefer calling you daring since there are certainly opportunities to be had here.” He replied with a smile. “Especially if one has friends who can point them out and help you grasp them.”

“And what would such friends want in return?” Windfall asked.

“There are many things a Captain of a ship who doesn’t answer to someone could do for someone who is eager for goods and information.” He begun. “As an example I know for a fact that there are several research centers who are looking forward to securing samples of flora and fauna from Perrein and other worlds with such a unique biosphere. They will, in time, get their samples through official channels but sometimes government bureaucracy is outright obstructionist; perhaps someone could get them what they want before their request is even read by the overworked bureaucrat who has several other things to worry about.”

“And perhaps there are other, clandestine, favors that could be called in later.” The other Loroi said out loud.

“The dossier I read about your kind said that you Loroi value direct honesty so I will be honest with you. My agency does dub in clandestine stuff but that’s mainly for internal threats; I have to inform you that the main reason as to why human travel to the Union will be heavily regulated is because criminals and other ruffians are often found among those who emigrate to ‘better places’. In fact, I have personally helped in the apprehension of several dangerous individuals who thought that they could disappear in the colonies. The last thing we want is to have the worse of our society make a bad impression about the whole to the Union, especially due to the inherent human resistance to telepathy.”

“Human travel to the Union will be regulated?” Windfall asked at that.

“Yes, that’s something that both the TCA and the Union has agreed upon.”

“But humanity will become a member of the Union, why would your government agree to that?” Windfall asked again.

“You are mistaken, Humanity will remain fully independent. I have been told that the offer was made but it was rejected after lengthy deliberations. I can only speculate about the reasons; maybe it’s because being a member of the Union entails near complete disarmament or maybe it’s because a lot of humans would balk at the prospect of being in a polity that has subjugated other sophonts and has committed genocide. The TCA will pursue close and friendly relations with the Union but it will be an independent polity.”

“We were informed otherwise.” Windfall said after exchanging glances with her companion.

“That’s also the reason why I told you that you were here early. The ‘agreement’ was that the TCA would be given some time to inform the public about the Loroi, the Union, the war, its end and the general state of things before allowing the civilian sector to get to us for business. There are also a few laws to be put in place about trade regulations and taxation of goods; bureaucratic stuff.” Both of the Loroi seemed alarmed at that and exchanged some quick glances at that.

“You don’t need to worry, you haven’t broken any laws as far as we are concerned and I doubt that you will be in any trouble in the Union for anything, this whole agreement was done mainly to alleviate human concerns and allow us to prepare for proper contact with a friendly alien civilization. Remember that we hadn’t had proper contact with other sophonts until a few years ago and that was at the height of your War with the Umiak. There are a lot of things to be done.”

“How did you…” Windfall begun.

“Both your expressions were easy to read.” Ramirez replied and smiled. “So, what do you think? Can you check with our intel on your kind and the Union and add whatever seems to be missing?”
Both Loroi relaxed at that and exchanged glances for a few moments before Windfall replied.

“We can do that and in return can you brief us about your laws and social norms?”

“Certainly, we can even give you and your crew a guided tour of the colony and help you meet some important people. You are the first Loroi on Esperanza after all, lots of people will be curious about you.”
Last edited by dragoongfa on Sat Mar 07, 2020 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

Alright, I need to get back into the writing saddle and since I now have a lot of free time to burn I decided to start by adding a quick blurb about the latest writing prompt. Will continue on with the 'Reforged' in the coming days.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Krulle »

Again, thank you. Made a very nice read, and end of troubles chapter, before we head into the next part of the story where it's about the accomplished and daring captain and her crew making a fortune as information traders, bringing information to the Union, while also supplying the Human agency with inofficial channel information.

Looking forward to more of your writings!
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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

New Beacons: In this small installment Talon and Spiral meet up some old comrades and given a new toy to play with, with the accompanying responsibilities.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by sunphoenix »

Hehehe! Beacons Brain Candy! Thanks dragoongfa! I got my fix! :)
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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Kensai »

dragoongfa wrote:New Beacons: In this small installment Talon and Spiral meet up some old comrades and given a new toy to play with, with the accompanying responsibilities.

Good read, sir.

I wonder what Talon names her ship. I've a few ideas... and given some of the tendencies you guys collectively gave her, I suspect her choice might be something Human related.

Even using the name of Jardin's former ship. There is something appropriate about it.... to me anyway.

In any case, I look forward to more stuff.... and thank you and the others for everything in these stories.
The Philosophical Kensai

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

I was thinking 'Guardian of the Garden' if it came to me ('Enziristan' in Trade), especially if they later learn that Alex put the idea in the Admiralty's head.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Kensai »

Its been a bit... but don't suppose there is an new bit of fiction on the Beacons thread.

I have enjoyed all the installments from everyone. I like some of the developments.... and look forward to more.

I know i need to update Gatekeeper story soon.
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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

I can look at my notes and see what I thought would happen next and then write something with that. The problem is that I have been having a bad case of writers block these past few months. Maybe forcing myself to sit down and write will fix that (again).

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Krulle »

Or go out and enjoy life, and write a blog entry about what happened.
It's an easy topic, and just for yourself, but you're writing.
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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Kensai »

dragoongfa wrote:I can look at my notes and see what I thought would happen next and then write something with that. The problem is that I have been having a bad case of writers block these past few months. Maybe forcing myself to sit down and write will fix that (again).

I know this feeling, my friend. Sometimes re-reading the previous installments can help.

It did with the last one I wrote. Either way, I thoroughly enjoy what you have written so far and look forward to more.
The Philosophical Kensai

Still trying to master my craft...
As all Saints of the Sword do.

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